expressnet import file layouts - iix import... · 05/17/2017 confidential – property of iix page...

05/17/2017 Confidential Property of iiX Page 1 of 14 ExpressNet Import File Layouts ExpressNet supports the use of “imports” for ordering MVRs, or for adding/removing/updating drivers in DriverSafe and/or DriverAdvisor. Import files are in CSV (Comma-Separate Value) format, which can be easily created from driver data stored in most spreadsheet or database applications. The first column/field of each record in the CSV file tells ExpressNet what you wish to do with that record. These instructions are referred to as “Action Codes” and are detailed in this document. If you are using the import function only to order MVRs, you will create your file using the format layout on page 3 of this document. Example records are also provided at the bottom of page 3. For MVR ordering you will use the Action Code “MVR”, as shown in the format and the examples. If you are using import to add/delete/modify drivers in DriverSafe or DriverAdvisor, you will create your file using the format layout on pages 6-7 of this document. There are several Action Codes that can be used when importing to DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor (depending on what you wish to accomplish). Descriptions of the various “Action Codes” for DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor are on page 8, with example records provided on pages 9-10. If you require assistance please contact iiX Customer Support at 800.683.8553, and choose option 7 for Support. For security reasons we ask that you not email us your file if you have questions. If we need to view your file for troubleshooting purposes, we can guide you in sending us the file securely so as not to endanger the “personally identifiable information” contained therein.

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05/17/2017 Confidential – Property of iiX Page 1 of 14

ExpressNet Import File


ExpressNet supports the use of “imports” for ordering MVRs, or for adding/removing/updating drivers in DriverSafe and/or DriverAdvisor.

Import files are in CSV (Comma-Separate Value) format, which can be easily created from driver data stored in most spreadsheet or

database applications. The first column/field of each record in the CSV file tells ExpressNet what you wish to do with that record. These

instructions are referred to as “Action Codes” and are detailed in this document.

If you are using the import function only to order MVRs, you will create your file using the format layout on page 3 of this document.

Example records are also provided at the bottom of page 3. For MVR ordering you will use the Action Code “MVR”, as shown in the format

and the examples.

If you are using import to add/delete/modify drivers in DriverSafe or DriverAdvisor, you will create your file using the format layout on

pages 6-7 of this document. There are several Action Codes that can be used when importing to DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor (depending on

what you wish to accomplish). Descriptions of the various “Action Codes” for DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor are on page 8, with example records

provided on pages 9-10.

If you require assistance please contact iiX Customer Support at 800.683.8553, and choose option 7 for Support. For security reasons we

ask that you not email us your file if you have questions. If we need to view your file for troubleshooting purposes, we can guide you in

sending us the file securely so as not to endanger the “personally identifiable information” contained therein.

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Table of Contents

Importing MVR Requests into ExpressNet .................................................................................................................... 3

The ExpressNet MVR Import Record Layout ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Example Requests ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

State Request Types ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-5

Additional Notes Regarding CSV Files ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Importing Drivers into DriverSafe and DriverAdvisor .................................................................................................... 6

The DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor Import Record Format ..................................................................................................................................... 6-7

DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor “Action Code” Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Special Instructions Regarding the Use of DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor “Action Codes” ........................................................................................ 9

Examples of DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor Import “Action Codes” ................................................................................................................... 11-12

State Request Types ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-14

Additional Notes Regarding CSV Files .............................................................................................................................................................. 14

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The ExpressNet MVR Import Record Layout

Example Input Records

Ordering a Texas MVR in Quicktime mode:

MVR,099901,002,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE

Ordering a Texas MVR in BATCH mode:

MVR,099901,002,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K, M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,B

Consists of fifteen (15) fields with a maximum length of 171 bytes of data in each record. The 171 bytes consist of the data lengths shown below (a total of 157

bytes), plus 14 commas (as delimiters). A field may be blank - consisting of a single space between the separating commas. If a line of column headings is

included when constructing the CSV file, removed the heading row before performing the import.

Field Field Name Data Length Description

1 ACTION CODE Text 5 (REQUIRED) Use “MVR” as the code used when ordering MVRs

2 ACCOUNT # Text 6 (REQUIRED) iiX issued account number – 6 numeric characters. Example: 123456

3 BILL CODE Text 3 (REQUIRED) 3 digit alphanumeric code assigned by iiX, or 3 digit numeric customer-assigned code. (ZERO FILL IF NO CODE ASSIGNED , ex: 000)

4 STATE Text 2 (REQUIRED) State abbreviation - 2 character USPS abbreviation

5 DL NUMBER Text 21 (REQUIRED) Driver license number in a valid format for state indicated. No punctuation should be used. Omit any hyphens or spaces shown on the license itself.

6 DATE OF BIRTH Date 10 (REQUIRED, if required by state] Driver DOB in format - MM/DD/YYYY (Example: 03/05/1966)

7 LAST NAME Text 20 (REQUIRED) Driver last name: letters and hyphens allowed. Place name suffix, if any, in the SUFFIX field

8 SUFFIX Text 3 Name Suffix (e.g. SR, JR, III) --- no punctuation.

9 FIRST NAME Text 20 (REQUIRED) Driver first name


11 GENDER Test 1 Optional; M (Male); F (Female)

12 RESERVED Text 9 This field is left blank intentionally. Reserved for future use.

13 REQUEST TYPE Text 1 Specify type of report being ordered, for example: 3 yr or Employment. See table on Page 4.

14 COMMENT Text 40 (REQUIRED) Customer supplied data that is returned with the report. For Example: Employee Number, Regional Office, etc. If no specific Comment is needed, use a generic comment such as “New MVR” or insert a <blank> space. Only the first 40 characters of the Comment are displayed on reports.

15 FILL OPTION Text 1 (Used only with Action Code “MVR”) Customer specifies whether to process the MVR requests via Quicktime (instant) or Batch (overnight or as per iiX MVR Turnaround Schedule). Enter a “B” for Batch/Overnight turnaround. If the MVR action code is

used and Quicktime (immediate) MVR response is desired, omit this field and submit only the first 14 columns.

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MVR Request Types Request types are valid only for the indicated states

State Value Description

Alaska Blank Standard – Regular MVR without Medical Certificate information

M Med Cert (Employment) – MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

Arkansas Blank Standard – does not include violations on an interstate highway where the speed did not exceed 75 mph

C Commercial (Employment) – contains all violations


Blank 3 year – violations from previous 3 years

M 3 year – violations from previous 3 years, plus Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

7 7 year - violations from previous 7 years

N 7 year - violations from previous 7 years, plus Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

E Complete – all violations in the driver’s history

F Complete – all violations in the driver’s history, plus Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

Georgia 3 3 year – violations from previous 3 years

7 7 year - violations from previous 7 years

Minnesota Blank Standard – Regular MVR without Medical Certificate information

M Med Cert – MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders. (Additional fees apply)

New York Blank Standard – Regular MVR without Medical Certificate Information

M Med Cert – MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

North Carolina

L 3 year – normally used for insurance purposes

K 7 year – normally used for employment purposes


D Non-employment - Certified record includes Oregon accidents, diversion agreements, and convictions other than those in the employment driving record for the last three years. Record may contain some commercial driver license entries, some out-of-state commercial entries, miscellaneous administrative entries and multiple status entries.

E Employment - Certified three-year record of Oregon employment-related convictions and accidents and commercial driver license entries. May contain some out-of-state commercial entries, multiple status entries and miscellaneous administrative entries.

C Court print - Includes convictions for major traffic offenses, commercial driver license entries, diversion agreements and alcohol rehabilitation entries for at least ten years; convictions for minor offenses and accidents for at least five years. Suspensions, cancellations and revocations also are included. May contain miscellaneous administrative entries, multiple status entries and some out-of-state commercial entries.


Med Cert - MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders in addition to convictions for major traffic offenses, commercial driver license entries, diversion agreements and alcohol rehabilitation entries for at least ten years; convictions for minor offenses and accidents for at least five years. Suspensions, cancellations and revocations also are included. May contain miscellaneous administrative entries, multiple status entries and some out-of-state commercial entries.

South Carolina

1 3 year

2 10 year

Texas 3 3 year – 3 year record available for non-CDL and CDL drivers

5 5 year CDL (for holders of CDL license only) Note that you must request the 5 year MVR to receive Med Cert information for CDL drivers.


Blank Standard - Regular MVR without Medical Certificate information

P CDL - Prospective Employee – (Employment) MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

C CDL - Current Employee – (Employment) MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

Virginia Blank or I Insurance – 5 year record

E Employment - 7 year record

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N Non-commercial (3 year) – Three-year noncommercial insurance record. Available for underwriting noncommercial vehicle policies.

E Commercial (3 year) - Three-year commercial insurance record. Available to commercial employers’ insurance companies for motor vehicle underwriting purposes only.


Employment (5 year) - Full employment/commercial record. Available to employers or prospective employers to determine employment eligibility for commercial vehicle operation. Commercial vehicle means any vehicle used primarily for the transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight, animals or passengers for hire. The record shows all traffic related convictions, violations, and collisions. Some convictions remain on record for more than five years.

Wyoming Blank Standard (3 to 5 year) – May be used for either Insurance or Employment Purposes.

C Commercial (10 year) - May only be used for Employment Purposes. Option not available to insurance agents or insurance companies.

Additional Notes Regarding CSV Files

Information stored in an Excel spreadsheet can be saved to a comma separated file that meets the requirements of the DriverSafe import routine. To save an Excel spreadsheet to a .CSV (comma-separated value) file using the filename DRIVERS.CSV ----

➢ Click File and then click Save As, ➢ type in the file name (example: DRIVERS) ➢ click Save as Type and select CSV (Comma delimited (*.CSV)

➢ Click <OK>

Please note! After saving an Excel file in CSV format, do not reopen it by using Excel, as some formatting of numbers may be lost

or altered. If you need to reopen the file, you should use a text editor such as Windows Notepad.

A tip when using Excel: Make sure to define all columns as TEXT format. Using TEXT format prevents Excel from dropping the leading zeros from certain fields.

Some users prefer to enclose each text field in an Excel spreadsheet in double quotes – “Example”. If you use quotes to signify a field

as text, you must use quotes all the way through your spreadsheet. ExpressNet Import will look at the first item on the first line of data and, if the first item is enclosed in double quotes, it will expect all items to be enclosed in quotes. If not, an error will occur. By the same token, if the first item in the first column is not enclosed in double quotes, then ExpressNet Import will assume that no fields will be enclosed in quotes and treat any double quotes found as part of the text of that field.

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The ExpressNet DriverSafe and DriverAdvisor Import Record Layout

The ExpressNet DriverSafe and DriverAdvisor Import Record consists of twenty (20) fields with a maximum length of 221 bytes of data in each record. The 203 bytes consist

of the data lengths shown below (a total of 202 bytes), plus 19 commas (as delimiters). A field may be blank - consisting of a single space between the separating

commas. If a line of column headings is included when constructing the CSV file, remove the heading row before performing the import.

Field Field Name Data MaxLength Description

1 ACTION CODE Text 5 (REQUIRED) Instructs ExpressNet what action is to be taken for each driver. Expressed as a 3, 4, or 5 character code, such as MVR, DSAM, or DARGM. See the table of Action Codes on p 8.

2 ACCOUNT # Text 6 (REQUIRED) iiX issued account number – 6 numeric. Example: 123456

3 BILL CODE Text 3 (REQUIRED) 3 digit alphanumeric code assigned by iiX, or 3 digit numeric customer-assigned code. (ZERO FILL IF NO CODE ASSIGNED , ex: 000)

4 STATE Text 2 (REQUIRED) State abbreviation

5 DL NUMBER Text 21 (REQUIRED) Driver license number in a valid format for state indicated

6 DATE OF BIRTH Date 10 (REQUIRED, if required by state] Driver DOB in format - MM/DD/YYYY (Example: 03/05/1966)

7 LAST NAME Text 20 (REQUIRED) Driver last name: letters and hyphens allowed. Place name suffix, if any, in the SUFFIX field

8 SUFFIX Text 3 Name Suffix (e.g. SR, JR, III) --- no punctuation.

9 FIRST NAME Text 20 (REQUIRED) Driver first name


11 GENDER Test 1 Optional; M (Male); F (Female)

12 RESERVED Text 9 This field is left blank intentionally. Reserved for future use.

13 REQUEST TYPE Text 1 Specify type of report being ordered, for example: 3 yr or Employment. See table on Page 12.

14 COMMENT Text 40 (REQUIRED) Customer supplied data that is returned with the report. For Example: Employee Number, Regional Office, etc. If no specific Comment is needed, use a generic comment such as “New MVR” or insert a <blank> space. Only the first 40 characters of the Comment are displayed on reports.


(Used only with Action Codes “MVR” or “DSAM” or “DSRGM”) Customer specifies whether to process the MVR requests via Quicktime or Batch (overnight, as per iiX MVR Turnaround Schedule). Enter a “B” for Batch turnaround. If you are using code MVR and do not want to request Batch fulfillment, omit this field altogether. If you are using codes DSA, DSD, DAY, DAN, DAR, DARG, or DSR include this field but leave it empty.

16 GROUP NAME Text 20 (For DriverSafe/DriverAdvisor – DSA, DSAM, DSD, DAY, DAN, DAR, DARG, or DSR) Enter up to 20 characters as the name for the driver’s grouping in DriverSafe or DriverAdvisor. For example: WAREHOUSE, HOUSTON OFFICE, NON-DRIVING, etc. Leave blank if no Group Name is needed. Not used with Action Code MVR.


Date 10 Optional; Expiration date of the medical certification requirement for commercial class drivers. Format: MM/YYYY -or- MM/DD/YYYY (Example 10/2013 -or- 10/13/2013). Not used with Action Code MVR. If there is no medical certification expiration date, omit this field.

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18 HIRE DATE Date 10 Optional; Format: MM/DD/YYYY (Example 10/12/2012). Not used with Action Code MVR.

19 HEIGHT Text 2 Optional; Driver’s height in whole inches. Used with field 20 (WEIGHT) to calculate BMI (Body Mass Index).

20 WEIGHT Text 3 Optional; Driver’s weight in whole pounds. Used with field 19 (HEIGHT) to calculate BMI (Body Mass Index).

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DriverSafe and DriverAdvisor Import “Action Codes”

Action Code Description of Use

MVR MVR Request Only (does not import to DriverSafe) – Orders an MVR on drivers that have this code.

DSA DriverSafe Add/Update – Adds new, or updates existing, driver in DriverSafe.

DSI DriverSafe Inactivate – All drivers in the list will be set to an Inactive status in DriverSafe.

DSAM DriverSafe Add/Update plus order MVR – Adds new, or updates existing, driver in DriverSafe and orders a new MVR for the driver.

DSD DriverSafe Delete – Delete the driver from DriverSafe.

DAY DriverAdvisor Enable – Updates an existing driver in DriverSafe to begin monitoring.

DAN DriverAdvisor Disable – Updates a monitored driver in DriverAdvisor to disable monitoring. Driver remains in DriverSafe.


DriverSafe Replace – If any drivers in the import have this code, all existing drivers in DriverSafe are replaced with the drivers in the import file that have this code. Any “active” drivers existing in DriverSafe that are not in the import will be deleted. See note 5 on page 2 for more details.

DSRG DriverSafe Replace by Group - Same as DSR, except that only drivers with the submitted ‘group name’ are replaced in DriverSafe. All other ‘groups’ are untouched.


DriverSafe Replace and Inactivate - If any drivers in the import have this code, all existing drivers in DriverSafe are replaced with the drivers in the import file that have this code. Any “active” drivers existing in DriverSafe that are not in the import will be marked as “Inactive” (instead of being deleted). The driver information and MVR history will be retained; however, their stats will not be reflected in the driver analytics.


DriverSafe Replace by Group and Inactivate - Same as DSRG, except that ONLY existing drivers within the DriverSafe group that matches the “GROUP NAME” in the import are affected. Drivers with DSRIG code are inserted in the group and those in the group that are not included in the import are marked as “Inactive”. The driver information and MVR history will be retained; however, their stats will not be reflected in the driver analytics. All other ‘groups’ are untouched by the import.

DSRGM DriverSafe Replace by Group plus MVR - Same as DSRG, except that an MVR is ordered on the driver in addition to any other actions.

DSRIGM DriverSafe Replace by Group Plus MVR and Inactivate - Same as DSRIG, except that an MVR is ordered on the new drivers in addition to any other actions.

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DriverAdvisor Replace - Replace the existing drivers in DriverAdvisor with the drivers in the import file. Any “active” drivers existing in DriverAdvisor that are not in the import will be deleted. Drivers designated as DAR in the import file that are not eligible for DriverAdvisor will be added to DriverSafe (without monitoring). See note 8 on page 10 for more details.


DriverAdvisor Replace by Group - Same as DAR, except that existing drivers in the group named in the submission are replaced instead of the entire DriverAdvisor roster. Drivers designated as DAR in the import file that are not eligible for DriverAdvisor will be added to DriverSafe (without monitoring). See note 9 on page 10 for more details.


DriverAdvisor Replace and Inactivate – Same as DAR, except that any “active” drivers existing in DriverAdvisor that are not in the import file are marked as Inactive (not deleted). The driver information and MVR history will be retained; however, their stats will not be reflected in the driver analytics. Drivers designated as DARI in the import file that are not eligible for DriverAdvisor will be added to DriverSafe (without monitoring).


DriverAdvisor Replace and Inactivate by Group - Same as DARI, except that existing drivers in the group named in the submission are replaced instead of the entire DriverAdvisor roster. Drivers designated as DARIG in the import file that are not eligible for DriverAdvisor will be added to DriverSafe (but without monitoring).

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Special instructions regarding the use of Action Codes

1. The column for FILL OPTION is submitted ONLY if delayed (Batch) MVR turnaround is desired. If the MVR action code is used and Quicktime (immediate) MVR response is desired, omit this field and submit only the first 14 columns – omitting columns 15 and 16 altogether.

2. For Action Codes DSA, DSD, DAY, DAN, DAR, and DSR the FILL OPTION field is read, but ignored. For those Action Codes use a FILL OPTION of a space or leave blank. For Action Codes DSA, DSD, DAY, DAN, DAR, and DSR all 16 columns must be submitted.

3. Action Codes DAR and DSR cannot be combined in the same import file with codes MVR, DSA, DSD, DAY, DAN, DARG, DSRG, or DSRGM.

4. Codes DAR and DSR may be used together in the same import file. Action code DAR will only affect drivers if they are currently being monitored. DSR will only affect drivers who are in DriverSafe and are not being monitored currently.

5. Action Code DSR will replace the existing drivers in DriverSafe with the drivers in the import file. Any “active” drivers existing in DriverSafe that

are not in the import will be deleted. Caution: Any drivers currently being monitored by DriverAdvisor will be disabled by the DSR import.

6. Action Code DSRG will replace the existing drivers in DriverSafe only if they are in the same “Group” as a driver submitted using DSRG. For example: if a driver is imported with the Group Name of “Home Office”, all of the existing drivers already in “Home Office” currently will be replaced by the drivers in the current import that have “Home Office” in column 16.

7. Action Code DSRGM will operate the same as DSRG with respect to replacing existing drivers within a certain group. In addition, a new MVR is ordered on each driver submitted using DSRGM.

8. Action Code DAR will replace the existing drivers being monitored by DriverAdvisor with the drivers in the import file. Any “active” drivers existing in DriverAdvisor that are not in the import will be deleted. Drivers designated as DAR in the import file that are not eligible for DriverAdvisor will be added to DriverSafe but will not be monitored for activity. Drivers in DriverSafe that are currently being monitored by DriverAdvisor will not be affected by the DAR import.

9. Action Code DARG will operate similar to action code DAR – except that only the group or groups referenced by one or more drivers in the import file are replaced. For example: The import contains drivers in only groups “Home Office” and “Texas Office”. Only those two ‘groups’ are affected by the import. The drivers in the import replace the drivers that were previously in those two groups in DriverAdvisor, however no other groups (such as the “Warehouse Group”, for instance) are affected.

10. Action Codes DSAM and DSRGM perform the requested ‘action’ plus order a new MVR on each driver submitted with either of those codes.

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Example records for each Action Code

Ordering a Texas MVR in Quicktime mode:

MVR,099901,002,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE

Ordering a Texas MVR in BATCH mode:

MVR,099901,002,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,B

Adding a driver to DriverSafe with default to a 5 year TX MVR and a group name of “WAREHOUSE”:

DSA,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Inactivate a driver in DriverSafe:

DSI,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Adding a driver to DriverSafe with default to a 5 year TX MVR and a group name of “WAREHOUSE” & ordering an MVR:

DSAM,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Deleting a driver from DriverSafe:

DSD,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Activating DriverAdvisor Monitoring for a Missouri driver:

DAY,099901,000,MO,123456789,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Deactivating DriverAdvisor Monitoring for a Missouri driver:

DAN,099901,000,MO,123456789,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Replace all existing “active” DriverSafe drivers with a new list:

DSR,099901,000,MO,123456789,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Adding a driver to DriverSafe with group name of “WAREHOUSE” while replacing all existing “WAREHOUSE” members:

DSRG,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Replace all existing “active” DriverSafe drivers with a new list, while inactivating all other drivers not on the list:

DSRI,099901,000,MO,123456789,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Adding a driver to DriverSafe with group name of “WAREHOUSE” while replacing all existing “WAREHOUSE” members, inactivating “WAREHOUSE” members not on the list.

DSRIG,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Adding a driver to DriverSafe in group named “WAREHOUSE” AND replacing all existing “WAREHOUSE” members AND ordering an MVR on this driver:

DSRGM,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Adding a driver to DriverSafe in group named “WAREHOUSE” AND replacing all existing “WAREHOUSE” members, inactivating “WAREHOUSE” members not on the list, AND ordering an MVR on this driver:

DSRIGM,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

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Replace all existing “active” DriverAdvisor monitored drivers with a new list:

DAR,099901,000,MO,123456789,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Adding a driver to DriverAdvisor with group name of “WAREHOUSE” while replacing all existing “WAREHOUSE” members:

DARG,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Replace all existing “active” DriverAdvisor monitored drivers with a new list, inactivating drivers not on the list:

DARI,099901,000,MO,123456789,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, , ,COMMENT GOES HERE,,GROUPNAME

Adding a driver to DriverAdvisor with group name of “WAREHOUSE” while replacing all existing “WAREHOUSE” members, inactivating “WAREHOUSE” members not on the list:

DARIG,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE

Any action code from above, except for MVR, with a 17th column for the medical certification expiration date:

###,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE,10/13/2013

Any action code from above, except for MVR, with an 18th column for hire date:

###,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE,10/13/2013,09/15/2005

Any action code from above, except for MVR, with a 19th column for driver height:

###,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE,10/13/2013,09/15/2005,68

Any action code from above, except for MVR, with a 20th column for driver weight:

###,099901,000,TX,12345678,09/15/1955,JONES,JR,JAMES,K,M, ,5,COMMENT GOES HERE,,WAREHOUSE,10/13/2013,09/15/2005,68,165

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MVR Request Types Request types are valid only for the indicated states

State Value Description

Alaska Blank Standard – Regular MVR without Medical Certificate information

M Med Cert (Employment) – MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

Arkansas Blank Standard – does not include violations on an interstate highway where the speed did not exceed 75 mph

C Commercial (Employment) – contains all violations


Blank 3 year – violations from previous 3 years

M 3 year – violations from previous 3 years, plus Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

7 7 year - violations from previous 7 years099

N 7 year - violations from previous 7 years, plus Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

E Complete – all violations in the driver’s history

F Complete – all violations in the driver’s history, plus Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

Georgia 3 3 year – violations from previous 3 years

7 7 year - violations from previous 7 years

Minnesota Blank Standard – Regular MVR without Medical Certificate information

M Med Cert – MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders. (Additional fees apply)

New York Blank Standard – Regular MVR without Medical Certificate Information

M Med Cert – MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

North Carolina

L 3 year – normally used for insurance purposes

K 7 year – normally used for employment purposes


D Non-employment - Certified record includes Oregon accidents, diversion agreements, and convictions other than those in the employment driving record for the last three years. Record may contain some commercial driver license entries, some out-of-state commercial entries, miscellaneous administrative entries and multiple status entries.

E Employment - Certified three-year record of Oregon employment-related convictions and accidents and commercial driver license entries. May contain some out-of-state commercial entries, multiple status entries and miscellaneous administrative entries.

C Court print - Includes convictions for major traffic offenses, commercial driver license entries, diversion agreements and alcohol rehabilitation entries for at least ten years; convictions for minor offenses and accidents for at least five years. Suspensions, cancellations and revocations also are included. May contain miscellaneous administrative entries, multiple status entries and some out-of-state commercial entries.


Med Cert - MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders in addition to convictions for major traffic offenses, commercial driver license entries, diversion agreements and alcohol rehabilitation entries for at least ten years; convictions for minor offenses and accidents for at least five years. Suspensions, cancellations and revocations also are included. May contain miscellaneous administrative entries, multiple status entries and some out-of-state commercial entries.

South Carolina

1 3 year

2 10 year

Texas 3 3 year – 3 year record available for non-CDL and CDL drivers

5 5 year CDL (for holders of CDL license only) Note that you must request the 5 year MVR to receive Med Cert information for CDL drivers.


Blank Standard - Regular MVR without Medical Certificate information

P CDL - Prospective Employee – (Employment) MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

C CDL - Current Employee – (Employment) MVR containing Medical Certificate information for CDL holders.

Virginia Blank or I Insurance – 5 year record

E Employment - 7 year record

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N Non-commercial (3 year) – Three-year noncommercial insurance record. Available for underwriting noncommercial vehicle policies.

E Commercial (3 year) - Three-year commercial insurance record. Available to commercial employers’ insurance companies for motor vehicle underwriting purposes only.


Employment (5 year) - Full employment/commercial record. Available to employers or prospective employers to determine employment eligibility for commercial vehicle operation. Commercial vehicle means any vehicle used primarily for the transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight, animals or passengers for hire. The record shows all traffic related convictions, violations, and collisions. Some convictions remain on record for more than five years.

Wyoming Blank Standard (3 to 5 year) – May be used for either Insurance or Employment Purposes.

C Commercial (10 year) - May only be used for Employment Purposes. Option not available to insurance agents or insurance companies.

Additional Notes Regarding CSV Files

Information stored in an Excel spreadsheet can be saved to a comma separated file that meets the requirements of the DriverSafe import routine. To save an Excel spreadsheet to a .CSV (comma-separated value) file using the filename DRIVERS.CSV ----

➢ Click File and then click Save As, ➢ type in the file name (example: DRIVERS) ➢ click Save as Type and select CSV (Comma delimited (*.CSV) ➢ Click <OK>

Please note! After saving an Excel file in CSV format, do not reopen it by using Excel, as some formatting of numbers may be lost

or altered. If you need to reopen the file, you should use a text editor such as Windows Notepad.

A tip when using Excel: Make sure to define all columns as TEXT format. Using TEXT format prevents Excel from dropping the leading zeros from certain fields.

Some users prefer to enclose each text field in an Excel spreadsheet in double quotes – “Example”. If you use quotes to signify a field

as text, you must use quotes all the way through your spreadsheet. ExpressNet Import will look at the first item on the first line of data and, if the first item is enclosed in double quotes, it will expect all items to be enclosed in quotes. If not, an error will occur. By the same token, if the first item in the first column is not enclosed in double quotes, then ExpressNet Import will assume that no fields will be enclosed in quotes and treat any double quotes found as part of the text of that field.