expression of animal virus genomes - microbiology and molecular

BACTERIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Sept. 1971, p. 235-241 Vol. 35, No. 3 Copyright © 1971 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A. Expression of Animal Virus Genomes DAVID BALTIMORE Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 INTRODUCTION .................................................... CENTRAL ROLE OF MESSENGER RIBONUCLEIC ACID.............. THE VIRAL GENETIC SYSTEM .................................... Class I.......................................................... Class II.......................................................... Class III......................................................... Class IV......................................................... Class V ..... Class VI......................................................... VIRION NUCLEIC ACID POLYMERASES ......................... POLIO VIRUS....................................................... VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS ................................... RNA TUMOR VIRUSES ............................................ IMPLICATIONS FOR CELL BIOLOGY.............................. Protein Synthesis................................................ RNA-Dependent Transcription in Cells... RNA-Dependent DNA Synthesis................................... CONCLUSION ...................................................... LITERATURE CITED............................................... 235 235 235 236 236 236 236 236 236 237 237 237 238 238 238 239 239 239 240 INTRODUCTION The world of animal viruses appears to offer an unfathomable diversity of specimens but, as the molecular biology of the replication of many viruses has been studied, a pattern of behavior has emerged. The viruses can be divided into classes, each of which has its own method of transmitting its genetic information from one generation to the next and its own style of ex- pressing its genetic information. Although in some cases the data are still fragmentary, it is possible to outline the behavior of these systems and to place them in a formal scheme. In this paper I will present such a scheme and I will discuss in some detail the behavior of three viral systems which have been investigated in my laboratory. Furthermore, I will discuss some of the implications of the existence of these viral systems in the context of the behavior of normal cells. CENTRAL ROLE OF MESSENGER RIBONUCLEIC ACID Viruses have evolved to the point where they are concerned mainly with two processes: dupli- cation of their genetic material and controlled expression of the information inherent in the genetic material. The specific mechanisms which a given virus uses to carry out the processes of replication and transcription can be considered the viral genetic system (6). There are two end products of the viral genetic system: new genetic material and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). The one process which all viruses must perform is mRNA synthesis. The central role of mRNA derives from the fact that viruses use cellular ribosomes and soluble factors to translate their mRNA. Therefore, the job of the virus is almost finished once it has made mRNA, except for certain minor alterations in the functioning of the translation machinery. THE VIRAL GENETIC SYSTEM The specific mechanism for mRNA synthesis used by a given virus depends on the structure of the viral genetic material. Figure 1 is a composite diagram of the pathways of mRNA synthesis which are used by various classes of viruses. To maintain unity in the diagram, mRNA has been defined as "+" ribonucleic acid (RNA) for all the systems. This does violation to tradition in certain of the viral systems, but the gain in order seems worth the change of previous definitions. The data on which this diagram are based are fairly conclusive for all cases except class VI. A general discussion of each class follows. 235 Downloaded from on 04 January 2022 by

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BACTERIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Sept. 1971, p. 235-241 Vol. 35, No. 3Copyright © 1971 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Expression of Animal Virus GenomesDAVID BALTIMORE

Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

INTRODUCTION ....................................................CENTRAL ROLE OF MESSENGER RIBONUCLEIC ACID..............THE VIRAL GENETIC SYSTEM ....................................

Class I..........................................................Class II..........................................................Class III.........................................................Class IV.........................................................Class V.....Class VI.........................................................

VIRION NUCLEIC ACID POLYMERASES .........................POLIOVIRUS.......................................................VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS ...................................RNA TUMOR VIRUSES ............................................IMPLICATIONS FOR CELL BIOLOGY..............................

Protein Synthesis................................................RNA-Dependent Transcription in Cells...RNA-Dependent DNA Synthesis...................................

CONCLUSION ......................................................LITERATURE CITED...............................................


INTRODUCTIONThe world of animal viruses appears to offer

an unfathomable diversity of specimens but, asthe molecular biology of the replication of manyviruses has been studied, a pattern of behaviorhas emerged. The viruses can be divided intoclasses, each of which has its own method oftransmitting its genetic information from onegeneration to the next and its own style of ex-pressing its genetic information. Although insome cases the data are still fragmentary, it ispossible to outline the behavior of these systemsand to place them in a formal scheme. In thispaper I will present such a scheme and I willdiscuss in some detail the behavior of three viralsystems which have been investigated in mylaboratory. Furthermore, I will discuss some ofthe implications of the existence of these viralsystems in the context of the behavior of normalcells.


Viruses have evolved to the point where theyare concerned mainly with two processes: dupli-cation of their genetic material and controlledexpression of the information inherent in thegenetic material. The specific mechanisms whicha given virus uses to carry out the processes of

replication and transcription can be consideredthe viral genetic system (6). There are two endproducts of the viral genetic system: new geneticmaterial and messenger ribonucleic acid(mRNA).The one process which all viruses must perform

is mRNA synthesis. The central role of mRNAderives from the fact that viruses use cellularribosomes and soluble factors to translate theirmRNA. Therefore, the job of the virus is almostfinished once it has made mRNA, except forcertain minor alterations in the functioning of thetranslation machinery.


The specific mechanism for mRNA synthesisused by a given virus depends on the structure ofthe viral genetic material. Figure 1 is a compositediagram of the pathways of mRNA synthesiswhich are used by various classes of viruses. Tomaintain unity in the diagram, mRNA has beendefined as "+" ribonucleic acid (RNA) for allthe systems. This does violation to tradition incertain of the viral systems, but the gain in orderseems worth the change of previous definitions.The data on which this diagram are based

are fairly conclusive for all cases except class VI.A general discussion of each class follows.














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+ RNA---- RNA-*--+mRNA < - RNA

-RNAFIG. 1. Examples: I = T4 phage, vaccinia virus; 11

= 4X174; III = reovirus; IV = RNA phages, polio-virus; V = vesicular stomatitis virus, Newcastle diseasevirus; VI = RNA tumor viruses.

Class I

Class I consists of all viruses which have adouble-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)genome. These viruses, like cells, carry out anasymmetric transcription of their DNA to giverise to mRNA. Because in many viral systemsdifferent mRNA species come from differentDNA strands, the designation of " +" and "-"strands in the genome is not meaningful, althoughlocally the designation is possible.

Class II

Class II consists of viruses which have a single-stranded DNA genome of the same polarityas the mRNA (23, 38, 40). To my knowledge,no virus with single-stranded DNA comple-mentary to mRNA has yet been found, althoughviruses with strands of both polarity in separateparticles have been characterized (19, 33, 37).

Class III

Class III consists of viruses which have adouble-stranded RNA genome. The mRNA forthese viruses represents an asymmetric transcriptof the genome (31). The known viruses of thistype have multiple pieces of double-strandedRNA, each of which apparently contains theinformation for synthesis of a single protein(41).

Class IVClass IV consists of single-stranded RNA

viruses mhose mRNA is identical in base se-quence to virion RNA. In the case of poliovirus,the mRNA appears to be identical to the virionRNA in both size and base sequence (2), andit would appear that all of the picornavirusesshare this property. The arboviruses (or toga-viruses) probably fall into this class also, al-though their mRNA has not been preciselydefined. As noted below, the ability to isolateinfectious arbovirus nucleic acid (48) is one

reason for including them in this category. Inorder for the class IV viruses to synthesize mRNA(or more virion RNA), they must first produce atemplate "-" strand of RNA (2).

Class V

Class V consists of viruses which have a single-stranded RNA genome which is complementaryin base sequence to the messenger RNA. Synthesisof their mRNA therefore involves transfer of in-formation from one single-stranded RNA to itscomplementary RNA (17, 25). Vesicular stoma-titis virus (VSV) is representative of this group(25), but Newcastle disease virus (NDV; refer-ence 17) and possibly influenza (18) are alsomembers. This group may then include all ofthe rhabdo-, paramyxo-, and myxoviruses. Ifthe myxoviruses are, in fact, part of this class,then some members have a single RNA moleculeas their genome which is transcribed into partialreplicas (VSV and NDV; references 17, 25),whereas others have multiple pieces of genomeRNA (influenza; reference 20).

Class VIClass VI consists of the RNA tumor viruses

and other viruses which have a DNA interme-diate in their growth and a single-strandedRNA genome. To fit these viruses into thescheme, it has been necessary to stretch the avail-able evidence a long way, because the intra-cellular DNA is still more of a postulate than areality and the mRNA has not yet been charac-terized. However, the evidence from metabolicinhibition studies (1, 44, 45) and the existenceof the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in thevirions of these viruses (3, 46) strongly implies aDNA intermediate. Furthermore, the easiest(but not necessarily the correct) scheme for thehandling of this DNA would be an asymmetrictranscription to give rise to both virion RNAand mRNA. For this reason, I suggest that thetwo types of RNA probably have the same ratherthan complementary base sequences.There are many viruses about which so little

is known that they cannot be placed in the schemein Fig. 1. However, as their transcription becomesunderstood, either they should fall into placein a recognized pattern or new classes will haveto be added.The overall viral genetic systems as defined

above consist of both the transcription and repli-cation systems (6). Figure 1 omits replicationbecause, except for the systems where replica-tion and transcription are synonomous (classIV and maybe VI), little is known about repli-cation of the virion RNA. Viruses with similar














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transcriptional systems could have differentreplicational systems leading to the necessityto extend the class designations.

VIRION NUCLEIC ACID POLYMERASESOne important aspect of the transcriptional

systems of animal viruses has emerged duringthe last few years: the role of virion-associatednucleic acid polymerases. The initial discoveryof the virion-associated DNA-dependent RNApolymerase of vaccinia virus (30, 35), followeda year later by the discovery of the double-stranded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase ofreovirus (16, 39), opened up a new concept ofhow viruses carry out their initial transcrip-tional processes. More recently, the finding thatVSV (8) and NDV (24) both have virion-asso-ciated RNA-dependent transcriptases has ledus to see such enzymes as the rule rather thanthe exception. Finally, the existence of an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in the virions of theRNA tumor viruses (3, 46) has led us to the con-cept that, whenever the first function performedby virion nucleic acid after its introduction intothe cell is the transfer of its information to anothernucleic acid, the enzyme responsible for thistransfer is likely to be found in the virion.The discovery of virion polymerases has pro-

vided a rationale for an old puzzle in virology.Why is it that infectious nucleic acid can be ex-tracted from the virions of some viruses but notothers? Virion polymerases provide the clue tothis puzzle; where they exist the nucleic acid isnoninfectious, where the nucleic- acid is infec-tious they could not exist or at least they couldnot serve an obligate role. The infectivity of arbo-virus RNA was the major reason for includingthese viruses in class V; the infectivity of theirRNA suggests that virion RNA and mRNAmust be of the same strand of RNA for theseviruses.

POLIOVIRUSThe foregoing generalities provide a frame-

work for considering the molecular biology ofdifferent types of viruses. In the case of polio-virus, which is the prototype of the group ofviruses which is understood in most detail, thepicornaviruses, the fundamental problems whichare posed by the scheme in Fig. 1 are the mecha-nism of synthesis of the complementary RNA(the "-" strand) and the mechanism of syn-thesis of virion RNA. These two problems de-fine the mechanism of the picornavirus geneticsystem because they encompass both transcrip-tion and replication. The existence of "+" and" - " strand synthesis in cells has been docu-

mented, and the nature of some of the interme-diate molecules has been investigated (seereference 2), but the lack of an in vitro system inwhich the molecular details can be analyzed hasfrustrated progress.One aspect of the poliovirus genetic system

which has led to some surprising results is theexistence of a single mRNA molecule which isthe template for synthesis of a number of viralpolypeptides (2, 5). The initial discovery of thissituation was unremarkable because it was as-sumed that the mRNA represented a polycis-tronic mRNA in the sense in which such mole-cules are understood in bacteria. However, anal-ysis of protein synthesis in infected cells has shownthat a heretofore unknown mechanism is opera-tive. The mRNA encodes a single polypeptidechain of about 250,000 daltons which is cleavedby proteolytic enzymes to form the functionalviral proteins (5, 7, 26, 28). The evidence for thismodel has been presented in detail elsewhere(5, 7, 26, 28) and need not be reiterated here, ex-cept to note that two different types of experi-ments have revealed the single, large precursorprotein: exposure of infected cells to amino acidanalogues and incubation at high temperature.The cleavage of this large polypeptide pro-

ceeds in at least three steps. First, smaller poly-peptides are cleaved from the single, large poly-peptide while it is in the process of synthesis;these can be called nascent cleavages (26). Theirexistence explains why the large polypeptide isnever seen in untreated, infected cells: it neverreally exists in such cells because it is cut up be-fore it is finished. The second class of cleavagesinvolves processing of the initial products andoccurs more slowly. Scission of the single capsidprecursor molecule into three pieces typifies thisseries of events (26, 28). The capsid precursorhas a half-life of about 15 minutes. A third typeof cleavage is known for which only a single ex-ampie has been seen. One of the capsid proteinsis cleaved into two pieces in an event which occursas RNA is being combined with viral protein toform the virion (27). The immediate precursor ofthe virion is, we believe, an icosahedral structure(the procapsid) consisting of 60 subunits, each ofwhich is made of three proteins (5). As RNA isadded to this structure to make the virion, one ofthe polypeptides in each of the 60 subunits iscleaved. This cleavage occurs only when RNA isadded to the procapsid; in the absence of RNAsynthesis no cleavage is observed (27).

VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUSRecognition of the existence of the class V

viruses came from two types of experiments. The

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first was the purification from VSV-specific poly-ribosomes of mRNA molecules which were muchsmaller than the 4.2 X 106-dalton single-strandedvirion RNA and which would quantitatively hy-bridize to virion RNA (25). The second was thedemonstration of the virion RNA polymerasewhich would carry out the synthesis of small RNAmolecules from a long single-stranded template(8). Together these experiments indicated that theVSV transcription system was different fromthose which were previously known. The exist-ence of large amounts of intracellular NDV RNAcomplementary to and smaller than NDV virionRNA (17) suggested that it was closely related toVSV, and the recent discovery of an NDV viriontranscriptase (24) has fortified that conclusion.The very recent identification of an influenzavirion RNA polymerase (18) indicates that themyxoviruses may belong to the same class, al-though little is known about their mRNA.


As mentioned above, the genetic system of theRNA tumor viruses is not known, but a reason-able guess as to its nature is possible. There aretwo classes of evidence which point to a DNAintermediate. One is the data accumulated byusing metabolic inhibitors and other perturba-tions of events in cells (1, 44, 45). The measuredvariable in these experiments is production ofvirions or morphological transformation, or both,criteria which are distant from the affectedbiochemical process and which have thereforeprovided circumstantial but not convincing evi-dence. The second class of evidence is the dem-onstration of an RNA-dependent DNA polym-erase in virions of the RNA tumor viruses (3, 46).This has been taken as strong evidence for a DNAintermediate, but, in fact, it shows only how theDNA intermediate could be formed if it is formed.A third form of evidence, and potentially the mostpowerful, would be the direct demonstration ofthe postulated DNA in infected cells; however,aside from a few suggestive reports (12, 13),strong evidence has yet to appear.

Recently, my laboratory has been focusing ontwo aspects of the behavior of the virion DNApolymerase in RNA tumor viruses. (i) Does theenzyme start DNA molecules de novo or does itrequire a primer? (ii) Is the enzyme really anRNA-dependent DNA polymerase, that is, doesit prefer to use ribonucleic acid templates ratherthan deoxyribonucleic acid templates? Thesequestions could be investigated because the RNAtumor virus DNA polymerase, as opposed to allother known virion-associated nucleic acid polym-erases, will utilize added nucleic acids as tem-

plates (34, 36, 42, 43). To investigate the questionswhich we posed, it was necessary to use homo-polymer templates rather than true nucleic acids,because their behavior was more easily controlled.

Because most of the data have been recentlypublished (9, 11), I present the following conclu-sions of this study.

(i) The enzyme cannot start molecules de novobut requires at least an oligonucleotide primer toinitiate synthesis. In this property, the enzyme islike other known DNA polymerases (14, 15, 21,22) and unlike RNA polymerases, which are ableto start synthesis with merely a nucleoside tri-phosphate initiator (32).

(ii) The enzyme prefers ribohomopolymers todeoxyribohomopolymers, but its preference is notabsolute (see Table 1 and reference 9). It willutilize poly(dC) as a template if an oligo(dG) isprovided to initiate synthesis, but no other deoxy-ribohomopolymer will act as template even if theappropriate primer is provided. In contrast, Esch-erichia coli DNA polymerase I (the "Kornbergenzyme") shows a preference for deoxyribohomo-polymers over ribohomopolymers although,again, one ambiguity is seen: the enzyme willutilize both poly(rA) and poly(dA).

IMPLICATIONS FOR CELL BIOLOGYThe foregoing material shows that we are in a

position now to understand viral genetic systems.It is necessary to stretch evidence in places andto make some guesses in order to provide unify-ing concepts at the present time, but the rate ofprogress is so great right now that within a fewyears the picture should be quite clear. It is im-portant that investigation of such systems con-tinue because the results have implications be-yond the province of virology. I should like tolook at some of these implications if for no otherreason than to illustrate how virology can illumi-nate cell biology. I will mention three examplesdrawn from the three areas of virology describedabove.

Protein SynthesisWhen we first realized that poliovirus proteins

were all derived from a single precursor, we askedthe obvious question: Why does the virus use thisapparently clumsy mechanism? We suggested, asa possible answer, that perhaps all mammalianmRNA is like poliovirus RNA, i.e., it has only asingle initiation site for protein synthesis and onlya single termination site (28). Many results in theliterature were consistent with this idea (see refer-ence 28 for further discussion), and as yet no con-tradictory evidence has appeared. A corollary ofthis idea is that operons could not exist in mam-














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AMV DNA polym-erase

MLV DNA polym-erase

Escherichia coliDNA polymeraseI

TABLE 1. Template specificity of DNA polymerasesa




[<poly(dA) ]

















[ <poly(rC)]

[ >poly(rC)]










a Relative activities of different templates for the viral enzymes were estimated from the data in Fig.3 and 4 in reference 9 and from other experiments in which rates were determined by using high specificactivity precursors. Where active polymers are designated +++ or ++, inactive polymers (0) had lessthan 1% of the activity of their active homologues. The data on E. coli DNA polymerase I were obtainedwith a highly purified preparation (fraction 7; reference 30) kindly provided by Arthur Kornberg andassayed with 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and 6 mm magnesium acetate (10). Templates,primers, and substrates were varied as in the assays of the viral DNA polymerases. Poly(dA) was 10-foldmore active than poly(rA) as a template for the E. coli enzyme.

I Abbreviations: AMV, avian myeloblastosis virus; MLV, murein leukemia virus.c Abbreviations: Homopolymers of ribuadenylate (rA), ribucytidylate (rC), riboinosinate (rI), ribouridylate

(rU), deoxyadenylate (dA), deoxycytidylate (dC), deoxyinosinate (dI), and deoxythymidylate (dT).

malian cells as they do in bacteria, as units oftranscription containing the information forlinked but separate units of translation.

RNA-Dependent Transcription in CellsThe mechanism of mRNA synthesis used by

VSV and the other class V viruses suggests an

intriguing possibility for formation of some

mRNA in cells. Possibly the DNA genome istranscribed into anti-mRNA which, in turn, istranscribed into mRNA. Although the postula-tion of an intermediate RNA may seem gratui-tous, it would (i) provide a role for the unstablenuclear heterogeneous RNA; (ii) provide a new

level for control of gene expression and a new

mechanism for quantitative regulation of mRNAsynthesis; and (iii) provide an explanation for theorigin of some if not all RNA viruses. Evidencefor such a mode of information transfer in cellscould come from hybridization of mRNA to nu-clear RNA. Experiments in progress indicate thatin HeLa cells there is at least limited compiemen-

tarity between these two species of RNA (M.Stampfer, M. Rosbash, A. S. Huang, and D.Baltimore, unpublished data).

RNA-Dependent DNA Synthesis

Discovery of the RNA-dependent DNA polym-erase in RNA tumor viruses has touched off an

explosion of interest in the possibility of such an

enzyme and such a process in uninfected cells. Itis possible to imagine such systems having a rolein the processes of differentiation, the workingsof the immunological system, and in the mech-anisms of memory storage (4). Evidence thatribosomal gene amplification involves RNA-de-pendent DNA synthesis has already appeared(47).

CONCLUSIONViruses which have a double-stranded DNA

genome can express and duplicate their geneticmaterial by processes which are at least formallyidentical to those used by cells. Viruses with othertypes of genomes require special systems for repli-cation and transcription. These processes makeup the viral genetic system, and it is possible togroup viruses according to general properties oftheir genetic systems. A central element in thegenetic systems of many viruses is a polymerasecarried in the virion which carries out a transferof information from one type of nucleic acid toanother as probably the earliest event in viralreplication.A comparison of gene expression in three viral

systems indicates the diversity of behavior whichexists. The picornaviruses encode multiple pro-tein species in a single polypeptide. The rhabdo-viruses and paramyxoviruses carry many genes ina single RNA but synthesize separate, comple-

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mentary RNA species. The RNA tumor virusesprobably transfer their genetic information fromRNA to DNA, where it can be expressed byDNA-dependent RNA synthesis.Each of these examples suggests the existence

of processes in cells which otherwise might notbe evident.


The author was a Faculty Research Awardee of the AmericanCancer Society and was supported by research grants from thePublic Health Service and the American Cancer Society.


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