excellent makeover program

TM TM Excellent Makeover Excellent Makeover Program Program Based on “GOLDEN RULES OF BEAUTY INVENTED BY DR. VIJAY SHARMA”.

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Excellent Makeover ProgramExcellent Makeover Program


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Dr. Vijay Sharma, MS

Cosmetic Surgeon

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INTRODUCTIONThe world is the greatest museum of the human race. India in particular has one of the largest specimens of all races and ethnicities. Though it is true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, there is also a universal acceptance of some faces and looks, which are termed universal good looks. Probably like the looks owned by Miss Universe Sushmita Sen, Lara Dutta and Miss World Priyanka Chopra or by internationally acclaimed models like Cindy Crawford or Hollywood beauties like Julia Roberts and Nichole Kidman.

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What is it that makes these faces so popular, so universally accepted as the epitome of beauty? Blame it on the media, but is that all or is it just the tail of the dragon we are chasing, is it a cause or is it a consequence of this concept of universal beauty.

Scientifically speaking, certain facial shapes and features are considered attractive, even infants respond better to those faces, which are considered and accepted by most. It has been found that an infant connects better to a beautiful face as found by the smiles and giggles.

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There are certain facial shapes that are considered attractive. The oval face is considered the most beautiful for a woman in contrast to round, square box type or triangular faces. High cheekbones and wide-open eyes are also considered beautiful.

Looking at it from a strictly medical cosmetic point of view with these findings make perfect sense.

The oval face leads the feminine grace and ensures that the unfeminine parts like firm jaw line do not exist. It signifies in essence a feminine bone structure. High cheekbones mean the individual is more resistant to facial wrinkles, similarly for wide-open eyes.

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GOLDEN RULES OF BEAUTY1. Oval or egg shape face is

always counted better than square, boxoid, triangular, round or circular faces.

2. The length of the nose and face above & below the nose should be almost equal to each other.

3. Bright, bigger eyes with high cheek bones spreaded over not more than one third total length of face gives immediate acceptance

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4. Side profile, if you draw a line it should touch forehead, upper lip, lower lip and chin all together.

5. Angle of the nose in contrast to the face should be roughly around 30 degree and is counted as the best, but between 25 to 40 is also like compromise.

6. Convex faces are better than the Concave faces.

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7. IMAGINARY TRIANGULAR TEST, the outer most portion of left and right eyebrows and the center most point of the lower lip, In this imaginary triangle unity of all the organs should be perfect like

The space between both the eyes should be equivalent to the size of the eye. (Factor X) Yellow line.

Width of the nose and width of the mouth should have a ratio 3:5 (Blue & Yellow line)

The opening of the mouth should not be larger than one and half time of factor X.

Factor X

Factor X

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8. The thickness and the volume of the upper lip verses lower lip should be 70 / 100 in other words the upper lip should not be more than 70% of the volume of the lower lip.

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9. The length of the body and the length of the legs should be either equivalent or the legs should be longer than the body, longer the legs is noted more beautiful, when folded knee should come up to the shoulder and ankle should touch the bottom.

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10. Projection of breast and projection of buttocks from central median line of the side profile should be absolutely balance.

11. Breast should not project more than the nose while standing posture.

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Leaving that aside, what is it, that not just men and women notice these things and work at aligning themselves with the universal axis of beauty but are obsessed with looks? Here let us think in term of labeling it, or let's say postmodern term and call it HYPERAESTHETIC TENSION which created a need of inventing “GOLDEN RULES OF BEAUTY BY DR. VIJAY SHARMA”

The nineteenth and twentieth centuries saw hypertension causing furrows on the brows of many of the population and an increasingly younger population at that. The twenty first century could well see a spread of this hyperaesthetic tension of epidemic proportions.

As in all epidemics, the most important first step is recognition and awareness. People were dying of bacterial diseases for long enough before the lay public accepted their presence. Even doctors of yore were not entirely convinced of the presence of these carriers of doom. Ignorance about their presence did not stop epidemics. In fact plague has been all but abolished an account of acceptance, education and then steps to control and eliminate.

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The first step therefore is recognition of this hyperaesthetic tension. Most of us though vaguely familiar with it, in principle we do not consider it exists.

Hyperaesthetic tension is the constant increasing worry as regards looks for an individual. It is exemplified by the photo shoots and wardrobes of the stars, the repeated foreign jaunts of our models for breast jobs for females, hair weaving for males. It is however not as we believe limited to the page three of society. It is also as signified by the stolen looks at any mirror rather any reflecting surface not just of females but also males and individuals, who are not just teenagers but even those in their late forties. It is the depressive bouts that not just an adolescent undergoes an account of pimples, an adult male undergoes an account of premature hair loss, a housewife undergoes an account of a flat chest or a middle aged man experiences an account of his developing eye pouches or a double chin. That which affects all of us to such an extent that looks matter us more than most other things is hyperaesthetic tension. This hypothesis shall soon get proned, we believe

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Hyperaesthetic Tension

In contrast to the popular old sayings like

-          Never judge an envelope by its cover

-          Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

-          What matters is inner beauty

-          Beautiful is that beautiful does

How outdated these adages appear in today's world.

Unbelievable as it seems, looks and their importance have suspected basic human virtues to the extent that the total number of necessary surgery for basic medical problems have been surpassed by people opting for willful beautification under the knives of cosmetic surgeons. The world over, rapidly changing trends for acceptability are evident as not even in the not so distant past.

I call it 'hyperaesthetic tension' rather similar yet uniquely different from hypertension, which commonly exists in today's modern society rather today's modern industrialized society. A society, which lays tremendous emphasis on youth, beauty and success, a heady cocktail in itself.

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Gone are the days, when aging was viewed as a sign of wisdom and valued as such. Today the emphasis is on youth and the adage looks belie age holds true with the advent of the information age, which has caused an explosion in knowledge and education, exposure is prime. Those who are more exposed to the world are considered wiser, they are considered the pillars of knowledge of society, which essentially reiterates repeatedly that looks not just matter they have the power to make or brake careers.

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With growing job opportunities in modern industrialized society comes rapid migration of people. This has caused large gaps rather tears in the basic fabric of society. The time, when the joint family system was the base of society is long gone. The total collapse of the joint family units consisting of husband, wife and children or in some case the DINKS (double income no kids) or even single parent families. This is not the fault of anyone in particular rather fallout of the changes in the standards of living, a perpetual run for the goal and ever-elusing targets of growth. The push propels people more towards material read physical progress instead of spiritual progress.

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In the joint family system a large number of people cohabitated. The high threshold of tolerance was what made for peaceful coexistence. Today the pressure of living and looking good ensures each man for himself. Every relationship is affected by these expectations. Every husband today wants a Cindy Crawford, an Aishwarya Rai or a Naomi Campbell for his wife, who in turn expects no less than a Tom Cruise, an Hrithik Roshan or a Pierce Brosnan for a spouse. Gone are the days, when men with out good biceps and women without svelte bodies or girls without perfect features and boys without a good personality can hope to succeed. The emphasis is no longer on just the best foot forward rather the best face forward or even may the most beautiful win is what stands true today.

Overall societal tolerance towards mediocre or even reasonable lookers has decreased to such levels that it is impossible even think of the not good looking unfortunates,

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as anything other than less miserable. A person, who is not attractive to people fails to make a positive impression and is considered unlucky up until he proves his virtues. Even during medieval times the ugly or the deformed were considered cursed and were supposed to bring bad luck as per both Western and Indian cultures. This not to justify the fact that virtues have today taken to being backstage and looks take center stage. It may be much more difficult for such aesthetically challenged individuals to even match, leave alone rise above a similarly or sometimes even a less talented but aesthetically endowed individual society's constant thrust on youth, beauty and success altogether is pushing more and more people to undertake regular grooming read servicing of body parts. Amazingly every body parts have been subjected to servicing.

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The number of individuals involved with the aesthetics of the human body is enough to make up an entire army. The charge of this light brigade ensures that there is enough light to not just visualizes but also dazzle.

Starting from the tips of the fingers on toes and going up to the hair on the scalp, we have beauty treatments, beauty parlours, saloons, hair dressers, spas, clinics, personal trainers, aerobics classes, gyms with the latest equipment and cosmetic surgery, the undisputed jewel in the crown in this our quest for perfection.

Though a body shop essentially means a place, where cosmetics and toiletry items are available, it could well be extended to include all the professions, which hope to satisfy the quest for body beautiful.

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Let us see the number of way in which a small part of our body say the finger tips can be made aesthetically pleasing. There are manicurists to cut and shape nails and give that well-groomed finish for that suave and sophisticated look. In addition to doing the routine cutting of nails, such that there are no jagged, uneven trends, there is also nail colouring. The ordinary nail enamel has graduated from being red, pink or brown to not just filner, gray and purple but also black, star spangled, glitter laden or one with animal prints. But manicuring does not stop at nails, it extends to the hand with care being taken to clean the hands, soften them rub off dead skin, massage hands to improve blood circulation and the use of various beauty oils for smoothening the hands.

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But does hand grooming stop at that? No way is the chorus that greets our ears, what – bare hands? That makes ornaments and accessories fashionable, who can think of leaving the house without that ring made with the quintessential woman's best friend, the diamond. And its not just diamonds but solitaires, large single diamonds called - rock, which are a must see on the fingers of the movers and shakers of society. This brings into the limelight jewellery designers, who use their own imagination keeping in mind individual characteristics and preferences, thereby leaving their signature on those now even more beautiful hands. Neither is the ornamentation limited to jewellery alone and beautiful wrist without an exquisite watch to match is not to be seen.

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Hence with the technological advances in watch making, embellishment of these masterpieces have also to be paid due attention. To go beyond mere looks and touch must the other senses go neglected? The perfume that goes with such a dainty, wrist is obviously noticed. This makes perfumers a part of the beautiful body retinue.

To look beyond just that wrist, the clothes that accompany it must be top class. That allows couturiers to jump onto the beauty bandwagon. And then can shoemakers be too far behind? Perhaps it is not too much to say that man is known by the company he keeps in long since passé. Rather man & woman is known by the shoes he/she wears. No wonder we call such people well heeled.

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The feet soon become a point of focus too and all that is done for the hands is part of the intensive care of feet too.

That leaves us with the face that which we present to the world. What people know us is much dependant on this part of our anatomy. And since it is so widely used, it requires more upkeep. Small wonder then that the face commands the lions share in the cosmetic market. There are creams for dry, normal and oily skins, moisturizers for all ages, day creams, overnight creams, sun block lotions, winter lotions, water proof creams, what have you. Add to this the cleansers, toners and others like the talc's and packs and it would be enough to fill an ammunition depot. Besides this there is eye make-up, eyeliners dry and wet, kohl, mascara, eye shadow,

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eyebrow pencils, false eyelashes and coloured contact lenses. There is lip make-up, lipsticks, lip liners, gloss. The short nose can be made to look longer with shades of make-up. A square face can be made to look more or less a perfect oval. The smile can be perfected with just a touch of the right shade of lipstick or lip-gloss. Toothpastes and tooth whiteners are important too for those pearly whites and what about those, who are not blessed with straight teeth and pink gums, they need not despair because cosmetic dentistry comes to the rescue. Small teeth large gums – want a toothier smile? Gums can be pushed back. On take the other extreme-large teeth-no gum marks seen-artificially created gum lines. Lost teeth find their replacement with perfect appearance artificial substitutes.

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And of course the ubiquitous braces have made a major comeback, in some cases actually being made an ornamentally accessory. What with the colours, designs and even crystals embedded for special effect.

Lest we forget, that perfect smile has to be preserved by repeated visits to the smile doctors is essential, so much so that now there are even smile trainers, people actually instruct on how to smile and how much of the teeth to expose.

With the face being perfection person for the hair have to receive their due. Hairdressers are no longer barbers; they are stylists attending to the minutest details of those well done coiffures. Not just the sparkle of health has to be evident in addition to cutting, shaping, trimming, settling, gelling,

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colouring, streaking, perming or crimping hair. That brings to the world of trichologists, literally speaking hair specialists, who advise regarding the kind of shampoos, conditioners, massages and tonics required.

The modern day doctors are also a part of the beauty regiment. This includes dermatologists, who take complete care of complexion. The myth that dermatologist's appointment books are full of those with allergies, rashes or even a face full of pimples has today been busted. People with normal complexion, frequent dermatologists to take advice regarding protection from sunburn and especially on how to keep the newest deadly scourge of mankind – wrinkles.

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The enhancement of good looks today is further given a fillip by the presence of a branch of a serious discipline like surgery being denoted entirely to it. This branch is cosmetic surgery, it has gained much momentum doing and the recognition of the general feeling of psychological well being that it brings with it.

Reams upon reams can be written about cosmetic surgery, however it will probably be sufficient to say that all that the rest of the body shop handles, fall within the domain of cosmetic surgeons making the cosmetic surgeons truly the captain of the ship of destiny sailing on the aesthetic sea. Every body part can be beautified as per specifications – a person with skinny can have shapely soft hands with an injection of fat performed by

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the cosmetic surgeons. Heavy arms can be dealt with by liposuction so as to allow one to carry with aplomb that designer draw scars anywhere on the body can be excised for that confidence to wear, which one pleases without having to go in for the concealing cover of long sleeves, close collars or long skirts. After all how many of us can boast of having had a childhood without any spills and thereby no scars.

It is said that if nose is right everything appears right on face. The modern surgical magicians of aesthetic science, can really design tailor made nose of "David of Florence" out of ugly big nose, bulky tip, broad based or saddle mangol nose. The scars of youth in the form of blemishes and pimple marks also require Dermabrassion,

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which comes under the purview of cosmetic surgery. The effects of our fast changing life style require us to lose those pounds of fat around the hips, thighs and waist. This can also be supplemented with help from Cosmetic Surgery. The days, when breast implants were only for film stars, models or even cancer patient is passé. Breast implants for improvement of self image is undertaken by even housewives today. Even cancer patients having realized the importance of a complete appearance in order to lead a complete existence in spite of breast removal for malignancy go in for at times even simultaneous breast restructuring.

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This has been found to significantly reduce psychological trauma. Such patients invariably fare better in the immediate postoperative period as well as in the long run.

The ravages of old age catch up with man sooner or later. It is impossible to stay young looking forever but it is indeed possible to successfully delay aging. To this end cosmetic surgery helps in knocking of a few years from the persons body. This truly ensures a body preserved to allow the person, the psychological advantage he wants.

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A survey was conducted, which covered 250 people in the city of Bombay from June 2001 to July 2003. All sections of society and all age group were consciously included in this survey, of course only those people with no obvious illness were considered.

There were 52 people in the 0-16 age group, 62 people in the 17-36 age group, 98 in the age group of 37-50 and 38 in the 50+ age group. This included both male and female in equal number. It included people from all socioeconomic strata including housemaids & postmen to teachers, housewives or even business managers. The usual bunch of those, who are considered to be obsessed with beauty like film and television stars, models and anchors for various shows or stage performers, dancers etc. were consciously excluded from our survey.The questions we asked were simple and very few1. What is your biggest concern as regards your body?2. What improvements would you want if given a chance?3. In case of an operation to be performed on you, list the points of concern

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The answer to the first question was rarely if at all associated with a medical concern. There was hardly anyone, rather none who said I am scared I might get diabetes or heart disease. The most common answer to the second question was "I think, I look too thin or too fat (75%)". I think, I have an inadequate bosom was the reply made by almost 50% of females in all age groups.

About 50% felt their faces could be beautified most if their nose could be improved. People in the age group 37-50 and 50+ were concerned about existing or developing wrinkles. Some people felt their ears were too large or protruding, which gave them a rather funny appearance. There were those, who wished they could change their smile to improve their face value. A stronger chin was the requirement of about 25% of our male respondents; though one female executive also said she would want that too.

The answer to the last question was not so surprising. The first question that is asked to a surgeon before surgery is: What is the size of the scar that will be left. What is the number of stitches and how long will the marks remain?

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A. Tabulated Results Age wise distribution Male Female Total 0-16 yrs17-36 yrs37-50 yrs50+ yrs




Total 125 125 250 B. Question 1- What is your biggest concern as regards your body?


Cosmetic Medical Age group Male Female Male Female0-16 yrs17-36 yrs37-50 yrs50+ yrs





Total 125 125 0 0250

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C. Question 2- What improvements would you want if given a chance?

(Respondents No as per age group)

0-16 yrs 17-36 yrs 37-50 yrs 50+ yrs Total


Weight(thin/fat) 16 22 24 30 31 39 11 12 82 103

Nose 16 19 20 16 23 27 1 3 60 65

Breast - 15 - 21 - 36 - 10 - 82

Wrinkles 0 0 22 23 42 42 15 18 79 84

Ear 1 0 7 5 9 6 1 0 18 11

Smile 13 13 13 18 14 16 6 7 46 54

Chin 9 0 15 1 38 0 1 0 63 1

D. Question 3- In case of an operation to be performed on you, list the points of concern 0-16 yrs 17-36 37-50 50+

Numbered response M F M F M F M F

1, 2 26 26 31 31 49 49 19 19

2, 1 - - - - - - - -

1 - Concern about scar

2 – Concern about surgery perse

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Results: Our results as regards our survey on hyperaesthetic tension were as follows: -

Question 1

-        All 100% of the respondents answered in favour of a cosmetic concern.

-       No person, who was considered for this survey had any pre – existing medical illness as surgical history

Question 2

The question as to what would they like to change the most about themselves as regards improvement was answered as follows: -

74% of the respondents had concern regarding their body image. They felt they were too thin or too fat. This included 20.6% in the 0-16 age group (male 42 : female 58), 29.2% in the 17-36 yrs age group (male 44.5 : female 55.5), 37.8% in the 37-50 yrs age group (male 44.3 : female 55.7) and 12.1% in the 50+ age group (male 47.8 : female 52.2)

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The nose was that part of the body that they would like to redesign to give their personality a boast. This was the feeling expressed by 50% of respondents. This included 28% in the 0-16 yrs age group (45.7 male; 54.3 female), 28.8% in the 17-36 yrs age group (55.6 male; 44.4. female), 40% in the 37-50 yrs age group (46 male; 54 female) and 32% in the 50+ yrs age group (25 male: 75 female).

Of the women respondents 65.6% felt they had unsatisfactory breasts. 18.3% in the 0-16 yrs age group, 25.6% in the 17-36 yrs age group, 43.95 in the 37-50 yrs age group and 12.2% in the 50+ yrs age group.

Wrinkles were the concern of 65.2% of our respondents. As would be expected, it was not a point of concern for the 0-16 yrs age group but every

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other age group including the 17-36 yrs age group showed a significant percentage. 27.6% in the 17-36 yrs age group (48.9 males; 51.1% females), 52.2% in the 37-50 yrs age group (49.4% males; 50.6% females) and 20.2% in the 50+ yrs age group (45.5% males; 54.5 females).

The ears were a cause of concern for 11.6% of the respondents, 3.4% in the age group of 0-16 yrs (100% male; 0% female), 41.3% in the age group of 17-36 yrs (59.3% male; 41.7% female), 51.7% in the age group of 37-50 yrs (60% male; 40% female) and 3.4% in the age group of 50+ yrs (100% male; 0% female).

The smile was next important thing after the nose for our respondents. 40% felt their face and indeed their entire personality could be better enhanced by a change in their smile. 26% in the age group 0-16 yrs (50% male;

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50% female), 31% in the age group of 17-36 yrs (41.9% males; 58.1% females), 30% in the age group 37-50 yrs (46.7% males, 53.3% females) and 13% in the age group 50+ yrs (46.1% males; 53.9% female)

The chin was something mostly males in the age group of 37-50 yrs concentrated on. The total percentage for all age group was 9% for the 0-16 yrs (100%male; 0% female), 16% for the 17-36 yrs (93.75% male; 6.25% female), 38% for the 37-50 yrs age group (100% male; 0% female) and 1% for the 50+ yrs age group (100% male; 0% female). The sole woman in the age group of 17-36 yrs, who wanted a better chin, brought the 1.56% of females less than 1%.

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Question 3

Participants when asked to list their concerns regarding surgery were asked to number cosmetic concerns 1 or surgical concerns 2 as per their priority. Here it must be made clear that the surgeries chosen by us were elective and those, which the patient had heard of prior to this. We found that the listing was 1 and 2 in that order for 100% of the respondents.

The above results to the survey allow us to conclude that hyperaesthetic tension indeed exists. This hypothesis has been satisfactorily proned by this study.

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To conclude: Hyper Aesthetic Tension Exists which created a need of inventing “GOLDEN RULES OF BEAUTY BY DR. VIJAY SHARMA”.

Hyper aesthetic tension may not be known as such or even recognized by too many, but hyper aesthetic tension exists, it is rapidly spreading, capable of assumes as epidemic form. It is important at the point for as to recognize and except it most importantly. The second step would be to act upon its spread with the help of trained personnel

In the 21st Century "Hyper Aesthetic Tension" superseded on all the other aspects of life, irrespective of the age group, gender, race, cast or colour, socioeconomic status and earning capacity.

The entire society is passing through a phase today called "Hyper Aesthetic Tension" in which everybody expect from each other to look good. The entire society is compelled to have more good-looking people with the extreme emphasis upon youth, beauty and success.

Modern industrialization has provogued the people immigrate for the business, employment, permanent inhabitation and tourism. Aging, which was a sign of wisdom in the past has been replaced by the power of knowledge of youth and essentiality to the technological advancement.

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In other words rapidly changing "know how" in each field has created explosion of knowledge in all the fields it has affected the human psyche as well in progressive environment, the aesthetic of human appearance has also grown a lot.

Today the perception of human appearance has taken an upper hand than the other virtues. It is high time we must accept the existence of "Hyper Aesthetic Tension" as global epidemic among the people in modern society which created a need of inventing “GOLDEN RULES OF BEAUTY BY DR. VIJAY SHARMA”.

Now this is a known and established fact that based on “GOLDEN RULES OF BEAUTY BY DR. VIJAY SHARMA”. Many Bollywood stars have been transformed from ordinary people to MOST BEAUTIFUL CELEBRITIES. Hence computer imaging “EXCELLENT MAKEOVER PROGRAM” is a guidance for possibility of most suitable looks within the parameters of medical science which rules out many false hopes and expectations as well.

This Scientific Research is Conducted under the able guidance of Dr. Vijay Sharma by International College of

Cosmetic Surgery

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Vishal Mandir Plot No.350 6th Road Off Linking, Road Khar (W) Mumbai-400052. INDIA Tel.: +91-22-26491022 / +91-22-26044543 Fax: +91-22-26041353 Mobile: 9869006534

www.changinglooks.com Email: [email protected]

Brief Introduction of Maharashtraratna

Dr. Vijay Sharma, M.B.B.S, M.S. Cosmetic Surgeon

• Best Aesthetic Doctor in Asia – 2000, Tokyo, Japan

• World Leader of Cosmetic Surgery in India 2001 Berlin, Germany

• Fellowship of Australian College of Cosmetic Surgery, 2002

• President – Indian Association of Cosmetic Surgery

• President – Federation of Restorative And Cosmetic Surgery

• Among the Top Ten Cosmetic Surgeon of The World, 2003, (NBSAS)

• Professor and Board Examiner of International Board of Cosmetic Surgery

• Eminent Personalities of India by International Biographical Research Foundation

• Eminent Author – International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Dermatology

• Author of books, Changing Faces, Saundarya, USSA , Hype aesthetic tension

• Record Holder in Limca Book of World Records for highest Cosmetic Surgeries, 2003

• Holder of Limca Book of World Records for First Human Fat Tissue Bank,2003

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Thank YouDr. Vijay Sharma, M.D.Mumbai, INDIA w











