executive programme in facility management

EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME IN EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME IN FACILITY MANAGEMENT FACILITY MANAGEMENT What is the business environment after 9-11. What are the crit ical issues facing facility executives today? What are the t rends in today’s vibrant business environment? Leadership in the new economy. How to have relevancy to be a v isionary facility executive in 2002? What is a strategic FM or ganization and why? The crash of cultures. Is there a conflict between Confucius a nd Mintzberg in the Asian management context? How does culture and tradition play a role in business? The Theory Programme Instructors Alex K Lam B Arch.(McGill), MTS(OTS), Certified EQ-I Adm.(MHS), MRAIC IFMA Board, BOMI Trustee, Lexos Board, ISFE Board, ASHRAE, AIGA. President – The OCB Netword, Toronto, Canada Paul Doherty AIA Registered Architect (New York), B of Science (Arch. – New York Institute of Technology), CDT, CSI, IFMA, ICD and DFC. Clearbuilt Technologies, Memphis, Tennessee, USA The Process The Application The business of providing workplace in a corporation today. How to match FM strategies to meet corporate business strategies? Know your staff and their capabilities. What is competency management and why is it important? What are your team’s core competencies? Staff Development Plan. How to motivate staff in life-long learning? Is a Learning Organization the answer? Emotional Quotient, the new measure for employees. What is performance measurement? Why are companies moving towards EQ (emotional intelligence) as a measure for success? Are your organization Jurassic in today’s digital environment? What are the tools to help you manage smarter? What role does technology play in your organization? Creative Employee Participation. How to encourage and promote process ownership by your staff? What is the true meaning of Outsourcing? Why some companies failed in outsourcing? What is this new talk about Vendor-Partnership? Who are your customers and what are their demands? Programme Recognition & Admission Requirements Executive Programme in Facility Management EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME IN FACILITY MANAGEMENT Programme Recognition Participants who have achieved full attendance requirement of the programme and satisfied with the Certificate Assignment are eligible to apply to be a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management. The programme is also recognised as a 16-hour CPD event for members of the Institute. Admission Requirements Applicants who have not yet obtained a professional qualification and wish to be admitted directly as a member of the Institute should have at least 12 years of relevant facility management working experience with at least 7 years in a senior management position. Sponsors uring times of change with high volatility in the busines s environment, the management of the organization, specifically the management of FM staff, is becoming the most time consuming and very often, constraining element in the executive agenda. T he new work environment demands a new and fresh look at managem ent styles, leadership qualities, and visionary strategies in o rder to move the team to the next level of competency in the fa cility management business. Objectives: In this seminar you will be challenged to look at the entire sc ope of managing a facility business. Using case studies and app roaching it from an owner-operator’s point of view, the followi ng areas will be explored: D

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What is the business environment after 9-11. What are the critical issues facing facility executives today? What are the trends in today’s vibrant business environment? Leadership in the new economy. How to have relevancy to be a visionary facility executive in 2002? What is a strategic FM organization and why? The crash of cultures. Is there a conflict between Confucius and Mintzberg in the Asian management context? How does culture and tradition play a role in business?

The Theory

Programme Instructors

Alex K LamB Arch.(McGill), MTS(OTS),Certified EQ-I Adm.(MHS),MRAIC IFMA Board,BOMI Trustee, Lexos Board,ISFE Board, ASHRAE, AIGA.President – The OCB Netword, Toronto, Canada

Paul DohertyAIA Registered Architect(New York),B of Science (Arch. – New YorkInstitute of Technology),CDT, CSI, IFMA, ICD and DFC.Clearbuilt Technologies, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

The Process

The Application

The business of providing workplace in a corporation today. How to match FM strategies to meet corporate business strategies?

Know your staff and their capabilities. What is competency management and why is it important? What are your team’s core competencies?

Staff Development Plan. How to motivate staff in life-long learning? Is a Learning Organization the answer?

Emotional Quotient, the new measure for employees. What is performance measurement? Why are companies moving towards EQ (emotional intelligence) as a measure for success?

Are your organization Jurassic in today’s digital environment? What are the tools to help you manage smarter? What role does technology play in your organization?

Creative Employee Participation. How to encourage and promote process ownership by your staff?

What is the true meaning of Outsourcing? Why some companies failed in outsourcing? What is this new talk about Vendor-Partnership?

Who are your customers and what are their demands?

Programme Recognition & Admission Requirements

Executive Programme in Facility Management





Programme Recognition

Participants who have achieved full attendance requirement of the programme and satisfied with the Certificate Assignment are eligible to apply to be a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management. The programme is also recognised as a 16-hour CPD event for members of the Institute.

Admission Requirements

Applicants who have not yet obtained a professional qualification and wish to be admitted directly as a member of the Institute should have at least 12 years of relevant facility management working experience with at least 7 years in a senior management position.


uring times of change with high volatility in the business environment, the management of the organization, specifically the management of FM staff, is becoming the most time consuming and very often, constraining element in the executive agenda. The new work environment demands a new and fresh look at management styles, leadership qualities, and visionary strategies in order to move the team to the next level of competency in the facility management business.

Objectives:In this seminar you will be challenged to look at the entire scope of managing a facility business. Using case studies and approaching it from an owner-operator’s point of view, the following areas will be explored:



Reservation Form

Ref No: 003/02

Friday, 22 Nov 2002, 9:00am-5:00pm / Saturday, 23 Nov 2002, 9:00am-5:00pmWorld Trade Ctre Club, 38/F World Trade Ctre, 20 Gloucester Rd, Causeway Bay, HK

The closing date for reservations is Friday, 1 Nov 2002. Places are limited.

Surname:______________ Other name(s):___________________ Contact No:_____________

Name of Company: ______________________________________ Fax No:________________

Cheque No:___________________________ payable to “The HKIFM”

Admission Ticket/Official Receipt

Executive Programme in Facility Management





Reservation Fee HK$ _______________Cheque No _______________________Payable to “The HKIFM”


The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management Ltd

c/o 16/F 1063 King’s Road Hong Kong

Tel: 25370456 Fax:25374426 http://www.hkifm.org.hk


World Trade Centre Club

For office use only

Received and confirmed by HKIFM

c/o 16/F 1063 King’s RoadQuarry Bay, Hong Kong

(Receipt Chop) (Attendance Chop)

Date & Time

22 Nov 2002 (Friday) 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

23 Nov 2002 (Saturday) 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Name in full:

Correspondence Address:

Please fill in capital letters or print





What is happening in the Business World today & the impact to the Facility organization after 9-11?

22 Nov 2002 – Friday Morning Session


Emergency Preparedness, Contingency Planning, Security & Risk Management for today`s Facility Executives

22 Nov 2002 – Friday Afternoon Session

eFM: Facility Management as eBusiness & New Technology Issues


Managing People in the Digital Economy. New Competencies for the Emotional Intelligent Facility Manager.





Workplace Strategies and New Measurements of Success

23 Nov 2002 – Saturday Morning Session


23 Nov 2002 – Saturday Afternoon Session

At the end of each of the 6 Sessions there will be a discussion facilitated by the instructors. Candidates should draw from these sessions to form a basis for their final assignment. A three-hour final assignment is required for this course and will be based on a particular track during the two day seminar to be completed at the end of the second day.

Outsourcing – Is it the Cure of All?

Seminar Seminar ProgrammeProgramme

Programme Fee

HK$4,000 (Incl. Refreshments and Lunch)

The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management Ltd

c/o 16/F 1063 King’s Road Hong Kong

Tel: 25370456 Fax:25374426 http://www.hkifm.org.hk