,f-und ^stfate-abili ¦th.ïieatenantoaa_.te,the defence to which was a plea of usury, it bang...

*7eW-York Législature. AliuNV, Feb. P. the bill in relation to the execution IflSr^tjuments by corporations was ta. , ** fco'Vi* agoriginally introduced by Mr. Boc- **' Sed that a corporate seal, legibly im. ££' Tun the paper, without any wax, or other |p^dSs^should bc hcI'll° ^*d- »t decision of the Supreme Court to the I] *^en notwithstanding-) Joo*Wu jUee on the Judiciary reported the I Tbe-uiLout the words which gave it a retro- ¦p**5* .«.tractcd discussion on this bill, the liter a P-^ - c , went ia'o Executive Session. h Hoi-ss» the bill to provide for the loca- \^ \ section of County Buildings in the irL«ofWancn*>asse Mu°'î . n -f Mr Iv'S«-. ¿¡00 extra copies of ÛÎ?C for the city of New-York were ^^he orintcd for the use ol the delegation. ¦^¿Smmittee of the Whole took up the bill T-*e .j distribution of the Literature Fund, K-f^la long discussion, was reported to * u ,f-Und ordered to be engrossed. ,ji Ho*J"c ana Alkan v. Feb. 9th. ^StfATE-abili was-repoitodlio alter the r nlan oi'thc Clt-V of Ncw * ° ' y diSC0J)- m- riovrnth street, between Broadway and "¦Th.ïieatenant Governor being necessarily r m attendance in the Senate, on account al duties as member of the Canal Board, Mr. x A FosTüP. was elected President pro. %e Committee of the Whole again took up ». b'-ll for the relief of the American "Seamen's d Society, the discussion of which occupied Lrcit of the day's session. In «Vssembly. the Committee to which was re- rredthopctitition relative to the French Spoli '.'., -ported that the Legislature ought not it i*"» ».. r._u-.u-.ir-.rlu, _ to C.napP'*canttoCon:?reSiSonb UorialÄ- Maj.DAVEZAConeof behalf of the rne- tialirts. Maj. Davezac, one oi the Committee, JS'agreeinif with the majority, asked to have í¡b. report laid on the table till he could bring in counter report.granted. The bill for the equal distribution of the Lite- "f jtare'fund came up, and after a long discussion, I -issêd-Aycs 73, Noes 29. Appointmcntsbytlie Governor, Bycndicith the advice and consent of (he Senate. Jam-ahy 13. I »*-rroLK -Charles A. Floyd. Surrogate _nd Judge, vice ¦ ¿«MiHerudKicj-.ardM-Joii'.liii P Jm-PÍ» R-Huatin-:, Judge-, \:ce Jwi.ua C. Smith. b VRir-ßinjamii; C. Caryl, Notary, vice Jnn. 11. l ee. I - ' February 7. I o.'O'fMCA.-David D. Hiiiis, Surrogate, vice Is:ac T. 'iVi/Ontwater, Jr., Master, vic-^ C. B. Sed.-wick. Hid" WorJeu, Mast«, vice '.. T. Newcomb. r W.Newton, Muter, rice ö L. '--.r-nc?. G»i*rge B-W.It.r Eximioer, vice C ^li. Sedgwick. llwaNortham, Examiner, vice I F. SwiMr.r. ¿«oaiLee, ExaiTiin-r, vice Î. F.. Sandfvid. February í:. DcTCiirss .Elij-iii P. Benjamin. Notar-/, re-appointment. L'uTtu,.Nicholas Sickle., Surrogate, vice J.ime, M. M:tttól. ||rw>|_ Factory BüRKT..The Woolen Factory at the N'wMills, occupied by Messrs. Colgan& Co. was destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning lust. Insur- iace had been effected on the building, but not upon ¡is contents. Estimated lo-s, 5 to $0,000. [Cincinnati Chronicle. COURT CALENDAR ... Tni3 Day. Circuit Court .Nos. 27, 73,74, SO., 82, 81, 86, ,7,8^91,92,93,94,95,96. Superior Court..Nos. 39, 43. 33, .1 to 05 i.'lusive, 67,68, 69. CITY T NTEL LI G EN C E. SATURDAY. U.tCOMMISSIONER'äTÜFFlCE..Before S. lïai ..l»k, £n*,Commi**¡c*ií»r. Parker, one of the impii implicated in (he recent langliaj tran.ictions, v*->.s arrested on Saturday afternoon, i*. biildemanded of him in the torn of Ç'.-.ooo. U.S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE. The packet ship Oxford, on board of which vessel -if'-tfnt imaggling operation occurred, »yae seized by the '.*. 8. Minhal on Saturday*, as ameuable to confiscation en proof of the chargp. SUPERIOR COURT.before Chief Justice j0-.r.s. John Raynei vs. New-York Fire Ins. Co..The rhifltiff in.u:e<l Sl,5"0 on a building at Hirlcm. corr.tr 3d -.ecu, and 123.1 street, which was burnt in Oct. Ifi.2, The .'sumac« Company refuse to pay en the ground tint 25 lbs of napowder, contained in 2 canisters, and about one-third left io the keg,*.a. in the building at the time, which w»s extra nizuilun«,and viti-tei the i>olic'.\ Thr tiuestion was wheth- »:aiaçe makei gunpowder part the stock of a country gr.- territoreoriiot. The Jai y found from the evidence that it did su. Verdict for plaintitf Si.blG 80. CIRCUIT COURT.Before Ju.lce Kent. Harris Wilson vs. George \V. Bancker..Action oaa_.te,the defence to which was a plea of usury, it bang coaundfdttmt 12 per cent ted beew cak«n. The testimony to thiieffect.-.em.d to b- mtherconclusive.&tiil th* Jury found foi plaintiff in the amount, being S ¡.»Ml 41 George Rapelje vs. A. A. Kctneen, et al..Action '.o i?coTá*aDobli¿ilion ñ.i bo-t S3 ÜCO. thedelenct- to which li al-Oiuttry it beiuj s'.àted ihnt n deduction of about $400 hid bien cud.. Seited verdict this forenoon C0t*RT OF COMMON PLEAS.Bsfoie Judges I'l- iirosFFER, Inclis and Ixoraii..*,. DEC1SSI0XS. Wm. S. Seurs vs. Jacob Carpenter, Harris Wil- »_, and J-e! 8. Oatm.ii..Judgment f->r ^la:u'irf o.i demui- ter, with liberty to défendants to amend or plead a_ew o, pay« nwutofc«».«*. The People m. James G. Utter..Judgment for «.tudi,: donmrrer, with liberty to plaiutidf to amend, ¦"itllûilt CO.ts. Thomas G..Godman r*. Win. H. Cary, et al.. Vei«.'ic;coi.fl,mrJ witecO-tt. John A. Mildeberger vs. Win. Colgate..Refer- *J» 'cp«)iti.i e»i._, and c_»e refe^td h_ck to the lél-rte.».. «-.«i to«bide th; eveut. POLICE OFFICE. JwiM Whelan stole $21 worth of jewelrv on the toAÍÍO.iVocn*,*'a*- '. «opp-r. P-Ur« u. .%. J and fled S-.ô_. ' i *-¦'* ,;*" "a< W«*i-d this morning, by officei 8tt'J«M.«atl committed to be seut to N.J. lor uia] »illiam Dixon was arrested and committed for m .i-"!?a*!y'.'.'-'-'.-''>' »llr Caí. enter b »hop Ol' \V illinni Kl K, T V ôel'^*(J ot*:a'-'« 53 M won,i of carpenter'» tool». «í¡<?-?>McU-5h *v*-s (-*o»-,»'ii'«»>'d for stealing ».hoes, «.-» W Hé, from the s-.c»re f O. E. Bui well. -63 Grand st. w*Ja the night of the 7th inst. the store of Thomas rjcU-TC!93i*S'**,'*ni !,'-',«'t' «..-,' burglariouslyentered,and »-o'el ii* ' "'??*! l,':'c'« c,lie-» ***c- of the value o- $¡7 50. bov ;>!Í*H" ^f0«-1» *ad Jos ph a.-i.-.-.d ihre- larg. ¡i1«-,vi1"Ilw!''' Shay, rnomaa Mctiiunisand Wil iam Cwaau-tl ;lr*"r* 0| th«P»0P«wty ia (iOsse.»iiun, and they were ..^¡¦¦"i^-^00** ,vai- caught and committed for .«»¦»»is tandkerchiefi from the More, 128 Chath .in itreet SUNDAY. J*^1-Urces v..Officer J. L. Smith arrested ,C0ioretl me'-. I'^med Charlea Gibbon, and Cnarle:; M .JWWtatealing S4Ï- woith of clothing from the store of E »toretóA;29 ^1;*,a¦.l,, L»"i«'- The rottues wen*, into the .i-t-ith-in *. Ka :tUer h"..'.'.>' »tlected cl-.-sks, coats.skc. de- «.Mir» *$c,st î° "^ ßro-d v. a,-. The clerk refused to t>mL.-g. .Vv'*hou:i''-v. *md Gibbons left to procure to»mor«,"* ï *'*'.,¦'"¦¦" tin"* Lloyd requeste, to be allowed »irwsri LJ ,ld.!e t0 tKc tear pait of the sto.e.and soon af- ¦oübtfM wJrr« »A«__*»¦*« rc-t.un-d. the goo¿s were m-e. vlT* i0*1.1«! "«'t i*e found, aud the »»rties were ar- ¦"».iUo-Mh-tn*? i'uwa3aico**c,;':^ r^« betweeo the two »indüw« \ 'oesoodj to Gibbons out of one ..f thebick falbe iL !>'0a li>-.'«*r beiiu arre-ted. »h. pledjp» tickets O¡«td-o!°tnilV W<re aVOa hun- DvUli a;i'luily C0U*" VrfcL--Rv.-The store of Mr. Atwater, No. 159 ^a-wu^b"^ blúten into on Saturday night and a .**.». Th-*bii.*Li 'ro'"i';tV. coiiM.tiu.; of si-ks, satins,&c,sto- "U'iî.ars ^oi clear. fr^£.7T^ The^ts.Francis Rilev stole a tea-pot SSâlîi! ü: srs B«in*id, US Bow¿ v. «-«-S-A-Sw i cap fi0m ^dwaid Howe, 3 Hanover it «.»»öei'.McG1-- W * ° ^ Hi c"''i"'r c°h" from tn*- ¡iremi»«?» ol i^Sfe^* four st«« hats. * "**" «"«*'!:!«*'lents uere committed for trial. Tter OpROSElVS OFFICE. .îitero-Vw11,6*" t0'dav 1'elt* an inquest at 570 Grand '«..-.ein? «Ibod>'01 'S.>pni.j Button.-i-.-.i 22years,boni in ifX-j^'y W|?J',»'*'r!e to her de,th by tskin»; a large cose of Oi! ¦^ * m_rr ill if* no" aWt''' o'the reasons lor Che act, as ^he la-r. ÏS_I? .v,'JU»*»n. ^he «iie«l about 1 oVlo«. k :lus morn- ».*»*»« m accord*,cr widi tte f_cf» trilla1*01*1* ^t-vss Down Town.Second Term..The 81*,« P" 0._- *^a»unt. t2¿ Q^XC.*?il*îut °PPO*tuuity u olfered ill this claw for Ladies h«T, go°",mon rt,-*iáini,' in the lower put of the city who iCf -j.111" **cl»«'-«ot-uce with the first rrincipies of the art-i Commercial and -ïouey Matter«. trr-J-V saks al the Stock Exchange, <*._. îr_ __,. Pa?f. Tin» <-»t,.-l l- . «¦'.Vn-RDAl P M. i ni. ötock market was w,thout material «-!.»..,.,. to-day, and generally ?tea*!v. Thf rather burn ant l pon an examination of the North American 1 rüstend Banking Co.'s statement and the opin¬ ions of the emmeiit legal talent who have examined Ihe question of the legality of the trusts and debi.=, it would appear tlirit eventually a vcrv laree amount ol assets, sume $4,000,000, par value,'will come into the hands of the Receiver, and as be is bound by oath to pay no debts hut those undoubtedlj lesal, tins large amount will !>;. distributed ntr.ón-r "he stockholders. A considerable amount of those as¬ sets are in the hands of John J. Palmer, as Special Receiver. The financial condition of Texas appears from late accouuis to be improving. Therev-nae eoll««ed -t G.!v... ipu tor th« Ust qa.irt-r is nearly S55.0ti0 or m...-«- iban double. i..-- amount c Ilcctrd at the same p.«riod ¡as: -»ear Ii is »iin- posed that rigid economy .'.il! i., -, few ye-ds release the Gov- crnine ¡r Irom its pecuniary embarrassments. At New-Orleans, 31st ult. Exchange at sight on .\--.\ \ orh wa« 'j«i-.'_.j a' l; a discount; t>u days ?. n ?j rJis- Fl .::-.. 5 10 d 5 3Ti At Mobil« .-,* Thompson'-? B;iuk LVote Reporter give«« us thefol- lowibKutw Counterfeit: Ten «Joli-ir counterfeit notes on ihe raies Couutv Bvilt. ïh«y are better calculated to deceive than -v c.uii erle*cwe have err: 3-e:i. The risnette and diesustd wvreeiigr-*.v**d bj our of r,.u be»t artisans. * How they , ame into the hands of count« rfeit* rs never has been fully exj.Jaii eu. I he counterfeit " aj be easily dete..-«.,*. h*jwt>ver ,-' ot),'r.yi\'" I"':l£ ttrp^ns to be engraved by Mes-rs Raw- "on, iv right 5; riatch; wh-.rras tii s o::«e u^tp..- ençraved i fen dollar platt ¡or the lates County B-.¡k. The vignette is an agricultural scene, presided over bv a female holüii»*-a sickle. ' ** Business or« ¡he Philadelphia and Readm*-- ?.&¦!- road: Jan. 1813 Si3.937 69; J«n I8ll 821 .60 16 Coal ton« nage: 3,4*0 tons to Ja«i. 13-13; 11.739 ions ro Jaii. 181-1. in relation to U. S. Bank Post-Notes the Phila- di l| hi. American sjy*: " We would suggest to th-.- holders of the. Post-Note*, of this Üankth.t ir is necessary to have th ir .-! '- The bill to incorporate the Wooster Bank, which i-* n*.-»*.- being fought throu-.li o\- Ohio House and has been or¬ dered to a third re-Jir.:*, makes the stockholders indivi lually liable al*.'«-r th~ 1st of J»larch,exce*>t incase of depositors whe;'* the parties otherwise agree; requires tiie i'ai.k to keep on hand oae dollar in com for every three circulation; pro¬ hibit«* stockholders f cm obt.iii-ir..' leans, oi being in any way h«*ld liable beyond one-half tr.-» amount of their «.toe»; pun¬ ishes by imprisonment in rî*.«. enitenli try. from 1 to2ö years, the embezzlement of the funds by the officers, &c; and re¬ quires the assent of all the stockholders to die alteration ol i..- charter by th-*"'-.: ofjvlarch. With these alterations «he old ch *rt* r oi this Bank is continued. It is supposed that this bill will pa_3 the Senate. The Frankfort fKv.' Conimonwenlth contain.-» the Reports of ihe Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. Ti.e receipts for the ye.»r ending Pe«:. ic, ls:3, amounted to $195,* TIG 27, and tii»- expenditures i.-i tiie same i eriod :o $175 -¡52 2G. The Commissioners estimate the receipts for the year 1844 at $240,332. and th* «-.penditur« at $255,C20, leaving a deficiency ol SI i.233. A joint resolution was ndopted by the Senate of Kentucky that ihe $92,000 of Hiilroad Scrip and t!i- £112,00:; of Internal Improvement Scri;*, received from ths Bank», be burned on ihe lOlh iliSt. At Baltimore there is very little demand for Cou¬ pons of Maryland State Bo: dr.. They arc held nominallv at \he following rates, viz: tiiour of 18'l at 92, and those of 1612 and 1813 at 81 a 02 cents. _ Markets... Carefully reported.for The Tribune. Sati-rdav, Ftb. 10. ASHES..There is a fair demand for Pots m $1 62., *,vidi sa!. » 100 bbls. Pearls are S5 OGl a $f» I2s, with sales hi) to lfcO barrt-ls. Stock at the Insjiectinn Warehouse, Pel. 10. Fou, Ut «ott.bid» 3,'^;;¡ Pearls, Utson.bids .'1,99: " 2d do. do 17.' Ho 2d do. do 513 ad do. do 2:i2j d-J 3d *io. ... do 301 " Condemned.. >!o ~'-ii *lo Condemned do 29 Total. do _,038| Tot.il. do f.,G3" COTTON..The market i- without change, but ihe amount of salts, :-.» far as *.ve could learn, vis moderate. The transactions are reporiedal IjOO bags, al a lull ic advance on the prices fthe early pixt of the we-k, We quote Upland. Nev.-Oi!oaiis. Ordinary to middliug. 8! a 9i. fii .a Mi Idling for to fail.91 »i Hi*.1« a 10a Go.id lair to tí.«*.l'!¿ a ti.il a12» FLOUB A*«-D MEAL..Th? ad vie«*« from the. other side br-iui,* con-iidert-d favorable, holders of Flour havebecomestill firmer and have advanced th« ir pretensions to $.'» fir Genesee and $1 87 a $5 for Ohio, «ood lir*«;ds. We heard of no ti :.**. ücücüs of inoiiifiit, and some lots iv>re ou the io:«.rket at a sSiaileofrtl:«' i ighest '.im'¦!«.o,>s- Fancy is lield at $5 a5 C2i; Scratched, Western, is in good demand at SI «.>¦< a » 62}; tiuu middling Si 18!; middling S'-i 6¿i a $:' f.9: and ship stutfs 1 7¿ a S3 2j. Southern Scratched is t 374 a 4 50, with s\hi. South* em descriptions are firm, with a good inquiry. «Georgetown a:id Biandy wine art held firmly at$_; -Vlexandria 1 87*; Piich- iiioiiil Country al SV, Richmond l ity $6. lt>*«> Flour is scarce at 3 j0. For M**al iher«« is a fair demand at $2 50 a Si 62Í for J**r.»ey and Brandywiue. Buckwheat is selling at S3 50 a i 25 for common *ind $5 for fancy, bacs S2 a S2 12¿; hilf barrels $2-12 25. Shorts are nominally 11 a 12c; Ship Stuff. 11 cent.. Bau Meal w«- ouot. 100 a 1121 cents. GRAIN..There is Rome demand for Wheat, but the nego¬ tiations are not vet concluded, ''orn is still scarce, but dis¬ tillers do not bid lreelv. We know of none on the market, «-x- ce-i.tiui oae or two parcels heid too IiírIi fox buyers. Oats are in somedi-maud at 37 a 'Use. Southern ¡n store h »Id at 38c. A fr.rthersa'eof 15;0 busbels »»a» iiiciite, añout, at3îcents. Small _ai«-s Black-eyed IV_,.:$1 3¡. p-r bat*- WlilSKY..Small s«..«-s D.-:iJ.-.- a; 22 ce.ts. State Prison bids urehrld *. 2:i a 25 cent-.. -Tmall sales Pennsvlvaui i have b.-eii made at 23i cetts. The access to Phil ideiphia being pre- v ii ted by ic-, die Pennsylvania disiiliers are obügcd to send their Whisky to this ina:l.rt Co some extent. SEEDS..The« i** very little doii.R in either descripti in Wr uotice sales 50 tci Clover e' ...irnettiiu. off u cents, and a forced sue of 3S bbls inferior at Û' cents. Koiigh Flax i. dull a'. S'-«75, for Western.supplysraalI; Clean is S¡*> 75 pence, «.viih s-.e» 100 tierces for expcit. Timothy is held at $15 and above for good. PROVISIONS..The market U n."*'. active for Pork, but there appeared to be a slight reaction in fueling The nom¬ inal rate is -*bi»ti 17 50 and *'.l 50, t-ul we notice sales 500 barre!» at private bargain, supposed something over these rates. la Beef we hear of nothing of importance. Country stands at Si au-J S6, and City 25 and SS 2 j, .*. ith small .ales of Country at > -hide off St and Sf.. A lot of ¡00 bbls SuO-i Country sold at Si. For Laid there is ..ot much inquiry, and we notice no farther sal» >.f importance. \V'e quote 8 a f-t chilis for new. A sale of 115 obis Pi kle-1 Mea's wi, made at 51 for H::r.s and 'ii for Shoulders, la Butter there is not much doing. Thu rauüe is 6k a 17 cents. Gr-ase 6 cent».wauted. Cheese v»t* (»jote ü a6 etuis, with moderate inquiry. HAY..The market is quiet, with sales to the City trade st 5S a 6.. cents. Ta LLO .V..Farther sales about lO.ftoO lbs prim, reude.-ed have be?u mue at 7* cents, cash. HEMP..We have only-to notice sales of 5 tons Out*h«»t Russia at S170, G mos, and 50 bales dew rotted American on t'-.ms we did uot learn. By auction, 13S b*-l«is damaged dew- rotted Air frican sold at $27 50 a $90, ca>h. FEATHERS..We u«»tice .»a'es of 1C00 lbs go¿d Western Live (ieese at 27* c«¿nts, ca.h, and 8000 lbs ordinary 27: a 2."*«, 4 mouths. LEATHER..By auction, «>a Thursday, 8347 sides So'e (embracing 800 oak) were disposed of at a .lecli:¡e (all cxi*«pt d imaged, which sustained itself.) of i cts pex lb on the ¡«rics ..lit iintd on the last public sale. 2lst Dec. This t*3iult ¡j at¬ tributed to the interrupton of navigation, which prevented many »if the usual buyers from atteudiug ihe sale. OILS..Whale remains a* noticed for a lout,' time pa*ti at40 cents, the p:ice demanded by holders. American Linseed is steady at 80 cents, cash, for casks and bb!_. Nothing doing in Foreign. Tiie sale» of Crude Speim at th-* Eastward for the week eiidii:** 5th inst. were 1177 bbls, including nearly all in firsl hands, at 84t a 66 cents, cash Cask Olive is steady a: fl7¿ cents, cash, and Oi?, 6 mos. HIDES..In a-Jcition to tbe African no-iced yesterday there- have b«*n sold 500 New-Orleans dry aud dry sailed at Scents; 200 Fort ?.u Platt, as they ma, II, ..isc¡unt off, all c.uh, and 500 San Juan, suppoit-d 12J», 6 nus. BEESWAX..The sales of American Yellow are (*->'-0 lbs at 29! a 30 cents, cash. _ Porción .Harket«. Lorióos Money Market, Saturday Night, January 13 . Cosols leave off» since fitmer, though the market has not ev:'"rieiice.i any great accession of business dnriaií the day.. TÍit» last qotation for money and the account was £»*>! to í.. Tiie other E-.:!.lish sto'k.» we¡e fairly steady,1! --:id for the most .«art fully m .intain«-d law quotations. The Three per Cents. Reduced closed_**7l to »; Phfee-aad-Ä-Hall ¡er l en:« Ke- duccd 102? toi; New Tii-ee-aud-a-Half'per «Cents. 10b to 102« Long Annuities, 12!; Exchequö Bills, t.5-*, io67s. p:tm.; Bank Stock. IK to IS:; and India Stock. ¿72 lo .'7.. tspanuh Siock was also rath« b-tter. A few pu-cnases occasioned this improved feeling, and the marJ-et c oseUT.uer-biy well.. The Three per Cent» were last .¡orea 30; to 3{S; and :he rre per Cents 22i to t lu other respect«, the fttetgoisecunua showed no essential alteratioi;. .Mexican Vipsed 32;. to»; DutrhTw -and a llAf per Cents, 54 to -; th^ Five «per Lents, lOOi loi; Peruvian 22i to i) Portuicuese. »1 tcji; Uani«h 85 to S7; Colombian, 11 to :; Ctulian, 99 to 20!; B¡á.z«ltai!,7j to ..: sn«l Belgian, 10*i to it .- Liverpool Cotton vI_kket, Jan. 15.(-u Saturday for--- uoou, the Hibercia, Boston packet, was telei'ia;,hed oti Otms- head, andthe 1n.eUis.nce by her was looked for with con- sidrr^ble interest. It was very evident tiie brokers would :-.ot dispose until the uiuhot wr-_ knowu, and no sooner did they recw-i-f her papers, than .*i very brisk deinaud sprung up "or s;^-cul.«tv-rs aewnut, .t»-.i ¿.CHM) to 6,OIK* bsU» -wee _o'J at full ¦...id advanciug prices This morning, the market opened with a very active inquiry. Prices fully «id, per lb. wa* reddily paid, and in some i*is:acce_ ¡d i»e- lb. wa, asked ai this sd- ¦ance. Aooat 2(i.0'0 b*!es h-.ve been sold, II,Cut'of them to «.jvculators; the lemeioder to the trad?, aaiil :;:' this advance holders s*em unwilling CO brilló' ont their stocks. Consuméis luve b en ukt-uby sur-prise, and it ye-rtm.ini ro tr >.-.. v> h.it light 'hry m-iy view it. An ad ranee of !d."pêrlb. bas been established on the price« ruling la»r Friday w.-ek. t'oiTON SIaRXEt..TPtVJWyReport..^The market op*n«fd .hi» week with a in.«derate demand; Ouisince Tuesday specn- Utors hive bought very exteasi«-, lj-, ;;.rir :ittentiou beini: di¬ rected chielly lo tiie coramou and middliu-; qualities of Ameri¬ can and Snrat, id dtare.- than on Friday f«_t; other kinds ie- miiu without alieratien. Sjveculators have taken 21,500 American, 7iji) Egyptinn, and 7,60«' Surat, and Exporters 150 Surat. _s*?>__S-_gi£-Sflüaji«g^ I Ln**_Rrooi_ Paorifiov Market. Jan. 15.Th-re appears to be consider iblr d-*m.ind in ail th*> Irish mirkf _s for ime But t*-r..03 Lando.; account, sad such high ; rices are r*.v_n. thaï the trad- of th;* place is entirely «r^rei trnm ti,*- competition Henri» the heavy supplies of icdiffereat Butter now here, and i-h- ña.ciBif busm»-»* We have lately experienced. Since ou lut circular no animation whatever U noticeable and prices »re entir ly nomiiii^ Heavy and prime. Beef and Pork are rally ai liicb. ¿s en this cay e^'-i^h:. The loime; w~ {note 8_»i. to *>2¿. '..!. i*i berce; and the Utter 49$. *o 56«. p-r barrel an in quality. Bacon is held very stesdity at 3is. to S.* prices, which CO a modérât»* ex-en*, dealer., accede to. A 1 »rge -juan'i'y of Amnrican Beef offered by auction on Thai-day fast, met with only poor «nc-'-ir-grmenr, A few tierces of very fine quality wen-, w- nnderstaad, disposed of after the s.:!t -t a price i»^i <!.d not transpire.the ¡<-st b*inç inferior, -«-aswithdrawn.the bidding not bi_g higher than55*. f.,r tit-rc. j.:.'. 2ti.. per barrel. ï i.e.-'.- »a as a fair sprinkling of the tiade in e't.niance. ^_ ~ MARK! El/:" Febiuiry "*, by the tier Mr Giern."W. K. Wi5a*-t to Misa Ja»e, daughter of die :*.- El *.« _>ixo_. _ll of nas city. DIED: On Saturday mcrninir, F**brear iü. Lient. Jons Fa£u'«o- h**ys:.> ".ÎEttCKH, of rue L". S. Na**y, -^-«J m y,---. Hi- friend.; i_ t¡« :ä-..i bis u:;-lr. Theodore F.*e isghny «en, are »nvite» to attend ».»- fanerai, from -nere.id-uee- of the lattrr. >o. ¿6 Wasniogtoa Place, This (Mondsy) Afternoon, al 2 o'clock. F< t-iua-/ 10, Mrs. Catherine McF_-RJ_a**_>, intbeTOth ye rot her age. lier frieuda and at-ci^ia'anc-«»« are re»»-.>-*<:fu üy re q íes ted r-> attend her l" »nend ou Monday, li.e :,:h b-i.. a; 2't o'clock, ? M , from th- r__idetce cd hrr son in law, John G.e¿ jy. ;7I bJgltth Avenue. O . Saturdaî Afternoon, Febm .ry !0. Mrs. Ltdia N. Cox, vr.'e ef Mr. Samuel Cor, ;-¿ the S'J-.'i >e.; o; h*-r -ntè The rdat ves end friends aro i v :cd attenù her fon-ral on Tuesdaj Mornmg next ai 10û'cUhIc. A sermon will b. preached in th- M .-.. i hurch «t W ¡lli_in-b«_;_i)', él";.: '«.h th ¦h-- c«).'i se -.--: been removed fo- internent. Ftbmary lu, of partly sis, Gloria*»*, widow of Job.-: Bead, 3_-d SO years. .¦- '-1-_______|"i****** Passengers Arrived In this berk Adam Larr,fron G/c.eo.-».-Mr Brown, and i iu the tte i--*-. Jnpackit shin Europe, for Livet-pool. Patrick O'Donnell sai -9 m the -teer,¿6. Passengers Sailed In the pad et ship Wellington, ftp- Liverpool-*»Mrs Fo.ter and Mrs De » n, of London; A s ßi.-m er -ni Augustos ¡"ii-ip;.. New-York; James Smith-md Ch.r'e« Brown, Conuecticnt; >lr Schlufcrjkampand Mr Cr._«m;m. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, FEBRUARY 12. MINIATURE AL-HaNAC.THIS L»AV. The 5cn The Moo. Fcll Sfa. Rises..7 i | St-u..!, ¿9 l Morning... .2 20 Evening ...2 26 L.A i K i i> A 1 Ï.9. London.January 15 ! Havre .J.nnary 21 Liverpool.January IG | New-Orleans.February l LATEST DATKS. -t.J*nua __ _" *ry CLEARED, Ship South port, Griffith, Charleston. G*-o Bulk!«v. B--k U ejbnsset, Collins, bile, Dunham & Diwon. Brigs Eliza S. Susan, Dyer, Mobile. Badger St Teck; Hele¬ na Margaretta, Nernst. Trie.t«.. William Weisson; Rodney, Smith, Matagorda, A (Jap^üi; Florid - BUr.co. E!drid¿e. Ba- 1-.7.0. B Blanco; Menea, Drijvr, Oporto. S G Lengh kCo; GulieJma, Mavo, Matanzas, Bret: ït V'ose; Tower, Le*!¡e, I harlestou, Thompson St Ad.má. Sehn N L McCready, Sêely, Savannah, N L McCready St«L.o; Roche*.ter. Fou::t:i;n, B-iltimore, J k ôi Brip;«; iCm- ina, (_ olr, do, Johnsen k L'-''l-n. ARRIVED. Packet shi.-. Kurop«, Furber.fiom Liverpool. Jan .'6, mdze, to (. II Marshall S.','o. Shi'.i Agnes, Wetherill, fm Amsterdam, Jan .". Off B.acliy Head 13, Lizard U, with m-'z to Pfeipher & Wissmann. Af¬ ter 5 1-2 days f.om the Gr-ind Üank? hove to ¡ntltesnoW storm of Thursday morning. Oil" Fir.* l-iami the A experienced bad weather with thunder and lightiiin.: E of the Banks.¿for the in days .-.fter leaving the B.ir.ks Mad rory thick weither, not being able to get daring thewholetimeanobserratioo of any celestial obj* et: the temperatureof thewaterai times as Tow as 31 Faih. Sailed 11 com-, with biig N'eptune and b..¡k I'omon-t for NY. the 1' off the Kentish Knock in tow of -i.-.nw. We were afrenvard informed b* a boatman that boarded, she hid been a»hore and wa« tow.-d off nml bonnd in Ramsgate. January IBtls, in latitude 47 39,longitude 20 30. spoke bark Anakthou, o. A rundel. Norway, 25 days from Port an Prinze, for Hamburg; Feb7,lat 10 20, lens CO 27, by account, noticed large quantities of hay adiift. supposed to be dt-ck load of some vessel bound S. The last three days she has been cov¬ ered with ice fore and aft.-fin sprays which were immediately fr.Zrii o.i touching the deck and ropes;.-was towed up by ste'.n». ShipCohota, H.»p')iirn, from Liverpool, Jan 8 with rnd-.e to N L ic G Giiswolil.have had very cold and stormy weather sine- crossing the hanks ou t«,e 3fltn ult in lat «.2. 10 long 62, a snow storm commenced from N E stiifted t«» S E then t«> S \'.' blowing heavy from e-ich of these points, fr- in thence it suddenly shifted to N W and blev*. a hurricane, thr clost- .-el infill topsail was split aud frozen, the .!iii> thrown on her beameuds, the steerage fiood-d with warer; the covered with ice, six of t*u crew became di..abl*d from fro.tbrusf.wore ship eftei the gale abated and run into thegulf to thaw the ce and repair the damage cansvd b-,- ihe gale and hiv<- b en forced^by westerly gales a" far ¿.outh as lat S_>, have I een on sounding, to the north of Delaware three d.-*.-.. Passengers. Mr -. Mrs George ( r-i^i, of England -,n«t 8S ..teer;»-p.-«-ai t.>w-1 np by ¡team b-;-.t tVava. C »j-t Handeit.itt. Ship **t. George. Ferris, from Liverpool, Jan 13th, mdze. to N L Talcott. Th- St. Gt-on-e i- at anchoi at S W Son. Ship Alabamian, Lane, from Ñlobüe, Jan 8. cotton to£ D Hunbut k Co. Ship B Aymar, Carver, 2.th Jan. from New Orleans, cotton and provision., to Nesmith, Walsh it Co. Hamburg hark Washington, Krufter, .3days fiúm Hamburg nvlze. to Schmidt &. Balchen. Baik Serene, Adams, 71 daysfiom BuenosAyres with hides &ct«) D-.- Forest-S-Co. Berk Serene,Adams, fin Buenos Avie-, 30th Nov. ar.d Toint Indian,Dec 1st. with hides, horns, hair, Sec. to Spofford, Tilestcn «v. C «>. Sail-*d ¡u company with hatk Three Broth¬ ers, of and foi Sa'em: ship Active of B-I timoré, shl d.y be- foie for Boston; tin- baik Rosabella for Sa'ein, lelta few ds before. Left bark La Platta, for Philadelphia, in a few d*; o.irk Hobait, Collins, w»g; bris Plymouth, Goodbne, Idg for Boston; «hip Mex'can, Deming.for NVork in 12 di.*.; orie Northumberland sailed ¿ «Js before for Kio de Janeiro; bsrl. Cathaw, Winigate, disg; brig Rr.Mian, Simpson, do. Jan. lti, lat 22, long 63. spoke*sehr Mansou of Scituate, in d_ys from Boston, tiound >»outh. Th- S-^ieu«. h«_s b.en on the Coast 15 days, and !'«d very rough weather. Bremen bark Hudson, Chilling, .">" days fiom Bremen, with mdze, to it T. Popí c. Bark F.llrii Cobb from Trinidad De Cuba, Jan .0, S17hhds, .8 tes mrd-issr-s. to Chast«-lain k Pontert. Left b .rk America from Portland just aniurd; brij Ei-xrlelt to 'oad lor Boston; brig Millón York for Boston ut-xt d-«y; b.irk Franklin for Bos¬ ton. Le:'t two days befóte fcrig AlbertiM lor New York. Left two days b«-fv.re sehr Mary *>f IVwcasset, L**lt ih'e«. davs b-ùre, Jan 28, lat 31, loot; 77 22,s»gn.-lised bark Franklin. Bark '. othschild, Lo>»ry, 15 day» from HaY&ny, su^ar _nd molasses, io J i Taylor. B- h*ik Adam. C^rr, from Glasgow, Jan 10, with muís, to VVoodhnll -t Mintnrn. B'if; F.a.-le, Stevens, of Boston, ¿á days from Palermo, ami 45 «ri-m Gibraltar, frnii to How»-*. Godfrey «. Robinson . l.-ft at Palermo bark F<*ncia, Wells, for Boston, unieitain, the »n'y American ves^t-l in P"it Bri« Srlma. Smith, fiuin M^b ie, Jm 15, cotton, to Starve* Sc Clea-m in. Br >i Clinton, Lyon,7 days from S,v».nuah, cotton, to Stnr- i;e< Si Cieannan. Brig Mis i*.sippi,Rai»den. of Bath, 29days from St M»rki, co'toti, tti Nif-mith, Walsh fit < o ï> Íleo >n co wi h bug i-ifi.rv Le-«U Diinkwater. for New York. 18th Jan. Cape Fl ridvexchan^.d »ii.-na s w.th h^r. I he M. has been 17 days North <>. Haltera« with continual NW LaU¿. Sehr Ameli«. T**rry. foai bwansb'.ro'. NC.. 2 days from the Capes of "Virginia, wi h naval «.roi«., «ud cotton, to H Ru*»«':--. Lf'tschr Vlaiy.Bright, 16 davs from St LommgO :«t NY-.-';.p »t jy shoitof wood and w.;.r. S. !n Thorn s Win..-«. D-wdy, Sda\ s Í: ni Washington, N C, nava" fto.i-i S hr Perseverance, Lewis, 10 days from \Va*hing.ou, NC. navil sto.es. to Captain -.ehr S;. en 'id, an .ckford. from Matanzas, Jad 20, 200 hhdî m^ir.ises. to J Mauhews i* Co. Sehr Aun M.iiia. J..kcí, 10 d.ys from Newb-TU, NC, naval store*, to S L Muche I. Sehr Airxnider, Parbtr, f om Philadelphia cr.d 3 days f cm i'o-t i'«iin. mdtr- to A B Cooley & Co. Sehr ungen. Col«*, i days from Peter-bar.,', fl.nriad tobac¬ co to Jam. s Huntei. Sehr Amo* Brd-all. Co! Hadson, and Solomon Rockhill, All from V rsiuii piue wood. Sesr Diiector, 1'ost. 2 d_ys f.om York River, n y sters to Captain. .... , Sehr Florid -. Mot«, 2 days ¡rom Virginia, oy>ters to Cap¬ tain . , »»chr Cv.uie, Gra-.t, of -*»t-d¿-ewitK. from Machia, with lum¬ ber b."s i-*-eii 15 <!*iy* in the ice off a-indi Point; lust bo «t sails, V-; been a-hore; vfs«cl sprung a !*ak, making 40 r..r-k»-s per miaute; short >jf provision», -o.d suffeied very much from the severity of thi weither, fhe Strimboat Come: Wds 9 iiour> «et!;n2 her out of tr* ice. Sclir Crescent, of Salem, fm Cutler, Me, tmnd »tone. an«l Rsh to Smith Je Boynton. Wasin theice off Huntington Li; lost s«i!> a- «l ii.«.'!i*i--i-J m ritrcinc; was _isis:ed by the Ea_tern Cu'ter; -utfrrt-ii *"ery much from tr.e weather. Schi Phcbe. D. Smith, from Foit Peni:. Del. flour, i*e. to G Bulkley Sehr Pascarira. Smack, 15 days lrom Richmond, riourand tob^ecn. to Allen St P.X-on. Sclir M'rgaret Ann. I'aiue, Virginia, weed. Sehr Wm O. Cooper, _do do. BELOW, Ship Sar-.h Sheaf, from Antwerp; bark Clarissa Perkins, from New Orleans; b-rli Montpelier fiom New Orleans; also, 2 ships, 1 ba.-x and 2 bri_s qpk*»<*«wn. .V.EMOÜA.NDA. Bremen br.g Roland, from Boston for New-York, is fast in the a-e off Old F;eid P.in:, with three anchoisahead. Schrs Cornelia, Grecian, llecown. Victor, Emily K-:i¿ht, Mary Ann, Willliam, Dr Franklin, a_d three or lour sloops, which tailed y* s:e.*_.*.y loi Eastern ports, -ue all set in the ice Throgg*s Point. _ SAILED. racket ship Wellinctca, London. Bark Potomac, Hull, Ln^. _ .. Ship Mississippi, New Orleans. The M w*J towtd to sea by the steamboat Hercnles. _ DISASTERS. The British sehr Eleanor Jane. Field-, of and from St John SB. for Alexandria, with a cargo ol's.!:. was drivau by ice on HoUis's Flats, on the 2i*th ult, about 70 mites below Alex- .indria, and cat throuith and sunk Her cargo will. be totally Io»*, but no Jans..; is appreh_nded, uuless the ice should br-^k ui> S'audru!;.-. ¦a/-, a Large qnanuties of drift lti in y-, rivers and bays, wina li^'tit from th- Southard. Weather hazy. rey Cliu-rcli Festival and Fair..The ladies of the -th tJongragaticnal Cnarch, nnder the Pastoral care uif Kev. Dr. Walla», will hold a Frs-.i-.-al aud Fair, to aid the C'iureh in the erection of a House of Wo.-srip) on the 11th,j>. Febniary, iStl ("Valentine Day) in the lane and splemlid ^* loou .«.'. trie c -mer of Charlton and Yarick fízeeis. Refresh¬ ments will be served both aftrraooa and evening. To prev- nt cotí'nsiou and give s_ti»facii.-n to visiter-., the large 5a.ooa will be -ppropnalec exciu.ively to miuic prrmenaüiug. &c. The table» will be set in a ro«*m distinct ñon: the Saîoon. ami each person will be seated and waited upon by the Fe¬ male M-n-tc«-r-.- Tic»... c-_ b# obtained at Millet's Music »-».loon *',,-) Broadway; J. B. Ark-r. I Vaud«m 3txe-î; J. Ta¬ bor'- Confectionary. 293 Bleecker Street, at this ofñc»*, and at 'te door of the Siloou o_ the day and evenins ol the Bestir *The New-'-'ork Association of Arnitears. under the direc- tiouc f Mr. Naibell, have kindly ro.'uuteered their ^*"-".lc.r'.-1,on thaeccasion._^M, - :3t»t.« O^The New-York Society of Llteratnre will hold tr.e'.i regul »r D-eeongon Mo-.J«-y fl ¡"?)tf,;.^i!;;(* _t 7 1-2 o'clock, in the Lectur. Room ol the Daten Retorurd Church in Franklin street.a few.doors abo.e Wes. Broad way. Exercises to consist ol Recitations. Lsssys,. ^'* ** bate ou the queuion-Is a Protective Tariff conducive to our National Prosperity? ,. The public are ioriud to attsad. -l -^.---7n»i>1îercautile L-*>rarj* Association.-The TtcAfth L*;ct**t«i of tile Cour.« wj-1 be D-hrercd in Clinton Hall, on iu->-di7Lv-ui:iÇ, !3:h _Rt_ u -k o'ei0C±,BV k=v W. B. Smgn». D P. «._bjec;-** Conspiracy of CctihneA Tickets 25 c-nls. to be had at the Doer £v o»-.'-r 1. 2:is . __'-IiAS.M. WHEA i LE Y. Rae S'c. %Jfä'ß&S$vtF5?- -»"¿»nie L.ectare*.-THO- -"i ,*/."* : t-i**í »W;íl«-elivei tW Sc.rnte.Dth Lecture of the Ç-mim,iw.the Lettureltooto, City Hau. «his (Mon- f_j.vieTe.wn-. I2th Jan.. a: Bo-clock. Sarject-' The Hmory ot me City of New-. otk, during its occu¡ aney by ihe Dutch."*I Lecture tree. Uoor! ojvn s* 7 o\ !. ck It CHABLKS L. BARRETT. Actuary. "¡SyC* S. City Despatch Post..in cor_se.«aeace oi theneax appro-cn ot Ya&atine-* D*j (:i.a ¡use* extensive *u-*-u*Rineots nave b en made, a .-J every recauti « bas taker, to losu.rt apmtnp: distribution of these «i nuu' Tok np md-widi a view tog-__rd a a¡akr :ne pi>J3:l,;¡i:v _»fdU-i*t*o -.'-. meat by uVlay, £.*«¿suable that the iii--.es ot those to whom :h-> a-e :o be addressed. togeth_* i-h the number of the resi- ei.e-.'. ¦¦'¦- '. -*-.¦. -.;.] ;he ««hole »d :r.iA be dis¬ tinctly wrjrea in lull. ¡: _s_ir«>s en that the m«Mtat>nropri- -¡:» method b= -dopted in r -.i ¡ ;n se Même« t* s' bv at« caching ire«» stamps, as it «a-iH fa [Hrat : distribution Theycai beobt ined itthe U***-««t-.u«- Lowe. Post offices and at ». : t. a«*ti«>..s at -;, ,. .., _; 25 ;-¦ ". x oi ¿0 «:. inn. fel 3: J. Hi«. L"R ..¦ vR GRAHAM, P. M. ET" I*-aï»c «Dayro.1, .T!"» :.rv md Solicitor, N«** 7 Nassau street, .New . q--^ Iwisklwossod* ... ^ «J-aaiu« Tracts lu Xew-H»ven.-C v Cluhsii*.dn«hersro_. __ .rtj ¡ mi W|.n |iw JlUi;Hll ¡ _,.., ,L î*-"*, 1i-JLí-'Í,v 2'-?!,'.:'u' -»hers pric«at the store oí" DURRU St Pr.Cr.. Bo kseUers. Nt*r.g-v»>n.Con iS.ts rifr%1i0u!^.iîls,,,ulttlt: Inited Statc-*.- GRA.xu .> -v ' ' ** A i. »V «r . ; R » \ -\* n , n ¡ ¿ l- _ WILLIAM CURLE T ic JOB N G _D¿ ol the ciy f ÎUItimoK. h- le me.- sov. ,,..:i. s auá. ..._. jir>c;iú_ _-,« \. hig B-uincrCoajmure« ol tl citv, a -: the latter -ttending to tne remainder ¦.'. t!!r _.ir¡: ~ _,*.... --OKANO NATIONAL WHIG BANKER,» to be piesmted t>v ihe .«- hi-p o; Bultimore. to the W hiKs of 6rst »tare shall have the ladest rrovnJruoDate uumber o: de!e-£¿tc.-. ii. arteüLüijre a: th-1 . - OUNG -'RV*-« U'HI^ NATIONAL CONVENTION OF RATIFICATION : ) meet it» Bal imore, o THURSDAY, :he 2d day of May n^.t. i*-specuuliyaubOUn«N thit tnrv are getting ur. in lh* b»u^ style o. engraving, and : rint«l on satin two badges, wh ch wall btfac similias m the national Whig Banner.** oneoi them will «.e leig- -ndsuiwbte fu* framiog and the Communications from Clun«, Associations or persons desir¬ ousof deallniT in t:ieBi_¿ei, a- r-essed to I- nn.lei«ic:i ñ will beattended t.\ WILLIAM GÜRLETT ,_. _,. , JOHN CADE. Baltimore, February, isu. I2f4tii [Baltimore American. A. ASllFI_LD.Preii.ieut. x. Howard 0*-RRas. «Vice President. f10 2tfc '*j:=*Si*rtccntli ivitril Xïenry Cïirv Club..The mruibois of the **ii5'.»enth \V«.n! Henry Clay Club, and all others friendly to the _ca ase, aro reqaes'éd to meet «t No. l.S Eighth avenue, on Fri.i-.v evening, ¡Gib iast, it 71 o'clock, for the trau«;.ic:io«i of such 1-usirte«^ .i» may corne b.iore thr-rn. By order of WM. STODTENBOROUGH, 1stYioePrêsilent UENJ. HARKER, 2d Vice President. E. Feroi'so.v. Secretary. N. ß. ihe li'.eeiiii-* is cail-d by the above officers, is the President is absent from the city. I2Í2: >î&F \ry Seventeentli Ward..An adjourned me-eting of tiie Democratic \*-"hi? Clay Club tiie Seven'eenth Ward will be held at the H«snry Clay Ronse. corner ol Avenue A and Kirst-strert, on Monday Evening; F-brui-y 12th, 1311, at 7 o'clock. Puiictu«! attendance is particu'aily re».uest-d. to hear th* Report of the Committee on Constitution and Bv* Líws. and to nansa*.t »uch oihei business «.» may be present¬ ed to the meetiug. JACOB ACKER, PresHent. JostPH Kek.n, Secretary. f 102: Hyer'S Pill»«..The safest, clieip-ist and most ef¬ fective Family M*-ilicin.- ¡n t!.»- Woild. See numerous testi¬ monials at the Gel;»-;.! Office of Sale, i 13 Fulton street, second lioor. 3fistf ANOTHER REVOLUTION I.\ CHEAP BOOKS: ON THURSDAY WILL BE HEADY', THE YEMASSEEj A ROMANCE OF CAROLINA. BY G. W. SIMMS, LL. D. Price Ticenty-Ficc Cents. Zy HARPER k BROTHERS have commenced the pub lic.tion of A Svkiks or Sf.lect Novels in the Parisian form and style, of which the above volume, " Ths Yemassee," isa specimen. The Senes will be mnde u¿< of the best American ami Foreign ¡Novels a.*»d Romances, without mutilatieu or abiidtiineiit, at TwK.\Tv*riv«-; Cents eacii. As the works of. ferfd in this collection are the cheapest and most económica] ce: issued, the !'nblish"r¡, confidently anticipate a rapid and l.irs'«' s'-!e. A wo*_t will be «,.iibli.»:ie-l every wiek, if practica. ble. The äecoi.d Number v, ill contain A Novel, never before «,-nhlishsH. by a disiirguuhed Amélie m Author. ON WEDNESDAY, "SO. V. OF GIBBON'S ROME. ?Ay This great History will be completed, with Mar«. Per¬ mit fee, in Fifteen Number**, a«. 55 ce«.««, each. ON THURSDAY, NO. III. OF NEAL'S HISTORY OF TFIE PURITANS. 'fy This excellent work will be complete«! in tig'nt Num¬ bers, with nine Portraits, at 25 c*nts e.v h. ON FRIDAY, DEFENCE OF THE WHIGS. 3V A MEMBER OF THE TWEJÍTY-8BVENTH CONOREäfi. Pnce T.enty-Fice Centn. ON SATURDAY, aicCüLLOGFS GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. <Xy This best and -;re-tte.t of wor_«, of the kind, ever pub¬ lished, will be complete»! in frs:n IS to 30 Numbers, at twen¬ ty live ceuts each, iiiastratsd by seven large and beautiful Maps, ens-raved on stetl from the latest authorities. fcl26t now ready; ~~y The Ameriean l* dilion «i th«> FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. 64. A rich andsp <". Number coa'ainin«**, =t«;.o.ig it* _>S''-rs, the famous caust c -rticV :.u t«i- " POETS OF AMERICA." Sirtzl»* nnn«b-'s for «ale it «ht Publication Office. ^y Price of t e Four r.n ish Reri-ws . S8 a year. Do Scott & Co.'» fac sinní»- BUckwood. S3 t " New subscribers entir!*-! to b?.ck volâmes at Half Price. Subscriptions received by LEONARD. SCOTT, k CO. Publishers, 12 FnUnn, near Na«siu st. ¦**.*. B. The hte se'ere w»athei having detv-eJ our i.aj-er on it« p-i-sa^e h-î caused some delay ia ¡he p-biiaatioc o1'''.is unmber._l<" READING FOR THE MILLION! No 2 is now ready and published this day by BURGESS, STRINGER o. 222 Broadway, Ttil. AMfcttlUAN IN I' -»iii*f, DU«IN<* THF. W1NTEK. A Companion to "Summer In Paria." BY JCLE8 JANI.V. All who hi«e rran the first numb-r of this work, will read the sec-'i.d. ThiT*se w- <> have not wiii find »'ich a desciiptiou of Pa isu.i Life, in the h.igrt of the f-shionable .«¿«son, as Ji.nn alone, .»fall living authors, could hive written. Price twsnty-ftve c-nts._ UHUlCfc A.ND tXQUláLTü VALENTINES ! Cuoid, Hymen's IVim- Minister, wi'h the Consent, or ta- th-r, attho-P-irliculariJesireofkll the G ace., has appointe! Dr Vin Yorx, «oleaad---.«cia! Ar-rnt lor th- sa«Vpf ihe most e!« gant lot of V«ie:,tiii»s ever imported intothis City. Tbey are «Ul uwde for L«-ai< Ye»r.and ca¡o.il«ie<l for this meridi_*5. At bTJuGESS, STRINGER k CU'S. f 12 2t 222 Broadway, under the .«.nitrica-i Museum. VALENTINES. ti.t- purpose. ~WILL BE PUBLISHKL» UN TUESDAY, EXTRA NO. 6 OF THE NEW MIRROR, SONGS AND MISCELLANEOUS POEMS OF BARRY CORNWALL, WITH NOTES £Y N. P. WILLIS. r__?" These b- «uitilu! Foerr.s will re issued in a DOUBLE ex* TRvof the New Mikbor at 25 cents a copy, rnd will form the sixth number of the " MIRROR LIBRARY." now in the course of pu.lication. To persons residing at a distance they caa be seat by ia_il at the ordiasry newsj-aper postage To those who enclose SI (free of expense) Five Cofies of the Doable Extr*. or tea of the single ones will be sent. For sale, wholesale iad retail, by MORRIS, WILLIS k CO , fe!0 3t* N-». 4 Ann st. nos. Broadway. P JCKET-BOOK L; ..**¦'!'..Yesterday rne.-ntn?, "betwi-ea N*ssiu-!ireet-aid Sr. Paul's Chnrch, a Russia >earher Pocket*B 'OS, containing f-ipers of uo use to t-ay per- ¿or. but the ov.uer. The û~d.i will t>« iirjeraily rewnrde-1 oa briii*!«-? i: to No. Î8 Nasssu-strert._It* PARTY VESTS. PER STEAMER BRITANNIA. A FEW CHOICE PATTERNS of Light Satin aad White Marseilles Vestincs. Also, a new arricie for White Vesu. Several readytnide Vests for Parti«, Bills, &c. for «»Je by WM. T. JENNINGS k CO. 231 Broadway, 12f lm Opposite Park Fount»¿a. QMOKË\~C-.i:vlNh;YS..The sub=cnber3 he.ve O invented a do-ible Vestüating Cap, with whi**-h they irnaraatee to care chimaevs 'roan srcokinc.price mod«;rat«». i*. Na YuOR k CO. 79 Broad .«... P. S..-23 of thi above c*ys miy b«» seeu on four hoa«*, be> lt,D-;ir-r_ to D. Anuir, Esq. Union Plsce, >Vw York* also eisnton Col. Webb's dwelliug, corner ol 17th street and 4:A av-mt-«>. feL2rf BALLS, PARTIES, &C. TE XID GLOVES, of a very superior r. For «lie a: 231 Br adway. opposite '-he Fcua- [f 12 In».] WM.T. JENMNGS ¿c CO- OVER COATS. XJCTM. T. JENNINGS ic CO. 231 Broadway. VV Am-iican Hot.!, "ioppesit« Park F««uat_in.) will sell off the renuinde.r of their stock of ready-made OTEB COATS, coasisting cf Benvex, Pilot,a_d English Tw«red Snrtoats. at \ezy reduced prices. Also tiie few remaining Winur"Frocks. f«13 --** t V caili " Jsstics to Ireland."" A REPEAL BALL will be given at Tammany -i-JL Hall on Monday Eveaias. Feb. 1-, .3t'L the proce-ds of whicli ar* to so into tte tr-easury el" the Uni-«-d Irish Rcçeii Associarioa ol ihis city. Tickets On« Douar each«to baa at rammany Hall, and of T. MeGnnttey, U. Water siretL Murphy i. -G-áriiey, C-vthaca »tr**.l. P. Clark*. 35 Hec.-v »'.;e-*. John Collins. 3i Spring .u.eL f R;V.\ 23 »Viliett street. And of :-e undersigned Cominítí-r-t. Patrick ».'lark James Haches Michael CùnCuîiy J.mes Be;¿eu M.cta_lDo._a P-tnck C.«OKaa Joseph Mnrphy Job« Collins Michael Dor-.¡, Jr. Edw. 6-Delasey Patrick Riley Bernard 0*Cood*11 James Boyle Loujchtia Dugan Michael Brady Andrew McCabe Michael Newton John Riley Owen Clark ^ John Duffr ( JohaB D***-**ei David M. Najtel Nicbol** Walsh Law. H. Klanaigan « Foy J-Aru H ncs»*,y rrancu Filaora Wm. Cresa .. one O wea Curran -.-.'a.. John »«-'ir.: MichaelMnrtagh Patrick Ba-k« :. CLARKE. Chairman. J By Clath-s, Jr., Secretary. 6f5ös"* r__ ' JasQce to Ireland-' T HAS BEEN Dt-TERMJNSD to nv»&RaU m tidofUv. fondsofthe [JNITED IRI3Í-Í REPEAL V-sOCIATl V -hi :h. «.~n:ri ; of the 13th ofreb nary, a: ¦V?.f"¦'¦ St. a Hall, Broad -a**. the » n .i:.,, .v- m-de »rrancemenri a,~oc a 1 beral seal*, and can pr< mis« :h«: nothing sh, 1 be wanting oa 'h-i- art to in me the Q<tll «K lh_: .t should iw to do credit to the »r*"t caoM. : iefcr s can te had «f any of the Cammltrea. The prie- o'* »cke.'s, to admit a geateman a-, d two ladies. :s «ix-d a: Two Uoilars. GENERAL COMMITTEE. John Herdman.St,ouch«; p «; Malonry comer ofWert ai d Barclay ta»; H H Byrne, t«. Wall «;; j im** Codv. 31 Coartlan«: st; Florence VlcLarthy. 7¿ Nassau st; Daniel Swen ey, 11 Ann st; James Bergen. 17. William :*; Bemird Dounelly. 348 Grvenwich st; Patrick Raff, ity. 33 Colombia st! .liornas Kellt,067 -..ecuvHih st; Jimu Dana, Sixth W-*ra Hotel; Jirr.t». Byrnes. Nag3- Heal. 3 Barclay st; Patrick Moore,279 Division «t; Lawrence Langton, 3. Sprins st; Jo- .eph .-luri-hy.-Chatham st; Michael Clint, II Carlisle *t; ¡ijian McCahill, «-6 Esse., corner of Delan.v *t; Aadrsw Clark, 17«** Westst; Dennis Ma lea, 1*5 Washinctoo it; Mi¬ chael Gafnev >5 Prince a»; James Mullein, noGr-adst; Dennis Mullins, 372« IV*.«1 st; J-*-hn McBtide, Walker.cor» nerof Kldji iitei'; John Kane. Waihtng on it; John Haura- tian.6- Kid«»».; John Murnh**, 5 Ru'.er-i-t; Michael Con uolly. N3 Viercerst. JOSEPH F- CASSERLY. Sec , f3 tF'3*_34 Platt-stmt. IT-IKST ANNUAL BALL OF INDEPENU- I ENCE HOSE CO. No. 3.In aid of the New-York Fir* D partmeni band.will take place at Tammany Hall on Thu'sday Eveniue. Feb. !.«>. Tickets can be had at the dif¬ ferent Music Stores, of all the Engineers of the N. V. F. D. and ais > of the Committee. ü D. ATKINSON, Assistant Secretary. Dodsworth. celebrated Cotillion band :s engaged for the oc casioa._1112 .**_ S PEA KIN G A U ruMATO Ñ". 'i h ad v. rtiser has the honor of informing his i -tron* a::-l the public in general, that he will exhibit his SPEAKING AUTOMA¬ TON en TUESDAY ..VENINO, the 13th uist., at the Stuvvesant Institute, New-York. This wonderful aud iug«nioiu work, the successful re-nit of s-ve.-tren years' nn*e«nitted study and labor, articulates distinct; >, «¡id in a sound resemblingrhat of t::e hum «a voice, evervthiuK itimt ihe human Organs can pronoune» ; and inas¬ much asall preceding efforts to pioduca this have f..»le.l. th^ »«¦?eraser may be permitted to call his automaton unique in tnis world. 'he exhibition is necessarily confined to this iven:n* only, as .n. mom is occupied for scientific purposes of the Faculty, an : das been seacroosly ti-nd red to him by the institution on accountol the admiration and detpiuterest they take in this ex-; lordiaary production. Tickets, at 50 cents, may be procured at th* r face of the SchiiH [post, No. 3 Spruces«reet, and at Mr. Wm. Radde's bookstore, No 3?: Broadway, and at ih» door. Performance bénins precisely .it 8 o'clock. ':~y 'i'ne speaking Machine will p-rtorm all the r«»<».ni.sitea of a good scholar, «u: ?p«*lli.ig. reckoning, Ike. &,c .conclu- ding with t!i. rerj'.»! and singing of ' H -it Colubia. feli ît A M KK ICA ¡N M J**. I .-î" AN ) l' líPfíl U .*. L -í-jk FAI R. Every D -.y and Evening this week. Day visitera admitted ihr «nueevening: free. Ü «.PRKCEDEN PED ATTHACTlONS'i! LAST WEEK ofthe eccentric Dr. VALENTINE: in ad¬ dition to whom ttt- mincer his enga^-d, forone week longer, the accoj-i !.s:n'J wd talented loir. Mis. WESTERN. Also, the renowned comedí *n, GuEAT WESTERN. Together with Minoi FR.ACISCO, Who -¡iiien-s in th<« c^lehri»..«! Chinr.e DivMtiseincnt«. T. G. BOOTH, the celebrated Comic Sinip-r. I!, vi SHERMAN, the beautiful Ballad Singer, and LA PE II I'E CERITO, the admired danseuse COMIC OLlO.e tided* THE LO V.N OF A LOVER,' by Mr. -»ml »,iis. western, T. G. Booih and .Mr. M\ers. YANKEE COURTSHIH, by Mr. and Mrs. Western. TheGlPSY QUEEN, the most sarnrising fortune-teller in the world, m .y* be privatsly consulted at all tune« re¿.ird- n-rPAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EVENTS Performances every evening at halt-i-as: 7 u'clocu, and Wednesday and Saturday aitexnoons at 3 ..'clock. L'ickets "i i cents: children uaiier íu vean, 12» cents. Twenty-fire cents extra for private consultations with the Gipsy Uu-eu. _ DEALK'S N." y. MUSEUM..ADMISSION 1 ONLY 121 CENTS. The Manager is haopy to announce ar. engagament with Miss LOUISE DOROTHEA WAGNER, the Fortune T-ui:;.: Gipsev Girl, »it-ur THE CELEBRATED UITSEY QUEEN of the Ameiraii «.'useum. She can be »efii fi«.m 0 o'clock iu the mornüiK till ' o'clock in the att.moon, dressed in bei native eostunie. and can be nrivaiely c«j»Milt<d regarding PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EVENTS. Sh« ennnot bf jeer, in the evening. National 1'ortiait OaMery. Oraud Co*Riorama and 5iTt',0ü0 cariosities. Admission one shilling i 12i rents extra to tho.e who cousult theGiptey (}»rl. FANCY FLOW ERS AN'i VH E A D D R.I2SSES. An assortment of Coiffures, Flowers and H*m<1 Dresne» for Balls, Soirees and Opera, jast received and for »aleon com¬ mission by II. R. THOMPSON. l"12 1v.i.. _ _ _No. 6- B«MVr»t. SI.Í-; HERE .Those who have Lant-sm Illinois that have not paid their taxes and have not their titles re¬ cord, d, can now find an agent at Nt*. 0 Avenue A, wh > leave» for the West this week on Thursday. Call from 1 to 1Î. Re¬ ferences satisfactory, ("h-ir-ies reasonable._fe!2 3t* A &ENCY OF THE WlLUAMöBUKüH IN- X3. SURANCE COMPANY, No. M Wallstreet, (Well's Buildings) continu«** to «usure again.t loss or i.'amaje by Fir« throu'hont the United States, on as favo-ib!* cor.ditioa4 as other offices. DIRECTOR». í-amuel Willeti, Charle« O H-rndy, Francis Steinheil, John LeiÇSitt Lemu«! Riehard-on, Fred'h. W. Favre, ».ichoU» Wyekoff, Christian Zabn.kie, iiephea Will-t., Ai.dw.C Benedict, Jobd *«killm-n, Th.mas McKie, Jeremiah Jobnton C ZAßRIBKlE. President. A. B HODOES. S«.r«i:aty. Wuh'-h-tv» Po-T. Ag-nt._f!2 2avv3m HOUSES a $D STORES FOR. SALE-OB «PO LET.-.The two first c!s-i thiee -tcry Homrs . _B* Nor. 189. 193 t!;d r»-e two story H*u»e No. Ig5 Mac- D .nsalstre« between Waverly jlaC-ai.d Eighth st. with oi wit oui coach h->u*es-:.d.ta-1rs The net' two story frame Hou;«. No. 1'5 Waverly place. The ipaci ms th ee no y house No. 5.« Cliff.tr. et. corner ' f Ba Uiiiho. well luited f-t & respect .ble private boiidint house Th* th ee story ho»»e No. Sro.e »ti-*ct near the Battery. Th- whole or part of thelir^e fire proof five story Store No. ?i **« kmanstryet , " The smal< St>re~So. ß7s Beekmäu at ,iuitable for any retail bn-li.«**- For terms apply to Ce 12 3t-_ R HOGAN, $i Btmkaasn at. ^^ FOK SALE..The Eagle Laboratory. ;...Ä.'(-r.»<r».l forth- manof..»tur» of Oil of Virriol. Mtl/i* .«^-r__»*»ric Acid. Bus Vitriol. Co^p-r-s. A'um, «tc ) wic- Dwt'lins and on.-hoa.es, otiii four aces <*.' land Pltasani]* sit».-red ou tHi Ba-k* of th- Conneetieot River, in the tow: of U'rtheisfield. Ct. Enquir*» of Clwstai Buiki-y. near'hi nren-iis-s. f 12 2weod«» Dl-sSOLUTIOM - Th- cnpartn<*rship of CAS WELL, MT'RDOCK & MOHGAN is Hissolv--d by th* withdrawal ofN'a;liv.i Ct-wll. an-1 the unsettled nccounts.W t»i. fir ,i as well as th« lite .>m of <'\riVVK.LL k MUR- DOCK will be -dja«tedby MURDOCH, LEAV1TT fcÇO. who ire autho;ii¿_ to use the Dime of »he fins iu liquidation NATHAN' CAS WELL, U. a MURDorjC. SAMUEL MORGAN. COPARTNERSHli'..i he undersigned have associated to»-t5»er for t'e purp-.se of tr*.i-a-tiiw th* Iron Commission buiness ander the firm of MURDOCK, LEAVITT k CO. at No. 27 West street-FebruaryJ2 ^URDOf K. EDWARD LEAVITT, SAMUEL MORGAN It** _SAMUEL OAKLEY. BUAKU IN BuMJ-öTitiSE- ..A t-cirlor, wiih a Bedroom attached, and one o* t-.«.o small rooms, with grites, to l«-t, with Board, at ¿»5 Bonc-stre«/-. J16 Imis» WINDO W SHADE DEPuT, No. 7 Spruce-st. SHADE*, of üli descriptions wholesale aud retail, S:?a. Bann.fr and Transparent Painter to order. ¡16 Irais BA»tTOLSc DK MAUNY. CAPSULES for the care of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION AND SCROFULA..They are highly recamm-nded by the «nedicil profession and gen*.r_lly t__en with t..e rons-nt of the fa'iiilv physician. Ac«_5TS. .Mr Milhao, 1S3 Bro-dway; Mr. Me-akim. 5U Broadway; Mr. Cotton, 2.Ó B^e cker &t. lnquirt-fo»- Stone's i-ulmou^ry Capsules,and »«te that his sÍ5Ba'iiíe and sea' are on each bot of m-dicinc N.B. Physic ;i.-u wiii Iram tht composition of the medi¬ cine on appl ication at any of the Agencie». lOf 3mUlm*.* CUPPING--AND LEECHING at all hours, with trie attention and carefulness resu'ting from several years' etr-enence. of which references to m*ny respectable familier can b-i fieelv K;.ven. by Mrs. LANE, 176 Yaiick-str«et, 2 door> above Ch«rl«-on«_tr_et. , I Mrs. L. haviuii proeored a larsce qaantitv of leeches, wii che-rfuliy wait on the poor and those in modent* circumatao ees accoidicií to th«ir ability to pay, at any part of the city. j 19 IíbÍs«*___________________________ rfÄMwDAILY h'XPüLSá.-The Subscriben -gfttS'SS- run their Express resnlarlv every day (Sunday« ___^I^» exce'jte.1) via Housatonir Railro.d. to and fapm g "*.. Ne-v-York. Aloany. Buffalo and toe intermedia« places, for the Transporta icn of Specif. Baak Scie*. Bundles ind Packages of Goods,. Collecting Bills, >ot»-s, Drafu uxd Accounts, with desparch. ,.,_,. ... .. Prom «.hi. Ciiv at 6 o'clock A.M. arr1vir.it in Albany the same-veni-ig and in advice of th»*L\8. Mail. f_5 lmlwi. _POMEROV k CO. 2 ^ all-at. "tTTlLLlAM Ï. JENNIN'JS M CO., Ura^rs V V arid Tailors, No. 231 Broadway, American Hotel, (op posit, the Fcactain.) solicit attention to »a invoice of nev* Go.xls received peí last steamer, direct from our Agent ¡l London, consistía., of CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, iu van- ous new styles.splendid SILKS and SATIN S.fcr Dress Vesta, MERINO, VELVETS, &c. with a Urge assortai_at of rich Silk and Satin SCARFS, CRAVATS, HANDKER¬ CHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, DRESSINO- ROBE.S.ÍÍC. We woold suggest to our patron» that from rhia addioon-U facility, w. «hall be able to supply them atan eztly date with ill the novelfit-s of the Londoo and Paris markets, andsastain the rej-ntatioa of the *-*.abtishm«ut lor the moderate prices which have elicited «so liberal a patronage liacp the adoptioa of tht- ready moa^y .yitem, by which we are enabled to fnr- cish fearmenü at from 25 to 33 \<r cent, less tbaa formerly«--a feature ia the «ublishmeut. which mnst commend it to those requLxüií aiticles for imme-diate use, is the addition to our stock of an assortment of fiistca-lity i^dy ma .eii'-ria«^^. includiUÄ Snrtoau, C-loiks, Dress ¡sad Frock Coats, r-mta- loons in_ Vests, Stc. l*u B AUCTION SALE«-. Jo'¦¦¦»!i ísicíjr.í». Aiotw:*--r. Y BANGS, ÄieHAfiSö «V FLATT.-2tore 19*5 Bread «--».. TUEtSDAT EVENING«. Feb. 12. _ . H«*icr ¿ttcsic.«-U«-*»*_«-l of lota ottboice F«-.-eij-a **_d AniTic»« Ma.ic br*J>-b*utc«-rarv"*T*. »jajo.«¡««-* '. i©'«*, with- outd-ai.íici:-«.co-iptiiirüíS^K. with P.a-o -ad Ociur w* çcm; «mi-Mta s. Solos a_d Due.'» for the !'i»j-,.. »fiCiTd Soats. f!.li__, Fmfchand «¿sania i .i.Mut», !iu_-tlioaB«oiU, Finie, V loi-n and Orcnestrtl .».umc, Stc. i he Mastc rr.sy b-eraia:ce«l at th« ».._.,, «*_.-. c*.«tJ<-_u-:*, '.h: day **-*e.*to*« :«» t. THURSDAY MORNnfO, at »o'clock AtstGMLi'i SaIK.Bt ct'erof an Aiii-tw-.T¡)ífc¡iír,> IDS Books ind Sce-eot.'.-e Plates: 10 T5e .*.¡,-_:_r '¿-rio cloth;TOO Dr. ****r¦ i. -As Fr*j*n*er".-. limo, cloüi; 2¿o History ol ÜM Sandwich !iUr.-_s. L»v i»ibbi«r. it. sh et». _»TEt»*tOTV»e Pi_TX3.The Stereotypr Ptatnof Fiar-sv's L«rctu:e«. t.» ». brumas, exclusive ol copyrishtt <*»¦> do i-r Me- **.oirs of Nevtas, :-,.*. ~»v- i copyrs .¦'«..*.'..: -¦«..-'..-'....? a i: h d I if» j»* th* Savtoar in«* hie Ai>o«. tit-, '.s-ao. ":..... «..-. -, do do .Transplanted F.cw.rs,Sic b, ta- Ke-.- Dr B ii d. witheiroyiight ri ¿SO »». Mareti <. t:. ««¿»i. THIRTY-NINTH NEW-YORK TRADE SALE The n««t r«*_n!«* Tn-ti. ***-¿e will comm-eeced on Tues¬ day, the «**i:.i of March -">; ,: will be conducted uader the .tirrcuv-.i of :h» Corami :.» ci lh" Trade, .\«¡ neret.-.o-v. Invoices of 13-.»-¦ii», Paper, Sooouety, Stereotype Fiat»*.. Biulen* Materiab, Leather aLd Cl ".'... *«..". .«;«- r«***p**«tfally solicited, and »hou.«, b** furu.»i.«-' B*» ti» 1st Februar*., whr i the Catalogue vritJ *.* , a: ~o o*»*. Tl**«***ua c »a ad- vac.es w:l: or io\de on reCeit-t 01 w .¦.¦«i». whm «-»i'--»" OLTO_*»-, Auctioneer. FGOLTON CO, Auctiuuand Comin:**ion «» Merchant», No 113 Fnltou _n<i .1-1 Aiif-strtet . Li «sal advance ma.e ou Contieno «a:«, sud c¡o*.pt ret«. u-ade. MO***DAY. Fee, a. at .0 '»'c'.vk. ir the comer o H -.urea »ai P.'-««tï\t is, ¡"Hcsirr s Salk..a l»r_t» Quantity c-f Boot- .-...«- ^ûo«tó. Also, -ioiueho d Furniture, «c At I o'clo.!., at ,.' Pearl-strwt, SMsaify's S_i.K cv oä-ckm*.!.Cooaistipc of Tea¿», Su« eus. t. cîi««. Sîvcr», Licuó.-», Sic A.,j, the Fi*.;u es cl tbt TUESDAY. Feb. 13, at 10 o'cio.!.. at 3-1 Ann-street, EsTKfsiv«- Savk or dassy^HVe-»By «i»«*»« of a landlonTs warraui. aud by order Ol H. D L*>*-.0.is, Artorrry for .V« rt- rae¿e. Consisting of » Unte vjui*..".;:" of 0«>!d in») 6il«**t Watch*M, Clocks, Siivet T«h!c aad 'i,»'.9i**»ons. Cold a_d Sil«*»r F.acii Cases, f ¡at.u '»V;ie. t »;e he; .«.:'h s Reacia! d>* sortment of«T r, artic «. c»»ct «n:»J i- j Je we by Sior». Aiio, I Iroii Ch«»».;. aad Kixtur'¿ of a Jeweiry SiOre. at 12o'clock,ai the Merchant*.' ."..ch*_a_«\ Real V.itats..The two story biic* *"iout I'vus«- and Lo*. No. 30«: Monroe «tree:. A portiou of ihe i»iirch»»e u:ou«7 can remaiu rm bond and ir.ort-,»¿e. Tul* in»iisputable. " "S ï O UTE NBUR( >H k FAR R." A a ctioneers. ~" í*:.»¡e. .No 19 C.«.-i*«.!-»tr«et. {.N_UOi;«l Hall ) OUT-Ï'OOK SA-bES OF GKOGEK1ES fl K- NITURE. DRY GOODS. &c. attended to ¡a rvr»or«. and j'¡ in-, t rvtuiiis nt.:d?. SaJ.s of Real Kstate iu«de ac Lh<* ..¡i-icr.-'.«' EtcaAaJte. PRIVA l'E b ALK..One !*_*f**lotf Countins Houm D«*»»k . » »p!enJid titicla._ __ St a7j. ULK^CKEU, Anctioaeer. ryo BE SOLD, on TUESDAY, Feb. 13. JS4-4. JL ac ih«* Mirchaats' Evchange, *i 12 o'clock, by A. J. BLEECKER. Esq., Auctioneer, th«* t*-*«- »ton buck li_u*e .lud Lot No. 9'j Roo.rvelt-street. For terut«. Uo «l'i«l- »o ib» Anctioneer, No.* Uroad str**e t. <«i to PETES JACK- SO.N. t_2 **_î»._u. corner v»i Aiiu-^nvi, it l_t o'c.-*«cW- < 103»'> RICHARD VA Ñ DYÍE, Jr., Auctioneer. DERKMFTOKY SAL-»-. TO CLOSK A CON- l CERN WITH AN ÏNfiURANCE COMPANY- ANTHONY J. BLEECKER&- 0. **.il »oil : Publie Auction, to the highest bidder, ou WEDNESDAY, 2t»ih«Uy y( ïVbruary. 18-M, .it 12 o'clock, *»t the Merchauia' Evcha..»**.: '«il LOTS Ob Gltul .**- Ü. embrAcint; _ on the Second Are* nue, with the corner of Twe«*t***fifth*st'eet, «ad 19 Lou »d« j .ir.ni-i oa thé » luth side of T.»«'iit, »fiflh »t.eet, l*««-.»A«eii th« Sec.Hd and Phlrd Avenues, and « xtendin«. t ¦¦> within u*. f«et Ol ll.e Thir ; Arc.a«-; Hie Lots ubout 93 leei «i«.«-». Sewers *>re extend«»«! uji Hi-.- ¿ec< ¡id ruiti i bird Aveuur.. Til. Ixeet is. hull, .ulid Riouiul, witu ihe CrotOu water laid thr. u_h ttur* saici», and built upon il e noithsid« Cpposi .* to thi, pn i«erty. 75 ¡er ceut in.iy retnain oumoiii;axe, or l'1« puiehasers irtsy urange with the Company to build a:.d hire 00 **." ceuf. it*- main of ihe i»*.-ctm.e money, *ud thiee-fou.vli» of cost of building additional «it morlgat.«. V'ajrs of the Lots and Plans of Building in be ia*? *»t ihe* Auci i uifeic'Office, (alter Thursday i.eit.) No. ? litogd-**»-! i;*.»r VVaJI-stiett._II*? WILLIAM 11 FRANKLIN, AttCUOBW. f OTäNEAK UNIONtQUAiiE..WILLIAM Li II. PRANKI I *«' wi'l seil at auction, er the Merchants' Exchangf, on WEDNESDAY, il««- Uth nut . «t It o'clock. Two desirable Buildinr Lots oa th«« uortherly .»idcofSix« *erinti-sfr«et, iietvwr/ii Union lac-' aii«*i r'if h Avenue, known is Nos 30 and 3«.. commencing st a point io f«-et frum hei«.r- nier, flu«! coiitiimii)» together jo fee' iiou' and SI fe»t in »i-pih. 1 h»*!ie Lo » command *. ti-.- *..-» of the Ovanre sud I'o'intain,, -.ui present one m the moil de.ir.bt.- lo. mo..» iu thi. part of :'.i citi A considerable un m ei oi ¡uuivs will b«. mecieJ on the block cturi. >> ih« ensuing «ent.n. Also,a vac-ui Lot on tli i..ii:neri>* »Ide of Ninth--*tre»*t, between the F'iith Av»uue ft:n! University PLc** coiit'¿mug 25 feet f.oiit. Dv' one-li-tlf the bl.ck in «it»i«th. and may bt «aai* l> .le»i<n .ted ai ixïiui; the only vacant l-.t on the r*|.:ck. Tbrer^uartera of ilie purchase inouey may remain ou bond and uioitK.-.ge for ». lenn of years, hc <j pu ceut-, ild«»«ir#«i f 2 .'_.* /^ÀNOlî.lT\^A LE.under me diMton of V/ Phil0T.Rugt.lea.Ec4_, Slattei in Chancery, will he »...!«l .it luen^n, on K til DA V. th* 16th of F«b -i ..y. by A. J- BLEECKEH k CO . at ihe Merchants' E*uh,-.%»-*-* The two Sic.«-.» .t:.u DwellliiCS .. '-. NO 54 BÖVVERY, old-eat ibli»hf«i ».« ids for i-u-jii.e«. Tii»--' will be s< II se-va- falely, racli containing iiff'.fe ntid a W/ f-n iront sud rear, by on»* hundied and twentyfive i-rt in c«. th. Also, th* two story brie-, fiont House. NO. SSH BROOME-STREET, next to the coraer of F.lizabeth*-t»<et. The lot «.» 21 f*«t in Iront, 26 feet iu rear, 57 leri on th« cs_,t, and 93 feet on ihe v,-,ts¡_e. _ íl* ___*.-_____ "L^L-RMTÚl.k. N'«T!-.;h----í>ü*a tít-duteitiia, inc. I- F. COLTON would .a.r.»rm .ill w!:o ire *o want of Für- altare of any description, thai he is prepared to fa.iiiih. «_jj n.is coust-intly on hand a vrry hr-*»« _iscrtin_..t. «aciadiiy* Fauell's PatflUtSola B«^Ltead», which for jirnpiicity. dura* ¡.¡lit«/ «andeconomy are without their e**ua!. 'J ne public a.« invited '.0 csll nml eiamine them.also, ali oihi-r kinds of Sofa* alwayi on !:^ad. Those brfAkiiiK up hcus¿»*»*«--{ in^ or wishia"; to sell all ox any portion uf iheir Karaiture, v«. ill rind a ready iai_ by sima- iii_ .1 line or calliox upon the t.ub*c*iber. Bales by Aactic faithfully hicended to. au26isrf_F. COLTON. I¡3 Fulton and M Ann its. STEAM REFINED CANDY*3 RL4-A. STUART, 285 Greenwich, corner . of Cfuiabeis »trefct.c.e constantly nianufaccuriuj- by ste«im, and nave now on band, a Iar»¿e sssortmeut of i andy, *Vc. of saLenoi .luaîiiy. aait-ible for che Soutltern rn»rl<«»t.. Tliia candy be.iit* mad« from îîefincd Sajri-r, will k(j«;p In « ..va:m cliaiar-? harder aad dryer than any nsadefrom ra>* su-¡&r. _J if- lain í-hlil !.Tt.".*C>ll«.ri. BUI TAN MA W.Yi. T. JENNINGS lie CO. 23l tiroadway, American Hotel, uppo.it» th« Fountain, a*e in receipe of an Invoice nf Nrw Goods, consisting of Cassimeres, rich Satin, Cashmeiet and Canton Cloth (au entre u*w article,) <7eatin*ts t.*r <vmd-.,% wear, with a sm?ill lot n;Or« of splendid .iatin Scirft. Also, Ln.or's Paient Trotectí-d Seam üloTes. m n.-ticl«! hut r«K«-nt. > lutrodnced, which anelsouly to t* seen to be a;iprec'«.t«!-d._ _*_______ .tlon'rt, Boys' and Cbiidreii-tf Clotlnii.. GEORGE T. GUEEN, Nos. liO Chatham-st. an» 4 Bowery, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, a f*H and complete assortment 0/ MEN'S, BOVS,- xSD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, of all deaenptions. iltd» ill the MOST .¦«,»;:.->-.¦...:. ITILK, to which h' woald »«¡.-»ctfully mute the attention of thus«* in waul. As he has u»dr arranfeirieat» to re«:eirr CLOTHS, CAS'liA! t KKÖ, '/KST1NUS, iic., by every P-.cfc.t. and ha» «ecarrd the ..«rviceat 01 eXf-*cienced Cotters, lie ¡.; ¦<;,'.; himself to gire jerfect »acisfaction to all who may ovchaae. Ñ. B..Garments made to order at the shirrtesl r.otict tnd until strict ytmctuglify._«jQ n'.Fiài.iT VVA'i'CHt..**: !.Tlie larjfc-ii dtid most «plen- Idid aadortment of Watriies in the city tc be found at th«* »ub«¦crlt>-I,* He is couUntly r»C4»ivins: all an- icriptioni of Oold and Silver Witch«*», ol the newest styles, fron '.lie manuiuctnrer«. iu England, r .a...--» .-,u,l SwitzeiUod, ind iseuab'ed to offer a larger assortment, an«l at much l«ss ..'.-> at retail, ..... any oilier house m the city. Gold Witches .sa low *u $20 to %2'j -irlffifWatch^ and Jewelry All Vyatelica «jfa-ernnteil to ke**i« stood une or die moa«*y retarued. Witches, Clocks and Jewelry tzehanged or !iou»ht. .j.aiied in .tii«r tr.-at ni«_aaer, and warr.iate'.l, lower tlon at any oüier place in the city. U. C ALLL.N, lmport-ir of Watches .-aid Jewelry, jal itlf wfioU*ale and retail, ta Wnll-ali^^r. m ». m ~\v\Xi'i:ilEà^"XDJr:\VELltY bought or taken ia exchaase by G. C. ALLEN. 30 Wall-streiet, 00 suirs. jtl iiti LADIES* GAITER BOOTS, at J. B. MiiXK.a's, IU Canal »tr«**-t. Tkis beau¬ tiful article, in all it.» variety of lashioo-ible colon, at It. 18, and ia ««> to order at 3o hhilliaiis. unequalled by a«.y in th« City. P»iti.ular atten¬ tion paid to mea-urns, to in° mr^ a handsome tit LADIES' FRENCH SHOES, of all tlie different styl««.« 9 a..d JO .»'«"»'«¦» pair, warranted 50 [erce.it. hind»«.mer and bellet than ihia* »old at -he cheap «'ores at $1 P*r l-'ir rR _.,-.._ R_,. WHITE AND BLACK SATIN SLIP! EKti.tOr ISslls. Partie», Weddfcga, fitc : Mi.ses and children s Doot* *«.d «hoes, c-f all kind» and pi ices. INDIA EU RßER SHOKS.A complu «ssortment of all th*» different kinds constant] for »ale. Every aiticle soldi*, warranted . f my own ro aun fact*, re _ d made by su(anior wo-kmen ; everal of whom hav*» teen in my employm-nt for the last five year». Ladie* wiii please call at;d e_,n.«n- for themse'.v« at J. B MILLER'S, 142 «.anai-sf. f? Snwod*_Betw-en Tl.omr»son acd sul iran sts-_ TO TÍIE PUBLIC. -.= THE BLACK (or Allebasi's) SALVE. ALLEKASI'.-v HEALTH PILLS. ALLEBAM'á TOOTH A' HE DROP". _, AL'EfcASl'S POO« «.A.VS PLASTERS.and ALLEBASl'S COUGH BALSAM. . . D'J CURt:, AND WILL CUKE, ihe following« named comphints. as can b* fully shown by the prorn«>- t«r, vit: Fever Sores ol th* mut raalifuaiil kind, *.*.:<*-_*..*.'. cer», Tumor». CuU and Paneta-«-». Wr.itlows, Scald* and Barns, So-re Thrrxif. Qui-ii-ry. Kheatnalisi»;. chrome awl iü- tí<mtr.a-.ory; Chilblain», Dropsy. Scald Head, Ag*£¿V* F.ce, BrutUsand Rprims, Swellings of ^m£llZ!\\\ï\oaï rioD, Emotion,, Afine in the breast, Bit« .^¿fA \ V.°£l Dyspensia. Wom«. Fever and Airu.e. Bill.*.«**<$£*¿ reis,'C.lGl C. Head-ache. Diaxiueas m *<**,** g*2JJJ2* ach. Janndice. ^-^S^S^ATA^^ Tooth-ache. V00I?^'r.V7aimeVs or Pain ia the Back. plain*. 11 not too £*££¿_/>w.. Joints, Feet.fcc* Net** vo7/AffÄn.fr^erai"éb.lity tkc. í«. íkc. -TWL^réS«»Aont list of complaint» to be cured by ¿re kind.MMedicine*, but th« proprietor promu*- to xeturn the monVy for the articUparehaced, to any and every ->»TtK)n who 7 _o' cured if ih«y follow tn« directions for using eontaiatd iu th-f ?«J3phVt whitrh -will fur_i»k->_. by the proprietor aad hv aire its tnfOaghoot t*i« City. Fa--.« «« const\ntíy comiflK to the kûowW«_e of »he Pro- rt.ie'Or Which full'/ justify the above _...»-*_>.- Foi «aU, %ho%sA**ad nuil by L. W. GILBERT. Pioprtewr. 214 S"a!tc»r. str«ret, and by <*. B. M AlGNE, Booasellc-r,35 CaUia-* r'iaeit.-«~t; S* WOODV/ORTH, cor. Houston and Mnlber- ,y strr»*t«i- rry Pot CertiCcates of cures, description of complaint* «_«i dir-ctious lor bsitu, s<*e Pamphlet above referred to. ffy The poor will be funiuhed ai half price at 214 Fulwn st-rett, and receive such adric« as their eases may i«qui*e- j IStlsziiaeed*

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Post on 13-Mar-2020




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Page 1: ,f-Und ^StfATE-abili ¦Th.ïieatenantoaa_.te,the defence to which was a plea of usury, it bang coaundfdttmt 12 percent ted beew cak«n. Thetestimonyto thiieffect.-.em.d to b-mtherconclusive.&tiil

*7eW-York Législature.AliuNV, Feb. P.

the bill in relation to the executionIflSr^tjuments by corporations was ta.

, oí **fco'Vi* agoriginally introduced by Mr. Boc-

**' Sed that a corporate seal, legibly im.££' Tun the paper, without any wax, or other|p^dSs^should bc hcI'll° b« ^*d-»t decision of the Supreme Court to the

I] *^en notwithstanding-)Joo*Wu jUee on the Judiciary reported theI Tbe-uiLout the words which gave it a retro-

¦p**5* .«.tractcd discussion on this bill, theliter a P-^ - c

, went ia'o Executive Session.

h Hoi-ss» the bill to provide for the loca-

\^ \ section of County Buildings in the

irL«ofWancn*>asseMu°'î .

n -f Mr Iv'S«-. ¿¡00 extra copies ofÛÎ?C for the city of New-York were

^^he orintcd for the use ol the delegation.¦^¿Smmittee of the Whole took up the billT-*e .j distribution of the Literature Fund,K-f^la long discussion, was reported to*

u ,f-Und ordered to be engrossed.,ji Ho*J"c ana Alkanv. Feb. 9th.

^StfATE-abili was-repoitodlio alter ther nlan oi'thc Clt-V of Ncw * ° ' y diSC0J)-

m- riovrnth street, between Broadway and

"¦Th.ïieatenant Governor being necessarilyr m attendance in the Senate, on account

al duties as member of the Canal Board, Mr.x A FosTüP. was elected President pro.

%e Committee of the Whole again took up». b'-ll for the relief of the American "Seamen's?¦ d Society, the discussion of which occupiedLrcit of the day's session.In «Vssembly. the Committee to which was re-

rredthopctitition relative to the French Spoli'.'., -ported that the Legislature ought not iti*"» ».. r._u-.u-.ir-.rlu, _


C.napP'*canttoCon:?reSiSonbUorialÄ- Maj.DAVEZAConeofbehalf of the rne-

tialirts. Maj. Davezac, one oi the Committee,JS'agreeinif with the majority, asked to haveí¡b. report laid on the table till he could bring in

counter report.granted.The bill for the equal distribution of the Lite-

"f jtare'fund came up, and after a long discussion,I -issêd-Aycs 73, Noes 29.

Appointmcntsbytlie Governor,Bycndicith the advice and consent of (he Senate.

Jam-ahy 13.I »*-rroLK -Charles A. Floyd. Surrogate _nd Judge, vice¦ ¿«MiHerudKicj-.ardM-Joii'.liiiP Jm-PÍ» R-Huatin-:, Judge-, \:ce Jwi.ua C. Smith.

b VRir-ßinjamii; C. Caryl, Notary, vice Jnn. 11. l ee.I - ' February 7.

I o.'O'fMCA.-David D. Hiiiis, Surrogate, vice Is:ac T.

'iVi/Ontwater, Jr., Master, vic-^ C. B. Sed.-wick.Hid" WorJeu, Mast«, vice '.. T. Newcomb.r W.Newton, Muter, rice ö L. '--.r-nc?.

G»i*rge B-W.It.r Eximioer, vice C ^li. Sedgwick.llwaNortham, Examiner, vice I F. SwiMr.r.¿«oaiLee, ExaiTiin-r, vice Î. F.. Sandfvid.

February í:.DcTCiirss .Elij-iii P. Benjamin. Notar-/, re-appointment.L'uTtu,.Nicholas Sickle., Surrogate, vice J.ime, M.

M:tttól. ||rw>|_

Factory BüRKT..The Woolen Factory at theN'wMills, occupied by Messrs. Colgan& Co. was

destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning lust. Insur-iace had been effected on the building, but not upon¡is contents. Estimated lo-s, 5 to $0,000.

[Cincinnati Chronicle.

COURT CALENDAR ... Tni3 Day.Circuit Court .Nos. 27, 73,74, SO., 82, 81, 86,

,7,8^91,92,93,94,95,96.Superior Court..Nos. 39, 43. 33, .1 to 05

i.'lusive, 67,68, 69.


U.tCOMMISSIONER'äTÜFFlCE..Before S. lïai ..l»k,£n*,Commi**¡c*ií»r.Parker, one of the impii implicated in (he recent

langliaj tran.ictions, v*->.s arrested on Saturday afternoon,i*. biildemanded ofhim in the torn of Ç'.-.ooo.

U.S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE.The packet ship Oxford, on board of which vessel

-if'-tfnt imaggling operation occurred, »yae seized by the'.*. 8. Minhal on Saturday*, as ameuable to confiscation en

proof ofthe chargp.SUPERIOR COURT.before Chief Justice j0-.r.s.John Raynei vs. New-York Fire Ins. Co..The

rhifltiff in.u:e<l Sl,5"0 on a building at Hirlcm. corr.tr 3d-.ecu, and 123.1 street, which was burnt in Oct. Ifi.2, The.'sumac« Company refuse to pay en the ground tint 25 lbs ofnapowder, contained in 2 canisters, and about one-third leftio the keg,*.a. in the building at the time, which w»s extranizuilun«,and viti-tei the i>olic'.\ Thr tiuestion was wheth-»:aiaçe makei gunpowder part oí the stock of a country gr.-territoreoriiot. The Jai y found from the evidence that itdid su. Verdict for plaintitf Si.blG 80.

CIRCUIT COURT.Before Ju.lce Kent.Harris Wilson vs. George \V. Bancker..Action

oaa_.te,the defence to which was a plea of usury, it bangcoaundfdttmt 12 per cent ted beew cak«n. The testimony tothiieffect.-.em.d to b- mtherconclusive.&tiil th* Jury foundfoi plaintiff in the amount, being S ¡.»Ml 41

George Rapelje vs. A. A. Kctneen, et al..Action'.o i?coTá*aDobli¿ilion ñ.i bo-t S3 ÜCO. thedelenct- to whichli al-Oiuttry it beiuj s'.àted ihnt n deduction of about $400hid bien cud.. Seited verdict this forenoonC0t*RT OF COMMON PLEAS.Bsfoie Judges I'l-

iirosFFER, Inclis and Ixoraii..*,.DEC1SSI0XS.

Wm. S. Seurs vs. Jacob Carpenter, Harris Wil-»_, and J-e! 8. Oatm.ii..Judgment f->r ^la:u'irf o.i demui-ter, with liberty to défendants to amend or plead a_ew o, pay«nwutofc«».«*.The People m. James G. Utter..Judgment for

«.tudi,: o¡ donmrrer, with liberty to plaiutidf to amend,¦"itllûilt CO.ts.Thomas G..Godman r*. Win. H. Cary, et al..

Vei«.'ic;coi.fl,mrJ witecO-tt.John A. Mildeberger vs. Win. Colgate..Refer-

*J» 'cp«)iti.i e»i._, and c_»e refe^td h_ck to the lél-rte.»..«-.«i to«bide th; eveut.

POLICE OFFICE.JwiM Whelan stole $21 worth of jewelrv on the

toAÍÍO.iVocn*,*'a*- '. «opp-r. P-Ur« u. .%. J and fledS-.ô_. '

i*-¦'* ,;*" "a< W«*i-d this morning, by officei8tt'J«M.«atl committed to be seut to N.J. lor uia]

»illiam Dixon was arrested and committed form .i-"!?a*!y'.'.'-'-'.-''>' »llr Caí. enter b »hop Ol' \V illinni Kl K,

T V ôel'^*(J ot*:a'-'« 53 M won,i of carpenter'» tool».«í¡<?-?>McU-5h *v*-s (-*o»-,»'ii'«»>'d for stealing ».hoes,«.-»W Hé, from the s-.c»re f O. E. Bui well. -63 Grand st.

w*Ja the night of the 7th inst. the store of ThomasrjcU-TC!93i*S'**,'*ni !,'-',«'t' «..-,' burglariouslyentered,and»-o'el ii* ' "'??*! l,':'c'« c,lie-» ***c- of the value o- $¡7 50.bov ;>!Í*H" ^f0«-1» *ad Jos ph a.-i.-.-.d ihre- larg.¡i1«-,vi1"Ilw!''' Shay, rnomaa Mctiiunisand Wil iamCwaau-tl ;lr*"r* 0| th«P»0P«wty ia (iOsse.»iiun, and theywere

..^¡¦¦"i^-^00** ,vai- caught and committed for.«»¦»»is tandkerchiefi from the More, 128 Chath .in itreet


J*^1-Urces v..Officer J. L. Smith arrestedJ° ,C0ioretl me'-. I'^med Charlea Gibbon, and Cnarle:; M.JWWtatealing S4Ï- woith of clothing from the store of E»toretóA;29 ^1;*,a¦.l,, L»"i«'- The rottues wen*, into the.i-t-ith-in *. Ka :tUer h"..'.'.>' »tlected cl-.-sks, coats.skc. de-«.Mir» ;£ ;° *$c,st î° "^ ßro-d v. a,-. The clerk refused to

t>mL.-g. .Vv'*hou:i''-v. *md Gibbons left to procureto»mor«,"* ï *'*'.,¦'"¦¦" tin"* Lloyd requeste, to be allowed»irwsri LJ ,ld.!e t0 tKc tear pait ofthe sto.e.and soon af-¦oübtfM wJrr« »A«__*»¦*« rc-t.un-d. the goo¿s werem-e. vlT* i0*1.1«! "«'t i*e found, aud the »»rties were ar-

¦"».iUo-Mh-tn*? i'uwa3aico**c,;':^ r^« betweeo the two

»indüw« \ 'oesoodj to Gibbons out of one ..f thebickfalbe iL !>'0a li>-.'«*r beiiu arre-ted. »h. pledjp» ticketsO¡«td-o!°tnilV W<re aVOa hun- DvUli a;i'luily C0U*"

VrfcL--Rv.-The store of Mr. Atwater, No. 159^a-wu^b"^ blúten into on Saturday night and a

.**.». Th-*bii.*Li 'ro'"i';tV. coiiM.tiu.; of si-ks, satins,&c,sto-"U'iî.ars ^oi clear.

fr^£.7T^ The^ts.Francis Rilev stole a tea-potSSâlîi! ü: srs B«in*id, US Bow¿ v.

«-«-S-A-Sw i cap fi0m ^dwaid Howe, 3 Hanover it

«.»»öei'.McG1-- W * ° ^ Hi c"''i"'r c°h" from tn*- ¡iremi»«?» ol

i^Sfe^* four st«« hats.* "**" «"«*'!:!«*'lents uere committed for trial.

Tter OpROSElVS OFFICE..îitero-Vw11,6*" t0'dav 1'elt* an inquest at 570 Grand'«..-.ein? «Ibod>'01'S.>pni.j Button.-i-.-.i 22years,boni inifX-j^'y W|?J',»'*'r!e to her de,th by tskin»; a large cose of Oi!¦^ * m_rrill if* no" aWt''' o'the reasons lor Che act, as ^hela-r. ÏS_I? .v,'JU»*»n. ^he «iie«l about 1 oVlo«. k :lus morn-

».*»*»« m accord*,cr widi tte f_cf»

trilla1*01*1* ^t-vss Down Town.Second Term..The81*,« P"


*^a»unt.t2¿ Q^XC.*?il*îut °PPO*tuuity u olfered ill this claw for Ladiesh«T, go°",mon rt,-*iáini,' in the lower put of the city who

iCf -j.111" **cl»«'-«ot-uce with the first rrincipies of the art-i

Commercial and -ïouey Matter«.trr-J-V saks al the Stock Exchange, <*._. îr_ __,. Pa?f.Tin» <-»t,.-l l- . «¦'.Vn-RDAl P M.i ni. ötock market was w,thout material «-!.»..,.,.to-day, and generally ?tea*!v. Thfrather burn ant

l pon an examination of the North American1 rüstend Banking Co.'s statement and the opin¬ions of the emmeiit legal talent who have examinedIhe question of the legality of the trusts and debi.=,it would appear tlirit eventually a vcrv laree amountol assets, sume $4,000,000, par value,'will come intothe hands of the Receiver, and as be is bound byoath to pay no debts hut those undoubtedlj lesal,tins large amount will !>;. distributed ntr.ón-r "hestockholders. A considerable amount of those as¬sets are in the hands of John J. Palmer, as SpecialReceiver.The financial condition of Texas appears from late

accouuis to be improving. Therev-nae eoll««ed -t G.!v...ipu tor th« Ust qa.irt-r is nearly S55.0ti0 or m...-«- iban double.i..-- amount c Ilcctrd at the same p.«riod ¡as: -»ear Ii is »iin-posed that rigid economy .'.il! i., -, few ye-ds release the Gov-crnine ¡r Irom its pecuniary embarrassments.At New-Orleans, 31st ult. Exchange at sight on.\--.\ \ orh wa« 'j«i-.'_.j a' l; a iî discount; t>u days ?. n ?j rJis-Fl .::-.. 5 10 d 5 3Ti At Mobil« .-,*

Thompson'-? B;iuk LVote Reporter give«« us thefol-lowibKutw Counterfeit: Ten «Joli-ir counterfeit notes on iheraies Couutv Bvilt. ïh«y are better calculated to deceivethan -v c.uii erle*cwe have err: 3-e:i. The risnette anddiesustd wvreeiigr-*.v**d bj our of r,.u be»t artisans.*

Howthey , ame into the hands of count« rfeit* rs neverhas been fullyexj.Jaii eu. I he counterfeit " aj be easily dete..-«.,*. h*jwt>ver,-' ot),'r.yi\'" I"':l£ ttrp^ns to be engraved by Mes-rs Raw-"on, iv right 5; riatch; wh-.rras tii s o::«e u^tp..- ençraved ifen dollar platt ¡or the lates County B-.¡k. The vignette isan agricultural scene, presided over bv a female holüii»*-asickle. '


Business or« ¡he Philadelphia and Readm*-- ?.&¦!-road: Jan. 1813 Si3.937 69; J«n I8ll 821 .60 16 Coal ton«nage: 3,4*0 tons to Ja«i. 13-13; 11.739 ions ro Jaii. 181-1.

in relation to U. S. Bank Post-Notes the Phila-di l| hi. American sjy*: " We would suggest to th-.- holders ofthe. Post-Note*, of this Üankth.t ir is necessary to have th ir.-! '-

The bill to incorporate the Wooster Bank, whichi-* n*.-»*.- being fought throu-.li o\- Ohio House and has been or¬dered to a third re-Jir.:*, makes the stockholders indivi luallyliable al*.'«-r th~ 1st of J»larch,exce*>t incase of depositors whe;'*the parties otherwise agree; requires tiie i'ai.k to keep onhand oae dollar in com for every three oí circulation; pro¬hibit«* stockholders f cm obt.iii-ir..' leans, oi being in any wayh«*ld liable beyond one-half tr.-» amount of their «.toe»; pun¬ishes by imprisonment in rî*.«. enitenli try. from 1 to2ö years,the embezzlement of the funds by the officers, &c; and re¬quires the assent of all the stockholders to die alteration oli..- charter by th-*"'-.: ofjvlarch. With these alterations «heold ch *rt* r oi this Bank is continued. It is supposed that thisbill will pa_3 the Senate.The Frankfort fKv.' Conimonwenlth contain.-» the

Reports of ihe Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. Ti.ereceipts for the ye.»r ending Pe«:. ic, ls:3, amounted to $195,*TIG 27, and tii»- expenditures i.-i tiie same i eriod :o $175 -¡52 2G.The Commissioners estimate the receipts for the year 1844 at$240,332. and th* «-.penditur« at $255,C20, leaving a deficiencyol SI i.233.A joint resolution was ndopted by the Senate of

Kentucky that ihe $92,000 of Hiilroad Scrip and t!i- £112,00:;of Internal Improvement Scri;*, received from ths Bank», beburned on ihe lOlh iliSt.At Baltimore there is very little demand for Cou¬

pons of Maryland State Bo: dr.. They arc held nominallv at\he following rates, viz: tiiour of 18'l at 92, and those of 1612and 1813 at 81 a 02 cents.


Markets... Carefully reported.for The Tribune.Sati-rdav, Ftb. 10.

ASHES..There is a fair demand for Pots m $1 62., *,vidisa!. » 100 bbls. Pearls are S5 OGl a $f» I2s, with sales hi) to lfcObarrt-ls.

Stock at the Insjiectinn Warehouse, Pel. 10.Fou, Ut «ott.bid» 3,'^;;¡ Pearls, Utson.bids .'1,99:" 2d do. do 17.' Ho 2d do. do 513.« ad do. do 2:i2j d-J 3d *io. ... do 301" Condemned.. >!o ~'-ii *lo Condemned do 29Total. do _,038| Tot.il. do f.,G3"

COTTON..The market i- without change, but iheamount of salts, :-.» far as *.ve could learn, vis moderate. Thetransactions are reporiedal IjOO bags, al a lull ic advanceon the prices fthe early pixt of the we-k, We quote

Upland. Nev.-Oi!oaiis.Ordinary to middliug. 8! a 9i. fii .a 9ÎMi Idling for tofail.91 »i Hi*.1« a 10aGo.id lair to tí.«*.l'!¿ ati.ila12»FLOUB A*«-D MEAL..Th? ad vie«*« from the. other side

br-iui,* con-iidert-d favorable, holders of Flour havebecomestillfirmer and have advanced th« ir pretensions to $.'» fir Geneseeand $1 87 a $5 for Ohio, «ood lir*«;ds. We heard of no ti :.**.

ücücüs of inoiiifiit, and some lots iv>re ou the io:«.rket at a

sSiaileofrtl:«' i ighest '.im'¦!«.o,>s- Fancy is lield at $5 a 5 C2i;Scratched, Western, is in good demand at SI «.>¦< a » 62}; tiuumiddling Si 18!; middling S'-i 6¿i a $:' f.9: and ship stutfs 1 7¿a S3 2j. Southern Scratched is t 374 a 4 50, with s\hi. South*em descriptions are firm, with a good inquiry. «Georgetowna:id Biandywine art held firmly at$_; -Vlexandria 1 87*; Piich-iiioiiil Country al SV, Richmond l ity $6. lt>*«> Flour is scarce

at 3 j0. For M**al iher«« is a fair demand at $2 50 a Si 62Í forJ**r.»ey and Brandywiue. Buckwheat is selling at S3 50 a i 25for common *ind $5 for fancy, bacs S2 a S2 12¿; hilf barrels$2-12 25. Shorts are nominally 11 a 12c; Ship Stuff. 11 cent..Bau Meal w«- ouot. 100 a 1121 cents.GRAIN..There is Rome demand for Wheat, but the nego¬

tiations are not vet concluded, ''orn is still scarce, but dis¬tillers do not bid lreelv. We know ofnone on the market, «-x-

ce-i.tiui oae or two parcels heid too IiírIi fox buyers. Oats are

in somedi-maud at 37 a 'Use. Southern ¡n store h »Id at 38c. Afr.rthersa'eof 15;0 busbels »»a» iiiciite, añout, at3îcents. Small_ai«-s Black-eyed IV_,.:$1 3¡. p-r bat*-WlilSKY..Small s«..«-s D.-:iJ.-.- a; 22 ce.ts. State Prison

bids urehrld *. 2:i a 25 cent-.. -Tmall sales Pennsvlvaui i haveb.-eii made at 23i cetts. The access to Phil ideiphia being pre-v iited by ic-, die Pennsylvania disiiliers are obügcd to sendtheir Whisky to this ina:l.rt Co some extent.

SEEDS..The« i** very little doii.R in either descripti inWr uotice sales 50 tci Clover e' ...irnettiiu. off u cents, and a

forced sue of 3S bbls inferior at Û' cents. Koiigh Flax i. dulla'. S'-«75, for Western.supplysraalI; Clean is S¡*> 75 pence,«.viih s-.e» 100 tierces for expcit. Timothy is held at $15 andabove for good.PROVISIONS..The market U n."*'. active for Pork, but

there appeared to be a slight reaction in fueling The nom¬

inal rate is -*bi»ti 17 50 and *'.l 50, t-ul we notice sales 500 barre!»at private bargain, supposed something over these rates. laBeef we hear of nothing of importance. Country stands at Siau-J S6, and City S» 25 and SS 2 j, .*. ith small .ales of Countryat > -hide off St and Sf.. A lot of ¡00 bbls SuO-i Country soldat Si. For Laid there is ..ot much inquiry, and we noticeno farther sal» >.f importance. \V'e quote 8 a f-t chilis for new.A sale of 115 obis Pi kle-1 Mea's wi, made at 51 for H::r.s and'ii for Shoulders, la Butter there is not much doing. Thurauüe is 6k a 17 cents. Gr-ase 6 cent».wauted. Cheese v»t*

(»jote ü a6 etuis, with moderate inquiry.HAY..The market is quiet, with sales to the City trade st

5S a 6.. cents.Ta LLO .V..Farther sales about lO.ftoO lbs prim, reude.-ed

have be?u mue at 7* cents, cash.HEMP..We have only-to notice sales of 5 tons Out*h«»t

Russia at S170, G mos, and 50 bales dew rotted American on

t'-.ms we did uot learn. By auction, 13S b*-l«is damaged dew-rotted Air frican sold at $27 50 a $90, ca>h.FEATHERS..We u«»tice .»a'es of 1C00 lbs go¿d Western

Live (ieese at 27* c«¿nts, ca.h, and 8000 lbs ordinary 27: a 2."*«,4 mouths.LEATHER..By auction, «>a Thursday, 8347 sides So'e

(embracing 800 oak) were disposed of at a .lecli:¡e (all cxi*«ptd imaged, which sustained itself.) of i cts pex lb on the ¡«rics..lit iintd on the last public sale. 2lst Dec. This t*3iult ¡j at¬tributed to the interrupton of navigation, which preventedmany »if the usual buyers from atteudiug ihe sale.OILS..Whale remains a* noticed for a lout,' time pa*ti

at40 cents, the p:ice demanded by holders. American Linseedis steady at 80 cents, cash, for casks and bb!_. Nothing doingin Foreign. Tiie sale» of Crude Speim at th-* Eastward forthe week eiidii:** 5th inst. were 1177 bbls, including nearly allin firsl hands, at 84t a 66 cents, cash Cask Olive is steady a:

fl7¿ cents, cash, and Oi?, 6 mos.HIDES..In a-Jcition to tbe African no-iced yesterday there-

have b«*n sold 500 New-Orleans dry aud dry sailed at Scents;200 Fort ?.u Platt, as they ma, II, ..isc¡unt off, all c.uh, and500 San Juan, suppoit-d 12J», 6 nus.

BEESWAX..The sales of American Yellow are (*->'-0 lbsat 29! a 30 cents, cash.


Porción .Harket«.Lorióos Money Market, Saturday Night, January 13 .

Cosols leave off» since fitmer, though the market has not

ev:'"rieiice.i any great accession of business dnriaií the day..TÍit» last qotation for money and the account was £»*>! to í..Tiie other E-.:!.lish sto'k.» we¡e fairly steady,1! --:id for the most

.«art fully m .intain«-d law quotations. The Three per Cents.Reduced closed_**7l to »; Phfee-aad-Ä-Hall ¡er l en:« Ke-duccd 102? toi; New Tii-ee-aud-a-Half'per «Cents. 10b to102« Long Annuities, 12!; Exchequö Bills, t.5-*, io67s. p:tm.;Bank Stock. IK to IS:; and India Stock. ¿72 lo .'7.. tspanuhSiock was also rath« b-tter. A few pu-cnases occasionedthis improved feeling, and the marJ-et c oseUT.uer-biy well..The Three per Cent» were last .¡orea 30; to 3{S; and :he i« rreper Cents 22i to t lu other respect«, the fttetgoisecunuashowed no essential alteratioi;. .Mexican Vipsed 32;. to»;DutrhTw -and a llAf per Cents, 54 to -; th^ Five «per Lents,lOOi loi; Peruvian 22i to i) Portuicuese. »1 tcji; Uani«h 85 to

S7; Colombian, 11 to :; Ctulian, 99 to 20!; B¡á.z«ltai!,7j to ..:sn«l Belgian, 10*i to it .-Liverpool Cotton vI_kket, Jan. 15.(-u Saturday for---

uoou, the Hibercia, Boston packet, was telei'ia;,hed oti Otms-head, andthe1n.eUis.nce by her was looked for with con-sidrr^ble interest. It was very evident tiie brokers would :-.otdispose until the uiuhot wr-_ knowu, and no sooner did theyrecw-i-f her papers, than .*i very brisk deinaud sprung up "ors;^-cul.«tv-rs aewnut, .t»-.i ¿.CHM) to 6,OIK* bsU» -wee _o'J at full¦...id advanciug prices This morning, the market opened witha very active inquiry. Prices fully «id, per lb. wa* reddilypaid, and in some i*is:acce_ ¡d i»e- lb. wa, asked ai this sd-¦ance. Aooat 2(i.0'0 b*!es h-.ve been sold, II,Cut'of them to«.jvculators; the lemeioder to the trad?, aaiil :;:' this advanceholders s*em unwilling CO brilló' ont their stocks. Consuméisluve b en ukt-uby sur-prise, and it ye-rtm.ini ro tr >.-..v> h.it light 'hry m-iy view it. An adranee of !d."pêrlb. basbeen established on the price« ruling la»r Friday w.-ek.t'oiTON SIaRXEt..TPtVJWyReport..^The market op*n«fd.hi» week with a in.«derate demand; Ouisince Tuesday specn-Utors hive bought very exteasi«-, lj-, ;;.rir :ittentiou beini: di¬

rected chielly lo tiie coramou and middliu-; qualities of Ameri¬can and Snrat, id dtare.- than on Friday f«_t; other kinds ie-miiu without alieratien. Sjveculators have taken 21,500American, 7iji) Egyptinn, and 7,60«' Surat, and Exporters 150Surat.

_s*?>__S-_gi£-Sflüaji«g^I Ln**_Rrooi_ Paorifiov Market. Jan. 15.Th-re appearsto be consider iblr d-*m.ind in ail th*> Irish mirkf _s for ime Butt*-r..03 Lando.; account, sad such high ; rices are r*.v_n. thaïthe trad- of th;* place is entirely «r^rei trnm ti,*- competitionHenri» the heavy supplies of icdiffereat Butter now here, andi-h- ña.ciBif busm»-»* We have lately experienced. Since oulut circular no animation whatever U noticeable and prices»re entir ly nomiiii^ Heavy and prime. Beef and Pork arerally ai liicb. ¿s en this cay e^'-i^h:. The loime; w~ {note8_»i. to *>2¿. '..!. i*i berce; and the Utter 49$. *o 56«. p-r barrelan in quality. Bacon is held very stesdity at 3is. to S.*prices, which CO a modérât»* ex-en*, dealer., accede to. A 1 »rge-juan'i'y of Amnrican Beefoffered by auction on Thai-dayfast, met with only poor «nc-'-ir-grmenr, A few tierces ofvery fine quality wen-, w- nnderstaad, disposed of after thes.:!t -t a price i»^i <!.d not transpire.the ¡<-st b*inç inferior,-«-aswithdrawn.the bidding not bi_g higher than55*. f.,rtit-rc. j.:.'. 2ti.. per barrel. ï i.e.-'.- »a as a fair sprinkling of thetiade in e't.niance.



MARK! El/:"Febiuiry "*, by the tier Mr Giern."W. K. Wi5a*-t toMisa Ja»e, daughter of die :*.- El *.« _>ixo_. _ll of nas city.

DIED:On Saturday mcrninir, F**brear iü. Lient. Jons Fa£u'«o-h**ys:.> ".ÎEttCKH, of rue L". S. Na**y, -^-«J m y,---.Hi- friend.; i_ t¡« :ä-..i bis u:;-lr. Theodore F.*e isghny«en, are »nvite» to attend ».»- fanerai, from -nere.id-uee- of thelattrr. >o. ¿6 Wasniogtoa Place, This (Mondsy) Afternoon,al 2 o'clock.F< t-iua-/ 10, Mrs. Catherine McF_-RJ_a**_>, intbeTOth

ye rot her age.lier frieuda and at-ci^ia'anc-«»« are re»»-.>-*<:fu üy req íested r->attend her l" »nend ou Monday, li.e :,:h b-i.. a; 2't o'clock, ?M , from th- r__idetce cd hrr son in law, John G.e¿ jy. ;7IbJgltth Avenue.O . Saturdaî Afternoon, Febm .ry !0. Mrs. Ltdia N. Cox,vr.'e ef Mr. Samuel Cor, ;-¿ the S'J-.'i >e.; o; h*-r -ntèThe rdat ves end friends aro i v :cd tû attenù her fon-ral

on Tuesdaj Mornmg next ai 10û'cUhIc. A sermon will b.preached in th- M .-.. i hurch «t W ¡lli_in-b«_;_i)', él";.: '«.h th¦h-- c«).'i se -.--: been removed fo- internent.Ftbmary lu, of partlysis, Gloria*»*, widow of Job.-: Bead,3_-d SO years..¦- '-1-_______|"i******

Passengers ArrivedIn this berk Adam Larr,fron G/c.eo.-».-Mr Brown, and iiu the tte i--*-.

Jnpackit shin Europe, for Livet-pool.Patrick O'Donnellsai -9 m the -teer,¿6.

Passengers SailedIn the pad et ship Wellington, ftp- Liverpool-*»Mrs Fo.ter

and Mrs De » n, of London; A s ßi.-m er -ni Augustos¡"ii-ip;.. oí New-York; James Smith-md Ch.r'e« Brown, cíConuecticnt; >lr Schlufcrjkampand Mr Cr._«m;m.


MINIATURE AL-HaNAC.THIS L»AV.The 5cn The Moo. Fcll Sfa.

Rises..7 i | St-u..!, ¿9 l Morning... .2 20 Evening ...2 26L.A i K !» i i> A 1 Ï.9.

London.January 15 ! Havre .J.nnary 21Liverpool.January IG | New-Orleans.February l


___" *ry

CLEARED,Ship South port, Griffith, Charleston. G*-o Bulk!«v.B--k U ejbnsset, Collins, M« bile, Dunham & Diwon.Brigs Eliza S. Susan, Dyer, Mobile. Badger St Teck; Hele¬

na Margaretta, Nernst. Trie.t«.. William Weisson; Rodney,Smith, Matagorda, A (Jap^üi; Florid - BUr.co. E!drid¿e. Ba-1-.7.0. B Blanco; Menea, Drijvr, Oporto. S G Lengh kCo;GulieJma, Mavo, Matanzas, Bret: ït V'ose; Tower, Le*!¡e,I harlestou, Thompson St Ad.má.Sehn N L McCready, Sêely, Savannah, N L McCready

St«L.o; Roche*.ter. Fou::t:i;n, B-iltimore, J k ôi Brip;«; iCm-ina, (_ olr, do, Johnsen k L'-''l-n.

ARRIVED.Packet shi.-. Kurop«, Furber.fiom Liverpool. Jan .'6, mdze,

to (. II Marshall S.','o.Shi'.i Agnes, Wetherill, fm Amsterdam, Jan .". Off B.acliy

Head 13, Lizard U, with m-'z to Pfeipher & Wissmann. Af¬ter 5 1-2 days f.om the Gr-ind Üank? hove to ¡ntltesnoW stormof Thursday morning. Oil" Fir.* l-iami the A experienced badweather with thunder and lightiiin.: E of the Banks.¿for the indays .-.fter leaving the B.ir.ks Mad rory thick weither, not beingable to get daring thewholetimeanobserratioo ofany celestialobj* et: the temperatureof thewaterai times as Tow as 31 Faih.Sailed 11 com-, with biig N'eptune and b..¡k I'omon-t for NY.the 1' off the Kentish Knock in tow of .» -i.-.nw. We wereafrenvard informed b* a boatman that boarded, she hid beena»hore and wa« tow.-d off nml bonnd in Ramsgate. JanuaryIBtls, in latitude 47 39,longitude 20 30. spoke bark Anakthou,o. Arundel. Norway, 25 days from Port an Prinze, forHamburg; Feb7,lat 10 20, lens CO 27, by account, noticedlarge quantities of hay adiift. supposed to be dt-ck load ofsome vessel bound S. The last three days she has been cov¬ered with ice fore and aft.-fin sprays which were immediatelyfr.Zrii o.i touching the deck and ropes;.-was towed up byste'.n».ShipCohota, H.»p')iirn, from Liverpool, Jan 8 with rnd-.e to

N L ic G Giiswolil.have had very cold and stormy weathersine- crossing the hanks ou t«,e 3fltn ult in lat «.2. 10 long 62, asnow storm commenced from N E stiifted t«» S E then t«> S\'.' blowing heavy from e-ich of these points, fr- in thence itsuddenly shifted to N W and blev*. a hurricane, thr clost- .-elinfill topsail was split aud frozen, the .!iii> thrown on herbeameuds, the steerage fiood-d with warer; the covered withice, six of t*u crew became di..abl*d from fro.tbrusf.woreship eftei the gale abated and run into thegulf to thaw thece and repair the damage cansvd b-,- ihe gale and hiv<- b en

forced^by westerly gales a" far ¿.outh as lat S_>, have I een onsounding, to the north of Delaware three d.-*.-.. Passengers.Mr -. Mrs George ( r-i^i, of England -,n«t 8S ..teer;»-p.-«-ait.>w-1 np by ¡team b-;-.t tVava. C »j-t Handeit.itt.Ship **t. George. Ferris, from Liverpool, Jan 13th, mdze.

to N L Talcott. Th- St. Gt-on-e i- at anchoi at S W Son.Ship Alabamian, Lane, from Ñlobüe, Jan 8. cotton to£ D

Hunbut k Co.Ship B Aymar, Carver, 2.th Jan. from New Orleans, cotton

and provision., to Nesmith, Walsh it Co.Hamburg hark Washington, Krufter, .3days fiúm Hamburg

nvlze. to Schmidt &. Balchen.Baik Serene, Adams, 71 daysfiom BuenosAyres with hides

&ct«) D-.- Forest-S-Co.Berk Serene,Adams, fin Buenos Avie-, 30th Nov. ar.d Toint

Indian,Dec 1st. with hides, horns, hair, Sec. to Spofford,Tilestcn «v. C «>. Sail-*d ¡u company with hatk Three Broth¬ers, of and foi Sa'em: ship Active of B-I timoré, shl d.y be-foie for Boston; tin- baik Rosabella for Sa'ein, lelta few dsbefore. Left bark La Platta, for Philadelphia, in a few d*;o.irk Hobait, Collins, w»g; bris Plymouth, Goodbne, Idg forBoston; «hip Mex'can, Deming.for NVork in 12 di.*.; orieNorthumberland sailed ¿ «Js before for Kio de Janeiro; bsrl.Cathaw, Winigate, disg; brig Rr.Mian, Simpson, do. Jan. lti,lat 22, long 63. spoke*sehr Mansou of Scituate, in d_ys fromBoston, tiound >»outh. Th- S-^ieu«. h«_s b.en on the Coast 15days, and !'«d very rough weather.Bremen bark Hudson, Chilling, .">" days fiom Bremen, with

mdze, to '£ it T. Popí c.Bark F.llrii Cobb from Trinidad De Cuba, Jan .0, S17hhds,

.8 tes mrd-issr-s. to Chast«-lain k Pontert. Left b .rk Americafrom Portland just aniurd; brij Ei-xrlelt to 'oad lor Boston;brig Millón York for Boston ut-xt d-«y; b.irk Franklin for Bos¬ton. Le:'t two days befóte fcrig AlbertiM lor New York.Left two days b«-fv.re sehr Mary *>f IVwcasset, L**lt ih'e«.davs b-ùre, Jan 28, lat 31, loot; 77 22,s»gn.-lised bark Franklin.Bark '. othschild, Lo>»ry, 15 day» from HaY&ny, su^ar _nd

molasses, io J i Taylor.B- h*ik Adam. C^rr, from Glasgow, Jan 10, with muís, to

VVoodhnll -t Mintnrn.B'if; F.a.-le, Stevens, of Boston, ¿á days from Palermo, ami

45 «ri-m Gibraltar, frnii to How»-*. Godfrey «. Robinson .l.-ft at Palermo bark F<*ncia, Wells, for Boston, unieitain,the »n'y American ves^t-l in P"itBri« Srlma. Smith, fiuin M^b ie, Jm 15, cotton, to Starve*

Sc Clea-m in.Br >i Clinton, Lyon,7 days from S,v».nuah, cotton, to Stnr-

i;e< Si Cieannan.Brig Mis i*.sippi,Rai»den. of Bath, 29days from St M»rki,

co'toti, tti Nif-mith, Walsh fit < o ï> Íleo >n co wi h bugi-ifi.rv Le-«U Diinkwater. forNew York. 18th Jan. o£CapeFl ridvexchan^.d »ii.-na s w.th h^r. I he M. has been 17 daysNorth <>. Haltera« with continual NW LaU¿.Sehr Ameli«. T**rry. foai bwansb'.ro'. NC.. 2 days from

the Capes of "Virginia, wi h naval «.roi«., «ud cotton, to HRu*»«':--. Lf'tschr Vlaiy.Bright, 16 davs from St LommgO:«t NY-.-';.p »t jy shoitof wood and w.;.r.

S. !n Thorn s Win..-«. D-wdy, Sda\ s Í: ni Washington, NC, nava" fto.i-iS hr Perseverance, Lewis, 10 days from \Va*hing.ou, NC.

navil sto.es. to Captain-.ehr S;. en 'id, an .ckford. from Matanzas, Jad 20, 200 hhdî

m^ir.ises. to J Mauhews i* Co.Sehr Aun M.iiia. J..kcí, 10 d.ys from Newb-TU, NC, naval

store*, to S L Muche I.Sehr Airxnider, Parbtr, f om Philadelphia cr.d 3 days f cm

i'o-t i'«iin. mdtr- to A B Cooley & Co.Sehr ungen. Col«*, i days from Peter-bar.,', fl.nriad tobac¬

co to Jam. s Huntei.Sehr Amo* Brd-all. Co! Hadson, and Solomon Rockhill,

All from V rsiuii piue wood.Sesr Diiector, 1'ost. 2 d_ys f.om York River, n y sters to

Captain. .... ,

Sehr Florid -. Mot«, 2 days ¡rom Virginia, oy>ters to Cap¬tain . ,

»»chr Cv.uie, Gra-.t, of -*»t-d¿-ewitK. from Machia, with lum¬ber b."s i-*-eii 15 <!*iy* in the ice off a-indi Point; lust bo «t

sails, V-; been a-hore; vfs«cl sprung a !*ak, making 40 r..r-k»-sper miaute; short >jf provision», -o.d suffeied very much fromthe severity of thi weither, fhe Strimboat Come: Wds 9iiour> «et!;n2 her out of tr* ice.

Sclir Crescent, of Salem, fm Cutler, Me, tmnd »tone. an«lRsh to Smith Je Boynton. Wasin theice off Huntington Li;lost s«i!> a- «l ii.«.'!i*i--i-J m ritrcinc; was _isis:ed by the Ea_ternCu'ter; -utfrrt-ii *"ery much from tr.e weather.Schi Phcbe. D. Smith, from Foit Peni:. Del. flour, i*e. to G

BulkleySehr Pascarira. Smack, 15 days lrom Richmond, riourand

tob^ecn. to Allen St P.X-on.Sclir M'rgaret Ann. I'aiue, Virginia, weed.Sehr Wm O. Cooper, _do do.

BELOW,Ship Sar-.h Sheaf, from Antwerp; bark Clarissa Perkins,

from New Orleans; b-rli Montpelier fiom New Orleans; also,2 ships, 1 ba.-x and 2 bri_s qpk*»<*«wn.

.V.EMOÜA.NDA.Bremen br.g Roland, from Boston for New-York, is fast in

the a-e off Old F;eid P.in:, with three anchoisahead.Schrs Cornelia, Grecian, llecown. Victor, Emily K-:i¿ht,

Mary Ann, Willliam, Dr Franklin, a_d three or lour sloops,which tailed y* s:e.*_.*.y loi Eastern ports, -ue all set in the ice

oñ Throgg*s Point._

SAILED.racket ship Wellinctca, London.Bark Potomac, Hull, Ln^. _ ..

Ship Mississippi, New Orleans. The M w*J towtd to sea

by the steamboat Hercnles._

DISASTERS.The British sehr Eleanor Jane. Field-, of and from St John

SB. for Alexandria, with a cargo ol's.!:. was drivau by ice

on HoUis's Flats, on the 2i*th ult, about 70 mites below Alex-.indria, and cat throuith and sunk Her cargo will. be totallyIo»*, but no Jans..; is appreh_nded, uuless the ice shouldbr-^k ui> S'audru!;.-. ¦a/-, aLarge qnanuties of drift lti in y-, rivers and bays, wina

li^'tit from th- Southard. Weather hazy.

rey Cliu-rcli Festival and Fair..The ladies ofthe -th tJongragaticnal Cnarch, nnder the Pastoral care 0» uif

Kev. Dr. Walla», will hold a Frs-.i-.-al aud Fair, to aid theC'iureh in the erection ofa House of Wo.-srip) on the 11th,j>.Febniary, iStl ("Valentine Day) in the lane and splemlid ^*loou .«.'. trie c -mer of Charlton and Yarick fízeeis. Refresh¬ments will be served both aftrraooa and evening. To prev- nt

cotí'nsiou and give s_ti»facii.-n to visiter-., the large 5a.ooawill be -ppropnalec exciu.ively to miuic prrmenaüiug. &c.The table» will be set in a ro«*m distinct ñon: the Saîoon.

ami each person will be seated and waited upon by the Fe¬male M-n-tc«-r-.- Tic»... c-_ b# obtained at Millet's Music»-».loon *',,-) Broadway; J. B. Ark-r. I Vaud«m 3txe-î; J. Ta¬

bor'- Confectionary. 293 Bleecker Street, at this ofñc»*, and at

'te door of the Siloou o_ the day and evenins ol the Bestir

*The New-'-'ork Association of Arnitears. under the direc-

tiouc fMr. Naibell, have kindly ro.'uuteered their ^*"-".lc.r'.-1,onthaeccasion._^M, - :3t»t.«

O^The New-York Society of Llteratnrewill hold tr.e'.i regul »r D-eeongon Mo-.J«-y fl ¡"?)tf,;.^i!;;(*_t 7 1-2 o'clock, in the Lectur. Room ol the Daten RetorurdChurch in Franklin street.a few.doors abo.e Wes. Broad

way. Exercises to consist ol Recitations. Lsssys,.^'* **

bate ou the queuion-Is a Protective Tariff conducive to our

National Prosperity? ,.

The public are ioriud to attsad. -l

-^.---7n»i>1îercautile L-*>rarj* Association.-TheTtcAfth L*;ct**t«i of tile Cour.« wj-1 be D-hrercd in ClintonHall, on iu->-di7Lv-ui:iÇ, !3:h _Rt_ u -k o'ei0C±,BV k=vW. B. Smgn». D P. «._bjec;-** Conspiracy of CctihneATickets 25 c-nls. to be had at the Doer £v o»-.'-r

1. 2:is . __'-IiAS.M. WHEA i LE Y. Rae S'c.%Jfä'ß&S$vtF5?- -»"¿»nie L.ectare*.-THO--"i ,*/."* : t-i**í »W;íl«-elivei tW Sc.rnte.Dth Lectureof the Ç-mim,iw.the Lettureltooto, City Hau. «his (Mon-f_j.vieTe.wn-. I2th Jan.. a: Bo-clock. Sarject-' The Hmoryot me City of New-. otk, during its occu¡ aney by ihe Dutch."*ILecture tree. Uoor! ojvn s* 7 o\ !. ck

It CHABLKS L. BARRETT. Actuary."¡SyC* S. City Despatch Post..in cor_se.«aeace

oi theneax appro-cn ot Ya&atine-* D*j (:i.a ¡use* extensive*u-*-u*Rineots nave b en made, a .-J every recauti « bastaker, to losu.rt apmtnp: distributionof these «i nuu' Tok npmd-widi a view tog-__rd a a¡akr :ne pi>J3:l,;¡i:v _»fdU-i*t*o -.'-.meat by uVlay, £.*«¿suable that the iii--.es ot those towhom:h-> a-e :o be addressed. togeth_* v» i-h the number of the resi-ei.e-.'. ¦¦'¦- '¦ '. -*-.¦. -.;.] ;he ««hole »d :r.iA be dis¬

tinctly wrjrea in lull. ¡: _s_ir«>s en that the m«Mtat>nropri--¡:» method b= -dopted in r -.i ¡ ;n se Même« t* s' bv at«caching ire«» stamps, as it «a-iH fa [Hrat : distributionTheycai beobt ined itthe U***-««t-.u«- Lowe. Post offices andat ». : t. a«*ti«>..s at J« -;, ,. .., _; 25 ;-¦ ". x oi ¿0 «:. inn.

fel 3: J. Hi«. L"R ..¦ vR GRAHAM, P. M.ET" I*-aï»c «Dayro.1, .T!"» :.rv md Solicitor, N«** 7

Nassau street, .New. q--^ Iwisklwossod*

... ^ «J-aaiu« Tracts lu Xew-H»ven.-C vCluhsii*.dn«hersro_. __ .rtj ¡ mi W|.n |iw JlUi;Hll ¡ _,.., ,L

î*-"*, 1i-JLí-'Í,v 2'-?!,'.:'u' -»hers pric«at the store oí" DURRUSt Pr.Cr.. Bo kseUers. Nt*r.g-v»>n.Con iS.ts

rifr%1i0u!^.iîls,,,ulttlt: Inited Statc-*.-GRA.xu .> -v ' ' ** A i. »V «r . ; R » \ -\* n , n ¡ ¿ l- _WILLIAM CURLE T ic JOB N G _D¿ ol the ciy fÎUItimoK. h- le me.- sov. ,,..:i. s auá. ..._. jir>c;iú_ .¡ _-,«\. hig B-uincrCoajmure« ol tl i« citv, a -: the latter -ttendingto tne remainder ¦.'. t!!r _.ir¡: ~ ,¡ _,*....--OKANO NATIONAL WHIG BANKER,»to be piesmted t>v ihe .«- hi-p o; Bultimore. to the W hiKs of6rst »tare a« shall have the ladest rrovnJruoDate uumber o:de!e-£¿tc.-. ii. arteüLüijre a: th-1

.- OUNG -'RV*-« U'HI^NATIONAL CONVENTION OF RATIFICATION: ) meet it» Bal imore, o THURSDAY, :he 2d day of Mayn^.t. i*-specuuliyaubOUn«N thit tnrv are getting ur. in lh*b»u^ style o. engraving, and : rint«l on satin twobadges,wh ch wall btfac similias m the national Whig Banner.**oneoi them will «.e leig- -ndsuiwbte fu* framiog and the

Communications from Clun«, Associations or persons desir¬ousof deallniT in t:ieBi_¿ei, a- r-essed to I- nn.lei«ic:i ñwill beattended t.\ WILLIAM GÜRLETT,_. _,. ,

JOHN CADE.Baltimore, February, isu.I2f4tii [Baltimore American.

A. ASllFI_LD.Preii.ieut.x. Howard 0*-RRas. «Vice President. f10 2tfc'*j:=*Si*rtccntli ivitril Xïenry Cïirv Club..Themruibois of the **ii5'.»enth \V«.n! Henry Clay Club, and allothers friendly to the _caase, aro reqaes'éd to meet «t No. l.SEighth avenue, on Fri.i-.v evening, ¡Gib iast, it 71 o'clock, for

the trau«;.ic:io«i of such 1-usirte«^ .i» may corne b.iore thr-rn.By order of

WM. STODTENBOROUGH, 1stYioePrêsilentUENJ. HARKER, 2d Vice President.

E. Feroi'so.v. Secretary.N. ß. ihe li'.eeiiii-* is cail-d by the above officers, is the

President is absent from the city. I2Í2: >î&F\ry Seventeentli Ward..An adjourned me-eting

of tiie Democratic \*-"hi? Clay Club oí tiie Seven'eenth Wardwill be held at the H«snry Clay Ronse. corner ol Avenue Aand Kirst-strert, on Monday Evening; F-brui-y 12th, 1311, at 7o'clock. Puiictu«! attendance is particu'aily re».uest-d. tohear th* Report of the Committee on Constitution and Bv*Líws. and to nansa*.t »uch oihei business «.» may be present¬ed to the meetiug. JACOB ACKER, PresHent.JostPH Kek.n, Secretary. f 102:

Hyer'S Pill»«..The safest, clieip-ist and most ef¬fective Family M*-ilicin.- ¡n t!.»- Woild. See numerous testi¬monials at the Gel;»-;.! Office of Sale, i 13 Fulton street, secondlioor. 3fistf



BY G. W. SIMMS, LL. D.Price Ticenty-Ficc Cents.

Zy HARPER k BROTHERS have commenced the public.tion of A Svkiks or Sf.lect Novels in the Parisian formand style, of which the above volume, " Ths Yemassee," isaspecimen. The Senes will be mnde u¿< of the best Americanami Foreign ¡Novels a.*»d Romances, without mutilatieu or

abiidtiineiit, at TwK.\Tv*riv«-; Cents eacii. As the works of.ferfd in this collection are the cheapest and most económica]ce: issued, the !'nblish"r¡, confidently anticipate a rapid andl.irs'«' s'-!e. A wo*_t will be «,.iibli.»:ie-l every wiek, if practica.ble. The äecoi.d Number v, ill contain A Novel, never before«,-nhlishsH. by a disiirguuhed Amélie m Author.


?Ay This great History will be completed, with Mar«. Per¬mit fee, in Fifteen Number**, a«. 55 ce«.««, each.


NEAL'S HISTORY OF TFIE PURITANS.'fy This excellent work will be complete«! in tig'nt Num¬

bers, with nine Portraits, at 25 c*nts e.v h.ON FRIDAY,


Pnce T.enty-Fice Centn.ON SATURDAY,

aicCüLLOGFS GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY.<Xy This best and -;re-tte.t of wor_«, of the kind, ever pub¬

lished, will be complete»! in frs:n IS to 30 Numbers, at twen¬

ty live ceuts each, iiiastratsd by seven large and beautifulMaps, ens-raved on stetl from the latest authorities. fcl26t

now ready;~~y The Ameriean l* dilion «i th«>FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. 64.A rich andsp <". Number coa'ainin«**, =t«;.o.ig it* _>S''-rs, the

famous caust c -rticV :.u t«i-" POETS OF AMERICA."

Sirtzl»* nnn«b-'s for «ale it «ht Publication Office.^y Price of t e Four r.n ish Reri-ws. S8 a year.

Do Scott & Co.'» fac sinní»- BUckwood. S3 t


New subscribers entir!*-! to b?.ck volâmes at Half Price.Subscriptions received by

LEONARD. SCOTT, k CO.Publishers, 12 FnUnn, near Na«siu st.

¦**.*. B. The hte se'ere w»athei having detv-eJ our i.aj-er onit« p-i-sa^e h-î caused some delay ia ¡he p-biiaatioc o1'''.isunmber._l<"

READING FOR THE MILLION!No 2 is now ready and published this day byBURGESS, STRINGER &¦ o. 222 Broadway,

Ttil. AMfcttlUAN IN I' -»iii*f,DU«IN<* THF. W1NTEK.

A Companion to "Summer In Paria."BY JCLE8 JANI.V.

All who hi«e rran the first numb-r of this work, will readthe sec-'i.d. ThiT*se w- <> have not wiii find »'ich a desciiptiouof Pa isu.i Life, in the h.igrt of the f-shionable .«¿«son, as

Ji.nn alone, .»fall living authors, could hive written.Price twsnty-ftve c-nts._

UHUlCfc A.ND tXQUláLTü VALENTINES !Cuoid, Hymen's IVim- Minister, wi'h the Consent, or ta-

th-r, attho-P-irliculariJesireofkll the G ace., has appointe!Dr Vin Yorx, «oleaad---.«cia! Ar-rnt lor th- sa«Vpf ihe moste!« gant lot of V«ie:,tiii»s ever imported intothis City. Tbeyare «Ul uwde for L«-ai< Ye»r.and ca¡o.il«ie<l for this meridi_*5.

At bTJuGESS, STRINGER k CU'S.f 12 2t 222 Broadway, under the .«.nitrica-i Museum.





r__?" These b- «uitilu! Foerr.s will re issued in a DOUBLE ex*

TRvof the New Mikbor at 25 cents a copy, rnd will formthe sixth number of the " MIRROR LIBRARY." now inthe course of pu.lication. To persons residing at a distancethey caa be seat by ia_il at the ordiasry newsj-aper postageTo those who enclose SI (free of expense) Five Cofies of theDoable Extr*. or tea of the single ones will be sent. For sale,wholesale iad retail, by MORRIS, WILLIS k CO ,

fe!0 3t* N-». 4 Ann st. nos. Broadway.

P JCKET-BOOK L; ..**¦'!'..Yesterday rne.-ntn?,"betwi-ea N*ssiu-!ireet-aid Sr. Paul's Chnrch, a Russia

>earher Pocket*B 'OS, containing f-ipers of uo use to t-ay per-¿or. but the ov.uer. The û~d.i will t>« iirjeraily rewnrde-1 oa

briii*!«-? i: to No. Î8 Nasssu-strert._It*PARTY VESTS.


A FEW CHOICE PATTERNS of Light Satinaad White Marseilles Vestincs.

Also, a new arricie for White Vesu. Several readytnideVests for Parti«, Bills, &c. for «»Je by

WM. T. JENNINGS k CO. 231 Broadway,12f lm Opposite Park Fount»¿a.

QMOKË\~C-.i:vlNh;YS..The sub=cnber3 he.veO invented a do-ible Vestüating Cap, with whi**-h theyirnaraatee to care chimaevs 'roan srcokinc.price mod«;rat«».

i*. NaYuOR k CO. 79 Broad .«...

P. S..-23 of thi above c*ys miy b«» seeu on four hoa«*, be>lt,D-;ir-r_ to D. Anuir, Esq. Union Plsce, >Vw York* alsoeisnton Col. Webb's dwelliug, corner ol 17th street and 4:Aav-mt-«>. feL2rf

BALLS, PARTIES, &C.TE XID GLOVES, of a very superior

r. For «lie a: 231 Br adway. opposite '-he Fcua-[f 12 In».] WM.T. JENMNGS ¿c CO-

OVER COATS.XJCTM. T. JENNINGS ic CO. 231 Broadway.VV Am-iican Hot.!, "ioppesit« Park F««uat_in.) will selloff the renuinde.r of their stock of ready-made OTEBCOATS, coasisting cf Benvex, Pilot,a_d English Tw«redSnrtoats. at \ezy reduced prices. Also tiie few remainingWinur"Frocks.f«13 --**

t V caili

" Jsstics to Ireland.""A REPEAL BALL will be given at Tammany

-i-JL Hall on Monday Eveaias. Feb. 1-, .3t'L the proce-ds ofwhicli ar* to so into tte tr-easury el" the Uni-«-d Irish RcçeiiAssociarioa ol ihis city. Tickets On« Douar each«to baa at

rammany Hall, and ofT. MeGnnttey, U. Water siretLMurphy i. -G-áriiey, C-vthaca »tr**.l.P. Clark*. 35 Hec.-v »'.;e-*.John Collins. 3i Spring .u.eLf R;V.\ 23 »Viliett street.

And of :-e undersigned Cominítí-r-t.Patrick ».'lark James Haches Michael CùnCuîiyJ.mes Be;¿eu M.cta_lDo._a P-tnck C.«OKaaJoseph Mnrphy Job« Collins Michael Dor-.¡, Jr.Edw. 6-Delasey Patrick Riley Bernard 0*Cood*11James Boyle Loujchtia Dugan Michael BradyAndrew McCabe Michael Newton John RileyOwen Clark

^John Duffr

(JohaB D***-**ei

David M. Najtel Nicbol** Walsh Law. H. Klanaigan« Foy J-Aru H ncs»*,y rrancu Filaora

Wm. Cresa .. one Owea Curran-.-.'a.. John »«-'ir.: MichaelMnrtagh

Patrick Ba-k«:. CLARKE. Chairman.

J By Clath-s, Jr., Secretary. 6f5ös"*r__

' JasQce to Ireland-'T HAS BEEN Dt-TERMJNSD to nv»&RaUm tidofUv. fondsofthe [JNITED IRI3Í-Í REPEAL

V-sOCIATl V -hi :h. «.~n:ri ; of the 13th ofreb nary, a:

¦V?.f"¦'¦ St. a Hall, Broad -a**.the » n .i:.,, .v- m-de »rrancemenri a,~oc a 1 beral

seal*, and can pr< mis« :h«: nothing sh, 1 be wanting oa 'h-i-art to in me the Q<tll «K lh_: .t should iw to do credit to the

»r*"t caoM.: iefcr s can te had «f any ofthe Cammltrea. The prie- o'*

»cke.'s, to admit a geateman a-, d two ladies. :s «ix-d a: TwoUoilars.

GENERAL COMMITTEE.John Herdman.St,ouch«; p «; Malonry comer ofWert

ai d Barclay ta»; H H Byrne, t«. Wall «;; j im** Codv. 31Coartlan«: st; Florence VlcLarthy. 7¿ Nassau st; DanielSwen ey, 11 Ann st; James Bergen. 17. William :*; BemirdDounelly. 348 Grvenwich st; Patrick Raff, ity. 33 Colombia st!.liornas Kellt,067 -..ecuvHih st; Jimu Dana, Sixth W-*raHotel; Jirr.t». Byrnes. Nag3- Heal. 3 Barclay st; PatrickMoore,279 Division «t; Lawrence Langton, 3. Sprins st; Jo-.eph .-luri-hy.-Chatham st; Michael Clint, II Carlisle *t;¡ijian McCahill, «-6 Esse., corner of Delan.v *t; AadrswClark, 17«** Westst; Dennis Ma lea, 1*5 Washinctoo it; Mi¬chael Gafnev >5 Prince a»; James Mullein, noGr-adst;Dennis Mullins, 372« IV*.«1 st; J-*-hn McBtide, Walker.cor»nerof Kldji iitei'; John Kane. Waihtng on it; John Haura-tian.6- Kid«»».; John Murnh**, 5 Ru'.er-i-t; Michael Conuolly. N3 Viercerst. JOSEPH F- CASSERLY. Sec ,

f3 tF'3*_34 Platt-stmt.IT-IKST ANNUAL BALL OF INDEPENU-I ENCE HOSE CO. No. 3.In aid of the New-YorkFir* D partmeni band.will take place at Tammany Hall on

Thu'sday Eveniue. Feb. !.«>. Tickets can be had at the dif¬ferent Music Stores, of all the Engineers of the N. V. F. D.and ais > of the Committee.

ü D. ATKINSON, Assistant Secretary.Dodsworth. celebrated Cotillion band :s engaged for the oc

casioa._1112 .**_SPEA KIN G A U ruMATOÑ". 'i h ad v. rtiser

has the honor of informing his i -tron* a::-l the public ingeneral, that he will exhibit his SPEAKING AUTOMA¬TON en TUESDAY ..VENINO, the 13th uist., at theStuvvesant Institute, New-York.This wonderful aud iug«nioiu work, the successful re-nit

of s-ve.-tren years' nn*e«nitted study and labor, articulatesdistinct; >, «¡id in a sound resemblingrhat of t::e hum «a voice,evervthiuK itimt ihe human Organs can pronoune» ; and inas¬much asall preceding efforts to pioduca this have f..»le.l. th^»«¦?eraser may be permitted to call his automaton unique intnis world.

'he exhibition is necessarily confined to this iven:n* only,as .n. mom is occupied for scientific purposes of the Faculty,an : das been seacroosly ti-nd red to him by the institution onaccountol the admiration and detpiuterest they take in thisex-; lordiaary production.Tickets, at 50 cents, may be procured at th* r face of theSchiiH [post, No. 3 Spruces«reet, and at Mr. Wm. Radde's

bookstore, No 3?: Broadway, and at ih» door.Performance bénins precisely .it 8 o'clock.':~y 'i'ne speaking Machine will p-rtorm all the r«»<».ni.sitea

of a good scholar, «u: ?p«*lli.ig. reckoning, Ike. &,c .conclu-ding with t!i. rerj'.»! and singing of ' H -it Colubia. feli ît

A M KK ICA ¡N M J**. tí I .-î" AN ) l' tí líPfíl U .*. L-í-jk FAI R. Every D -.y and Evening this week.

Day visitera admitted ihr «nueevening: free.Ü «.PRKCEDEN PED ATTHACTlONS'i!

LAST WEEK ofthe eccentric Dr. VALENTINE: in ad¬dition to whom ttt- mincer his enga^-d, forone week longer,the accoj-i !.s:n'J wd talented loir.

Mis. WESTERN.Also, the renowned comedí *n,

GuEAT WESTERN.Together with Minoi FR.ACISCO,

Who -¡iiien-s in th<« c^lehri»..«! Chinr.e DivMtiseincnt«.T. G. BOOTH, the celebrated Comic Sinip-r.I!, vi SHERMAN, the beautiful Ballad Singer, and LA

PE II I'E CERITO, the admired danseuseCOMIC OLlO.e tided* THE LO V.N OF A LOVER,'

by Mr. -»ml »,iis. western, T. G. Booih and .Mr. M\ers.YANKEE COURTSHIH, by Mr. and Mrs. Western.TheGlPSY QUEEN, the most sarnrising fortune-teller

in the world, m .y* be privatsly consulted at all tune« re¿.ird-n-rPAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EVENTSPerformances every evening at halt-i-as: 7 u'clocu, and

Wednesday and Saturday aitexnoons at 3 ..'clock.L'ickets "i icents: children uaiier íu vean, 12» cents.Twenty-fire cents extra for private consultations with the

Gipsy Uu-eu. _

DEALK'S N." y. MUSEUM..ADMISSION1 ONLY 121 CENTS.The Manager is haopy to announce ar. engagament with

Miss LOUISE DOROTHEA WAGNER, the FortuneT-ui:;.: Gipsev Girl, »it-ur t»

THE CELEBRATED UITSEY QUEENof the Ameiraii «.'useum. She can be »efii fi«.m 0 o'clockiu the mornüiK till ' o'clock in the att.moon, dressed in beinative eostunie. and can be nrivaiely c«j»Milt<d regardingPAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EVENTS. Sh«ennnot bf jeer, in the evening. National 1'ortiait OaMery.Oraud Co*Riorama and 5iTt',0ü0 cariosities. Admission one

shilling i 12i rents extra to tho.e who cousult theGiptey (}»rl.

FANCY FLOW ERS AN'iVH EA D D R.I2SSES.An assortment of Coiffures, Flowers and H*m<1 Dresne»

for Balls, Soirees and Opera, jast received and for »aleon com¬mission by II. R. THOMPSON.

l"12 1v.i.._ _ _No. 6- B«MVr»t.

SI.Í-; HERE .Those who have Lant-sm Illinoisthat have not paid their taxes and have not their titles re¬

cord, d, can now find an agent at Nt*. 0 Avenue A, wh > leave»for the West this week on Thursday. Call from 1 to 1Î. Re¬ferences satisfactory, ("h-ir-ies reasonable._fe!2 3t*

A &ENCY OF THE WlLUAMöBUKüH IN-X3. SURANCE COMPANY, No.M Wallstreet, (Well'sBuildings) continu«** to «usure again.t loss or i.'amaje byFir« throu'hont the United States, on as favo-ib!* cor.ditioa4as other offices.

DIRECTOR».í-amuel Willeti, Charle« O H-rndy, Francis Steinheil,John LeiÇSitt Lemu«! Riehard-on, Fred'h. W. Favre,».ichoU» Wyekoff, Christian Zabn.kie, iiephea Will-t.,Ai.dw.C Benedict, Jobd *«killm-n, Th.mas McKie,

Jeremiah JobntonC ZAßRIBKlE. President.

A. B HODOES. S«.r«i:aty.Wuh'-h-tv» Po-T. Ag-nt._f!2 2avv3m

HOUSES a $D STORES FOR. SALE-OB«PO LET.-.The two first c!s-i thiee -tcry Homrs

. _B* Nor. 189. 193 t!;d r»-e two story H*u»e No. Ig5 Mac-D .nsalstre« between Waverly jlaC-ai.d Eighth st. with oi

wit oui coach h->u*es-:.d.ta-1rsThe net' two story frame Hou;«. No. 1'5 Waverly place.The ipaci ms th ee no y house No. 5.« Cliff.tr. et. corner ' f

Ba Uiiiho. well luited f-t & respect .ble private boiidint houseTh* th ee story ho»»e No. Sro.e »ti-*ct near the Battery.Th- whole or part of thelir^e fire proof five story Store No.

?i **« kmanstryet ,


The smal< St>re~So. ß7s Beekmäu at ,iuitable for any retailbn-li.«**- For terms apply to

Ce 123t-_ R HOGAN, $i Btmkaasn at.

^^ FOK SALE..The Eagle Laboratory.;...Ä.'(-r.»<r».l forth- manof..»tur» of Oil of Virriol. Mtl/i*

.«^-r__»*»ric Acid. Bus Vitriol. Co^p-r-s. A'um, «tc ) wic-Dwt'lins and on.-hoa.es, otiii four aces <*.' land Pltasani]*sit».-red ou tHi Ba-k* of th- Conneetieot River, in the tow:

of U'rtheisfield. Ct. Enquir*» of Clwstai Buiki-y. near'hinren-iis-s. f 12 2weod«»

Dl-sSOLUTIOM - Th- cnpartn<*rship of CASWELL, MT'RDOCK & MOHGAN is Hissolv--d by th*

withdrawal ofN'a;liv.i Ct-wll. an-1 the unsettled nccounts.Wt»i. fir ,i as well as th« lite .>m of <'\riVVK.LL k MUR-DOCK will be -dja«tedby MURDOCH, LEAV1TT fcÇO.who ire autho;ii¿_ to use the Dime of »he fins iu liquidation


COPARTNERSHli'..i he undersigned have associatedto»-t5»er for t'e purp-.se of tr*.i-a-tiiw th* Iron Commissionbuiness ander the firm of MURDOCK, LEAVITT k CO.at No. 27 West street-FebruaryJ2^URDOf K.



BUAKU IN BuMJ-öTitiSE- ..A t-cirlor, wiiha Bedroom attached, and one o* t-.«.o small rooms, with

grites, to l«-t, with Board, at ¿»5 Bonc-stre«/-. J16 Imis»

WINDOW SHADE DEPuT, No. 7 Spruce-st.SHADE*, of üli descriptions wholesale aud retail,

S:?a. Bann.fr and Transparent Painter to order.¡16 Irais BA»tTOLSc DK MAUNY.


highly recamm-nded by the «nedicil profession and gen*.r_llyt__en with t..e rons-nt of the fa'iiilv physician.

Ac«_5TS. .Mr Milhao, 1S3 Bro-dway;Mr. Me-akim. 5U Broadway;Mr. Cotton, 2.Ó B^e cker &t.

lnquirt-fo»- Stone's i-ulmou^ry Capsules,and »«te that hissÍ5Ba'iiíe and sea' are on each bot of m-dicincN.B. Physic ;i.-u wiii Iram tht composition of the medi¬

cine on application atany of the Agencie». lOf 3mUlm*.*

CUPPING--AND LEECHING at all hours, withtrie attention and carefulness resu'ting from several years'

etr-enence. of which references to m*ny respectable familiercan b-i fieelv K;.ven. by Mrs. LANE, 176 Yaiick-str«et, 2 door>above Ch«rl«-on«_tr_et. ,

IMrs. L. haviuii proeored a larsce qaantitv of leeches, wii

che-rfuliy wait on the poor and those in modent* circumataoees accoidicií to th«ir ability to pay, at any part of the city.

j 19 IíbÍs«*___________________________rfÄMwDAILY h'XPüLSá.-The Subscriben-gfttS'SS- run their Express resnlarlv every day (Sunday«___^I^» exce'jte.1) via Housatonir Railro.d. to and fapmg "*.. Ne-v-York. Aloany. Buffalo and toe intermedia«

places, for the Transporta icn of Specif. Baak Scie*. Bundlesind Packages of Goods,. Collecting Bills, >ot»-s, Drafu uxdAccounts, with desparch. ,.,_,. ... ..

Prom «.hi. Ciiv at 6 o'clock A.M. arr1vir.it in Albany thesame-veni-ig and in advice of th»*L\8. Mail.

f_5 lmlwi. _POMEROV k CO. 2 ^ all-at.

"tTTlLLlAM Ï. JENNIN'JS M CO., Ura^rsV V arid Tailors, No. 231 Broadway, American Hotel, (opposit, the Fcactain.) solicit attention to »a invoice of nev*

Go.xls received peí last steamer, direct from our Agent ¡lLondon, consistía., of CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, iu van-

ous new styles.splendid SILKS andSATIN S.fcr Dress Vesta,MERINO, VELVETS, &c. with a Urge assortai_at of richSilk and Satin SCARFS, CRAVATS, HANDKER¬CHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, DRESSINO-ROBE.S.ÍÍC.We woold suggest to our patron» that from rhia addioon-U

facility, w. «hall be able to supply them atan eztly date withill the novelfit-s of the Londoo and Paris markets, andsastainthe rej-ntatioa of the *-*.abtishm«ut lor the moderate priceswhich have elicited «so liberal a patronage liacp the adoptioaof tht- ready moa^y .yitem, by which we are enabled to fnr-cish fearmenü at from 25 to 33 \<r cent, less tbaa formerly«--afeature ia the «ublishmeut. which mnst commend it to thoserequLxüií aiticles for imme-diate use, is the addition to our

stock of an assortment of fiistca-lity i^dy ma .eii'-ria«^^.includiUÄ Snrtoau, C-loiks, Dress ¡sad Frock Coats, r-mta-loons in_ Vests, Stc. r¦ l*u


Jo'¦¦¦»!i ísicíjr.í». Aiotw:*--r.Y BANGS, ÄieHAfiSö «V FLATT.-2tore19*5 Bread «--»..


. H«*icr ¿ttcsic.«-U«-*»*_«-l of i» lota ottboice F«-.-eij-a **_dAniTic»« Ma.ic br*J>-b*utc«-rarv"*T*. »jajo.«¡««-* '. i©'«*, with-outd-ai.íici:-«.co-iptiiirüíS^K. with P.a-o -ad Ociur w*çcm; «mi-Mta s. Solos a_d Due.'» for the !'i»j-,.. »fiCiTd Soats.f!.li__, Fmfchand «¿sania i .i.Mut», !iu_-tlioaB«oiU, Finie,V loi-n and Orcnestrtl .».umc, Stc.

i he Mastc rr.sy b-eraia:ce«l at th« ».._.,, «*_.-. c*.«tJ<-_u-:*,'.h: day **-*e.*to*« :«» .« t.THURSDAY MORNnfO, at »o'clock

AtstGMLi'i SaIK.Bt ct'erof an Aiii-tw-.T¡)ífc¡iír,>IDS Books ind Sce-eot.'.-e Plates: 10 T5e .*.¡,-_:_r '¿-riocloth;TOO Dr. ****r¦ i. -As Fr*j*n*er".-. limo, cloüi; 2¿o Historyol ÜM Sandwich !iUr.-_s. L»v i»ibbi«r. it. sh et».

_»TEt»*tOTV»e Pi_TX3.The Stereotypr Ptatnof Fiar-sv'sL«rctu:e«. t.» ». brumas, exclusive ol copyrishtt <*»¦> do i-r Me-**.oirs of Nevtas, :-,.*. ~»v- i copyrs .¦'«..*.'..:

-¦«..-'..-'....? a i: h d I if» j»* th* Savtoar in«* hie Ai>o«.tit-, '.s-ao. ":..... «..-. -, do do.Transplanted F.cw.rs,Sicb, ta- Ke-.- Dr B ii d. witheiroyiight

ri ¿SO »». Mareti <. t:. ««¿»i.THIRTY-NINTH NEW-YORK TRADE SALEThe n««t r«*_n!«* Tn-ti. ***-¿e will o» comm-eeced on Tues¬

day, the «**i:.i of March -">; ,: will be conducted uader the.tirrcuv-.i of :h» Corami :.» ci lh" Trade, .\«¡ neret.-.o-v.

Invoices of 13-.»-¦ii», Paper, Sooouety, Stereotype Fiat»*..Biulen* Materiab, Leather aLd Cl ".'... *«..". .«;«- r«***p**«tfallysolicited, and »hou.«, b** furu.»i.«-' B*» ti» 1st o» Februar*.,whr i the Catalogue vritJ *.*

, a: ~o o*»*. Tl**«***ua c »a ad-vac.es w:l: or io\de on reCeit-t 01 w .¦.¦«i». whm «-»i'--»"

F« OLTO_*»-, Auctioneer.

FGOLTON *£ CO, Auctiuuand Comin:**ion«» Merchant», No 113 Fnltou _n<i .1-1 Aiif-strtet . Li «sal

advance ma.e ou Contieno «a:«, sud c¡o*.pt ret«. _» u-ade.MO***DAY. Fee, a.

at .0 '»'c'.vk. ir thecomer o H -.urea »ai P.'-««tï\t is,¡"Hcsirr s Salk..a l»r_t» Quantity c-f Boot- .-...«- ^ûo«tó.Also, -ioiueho d Furniture, «c

At I o'clo.!., at ,.' Pearl-strwt,SMsaify's S_i.K cv oä-ckm*.!.Cooaistipc of Tea¿», Su«

eus. t. cîi««. Sîvcr», Licuó.-», Sic A.,j, the Fi*.;u es cl tbtTUESDAY. Feb. 13,

at 10 o'cio.!.. at 3-1 Ann-street,EsTKfsiv«- Savk or dassy^HVe-»By «i»«*»« of a landlonTs

warraui. aud by order Ol H. D L*>*-.0.is, Artorrry for .V« rt-rae¿e.Consisting of » Unte vjui*..".;:" of 0«>!d in») 6il«**tWatch*M, Clocks, Siivet T«h!c aad 'i,»'.9i**»ons. Cold a_dSil«*»r F.acii Cases, f ¡at.u '»V;ie. t »;e he; .«.:'h s Reacia! d>*sortment of«T r, artic «. c»»ct «n:»J i- j Jeweby Sior».Aiio, I Iroii Ch«»».;. aad Kixtur'¿ of a Jeweiry SiOre.

at 12o'clock,ai the Merchant*.' ."..ch*_a_«\Real V.itats..The two story biic* *"iout I'vus«- and Lo*.

No. 30«: Monroe «tree:. A portiou of ihe i»iirch»»e u:ou«7 canremaiu rm bond and ir.ort-,»¿e. Tul* in»iisputable.

""SïOUTENBUR(>H k FAR R."A a ctioneers.~"

í*:.»¡e. .No 19 C.«.-i*«.!-»tr«et. {.N_UOi;«l Hall )

OUT-Ï'OOK SA-bES OF GKOGEK1ES fl K-NITURE. DRY GOODS. &c. attended to ¡a rvr»or«.

and j'¡ in-, t rvtuiiis nt.:d?. SaJ.s of Real Kstate iu«de ac Lh<*..¡i-icr.-'.«' EtcaAaJte.PRIVA l'E bALK..One !*_*f**lotf Countins Houm D«*»»k

. » »p!enJid titicla._ __ Sta7j. ULK^CKEU, Anctioaeer.

ryo BE SOLD, on TUESDAY, Feb. 13. JS4-4.JL ac ih«* Mirchaats' Evchange, *i 12 o'clock, by A. J.BLEECKER. Esq., Auctioneer, th«* t*-*«- »ton buck li_u*e.lud Lot No. 9'j Roo.rvelt-street. For terut«. Uo «l'i«l- »o ib»Anctioneer, No.* Uroad str**e t. <«i to PETES A« H» JACK-SO.N. t_2 **_î»._u. corner v»i Aiiu-^nvi, it l_t o'c.-*«cW- < 103»'>

RICHARD VA Ñ DYÍE, Jr., Auctioneer.DERKMFTOKY SAL-»-. TO CLOSK A CON-l CERN WITH AN ÏNfiURANCE COMPANY-ANTHONY J. BLEECKER&- 0. **.il »oil : PublieAuction, to the highest bidder, ou WEDNESDAY, 2t»ih«Uyy( ïVbruary. 18-M, .it 12 o'clock, *»t the Merchauia' Evcha..»**.:'«il LOTS Ob Gltul .**- Ü. embrAcint; _ on the Second Are*nue, with the corner of Twe«*t***fifth*st'eet, «ad 19 Lou »d«j .ir.ni-i oa thé » luth side of T.»«'iit, »fiflh »t.eet, l*««-.»A«eii th«Sec.Hd and Phlrd Avenues, and « xtendin«. t ¦¦> within u*. f«etOl ll.e Thir ; Arc.a«-; Hie Lots ubout 93 leei «i«.«-». Sewers*>re extend«»«! uji Hi-.- ¿ec< ¡id ruiti i bird Aveuur.. Til. Ixeetis. hull, .ulid Riouiul, witu ihe CrotOu water laid thr. u_h ttur*saici», and built upon il e noithsid« Cpposi .* to thi, pn i«erty.75 ¡er ceut in.iy retnain oumoiii;axe, or l'1« puiehasers irtsyurange with the Company to build a:.d hire 00 **." ceuf. it*-main of ihe i»*.-ctm.e money, *ud thiee-fou.vli» of cost ofbuilding additional «it morlgat.«.

V'ajrs of the Lots and Plans of Building in be ia*? *»t ihe*Auci i uifeic'Office, (alter Thursday i.eit.) No. ? litogd-**»-!i;*.»r VVaJI-stiett._II*?

WILLIAM 11 FRANKLIN, AttCUOBW.f OTäNEAK UNIONtQUAiiE..WILLIAMLi II. PRANKI I *«' wi'l seil at auction, er the Merchants'Exchangf, on WEDNESDAY, il««- Uth nut . «t It o'clock.Two desirable Buildinr Lots oa th«« uortherly .»idcofSix«*erinti-sfr«et, iietvwr/ii Union lac-' aii«*i r'if h Avenue, knownis Nos 30 and 3«.. commencing st a point io f«-et frum hei«.r-nier, flu«! coiitiimii)» together jo fee' iiou' and SI fe»t in »i-pih.1 h»*!ie Lo » command *. ti-.- *..-» of the Ovanre sud I'o'intain,,-.ui present one m the moil de.ir.bt.- lo. mo..» iu thi. part of:'.i citi A considerable un m ei oi ¡uuivs will b«. mecieJon the block cturi. >> ih« ensuing «ent.n.Also,a vac-ui Lot on tli i..ii:neri>* »Ide of Ninth--*tre»*t,

between the F'iith Av»uue ft:n! University PLc** coiit'¿mug25 feet f.oiit. Dv' one-li-tlf the bl.ck in «it»i«th. and may bt «aai*

l> .le»i<n .ted ai ixïiui; the only vacant l-.t on the r*|.:ck.Tbrer^uartera of ilie purchase inouey may remain ou bond

and uioitK.-.ge for ». lenn of years, hc <j pu ceut-, ild«»«ir#«if 2 .'_.*

/^ÀNOlî.lT\^A LE.under me diMton ofV/ Phil0T.Rugt.lea.Ec4_, Slattei in Chancery, will he»...!«l .it luen^n, on K til DA V. th* 16th of F«b -i ..y. by A. J-BLEECKEH k CO . at ihe Merchants' E*uh,-.%»-*-*The two Sic.«-.» .t:.u DwellliiCS .. '-.

NO 54 BÖVVERY,old-eat ibli»hf«i ».« ids for i-u-jii.e«. Tii»--' will be s< II se-va-falely, racli containing iiff'.fe ntid a W/ f-n iront sud rear,by on»* hundied and twentyfive i-rt in c«. th. Also, th* twostory brie-, fiont House.

NO. SSH BROOME-STREET,next to the coraer of F.lizabeth*-t»<et. The lot «.» 21 f*«t inIront, 26 feet iu rear, 57 leri on th« cs_,t, and 93 feet on ihe


íl* ___*.-_____"L^L-RMTÚl.k. N'«T!-.;h----í>ü*a tít-duteitiia, inc.I- F. COLTON would .a.r.»rm .ill w!:o ire *o want of Für-altare of any description, thai he is prepared to fa.iiiih. «_jjn.is coust-intly on hand a vrry hr-*»« _iscrtin_..t. «aciadiiy*Fauell's PatflUtSola B«^Ltead», which for jirnpiicity. dura*¡.¡lit«/ «andeconomy are without their e**ua!. 'J ne public a.«invited '.0 csll nml eiamine them.also, ali oihi-r kinds ofSofa* alwayi on !:^ad.Those brfAkiiiK up hcus¿»*»*«--{ in^ or wishia"; to sell all ox

any portion uf iheir Karaiture, v«. ill rind a ready iai_ by sima-iii_ .1 line or calliox upon the t.ub*c*iber.Bales by Aactic faithfully hicended to.

au26isrf_F. COLTON. I¡3 Fulton and M Ann its.

STEAM REFINED CANDY*3RL4-A. STUART, 285 Greenwich, corner

. of Cfuiabeis »trefct.c.e constantly nianufaccuriuj- byste«im, and nave now on band, a Iar»¿e sssortmeut of i andy,*Vc. of saLenoi .luaîiiy. aait-ible for che Soutltern rn»rl<«»t..Tliia candy be.iit* mad« from îîefincd Sajri-r, will k(j«;p In «..va:m cliaiar-? harder aad dryer than any nsadefrom ra>* su-¡&r.

_J if- lain

í-hlil !.Tt.".*C>ll«.ri. BUITANMAW.Yi. T. JENNINGS lie CO. 23l tiroadway,

American Hotel, uppo.it» th« Fountain, a*e in receipeof an Invoice nf Nrw Goods, consistingof Cassimeres, richSatin, Cashmeiet and Canton Cloth (au entre u*w article,)<7eatin*ts t.*r <vmd-.,% wear, with a sm?ill lot n;Or« of splendid.iatin Scirft. Also, Ln.or's Paient Trotectí-d Seam üloTes.m n.-ticl«! hut r«K«-nt. > lutrodnced, which anelsouly to t* seento be a;iprec'«.t«!-d._ _*_______

.tlon'rt, Boys' and Cbiidreii-tf Clotlnii..GEORGE T. GUEEN,

Nos. liO Chatham-st. an» 4 Bowery,WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND,

a f*H and complete assortment 0/ MEN'S, BOVS,-xSD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, of all deaenptions.iltd» ill the MOST .¦«,»;:.->-.¦...:. ITILK, to which h' woald»«¡.-»ctfully mute the attention of thus«* in waul. As he hasu»dr arranfeirieat» to re«:eirr CLOTHS, CAS'liA! tKKÖ,'/KST1NUS, iic., by every P-.cfc.t. and ha» «ecarrd the..«rviceat 01 eXf-*cienced Cotters, lie ¡.; ¦<;,'.; himself to girejerfect »acisfaction to all who may ovchaae.Ñ. B..Garments made to order at the shirrtesl r.otict

tnd until strict ytmctuglify._«jQ n'.Fiài.iTVVA'i'CHt..**: !.Tlie larjfc-ii dtid most «plen-

Idid aadortment of Watriies in the city i« tc be foundat th«* »ub«¦crlt>-I,* He is couUntly r»C4»ivins: all an-

icriptioni of Oold and Silver Witch«*», ol the newest styles,fron '.lie manuiuctnrer«. iu England, r .a...--» .-,u,l SwitzeiUod,ind iseuab'ed to offer a larger assortment, an«l at much l«ss..'.-> at retail, ..... any oilier house m the city. GoldWitches .sa low *u $20 to %2'j -irlffifWatch^ and Jewelry

All Vyatelica «jfa-ernnteil to ke**i« stoodune or die moa«*y retarued. Witches, Clocks and Jewelrytzehanged or !iou»ht.

.j.aiied in .tii«r tr.-at ni«_aaer, and warr.iate'.l, lower tlon at anyoüier place in the city.U. C ALLL.N, lmport-ir of Watches .-aid Jewelry,jal itlf wfioU*ale and retail, ta Wnll-ali^^r. m ». m

~\v\Xi'i:ilEà^"XDJr:\VELltY bought ortaken ia exchaase by G. C. ALLEN. 30 Wall-streiet,00suirs. jtl iiti

LADIES* GAITERBOOTS, at J. B. MiiXK.a's,IU Canal »tr«**-t. Tkis beau¬tiful article, in all it.» varietyof lashioo-ible colon, at It.18, and ia ««> to order at 3ohhilliaiis. unequalled by a«.yin th« City. P»iti.ular atten¬tion paid to mea-urns, to in°mr^ a handsome titLADIES' FRENCH

SHOES, of all tlie different styl««.« 9 a..d JO .»'«"»'«¦» P«pair, warranted 50 [erce.it. hind»«.mer and bellet than ihia*»old at -he cheap «'ores at $1 P*r l-'ir rR _.,-.._ R_,.WHITE AND BLACK SATIN SLIP! EKti.tOr ISslls.

Partie», Weddfcga, fitc : Mi.ses and children s Doot* *«.d«hoes, c-f all kind» and pi ices.INDIA EURßER SHOKS.A complu «ssortment of all

th*» different kinds constant] for »ale.Every aiticle soldi*, warranted . f my own roaun fact*, re _ d

made by su(anior wo-kmen ; everal of whom hav*» teen inmy employm-nt for the last five year».Ladie* wiii please call at;d e_,n.«n- for themse'.v« at

J. B MILLER'S, 142 «.anai-sf.f? Snwod*_Betw-en Tl.omr»son acd sul iran sts-_




D'J CURt:, AND WILL CUKE, ihe following«named comphints. as can b* fully shown by the prorn«>-

t«r, vit: Fever Sores ol th* mut raalifuaiil kind, *.*.:<*-_*..*.'.cer», Tumor». CuU and Paneta-«-». Wr.itlows, Scald* and

Barns, So-re Thrrxif. Qui-ii-ry. Kheatnalisi»;. chrome awl iü-

tí<mtr.a-.ory; Chilblain», Dropsy. Scald Head, Ag*£¿V*F.ce, BrutUsand Rprims, Swellings of ^m£llZ!\\\ï\oaïrioD, Emotion,, Afine in the breast, Bit«.^¿fA \ V.°£lDyspensia. Wom«. Fever and Airu.e. Bill.*.«**<$£*¿reis,'C.lGl C. Head-ache. Diaxiueas m *<**,** g*2JJJ2*ach. Janndice.^-^S^S^ATA^^Tooth-ache. V00I?^'r.V7aimeVs or Pain ia the Back.plain*. 11 not too £*££¿_/>w.. Joints, Feet.fcc* Net**vo7/AffÄn.fr^erai"éb.lity tkc. í«. íkc.-TWL^réS«»Aont list of complaint» to be cured by ¿re

kind.MMedicine*, but th« proprietor promu*- to xeturn themonVy for the articUparehaced, to any and every ->»TtK)nwho7 _o' cured if ih«y follow tn« directions for using eontaiatdiu th-f ?«J3phVt whitrh -will b« fur_i»k->_. by the proprietor aadhv aire its tnfOaghoot t*i« City.

Fa--.« «« const\ntíy comiflK to the kûowW«_e of »he Pro-rt.ie'Or Which full'/ justify the above _...»-*_>.- Foi «aU,%ho%sA**ad nuil by L. W. GILBERT. Pioprtewr. 214S"a!tc»r. str«ret, and by <*. B. M AlGNE, Booasellc-r,35 CaUia-*r'iaeit.-«~t; S* WOODV/ORTH, cor. Houston and Mnlber-,y strr»*t«i-rry Pot CertiCcates of cures, description of complaint*

«_«i dir-ctious lor bsitu, s<*e Pamphlet above referred to.ffy The poor will be funiuhed ai half price at 214 Fulwn

st-rett, and receive such adric« as their eases may i«qui*e-j IStlsziiaeed*