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Experiencing English Experiencing English Elementary Book Elementary Book 邵邵邵邵邵

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Experiencing English. Elementary Book. 邵钦瑜编制. Sports and Hobbies. In this unit, you will learn. how to talk about or describe the sports-events, for example, football match, boat rowing race and sports meet; how to solve some daily problems;. Listen and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Experiencing Experiencing EnglishEnglishElementary Elementary BookBook


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Sports and Sports and HobbiesHobbies

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In this unit, you will learnIn this unit, you will learn

how to talk about or describe the sports-events, for example, football match, boat rowing race and sports meet;

how to solve some daily problems;

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Listen and Talk

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Patterns and expressions often used for talking aPatterns and expressions often used for talking about hobbies:bout hobbies: What do you like to do in your spare time? What do you like to do in your spare time?

I''m fond of reading. I''m fond of reading.

Are you good at sports? Are you good at sports?

I enjoy watching the matches and games. I enjoy watching the matches and games.

Sports are good to our health. Sports are good to our health.

Hobbies can make your life more colorful. Hobbies can make your life more colorful.

We have a lot of activities after class. We have a lot of activities after class.

We often go to the cinema in the evening. We often go to the cinema in the evening.

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Do you often go swimming Do you often go swimming in the sea?             in the sea?            

Are you interested in rock Are you interested in rock climbing?             climbing?            

There will be a tennis match There will be a tennis match on Saturday.        on Saturday.       

Will you take part in the Will you take part in the game?                  game?                 

Do you think we will beat Do you think we will beat them?                  them?                 

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A: Do you like tennis? 你喜欢打网球吗?B: Yes, I do. I’m crazy about tennis. 喜欢,喜欢极了。A: Are you really? So am I. How about basketball? 是真的吗?我也很喜欢打网球。篮球呢?B: I love basketball too. It’s exciting. 也喜欢,打篮球很刺激。

Dialogue 1

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Read and


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Passage AA Sports Meet

The college holds a sports meet twice a year. One is in spring, and the other is in autumn. Hundreds of students and teachers take part in the events. And a lot more cheer for them.

Lily is a good runner. She often runs 100-meter and 200-meter races. Xiao Yang is strong. He is good at shot putting and he often comes first in the competitions. Mr. Green likes sports, too. This year, he also wants to take part in the autumn sports meet. He takes part in a team event --- basketball. Now Lily is running the race. Mr. Green and some of his students are cheering for her.

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Passage AXiao Yang: Come on, Lily. Come on!

Mr. Green: Which one is Lily? Is she the first one? Xiao Yang: Look, Lily is on the fifth track. Now she is the second.Mr. Green: Oh, I see her now. How many runners are there in the race? Xiao Yang: Let me count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. There are eight runners.Mr. Green: Eight? Oh, they all run very fast.Xiao Yang: Yes, but Lily is the first now. Oh, great!

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One…the othersome…the others

One took a taxi, and the other walked home.

He has two sons. One is thin and the other is fat.

Some of the boys went swimming, while the others sat on the beach for sunbathing.

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take part in: 参加… , 和… . 有关系

He is very enthusiastic about taking part in the contest. 他希望参加比赛。 Four men took part in the hold-up.

四个人参加这次抢劫。 He took an active part in a debate. 他积极参与讨论。

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come: (在比赛中)获得名次

He came in first in 100-meter race. came in second/third/fourth

Come on! Come on! We’re going to be late. Come on! Don’t cry.

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Passage BEnjoying a Chinese Music Concert

Mr. Green has been in China for about four months. His students have made big progress in their English study. Besides, he has also been the basketball coach for his class since he began to teach them. Under his guidance, the students have learnt to put on a few English plays. Mr. Green himself has also learned a lot in China. He can speak some Chinese now. He has made many Chinese friends. He has also learned to cook some Chinese food. However, he has never been to a Chinese music concert. So, Lily and Xiao Yang have decided to invite him to a concert this Saturday evening.

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Passage B

Lily: Hello, Mr. Green. Are you free this weekend?Mr. Green: Yes, why? Lily: We'd like to invite you to a Chinese music concert.Mr. Green: Oh, great. That's very kind of you. Lily: You have learned the Chinese words "erhu" and "piba". Now you can enjoy them at the concert.Mr. Green: Oh, I can't wait. When is it? Xiao Yong: 7:30 on Saturday evening. Let's meet in front of the library at seven.Mr. Green: All right. Thank you ever so much.

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Since: 从…时起一直 , 自 ... 以来We have both changed since we parted.分别以来我们彼此都变了。He hasn't been home since he graduated.他毕业后没回过家They have been friends ever since they were in grade school.他们从小学起就一直是好朋友

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under one’s guidance: 在某人指导下

He did the work under his teacher's guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这件工作。

I learned how to ski under his guidance.我在他的指导下学习滑雪。

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invite someone to…: 邀请请求出席或参与

She invited us to her party. 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。

invite sb. to my house邀请某人到我家invite friends to dinner 请朋友吃饭invite writers to a conference请作家出席一个会议

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Passage C My Sister Loves Karaoke

Nowadays, a very popular activity for young people is karaoke. My sister is crazy about karaoke. In our family, she loves the activity most. She goes to a karaoke parlor with her friends almost every weekend. My parents and I often argue with her about this. "Why do you pay to sing?" we ask her.

One day my sister took me to karaoke. At first I was not willing to sing, but my sister urged me to. "Come on," she said, "Karaoke is a very useful way to make you feel relaxed. You will like it." She was right. When I began singing, I felt like a different person. We sang a lot of songs in turn. I found that singing is really a good way to get relaxed.

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My sister is so crazy about karaoke that she intends to make others like it. Next Saturday, she plans to take our parents to karaoke. She is sure that they will enjoy it sooner or later.


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Be willing to do sth: 愿意去干什么Be not willing to do sthBe unwilling to do sth

Are you willing to help? 你愿意帮忙吗?I am willing to help you.

He is unwilling to face facts.他不愿面对事实。

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in turn: adv. 依次 , 轮流Be one’s turn to do sth:

They sang on the stage in turn.All did it in turn.大家轮流着做。They agreed to keep watch by turns during the night.他们同意在夜里轮流看守。

It is your turn to play. 现在轮到你来玩了。  It is his turn to read. 现在轮到他来读了。

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So…that…: 如此 ... 以致

She was so tired that she couldn’t eat dinner.

I ran so fast that I’d got a pain in my side.

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Make sb. / sth. do sth: 使……做……        (含有强制的意思)

She made her children wash their hands before eating.

The teacher made him stay after school.

Rain makes plants grow.

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