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ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016 3.0 FACT SHEET – Guide to ChemiRisk ver 3.0 ChemiRisk is a tool for risk assement of work with chemicals. The tool helps you create a Safety instruction (report) for secure work with chemicals. This fact sheet provides a brief guide to how a risk assessment of work with chemicals may be carried out. The guide provides both technical help (button and features) and some help to conduct an assessment. Use of the tool must be seen in the context of the guidelines that are given for the risk assessment of your company. If you need further help, please contact your ChemiRisk administrator in your company. Login ChemiRisk is accessed via the URL: http://prorisk.proactima.com Select after login. To be able to do a risk assessment in ChemiRisk you must be assigned a username and a password. This can be obtained from your ChemiRisk-administrator (in your company). Technical help: In case of error on the PC, network or similar: call your companys helpdesk In case of technical problems with ChemiRisk: contact Proactima via [email protected] Notice: Safe use of chemicals is the company’s responsibility. ChemiRisk is designed to provide assistance and support in this work. Risk of accidents such as fire, explotion and damage on equipment, production or to the external environment has to be assessed separately. The responsibility for the choices that is made while using ChemiRisk remains in the company. Proactima or others who have participated in development of the tool can not be held responsible for these decisions. Menyer Dashbord Portal for choice between different tools (ChemiRisk, PCMS, etc.). ChemiRisk Home: Overview of draft, archived and «expired» assessments. New assessment: Create a new ChemiRisk assessment. Archive: Overview of all assessments, with function such as search, export to Excel and transfer to remote archive. Settings Home: Overview. Users: List of users. Area tree: Overview of the area tree. Products Home: Overview. Add product: Set up new product. Product archive: Overview of all products, with a search function. Press the arrow at the bottom right in the menu to bring up a minimized menu. To hide the menu automatically, press from the top menu. The full view of the menu shows when the pointer moves to the left margin of the browser. The full view of the menu comes back after a menu selection. The menu and the layout of the tool adapts to the resolution of the screen and width of the browser. Language choice (Norwegian/English) Full-screen view Search field Log out of ChemiRisk Hide/show left menu

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ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


FACT SHEET – Guide to ChemiRisk ver 3.0 ChemiRisk is a tool for risk assement of work with chemicals. The tool helps you create a Safety instruction (report) for secure work with chemicals. This fact sheet provides a brief guide to how a risk assessment of work with chemicals may be carried out. The guide provides both technical help (button and features) and some help to conduct an assessment. Use of the tool must be seen in the context of the guidelines that are given for the risk assessment of your company. If you need further help, please contact your ChemiRisk administrator in your company.

Login ChemiRisk is accessed via the URL: http://prorisk.proactima.com Select

after login. To be able to do a risk assessment in ChemiRisk you must be assigned a username and a password. This can be obtained from your ChemiRisk-administrator (in your company). Technical help: • In case of error on the PC, network or similar: call your companys

helpdesk • In case of technical problems with ChemiRisk: contact Proactima

via [email protected]

Notice: Safe use of chemicals is the company’s responsibility. ChemiRisk is designed to provide assistance and support in this work. Risk of accidents such as fire, explotion and damage on equipment, production or to the external environment has to be assessed separately. The responsibility for the choices that is made while using ChemiRisk remains in the company. Proactima or others who have participated in development of the tool can not be held responsible for these decisions.


Dashbord Portal for choice between different tools (ChemiRisk, PCMS, etc.).

ChemiRisk Home: Overview of draft, archived

and «expired» assessments. New assessment: Create a new

ChemiRisk assessment. Archive: Overview of all

assessments, with function such as search, export to Excel and transfer to remote archive.

Settings Home: Overview. Users: List of users. Area tree: Overview of the area tree.

Products Home: Overview. Add product: Set up new product. Product archive: Overview of all products,

with a search function.

Press the arrow at the bottom right in the menu to bring up a minimized menu. To

hide the menu automatically, press from the top menu. The full view of the menu shows when the pointer moves to the left margin of the browser.

The full view of the menu comes back after a menu selection. The menu and the layout of the tool adapts to the resolution of the screen and width of the browser.

Language choice

(Norwegian/English) Full-screen view Search field Log out of ChemiRisk Hide/show left


ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


About ChemiRisk ChemiRisk helps you to assess the risk of diseases and harm to the skin or respiratory tract (and other internal organs) related to planned use of the chemical. The tool can also be used to assess the effect of exposure controlling measures.

In ChemiRisk, you will: • Identify which chemicals to be used • Specify the conditions the chemical shall be applied under

(including the effect of exposure controlling barriers).

To be able to do a ChemiRisk assessment you must have access to / overview of: 1) The chemicals used (including safety data sheet). 2) Information about the planned activities/work tasks and suspected

activities that can lead to exposure (refilling, cleaning, spraying etc.). Each task gets its own risk assessment. The sum of all the activities is the overall work prosess that will be risk assessed.

3) Whether the use implies the special conditions that invoves a higher risk, such as the nebulising, thermal decomposition or fast evaporation as a result of application on hot surfaces or heating.

4) Information about other possible exposures from the process (e.g., welding smoke, emissions from the equipment, part products etc.) close to the worker.

5) Information about the existing physical barriers and technical solutions (closed-open systems, ventilation (type, effect) etc.)

6) Information about existing administrative barriers (planned rotation work, exemptions/actions for pregnant women, special skill requirements or procedures/instructions etc.).

7) Information about existing individual barriers (whether it is planned for and/or implemented the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and whether such use of protective equipment is subject to the pratices and procedures for control and use).

8) Information on expected frequency and duration of the work task(s) (approximate measures on how often and how long the chemical expects to give exposure).


In ChemiRisk hazard and precaution phrases (H/P or R/S) is used to assess the inherent hazard related to the chemical product. These phrases are categorized with respect to whether or not they indicate a health hazard for skin, respiratory tract, or internal organs. The categorization is based on NORSOK S-002.

The possibility of inhalation and skin contact is based on the chemicals physical properties (e.g. liquid, solids, gas or aerosol) and the usage of the chemical (amount and work tasks). The physical state is automatically identified based on information given in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

In ChemiRisk you can characterize a work task by choosing a pre-graded activity. These activities are graded based on the possibility of exposures by inhalation and by skin contact. Substances that are taken up through the skin (H-notation), provides an additional contribution to the possible exposure of internal organs.

… and some important limitations:

ChemiRisk does not support the assessment of individual susceptibility/hypersensitivity to chemicals

ChemiRisk is designed to assess planned work and not accident scenarios, e.g. risk of suffocation as a result of oxygen deprivation, fire and explosion etc.

ChemiRisk do not assess risk of swallowing or possible effects on breastfed babies.

ChemiRisk is based on information about the health hazards and physical properties stated in the safety data sheet unless these are overridden as part of your assessment.

ChemiRisk does not assess chemical combination effects, or if a worker moves to a different work place to do the same work (unless it is accounted for in the risk assessment).

ChemiRisk – step by step In ChemiRisk you are guided through the assessment with following main steps:

1. Key values 2. Activities 3. Result

In each step you will be able to fill in information. Several of the fields

have a on the right side, this gives additional help. Other fields are tagged with which means that you have to choose from a drop down list. Open fields without can also be a list, but with the ability to add more than one choice. Each choice will remain as a blue

text box, e.g. such as .

Create new assessment Press Home on the ChemiRisk menu, and then click

, or select New assessment directly from the menu. Navigate back and forth with the buttons:

Instead of pressing the -button it is possible to press directly on step 1 or 2 in the overview:

The assessment will automatically be saved as a draft and can be retrieved from the Home “dashboard”.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Key information

Title Choose a title that gives a brief description of the risk assessment. The text should at least contain the product name and/or description of the work process. The text you enter here will also be the title of the report that the tool generates.

Description Describe the work process you want to consider. Working process means one or more tasks that the work process consist of.

Amount of chemical to be used Specify the quantities of product used (relevant for the risk assessment) pr. day. Select the appropriate interval from the list.

Reason for the assessment Select the reason for the risk assessment.

The work is performed by Select the appropriate trade group for the person who performs the work, and specify the number of people in this group who carry out such work.

Click on to add multiple entries of trade groups and to take away the entry on the same line.

Name and date Name of the assessor. Insert date for when the risk assessment was carried out and the expiry date.

The following have contributed to the assessment Describe who has contributed with information to the assessment.

Select work area Specify where the work with chemicals will be performed.


Activities A good risk assessment is dependent on identification of activities/actions that involves risk. Add therefore great emphasis on identifying the correct tasks. If a suitable task does not exist, you can tick Custom / Unlisted activity. Enter information by selecting the level of exposure from the drop-down list and check if it is suitable for one or more of the conditions.

Note! Custom activities should only be used by persons with the necessary industrial hygiene expertise.

Products Enter one or more products (remember the correct vendor – place the marker over the product name in the display and the vendors name will appeare) or substances that are handled or formed (e.g. crude oil, condensate, welding smoke) under the defined activity.

The Product archive contains all the products registered in the SDS library, as well as products added by the Administrator for ChemiRisk in your company. If you do not find the product you want – check if the name in the safety data sheet is correct. If you still can`t find the product – contact the chemical responsible in your company. Safety data sheet for the product (if it exists in your library) can be opened by clicking on the icon at the far left in the product textbox.

If you would like to see the information about the product that is used in ChemiRisk, you can og to Product and select the Product archive. The information can also be overridden if necessary.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Exposure Controlling Measures / Barriers

By clicking on a list with three items opens. Only one subordinate list will be shown at a time. When selecting a new main item, the previous selected item will be closed.

1. Elimination and substitution Elimination and substitution of hazardous substances/activities must be evaluated according to chemical regulations. If this is not possible, a justification must be stated.

2. Exposure Controls (barriers) Exposure controlling measures (barriers) are in ChemiRisk rated in terms of their efficiency. All the barriers will require documentation of the effects and routines for systematic follow up (see below). In ChemiRisk Partial control is given limited value when calculating the risk reduction.

Information from section 8.2 in the safety data sheet (if available) is displayed in blue text.

Technical barriers are technical solutions or physical barriers such as closed/open system, embedding, local ventilation, outdoor/general ventilation.

Administrative barriers are administrative arrangements that limit exposure such as initiated or intended rotation schemes, exemption for pregnant women, formal training requirements etc.

Personal protective equipment – Air are personal protective equipment for protection of the respiratory tract (respiratory protection)

Personal protective equipment – Skin are personal protective equipment for protection of skin (gloves, chemical suits, boots, glasses etc.)

Pictograms – tick the box for the pictograms that you want to be shown in the safety instructions generated by the tool.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


3. Frequency/Duration Frequency – specify how often the task is executed. Start with how often the work task is performed in your workplace/installation without taking into account that the work, if any, is performed by different shifts or rotations. Duration – specify the duration of exposed work (pr shift). This means how long the exposed work tasks all together lasts (total time over the course of a working day) without taking into account (if applicable) that the work is carried out by different people.

Guidance to evaluating exposure controlling measures: Evaluation of technical barriers

Ventilation systems (e.g. general ventilation, local exhaust ventilation or fume hoods/cabinets and natural ventilation)

Closed facility

Very efficient control

Alarm going off if system stops or the capacity is under minimum requirement. The effect of the measures is documented.

Routine exposure measurments confirms that any diffuse leakage is very small and insignificant and way below given exposure limits for the consentration in the working atmosphere. If bigger leakages is possible, this is monitored with alarm.

Effective control

The ventilation system is monitored in the form of a maintenance program, a check routine or equivalent. The facility is also documented as functioning in accordance to requirements and in keep with the experience the employee has.

Measurments (consentration measurments or gas leakage measurments) or visual inspection of visible leakage (visible dust, coloured fluid or gas) can confirm that a diffuse leakage is insignificant and way below the given exposure limits for the consentration in the working atmosphere. Routines or technical devices will in short time uncover leaks.

Partial control

Work is done outdoors with no risk of exposure to dust, gas or mist/vapour.

Exposure measurments are not done. By experience the facility is closed and with only a few and insignificant leakages.

No control

No particular control measures have been implemented.

Exposure measurments are not done. No documentation is available.

Evaluation of administrative barriers Effective control

Work / HSE requirements and measures are described in procedures. Manager checks that employees are familiar with and follow the requirements. Work and working area is subject to systematic follow-up/inspection. Employees are familiar with the health hazard in connection to the work. MSDS has been reviewed and understood, necessary training has been given. Job rotation and limitation is implemented where needed. Measures for pregnant workers (or other vulnerable employees) have been implemented. Technical equipment is in accordance with function requirements, and all defects and deficiencies are rectified immediately. If necessary according to the risk assessment, health surveillance is done.

Partial control

Work / Safety Requirements and measures are decribed in procedures, SJA or by other documentation. Compliance is monitored by random inspections. MSDS is available and has been reviewed.

No control

No particular control measures have been implemented.

Evaluation of personal protective equipment Effective control

Correct PPE is used. The PPEs are cleaned and maintained according to written instructions. All equipment is personal. Defaults and defects on PPE are corrected immediately. PPEs for personnel needing equipment other than the chosen standard are provided (e.g. respiratory protection for workers having a beard). All workers are trained in correct use of the PPEs and have their personal PPEs fitted and adjusted. Routines for leakage testing of respiratory protection are established (if mandatory).

Partial control

Correct PPE is used. The PPEs are cleaned, maintained and controlled on a “need to basis”. PPEs for personnel needing equipment other than the chosen standard are not provided. No organized training in correct use of PPE.

No control

Unsuitable equipment is being used, or else arbitrary equipment is being used without any check to determine whether it is suitable.


ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016



Result You have now reached a conclution for your activities. The conclution is based on the initial assessment (inherent hazard and the activities), the effect of barriers, as well as the frequency and duration.

Combined Hazard Pictograms displays all the danger symbols that are used for the selected products (each symbol will be shown only once). Note! ChemiRisk consider only health hazards. Risk of fire, explotion, damage to equipment, production and the external environment need to be considered separately (like PCMS).

Products display the health hazards class (HHC), product name, vendor, hazard statements and hazard symbols for each product. The risk conclution in ChemiRisk uses the following categories:

Low risk

Risk is considered to be as low as reasonable practicable (ALARP). Follow-up beyond the general health survielliance will not normally be necessary.

Medium risk

Risk can be reduced further according to the principles for risk reduction in the HSE regulations through elimination, substitution, use of better technical solutions (BAT), administrative and personal exposure controls. No immediate actions are required.

High risk The risk is considered to be high. Immediate actions are required to reduce risk. Until these are implemented the work should be considered stopped. Contact the responsible line manager and chemical responsible / occupational hygienist. High risk also indicates a situation where the uncertainty related to health hazards or exposure is so high that further investigation is needed.

In the Initial conclusion it is only the product(s) and the task(s) that are considered. Automatic/Manual conclusion The final risk conclusion for skin and air is shown in a risk matrix. The ChemiRisk conclusion is marked with a black frame. It is possible to override the automatic conclusion for a «super user». Overriding will requires a written justification in the «professional evaluation» option. The Final conclution is either based on the automatic ChemiRisk conclution or the «super user»s evaluation. In Professional evaluation a justification for the override of the ChemiRisk conclusion is stated. The information does not appear in the «Safety instructions» that are generated by the tool.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Overall assessment is a final summary that will be displayed in the «Safety instructions» generated by the tool. Authorization for use Authorization for use is given based on the chemical risk assessment. There are three options: • Not approved (NA) • Approved (A) • Approved with conditions (AC) (*must be entered)

Conditions for use Conditions for use should be specified

Responsible Line Manager To document that the assessment is communicated to the nearest responsible line manager, specify the title and name of that person.

Upload files To add additional documentation, files can be uploaded by dragging them over to the hatch-marked field. It is also possible to select a file from the filter list. Uploaded files will appear as a small icon in the shaded field.

Confirmation When the risk assessment is finished, click on the

, and you will get a message that confirms that the risk assessment is completed. By clicking on the text “back to overview” in this message, you will go back to the main page with a list of draft(s) and final assessments.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Archive of risk assessments

Archive of risk assessments The archive of risk assessments is presented by either clicking on

in the ChemiRisk Home page, or by selcting Archive from the ChemiRisk menu. At top of the archive page, there is a small menu bar

with the following features:

Risk assessments saved in the archive

Choose between: Locked: Open: Only applies to ChemiRisk v2 reviews All:

Exports all selected results to Excel worksheet

The archive contains all ChemiRisk assessment conducted in your company. Each column has a search function. Note that some of the search fields allows more than one keyword, and has the following options:

Displays matches for all of the search words

Displays matches that contain all the keywords in the same assessment

To get access to additional options for each risk assessment (i.e. for each row), you can click on the -symbol at the far left in the row. You will

then get up a menu . These options are: show the pdf report, delete the assessment, edit the assessment, copy/duplicate or move the risk assessment to the remote archive.

If the browser window is too narrow to display all columns, the symbol

will apeare. By clicking on the , columns that have been removed will

show up in a list, including the -menu. Click to close the list again. The list of risk assessments can be arranged by each field/column by clicking

on the visible at the right of the title, in the column you want to sort by.

Click to

open .pdf-report

Click to open


ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Safety Instructions / Report A Safety Instruction/report is generated automatically and based on the risk assessment. The Safety instruction contains two parts. Part 1 is based on the content of the risk assessment and apply for planned/scheduled work, while part 2 is taken from the information in the safety data sheet and apply to emergency scenarios. Part 2 will be filled out only for risk assessments that are based on products that are posted in full format in the SDS library. Part 2 can be turned on or off for each company.

The report is automatically generated when you click on the ID to the risk assessment in the archive

The web address (hyperlink) to the report can be copied from the browser and added in your SDS library. If changes are made to the risk assessment, the report from the web link is updated automatically, while if the risk assessment is saved as a pdf file it must be changed manually.

Part 1: Safety instructions – Planned work (from the risk assessment)

The Safety Instruction contains a description of the work, the location of the job, if the chemical is approved for use, terms of safe use, as well as an overall assessment.

For chemicals used in the risk assessment, revision date for the SDS, product name, supplier, physical state and hazard symbols are shown. A detailed work instruction is given for each task. The instruction is presenting which chemicals that will be used, what barriers that are needed, as well as the frequency and duration of the work. The partial risk is also displayed.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Part 2: Safety Instruction – not planned work/in emergency situations (from SDS) The Safety Instruction part 2 – for not planned work/ emergency situations are generated automatically from the SDS of the chemical(s) used in the risk assessment. The instruction contains information from the SDS part 4, 5, 6 and 7. Note! This section can be turned on or off in the company settings in ChemiRisk, and will not be visible to everyone.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Administrative Functions

Product archive By clicking on the Product Archive in the menu for products, you will get a list of available products. Search in the Product archive is similar to the ChemiRisk archive,

using the buttons , , , and . All products imported from the SDS library are saved in the Product Archive. The products are presented in a list, and it is possible to enter keywords in the search field for each column. The keyword can contain all or part of a product name, CAS-nr., or EC-nr. A list of product(s) matching the criteria will be presented in the Product Archive.

When the button is enabled. A list of product that match all the search criteria will displayed.

When the button is enabled. A list of product that match one or more of th search criteria will be displayed.

If reduced width of the screen, click on the icon to bring up the display of hidde columns.

Add product

From the Add product function, fill in necessary information:


Product-ID – Please note that the company may have its own rules, which will be used to connect the product to a data sheet.

Revision date Revision date for the data sheet Product name Name of the product Description Description of the product Vendor The vendor of the product Physical state Select the physical condition from the drop-down list (see

definition at the bottom of this page) IHAD-group Select IHAD group from the dropdown list in accordance to the

Authority’s publication the calculation of correct IHDA (YL-number) (No. 583)

Skin notation Check the box if the product can be absorbed through skin and give systemic effects (cf. REACH)

H/P or R/S- phrases For new products, use H- and P- phrases. It is still possible to enter the E- and S- phrases. A drop-down list of all available phrases will be dispalyed. By entering keywords it will bring up matching phrases (for example, number, letter or word). Selected phrases will appeare as a blue box (similar to the selection of tasks or products in the risk assessment)

Pictograms Both CLP and DPD-pictograms are available, but the CLP labelling is required to be used after 1. June 2015 (with some exceptions)

When finished, click on to save the product.

ChemiRisk is provided by Proactima AS www.proactima.com FactSheet – ChemiRisk v.3.0, date: 24.01.2016


Gas and volatility Gas Substance in gas state at normal pressure and normal temperature. Low volatility High-boiling oils, lubricants, greases, pastes and gel without high volatility

components. Characterized by the high viscosity, boiling point > 150 °C or vapour press < 50 mmHg. F.eks. høyt kokende oljer, smøremidler, smørefett, pasta og geléer uten lettflyktige komponenter m.fl.

Moderat volatility

E.g. solvents (YL group < 2) and water. Boiling point between 80-150 °C or vapour pressure of 50-250 mmHg.

High volatility E.g. solvents (YL group >= 2), light hydrocarbons like nafta and condensate. Is characterized with low boiling point (< 80 °C) or high vapour pressure (> 250 mmHg). Also incudes mixtures where one of the components satisfies these criteria.

Aerosols of solids («dustiness») Low Pellets-like solids that does not easily break. Low amount of visible dust. E.g.

PVC pellets, waxed flakes. Medium Crystals and granular material. Dust settles quickly. E.g. soap powder. High Light and fine powder. Dust clouds can be seen several minutes. E.g. cement

and lime.

Product page

By clicking on the product name all stored information about

the product will be shown. By clicking on the information abour the last import from the SDS library is displayed. «Override» a product To add a hazard or change the physical state of the Product,

click on the to override the classification with the following parameters:

Physical state Select the physical condition from the drop down list (see the previous page)

IDHA-group Select IHAD group from the dropdown list in accordance to the Authority’s publication the calculation of correct IHDA (YL-number) (No. 583)

Skin notation Check the box if the product can be absorbed through the skin and give systemic effects (cf. REACH).

H/P or R/S- phrases

For new products, use H- and P- phrases. It is still possible to enter the E- and S- phrases. A drop-down list of all available phrases will be dispalyed.

Pictograms Both CLP and DPD-pictograms are available, but the CLP labelling is required to be used after 1. June 2015 (with some exceptions).

When finished, click on to save the changes.