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Page 1: Fall 2017 - King Christian Matters 2017/KINGS_CHRI… · KING CHRISTIAN SCHOOLlFall 2017 7 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations
Page 2: Fall 2017 - King Christian Matters 2017/KINGS_CHRI… · KING CHRISTIAN SCHOOLlFall 2017 7 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations


Kingdom-building is what we do at King Christian School and it’s what has been done in our schoolcommunity for almost 75 years. Inplanning for the anniversary thisschool year, one of the organizingcommittee’s first jobs was to determine the Bible passage thatwould guide the festivities. We wantedour planning and preparation to becovered with celebration joy in praise

of our King. Psalm 145 was the passage that connected with uson multiple levels, and eventually we committed to verse 4 asthe theme verse: One generation commends your works to another,they tell of your mighty acts. We broke that down to the catchphrase “Sharing Our Story” to encompass the stories we sharewithin the framework of the Big Story.

Currently we have a number of “four generation families” in our community – founding families’ children that havegreat-grandchildren attending King Christian School. This alonespeaks to God’s faithfulness and one generation to the nexttelling of God’s mighty acts. This is a school that joyfully singsof the [LORD’s] righteousness (v.7), shares that the LORD istrustworthy in all he promises (v.13), and that the LORD is nearto all who call on him in truth (v.18). These are the good newsmessages that are part of the worldview taught at our school.This does not mean that everything has been smooth and no

mistakes have been made, it simply means that through everything that happens and is taught at our school, the gospelmessage and building his kingdom is at the heart of what wedo.

Much of the building that takes place is internal – character-building and understanding what it means to be like Jesus - sothat external work can be done. The staff and students werechallenged this year to make note of times that they were contributing to kingdom-building. By naming events and circumstances like forgiving our classmate, apologizing for awrong done, persevering through learning something difficultor new, and learning about connections in creation, we givevoice to our work here on earth. Every class was given stonesand one stone was to represent each of these times. Thesestones would be added to the glass vase in the office. The ideawas for the student body to “see” the stones in the glass jarrising to recognize that every day we live for the Lord. Whenwe carry out the plans he prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10) we contribute to a whole community of kingdombuilders. It’s important to understand that our internal understanding has to produce actions so that we can shine thelight of Christ in our community. Thank you, Lord, for 75 yearsof Christian education!

If you have a story to share about your time at KCS/HMDCS,please check out our alumni page on Facebook or feel free todrop in anytime to share.

Sherry Bokma, Principal

Fall 2017 l NEWSLETTER

A brand-new sign invites travellers along Bathurst Street to take a look at our beautiful facility.

Using Stones to Share Our Story

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Letter From the Chairman

Dear KCS Friends and Family,

There is a special feeling around the school this yearas we prepare to celebrate our 75th anniversary. 75years is an amazing achievement and serves as a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness and provisionto our community. The Board is thankful for all thework that the 75th anniversary committee is doing andlook forward to the events planned in February. I inviteyou to come and bring your whole family to the celebration on February 17th, 2018.

We are thankful that God continues to provide forour school as we recently welcomed a new family andare excited to have two international students startingwith us in January. We are also thankful for the successof Harvest Fest and we are blessed once again to havebeen given a matching gift offer of up to $100,000 forthe Capital Campaign. I ask that you prayerfully consider donating to this campaign as your money willbe matched dollar for dollar if received by December31st.

The fall membership meeting will take place on November 29, 2017 at 7:30pm in the School. I want toencourage everyone who is eligible, to become a member of our School Society. Becoming a member is important as it allows you to take part in voting on school matters and attending the membership meetings provides an opportunity to voice yourthoughts on how the school is being run or offer adviceon how we can continue to grow and better our school.

I am excited to see what God has in store for us thisyear. We must give God all the Glory and thank him forwhat he has done and will continue to do for KCS.

Sincerely,Matthew Santorelli Chairman, KCS Board of Directors

75 years ago the founders of this school community

deeply believed in their heartsthe truth of these words

from the Bible. They wanted to start a school

where children could learn in a setting that

put God above all else.

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.

Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;

his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:1-3

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For seventy-five years, Holland Marsh District Christian School, now King Christian School has been sharing thestory of God’s redemptive work and His faithfulness throughout the generations.

The newsletters this fall and in the spring will be a reflection of the life and work of the school over the last 75years as we honour God and express our gratitude for all that He has done.

A month or so ago, approximately 150 grandparents came to the school for the annual Grandparents’ Day festivities.This year’s program took on a slightly different format as each class presented songs, skits and more relating to a certain portion of Psalm 145.

As we look back over the school’s history and to current activities of the school, we will see how these time-honoured words from the psalms that spoke to the first students also have meaning for the children of todayand into the future.

Each morning and afternoon students gather in classrooms for morning meetings and closing circles where theybegin and finish their days together. It is in these important gathering spaces that they remind one another that they are together in their journey of faith, desiring to worship God in all they do and say. They join their hands in prayerand their voices in song to sing praise to the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

The original school building.

50 years of Christian education. Celebrating growing in faith.

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The central theme of the school year has focused on verse four of Psalm 145.

One generation commends your works to another, they tell of your mighty acts.

While there is a natural connection to sharing this message onGrandparents’ Day, passing the message of God’s redemptive workand faithfulness is the ultimate learning goal of Christian education.It is a such a blessing to the entire school community to have students who graduate from grade eight return with their own children and even grandchildren.

One generation commends your worksto another; they tell of your mighty

acts. They speak of theglorious splendor of your majesty– and I will meditate on your

wonderful works. They tell of thepower of your awesome works –

and I will proclaim your great deeds.Psalm 145:4-6

Students Circa 1949

Passing on the faith.

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Being imitators of God and showing graciousness and compassionto all is also a key desire of the educators that lead the school. Initiatives like a buddy bench for those who are having relationaldifficulties on the playground or classroom reading/technology buddies help students to develop relationships with others to helpthem grow and learn.

They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.

The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

Psalm 145:7-9

Singing and making a beautiful noise unto the Lord has alwaysbeen an integral part of the HMDCS/KCS community. Whetherthrough band classes, Christmas programs or in every day classrooms, students are taught to praise God through music.

All your works praise you, LORD;your faithful people extol you.

They tell of the glory of your kingdomand speak of your might,

so that all people may know of your mighty actsand the glorious splendor of your kingdom.

Psalm 145:10-12

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Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominionendures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their

food at the proper time.Psalm 145: 13-15

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You open your hand andsatisfy the desires ofevery living thing.

The Lord is righteous inall his ways and faithful

in all he does.The Lord is near to allwho call on him, to allwho call on him in truth.

Psalm 145: 16-18

We are truly thankful for the abundant provision of God.

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The Lord watches over all who lovehim, but all the wicked he will destroy.My mouth will speak in praise of theLord. Let every creature praise his

holy name for ever and ever.Psalm 145: 19-21

Lord, we want to praise you in all we do and say.Whether we are laughing, playing or putting on new additions to the school, we want

to give you the glory.

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At the Edifide educators’ convention this year, educators fromall across the province were acknowledged for their years of dedicated service in Christian education. One of our staff members, Mrs. Lisa McKinley, was honoured for 25 years ofteaching in Christian schools. We are so thankful that we haveher presence in our community.

If you ask a graduate of Lisa McKinley’s class what they remember about being in her class, you will find that she likesthe colour purple, penguins and polka dots. The graduate mayeven break into songs covering a wide variety of topics from pizzato geometric shapes like quadrilaterals and doubles math facts.She loves Jesus and praising Him through music.

At the beginning of her career, Lisa spent three years at Timothy Christian School in Owen Sound. Since that time she hasbrought her knowledge, passion and love for children and God tothe classrooms of HMDCS/KCS. She is a reading and special education specialist and her favourite years will always be theones where she taught her son and daughter.

We cherish the memories of our school’s past – the people who havebeen a part of this amazing community and the ways in which we havespurred one another on to love and good deeds. Many who have leftthese classrooms have gone on to make an incredible impact in thecommunities that they are a part of. May graduating students fromevery generation go into the world and tell the praiseworthy deeds ofthe Lord.

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19740 Bathurst St. East Gwillimbury, ON L9N 0N5

905.853.1881 www.kingchristian.ca

We INVITE all to participate in our learning community

so that together we IGNITEpassion to IMPACT the world

in Jesus’ name.

November 29, 2017 .. . . Membership/Society

Meeting, 7:30 pm

December 20, 2017... . Christmas Concert

1:30 pm

December 21, 2017... . Christmas Concert

7:30 pm

December 22, 2017... . School Skate, 1:15 pm

December 25, 2017– January 5, 2018... . Christmas Break (5+5)

January 30, 2018... . Kindergarten Information

Evening, 6:30 pm

February 1-2, 2018... . Ste Marie Among the

Hurons - Gr. 7 Trip

February 15, 2018... . School's 75th Anniversary-

Winter Carnival 1 pm

February 17, 2018... . 75th Anniversary


February 24, 2018... . Gala Dinner at Cardinal

Golf Club

Looking Ahead

Thank you to our Generous SponsorsYour commitment to Christian education is a blessing to King Christian School.

Our advertising sponsors help fund our yearly traditions: Ice Cream Social,Grandparents’ Day and the Pastor Appreciation Breakfast, the printing of thisnewsletter as well as provide the financial backing to spread the word about

King Christian School in targeted local advertising.

Thank you for continuing to support King Christian School in all we do! Please support our sponsors.

For further information on King Christian School or to become a sponsor, please contact the school.

Dr. Elwood Hurst and Dr. Vanessa Hollander, Nobleton Dental Clinic12942 Hwy 27, Nobleton l 905.859.4518

Dewji Dentistry Professional Corporation172B Holland St. West, Bradford l 905.775.5379

John de Peuter & Sons-Painting and Decorating ContractorsJohn de Peuter Sr. cell:905.853.2101 l John de Peuter Jr. cell:905.251.8711

[email protected]

Queensville Service CentreCarl Mount l [email protected] l 905.478.4839

20221 Leslie St. PO Box 14, Queensville

Right at Home Realty Inc.Tracy Cormpilas 416.835.0032 l Kristina Christakos 647.771.4134

Simon and Sons31 Main St. North, Newmarket l 905.895.5459 l www.simonandsons.ca

Skwarchuk Funeral Homes30 Simcoe Road, Bradford l 905.775.3335 l www.skwarchukfuneralhome.com

Stanley Steamer Carpet Cleaner6 Morton Avenue, Sharon l 905.895.0291