fa n n in g m illsnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057653/1882-05-26/ed... · 2014-06-04 · the...

THE IIO.HE DOCTOR. Health Alphabet. A —fl soon ab you aro lip ehakt ldankctfi aud sheets; B —otter lio without shoes than sit with wet feet; ( —iiildrer. it hcalt) arc* net ive, not still; J)—amp bed and damp cloth* > will both make VOti ill; "E -at slowlv and always clx*w your food well: 1^—res hen the air in the house where von dwell; O — armcnts must never 1 •: in uh- t »o tit:ht; if—oinea should he healthy, airy and light, f— I you wish to be well, hh vou do, I've no doubt, J —iifet open the windows before you go out. K —<*ep yoyr rooms always tidy and cm an; I j —et dust on tne furniture never be seen. M —uch illness is caused by the want of pure air; N —ow, to op< . the windows be ever your care; O — ld rags and old rubbifch should never be kept; P —eople should aee that their iloors are well Bwept. Q — uick movements in chiklrc art healthy ami i ight; It—crocriiher, the your? cannot thrive without light. tt—ee that the cistern is dean fo the brim; T —ake care that vour dr<- i * all tidy and trim; IT—sc- your nose t«> And if there he u bad drain, V —ery sad aro the fevers that, conic from its train; W —all: as much as yon >:i j without feeling fa tigue; X —or ::v i could walk full .mny a leitgue. V—our health is your wealth, which wisdom musl keep; Z —cal will help a good cam , and tho good you will reap. lluw to Restore (tic Drowned. |Hr. FonlV. Monthly JI.'uKh Journiil.J Doctor Howard, nr il'al cr of New York librhor,recently 1 xpluincd at tho ree.ivlnjr-house of th<‘ ltoyal JIu- mauo doeiety, Condon, his method of resuscitating persons i-ikcn from tli wa ter in a state of Insensibility. Tligbrln- eiples upon s\ hleh he net -' ure these of clearing away the water and uiucus whieli prevent the entrance of air Into the lungs, and the limitation of the movements of the chest in respiration. Ile lirst empties the stomach and'pas sages of water. For the lie place ti • patient faee downward, puts a: dle,f something hard under tlio pit of the stomach, so that it is above tiie level of tho mouth, aud then presses with all his force ou the back. Afterward, to set tip artiliciai breathing, instead of tiie partial rolling of the body or the pump ing action of the arm now practiced, the body is laid upon the back with tiie clothes stripped down to tlio waist. The pit of tho stomach is now raised to tlie highest point by something under the back. A bundle of clothing or the body of another man will do for this. The head is thrown back and the tongue must be drawn forwardly an a. dstant, so as to keep open tlie entrance to tlie air tubes. The hands aro passed above tlie head, tho wrists crossed, and the arms kept, tirmly extended, ln this po sition tlie chest is fully expanded. The operator then kneels astride the body, places liis hands ou tiie lower part of the ribs, aud steadily and gradually makes compression. Balancing himself on liis knees he inclines himself forward until ids face noarly touches tiiat of tiie pa tient, und so lets fall the whole rVbiglit of the body mpou tlie eiiest. When this has yielded as much as it will lie throws himself back by a sudden push to his .first position of kneeling, and tho elas tic ribs by their expanding hellows-ac- tion draw air into the lungs. These manoeuvres must be repeated regularly twelve or fifteen times in the minute. Catarrh of Hie Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Bueliupaiba. $1. at druggists. ITopaid by express. $1.25, fi for $5. 10. >S. WELLS, .Jersey City, N. J. Mow Fi.,ii Hooks are Matk* [\yido Awake.] Boys, how long do you suppose it would tako you to make a respectable fish-hook? What do you suppose it would cost you to have a lirst class 'work man mako you ono as good as one you can buy for a penny? i!ut I saw a magical little machine not loug ago bite olt n piece of steel wire, chew it a moment, and then spit it out formed into a perfect hook, it would toss out those little hooks every half-sec ond, the different machines making the different sues. There arc eight steps in the making of a fish-liook by the machines I saw. The boy wlio tended one of them snatch ed specimens from the machine as tlioy wore passing through, and showed me how each stroke of tlie little chisels and hammers added to the bit of wire that went in, until it came out a finished liook and ready to fish with, though prob ably the more fastidious fish wouldn’t touch it because it hadn’t yet been pol ished. Tlie curious little machines would lirst nip off bits of wire; another stroke of the machine aud the bit of wire had a little loop in one end. The lo-xt half second tlie wire bad a hack in it near the* other end. Then catuc a little liani- merstroke which flattened out tlie hack ed cud Then a little chisel shaved this flattened end into a point. Then fini-li- ing tools shaped down the sides of the point. Ami last of all, it receives oue crook, and drops a perfectly formed hook nto the little bucket, having been only four seconds before nothing but au inch or more of steel wire on a reel. There are two ways of finishing these hooks. Either they are “japanned,” which gives them the black finish, Which is tlie most common one, or they arc fin ished with that fine blue that is fre quently put upon swords and cutlery, iuis done by heating them in a furnace till they come to a “ cherrv-red ” as the workmen call it and then they are pour ed into a bucket of oil and left to cool. After finishing they a. o taken un to the def -lingered girl-, who rapidly count them by hooking them over a piece of coarse wire, and throwing out nt the same rime the imperfect ones. '1 hen they pack them in neat boxe? and they are stacked up ready for market. ADAM’S FALL. lVhat it has Cost Husbands and Fath ers Eier Since. [Whitehall Times.] Adam was the first man—-if he had | been a shoemaker he would liave been flic last man. He wns placed in the Garden of Eden, nnd was biirself the guardian of Eden. He consequently hnd no partner to or- r him up mornings, and he therefore played it alone. All tlie clothes he had for a long time wns tin ' lose of day, while a mantle of i ight was Ids bedclothes. He had dominion over the fish of the sea, tlie birds of the air, aud he also had hoc minion over llie earth. fie was finally furnished with a wo man of A-rib-ia, who was sent to Eden for Adam’s Express Company, hho was bone of iiis bearin’, aud if slio had been e.alicd Nancy she would have been liis hone-Naney. She was a very good took, for she soou cooked up trouble for Adam aud got him into hot water. When Adam went down to the office mornings, Eve also went to lier house hold duties, hut she was a fortunate woman in one respect. She had uo washing to do on Monday, so Adam was iv vt r nliiieted by having to eat bread and milk from the clock shelf. Eve never called him hack and told him to send home f oine soap or starch it once, nor did it cost Adam live shil lings a week for clothes pins, for the beautiful smile tliat Mr. and Mrs. Adam always wore could lie licked clean with the tip end of their tongues. I’ .ut they wer not a. happy couple,for tlie Fourth of July was unknown in Edeu. They never listened to the bang of tlie cannon, the guu or the firecracker, but Eve used to bang her hair .quite often. woro tight boots. ( corns. I shirts with buttons imd ■ ( off. | holes iu liis stockings. I holes in his pockets, wore patched pantaloons, spill ieo-cream on liis laveudor pants, pawned his ulster, pulled down his vest. | burst his suspender buttons. I paid two dollars pen' day for i washing. I owed liis tailor. f f corsets. I striped stockings, woro ( rats. , I mice. ( frizzes, wan bothered to find a dress maker, found fault with her mil liner. gossiped with her next door neighbor, wont to church nnd made fun of a rival’s now bon net, hnd beaux from church When we say never, no one need say hardly ever. Hut Mr. and Mrs. Adam fell just tlio same; as we draw a veil over their fall, let us ask every head of a fam ily if they don’t feel like howling when Adam didu’t know what a good thi ng lie had dressmakers') milliners I shoemakers | When ho didn’t j hosiery ( ) jewelry f ' false hair | ribbon taffy j But lv? could have laid in liis hammock from sunrise to sunset,and read the daily papers without feeling tliat lie must go down town and work like thunder, so liis wife and daughters could have new bonnets to wear to church on the next Sabbnih day. Adam never Eve never havo auy bitls to iny* Scotch Caution. A traveler recently called at the shop of a tradesman in Gateshead, and, giv ing Ids name to tho man behind tiie counter (whom we shall call Sandy), remarked that on lib last visit twelve months previous lie hud not had the pleasure of seeing Sandy in tlie shop. He then turned to business when the following conversation occurred: Traveler— “ Well, is Mr. McGregor ill 1 Sandy—“ I’m thinkin’no.” Traveler—“ Ah, will lie be in soon?’’ Sandy—“ 1 wadua like to say that he Wllll.” Traveler—“ Hum, will lie be iu about tliis time to-morrow?” Sandy—“ It’s no’ reasonable to expect it.” Traveler—' *AV iiy ?” Sandy—“ Because he’s beeu deed the better pairt o’ twal months.” Brain and Serve. Wells’ Health Benewor, greatest cinedy on earth for iinjjttt-iice, lean- iu sexual debility, «So. $1. at. drug gist o 1’repaid hv eSpress, $1.25, (1 for $5., E. S. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J. Hanlan's Stroke. [Now York N i’ws.] Many wonder why tlie champion oars man .so easily defeats all his competitors. Well, Hainan lias brains aud made scull ing a study. It took him three months of incessant practice to learu tlie stroke l e uses. Besides this, ho has never suff ered from tlie absurdities of training, lie keeps himself in good health, ami^ never on any account takes too violent exercise. We should judge by the way lie defeated Robert Watson Boyd and distanced Trickett that there is no oars man in the world able to ro^ within two hundr&l yards of Haulan. Ile will bo tlie champion oarsman of tlie world just as long as lie likes unless some will im-1 itnte liis style and with patient study I bring a better physique to !lie task. Hoffensteln’s Pants. Hoffensteln was busily engaged scold ing Ilermau 1 or not polishing a lot of brass jewelry there was ln the show case, when a thin, stoop shouldered country man entered the store and enquired: ••Have you got auy jean pants here?” “Certainly my front,” replied lloffen- stcin, “ vo makes a speciality uf goots in dot line, und ve defy competition. If vo seH anyding und you don't like, you gets your money back or someding else iu ex change, you know. Vas you farmer?” “Yes, sir, I livo up ou lied River.” “Veil, den, you need a pair of bants like these,” said Hoflensteia, pulling out a sky blue pair from a pile of clothing on tlie counter. “Dey vas der genuine doe skin, uud vill last der whole )-ear oud, you know.’’ The countryman took the pants to the liglrt, examined tlie texture of the cloth, and then shaking liis head knowingly,he said: “There’s too much cotton in them, they will shrink.” “Of course, my frent, dey vill shrink, but vait und I dells you souieiling. If a man rat owns a pauk or keepsa stliore comes here, I don’t sell him detn kind uf bants. Vv? Because dey vas nyuie ex- brtssly for a farming pisaess. Dey vas de demometer bants, and a blessing to every farmer vat vears a bair of dem. Do you know, my frcnt, dose bants vill dell you exactly vat de vedder vill be. Ven it vas going to be dry and warm, dey comes right dowu you know. Dree years ago I selt a bair uf detn to a man named Vilkins, uud efer since he makes good crops ven de beople don’t make nodings, because lie always knows by de demometer bants vat do vedder vill be. Afder awhile de people iu de neighborhood finds out the secret of Vilkius’s success, und at de beginning of de blunting seasou, you know, dey comes around, und if dey sec his Bants crawling up liis legs, dey holds ou and vaits for a chance, but if liis bants vas down, dey goes right back homo and puts in de crop. Dink uf it my frent. Mitderdcr- rnomcter bants you can tell exactly ven ter put iu de cabbage seed, and blant corn twice as better as mit any almanac, besides, vcu.de vedder gets so cold und Vet dot do bants goes up under your arms, you cau sew buttons on dem in front und vcaridem as a vest.” When Iloffenstein finished liis yarn concerning the pants, the countryman smiled and turning abruptly on ills heel, left tlie store. “Did you see de vay dat man acted, Herman ?” said iloffenstein angrily. . “Yes, sir,” replied tho clerk. “Veil, it shust shows dot de moro you try to help some beople along de more, py taui. you don’t get any tanks for it.” Don't Die in llie House. Ask druggists for “ Rough ou Rats.” It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box* The Newer Arithmetic. A county treasurer knows of a dead sure thing in wheat, and lie puts in $3000 of the people's cash. The distance from his town to Canada is ISO miles, and thu average speed of a railroad train is thirty five miles an hour. Find—but they never find 'em. A lady bought some tape for eleven cents, and some thread for two cents, aud worked off a quarter with a hole in it on the peddler. How much did she save to buy tracts for tlie heathen? A stone weighing twenty-two pounds is concealed under nn old hat. and a man kicks it with such force as to send It nine yards. As it takes two and oue-lialf pounds of aetivo pressure to move one pound of dead weight one fobt, what force did lie exert ? A man spends eighteen cents for lager, ten cents for tobacco, twenty cents for cigars, fifteen cents for street car fare, aud loses $1.50 at poker; lie then per mits his wife to purchase a button-hook for three cents, and figures that lier cx- travagauce xv ill ruin him iu three years. What is his capital ? . A man lias ninety-one sheep, eighty- seven calves and thirty-five pigs, aud lie desires to divide them equally among three sons,and a daughter shall havo nine more than tJ|c hoys. What will be tlio share of each, providing three sheep are stolen, two calves get lost and live pigs follow a circus away ? A boy having lost ono-ha!f of liis kite string, added forty-five feet’ licked two boys, clubbed a dog, and fell off a fence Tlie string was then oqe-half its origin al length. What was the original length ? A man gives an order for seven tons of coal aud finds that he lias ouly received six tons nnd 100 pounds, llow much more is due liim, nud what'll you take to convince tlie dealer tliat he must send it? . —Mrs. I.ydla E. Pinkham, 233 West ern Avenue, Lynn, Mass., is rapidly nc- qulringau enviable reputation for the surpr dfcg cures which daily result from the use of her Vegetable Com pound in all female diseases. Send to her for pamphlets. •Juvenile robbers are again at work at Niagara Falls. On Tuesday last, while the inmates of the Jones Hotel were ab sent, an intrauce was gained through a rear basement window, and two gold watches, several gold chains, charms, and other articles, of the total value of about $2(10, were takeu from the room of the proprietor’s wife. The police were notified, and after a through investiga tion two lads,named Hoey and Doherty, were arrested, and tlie most of the prop erty found at their homes. They were locked up to await examination. The President's Message. “Hare you read the President's mes sage, yet?” asked Erastus, as lie gazed fondly and lovingly into the eyes of lier through whom he hoped, at some time in tlie future, to capture a good bank ac count. “Yes, dearest,” replied she, “1 com pleted it only a few days ago.” “And what do you think of it?” “Oh, I think it is ju^ too awfully splen- birl for anything.” “Yes, as a literary production it is very good.’’ “And wasn’t it just too lovely to think that they got married at last, in spite of all the fuss!” Then followed a pause aud the j’oung mau’s mind wandered out into the front yard of the future, aud he asked himself what kind of woman that would be to bring up and educate the family ef which lie hoped to be tho father. Recognized It. IBS. LYOIA L FiaiHlM, OF IMS. HASS., [Welland Tribune.] A primary teaeher, not a thousand uniles from here, is describing the ban ana, aud the children are to name it. Finally she steps to tlie hoard and draws an outline of tlie fruit. Up comes John nie’s hand. “ Well, Johnnie, what have I in scribed?” “Cucumber!” “Oh, no; the cucumber grows here, and 1 told you this fruit grows in tiie south; besides, is not a cucumber a veg etable ?” Johnnie yields the point and relapses into a brown study. Soon an idea strikes him suid up comes the hand again. “ Are you sure you arc right this time, Johnnie ?” “ Yes’m ”—with self-nssuruucc. “Well, what is it?” “ Sausage!” is the triumphant rejoin er. __ _____ IIvititiT Dut;. A very indignant man marched up to a neighbors house aud exclaimed: “ Here, Tom, you rascal, liere’s your dog; I’ll trouble you to give me back the five shillings 1 gaye you for it.” “ What’s the matter with tho dog?” said Tom, calm and unruffled. “ You warranted him to hunt rabbits, didn't you ?” “ And lie don't?” “ No; he isn t worth anything nt all,’ replied tlie visitor. ' “Have you tried tlie dog? “ Certainly 1 have, and it is a down right swindle.” “ llow were tlio rabbits cooked?” “ Cooked?” “ Y’cs. Were thoy boiled?” “ Of course not. “ Did you roast them?” “ Why, you old idiot, they were alive —wild rabbits.” “ That explains it,” said Tom. “1 thought there was something wrong. You eook the rabbits and givo the dog half a chanee, and then you’ll see how he’ll hunt for them.” The victim threw the dog into a cor ner aud rushed away. T he L argest Cow. The largest cow in the world Is owned by Martin S. Stakes, of Grayville, White County. 111. She is seven yearc old and weighs 3,000 pounds,is 17!.j hands liiglqlO.'^ feet long from tlie eud of the nose to the but tock, 17).< feet from tlie nose to the end of the tail, 8 feet and 9 inches around the girth, 2Ginches around tlie fore-arm and 31 inches across tlie Dips. She lias beeu exhibited in four States—Illinois, Indi ana, Missouri and Tennessee. She is white and red, mostly tlie latter, well- fonned and a perfect beauty. —The water iu the canal at Lockport rose so high last Saturday as to overflew the locks, and threatened at one time to wash away the tow-path. f m m FO It RHEUM ATISM , Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Spell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No PrepHration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil a* a safe, sure, si tuple find cheap External Keruedf. A trial entails but the comparattrelj trifling outlay of 60 O nt*, and every one Buffering witb ran have cheap aud positive proof of ita claims. Direction* in Eleven languages. COLD BY ALL DRUGG18TB AND DEALERS IN MEDI0IHE. A . V O G ELER & C O ., liultimore, Md., V, S. A» HIGHEST AND BEST AWARD FOIi THE BEST MILL MADE LYDIA E. PINKHAItf'8 ^ V E G E T A B L E COMPOUND. jHf^Po»ltWeOitre for all those FntnfTil Coir.’Out nt* nml WetiV ressea no com nt on to our beet female populfltlon. It will euro entirely tbe wornt form of female Gobi* plaints, all ovarian trouble*, Inflammation and Fleera tion, Falling and Displacement*, nnd tlio ronseqdrnt Bptnal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of IJfo. It will dissolve and expel tumors from tbo utonis In an early stage of devolopmer.t. Tlio tendency to can* cerous humors there Is checked very speedily Ly Its use. It removes faln$MM, flatulency, destroy sail craving for stimulants, and relievos wopknots of tho stomach. It cures Bloating, Iltatfachca, Fcrvou* Prostrati, n. General Debility, Blscplessuess, Deprosalon and I di gestion. That feeling of bearing down, can ring pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its uso. It will at all times and under all clrcumstancos not ln harmony with the laws that govern tbo female system. Forthecureof Kidney CompiaiaU of either sox this Compound Is unsurpaupod. LYDIA E. PINILIIAM’S VEGETABLE COM POUND I* prepared ut *33 and Mi Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Trice $1. BU bottlesfor |ft. Bent by mall Intheform of pills, also intho form of loxonges, on receipt of prlaft, $1 per box for either, lira. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as abovo. JfniiLm this Paper. No family should bo without LYDIA E. I'lNKFTAM'B LIVER FILM. They cure constipation, blllousn(>«sf and torpidity of the liver. *6 cents por box. Hold by ull Drugp ’ te. -fc* TO LADIE'i mu 1 The A. P. DICKEY “GIANT” Farm and Warehouse FANNING MILLS i Received the Centennial Piplooui and Grand Medal; ulso Pari* Award in iBvS.for Jhsrahility . Mtapid- ity. Economy nnd H KST WORM. They clean j perfectly Outs, Ghei , Cockle and all foul matter out , of Wheat and Barley; grade and separate ail hinds of 1 grain for market or set ding, and will save suy ono ; annually their cost. Ljwcst freight* procured for > purchaser*. Address, I D IC K E Y A P E A S E , iUa*f»ctu«n, RAC1NK, W J*. G. W. 1IOOV1 *t. Agent, , Swormville, N.Y. iCUT THIS OUT! •*aE .V,s S t B S S 4 0 w V .,«. We hnve stores In 15 lending Cities. We will a*nd 1 Itauitlful ‘ llvor-plntt-d llutlcr knlfo, 1 u ■ Beautiful KII»cr-i.UU«l Un arBlu-ll {1 book, ‘’I.KiiKuugnl Isf tba Flower*|■ ftfl pWx i* full size Vocal Mum Rnal ■ Piano accompaniment, t .tail Iroin K6 to &0 ccnU eacIi I ■ at stores; and a bcautbul Illustrated Jlugiwltie, tlirecl I months, post-paid If ' I to pay postage and I months, post-paid If IQ thre«-ccnt stamps air sent! to pay postage and packing expenses. Address a B. tl. fUUkOlT A t O., I’ubltahi rN 10 lUrrU; St., S. fj fHITt liOUSE ITJmONLV BOOK Y .I of th, Idnrt M8 ever pub’d iWKDlTION. S3? I Washington »o the present tim* with over ao Steel Portraits 1 of the Ladies of the White House, with viuw of many of tbo I Homes of the Presidents. This is tlio most salable book |published. Agent* wanted—scud tut Circulars, with full aha1® BRADLEY S CO., PublUhcr^ 68 Nona 4th St.. Phllpitetohla. P«. Our illustrated Liven ol the Ja m ie llrotbcre i cnlarjyd to (m»0 Hugos witli TO llliiMt:utioni*. ■ ’ nd laromjTete Including the Death And burial oi J««»e. We also Illustrate the kilting, the house, lesse lames after death, ids wife, his two children txirn In outlawry, the Fords whotnade the capture,etc.als<» a hi 11-page engraving of Gov. Crittenden. ABkNTH W4 NTKII. Cii ulars free. Outfits 4 Orta. This is the only true history. Jlc w a re of smaller editions, fine fdceant Ibiutrated Volume of 6UO Page*. Secure only the Heat. largest und Clionpeat. ( I *11 k t ATI riB .,O U , Nu. 17aV est 4th bt.. Cincinnati, (X JESSE AND FRANK JAMES P A T E N T S We continue to net nwPoHfltora for rntrnts, Cnvwits, Trade Marks, Copyrights, t*U\, for the United hUtD”*, Panada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc,. Wo have luul lliirty-live years 9 ex perieuec. Patents obtained through iih nre noticed In the RCT- Entific amkuican. This large nnd splendid Illus trated weekly paper, $ 3 «RO a year,shows tbo Pn »gre»8 or Science, Is very Interesting,and has an enoiiwms circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent H**llcl tors, VuU’a. of 8<ikntiho Amkhican, H7 Park Row, pew Yyyk. Hand hook abo.ut Patents free. M. N. LOVELL UFfVlO?N 5 v*.’ O P M M S THOUSANDS ■< refi-r.- ft nt cured. imy until (’u 4 Dr. J. H i EP11KNM, U bsum *. Ok J OYFTTj N«»w* for Roy* and Olrl* 11 Young and Old 11 A NKW IN- VKMTON j ust patcutod lor thorn, I t Borne u*o! fritob aud Scroll Rawing, Turning, Boring. 1)rtlling,Grinding, Polishing, Screw Cutting. Price f5 to $60. Pond 0 conte for 100 pug"*. JftPHHAIM DROWN, Lowell, M l M TIRO. I.UMliKR, LATH, SlIlNUl.KH, ANU (JEAKU i l.NC K POSTS. Tlio imclornlifuoil in pMqmruiI to furnish every description of ImildlnK material in tho lumber line. Full stock of rough nnd dressed lumber constantly on hand. My stock is jm ri Iinsed di rect from the manufacturers in Canada. 1’nr- tiescontcniplaiiiiif building will lUid it to their advantage to call nl THE WILSON LUMBER YARD Beforo purchasing elsewhere. Ill LL TI.UJtKK, Any sine and length delivered in C a r Loth, nt Lewiston, nt W holkhali : FtuuiiRH. Tbo proprietor has raeently added n NEW 1*LA NTNG MILL. And is now in a position to furnish customers at as low a wito as any dealer in the County Fencing Lumber always on haml. Come and sec the celebrated Patent Shaved Shingles, SOUETIIINO NKW. Planing nnd matching to order nt rensonnldo rates,also, Hash, Doors, Blinds and Moulding A. J. McBRIER. ly on of tlio J 'OII PRINTING promptly nnd neatly ex ecuted nt low figures, at the oflflce Nl auauaCopvti Nkwh. W a t e r s ’ \ Organs nro tho meat nFiAUTTFrii fiiBTYLKft nnd /.‘K ItlT C T In TON Mcvt r iiuulc. They rnntitin c very Improvement licccHnary lor il flrrif-rlnr* OIK: AN,including our Celebrated (iKCIlKH* TH AIj HTOP, v»hiidi i «a I'iu« ?inlruilou nl llio Hum tm Voice; nnow itli in’ without v I'ldmiv nl'30 llcllfiftuned tn perfect hur mo it y w 1 fla ih o Ite* j!m. prod iu-i n jc ii h <• cetlmfh tniw'Soal mid eleetrifvln/r. AVATCUJV 11AICHONKJ “ NEW i AVORITI., CHOU und MXUKT OII- <«AN 8 ?in iiiii(|nn Frcnrhrn/iPMf eoinhine* PUR ITY of vorriNG win*€jui;at iiiijUaik «r TONK, httUaMc for Parlor, ISrliool or Cliurrh* I’rlrci |(IO, .*> IOC, upward. SO rA IlB undirPnT G IIT jn-nlhn lilH TMAOK I or QUALITY el TONBEAUTY of FINIHH and UUKAT IIUHABIU l Y they CANNUTIh? EXCRLLKD. Price,with ntool,Cover nnd Ro»k,Hov<'d h*hipp<d .inly 8100, fp w in L Kvrrv PIANdcn.l OHKAN U AK1UNTKU . UAItS, to fcivr I . Mr H.ll.fsr,I„„ Prtrr. RKirouiLly how. .flfonthiv InslnlmeiifH received. II' ' Mfulogne I r« « .AGENTS W ANI EI#. HORACE WATER? & CO.. Man<<f<ictur. rr. VijLTLTUOiUJ? fidi fc'* a biWUltfttfl N* V *O# 4*0* J,UuO.) IH E G IL P IN 3XJI_.KT5T ^IjO 'vv virortzs A.irvoLiA.TzcAXi.v. THCSINCLE LEVER SULKY, KtNC OF THE TURF. DRAWS LIGHTER THAN THE HAND-PLOW. :f OVER 10,000 MADE AND SOLD ANNUALLY. ALL IRON ANO STEEL. Th« id v*ntziftboOM fifn *’ol» ky Plow • n<*w«rwlu W wlnr in tb« I'nltfffFtatj-B . H UAf UIEVKliA StMCKHg r .1 1 »r 1 tli.n anyoiliertir|.l*m«-Lt rr- erlntrjftur.^4 tu tUe Wc-tern fanner. S*e«eM i*Alw*yBU<« (rue ttatof invrit, Aial In mv rtiln«ry th«i u’uu/Ft ekmpUnty roiM lKrill wlfli thn imrlorru- »no« t t IU work Ih fcfttonu J. ht>afmpUla tf»nOU |.in In flB J ofx-nllon thal tb* uaaKUIadl ran iim, 11ANwell itathn fkIIIM flnwm-io eud with t j'ieiijr got r*itilt* 0 .%IC IiF.Vi:It ONLY nKQCIRfnr#, end tbet ie only io refftdet* of plowing end 10 kvel Irani*-, «• um (fiowan’ u reiK l u it ..f tu* ground aatomaticeily i-r Hmplv f/ju'-blnk • *rrior. ____ w.rk I. .11 uflr, B..K,, Ir. n W il KTIWIVC 4 VII III It A III.K I* (O VmUf- Tat* a, au-l of aa l!/l t lraft tothet^am frarryln* thadrt**r ou en ceay Beet, where Lc L+e laJi vlaw ot wore endlow Isol ot t^am nn theor Hriarybani-plowdolnar tueeeme work. ITH h lF kH lilK U O K K *»v;r tbat <1 me by the *-r i. vary Vend pi /r or* J j.ny ita foot In • dnrla rrop, by reeaon tunnmfri* d.-plljattain*-!, »u«l t i- tr * -vi froth u-^-.owed fr-t.uuee » ' * locked 11/ rr-! vi a • ■ 'rour^l **»d'■ >»» *ot»* lur « I. out hy herd 0 f,r.ta or ran irr« w*H of weed* or v;aea. T H ttJKTl I’K B C IA T . N O H I i H tfU lt Gib L* *cc«jiBj<itcUe.'l f iv ’y tfien \n an v ''tber nr sir ut. bM*D FOB CliiCULAB AJtD PAP.kBB '8 DIABY FOB 1882. UIY ONLY THU L U tU I , 51 AJIUi ACTI K I D BV 1)EliIIP & COMPANY, MOLINE- ILLINOIS,

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Page 1: FA N N IN G M ILLSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057653/1882-05-26/ed... · 2014-06-04 · THE IIO.HE DOCTOR. Health Alphabet. A —fl soon ab you aro lip ehakt ldankctfi aud

T H E IIO.HE DOCTOR.Health Alphabet.

A —fl soon ab you aro lip eh akt ldankctfi aud s h e e t s ;

B — o t t e r l i o w i t h o u t s h o e s t h a n s i t w i t h w e t f e e t ;

( — i i i l d r e r . i t h c a l t ) a r c * n e t i v e , n o t s t i l l ;J ) — a m p b e d a n d d a m p c l o t h * > w i l l b o t h m a k e

V O t i i l l ;" E - a t s l o w l v a n d a l w a y s c l x * w y o u r f o o d w e l l : 1^— r e s h e n t h e a i r i n t h e h o u s e w h e r e v o n d w e l l ;

O — a r m c n t s m u s t n e v e r 1 •: i n u h - t »o t i t : h t ; i f — o i n e a s h o u l d h e h e a l t h y , a i r y a n d l i g h t , f — I y o u w i s h t o b e w e l l , h h v o u d o , I ' v e n o

d o u b t ,J — ii fe t o p e n t h e w i n d o w s b e f o r e y o u g o o u t .K — < * e p y o y r r o o m s a l w a y s t i d y a n d c m a n ;I j — e t d u s t o n t n e f u r n i t u r e n e v e r b e s e e n .M — u c h i l l n e s s i s c a u s e d b y t h e w a n t o f p u r e

a i r ;N — o w , t o o p < . t h e w i n d o w s b e e v e r y o u r c a r e ; O — l d r a g s a n d o l d r u b b i f c h s h o u l d n e v e r b e

k e p t ;P — e o p l e s h o u l d a e e t h a t t h e i r i l o o r s a r e w e l l

B w e p t .Q — u i c k m o v e m e n t s i n c h i k l r c a r t h e a l t h y a m i

i i g h t ;I t — c r o c r i i h e r , t h e y o u r ? c a n n o t t h r i v e w i t h o u t

l i g h t .t t — e e t h a t t h e c i s t e r n i s d e a n f o t h e b r i m ;T — a k e c a r e t h a t v o u r d r < - i * a l l t i d y a n d t r i m ; I T — sc- y o u r n o s e t« > A n d i f t h e r e h e u b a d d r a i n , V — e r y s a d a r o t h e f e v e r s t h a t , c o n i c f r o m i t s

train;W — a l l : a s m u c h a s y o n >:i j w i t h o u t f e e l i n g f a ­

t i g u e ;X — o r : : v i c o u l d w a l k f u l l . m n y a l e i t g u e .V — o u r h e a l t h i s y o u r w e a l t h , w h i c h w i s d o m

m u s l k e e p ;Z — c a l w i l l h e l p a g o o d c a m , a n d t h o g o o d y o u

w i l l r e a p .

lluw to Restore (tic Drowned.|Hr. FonlV. Monthly JI.'uKh Journiil.J

Doctor Howard, nr il'al cr of New York librhor,recently 1 xpluincd at tho ree.ivlnjr-house of th<‘ ltoyal JIu- mauo doeiety, Condon, his method of resuscitating persons i-ikcn from tli wa­ter in a state of Insensibility. Tligbrln- eiples upon s\ hleh he net -' ure these of clearing away the water and uiucus whieli prevent the entrance of air Into the lungs, and the limitation of the movements of the chest in respiration. Ile lirst empties the stomach and'pas­sages of water. For the lie place ti • patient faee downward, puts a : dle,f something hard under tlio pit of the stomach, so that it is above tiie level of tho mouth, aud then presses with all his force ou the back. Afterward, to set tip artiliciai breathing, instead of tiie partial rolling of the body or the pump­ing action of the arm now practiced, the body is laid upon the back with tiie clothes stripped down to tlio waist. The pit of tho stomach is now raised to tlie highest point by something under the back. A bundle of clothing or the body of another man will do for this. The head is thrown back and the tongue must be drawn forw ard ly an a. dstant, so as to keep open tlie entrance to tlie air tubes. The hands aro passed above tlie head, tho wrists crossed, and the arms kept, tirmly extended, ln this po­sition tlie chest is fully expanded. The operator then kneels astride the body, places liis hands ou tiie lower part of the ribs, aud steadily and gradually makes compression. Balancing himself on liis knees he inclines himself forward until ids face noarly touches tiiat of tiie pa­tient, und so lets fall the whole rVbiglit of the body mpou tlie eiiest. When this has yielded as much as it will lie throws himself back by a sudden push to his .first position of kneeling, and tho elas­tic ribs by their expanding hellows-ac- tion draw air into the lungs. These manoeuvres must be repeated regularly twelve or fifteen times in the minute.

Catarrh of Hie Bladder.Stinging, smarting, irritation of the

urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Bueliupaiba. $1. at druggists. ITopaid by express. $1.25, fi for $5. 10.>S. WELLS, .Jersey City, N. J.

Mow Fi.,ii H ooks are Matk*[\yido Awake.]

Boys, how long do you suppose it would tako you to make a respectable fish-hook? What do you suppose it would cost you to have a lirst class 'work­man mako you ono as good as one you can buy for a penny?

i!ut I saw a magical little machine not loug ago bite olt n piece of steel wire, chew it a moment, and then spit it out formed into a perfect hook, i t would toss out those little hooks every half-sec­ond, the different machines making the different sues.

There arc eight steps in the making of a fish-liook by the machines I saw. The boy wlio tended one of them snatch­ed specimens from the machine as tlioy wore passing through, and showed me how each stroke of tlie little chisels and hammers added to the bit of wire that went in, until it came out a finished liook and ready to fish with, though prob­ably the more fastidious fish wouldn’t touch it because it hadn’t yet been pol­ished.

Tlie curious little machines would lirst nip off bits of wire; another stroke of the machine aud the bit of wire had a little loop in one end. The lo-xt half second tlie wire bad a hack in it near the* other end. Then catuc a little liani- merstroke which flattened out tlie hack­ed cud Then a little chisel shaved this flattened end into a point. Then fini-li- ing tools shaped down the sides of the point. Ami last of all, it receives oue crook, and drops a perfectly formed hook nto the little bucket, having been only

four seconds before nothing but au inch or more of steel wire on a reel.

T h e r e a re tw o w a y s of finishing these hooks. E i th e r t h e y a r e “ ja p an n e d ,” which gives them the b lack finish, Which is tlie m os t com m on one, o r th e y a rc fin­ished w ith th a t fine b lu e th a t is f re ­q uen tly p u t upon sw ords and cu tlery , iu is done by hea t in g them in a fu rnace till they come to a “ ch errv -red ” as the w o rkm en call it an d then th e y are pour­ed in to a bucket of oil an d left to cool.After finishing they a. o taken un to the def -lingered g ir l- , who rapidly count them by hooking them over a piece o f coarse wire, and throwing out nt the same rime the imperfect ones. '1 hen they pack them in neat boxe? and they are stacked up ready for market.

ADAM’S FALL.lVhat it has Cost Husbands and F a th ­

ers E ier Since.[W hitehall Times.]

Adam was the first man—-if he had | been a shoemaker he would liave been flic last man.

He wns placed in the Garden of Eden, nnd was biirself the guardian of Eden. He consequently hnd no partner to or-

r him u p mornings, and he therefore played it alone.

All tlie clothes he had for a long time wns tin ' lose of day, while a mantle of i ight was Ids bedclothes.

He had dominion over the fish of the sea, tlie birds of the air, aud he also had hoc minion over llie earth.

fie was finally furnished with a wo­man of A-rib-ia, who was sent to Eden for Adam’s Express Company, hho was bone of iiis bearin’, aud if slio had beene.alicd Nancy she would have been liis hone-Naney.

She was a very good took, for she soou cooked up trouble for Adam aud got him into hot water.

When Adam went down to the office m ornings, Eve also went to lier house­hold duties, h u t she w as a fortunate w om an in one respect. She had uo w ash ing to do on M onday, so Adam was iv vt r nliiie ted by having to eat bread and m ilk from the clock shelf.

Eve never called him hack and told him to send home f oine soap or starch it once, nor did it cost Adam live shil­

lings a week for clothes pins, for the beautiful smile tliat Mr. and Mrs. Adam always wore could lie licked clean with the tip end of their tongues.

I’.ut they wer not a. happy couple,for tlie Fourth of July was unknown in Edeu.

They never listened to the bang of tlie cannon, the guu or the firecracker, but Eve used to bang her hair .quite often. woro tight boots.

• ( corns.I shirts with buttons imd ■( off.| holes iu liis stockings.I holes in his pockets, wore patched pantaloons, spill ieo-cream on liis laveudor pants, pawned his ulster, pulled down his vest.| burst his suspender buttons.I paid two dollars pen' day for i washing.I owed liis tailor.

f f corsets.I striped stockings, woro ( rats., I mice.( frizzes, wan bothered to find a dress­maker, found fault with her mil­liner.gossiped with her next door neighbor, wont to church nnd made fun of a rival’s now bon­net,hnd beaux from church

When w e say never, no one need say hardly ever. Hut Mr. and Mrs. Adam fell j ust tlio same; as we draw a veil over their fall, let us ask every head of a fam­ily if they don’t feel like howling when Adam didu’t know what a good thi ng lie had

dressmakers') milliners Ishoemakers |When ho didn’t j hosiery () jewelry f' false hair |ribbontaffy jBut lv? could have laid in liis hammock

from sunrise to sunset,and read the daily papers without feeling tliat lie must go down town and work like thunder, so liis wife and daughters could have new bonnets to wear to church on the next Sabbnih day.

A d a m n ever

E v e never

h a vo a u ybitls to iny*

Scotch Caution.

A traveler recently called at the shop of a tradesman in Gateshead, and, giv­ing Ids name to tho man behind tiie counter (whom we shall call Sandy), remarked that on lib last visit twelve months previous lie hud not had the pleasure of seeing Sandy in tlie shop. He then turned to business when the following conversation occurred:

Traveler— “ Well, is Mr. McGregor i l l 1 ”

Sandy—“ I’m thinkin’ no.”Traveler—“ Ah, will lie be in soon?’’ Sandy—“ 1 wadua like to say that he

Wllll.”Traveler—“ Hum, will lie be iu about

tliis time to-morrow?”Sandy—“ It’s no’ reasonable to expect

it.”Traveler—' * AV iiy ?”Sandy—“ Because he’s beeu deed the

better pairt o’ twal months.”Brain and Serve.

Wells’ Health Benewor, greatest cinedy on earth for iinjjttt-iice, lean- iu sexual debility, «So. $1. at. drug­gist o 1’repaid hv eSpress, $1.25, (1 for $5., E. S. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J.Hanlan's Stroke.

[N ow Y o rk N i’ws.]Many wonder why tlie champion oars­

man .so easily defeats all his competitors. Well, Hainan lias brains aud made scull­ing a study. It took him three months of incessant practice to learu tlie stroke l e uses. Besides this, ho has never suff­ered from tlie absurdities of training, l ie keeps himself in good health, ami^ never on any account takes too violent exercise. We should judge by the way lie defeated Robert Watson Boyd and distanced Trickett that there is no oars­man in the world able to ro^ within two hundr&l yards of Haulan. Ile will bo tlie champion oarsman of tlie world just as long as lie likes unless some will im-1 itnte liis style and with patient study I bring a better physique to !lie task.

H o f f e n s t e l n ’ s P a n t s .

Hoffensteln was busily engaged scold­ing Ilermau 1 or not polishing a lot of brass jewelry there was ln the show case, when a thin, stoop shouldered country­man entered the store and enquired:

••Have you got auy jean pants here?” “Certainly my front,” replied lloffen-

stcin, “ vo makes a speciality uf goots in dot line, und ve defy competition. If vo seH anyding und you don't like, you gets your money back or someding else iu ex­change, you know. Vas you farmer?”

“ Yes, sir, I livo up ou lied River.” “ Veil, den, you need a pair of bants

like these,” said Hoflensteia, pulling out a sky blue pair from a pile of clothing on tlie counter. “Dey vas der genuine doe­skin, uud vill last der whole )-ear oud, you know.’’

The countryman took the pants to the liglrt, examined tlie texture of the cloth, and then shaking liis head knowingly,he said:

“There’s too much cotton in them, they will shrink.”

“Of course, my frent, dey vill shrink, but vait und I dells you souieiling. If a man rat owns a pauk or keepsa stliore comes here, I don’t sell him detn kind uf bants. Vv? Because dey vas nyuie ex- brtssly for a farming pisaess. Dey vas de demometer bants, and a blessing to every farmer vat vears a bair of dem. Do you know, my frcnt, dose bants vill dell you exactly vat de vedder vill be. Ven it vas going to be dry and warm, dey comes right dowu you know. Dree years ago I selt a bair uf detn to a man named Vilkins, uud efer since he makes good crops ven de beople don’t make nodings, because lie always knows by de demometer bants vat do vedder vill be. Afder awhile de people iu de neighborhood finds out the secret of Vilkius’s success, und at de beginning of de blunting seasou, you know, dey comes around, und if dey sec his Bants crawling up liis legs, dey holds ou and vaits for a chance, but if liis bants vas down, dey goes right back homo and puts in de crop. Dink uf it my frent. M itderdcr- rnomcter bants you can tell exactly ven ter put iu de cabbage seed, and blant corn twice as better as mit any almanac, besides, vcu.de vedder gets so cold und Vet dot do bants goes up under your arms, you cau sew buttons on dem in front und vcaridem as a vest.”

When Iloffenstein finished liis yarn concerning the pants, the countryman smiled and turning abruptly on ills heel, left tlie store. “Did you see de vay dat man acted, Herman ?” said iloffenstein angrily.. “Yes, sir,” replied tho clerk.

“Veil, it shust shows dot de moro you try to help some beople along de more, py taui. you don’t get any tanks for it.”

D o n 't Die in llie House.Ask druggists for “ Rough ou Rats.”

It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box*

The Newer Arithmetic.

A county treasurer knows of a dead sure thing in wheat, and lie puts in $3000 of the people's cash. The distance from his town to Canada is ISO m iles, and thu average speed of a railroad train is thirty five miles an hour. Find—but they never find 'em.

A lady bought some tape for eleven cents, and some thread for two cents, aud worked off a quarter with a hole in it on the peddler. How much did she save to buy tracts for tlie heathen?

A stone weighing twenty-two pounds is concealed under nn old hat. and a man kicks it with such force as to send It nine yards. As it takes two and oue-lialf pounds of aetivo pressure to move one pound of dead weight one fobt, what force did lie exert ?

A man spends eighteen cents for lager, ten cents for tobacco, twenty cents for cigars, fifteen cents for street car fare, aud loses $1.50 at poker; lie then per­mits his wife to purchase a button-hook for three cents, and figures that lier cx- travagauce xv ill ruin him iu three years. What is his capital ?. A man lias ninety-one sheep, eighty- seven calves and thirty-five pigs, aud lie desires to divide them equally among three sons,and a daughter shall havo nine more than tJ|c hoys. What will be tlio share of each, providing three sheep are stolen, two calves get lost and live pigs follow a circus away ?

A boy having lost ono-ha!f of liis kite string, added forty-five feet’ licked two boys, clubbed a dog, and fell off a fence Tlie string was then oqe-half its origin­al length. What was the original length ?

A man gives an order for seven tons of coal aud finds that he lias ouly received six tons nnd 100 pounds, llow much more is due liim, nud what'll you take to convince tlie dealer tliat he must send it? .

—Mrs. I.ydla E. Pinkham, 233 W est­ern Avenue, Lynn, Mass., is rapidly nc- qulringau enviable reputation for the surpr dfcg cures which daily result from the use of her Vegetable Com­pound in all female diseases. Send to her for pamphlets.

•Juvenile robbers are again at work at Niagara Falls. On Tuesday last, while the inmates of the Jones Hotel were ab­sent, an intrauce was gained through a rear basement window, and two gold watches, several gold chains, charms, and other articles, of the total value of about $2(10, were takeu from the room of the proprietor’s wife. The police were notified, and after a through investiga­tion two lads,named Hoey and Doherty, were arrested, and tlie most of the prop­erty found at their homes. They were locked up to await examination.

The President's Message.

“Hare you read the President's mes­sage, yet?” asked Erastus, as lie gazed fondly and lovingly into the eyes of lier through whom he hoped, at some time in tlie future, to capture a good bank ac­count.

“Yes, dearest,” replied she, “1 com­pleted it only a few days ago.”

“ And what do you think of it? ”“Oh, I think it is ju^ too awfully splen-

birl for anything.”“ Yes, as a literary production it is

very good.’’“And wasn’t it just too lovely to think

that they got married at last, in spite of all the fuss!”

Then followed a pause aud the j’oung mau’s mind wandered out into the front yard of the future, aud he asked himself what kind of woman that would be to bring up and educate the family ef which lie hoped to be tho father.

Recognized It.


[W elland Tribune.]A primary teaeher, not a thousand uniles from here, is describing the ban­ana, aud the children are to name it. Finally she steps to tlie hoard and draws an outline of tlie fruit. Up comes John­nie’s hand.

“ Well, Johnnie, what have I in ­scribed?”

“Cucumber!”“Oh, n o ; the cucumber grows here,

and 1 told you this fruit grows in tiie south; besides, is not a cucumber a veg­etable ?”

Johnnie yields the point and relapses into a brown study. Soon an idea strikes him suid up comes the hand again.

“ Are you sure you arc right this time, Johnnie ?”

“ Yes’m ”—with self-nssuruucc.“ Well, what is it?”“ Sausage!” is the triumphant rejoin­

er. __ _____I I v i t i t i T D u t ;.

A very indignant man marched up to a neighbors house aud exclaimed:

“ Here, Tom, you rascal, liere’s your dog; I ’ll trouble you to give me back the five shillings 1 gaye you for it.”

“ What’s the matter with tho dog?” said Tom, calm and unruffled.

“ You warranted him to hunt rabbits, didn't you ?”

“ And lie don't?”“ No; he isn t worth anything nt all,’

replied tlie visitor.' “ Have you tried tlie dog?“ Certainly 1 have, and it is a down­

right swindle.”“ llow were tlio rabbits cooked?”“ Cooked?”“ Y’cs. Were thoy boiled?”“ Of course not.“ Did you roast them?”“ Why, you old idiot, they were alive

—wild rabbits.”“ That explains it,” said Tom. “ 1

thought there was something wrong. You eook the rabbits and givo the dog half a chanee, and then you’ll see how he’ll hunt for them.”

The victim threw the dog into a cor­ner aud rushed away.

T h e L a r g e s t Cow. — The largest cow in the world Is owned by Martin S. Stakes, of Grayville, White County.111. She is seven yearc old and weighs3,000 pounds,is 17!.j hands liiglqlO.'^ feet long from tlie eud of the nose to the but­tock, 17).< feet from tlie nose to the end of the tail, 8 feet and 9 inches around the girth, 2G inches around tlie fore-arm and 31 inches across tlie Dips. She lias beeu exhibited in four States—Illinois, Indi­ana, Missouri and Tennessee. She is white and red, mostly tlie latter, well- fonned and a perfect beauty.

—The water iu the canal at Lockport rose so high last Saturday as to overflew the locks, and threatened at one time to wash away the tow-path.


m mF O I t

R H E U M A T I S M ,Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,

Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Spell­

ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily

Pains,Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted

Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches.

No PrepHration on earth equals St. Jacobs O il a* a safe, sure, si tuple find cheap External Keruedf. A trial entails but th e comparattrelj trifling outlay of 60 O nt*, and every one Buffering witb ran have cheap aud positive proof of ita claims.

Direction* in Eleven la n g u ag es .COLD BY ALL DRUGG18TB AND DEALERS

IN MEDI0IHE.A . V O G E L E R & C O . ,liu ltim ore , M d., V, S. A»



jH f^ P o » ltW eO itrefo r a l l th o s e FntnfTil Coir.’Out nt* nm l WetiV re s s e a

no com nt on to o u r b ee t fe m a le popu lfltlon .I t w ill euro en tirely tb e wornt form of female Gobi*

plain ts, all ovarian trouble*, Inflammation and F lee ra tion , Falling and Displacement*, nnd tlio ronseqdrnt Bptnal W eakness, an d Is particu larly adapted to th e C hange o f IJfo.

I t w ill dissolve and expel tum ors from tbo u ton is Ina n ea rly stage of devolopmer.t. Tlio tendency to can* cerous hum ors there Is checked very speedily Ly Its use.

I t rem oves faln$MM, flatulency, destroy sail craving fo r stim ulants, and relievos wop knots of tho stomach. I t cu res Bloating, Iltatfachca, Fcrvou* Prostrati, n. General Debility, Blscplessuess, Deprosalon and I d i­gestion.

T ha t feeling o f bearing down, can ring pain , w eight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its uso.

I t w ill a t a ll tim es and under a ll clrcum stancos not ln harm ony w ith th e laws th a t govern tbo fem ale system.

F o r th e c u re o f K idney Com piaiaU of either sox th is Compound Is unsurpaupod.

L Y D IA E . P IN IL IIA M ’S V E G E T A B L E COM ­PO U N D I* prepared u t *33 and Mi Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Trice $1. BU bottlesfor |ft. Bent by m all Intheform of pills, also intho form o f loxonges, on receipt of prlaft, $1 per box for either, lira. Pinkham freely answers a ll le tte rs o f Inquiry. Bend for pamph­let. Address as abovo. JfniiLm this Paper.

No fam ily should bo w ithout LYDIA E. I'lNKFTAM'B LIVER FILM . They cure constipation, blllousn(>«sf and to rp id ity of the liver. *6 cents por box.

Hold b y u l l D rugp ’ te. -fc*

TO LADIE'i mu 1


Farm and WarehouseFA N N IN G M ILLS

i R eceived th e C en tenn ia l P ip lo o u i an d G ran d M edal; ulso Pari* A w ard in iB vS .for J h s r a h i l i t y . M ta p id - i t y . E c o n o m y nnd H K S T W O R M . T hey c lean

j perfec tly O u t s , G h e i , C ock le a n d a ll foul m a tte r o u t , o f W hea t a n d B a rley ; g ra d e a n d sep a ra te a il h inds of 1 g ra in for m arket o r set d ing, a n d w ill save s u y ono ; annually th e ir cost. L jw c s t freight* p ro cu red fo r > purchaser* . A ddress,I D I C K E Y A P E A S E , iU a* f»ctu«n ,R A C 1N K , W J* .G. W. 1IOOV1 *t. Agent,

, Sw orm ville, N .Y .

i CUT THIS OUT!•*aE.V ,s S t B S S 4 0 w V . , « .W e h n v e s t o r e s In 1 5 l e n d in g C i t i e s .

We will a*nd 1 Itauitlful ‘ llvor-plntt-d llutlcr knlfo, 1 u■ Beautiful KII»cr-i.UU«l Un arBlu-ll {1 book, ‘ ’ I.KiiKuugnl I s f tba Flower*|■ ftfl pWx i* full size Vocal Mum R n a l■ Piano accompaniment, t .tail Iroin K6 to &0 ccnU eacIi I■ at stores; and a bcautbul Illustrated Jlugiwltie, t lire c l I months, post-paid If 'I to pay postage andI months, post-paid If IQ thre«-ccnt stamps a ir sen t!

to pay postage and packing expenses. Address a B. tl. fUUkOlT A t O., I’ubltahi rN 10 lUrrU; St., S. f j

f H I T t l i O U S EITJmONLV BOOK Y . I of th , Idnrt M 8 ever pub’d i W K D l T I O N . S3?I Washington »o the present tim* with over ao Steel Portraits 1 o f the Ladies of the White House, with viuw of many of tbo I Homes of the Presidents. This is tlio most salable book |published. Agent* wanted—scud tut Circulars, with full

a h a 1® BRADLEY S CO., PublUhcr^ 6 8 Nona 4th St.. Phllpitetohla. P«.

Our illustrated L iven ol the J a m i e l lro tb c re i cnlarjyd to (m»0 Hugos witli TO llliiM t:utioni*. ■’ nd laromjTete Including the Death And burial oi J««»e. We also Illustrate the kilting, the house, lesse lames after death, ids wife, his two children txirn In outlawry, the Fords whotnade the capture,etc.als<» a hi 11-page engraving of Gov. Crittenden. ABkNTH W4 NTKII. Cii ulars free. Outfits 4 Orta. This is the only true history. J lc w a r e of smaller editions, fine fdceant Ibiutrated Volume of 6UO Page*. Secure only the H eat. l a r g e s t und C lionpeat.

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P A T E N T SWe continue to net nwPoHfltora for rntrnts, Cnvwits, Trade Marks, Copyrights, t*U\, for the United hUtD”*, Panada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc,. Wo have luul l l i i r t y - l i v e y e a r s 9 e x p e r i e u e c .

Patents obtained through iih nre noticed In the RCT- E n tific am kuican. This large nnd splendid Illus­trated weekly paper, $ 3 «RO a year,shows tbo Pn »gr e»8 or Science, Is very Interesting,and has an enoiiwms circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent H**llcl tors, VuU’a. of 8< ik n tih o Amkhican, H7 Park Row, pew Yyyk. Hand hook abo.ut Patents free.

M. N. LOVELL U F fVlO ?N 5v*.’

O P M M ST H O U S A N D S ■ < refi-r.- ft nt cured. N «im y u n ti l ( ’u 4 D r. J . H i EP11KNM, U b su m * . Ok

J OYFTTj N«»w* fo r Roy* and Olrl* 11 Y oung an d O ld 11 A NKW IN -

V K M TO N j ust p a tcu to d lo r thorn ,I t Borne u*o!fritob au d Scroll Rawing, T u rn in g ,

B oring . 1 )rtlling ,G rinding , Polish ing , Screw Cutting. P rice f 5 to $60.

Pond 0 conte fo r 100 pug"*. JftPHHAIM DROW N, Low ell,

M l M TIRO.I .U M liK R , L A T H , S l I l N U l .K H , A N U ( JE A K U

i l .N C K P O S T S .

Tlio imclornlifuoil in pMqmruiI to fu rn ish every description o f Im ildlnK m aterial in tho lum ber line. F u ll stock of rough nnd dressed lumber constantly on hand. My stock is jm r i Iinsed d i­rect from the m an ufacturers in C anada. 1’ nr- tiesco n tcn ip la iiiiif bu ild in g w ill lUid it to their ad van tage to call nl

TH E W ILSON LUM BER YARDB e f o r o p u r c h a s i n g e l s e w h e r e .

I l l L L T I .U J t K K ,A ny s i n e a n d l e n g t h d e l i v e r e d i n C a r L o t h , nt Lew iston , n t W h o l k h a l i : F tu u iiR H . Tbop r o p r i e t o r h a s r a e e n t l y a d d e d n

N E W 1 * L A N T N G M I L L .A nd is now i n a p o s i t i o n to f u r n i s h custom ers a t a s low a wito a s any dealer i n t h e County Fen cin g Lum ber a lw a y s on ham l. Come and sec the celebrated

P a t e n t S h a v e d S h i n g l e s ,SOUETIIINO NKW.

P lan in g nnd m atchin g to ord er nt rensonnldo ra tes ,a lso , H ash, D oors, B lin ds and M oulding

A . J . M c B R I E R .ly on of tlio

J 'OII PR IN T IN G promptly nnd neatly ex­ecuted nt low figures, at the oflflce

NlauauaCo p v t i Nkwh.

W a t e r s ’ \ Organsnro tho meat nFiA U TTFrii fiiBTYLKft nnd/.‘K ItlT C T In TON M cvt r iiuulc. They rnntitin c very Improvement licccHnary lo r il flrrif-rlnr* OIK: AN,including our Celebrated (iKCIlKH* TH A Ij HTOP, v» hiidi i « a I'iu« ? inlruilou nl llio Hum tm Voice; n n o w itli in’ w ithout v I'ldmiv nl'30 llcllfiftuned tn perfect hur mo it y w 1 f la iho Ite* j!m. prod iu-i n jc ii h <• cetlm fh tniw'Soal mid eleetrifvln/r. AVATCUJV 11AICHONKJ “ NEW i AVORITI., CHOU und MXUKT OII-<«AN8 ?in iiiii(|nn Frcnrhrn/iPMf eoinhine* PUR­ITY o f v o rr iN G w in * € ju i ;a t iiiijU aik « r TONK, httUaMc for Parlo r, ISrliool o r Cliurrh* I’r lrc i |(IO, .*> IOC, upw ard.

S O r A I l B u n d i r P n T G I I T j n - n l h n l i l H T M A O K I o r QUALITY el T O N B E A U T Y of FINIHH and UUKAT IIU H A B IU l Y they CANNUTIh?

EXCRLLKD. Price,with ntool,Cover nnd Ro»k,Hov<'d h*hipp<d .inly 8100, fp w in L K v r r v P I A N d c n . l O H K A N U A K 1 U N T K U . U A I tS , t o fcivr I . M r H . l l . f s r , I „ „ P r t r r . R K iro u iL ly h o w . .f lfo n th iv I n s ln lm e i i f H r e c e i v e d . I I ' ' M fu lo g n e I r« « .A G E N T S W A N I E I# .HORACE W ATER? & C O .. Man<<f<ictur. rr.VijLTLTUOiUJ? fidi fc'* a biWUltfttfl N* V * O# 4*0* J,UuO.)

I H E G I L P I N 3 X J I _ . K T 5 T ^ I j O ' v v v i r o r t z s A . i r v o L i A . T z c A X i . v .


T H E H A N D - P L O W . :f O V E R 1 0 , 0 0 0 M A D E A N D


Th« id v*nt zif tboOMfifn *’ol» ky Plow • n<*w«rwluWwlnr in tb« I'nltfff Ftatj-B.H U A f U I E V K l iA

S tM C K H g r .1 1 »r 1tli.n any oilier tir|.l*m«-Lt rr- er lntrjftur.̂ 4 tu tUe Wc-tern fanner. S*e«eMi*Alw*yBU<«(rue ttatof invrit, Aial In mv rtiln«ry th«i u’uu/Ft ekmpUnty roiMlKrill wlfli thn imrlorru- »no« t t IU work Ih fcfttonu J. ht> afmpUla tf»n OU|.in In flB J ofx-nllon thal tb* uaaKUIadl ran iim, 11 AN well itathn fkIIIM flnwm-io eud with t j'ieiijr got r*itilt*

0 .%IC I iF .V i:I t O N L Y n K Q C IR fn r# , end tbet ie only io refftdet* of plowing end 10 kvelIrani*-, «• um (fiowan’ u reiK l u it ..f tu* ground aatomaticeily i-r Hmplv f/ju'-blnk • *rrio r. ____

w.rk I . .11 u f lr , B..K,, Ir. n W i l K TIW IV C 4 V II I I I It A II I .K I * ( O V m U f -Tat* a, au-l of aa l!/l t lraft to the t̂ am frarryln* thadrt**r ou en ceay Beet, where Lc L+e laJi vlaw ot wore end low Isol ot t^am nn theor Hriarybani-plowdolnar tueeeme work.ITH h l F k H l i l K U O K K *»v;r tbat <1 me by the *-r i. vary Vend pi /r or* J j.ny ita foot In • dn rla rrop, by reeaon tun nmfri* d.-pllj attain*-!, »u«l t i- tr * -vi froth u-̂ -.owed fr-t.uuee » ■ ' * locked 11/ rr-! v i a • ■ 'rour̂ l **»d'■>»»

*ot»* lu r « I. out hy herd 0f,r.ta or ran irr« w*H of weed* or v;aea. T H ttJK T l I ’K B C I A T . N O H I i H t f U l t Gib L* *cc«jiBj<itcUe.'l fiv ’y tfien \n an v ''tber nr sir ut.

b M * D F O B C liiC U L A B A J tD P A P .k B B '8 D IA B Y F O B 1 8 8 2 .U I Y O N L Y T H U L U t U I , 51 A JIU i A C T I K I D B V1)E li IIP & COM PANY, M O LIN E - ILLIN O IS,