f5 add nath project

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  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    Sometimes, error may occur either the random error or systematic error

    when the measurements are taken due to the inaccuracy of instruments andmisinterpretation of the observer. Therefore, when the variables of the linear

    equation are plotted, not all points fix exactly on a straight line. In this

    situation, a line of best fit is drawn.

    The two main principles of the line of best fit are:

    I. The line must pass through as many points as possible.

    II. The number of points that do not fit on the straight line must be fairly

    equally distributed on both sides of the line.

    In addition, linear law can also be applied to non-linear relations or equation

    in which the non-linear equation is reduced to linear form to obtain a straight

    line graph. For example, y2 = x2 + 12 is a non-linear equation as it has the

    power of two in the variables. So, by applying this powerful law, the highest

    power of the equation is reduced to one to form a linear equation by

    substitute X and Y into y and x respectively. As a result, Y= X + 12 is formed.

    In short, this law is believed to help mankind in solving problems especially

    for science and mathematics. This invention may contribute to us so we must

    appreciate it and it also must be upgraded to its maximum function and


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project



    Undoubtedly, I am grateful that I can complete this Additional Mathematics

    project in time. Many people had helped me in this project. I would like to

    take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards those who had

    helped me out to succeed the project.

    First of all, I would like to thank my Additional Mathematics teacher, Mrs.

    GOH for providing his guidance and assistance which enabled me tocomplete the project in time.

    Besides, I would also want to thank my friends for helping me by providing

    moral support. They had helped to search for relevant information in the net

    for the project. Hereby, I truly appreciate their contributions. 1 would also

    like to thank my parents for supporting me.

    Lastly, I would also thank my teammates for willing to spend their precious

    time and energy by finishing each of their tasks to complete this project. This

    project has given me a chance to venture into the world of additional


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    The Experiment for additional math

    projectA simple pendulum consists of an object suspended by a string from a fixed

    point. When displaced, and then released, the object will swing back and

    forth in a vertical plane under the influence of gravity. This periodic motion

    can be used as a basis for measuring time.

    The simple pendulum as shown in Diagram 1 is set in motion by releasing the

    object through a small angle of displacement, 6(10to 15)from the vertical.

    Procedu re1) Set up a simple pendulum by attaching an object to a string of length


    2) Set the pendulum in motion and measure the time taken, ts, for 20

    complete oscillations.

    3) Calculate the period, Ts, that is the time taken for one complete

    oscillation.4) Repeat steps 1 to 3 using at least 10 different lengths of strings with the

    minimum length of 5 cm

    5) Record the readings in a suitable table.

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project



    I/cm T1/s T2/s average T/20 t2 VI

    5.00 6.7 6.9 6.8 0.34 0.12 2.24

    10.00 10.8 10.8 10.8 0.54 0.29 3.16

    15.00 14.2 14.2 14.2 0.71 0.50 3.87

    20.00 16.9 17.1 17.0 0.85 0.72 4.47

    25.00 19.7 19.9 19.8 0.99 0.98 5.00

    30.00 22.0 22.0 22.0 1.10 1.21 5.48

    35.00 23.3 23.9 23.6 1.18 1.39 5.92

    40.00 25.0 25.3 25.2 1.26 1.59 6.32

    45.00 26.8 27.2 27.0 1.35 1.82 6.71

    50.00 28.3 28.5 28.4 1.42 2.02 7.07

    Data tor the exper imen t

    6) Plot a graph of period (T s) against length(l cm). Comment on the graph


    The graph obtained is a curve graph

    7) The relationship between period and length is given as

    where g is the gravitational acceleration.

    (a) Suggest at least two different pairs of variables for the horizontal and

    vertical axes to obtain a linear relation. For each pair, plot the graphs and

    draw lines 01 best fit manually and by using ICT.

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    The relationship between the period and the length is

    The gravitational acceleration g is constant (not variable)- Therefore the

    variable is

    T and l.

    [f we square both sides of the equation, it become

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    Hence the 2 variables are T2 and 1. The 2

    pairs of variables are:

    T and Vl (T as vertical axis and Vl as horizontal axis) T2 and

    1 (T2as vertical axis and 1 horizontal axis.)

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    (b) Estimate the gradient of each graph. Hence, write an equation relating

    period and length for each of the graphs.

    Graph of T against Vl

    Graph of T2 against 1


    = 4.571mj-2

    The equation of the graph T2 against 1 is y=4.571x. JThe

    gradient of the graph is 4.571. [The equation relating the period

    and the length is

    (c)Use the gradient of each graph to determine the respective value of the

    gravitational acceleration, g ms".Comment on the values obtained.

    How do these values of g compare with the accepted value of g on earth(9.807 g


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project



    This value is slightly lower than the accepted value 9.807 ms"2


    Percentage of error

    Explanation the Differences

    Both of the values that we got is slightly lower than the accepted value. This

    is most probably due to the presence of air buoyant force. Another possible

    source of error is the pendulum did not oscillate in a plane but in circle. This

    make the pendulum become a cone pendulum, where the calculation will be

    different from a simple pendulum.

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    (d)Use the graph with the least percentage error in g to determine the length

    of string that will produce a complete oscillation in 1 second.

    From the graph T against Vl, when t=\st



    8} A simple pendulum can be used as a device to measure time. Describe how you

    can use it to measure your pulse rate.

    Make a simple pendulum of length 22.565cm (So that 1 oscillation is

    equivalent to 1 second).

    Get a friend to count the number of oscillations for you.

    Ask him to give instruction when should you start and stop (after 30


    Start counting your pulse when your friend says start and stop counting after

    30 oscillation.

    Repeat this process for 3 times to get the average value. Pave.

    The pulse rate = the Pave x 2.

    9} If the length of the string is 4 times its original length, state the change in

    the period, Ts

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    When the length is 4 times its original length,

    I1= 41

    Substitute I' into the equation.

    T* = 2T


    If the length of the pendulum increases by 4 times, the period, T will increase

    by 2 times.


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    Further Exploration

    1) If a simple pendulum with a period of 1 second is set in motion on

    the moon, determine the new period of this pendulum.

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    the gravitational field

    strength ( or gravitational

    acceleration) of the


    Period of the pendulum on the surface of the earth, Tearth=ls

    Gravitational acceleration of earth, gearth = 1.622 ms-2

    Period of the pendulum on the surface of the earth = TH,^

    Gravitational acceleration of earth, gmoon" 1-622 ms-2

    2) (a) Investigate whether a simple pendulum will swing continuously in air.

    Explain your

    findings. Suggest the conditions required for a pendulum to swing


    Pendulum cannot swing continuously because there are air resistanceunless doing the experiment in vacuum.

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    r is greater than original t

    3 ) Sketch graphs on the same scale to illustrate the motion of simple

    pendulum swinging

    i, in air, ii. in water

    and iii. in vacuum.

    kj and k2 are the percentage of energy remain from previous oscillation


  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    P( ts density of pendulum

    P is density of medium where pendulum oscillate

    ReferenceBOOKSuccess Physics Reference Book. Oxford Fajar Sdn.Bhd. Foo Seng Teek, Yee



  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project


    BOOKSuccess Physics Reference Book. Oxford Fajar Sdn.Bhd. Foo Seng Teek, Yee

    Cheng Teik, Chong Geok Chuan, Lee Beng HinForm 4 Physics. Danaiis Distributors Sdn. Bhd. Tong Yoke Chai, Wan Faizatul

    Shima Bt Ismayatim, Yoong Kai Seng, Rema Ragayan, Roslina Bt Ahmad

    Form 5 Additional Mathematics. Chew Su lian,Khoo Ee Sin,Moy Wah Goon, Ooi Soo

    Huat, Rohaiza binti Ramli

    WEBS ITEhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wikiySimple pendulum


    HimsseU/Demos/Pendulum/Pendula.html http

    ://www.walter-fendt.de/ph 11 e/pendulum,htm

  • 8/14/2019 f5 add nath project



    Linear law is a very powerful law in which it helps the mankind to solve many

    problems easily. We able to establish a relationship between the variables in the

    experiment by using this law to help us to measure the corresponding values ofthe variables under different situations and by plotting the graph, the relationship

    of the two variables is known easily.

    So, after doing this project, I am quite impressed with the usage of linear law and

    its ways to help us in solving problems although there are some errors occur.

    Besides that, I also learn many things for this law which I can never find them in

    the text book or reference book. I am doing many researches to understand its

    usage and its principles when we apply this law.

    Furthermore, I also able to interpret the relationship between the variables in the

    experiments I did easily whether in Physics, Biology or in Chemistry. I am really

    appreciating the government as they give us this opportunity to do this project in

    the process of understanding and learning deeply into this law. I would also like

    to thank my additional mathematics teacher as without his/her help, I am not able

    to accomplice this project.