fable william says it is but a fable, that saint collen did indeed fight a saracen and a lady giant...

fable William says it is but a fable , that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic fable which he wanted to read to the rest of the class. The children wrote a play script based on a well known fable or story. (n) A short tale to teach moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters

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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved.

He wrote a fantastic fable which he wanted to read to the rest of the class.

The children wrote a play script based on a well known fable or story.

(n) A short tale to teach moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters

Page 2: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


Guilds would protect members from unfair practices.

A major role of the craft guilds was to maintain the quality work of their members.

It is Corpus Christi week and on Thursday the guilds of Lincoln will deck their wagons with flowers and herbs and pull them through the town to the cathedral square where they will perform their plays.

(n) An organization of persons with related interests, goals, etc

Page 3: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


She must not look too proud or yet too humble lest people say she is proud of her humility.

Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.

Let us therefore recognize the goodness of genuine humility over the evil of bragging.

(n) The quality or condition of being modest, or meek

Page 4: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic

lunatic(n) A person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness

There they met an escaped lunatic with money in one hand and a gun in the other.

The children were afraid of their neighbor who they thought was a lunatic who should be locked up.

Lunatics are often misunderstood and shunned by society for their reckless behavior.

Page 5: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


The tumor was malignant; therefore, the patient needed more serious treatment.

Jews became the target of malignant Nazi plans during World War II.

He told my father that his tooth worm was especially stubborn and malignant and nothing would do but a poultice of raven manure on the sore tooth.

(adj) Disposed to deliberately cause harm, suffering or distress; feeling or showing ill will or hatred

Page 6: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


Feast of Saint Barnabas, the first missionary.

I assume you know Paul is not talking about going off to become a missionary or a minister.

The highlight of the month was conducting a party of 12 Mormon missionaries to go to Barcelona.

(n) A person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work

Page 7: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


(n) The skin of sheep, goats, etc

Odd William tied his writing table, parchments, and pens onto the back of the miller’s mule and set out for Cross bridge and fame.

It would take hundreds of animals to make enough parchment for a large book!

A long time ago people used parchment for books instead of paper.

Page 8: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


He told my father that his tooth worm was especially stubborn and malignant and nothing would do but a poultice of raven manure on the sore tooth.

Agrimony can be used as a powerful healing poultice.

Calm your senses as your body is soothed by a hot herbal poultice of sweet basil.

(n) A soft, moist mass of cloth, bread, meal, herbs, etc., applied hot as medicine to the body

Page 9: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


There is a scroll containing the entire Old Testament.

It’s a spectacular form of a text on a mighty scroll.

Taking a lute to visit a friend, I noticed beautiful calligraphy on a hanging scroll.

(n) A roll of parchment, paper, copper, or other material, especially one with writing on it

Page 10: Fable William says it is but a fable, that Saint Collen did indeed fight a Saracen and a lady giant but the pope was never involved. He wrote a fantastic


If only the bonfires lit throughout the shire this night to drive demons and dragons away would drive unwelcome suitors away as well.

He says the community leaders of the shire have met and are welcoming the boat people.

Medieval shires encompassed several manors and towns.

(n) A county in Great Britain