exit 3


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Jordan Morack

U.S. History 2010

12 September 2015

Unit 3 Exit post

In the eighteenth century the young and blossoming North American colonies began to

form a more refined eye towards architecture, music, and clothing styles. The main focus was

less about survival and more about displaying the wealth and fortune one had found in the brave

new world. (Keene 66) North American British colonies began to form their own style of

architecture, music, and clothing because of the various different cultures represented in the

colonies. Life all around for the colonists became more posh and refined. They adopted social

habits like tea drinking and smoking. These habits eventually found their way to England and

became very popular.

From 1730 to 1770, the colonists underwent a religious reformation known as The Great

Awakening. Though not as revolutionary as the reformation of the sixteenth century, The Great

Awakening shook the religious foundations of the colonists, effectively splitting churches,

dissolving families, and dividing communities. The colonists were smothered with fiery

preaching of the evil powers of Satan and that fire and brimstone awaits all sinners.”The God

that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect, over the

fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked; his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon

you as worthy of nothing else, but the be cast into the fire.” (Edwards) Evangelism became the

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number one religious priority for the colonists. They began to read the bible in schools, teach the

gospel to their slaves and spread the word of their acclaimed savior as much as they could.

War has been a constant between England and France since the mid seventeenth century.

The war originated in Europe but quickly found its way across the Atlantic. The two

superpowers sought control over the abundance of furs and other materials reaped from Great

Lakes region. All the while Britain was being looted and stolen from by the Spanish. British

ships, smuggling goods into Spanish America, were victim to relentless Spanish interference.

This eventually caused the conflict known as the War of Jenkins Ear.