extra credit enviro names

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  • 8/13/2019 Extra Credit Enviro Names


    Ricasio, Michael

    Environmental Science 1, 1582


    DirtExtra Credit

    Vandana ShivaShe is a philosopher, environmental activist and eco feminist.Thefounder/director of Navdanya ResearchFoundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology. She

    had also wrote numerous booksSoil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis,

    Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply,Earth Democracy: Justice,

    Sustainability, and Peace;andStaying Alive: Women, Ecology, and Development.She also

    served as an adviser to governments in India and including the International Forum on

    Globalization, the Womens Environment and Development Organization and the Third World

    Network. She received 1993 Right Livelihood Award (Alternative NobelPrize)and the 2010

    Sydney Peace Prize.


    Wangari MathaiShe is the founder of the Green Belt Movement and the 2004 Nobel PeacePrize Laureate. She authored four books:The Green Belt Movement; Unbowed: A Memoir; The

    Challenge for Africa; and Replenishing the Earth.She was also first woman in East and Central

    Africa toearn a doctorate degree.


    Piere RabhiHe is a farmer, writer, and a French philosopher with Algerian background. He is a

    pioneer of organic farming and he invented the concept of Oasis in all places. He advocates a

    society of respectful men to the Earth and supports the development of agricultural practices that

    the poor can access while preserving the heritage feeder.


    Andy Lipkis - Andy Lipkis is a visionary who dedicated his life in healing the environment

    while improving the lives of individuals and communities. He founded the organization

    TreePeople in Los Angeles in 1973 at age18 and continues to serve as its President.


    Wes Jackson - the co-founder, with Dana Jackson, of the Land Institute and he has researched

    and influenced thought on the environment and agriculture in general and cropping systems

    based on the prairie ecosystem. He is a farmer, philosopher and author of several landmark

    books on the subject of sustainable agriculture.


    Sebastion & Leila Selgado - Sebastio Salgado has worked as a professional photographer since

    1973. He was born on a farm in Brazil in 1944. He says that it was paradise of 50% rain forest

    that supported some 35 families. They ate everything they produced and were almost entirely

    self-sufficient. He left the farm when he was 15 years old, to move to the big city to start

    secondary school and another life, learning about politics and radicalism, becoming a leftist,

    studying to become an economist and, most important, meeting his best friend all my life long,

    Lelia Wanick, later to become Lelia Wanick Salgado, his wife and his companion to this day.

    Alice WatersShe is a chef, author, and creator of Chez Panisse. She maintained a philosophy

    that cooking should be based on the finest and freshest ingredients produced sustainably andlocally. She advoices a food advocate of good, clean, and fair


  • 8/13/2019 Extra Credit Enviro Names
