facilities mgmnt assessment rfp

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  • 8/2/2019 Facilities Mgmnt Assessment RFP


    Request For Proposal (RFP)

    Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment

    City of Hyattsville, Maryland

    Date Issued: Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Date of Pre-Submission Conference: Thursday, October 28, 2010

    Date Due: Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Date of Proposal Opening: Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    RFP # CD100710

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    Request for Proposals

    Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment

    1. INTRODUCTIONThe City of Hyattsville, Maryland invites sealed responses to a Request for Proposal (RFP) for

    Professional Architecture and Engineering services from firms registered in the State of

    Maryland to perform a Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment of existing City


    The purpose of this project is to deliver to the City of Hyattsville a comprehensive set of

    documents for the City to make informed decisions regarding the short and long-term

    management and operations of all City owned buildings and which provides the necessary

    information to analyze, develop and implement a Facilities Manage Plan.


    The City of Hyattsville is a Smart-Growth community making it a prime candidate for

    assistance offered by the State of Maryland and the Federal Government for investment.

    Hyattsville is located only one mile from Washington DC and is approximately 2.7 square miles

    of historic and urban residential, commercial, industrial and high-density mixed-use

    residential/commercial/office and development. The residential neighborhoods of Hyattsville

    are one of our best-kept secrets. They are thriving, stable enclaves of tree-lined streets with an

    architecturally diverse housing stock.

    The City of Hyattsville has convenient access to transit and transportation options for residents

    and visitors. We are located on the Metro's Green line, served by two stations: West

    Hyattsville and Prince George's Plaza. In addition to Metro, the City is traversed by an excellent

    network of roads, buses, freight transportation, and rail services including THE BUS,AMTRAK,

    and MARC. We are also located near the region's three airports: Baltimore Washington

    International, Reagan National (accessible via Metro) and Dulles.

    The City of Hyattsville is in close proximity to the University of Maryland campus at College Park

    as well as many other private and public colleges and universities. Public and private schools for

    all age groups include Northwestern High School and the nationally recognized DeMatha

    Catholic High School.

    Since 2000, the City of Hyattsvilles population has increased from 14,000 to approximately

    18,000, and total City budget has increased from $5.8 to $22.7 million for FY11. This growth is a

    direct result of both annexation and new high-density residential/mixed-use development the

    City. The geographic area, tax base, community and economic development initiatives,

    community involvement, and quality of services, all have increased during the past decade.

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    As a result of this strategic growth, it is necessary for the City to evaluate the existing facilities

    to determine whether they are adequate to meet the existing and future levels of service for

    residents, including analysis of trends and best practices for municipal office space for

    employees including public works, and police employees.

    Additional information about the City of Hyattsville and the surrounding community is available

    on the Citys website, www.hyattsville.org


    The selected firm will develop a Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment which will

    include two separate phases of work.

    The City has posted the documents associated with the RFP on the City of Hyattsvilles website.

    Review of documents and materials provided as an attachment to this RFP is required. Theresponse to this RFP should clearly discuss the extent and content of the documents for each

    facility and implications for the action plan.

    Based upon the review of available information and discussions with City representatives, the

    selected firm must articulate in writing if any additional data is required, and the cost of

    obtaining and/or providing the identified information, prior to commencement of the Facilities

    Assessment management plan development.

    Upon completion of the review, the selected firm will develop and provide to the City a

    summary document and work plan.

    Phase I will include the of analysis of existing studies and related documents, development As-

    Built Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings identifying architectural, structural, mechanical,

    plumbing, and electrical systems; preparation of an existing conditions facility assessment

    report which will assess each facility's physical condition, where it is at in its life span, and

    whether or not it complies with all current and applicable Federal, State and local building

    codes; an existing space assessment, which will examine how the existing space is utilized,

    identify physical deficiencies and provide analysis of trends and best practices for office space

    for municipal use including public works and police employees.

    The selected firm will proceed with Phase II of work only after the delivery of all Phase Idocuments, review and discussion by the Mayor, City Council and City Staff and approval to

    proceed by the City of Hyattsville. The approval to proceed will include specific directives which

    will be based on directives made by the Mayor and City Council. The selected firm will be

    required to incorporate these directives in the Phase II deliverables.

    Phase II will include the development of a limited programming analysis for future space needs;

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    a capital improvement plan identifying short term and long term improvements, recommend

    the level of need for replacement, phasing recommendations, preliminary material and labor

    cost estimates and will identify possible capital improvement conflicts.

    Examples of information necessary for the City decision planning process include (but not

    limited to): How many people and how much equipment can be accommodated? Is there adequate space and is it configured properly, or are there space surpluses,

    deficiencies or functional inadequacies?

    What is the utilization of the space? Is the existing space adequate for maintaining the existing level City services based on

    future population increases of 5%, 10% and 20%?

    Where are there opportunities for sustainable and cost effective energy efficientimprovements, to reduce space needs and costs, and what is the financial cost for the

    specific improvements?

    The data from both Phases will allow the City to develop a facility maintenance program and

    identify short-term (1-3 years) needs and guide the City in forecasting five, ten and twenty year

    capital replacement schedule.

    The final deliverable will provide the City with the following data:

    As Built CAD drawings of each facility Conditions assessment of facilities Identification of each buildings physical deficiencies Benchmark each facility against current codes and standards Analysis of existing use and recommendations for more efficient utilization Identify priorities for short- and long-term facility capital investment and maintenance Establish preliminary capital cost estimates for budgeting facility improvements Develop a phased maintenance program budget Recommend a facilities management process Recommendations to implement specific and applicable sustainability and energy

    efficient practices

    This RFP anticipates future phases of work for the development of Construction Documents

    (Phase III) and Facilities Management Operating Manuals (Phase IV).

    3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENTThe selected firm will submit for review and approval by the City their key individual to serve as

    Project Manager and primary point of contact (POC). The selected individual will report to the

    City Administrator or his/her City Staff designee who will serve as the City of Hyattsvilles

    Project Manager (CHPM) and primary point of contact for this project (POC). Both the CHPM

    and firm Project Manager(s) will be identified in the executed contract for services.

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    The selected firm Project Manager will provide the CHPM with project updates twice per month

    in Microsoft (MS) Project (or similar) along with a narrative of activities with percentage

    complete and a list of pending action items and will be required to attend in person all progress

    meetings and conference calls.

    Project Meetings will be held every two weeks, or more frequently if deemed necessary, withthe Project Manager and assigned City Staff to review the project scope, budgets, and schedule.

    The initial project meeting will include development of the overall project schedule and action

    plan, identification of critical path and benchmark activities, and schedule performance. The

    response to this RFP must clearly identify and discuss these factors.

    3.2 REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONSFirms proposing to complete all activities identified in the scope of work should anticipate

    presenting at, or facilitating, three (3) public meetings separate from project meetings. The

    specific details of these meetings are identified below. The proposal should include a per

    meeting fee separate from the Total All-Inclusive Maximum Price if additional meetings arerequired by the City.

    Prepare an interim report and presentation for the City of Hyattsville Project Manager(CHPM) which will include the deliverables of all work identified and completed in Phase

    I. The report will be presented, by the selected firm, to the public at a City Council

    meeting. (1 public meeting)

    Prepare an interim report and presentation for the CHPM which will include thedeliverables of all work identified and completed in Phase II. The report will be

    presented to the public at a City Council meeting. (1 public meeting)

    Prepare a final Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment for the CHPM. Thereport will be presented, by the selected firm, to the public at a City Council meeting. (1

    public meeting)

    3.3. DELIVERABLESThe selected firm will provide the City of Hyattsville Project Manager (CHPM) with five (5)

    three-hole loose leaf binders of the final Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment

    document, which will be organized as follows and will include the following:

    Executive SummaryThe Executive Summary will summarize both the Phase I and Phase II reports, in such a

    way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with the material without having to

    read it all. It will contain a brief statement of the problem or proposal covered in the

    major document(s), methodology, background information, concise analysis and main

    conclusions. The Executive Summary is intended as an aid to decision making by the City

    of Hyattsville Mayor and Council.

    Phase I As Built Drawings, Existing Conditions Assessment and Existing

    Space Analysis

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    The Phase I work will identify all architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing

    electrical, vertical and other operating systems and features, include an existing

    conditions assessment.

    The As-Built CAD drawings will include plans of the buildings architectural, structural,

    mechanical, plumbing, electrical, vertical and other operating systems and featuresbased on site surveys and the provided documents (see Attachments). The facilities are

    listed in the order in which they will be submitted for review. A 65% submission of

    drawings and supporting documents will be required for review and approval of each

    facility. The purpose of this submittal is to provide the City with the opportunity to

    review the format and content of the drawings and documents to insure a consistent

    level of information and format for all future submittals. Once the 65% submission is

    approved, the 100% As-Built CAD drawings will be completed. The 100% As-Built

    CAD drawings will be submitted for review and approval. In order to manage the

    schedule effectively, the City would anticipate that the data collection and surveying of

    the next facility would proceed while previous submission is being reviewed for approval.

    The Existing Conditions Assessment and Existing Space Analysis will be provided in

    tabular (data tables) and narrative formats for each facility and will include analysis of:

    physical condition including (but not limited to) exterior envelope, interior finishes, all

    facility systems; where the facility systems, etc are in their life span (using industry

    standards); whether or not the facility complies with all current and applicable Federal,

    State and local building codes; existing space configuration and usage.

    The Phase I Submission deliverables shall include:

    Existing Conditions Assessment and Existing Space Analysiso Five (5) three-hole loose leaf binders (8 1/2 x 11 page size) reports and (2)

    compact discs (CD) of the written report.

    CAD Drawingso (5) paper copies of As Built CAD drawings of each of the five Facilities identified

    in this scope of work. All CAD drawings shall be 24 x 36 in size (requests for

    using alternative sheet sizes for a specific submittal shall be submitted in writing

    with a justification to the CHPM for approval prior to the submission).

    o (3) compact discs of CAD Drawings of each Facility.Phase II Future Space Needs Analysis and Capital Improvements Plan

    Phase II of work will commence only after the delivery of all Phase I documents, reviewand discussion by the Mayor, City Council and City Staff and approval to proceed by the

    City of Hyattsville. The project schedule should anticipate a duration of up to 3 weeks for

    City review and discussion. See project schedule on page 13 of this RFP.

    The approval to proceed will include specific directives which will be based on directives

    made by the Mayor and City Council. These directives will be incorporated in the Phase

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    II deliverables.

    The Phase II work will include a Future Space Needs Assessment that will provide

    analysis and recommendations on whether the existing space is configured to efficiently

    and effectively meet its current programming use and an analysis of future space needs

    provided in tabular (data tables) and narrative formats for each facility based onmaintaining current levels of operations, services and programs with population

    increases of 5%, 10% and 15%

    The Phase II work will also include a Capital Facility Improvement Plan provided in a

    narrative and tabular (data tables) format for each facility recommending appropriate

    short-term and long-term capital investment for each Facility and

    Identify short and long-term facility capital improvements Provide labor and materials cost estimates for recommended short-term and long-

    term capital improvements

    Establish short-term and long-term replacement schedule and cost projections forfacility improvements

    Organize a facilities management process Develop a deferred maintenance program Identify specific opportunities and costs projections for applicable energy efficient


    These recommendations must be consistent with the adopted City policies including the

    application of energy efficient practices to City operations, facilities and equipment.

    These policies are included in Attachment D Strategic Goals and Actions FY2010-11.

    The City has adopted a Sustainability Policy (Attachment I) and is interested in

    incorporating technologies, materials and systems identified in Leadership in Energy and

    Environmental Design (LEED) Rating System as a goal in design criteria to help apply

    principles of sustainable design and development to our facilities projects while not

    necessarily achieving LEED certification status.

    The Phase II Submission deliverables shall include:

    Future Space Needs Analysis and Capital Improvements Plano (5) three-hole loose leaf binders (8 1/2 x 11 page size) reports and (2) compact

    discs (CD) of the written report.

    Any revisions, corrections, etc to the Phase I documents with revised pages,drawings and digital files if required

    In addition to the requirements in the requirements in Attachment B, Special

    Conditions for Architect/Engineering Services, the selected firm will provide electronic

    deliverables in the following formats for each submission:

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    Specifications: Microsoft Word 2007

    Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel 2007

    Reports and Presentations: Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF

    Construction Drawings: AutoCAD 2010 and Adobe PDF files for each sheet


    The five facilities owned by the City of Hyattsville are ranked by the Citys on-going and future

    programming as well as the priority of delivery for the Comprehensive Facilities Management

    Assessment. Three of the five facilities are currently programmed and occupied with City

    operations and the other two of the facilities are not currently programmed or occupied. The

    information provided in this facility background section and related Attachment documents

    are intended to provide necessary information for responding firms in development of their


    Facility 1 City of Hyattsville Administration Building, 4310 Gallatin StreetThe City of Hyattsville Administration Building (CAB) is a concrete and steel structure

    constructed in 1991 and currently serves as the Citys primary operations building.

    The 23,464 square foot building is the primary location of most City Departments

    including Administration, Police, Community Development, Communications, Code

    Enforcement, Arts & Recreation, Finance, Volunteer Services and IT.

    The facility is also the primary indoor public meeting/programming space in the City.

    This public meeting space includes the City Council Chambers, two large public

    meeting rooms and two conference rooms.

    Due to the number of existing programmed functions at this facility, recommendations

    and actions related to this facility will result in the greatest impact all the Citys other

    facilities. Therefore, it is the Citys preference that this facility serves as the starting

    point for both Phases I and II of this project.

    City staff recently conducted a space survey of this facility, which is provided in the

    backup material of this RFP. The survey is an estimate of square footage and includes

    programming details of both the office and public use space of the building.

    Facility 2 Former BB&T Building and Property, 3505 Hamilton StreetIn April 2010, the City of Hyattsville acquired a former office building which was built

    by the Hyattsville Building Association, one of several banks founded in Hyattsville.

    The original structure in the front was constructed in 1955 (two levels above ground

    (double height first level) and one level below) and the back section was added in

    1964 (three levels above ground and one level below). Both sections are constructed

    of concrete and steel with a colonial brick facing, and the building is approximately

    19,357 square feet. The building is situated on one acre of land with approximately

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    65 off-street parking spaces.

    The City as part of the process of purchasing the facility two years ago commissioned a

    condition assessments and engineering reports for this facility. These reports are

    identified in the documents directory and will provide the selected firm with a

    considerable amount of background information about this facility.

    The facility is currently vacant and does not have existing programming, and has

    been utilized on a limited basis for community meeting functions.Facility 3 DPW Operations Yard, 4633 Arundel PlaceThe Department of Public Works (DPW) Operations Yard serves as the sole operating

    facility of the DPW. This 5,750 square facility includes administrative offices, a

    lunchroom, an enclosed facility maintenance garage and covered maintenance bays.

    The facility also includes a 700 ton salt dome and 4,100 covered storage.

    City staff recently conducted a space survey of this facility, which is provided in the

    backup material of this RFP. The survey includes programming details of both the

    office, operational and storage space of this facility.

    In addition to the services and requirements previously identified in the RFP, this

    facility will require a complete topographical and utility survey indicating all

    structures, easements, significant features, etc. The survey will comply with all

    provided CAD requirements.

    Facility 4 - Arcade Building, 4318 Gallatin StreetThe Arcade, located at 4318 Gallatin Street is a 13,000 sq. ft. building located

    adjacent to the City of Hyattsville Administration Building. The building was donated

    to the City in 2000 and is in the process of being revitalized.

    In the past 24 months, the City has stabilized the building by performing a complete

    environmental remediation, replaced 70% of the roof structure, interior demolition

    and replacing the original wood framing with a concrete and steel reinforced framing

    and poured concrete flooring. The building is scheduled to undergo a faade

    improvement during the Fall of 2010.

    The building is currently an enclosed shell with no mechanical, electrical or plumbingsystems. The City is in the process of completing the design of the facility and has

    existing Design Development drawings of the building. A permit construction package

    is scheduled to be developed by March 2011, but has not yet started. The Design

    Development drawings include programmed space for two ground floor retail bays

    with adjoining restroom facilities and un-programmed space. The second level

    includes a conceptual 220-seat auditorium/conference space (no fixed seating) with

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    two adjoining meeting rooms and a small kitchen space and also includes a mezzanine

    section overlooking the auditorium space. A final programming exercise is scheduled

    for this Fall with the City Council, Project Manager and Architect. One or two

    working meetings should be anticipated to discuss the finalized program for the

    facility. The Design Development drawings and supporting documents will be provided

    for incorporation into the Phase I document. Once the final program and estimatedconstruction costs are complete, they will be forwarded for use in the Phase II


    As-Built surveys, drawings and assessments of the operating systems of this facility will not be


    Facility 5 Magruder Park Recreation Center, 3911 Hamilton Street The Magruder Park Recreational Center serves as the Citys primary facility for recreational

    programming. The facility is approximately 5,688 square feet and includes 4,588 square feet of

    classroom and recreational space, four restrooms, a 500 square foot storage facility for athleticfield equipment and a 600 square foot garage.

    The City does not have adequate documentation of this specific facility. City staff recently

    completed a space survey and floor plan schematic of this facility, both of which are included in

    the documents directory.


    Each prospective audit firms proposal must consist of two separate sections, a Technical

    section and a Sealed Dollar Cost Bid section, which are to be prepared in accordance with thefollowing guidelines. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a disqualification

    of the proposal. The City will base its recommendation and selection of a firm on all

    documentation submitted in the proposal including the firms experience, articulated

    methodology, timeline, previous applicable work samples, total cost and overall quality of the


    5.1 TECHNICAL SECTIONResponding firms must submit five (5) bound copies of the technical section. The purpose

    of the technical section of the proposal is to demonstrate the submitting firm has a clear

    understanding of the work to be performed and to identify the qualifications, competence

    and capacity of the firms seeking to perform the services identified in this request for

    proposals. The substance of proposals will carry more weight than their form or manner of

    presentation. The technical proposal must demonstrate the qualifications of the firm and

    the particular staff to be assigned to this engagement. No information regarding

    professional fees or costs should be included anywhere in the technical section.

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    Explanation of Work to be Performed

    The proposal must include a statement clearly articulating the understanding of the work to

    be performed and must specify the intended scope of work of the proposal. Firms are

    encouraged to clearly state whether they are proposing to conduct all or a specific phase of

    the scope of work. The data in both Phase I and Phase II will be stored in software that

    helps manage deferred maintenance and predict future capital renewal. Proposals which

    fail to identify the intended phases of work the firm is proposing to conduct will be removed

    from consideration. Phases of work are defined as the following:

    Phase I As Built Drawings, Conditions Assessment and Existing Space Analysis

    Phase I will include survey drawings identifying architectural, structural, mechanical,

    plumbing, and electrical systems. This phase of work will include an analysis of the facilities

    physical condition, where it is at in its life span, and whether or not it complies with currentcodes. Lastly, this work will include an existing space needs analysis to help determine

    whether the facilities are configured efficiently. This phase will help provide the City with

    information necessary to answer the following questions:

    What structural and mechanical systems currently exist in the City facilities? What is the physical condition of the facilities? What are the immediate structural or maintenance needs (ex. ADA compliance) andwhat are lesser needs?

    What is the utilization of the existing space? How many employees and how much equipment can be accommodated in the existingfacilities? Is the existing space configured properly, or are there space surpluses, deficiencies orfunctional inadequacies?

    Phase II Capital Improvements Plan and Future Space Needs Assessment

    Phase II of the work will primarily focus on the development on a capital improvement plan

    for the Citys facilities and will also include the development of a future space needs

    analysis based on the City staffing levels to accommodate population increases of 5%, 10%

    and 15% over the next twenty years. This projected population increase is based on the

    total potential build-out of 5,200 residential units within these three high-density mixed-useresidential/office/commercial developments. Due to the infinite number of other possible

    variables, the future space needs analysis will be limited to fixed variables of population.

    This information is intended to help answer the following questions:

    What are the short-term and long-term capital projects necessary to maintain thebuildings?

    What is the recommended replacement schedule of the building systems? What is the estimated labor and materials cost of the identified capital improvements?

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    Where are opportunities to implement energy efficient and/ or sustainabletechnologies, and at what financial cost?

    If the City government were to maintain the existing level of service to the community,with future population growth of 5%, 10% and 15% over the next twenty (20) years, where

    are there projected inadequacies in office and/operating space?

    5.2 GENERAL PROFILE OF FIRM AND QUALIFICATIONSThe proposal must include a statement of affirmation of the firms qualifications for

    professionally and expertly conducting the work as understood. Please include relevant

    background and resumes for individuals to be assigned to this project. If your firm is a

    Maryland State Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)/Disadvantaged Business

    Enterprise (DBE), please include a copy of the certificate.

    5.3. CONTACT INFORMATIONThe proposal must clearly identify the firms contact person concerning the proposal, the

    firms main and/or local addresses, telephone number, and email address where thecontact person can be reached.

    5.4. SCHEDULE FOR PROVISION OF WORKThe proposal must indicate the firms anticipated availability for the project and an

    estimated performance schedule, if selected for the project.

    A detailed schedule presentation is an important consideration for the proposal review.

    The proposal must include a clearly defined timetable in Gantt chart, a graphical

    representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time. The timetable

    should include a start date of November 2010 and should highlight the work timeline,presentations, meetings, and anticipated deliverable dates. The work on this project shall

    be completed in accordance with the following schedule:

    Proposed Submission/Phase/Activity Completion by Weeks after NTP

    Phase I Mobilization, Schedule and Work Plan 2 Weeks

    Facility 1 Survey 2 Weeks

    Facility 1 Prepare Submittal (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 1 Review and Approval (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 1 Prepare Submittal (100%) 2 Weeks (8 Weeks)

    Facility 1 Review and Approval (100%) 3 WeeksFacility 2 Survey (concurrent with Facility 1 Review 65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 2 Submittal (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 2 Review and Approval (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 2 Submittal (100%) 2 Weeks (12 Weeks)

    Facility 2 Review and Approval (100%) 3 Weeks

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    Facility 3 Survey (concurrent with Facility 2 Review 65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 3 Submittal (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 3 Review and Approval (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 3 Submittal (100%) 2 Weeks (16 Weeks)

    Facility 3 Review and Approval (100%) 3 WeeksFacility 4 Submittal (65%) (concurrent with Facility 3 Review 65%) 1 Week

    Facility 4 Review and Approval (65%) 1 Week

    Facility 4 Submittal (100%) 1 Week

    Facility 4 Review and Approval (100%) 1 Week (16 Weeks)

    Facility 5 Survey (concurrent with Facility 3 Review 65%) 1 Week

    Facility 5 Submittal (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 5 Review and Approval (65%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 5 Submittal (100%) 2 Weeks

    Facility 5 Review and Approval (100%) 2 Weeks (20 Weeks)

    Phase I Interim Report Presentation

    Phase II Report (65%) (concurrent with Phase I activities) 6 Weeks (20 Weeks)

    Phase II Report Review and Approval (65%) 3 Weeks

    Phase II Report Submittal (100%) 2 Weeks

    Phase II Review and Approval (100%) 2 Weeks

    Phase II Interim Report Presentation

    Final Comprehensive FM Assessment Final Submission 2 Weeks (26 Weeks)

    Final Comprehensive FM Assessment Presentation

    Total Project Timeline 26 Weeks Maximum

    Phase I Final Submission March 15, 2010

    Phase II Final Submission May 2, 2010

    Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment Submission May 12, 2010

    The Citys goal is to have this project complete and deliverables to the City by May 12, 2010.

    Firms submitting a proposal should acknowledge these delivery dates date and must clearly

    articulate how they intend to complete the work identified in this RFP by the delivery date. If

    it is the opinion of the submitting firm that the project timeline cannot be met, the firm must

    clearly articulate a justification for recommending a revised timeline and must include arevised timeline.

    5.5. PAST WORK SAMPLESThe proposal must include two (2) examples of similar work product that reflect similar

    work scope and budgetary parameters. All proposals must include contact information for

    the municipality and/or client.

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    5.6. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH STATE OF MARYLAND POLICIESIt is the responsibility of the respondent to certify compliance with State of Maryland

    policies relating to Equal Opportunity Employment, Non-Discrimination, Drug and Alcohol

    Policy requirements, Compliance with Applicable Law, and Non-Debarment from doing

    business with the State of Maryland and / or any other governmental organizations.


    All responding vendors are required to submit (5) printed copies of their proposal. These

    proposals will be kept on file and will not be returned to the submitting vendor.


    General InformationResponding firms must submit (5) copies of the Sealed Dollar Cost Bid. The Sealed Dollar

    Cost Bid must be submitted in a separate envelope from the Letter of Proposal

    documents. The Sealed Dollar Cost Bid section of the proposal should contain all pricing

    information relative to providing the work as described in this request for proposals.

    This section should include a statement of your firms Basis for Compensation. For the basic

    services offered in this proposal, the respondent shall provide a lump sum, total all-inclusive

    maximum price as well as a summary of the percentage of estimated professional costs,

    total anticipated hours to complete the work, and the wage rate for analysts.

    The City of Hyattsville will not be responsible for expenses incurred in preparing and

    submitting the technical proposal or the sealed dollar cost bid. Such costs should not beincluded in the proposal.

    Basis for Compensation InclusionsThe Sealed Dollar Cost Bid must include the following information:

    A. Name of firm as it appears on the Federal and/or State Tax Identification forms.B. Certification that the person signing the proposal is authorized to represent the firm

    empowered to submit the bid and authorized to sign a contract with the City of


    C. A Professional Services Pay Rate Per Service for each specific professional field thatmay be required to successfully complete the services identified in the submitted


    D. A Total Phase Cost for each of the two phases of work identified in this RFP. Thetotal phase cost is to contain all direct and indirect costs including all anticipated out-

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    Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment Request for Proposal

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    of pocket expenses.

    E. A Cost Per Facility for to perform the two phases of work for each of the five (5)facilities. The total cost per facility price is to contain all direct and indirect costs

    including all anticipated out-of-pocket expenses.

    F. A Total All-inclusive Maximum Price for the work. The total all-inclusive maximumprice is to contain all direct and indirect costs including all anticipated out-of-pocket


    G. Completion of Standard Form 330 and Standard Documents Microsoft ExcelSpreadsheet included as Attachment F. The City requires submitting firms to

    complete all of the following documents included as Attachment F to insure

    consistency of proposals and to facilitate reviews and consistent evaluations. These

    documents include:

    a. SF-330 or equivalent (Standard Form 330.htm, sf. 330.doc, sf. 330.pdf)b. Tasks and hours spread sheet (Labor Hours Task List.xls)c. Labor hour rates spread sheet (Direct Costs - Prime.xls, Direct Costs - Sub.xls)d. Other Direct Costs (ODC) spread sheet (ODC Summary.xls)e. Summary spread sheet (Fee Summary AE.xls)

    H. Rates for Additional Professional Services: the City of Hyattsville may requestadditional services outside the scope of this proposal. The selected firm must be

    available to perform these additional services at the same rates detailed in the

    schedule of fees and expenses included in the sealed dollar cost bid.

    I. Proposals may also include a menu of additional services with total costs for eachservice specified. An articulation of proposed services proffered and alternatives

    offered will assist in delineating your proposal from its competitors. Proposals are

    required to include a proposed payment schedule.

    7. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND INFORMATION7.1. PRE-BID CONFERENCE AND SITE VISITThe City will hold a pre-submission conference and bus tour of the area on Thursday,

    October 28, 2010 10:00 A.M. Interested firms should contact Jim Chandler, Community

    Development Manager, via email at [email protected] to indicate their intention toattend.

    The pre-submission conference will start at the City of Hyattsville Administration Building,

    4310 Gallatin Street Hyattsville, Maryland. The City will provide transportation to each of

    the other facilities for one member of each of the firms registered to attend. Other firm

    representatives may attend the tour of the other sites in their own vehicle.

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    7.2. QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONSAll requests for further information or clarifications must be submitted in writing and will be

    accepted up until 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 4, 2010, when the questions and

    clarification period closes. No further queries will be accepted. All responses to any written

    requests for information or clarification will be shared with all the interested parties duringthe open query period or as soon after the query period ends as is feasible.


    The City strongly encourages firms submitting a response to this RFP to review these

    documents prior to preparing and submitting a proposal for consideration. These

    documents are available on the City of Hyattsville website at www.hyattsville.org. A

    hardcopy of these documents will not be provided.

    Attachment A Existing Documents DirectoryAttachment A is a directory of all relevant and available documents pertaining to existing

    City of Hyattsville Facilities. The quantity and quality of background documents vary for

    each facility and include external and internal photographs, programming surveys, floor

    plans, conditions reports, hand-drawn schematics and architectural design development


    Attachment B - Special Conditions for Architectural Engineering (A/E)Attachment B is a document which articulates specific guidelines for Architectural and

    Engineering services for the City of Hyattsville. Specific requirements and variations from

    the general requirements are described in the RFP Scope of Work (SOW) for each individualproject. Questions as to whether a specific requirement in the Special Conditions for

    Architect/Engineer Services applies to the Comprehensive Facilities Management

    Assessment project should be directed to the City of Hyattsvilles Project Manager (CHPM)

    for the A/E Contract for clarification prior to submission of a fee proposal. Review of this

    document should be acknowledged in the proposal.

    Attachment C Facility Utility Costs SummaryAttachment C is a summary of utility costs and capital expenditures for all City owned

    facilities for Fiscal Years 2008, 2009 and 2010.

    Attachment D Map of City Owned FacilitiesAttachment D is a map identifying the locations of the five (5) City owned facilities to be

    studied in this scope of work.

    Attachment E City Goals and ActionsAttachment E is the City of Hyattsvilles Goals and Actions adopted by the Mayor and City

    Council for Fiscal Years (FY) 2010-11. These goals include the goal of ensuring the long-term

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    health of the City by applying energy-efficient practices to City operations, facilities, and


    Attachment F- Standard A/E Proposal DocumentsAttachment F includes standard A/E proposal documents which the City requires firms to

    complete as part of the Sealed Dollar Bid Submission. The purpose of this requirement is toinsure consistency of proposals and to facilitate reviews and consistent evaluations. These

    documents include:

    a. SF-330 or equivalent (Standard Form 330.htm, sf. 330.doc, sf. 330.pdf)b. Attachment F Spreadsheet

    i. Tasks and hours spread sheet (Labor Hours Task List.xls)ii. Labor hour rates spread sheet (Direct Costs - Prime.xls, Direct Costs - Sub.xls)iii. Other Direct Costs (ODC) spread sheet (ODC Summary.xls)iv. Summary spread sheet (Fee Summary AE.xls)

    Attachment G- Design Process Definitions & Guidelines for SubmissionAttachment G is the City of Hyattsvilles Design Standards and Definitions to be used in all

    submission documents.

    Attachment H Organizational ChartAttachment H is the City of Hyattsvilles organizational structure. This document is

    included to the Citys form of government and operational structure.

    Attachment I Sustainability PolicyAttachment I is the City of Hyattsvilles Sustainability Policy. This document is included to

    articulate the Citys Sustainability Policy which should be incorporated into the planning anddecision making process.

    9. Submission of Proposal

    The RFP Transmittal Letter and the marked Sealed Dollar Cost Bid are due to the City of

    Hyattsville by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 9, 2010, and must be either mailed or

    hand-delivered to:

    Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment RFP

    City of Hyattsville

    Attn: Jim Chandler, Community Development Manager

    4310 Gallatin Street

    Hyattsville, Maryland 20781

    Questions concerning this RFP should be directed to Jim Chandler at

    [email protected].

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    10. Evaluation of Proposals and Award of Contract

    The submitted proposals (not including the Sealed Dollar Cost Bid) will be publicly opened

    and read on Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 10:00 AM in the Prangley Room of the City

    of Hyattsvilles Municipal Building, 4310 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, Maryland.

    The separate Transmittal Letter of the proposals submitted will be reviewed and evaluated

    first. The qualifying firms from this section will have their sealed dollar cost bid opened and


    Evaluation will take place between the days of Wednesday, November 10and Wednesday,

    November 17, 2010. The City anticipates that the top three rated firms will be selected for

    an interview. The firm best meeting the experience, approach and cost requirements will

    then be selected and a recommendation will be submitted to the City of Hyattsville Mayor

    and Council for consideration of approval in late November 2010.

    The City of Hyattsville reserves the right to reject any and all RFP submissions and further

    reserves the right to re-issue the RFP.

    11. Other Requirements and Information

    Stability of Proposed PricesAny price offerings from respondents must be valid for a period of 90 days from the due

    date of the proposals.

    Amendment or Cancellation of the RFPThe City of Hyattsville reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or otherwise change this

    RFP at any time if it deems it to be in the best interest of the City of Hyattsville to do so.

    Proposal ModificationsNo additions or changes to any proposal will be allowed after the proposal due date, unless

    such modification is specifically requested by the City of Hyattsville. The City, at its option,

    may seek respondent retraction and/or clarification of any discrepancy or contradiction

    found during its review of proposals.

    Presentation of Supporting EvidenceRespondents must be prepared to provide any evidence of experience, performance, ability,

    and/or financial sureties that the City of Hyattsville deems to be necessary or appropriate to

    fully establish the performance capabilities represented in the firms submitted proposal for

    contracted services.

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    Demonstration of Proposed ServicesAt the discretion of the City of Hyattsville, respondents must be able to confirm their ability

    to provide all proposed services. Any required confirmation must be provided at a site

    approved by and without cost to the City of Hyattsville.

    Erroneous AwardsThe City of Hyattsville reserves the right to correct inaccurate awards. This may include, in

    extreme circumstances, revoking the awarding of a contract already made to a respondent

    and subsequently awarding the contract to another respondent. Such action on the part of

    the City of Hyattsville shall not constitute a breach of contract on the part of the City of

    Hyattsville once this determination has been made.

    Proposal ExpensesRespondents are responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in the preparation of

    proposals and for any subsequent work on the proposal that is required by the City ofHyattsville.

    Ownership of ProposalsAll proposals shall become the sole property of the City of Hyattsville and will not be


    Execution of ContractThis RFP is not a contract and, alone, shall not be interpreted as such. Rather, this RFP only

    serves as the instrument through which proposals are solicited. If, for some reason, the City

    of Hyattsville and the initial selected respondent fail to reach consensus on the issuesrelative to the contract, then the City of Hyattsville or its agents may commence contract

    negotiations with other respondents. The City of Hyattsville may decide at any time to start

    the RFP process again.

    Oral Agreement or ArrangementsAny alleged oral agreements or arrangements made by respondents with the City of

    Hyattsville, or employees of the City of Hyattsville will be disregarded in any proposal

    evaluation or associated award.

    Sub-ConsultantsThe City of Hyattsville must approve any and all Sub-Consultants utilized by the successful

    respondent prior to any such Sub-Consultant commencing any work. Respondents

    acknowledge by the act of submitting a proposal that any work provided under the contract

    is work conducted on behalf of the City of Hyattsville and that the City Administrator or

    their designee may communicate directly with any Sub-Consultant as the City of Hyattsville

    deem to be necessary or appropriate. It is also understood that the successful respondent

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    Comprehensive Facilities Management Assessment Request for Proposalshall be responsible for all payment of fees charged by the Sub-Consultant(s).

    CopyrightThe selected firm must agree to execute and deliver to the City of Hyattsville any and all

    necessary documents to support the transfer and assignment of any and all intellectual

    property and copyright rights pertaining to the plan to be developed under this proposal.

    Confidentiality and Care of DataThe successful respondent agrees to protect the confidentiality of any files, data or other

    material pertaining to this contract and to restrict their use solely for the purpose of

    performing this contract. The successful respondent shall take all steps necessary to

    safeguard data, files, reports or other information from loss, destruction or erasure. Any

    costs or expenses of replacing or damages resulting from the loss of such data shall be

    borne by the contractor when such loss or damage occurred through its negligence.

    Legal TermsIt is the policy of the City of Hyattsville that any contract for services requires that all legal

    disputes are heard in a court of law in Prince Georges County, Maryland and that each

    party is responsible to pay for the cost of their own legal fees. The City will not agree to

    terms that are not consistent with this policy.

    End of RFP