explain the essential step to consider while writing a successful economic research paper -...

E X P L A I N T H E E S S E N T I A L S T E P T O C O N S I D E R W H I L E W R I T I N G A S U C C E S S F U L E C O N O M I C R E S E A R C H P A P E R An Academic presentation by Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Phdassistance Group www.phdassistance.com Email: [email protected]

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Writing the Best Economic Research Paper is an essential process that takes time and planning. PhD by Research in Economics help you get a quality dissertation to get good grades. The right external data source and econometrics experts to build multiple economic scenarios. Doctoral Dissertations in Econometrics is a different form of writing compared to many other types of writing. It is technical, so, the primary goal is to achieve clarity. A clear presentation will help you strengthen your analysis and help to increase the quality of your research. Phdassistance: Ph.D. Assistance serves as an external mentor to brainstorm your idea and translate that into research model. Hiring a mentor or tutor is common and therefore let your research committee known about the same. We do not offer any writing services without the involvement of the researcher. Learn More: https://bit.ly/38t3aY5 Contact Us: Website: https://www.phdassistance.com/ UK NO: +44–1143520021 India No: +91–4448137070 WhatsApp No: +91 91769 66446 Email: [email protected]


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E X P L A I N T H E E S S E N T I A LS T E PT O C O N S I D E R W H I L E W R I T I N G AS U C C E S S F U L E C O N O M I CR E S E A R C H P A P E RAn Academic presentation byDr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Phdassistance Group www.phdassistance.comEmail: [email protected]

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Attributes of Writing Economic Paper

General Guidelines to do Quality

Research Writing ProcessConclusion



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Writing the best economic research paper is an essential process that takes time and planning. PhD by Research in Economics help you get a

quality dissertation to get good grades. The right external data source and econometrics experts to build multiple economic scenarios. PhD

thesis on econometrics provides good advice to make a growing decision to your research. They assist you to have a good flow in their

research work they are engaged.

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Doctoral Dissertations in Econometrics is a different form of writing compared to many other types of writing.

It is technical, So, the primary goal is to achieve clarity.

A clear presentation will help you strengthen your analysis and help to increase the quality of your research.

Int roduct ion

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In most of the ways, economics study is the incredibly intimidating field to contemplate the thesis because of much research literature.

Producing a thesis is broken down into a series of steps, as outlined.

Each stage includes a substantial amount of work done and, to some degree, must be completed before the proceedings of the following steps.

General Guidelines to do Quality Research

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The structuring of the thesis economist use is for the first few paragraphs they set up research questions, the model and the data they use, this format ensures the write and reader have a piece of strong knowledge on the subject chosen and structure of the work follows.

2. Structure


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Prepare the ideas into an argument with the help of outline draft written by Doctoral programme in Econometrics and Statistics

Clearly define all the essential terms used in the research

State the method and the purpose to choose that method and proceed to reach a conclusion

Clarity is a big task to achieve in the dissertation writing, but revising and reworking the thesis will make it easy to read the PhD by Research in Economics

3. Clear and Concise Work


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Edit the document by evading the unrelated kinds of stuff to the topic.

Edit until it becomes easier for everyone to read and understand

Place all the statement in the positive form

Replace the words that are unclear with the best-known words


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Poor time management can ruin the planned papers.

Deadlines are the key to successful economic research papers.

4. TimeManagement


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Economic theory has become mathematical.

The quality economic research requires the substantial use of mathematical language.

So, the economic analysis is characterized by the use of models that represents how economic phenomena work.

5. Language of the Thesis


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Best PhD Econometrics help you in selecting a manageable thesis topic is the first step in successful research.

You will be using most of your energy over nine months to studying this topic, so it is significantly important to choose an area in which you are likely to show interest to sustain through this lengthy research work.

There are several ways to find the topic in PhD program Econometrics statistics.

It is because of the writing for a specific subfield of economics.

Writing Process


1. Find a Topic

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The topic of choice in the econometrics is easy to find and more comfortable to pick.

Besides, most of the research work starts organically by passive reading or striking new articles.

So, students should make sure the topic is so exciting and be sure to find a niche that contributes to the field.

It is mandatory to shape your research topic based on available data but don't caught up by endlessly revising the topics.


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The two primary types of source are empirical data where the information is easily translated into the numerical format, and academic literature where the books and articles will help you organize your research ideas.

Economic data is compiled into several useful secondary sources:

Economic Report of the President

Statistical Abstract of the United States

2. Finding and Using Sources


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National Longitudinal Survey

Census data

Academic journals

The primary priority step of your research is to search broadly and deeply to find out what others discovered about your question that is relevant to your research.

PhD Econometrics & Statistics help has access to a various scholarly source that help you in searching the article pertinent to your economic study.


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Every paper will contain their citation with the earlier work related to the topic.

Another related reference is found by searching the appropriate keywords which includes all the top economic books and economic journals


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Suppose you are carrying out the research that requiresempirical data.

Suppose you don't plan how to what about to collect in thecollection process.

The biggest struggle is here, which is likely to assemble your dataset.

The primary step in the data collection process is to compile a wish list; this list entirely relies on the data desired to your study.

3. DataCollect ion


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List out all the variables that you think might need to produce proof.

If you have any doubts about the availability of the current information of some variable, formulate the strategies for doing the case to obtain them.

Once you have the desired list, start collecting numbers and enter the data.

For other sources, you should rely on the data sources.

The economics librarian is highly useful to gather further information.


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The l iterature review should demonstrate the familiarity with the scholarly work of your topic and lays the firm foundations for your paper.

The specific issues you intend to raise is the terms youwill employ, and approach that will take to define regarding previous scholarly works.

4. Writinga Literature Review


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There are two decisions to make, 1. How many results, 2. How should I use these results in the text,

For this focus only on what is essential and be as straightforward as possible.

The writing should be in a way that all the readersappreciate your things which is directly and clearly.

Reporting small group of portion in the data is also helpful if it states the needed information.

5. Presenting Results


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A best possible way is to cover all possible statistical analysis

Describe clearly and precisely your tables, graphs, figures in the result section.

Describe how you obtained the results in the table, graph, and figure that fit the overall theme of the research work

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As the research paper concludes, Sources, you're referring depending on the scholarly document you choose to gain the necessary knowledge about the topic.


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