exponential function the formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). it is a...

Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底底 , 底底 ). It is a constant in the expression of the form ula. is called the exponent ( 底底 ). It is t he variable in the domain. An exponential function raises (self-mul tiplies) for times. ( 底底底底底底底底底 x 底 , 底底底 a 底底 x 底底底底底底 .) 底底 , a=3, 底底 3 底底底底底底底底 x=2 底底 f(2)=9, 底 x=3 底底 f(3)=27, 底 x=0.5 底底底底 3. () , 1 x fx aa a x a x

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數 , 公比 ). It is a constant

in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent ( 指數 ). It is the variable i

n the domain. An exponential function raises (self-multiplies) f

or times. ( 指數函數將定義域的 x 值 , 對應到 a自乘 x 次後產生的數 .)

比如 , a=3, 則以 3 為底的指數函數將 x=2 對到 f(2)=9, 將 x=3 對到 f(3)=27, 將 x=0.5 對到根號 3.

( ) , 1xf x a a a


a x

Page 2: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

Graph of the exponential function

當底數 a>1, x 越大代表自乘越多次 , 所得的值越大 , 所以叫指數型遞增函數 .

當底數 a<1, x 越大代表自乘越多次 , 所得的值越小 , 所以叫指數型遞減函數 .

最重要的底數是 e=2.718…, 叫自然對數底 .

Page 3: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

以 a=e, 以及 a=1/e=0.3678… 為底的函數圖形為 :

Page 4: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

How fast does an Exponential function increase? Let the unit length be 1cm on the X- and Y- axes. T

hen, for , its correspondence point on the Y-axis should be plotted at a place .

The distance between Pluto (The God of underworld) and the earth is

The discovery of Nepture (Roman God of the sea) should be attributed to Mathematics. The orbit of Uranus (God of the sky) is apparently different from that computed by mathematics, making people conjecture that there be another planet.

50x 50 165.185 10e km

97 10 .km

Page 5: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent
Page 6: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

Logarithmic function Let be the base and . Then, the exponent of when expre

ssed as .(y 的次方數量級 ; order of magnitude of

y) 日常生活長用以 10 為底的對數 . 工程常

用以 e=2.718 為底的對數 . 事實上 , 在計算器還未發明前 , 對數表是最重要的計算工具 .

John Napier, (1550-1617), ( 明朝末年 ) a Scottish who is best known for his invent of logarithms.


ayloga y 0y

Page 7: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

以 10 為底的對數值log10y��������������







30.006 6 10y

31 10y km m 01 10y m m 31 10y mm m 61 10y m m 91 10y nm m

6y 0.77826 1 , 0;比 大 數量級大於6 10 ,比 小 數量級小於1

34000 4 10y 3. , 3還沒上萬 數量級是 點多

-2.5529 1數量及比 毫米多一些

Page 8: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

對數的特性 因此 , 如果 , 那麼 y 就是百萬級的 (m

ega-scale). 如果 那麼 y 就是奈米級(nano-scale) 的尺寸 .

由此可見 , 對數值可以讓我們輕易處理大至百萬級的量 , 小至奈米級的量 , 縮在 -10 跟 10 之間讓我們觀察使用 . 只不過對數值差 1, 原數值( 未取對數前的數 ) 不只是差 1, 而是小數點向左或向右挪 1 位 , 也就是差了一個數量級 .

所以 , 對數值的等差數列 , 原數值則是以 10 為底的等比數列 .

log 6.10 y log 8.10 y

Page 9: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

聲音的頻率 (Frequency of Sound) 聲音其實是經媒介傳遞的快速壓力變化。

當聲音於空氣中傳遞,大氣壓力會循環變化。每一秒內壓力變化的次數叫作頻率,量度單位是赫茲 (Hz) ,其定義為每秒的周期數目。

Page 10: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

響亮度 (Intensity of sounds) 和分貝標度 (Decibel) 響亮度是聲音或噪音的另一個特性。強


人類的耳朵能感應聲壓的範圍很大。正常的人耳能夠聽到最微弱的聲音叫作「聽覺閾」,為 20 個微巴斯卡 ( 縮寫為μPa) 的壓力變化,即 20x10^-6 Pa ("百萬分之二十巴斯卡 ") 。

Page 11: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent



( 單位為 µPa)

在發出最大馬力時的太空穿梭機 2,000,000,000

交響樂團 2,000,000

在 25 米範圍柴油貨運火車高速前進 200,000

正常的談話 20,000

圖書館 2 米範圍的低語 2,000

播音室 200

人類耳朵能夠聽到最微弱的聲音 20


Pa /巴斯卡

µPa / 微巴斯卡

人耳能夠聽到最微弱的聲音 20 x 10- 6 20

太空穿梭機在發出最大馬力時能產生的最大噪音 2,000 2 x 109

Page 12: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

對數標度 (logarithmic scale)來表達聲音的響亮度 如用微巴斯卡來表達聲音或噪音,我們須處理小至 20 ,大至 2,000,000,000 的數字。

較簡單的做法是用一個對數標度 (logarithmic scale)來表達聲音或噪音的響亮度,以 10 作為基數。以對數標度去處理範圍較廣的數字。

Page 13: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent


10[ ] 20log20




Page 14: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

該標度以「聽覺閾」, 20 μPa 作為參考聲壓值,定義這聲壓水平為 0 分貝 (dB) 。

聲壓每增加 10倍,對數值 ( 數量級 ) 就增加 1( 級 ) ,在分貝的刻度上每一級是 20 分貝。


Page 15: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

Equal Temperament 就好像人們對某個音高 8 度的聽覺感受,是指

聽到一個頻率比該音多 2倍的音 . 所以高 24度音 (三個八度音程 ) 的音頻是變成原音的 8倍 ( 而不是 6倍 ).

一個 8 度音程裏有 12 個半音 , 而所謂的平均律就是每半音的頻率比 (the frequency ratio of each note)= .

12 2 1.059

12 2 1.059

Page 16: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent
Page 17: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

地震 (Earthquake)

Page 18: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

地震規模 (Magnitude) 目前世界所通用的地震規模為芮氏規模(M),乃美國地震學家芮氏於 1935 年所創。

其計算公式為: M= logA- logA 0; 式中A=標準扭力式地震儀,在某觀測站所記錄之最大振幅(以 μm 為單位)。A 0=距離修正量;當標準扭力式地震儀於標準地震(M L=0 )所記錄之最大振幅。

規模每增加一個單位,表示記錄的振幅大 10倍。

Page 19: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent
Page 20: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent


根據地震學家古騰堡( Gutenberg)之公式: log E= 11.8 + 1.5 M。可知規模每增加一個單位,對數值 ( 數量級 ) 增加 1.5, 其所釋放的能量約增大為原先的 =31倍。

地震儀可以偵測到振幅小到人體無法查覺得地表運動,以及大到如強烈地震,所以採用對數值。M 1.0 以下之地震,在適當地點之超高倍率地震儀才可以觀測到此地震。


Page 21: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent

震度 (Intensity) 地震時不同地區的人所感受到振動的激烈程度,由地

表水平加速度值來劃分。 震度階級與加速度的關係式如下: logα= (I / 2 )- 0.6 。 (α ,加速度,單位為公分 /

秒 2) ( I=震度) 心理學家韋伯-費科納法則(Weber-Fechner) :刺激的程度(加速度 )成等比級數增加時,感覺的程度(震度)將以等差級數增加。這一點跟分貝是由壓力變化取對數值的意義相同。

Page 22: Exponential function The formula of the function is called the base ( 底數, 公比 ). It is a constant in the expression of the formula. is called the exponent