exploring the reasons for rome’s fall tci

Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall


Page 2: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon that make you think about what

is happening?

Page 3: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• Maintaining an army to defend the borders from barbarian attacks drained money from the government.

• Left few resources for public housing, and roads and led to loss of desire to defend the Empire.

• Soldiers were hired to protect the city, but they were expensive.

• Taxes paid by businessmen and farmers were raised.

Page 4: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon the make you think

about what is happening?

Page 5: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• Never created an effective system to determine emperor selection. Determined by old emperor, the Senate, the Praetorian Guard, and the army.

• In A.D. 186 they sold the throne to the highest bidder.

Page 6: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon the make you think about what

is happening?

Page 7: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• The last 400 years of the Empire, the scientific achievements of the Romans were limited to engineering and organizing public services.

• Built roads, bridges, and aqueducts and established first system of medicine

• No new machines or technology were invented and important goods were unable to be produced for growing population.

Page 8: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon the make you think about what

is happening?

Page 9: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• Inflation beginning after reign of Marcus Aurelius.

• No new land, no new gold.

• Gold used in coins decreased and coins became less valuable.

• Merchants raised prices on their goods sold and people began to barter.

Page 10: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon the make you think about what

is happening?

Page 11: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• Latter stages of Empire, unemployment became a problem.

• Slave owners sold crops for lower prices and farmers lost and sold their farms.

• There were too many men and not enough jobs in the city.

Page 12: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon the make you think about what

is happening?

Page 13: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• Most city dwellers in Rome were not wealthy.

• Lived in small, smelly rooms in apartment houses with 6 or more stories called islands.

• Higher your apartment, the cheaper your room.

• If rent could not be paid, you they were forced to move to the streets.

Page 14: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI


What details, symbols, actions, and words do you see in this political cartoon the make you think about what

is happening?

Page 15: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

What are the similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and America today on this issue?

• Final years of Empire had a decline in morals and values.

• Crimes of violence made the streets unsafe.

• Emperors like Nero and Caligula wasted money on lavish parties.

• Gladiatorial combats became glamorized and Rome became passionate for cruelty.

Page 16: Exploring the Reasons for Rome’s Fall TCI

Ten Theories On the Fall of Rome:

• Barbarian Invasions

• Decline in Moral Values

• Environmental and Public Health Problems

• Excessive Military Spending to Defend the Empire

• Inferior Technology

• Inflation

• Political Corruption

• Rise in Christianity

• Unemployment

• Urban Decay