fake it until you make it

Fake it ‘til you make it!

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Post on 11-Jan-2017




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Fake it ‘til you make it!

No experience? Don’t stress, you don’t need a lengthy resume to impress. Instead of worrying about the experience you don’t have, focus on the skills you do.

It doesn’t have to be about where you’ve been. It can be about where you’re going. Demonstrate your ambition with a short introductory paragraph that summarises your career goals and describes the kind of person you are.

Being a successful candidate is influenced by whether or not you would make a good ‘cultural fit’ so use your resume to show off the many positive aspects of your personality.

Just because you haven’t had a job before doesn’t mean you don’t have any skills. Make a list of any professionally relevant skills you have like; software programs you know how to use, and the technical skills you’ve learned like typing.

List your education history and any academic awards you’ve received.

Go beyond your education history and list any extracurricular activities that could add value to your resume. This could include volunteer work or clubs you’ve been a part of like the debate team, or a sports group. These activities show that you’re responsible and motivated, and able to work with others.

Though they may not be professional ones, references are still important. Ask people who can vouch for you if they would mind being a referee. Consider asking team leaders and coaches from your extra-curricular activities, school teachers and university lecturers, or even family friends that might be able to provide a character reference for you.

Make sure your resume is neatly laid out and uses a professional style of language. You can even go the extra mile and call the person who’s hiring to show that you are well-spoken and confident.

Consider demonstrating your interest by putting together a portfolio of work or creating a blog. Stay up-to-date with industry news by attending networking events and following discussions and articles about your profession online. You’ll be able to draw on this information to make a good impression when speaking with future employers.

Remember every business leader in the world began in the same spot that you are currently in. You have to start somewhere.