exploiting network structure for proactive spam mitigation shobha venkataraman * joint work with...

Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen § , Oliver Spatscheck § , Patrick Haffner § & Dawn Song * * Carnegie Mellon University § AT&T Labs - Research

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Page 1: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner

Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation

Shobha Venkataraman*

Joint work withSubhabrata Sen§, Oliver Spatscheck§, Patrick Haffner§ &

Dawn Song*

*Carnegie Mellon University§ AT&T Labs - Research

Page 2: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Daily Mail at Real Server

All incomingmail


Over 90% of the mail received any day is spam!

Page 3: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Spam Mitigation

Mail Servers


Scalability bottleneck!

Page 4: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Mail Servers


Spam Mitigation at Network-Level

IP address info- Computationally-efficient- Difficult to spoof: handshake required

Coarse-grained but effective technique first?

Page 5: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Spam Mitigation under Overload

Mail Servers


Goal: bias mail processed towards legitimate mail

Overload: Server gets much more mail than it can process

Page 6: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner



Use history & structure of IP addresses as effective coarse-grained mechanism to differentiate spam from legit mail Extensive analysis of IP-based properties

Individual IP Analysis: infer significant legitimate senders

Analysis of IP Aggregates with network-aware clustering: infer significant (often transient) spammers

Application to server overload Solution techniques derived from analysis results Trace-driven simulations show upto factor of 3 improvement

in legit mail accepted

Page 7: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner



Introduction IP Analysis Cluster Analysis Application under Server Overload Conclusion

Page 8: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner



Logs from Postfix mail server at enterprise location of large corporation 700+ user mailboxes Includes all mail sent to mail server

Legitimate mail: mail deemed legitimate by SpamAssassin

Spam: all the rest

Total 28+ million messages over 6 months 27 million spam, 1.4 million legitimate

Page 9: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


IP Analysis

Spam characteristics at granularity of sending mail server’s IP address

Find historical communication patterns of IPs to distinguish bulk of legitimate mail & spam

Use IP spam-ratio to characterize IP behaviour Def: Fraction of mail sent by IP address that is

spame.g., only legit mail: spam-ratio = 0% (good) only spam: spam-ratio = 100% (bad)

Page 10: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


IP AnalysisQuestions: Is IP spam-ratio a good discriminating feature?

How are IPs/spam/legit mail distributed by spam-ratio?

Effect on spam mitigation if spam-ratio is perfectly predicted

Can long-term IP history differentiate legit mail from spam?

Questions: Is IP spam-ratio a good discriminating feature? Can long-term IP history differentiate legit mail

from spam?

Page 11: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


IP Addresses

CDF across IP addresses

Bad IPs: ~ 90%Spam-Ratio: > 99%

Nearly all IPs have spam-ratios of 0% or 100%: i.e, they send only legit mail, or only spam

Good IPs: ~ 10%Spam-Ratio: 0%

Page 12: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Distribution of Spam Volume

IPs with spam-ratio 90%-100% contribute over 99% of spam!

Almost all spam comes from IPs with very high spam-ratio

Define x: IP spam-ratioFraction of Spam Sent by IPs with spam-ratio < x

Page 13: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Distribution of Legitimate Mail

IPs with spam-ratio over 95% contribute tiny fraction (5%)

Very little legit mail comes from IPs with very high spam-ratios

Define x: IP spam-ratioFraction of Legit Mail sent by IPs with spam-ratio < x

Page 14: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Effect on Spam MitigationIP spam-ratio, if perfectly predicted every day, could

identify most legitimate mail! e.g. accept mail from IPs with spam-ratio < 95%: accept very little spam, and most legit mail


Legit mail

Page 15: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


IP AnalysisQuestions: Is IP spam-ratio a good discriminating feature? YES, if perfectly predicted every day Can long-term IP history differentiate legit mail

from spam? Temporal Stability: Do most IP addresses fluctuate

significantly in their spamming behaviour every day?

Persistence: How much legit mail/spam is contributed by long-lived IPs?



Page 16: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


IP Persistence: Legit mail & spam

Also: Less than 5% of total IPs are present for 20+ days

Legit mail sent by good IPs(low spam-ratio)

Spam sent by bad IPs(high spam-ratio)

20% comes from IPs present

20+ days

52% comes from IPs present 20+


IPs present on many days contribute bulk of legit mail & little spam

Page 17: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


IP Analysis Summary Bulk of legit mail comes from small no. of IPs

that appear frequently, and are consistently good History of legit senders to distinguish legit mail

Most spam comes from transient IPs Purely blacklisting approach has limitations

(also consistent with findings in [RF06])

[RF06] Understanding the Network-level Behavior of Spammers, Ramachandran & Feamster, SIGCOMM ‘06

Page 18: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner



Introduction IP Analysis Cluster Analysis Application under Server Overload Conclusion

Page 19: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Why IP Clusters?

Since spamming IPs are transient, can coarser IP aggregations help? Incorporate collective history of individual transient

spammers Exploit network structure for guilt-by-association

Network-aware clustering [KW00] Set of IP prefixes collected from BGP routing tables

Each IP prefix represents a cluster of IP addresses: IP belongs to cluster with longest matching prefix in

set Topologically-close, often under common admin

control [KW00] On Network-Aware Clustering of Web Clients, Krishnamurty & Wang, SIGCOMM ’00

Page 20: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Cluster Analysis

Use cluster spam-ratio to capture cluster behaviour Fraction of mail sent by cluster that is spam

(sent by cluster = sent by IPs belonging to cluster)

Questions: Granularity: Does cluster spam-ratio approximate

IP spam-ratio well, for distinguishing spam? Persistence: how much of spam & legit mail do

long-lived clusters contribute?



Page 21: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Cluster Persistence: Spam

Over 95% of totalspam comes from IPs in bad clusters (with high spam-ratios)

90% of total spam comes from bad

clusters present for 60+ days

Most of spam comes from bad clusters present for many days

Bad IPs

Bad Clusters

Page 22: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Cluster Analysis: Results

Most spam originates from long-lived clusters with high spam-ratios.

Much less legit mail originates from clusters with low spam-ratio, but clusters still long-lived.

Network-aware clusters may provide a history for spamming IPs, even if individual IPs are transient.

Page 23: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner



Introduction IP Analysis Cluster Analysis Application under Server Overload Conclusion

Page 24: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Server Overload Problem

Mail Servers


Problem: Server receives much more mail than it can processGoal: Maximize legitimate mail accepted for processing

Page 25: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Motivation to Overload

Legit: 20/min



Spam: 80

Legit: 20

No Overload

Spammer has incentive to overload server with spam

Legit: 20/min

Spam:180/min Spam: 90

Legit: 10

Overloaded by factor of 2


Spammer has capacity to overload server greatly with spam With large botnets, spammers can increase spam sent Not sufficient to increase server capacity

Server Capacity: 100/min

Page 26: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Approach Use history and structure of IP addresses

IP/cluster history assigns reputation to incoming mail

Based on IP reputation & server load, decide which mail is accepted/refused for processing

Details left to paper

Validate by simulation of server & policies on traces Details of simulation in paper

Page 27: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Simulation ResultsPerformance measure, computed for each hour:

Goodput of policy: % of available legit mail accepted by policy

(i.e., accepted for processing by mail server)


Default policy

IP-history policy

No overload

93.7 96.7

2 61.7 79.6

3 39.5 68.6

4 26.8 64.5

5 20.3 63.0

Summary: Server Goodput, averaged over all hours

Factor of 3 improveme


Detailed analysis of performance in paper

Page 28: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner



Use history & structure of IP addresses to prioritize legitimate mail over spam efficiently.

Measurement-based analysis of IP properties Individual IP-address analysis helps identify legitimate

senders Analysis with network-aware clusters helps identify

transient spammers Application to server overload problem

Trace-driven simulation demonstrates that analysis can help prioritize most of legitimate mail over spam

Page 29: Exploiting Network Structure for Proactive Spam Mitigation Shobha Venkataraman * Joint work with Subhabrata Sen §, Oliver Spatscheck §, Patrick Haffner


Thank you!Questions?

(Contact: [email protected])