fall fishing

Fall Fishing By: Grace Quigley The water was calm, until my blue and white paddle boat splashed through the water. It contained countless rods, many rubber baits, and of course, my cousin, Trent, and I. You might think this story is about fishing, or me catching a fish, but you’re wrong. Trent and I were getting ready to get on the paddle boat. It was tied to our old, faded, dock. Trent had four rods in his hand and I had my old tackle box with mismatching baits and old broken hooks (some were still good though!). The waves were starting to pick up, because a boat had just passed, and it was getting windy. The paddle boat was rocking and shaking as if it was cold. “Maybe we should wait a minute; I mean it’s pretty windy, we could fall really easily. Let’s just wait just a few minutes.” I told him. Of course he didn’t listen. “Oh, I’ll be fine Grace! It’s not like I’ll fall in!” Trent replied. He took one shaky step onto the boat and tried to jump. It didn’t work. He plunged into the icy water and basically did a belly smacker. He stood up as fast as possible and all of the sudden started emptying his pockets without saying one word. One by on him took out a wrapper, a plastic bag, and finally a black square. It took me a minute to realize what the object was. It was his IPod. He was smart enough to bring his IPod on a leaking, old, paddle boat. He set it on the brick wall and took the back out. Without a word we stepped back onto the paddle boat. More carefully of course. The rest of the time was great, until about the end of the trip we were getting ready to get back on the boat and head back, but we saw one more place to fish. Under the bridge. We tied the boat to a stake we stuck in the ground, and fished there for about forty five minutes, then decided to head back because the sun was setting. We reloaded the paddle boat. Trent went to the front and started paddling. I was in the back putting rods and bait away, and letting the fish out of our net. While I was doing that I was leaning over the boat, untying the net. All of the sudden Trent jerked the paddle boat to a stop and I went soaring off. My face hit the icy water and seaweed was squirming all over me. I broke to the surface. Trent was now on the back of the boat laughing at me. “Fine, you got me back, congrats!” I told him sarcastically. It was a great day.

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Fall fishing

Fall Fishing By: Grace Quigley

The water was calm, until my blue and white paddle boat splashed through the water. It contained countless rods, many rubber baits, and of course, my cousin, Trent, and I.

You might think this story is about fishing, or me catching a fish, but you’re wrong.

Trent and I were getting ready to get on the paddle boat. It was tied to our old, faded, dock. Trent had four rods in his hand and I had my old tackle box with mismatching baits and old broken hooks (some were still good though!). The waves were starting to pick up, because a boat had just passed, and it was getting windy. The paddle boat was rocking and shaking as if it was cold.

“Maybe we should wait a minute; I mean it’s pretty windy, we could fall really easily. Let’s just wait just a few minutes.” I told him.

Of course he didn’t listen.“Oh, I’ll be fine Grace! It’s not like I’ll fall in!” Trent replied.He took one shaky step onto the boat and tried to jump.

It didn’t work.He plunged into the icy water and basically did a belly smacker. He stood up as

fast as possible and all of the sudden started emptying his pockets without saying one word. One by on him took out a wrapper, a plastic bag, and finally a black square. It took me a minute to realize what the object was.

It was his IPod.He was smart enough to bring his IPod on a leaking, old, paddle boat.He set it on the brick wall and took the back out. Without a word we stepped

back onto the paddle boat. More carefully of course. The rest of the time was great, until about the end of the trip we were getting

ready to get back on the boat and head back, but we saw one more place to fish. Under the bridge. We tied the boat to a stake we stuck in the ground, and fished there for about forty five minutes, then decided to head back because the sun was setting. We reloaded the paddle boat. Trent went to the front and started paddling. I was in the back putting rods and bait away, and letting the fish out of our net. While I was doing that I was leaning over the boat, untying the net.

All of the sudden Trent jerked the paddle boat to a stop and I went soaring off. My face hit the icy water and seaweed was squirming all over me. I broke to the surface. Trent was now on the back of the boat laughing at me.

“Fine, you got me back, congrats!” I told him sarcastically.It was a great day.