fabio di iorio - presentation


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Several months had passed since when I moved to Germany and started my new job. When I asked my boss why she hired me instead of any other candidate, she answered I made the biggest eyes in front of the shelves full of shoes when stepping into the o�ce for the �rst time.

That passion, which lead me into the product world, has grown bigger and bigger along the years and still pushes me to �nd new challenges.

Since then, I walked through a long path, learning the secrets of product creation, the subtle strategies of merchandising, the powerful dynamics of marketing.

However that was only the beginning and the longest part of the path is still to come.

that’s were i’ve been

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years 2003 / 2006 HQ - Herzo (Germany)Project Management

Great designers give colors and shapes to new ideas.Great developers bring to reality what is beautiful on paper.

Teamwork is the key to the fascinating process which starts on someone’s thoughts and ends to someone’s feet.

TOOLS: passion, organization, technical skills, communication, negotiation, timing, search for perfection.

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Fashion Issues

Casual Sportswear

Limited Editions

Vintage Sneakers

The project manager position allowed me not only to learn technical work on the product, but also enriched my interpersonal skills. Relationships and communication between team members, departments, factories, suppliers and a variety of third parties are essential and represent a solid basis of the daily work. Coordination and timing are the weapons to control the process and accomplish the mission. I worked with undoubtedly one of the best technical teams in the industry. Quality, resources and capabilities were second to none.

In addition to that, an enlarged multicultural and international environment gave each employee an open window to a global vision. Cultures, languages, diversity…every individual contributed to an extremely open minded approach, re�ected on the brand attitude.

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years 2006 / 2009 HQ - Paris (France)Product Management & Merchandising

The coach has a pool of players. He shapes each of them for a speci�c function through training. Within them he is going to choose the team to play the game.

Strategic choices of the best weapons to be successful on the market place.

INPUT: sales info, market feedback, trends, �nancial targets

OUTPUT: global collection, special make-ups, strategic packages

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Special Projects

Performance Shoes

Globalization and adaptation. A �ne balance between them was the key of my work. Global vision was the fundamental approach to the creation of an international o�er. A consistent contact with di�erent markets gave me the chance to see and combine the common needs and create the most e�cient product o�er for the brand. At the same time the close contacts with regional realities allowed me to satisfy speci�c needs, which had important impacts on the businesses.

The daily work with the product creation side (design, development, suppliers) and the market side (sales team, agents, distributors) put me in a pivot position in the footwear business of the company. Moreover the coordination with licensees (ranges, product concepts, artistic direction) enriched the role further on.

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years 2009 / 2011 HQ - Paris (France)Brand Management

RECEPIE OF A FRESH COCKTAILTake a fresh idea. Peel o� the imperfections. Slice it into well de�ned and simple parts.

Take a pen. Write the most signi�cant word of your trip. Take some colors. Draw the most beautiful shape that comes up in your mind.

Mix slowly until it re�ects your thoughts.Serve it fresh.

INGREDIENTS: vision, passion, discovery, strategy, innovation, resources management, versatility, courage

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When I �rstly set foot in Africa, I would have never imagined the potential which lays in this land and these people. But I immediately grasped the energy coming out from a very special environment. It was thanks to this energy that SAWA was born. The �rst challenge I encountered was to �nd the way to frame in a picture what the African spirit really is. The contact with local everyday life was the key to the search. The idea for the brand logo came the very moment I entered the continent when the passport was stamped at custom.From then a continuous and consistent work was done to build the brand image from the press to the stores, from the internet to the consumers.

A holistic approach to every marketing �eld has given the brand a solid and compact image.

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ECOLE .................................................................................

CLASSE ..............................................................................

NOM ....................................................................................

SAWAissue n.2


I found the go-to-market part as one of the most challenging and interesting of the business. The management of merchandising and sales at the same time allowed the integration of the commercial strategy into the product o�er at the very moment of the product creation. The end result was a compact commercial package from the product to the catalogue to the presentation in shop.

The catalogue creation represented a big chance to express the brand spirit graphically and with contents. The graphic and photographic work is what I enjoyed the most.

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My professional pro�le has its roots in product creation doubtlessly. Thanks to the passion for the product, I have improved my skills day by day in this area and grown my competences. In SAWA I had the chance to �nally take in hand the direction of product creation, from the artistic direction to the merchandising and from development to sourcing.

The most appealing part of this job was de�nitely to create products which would �t on the current trends of the top street wear market, re�ecting the brand spirit, and at the same time get through all the constraints coming from sourcing in Africa.

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The public relation area has been a new and great challenge, which strongly enriched me. I had the chance to work with journalists and bloggers of some of the most important magazines and internet websites.

The strong brand positioning gave me the chance to collaborate with worldwide famous brands such as Edun and Agnes B and be part of the Parisian and Newyorkese catwalks.

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When riding your bike, the power of your legs brings you forward in your trip. Your face feels the warmth of the sun and your skin the freshness of the wind. Your eyes wonder what they’ll see behind the next turn.

Excitement for the discovery. Curiosity about a new project. Bring a contribute to a success. Enjoy what you do.

Diverse roles and missions shaped my competence. The growing wall of my knowledge has been built brick by brick thanks to a variety of tasks, which made my pro�le highly versatile. Product is the foundation of it.

Put your expertise into a project. Find the way. Go forward. Solve the riddle. Win the battle. Grow your skills.That’s how I see a winning approach to every next step.

what comes next

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rue du Pepin 41000 bruxelles


[email protected]+32 471 841188

skype: fabiodiiorio