explorations 4 2013

Spelling •Caravel •Clinker built hull •Lanteen •Explorations •Renaissance •Prester John •Astrolabe •Dysentery •Portugal •Portuguese •Navigation •Navigator •Sagres

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Portuguese explorers, including Diaz and Da Gama.


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• Caravel• Clinker built hull• Lanteen• Explorations• Renaissance• Prester John• Astrolabe• Dysentery• Portugal• Portuguese• Navigation• Navigator• Sagres

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• I will practice explaining Bartholemew Diaz’s route• I will learn to explain the contribution of Vasco da Gama• I will show the routes of Diaz and da Gama on a map• I will trace the route of da Gama on a map

• In one sentence I will explain why• Henry the Navigator was important• Diaz’s voyage was important• Why Vasco da Gama voyage was important

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Hot Seat

• Think• Pair• Share

• 2 minutes to look over key words• Practice on partner• Present to the class

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• Can I explain why Henry the Navigator was important, using keywords?

Prince Gold Africa Christianity Prester John

School of Navigation

Sagres Map Makers

Navigators Sailors

Ship Builders

Caravel Explored Coast of Africa

Portolan Charts

2,500 KM mapped

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Bartholemew Diaz

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Page 153: You choose the key words

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Diaz 3 ships South Coast of Africa Tip of Africa Aim - Asia Storm Southern Tip Cape of Storms Cape of Good

HopeFirst Indian Ocean Forced back

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Page 153: You choose the key words

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Vasco da Gama

• Page 154

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Vasco da Gama Find a route to the spices

Diaz Cape of Good Hope

East Coast of Africa

Local Ruler Arab guide Indian Ocean

Calicut Spices Cinnamon & pepper

3 monthsScruvy Sea Route to the


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A Major Consequence – African slave trade