fall of rome

Fall of Rome The Eternal Flame Extinguished

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Page 1: Fall of Rome

Fall of RomeThe Eternal Flame Extinguished

Page 2: Fall of Rome

Because we should

A L L C A R E!AlphabetLanguageLawCalendarArchitectureReligionEntertainment

Page 3: Fall of Rome
Page 4: Fall of Rome

Why did Rome fall?

Page 5: Fall of Rome

Death of Civic Virtue

“Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they loved

her.” – G.K. Chesterton

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Christianity to Pacifism

Lack of conquest stop the flow of new wealth into the empire.

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Mercenary Replacements for Roman Soldiers

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Maintaining the Empire drained Rome economically

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The West Suffered Economically From A Divided


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Reliance on Slave Labor

Independent Farming Republic Replaced by massive slave latifundias.

Citizens flood the cities in hope of work.

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Urban Social/moral Decay

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The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for

full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers

which bread and circuses can never appease. The moral decay of the people was not caused by the doles and the

games. These merely provided a measure of their degradation. Things that were originally good had become


Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Ruined Coinage/Hyper Inflation

Inflation- a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money

Percentage of Silver

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410 A.D. Visigoths Sack Rome Under Alaric

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Attila the Hun and Pope Leo I Meet/ Rome is Spared 444 A.D.

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476 A.D. Odoacer sacks Rome and creates his own kingdom

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The Eternal Flame Continues in the East

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Your turn to finish the rest of the story!