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Motivation EVT and Geostatistics Spatial Extremes Summary Extreme Value Analysis and Spatial Extremes Whitney Huang Department of Statistics Purdue University 11/07/2013 Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Extreme Value Analysis and Spatial Extremes

    Whitney Huang

    Department of StatisticsPurdue University


    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary


    1 Motivation

    2 Extreme Value Theorem and GeostatisticsUnivariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    3 Spatial ExtremesBayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    What are (Spatial) Extremes?

    Extreme events are defined to be rare and unexpected100–year flood–the level of flood water expected to beequaled or exceeded every 100 years on averageMany extreme events of interest are spatio-temporal innatural

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    What are (Spatial) Extremes?

    Extreme events are defined to be rare and unexpected100–year flood–the level of flood water expected to beequaled or exceeded every 100 years on averageMany extreme events of interest are spatio-temporal innatural

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    What are (Spatial) Extremes?

    Extreme events are defined to be rare and unexpected100–year flood–the level of flood water expected to beequaled or exceeded every 100 years on averageMany extreme events of interest are spatio-temporal innatural

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    What are (Spatial) Extremes?

    Extreme events are defined to be rare and unexpected100–year flood–the level of flood water expected to beequaled or exceeded every 100 years on averageMany extreme events of interest are spatio-temporal innatural

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Why study extremes?

    Although infrequent, extremes have large human impact.2003 European heat wave example. Around 70,000 werekilled!

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Why study extreme?

    "There is always going to be an element of doubt, as one isextrapolating into into areas one does not know about. Butwhat EVT is doing is making the best use of whatever data youhave about extreme phenomena." – Richard Smith

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Usual vs Extremes

    Relies on asymptotic theory to provide models for the tailUses only the "extreme" observations to fit the model

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Spatial ExtremesSummary


    1920’s: Foundations of asymptotic argument developed byFisher and Tippett1940’s: Asymptotic theory unified and extended byGnedenko and von Mises1950’s: Use of asymptotic distributions for statisticalmodelling by Gumbel and Jenkinson1970’s: Classic limit laws generalized by Pickands

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Spatial ExtremesSummary


    1980’s: Leadbetter (and others) extend theory to stationaryprocesses1990’s: Multivariate and other techniques explored as ameans to improve inference2000’s: Interest in spatial and spatio-temporal applications,and in finance

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Probability Framework

    Let X1, · · · ,Xniid∼ F and define Mn = max{X1, · · · ,Xn}

    Then the distribution function of Mn is

    P(Mn ≤ x) = P(X1 ≤ x , · · · ,Xn ≤ x)

    = P(X1 ≤ x)× · · · × P(Xn ≤ x) = F n(x)


    F n(x) n→∞={

    0 if F (x) < 11 if F (x) = 1

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Classical Limit Laws

    Recall the Central Limit Theorem:

    X̄n − µσ√n

    d→ N(0,1)

    ⇒ rescaling is the key to obtain a non-degenerate distribution

    Question: Can we get the limiting distribution of

    Mn − bnan

    for suitable sequence {an} > 0 and {bn}?

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Classical Limit Laws

    Recall the Central Limit Theorem:

    X̄n − µσ√n

    d→ N(0,1)

    ⇒ rescaling is the key to obtain a non-degenerate distribution

    Question: Can we get the limiting distribution of

    Mn − bnan

    for suitable sequence {an} > 0 and {bn}?

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Theorem (Fisher–Tippett–Gnedenko theorem)If there exist sequences of constants an > 0 and bn such that,as n→∞

    P(Mn − bn

    an≤ x) d→ G(x)

    for some non-degenerate distribution G, then G belongs toeither the Gumbel, the Fréchet or the Weibull family

    Gumbel : G(x) = exp(exp(−x)) −∞ < x 0, α > 0;

    Weibull : G(x) ={

    exp(−(−x)α) x < 0, α > 0,1 x ≥ 0;

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Example: Exponential Maxima

    X ∼ Exp(1)

    F n(x + log n) = (1− exp(−x − log n))n =

    (1− 1n

    exp(−x))n n→∞−→ exp{−exp(−x)}

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Generalized Extreme Value Distribution (GEV)

    This family encompasses all three extreme value limit families:

    G(x) = exp{−[1 + ξ(

    x − µσ



    }where x+ = max(x ,0)

    µ and σ are location and scale parametersξ is a shape parameter determining the rate of tail decay,with

    ξ > 0 giving the heavy-tailed (Fréchet) caseξ = 0 giving the light-tailed (Gumbel) caseξ < 0 giving the bounded-tailed (Weibull) case

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Quantiles and Return Levels

    In terms of quantiles, take 0 < p < 1 and define xp such that:

    G(xp) = exp{−[1 + ξ(

    xp − µσ



    }= 1− p

    ⇒ xp = µ−σ


    [1− {− log(1− p)−ξ}]

    In the extreme value terminology, xp is the return levelassociated with the return period 1p

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics


    DefinitionA distribution G is said to be max-stable if

    Gk (akx + bk ) = G(x), k ∈ N

    for some constants ak > 0 and bk

    Taking powers of G results only in a change of location andscaleA distribution is max-stable ⇐⇒ it is a GEV distribution

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Some Remarks

    There has been some work on the convergence rate of Mnto the limiting regime, which depends on the underlingdistributionFor statisticians, we use the GEV as an approximatedistribution for sample maximal for "finite" n –assess the fitempiricallyDirect use the GEV rather than three types separately

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Block–Maximum Approach

    Determine the block size and compute maximal forblocks–usually annual maximalFit the GEV to the maximal and assess fit– usually vialikelihood– based techniquesPerform inference for return levels, probabilities, etc

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics


    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Point Process Approach

    MotivationThe block maximum method ignores much of the data whichmay also relevant to extreme–we would like to use the datamore efficient.Alternatives:

    peaks over thresholdsr-largest order statistics

    Both are special cases of a point process representation, underwhich we approximate the exceedances over a threshold by atwo-dimensional Poisson process

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Point Process Limit: Basic Idea

    Suppose X1, · · · ,Xniid∼ F and {Mn−bnan } converges to GEV

    distributionConstruct a sequence of point processes on R2 by

    Pn ={


    n + 1,Xi − bn

    an) : i = 1, · · · ,n


    n→∞−→ P, where P is a Poisson process

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Formally Linking Extremes and Point Processes

    Given: P(Mn−bnan ≤ x)→ exp{− (1 + ξx)



    logP(Mn − bn

    an≤ x)→ −(1 + ξx)


    logPn(X − bn

    an≤ x)→ −(1 + ξx)


    n log(1− P(X − bnan

    > x))→ −(1 + ξx)−1ξ

    nP(X − bn

    an> x)→ (1 + ξx)


    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Extremes and Point Processes Cond’t

    nP(X − bn

    an> x)→ (1 + ξx)


    Therefore, creating a series of point processes{Xi − bn

    an: i = 1, · · · ,n


    these will converge to an inhomogeneous Poisson process withmeasure

    ν((x ,∞)) = (1 + ξx)−1ξ

    for sets bounded away from zero (exceedance example).

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) forExceedances

    P(Xi > x + u|Xi > u) =nP(Xi > x + u)

    nP(Xi > u)

    →(1 + ξ x+u−bnan

    1 + ξ x−bnan



    (1 +

    ξxan + ξ(u − bn)


    ⇒ Survival function of generalized Pareto distribution

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Theorem (Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem)

    Let X1, · · ·iid∼ F, and let Fu be their conditional excess

    distribution function. Pickands (1975), Balkema and de Haan(1974) posed that for a large class of underlying distributionfunctions F , and large u, Fu is well approximated by thegeneralized Pareto distribution GPD. That is:

    Fu(y)→ GPDξ,σ(u),u(y) u →∞


    GPDξ,σ(u),u(y) =

    {1− (1 + ξyσ(u))

    −1ξ ξ 6= 0,

    1− exp( −yσ(u)) ξ = 0;

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Fort Collins Data: Block Maximum vs.Threshold-exceedance

    GPD has lower standard error for ξ, lower estimate as well.GPD has narrower confidence interval.Have not yet discussed threshold selection procedure.

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Threshold Selection

    Bias–variance trade–off: threshold too low–bias because of themodel asymptotics being invalid; threshold too high–variance islarge due to few data points

    Figure: Mean residual life plot(MRL): MRL is linear when GPD holds

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Temporal Dependence

    Question: Is the GEV still the limiting distribution for blockmaxima of a stationary (but not independent) sequence {Xi}?Answer: Yes, so long as mixing conditions hold. (Leadbetter etal., 1983)What does this mean for inference?Block maximum approach: GEV still correct for marginal. Sinceblock maximum data likely have negligible dependence,proceed as usualThreshold exceedance approach: GPD is correct for themarginal. If extremes occur in clusters, estimation affected aslikelihood assumes independence of threshold exceedances

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Temporal Dependence

    Question: Is the GEV still the limiting distribution for blockmaxima of a stationary (but not independent) sequence {Xi}?Answer: Yes, so long as mixing conditions hold. (Leadbetter etal., 1983)What does this mean for inference?Block maximum approach: GEV still correct for marginal. Sinceblock maximum data likely have negligible dependence,proceed as usualThreshold exceedance approach: GPD is correct for themarginal. If extremes occur in clusters, estimation affected aslikelihood assumes independence of threshold exceedances

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Temporal Dependence

    Question: Is the GEV still the limiting distribution for blockmaxima of a stationary (but not independent) sequence {Xi}?Answer: Yes, so long as mixing conditions hold. (Leadbetter etal., 1983)What does this mean for inference?Block maximum approach: GEV still correct for marginal. Sinceblock maximum data likely have negligible dependence,proceed as usualThreshold exceedance approach: GPD is correct for themarginal. If extremes occur in clusters, estimation affected aslikelihood assumes independence of threshold exceedances

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Temporal Dependence

    Question: Is the GEV still the limiting distribution for blockmaxima of a stationary (but not independent) sequence {Xi}?Answer: Yes, so long as mixing conditions hold. (Leadbetter etal., 1983)What does this mean for inference?Block maximum approach: GEV still correct for marginal. Sinceblock maximum data likely have negligible dependence,proceed as usualThreshold exceedance approach: GPD is correct for themarginal. If extremes occur in clusters, estimation affected aslikelihood assumes independence of threshold exceedances

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Remarks on Univariate Extremes

    To estimate the tail, EVT uses only extreme observationsTail parameter ξ is extremely important but hard to estimateGPD is the limiting distribution for threshold exceedancesThreshold exceedance approaches allow the user to retainmore data than block-maximum approaches, therebyreducing the uncertainty with parameter estimatesTemporal dependence in the data is more of an issue inthreshold exceedance models. One can either decluster,or alternatively, adjust inference

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Remarks on Univariate Extremes

    To estimate the tail, EVT uses only extreme observationsTail parameter ξ is extremely important but hard to estimateGPD is the limiting distribution for threshold exceedancesThreshold exceedance approaches allow the user to retainmore data than block-maximum approaches, therebyreducing the uncertainty with parameter estimatesTemporal dependence in the data is more of an issue inthreshold exceedance models. One can either decluster,or alternatively, adjust inference

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Remarks on Univariate Extremes

    To estimate the tail, EVT uses only extreme observationsTail parameter ξ is extremely important but hard to estimateGPD is the limiting distribution for threshold exceedancesThreshold exceedance approaches allow the user to retainmore data than block-maximum approaches, therebyreducing the uncertainty with parameter estimatesTemporal dependence in the data is more of an issue inthreshold exceedance models. One can either decluster,or alternatively, adjust inference

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Remarks on Univariate Extremes

    To estimate the tail, EVT uses only extreme observationsTail parameter ξ is extremely important but hard to estimateGPD is the limiting distribution for threshold exceedancesThreshold exceedance approaches allow the user to retainmore data than block-maximum approaches, therebyreducing the uncertainty with parameter estimatesTemporal dependence in the data is more of an issue inthreshold exceedance models. One can either decluster,or alternatively, adjust inference

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Remarks on Univariate Extremes

    To estimate the tail, EVT uses only extreme observationsTail parameter ξ is extremely important but hard to estimateGPD is the limiting distribution for threshold exceedancesThreshold exceedance approaches allow the user to retainmore data than block-maximum approaches, therebyreducing the uncertainty with parameter estimatesTemporal dependence in the data is more of an issue inthreshold exceedance models. One can either decluster,or alternatively, adjust inference

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Multivariate Extremes Examples

    A central aim of multivariate extremes is trying to find anappropriate structure to describe tail dependence

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    What is a Multivariate Extreme?

    Let Zm = (Zm,1, · · · ,Zm,d )T , m ∈ N be an iid sequence ofrandom vectors. Want to extract a subset of data considered"extreme"

    Block-maximum: Mn = (∨n

    m=1 Zm,1, · · · ,∨n

    m=1 Zm,d )T

    Leads to modeling with multivariate max-stabledistributionsMarginal-exceedance: For each marginal i = 1, · · · ,d , findan appropriate threshold ui and retain data whereZm,i > ui . Leads to multivariate generalized ParetodistributionNorm-exceedance: For a given norm retain data where||Zm|| > z. Leads to description by multivariate regularvariation

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    What is a Multivariate Extreme?

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Multivariate Models

    Let X 1,X 2, · · · iid d-dimensional random vectors withdistribution FOur interest is in the (non degenerate) limiting distribution


    maxi=1,··· ,n

    X i − bian

    ≤ x}

    n→∞−→ G(x)

    for some sequences an > 0 and bn ∈ Rd . G is called amultivariate extreme value distributionTransform to common marginals Z with unit Fréchet i.e.,Z (x ,∞, · · · ,∞) = · · · = Z (∞, · · · ,∞, x) = exp(−1x ) tomodel the dependence structure

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Multivariate Models cond’t

    P(Z1 ≤ z1, · · · ,Zd ≤ zd ) =

    exp{− V (z1, · · · , zd )

    }z1, · · · , zd > 0

    The exponent measure V (z1, · · · , zd ) satisfiesV (tz1, · · · , tzd ) = t−1V (z1, · · · , zd ) =⇒ V is homogeneousof order -1

    V (z1, · · · , zd ) =


    + · · ·+ 1zD if Z1, · · · , Zd are independent1

    min(z1,··· ,zD) if Z1, · · · , Zd are entirely dependent

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Spectral Representations

    Pickands, 1981

    V (z1, · · · , zd ) =∫

    SDmax(w1z1 , · · · ,


    ) dM(w1, · · · ,wD)where M is a measure on the D-dimensional simplex SD∫

    wd dM(w1, · · · ,wD) = 1 for each dNo simple parametric forms for V

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Summary measure of extremal dependence

    P(Z1 ≤ z, · · · ,ZD ≤ z) = exp{−V (1,··· ,1)


    }≡ exp(−θDz ) z >

    0θD is the extrmal coefficient

    θD = 1⇒ fully dependentθD = D ⇒ independent

    In bivariate case limz→∞ P(Z2 > z|Z1 > z) = 2− θDWhen D = 2 madogram [Cooley, Naveau and Poncet,2006]

    µF =12E{|F (Z1 − F (Z2))|}

    θ2 =1 + 2νF1− 2νF

    provide a good estimator of θ2Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics


    Developed originally to predict probability distributions ofore grades for mining operationsGeostatistics is based largely on the theory of Gaussianrandom processes

    Y (x) = µ(x) + e(x) + ε(x), x ∈ D ⊂ R2

    E(Y (x)) = µ(x), Cov(Y (x),Y (y)) = C(||x − y ||)

    The main propose of geostatistics is interpolation

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Univariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Figure: A realization of Gaussian random processes

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Three-Level Spatial Hierarchical Model

    Data level: Likelihood which characterizes the distributionof the observed data given the parameters at the processlevel

    Yi(xd )|{µ(xd ), σ(xd ), ξ(xd )} ∼ GEV{µ(xd ), σ(xd )

    , ξ(xd )} i = 1, · · · ,n,d = 1, · · · ,D

    Process level: Latent process captured by spatial model forthe data level parametersPrior level: Prior distributions put on the parameters

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Three-Level Spatial Hierarchical Model

    Suppose the response variables {Y (x)} are independentconditionally on an unobserved latent process {S(x)}Assume the {S(x)} follows a Gaussian process andinduce spatial dependence in {Y (x)} by integration overthe latent processCommon approach in geostatistics with non-normalresponse [Diggle et al. 1998,2007]. Usually performed in aBayesian setting using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Pros and Cons

    The quantile surfaces are realisticAfter averaging over S(x) the marginal distribution of{Y (x)} is NOT GEVThe spatial dependence is ignored because of conditionalindependence

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Pros and Cons

    Figure: One realisation of the latent variable model, showing the lackof local spatial structure

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models


    The D− dimensional joint distribution F of any randomvariable (Y1, · · · ,YD) may be written as

    F (y1, · · · , yn) = C{F1(y1), · · · ,FD(yD)}

    Where F1, · · · ,FD are univariate marginal distributions ofY1, · · · ,YD and C is a copulaThe copula is uniquely determined for distributions F withabsolutely continuous marginalWith continuous and strictly increasing marginals, thecopula corresponds toF (y1, · · · , yn) = C{F1(y1), · · · ,FD(yD)} is as follows:

    C(u1, · · · ,uD) = F{

    F1−1(u1), · · · ,FD−1(uD)}

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models


    The D− dimensional joint distribution F of any randomvariable (Y1, · · · ,YD) may be written as

    F (y1, · · · , yn) = C{F1(y1), · · · ,FD(yD)}

    Where F1, · · · ,FD are univariate marginal distributions ofY1, · · · ,YD and C is a copulaThe copula is uniquely determined for distributions F withabsolutely continuous marginalWith continuous and strictly increasing marginals, thecopula corresponds toF (y1, · · · , yn) = C{F1(y1), · · · ,FD(yD)} is as follows:

    C(u1, · · · ,uD) = F{

    F1−1(u1), · · · ,FD−1(uD)}

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models


    The D− dimensional joint distribution F of any randomvariable (Y1, · · · ,YD) may be written as

    F (y1, · · · , yn) = C{F1(y1), · · · ,FD(yD)}

    Where F1, · · · ,FD are univariate marginal distributions ofY1, · · · ,YD and C is a copulaThe copula is uniquely determined for distributions F withabsolutely continuous marginalWith continuous and strictly increasing marginals, thecopula corresponds toF (y1, · · · , yn) = C{F1(y1), · · · ,FD(yD)} is as follows:

    C(u1, · · · ,uD) = F{

    F1−1(u1), · · · ,FD−1(uD)}

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

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    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models


    Gaussian copula:

    Y1, · · · ,YD ∼ Nd (0, Ω)

    C(u1, · · · ,ud ) = Φ{

    Φ−1(u1), · · · ,Φ−1(ud ) : Ω}

    Student t copula:

    C(u1, · · · ,ud ) = Tν{

    T−1ν (u1), · · · ,T−1ν (uD) : Ω}

    Extremal Copula:

    Y1, · · · ,YD ∼ multivariate GEV

    By max-stability⇒ C(um1 , · · · ,umD ) = Cm(u1, · · · ,uD), 0 <u1, · · · ,ud < 1, m ∈ N

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Pros and Cons

    On the "copula scale’: the dependence seems more orless OKBut this is no longer true at the original, i.e., extremal scale.

    Figure: One simulation from the fitted Gaussian copula modelWhitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Max-stable Processes


    Let Ym(x), x ∈ D ⊂ R2, m = 1, · · · ,n be independent copies ofY (x), and let Mn(x) = max Ym(x). Y (x) is termed max-stable ifthere exist {an(x)} and {bn(x)} such that

    P(Mn(x)− bn(x)

    an(x)≤ y(x)) n→∞−→ P(G(x) ≤ y(x))

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Spectral Representations

    Theorem (Schlather, 2002)

    Z (x), x ∈ D ⊂ R2 is max-stable with unit Fréchet marginals⇐⇒ There exist iid positive stochastic processesV1(x),V2(x), · · · with E[Vi(x)] = 1 ∀x ∈ D andE[supx∈D V (x)]

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Some Models

    Smith: Yi(x) = φ(xi − Ui)(), {Ui}i≤1 points of ahomogeneous Poisson process on R2Schlather: Yi(x) = 2πεi(x), εi(·) standard GaussianprocessGeometric: Yi(x) = exp{σεi(x)− σ


    2 }Brown–Res: Yi(x) = exp{ε

    i (x)− γ(x)}, ε′

    i (·) intrinsicallystationary Gaussian process with (semi) variogram γ

    Figure: One realization of max-stable processes

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models


    For the max-stable process models, only the bivariatedistributions are knownComposite likelihoods [Lindsay, 1988] are used to obtainestimationSince we have the bivariate distributions we will use thepair–wise likelihood

    lp(θ,y) =n∑




    log f (y im, fjm; θ)

    Not a true likelihoodOver–uses the data – each observation appears K-1 times

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models

    Pros and Cons

    Justified by extreme value theoryAble to describe asymptotic dependenceDescribe everything that is asymptotically independent asexactly independentOnly suitable for observations that are annual maximal atthis point

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary


    Although infrequent, extremes have large human impactUses only the "extreme" observations to fit the model–Norole for normal distribution!Spatial extremes modeling is challenge–both in theoreticaland computational aspects

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

  • MotivationEVT and Geostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesSummary

    Whitney Huang EVA and Spatial Extreme

    MotivationExtreme Value Theorem and GeostatisticsUnivariate ExtremesMultivariate ExtremesGeostatistics

    Spatial ExtremesBayesian Hierarchical ModelsCopula ModelsMax-stable Models