fabrication of all-aluminum p-type silicon solar cells

Fabrication of All- Aluminum p-Type Silicon Solar Cells Raul Flores Principal Investigator: Dr. Meng Tao Arizona State University

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Page 1: Fabrication of All-Aluminum p-Type Silicon Solar Cells

Fabrication of All-Aluminum p-Type Silicon Solar Cells

Raul FloresPrincipal Investigator: Dr. Meng Tao

Arizona State University

Page 2: Fabrication of All-Aluminum p-Type Silicon Solar Cells

Research Motivations and Objectives:

What are we trying to do and why?

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Research Motivations and Objectives:

Need for an environmentally responsible energy source• 80% of energy produced from fossil fuels

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Need for an environmentally responsible energy source

Solar cells are a promising energy technology• 165,000 terawatts of sunlight

Research Motivations and Objectives:

Page 5: Fabrication of All-Aluminum p-Type Silicon Solar Cells

Need for an environmentally responsible energy source

Solar cells are a promising energy technology

Challenge of global implementation• 500,000 km2 (~ size of Spain)

Research Motivations and Objectives:

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Need for an environmentally responsible energy source

Solar cells are a promising energy technology

Challenge of global implementationUse cheap and abundant materials

• Cost prohibiting and Resource prohibiting• Silver currently used as front contact material

Research Motivations and Objectives:

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Need for an environmentally responsible energy source

Solar cells are a promising energy technology

Challenge of global implementationUse cheap and abundant materials

• Cost prohibiting• Resource prohibiting

Research Motivations and Objectives:

Our lab’s objective• Replace silver with aluminum

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Solar Cell Basics:

Basic solar cell physics and structure

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P-type Si

N-type Si

Rear Contact (Aluminum)

Solar Cell Basics: Basic Solar Cell Structure

• Simplest functional silicon (Si) solar cell• 4 Parts: n-type Si, p-type Si, 2 electrodes

Front Contact (Silver)

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P-type Si

N-type Si

Rear Contact (Aluminum)

Solar Cell Basics: Basic Solar Cell Structure

• Simplest functional silicon (Si) solar cell• 4 Parts: n-type Si, p-type Si, 2 electrodes

Front Contact (Silver)

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P-type Si

N-type Si

Rear Contact (Aluminum)

Solar Cell Basics: Basic Solar Cell Structure

• p-n junction formed at boundary• Permanent electric field formed

Front Contact (Silver)

Electric Field

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P-type Si

N-type Si

Solar Cell Basics: Interaction With Sunlight

• Photons absorbed—electron-hole pairs created• Charges separated by p-n junction• Charge separation induces current

Electric Field

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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure:

What our device looks like and how we made it

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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure:

• Our cell’s structure is similar to the model cell• 2 additional features

Front Contacts



SiNx Passivation and ARC Layer


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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure:Silicon Substrate

P-type Silicon

N-type Silicon

• P-type silicon wafer (200 microns)• N-type layer made by diffusing phosphorus (0.5 microns)

Phosphorus Diffusion

Rear Al Screen Printing

SiNx Patterning

Ni Sputtering

Front Al Electroplating

SiNx Deposition

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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure: SiNx Passivation and Anti-Reflection Coating

P-type Silicon

N-type Silicon

• Applied by PECVD (75 nm)• Passivation effect:

• Minimizes surface recombination• Anti-reflection coating

SiNx Passivation and ARC Layer

Phosphorus Diffusion

Rear Al Screen Printing

SiNx Patterning

Ni Sputtering

Front Al Electroplating

SiNx Deposition

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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure:Aluminum Back Contact

P-type Silicon

N-type Silicon

• Screen printed aluminum (10 microns)

Rear Contact (Aluminum)

Phosphorus Diffusion

Rear Al Screen Printing

SiNx Patterning

Ni Sputtering

Front Al Electroplating

SiNx Deposition

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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure:Nickel Seed Layer

P-type Silicon

N-type Silicon

• SiNx etched into front finger pattern• Nickel layer applied (250 nm)

• Helps adhesion of aluminum SiNx Passivation and ARC Layer Ni

Rear Contact (Aluminum)

Rear Al Screen Printing

SiNx Patterning

Ni Sputtering

Front Al Electroplating

SiNx Deposition

Phosphorus Diffusion

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Solar Cell Fabrication and Structure:Aluminum Front Contact

P-type Silicon

N-type Silicon

• Aluminum electroplated onto nickel


Rear Contact (Aluminum)

Phosphorus Diffusion

Rear Al Screen Printing

SiNx Patterning

Ni Sputtering

Front Al Electroplating

SiNx Deposition

SiNx Passivation and ARC Layer

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How well our cell performed

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Parameter Descriptions:

First, we need to define some parameters

• Efficiency• Ratio of energy extracted to energy input

• Short-circuit current (JSC):• Upper-limit to actual current

• Open-circuit voltage (VOC):• Upper-limit to actual voltage

• Series resistance (RSeries):• Shunt resistance (RShunt):

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Parameter Descriptions: RSeries

• RSeries : Resistance to current flow through device

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Parameter Descriptions: RShunt

• RShunt : Resistance to current flow around device• Example: Current leaking around edges of device, not

through p-n junction

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary

Our Lab’s Cell

Efficiency [%] 12.4

JSC [mA/cm2] 31.8

VOC [V] 0.60

RShunt [mΩ-cm2] 183

RSeries [mΩ-cm2] 1030

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary

• Data for another group’s cell was obtained• Crucial difference is the front electrode material



Our groups device Reference cell

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary

• Focus on third column (interested in difference, not absolute values)

Our Lab’s Cell

Reference Cell

Percent Difference

Efficiency [%] 12.4 16.8 35

JSC [mA/cm2] 31.8 35.5 12

VOC [V] 0.60 0.61 2

RShunt [Ω-cm2] 183 808 342

RSeries [mΩ-cm2] 1030 393 62

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary

• Reference cell has a much better efficiency

Our Lab’s Cell

Reference Cell

Percent Difference

Efficiency [%] 12.4 16.8 35

JSC [mA/cm2] 31.8 35.5 12

VOC [V] 0.60 0.61 2

RShunt [Ω-cm2] 183 808 342

RSeries [mΩ-cm2] 1030 393 62

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary

• The current and voltages of both cells are reasonably close

Our Lab’s Cell

Reference Cell

Percent Difference

Efficiency [%] 12.4 16.8 35

JSC [mA/cm2] 31.8 35.5 12

VOC [V] 0.60 0.61 2

RShunt [Ω-cm2] 183 808 342

RSeries [mΩ-cm2] 1030 393 62

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary

• The reference cell has a much better RShunt and RSeries

• Poor resistances might account for bad efficiency

Our Lab’s Cell

Reference Cell

Percent Difference

Efficiency [%] 12.4 16.8 35

JSC [mA/cm2] 31.8 35.5 12

VOC [V] 0.60 0.61 2

RShunt [Ω-cm2] 183 808 342

RSeries [mΩ-cm2] 1030 393 62

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PV Cell Performance: Parameter Summary:Causes of Poor Resistances

• RShunt: • Small wafer area• Contamination

• RSeries: • Nickel-Silicon and/or Aluminum-Nickel interfaces• Problems with electroplating

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Conclusion: Future Work

• Fixing fabrication errors• Cell area• Contamination• Etc.

• Optimizing cell specifications• SiNx thickness, front contact width/spacing,

electroplating conditions, etc.

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Conclusion: Project Summary

Goal: • Demonstrate solar cell with an aluminum front

contact electrode

Results: • Device performed poorly compared to a similar

reference solar cell

Conclusion:• Solar cell needs to be improved by optimizing

fabrication and device specifications

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Questions?• Study’s objective

• General solar cell operation• Our groups device or fabrication

• Significance of results• Miscellaneous

National Science Foundation, Grant No. ECCS-0335765