facts about tea

PowerPoint Show by Andrew

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Page 1: Facts about TEA

PowerPoint Show by Andrew

Page 2: Facts about TEA

There is a tea that costs $1,025,000 per kilogram. Da Hong Pao is considered the best tea in the world. It is grown in the mountainous Quang Ho region of China.

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In the Victorian era they had special tea cups that protected your mustache from getting dunked in your tea. Mustache cups were invented by a British potter Harvey Adams in the 1860s when mustaches were flourishing.

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Drinking tea reduces your risk of dying from non-cardiovascular causes by 24%. According to the French scientist Nicolas Danchin who was researching the effects of tea and coffee on our health, between coffee and tea it’s better to choose tea.

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Drinking green tea before bed will allow your body to burn calories while sleeping. Green tea also increases your metabolism. For example, Oolong tea reportedly increases metabolism by 10%.

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The United Kingdom drinks about 165 million cups of tea a day, or 62 billion cups per year. The largest consumer of tea in the world is China, but per person the situation is different – Turkey, Ireland and the UK are top three countries of tea lovers.

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Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, after water.The statistics state that 158 million Americans drink tea.

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An average of three billion cups of tea are consumed every day worldwide.Last year U.S. citizens consumed more than eighty billion servings of tea.

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The invention of tea bags was an accident. Tea was meant to be removed from the bags before being used, but no one made that clear. It was an American named Thomas Sullivan, a merchant from NY, who began sending tea samples to his clients in small silken bags. He meant them to be emptied for adding into a cup but the clients got it wrong.

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Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odor. They may also be used to relief your pain caused by sunburns.

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Rinsing hair with a cup of tea can make it shiny and easier to manage.However it’s a good idea only for dark-haired people. Light hair could be dyed by tea and become darker.

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Decaf coffee and tea still has caffeine in it.

The amount of removed caffeine is 97%.

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The "pinky out" rule while drinking tea may have been a result of syphilis.One of the symptoms of syphilis is a damage of finger joints.

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In Morocco, it is the man’s job to pour the tea. The man who has the job has to hold a long spouted pot high above the glass while pouring the drink in order the make tea a bit frothy.

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Tea is a good facial toner. It helps to make your skin less oily.

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There are many different kinds of tea, but they are all derived from just one plant: Camellia sinensis. All differences (color and taste) depend on the methods they treat the tea leaves.

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According to legend, tea was discovered by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2737BC. As for iced tea, it was first served at the St. Louis World Fair 1904 on an unbearably hot day.

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There are 6 basic categories of tea: 1) white, 2) yellow, 3) green, 4) oolong, 5) black, 6) and post-fermented. The Chinese prefer to call black tea “red”.

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Tea can be used for cleaning wood furniture. Just wipe down your wooden furniture with a clean cloth dipped in cooled tea. Use another cloth to wipe it dry.

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 “A hasty person drinks tea with a fork” – Chinese proverb. Here is another one –  “Water is the mother of tea, a teapot its father, and fire the teacher”.

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Famous songs about tea are “Tea for Two,” “No, No, Nanette,” and “When I Take My Sugar to Tea. We cannot ignore “Pennyroyal Tea” by Nirvana, of course too.

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