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Post on 08-Jan-2016




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Notes on Science expeditions



GREAT BARRIER REEF Largest Coral Reef on Earth stretches more than a 1000 miles (1609 km) along coast of Australia Coral reefs found in shallow tropical waters provide habitat for different kinds of fish+animals Greenhouse Gases (in atmosphere) hurting the reef and other coral reefs Two of the biggest threats: Rising water temperature and Increasing Ocean Acidity Coral reefs made up tiny animals called corals. Each coral has microscopic algae living inside it These algae are what make coral reefs so colourful The corals provide the algae with home and nutrients and in return algae produce food that the corals need to for survival Climate change warmer oceans than normal makes it hard for corals to provide enough nutrients for their algae The algae can either leave or die When this happens the corals turn white and become Bleached If the water cools down again algae may return (corals may recover) if not corals will die and leave their skeletons behind Bleaching is not the only threat to coral reefs, the main greenhouse gas CO2 (produced by human activities) the ocean is absorbing some and extra of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere When CO2 mixes with seawater a chemical reaction occurs that creates carbonic acid (the same thing you find in carbonated soda) Extra carbonic acid is making the ocean more acidic This slight change in oceans chemistry can make it harder for some creatures like corals and clamps to build the skeletons and shells they need for protection.

MALDIVES Smallest Country in world entire country series of islands in Indian Ocean lowest country on Earth (average: ground only 5 feet above sea level and highest point: 7 and half feet) Climate Change causing sea level to rise because Maldives has low elevation 1. Warmer Water Temps as water gets warmer it expands and takes more space 2. Warmer Air Temps More ice to melt around world as ice melts on land extra water flows in ocean which causes sea levels to rise. TYPES OF ICE GLACIERS AND ICE SHEETS: Large, slow moving rivers of ice that accumulate on land over long periods of time ICEBERGS: Chunks of glaciers or ice sheets that break off fall into ocean and float away SEA ICE: From the top layer of sea ocean that freezes All these types of ice are melting because of warmer temperatures

THE ALPS Best ski slopes in world Nestled area called the Alps part of 7 countries (France, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Italy, Slovenia, Austria In heart of Europe) Popular area for tourists and skiers Snowpack layer of snow that builds up on ground in winter Snowpack when melts fresh drinking water supply to streams and water supply reservoirs in Europe Climate change shrinking amount of snowpack in Alps and other mountain ranges around the world Warm temperatures less snow and more rain in winter causing snowpack to melt earlier in spring than it used to

THE ARCTIC Arctic Ocean surrounds North Pole and because it is so cold here the top layer of the ocean freezes creating sea ice. Global temperatures are rising which is causing sea ice from the Arctic to melt The big difference of ice in September 1979 to September 2007 (2007 had least ice on record) 2008 and 2009 had a bit more than 2007 but still well below the normal amount achieved in 1970s.

SOUTH EAST ASIA Surrounded by water million live along the or in low-lying river deltas (Climate+Geography make area susceptible to infectious diseases) Infectious Disease bacteria, viruses and parasites (can be transmitted from one person to another by insects such as mosquitoes or through contaminated food +water) Transmission of infectious diseases by certain organisms requires certain climate e.g. Parasites such as malaria are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes that thrive in humid places IDEAL CONDITIONS DISEASE SPREAD: Warm with more rainfall Climate change warm temp+heavy rainfall more intense tropical storms (e.g. hurricanes) Storms cause flooding these floods leave behind pools of water perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes who need warm climate+ shallow water for reproducing and laying eggs. Droughts As lakes and rivers dry up leave behind puddles of water mosquitoes lay eggs VECTOR: Any kind of animal that carries or transmits disease to humans or other animals include insects like mosquitoes, flies, ticks, lice and fleas. Malaria Mosquitoes , Lyme Disease Ticks

SOUTH-WESTERN AFRICA Dry+arid plants and animals here rely on a few rainfalls each year to survive as well as people who grow crops and animals Droughts expected to get longer and more severe (because of climate change) EFFECTS OF DROUGHTS: Brown grass, plants shrivelling up and lakes+streams less water than usual Droughts caused by changes in weather patterns E.g. US midwest relies on wind patterns that bring moisture up from the Gulf of Mexico if timing+direction of these winds is different then less rain than usual Weather Patterns depend on interactions between the atmosphere and ocean (sometimes these interactions happen between 100s or 1000s miles away) E.g. Change in water temp in Pacific Ocean disrupt weather patterns that bring rain to South-Western Africa. Climate change is causing certain weather patterns around the world to shift some places already getting more rain than used to while others less

MIDWEST UNITED STATES: AGRICULTURE Best weather and soil conditions for growing all kinds of different crops especially grain and corn Farmer also raise many animals agriculture is very important to economy and climate is very important to agriculture Adding of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to atmosphere affect ways of agriculture and crop growing On average temps going up rainfall and snow patterns changing heatwaves, droughts, floods and large storms becoming stronger and happening more often Extra carbon dioxide in atmosphere directly affects way plants grow positive+negative ways Climate change more places to get warmer midwest - winter is typically cold and most crops grow between the last spring frost and the first fall frost (aka. Growing Season) As temps rise growing seasons could get longer farmers might be able to grow more crops or different kinds of crops but some crops like corn and wheat cant grow well if temperatures get too hot (harder to grow, especially in places already warm) Warmer temps changes in precipitation (some place more rain others less) Too much rain flooding , too little rain droughts