experimental photographers

Experimental photographers By Henry Paul

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Experimental photographers

Experimental photographers

By Henry Paul

Page 2: Experimental photographers


This photograph is by Alison Scarpulla. She makes experimental images that are usually formed through double exposures and various other methods that she carries out in dark rooms. She uses de-saturated colours and grainy expired film to add some mystery to her works. She is currently in her early 20’s and is still making and coming up with new things all the time. This is a contemporary piece of work and uses non traditional methods.

This photo was taken using double exposure. This is where two images are combined, either directly on the film or in a dark room. If it was taken directly on the film then the procedure is quite simple. One image is taken and then another directly over the first image. If it were made in a dark room the the two images would be combined by being overlapped. Then a light would be shone through the two images to create the double exposed image. There is another way to create double exposure images and this is most likely the way that “Scarpulla” did it based on the fact that she is a modern photographer. You can use Photoshop to combine the photos. This gives you a lot more freedom and choice with what happens within the image. There are a few steps you have to carry out within the program itself and you can come out with very professional looking pieces if used correctly.

Page 3: Experimental photographers

To create this image he spent 4 hours taking multiple images of the room. He photographed the room 170 times with the money placed in different locations. The camera would stay in the same location. He then spent 5 hours merging all the photographs together in Photoshop. The image you are left with is a competent and professional example of what Photoshop can be used for. This is a non traditional, contemporary piece that uses all modern methods to create the desired effect.

This is a photograph by a photographer called Evan Sharboneua. He is a young photographer in his 20’s. He uses photo manipulation software to create interesting images. This appears to be a photograph of a large amount of money on almost every surface possible. It was actually created using only a small amount of money compared to what you can see. He used a sum of $871 and managed to make it look like millions.

The image itself is called “A room filled with an obnoxious amount of money”. This name is well suited and makes the point that it would be very difficult to get this amount of money together in one place. The fact that you can use this simple technique to create a powerful effect is why the image was created. A lot of his images tend to be professionally edited pieces.

Page 4: Experimental photographers

This image was created by one of the most iconic people in photo manipulation. It was created by a man called Jerry Uelsmann. He has worked with image manipulation since the late 1950’s. He is considered to be one of the forerunners for photo manipulation and yet he still sticks to using a dark room for creating all of his pieces. He prefers the traditional methods to modern methods. This is quite a historic photo as it was taken in the 1960’s. He was one of the first people to make photo editing a fully fledge form of art. It was slightly frowned upon by the art community before people like ‘Uelsmann’. It uses quite traditional methods that were very new when they were originally done. He creates predominantly black and white images that always seem to have some kind of mystery behind them.

To create this photo he will have used multiple starting images. The wings on the person will be an image. The person will be a separate image as well as the birds. Even the water trail at the front was most likely a different image. He had 8 enlargers in his dark room so could combine a large amount of photos. He managed to create some very artistic things with the resources available to him. Now with modern computer programs like Photoshop, there are loads of Jerry Uelsmann’s. When he first created images like this there where only a couple of ways to do it and not many people would have the facilities to do so.