excel education - intermediate

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  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    Excel Education – Intermediate

    Table of Contents

    1 ………. Introduction

    2 ………. Pivot Tables3 ………. Ranks

    4 ………. IF Statements

    5 ………. Conditional Formattin! ………. "ata Filters

    1 ………. Introduction

    #$cel is ca%able o& muc' more t'an sim%l( addin t)o cells or returnin a sim%le result*

    it can be an incredibl( d(namic %iece o& so&t)are. It is ver( unlikel( t'at in our roles)it'in I+, )e )ould be asked to build a s%reads'eet s'o)in in&ormation t'at doesn-t

    c'ane* &or t'is reason it is desirable to automate (our s%reads'eet to a deree* so itc'anes alon )it' t'e in&ormation. o%e&ull( some o& t'ese &unctions )ill allo) (ou to

    do t'at.

    2 ………. Pivot Tables

    Pivot tables are e$tremel( use&ul &or condensin and summarisin data &rom lare &ieldsinto a more manaeable &orm. /nd as t'e name suest* (ou can %ivot t'e table to ive

    t'e data &rom anot'er %ers%ective. For e$am%le in t'e data I 'ave %rovided* t'ere is a listo& iveback numbers &or eac' I+, location* and it is s%lit do)n b( (ear and se$. I& )e)anted )e could see )'ic' location 'ad t'e most males overall* or )'ic' location 'ad

    t'e most iveback 'ours in a iven (ear.

    Step 1

    Click to %ae +

    Step 2

    Click an()'ere in t'e data &ield

    Step 3


    "ate Pivot Table and C'art 0iard*

    t'e &ollo)in dialoue bo$ )ill a%%ear 

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    Select t'e tick bo$es as above* click ne$t

    Click ne$t aain

    Click a(out

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    "ra t'e 'eadins to t'e a%%ro%riate areas* &or e$am%le i& (ou-d like to oranise b(

    ocation and t'en Start ear* dra ocation and t'en Start ear to t'e R0 sections.T'en dra umber to t'e "/T/ section* t'e data )e are sortin al)a(s oes t'ere.

     T#6 "rain t'e 'eadins to eit'er C7, or R0 )ill sim%l( c'ane t'e )a(t'e table is laid out* t'is is %rett( muc' do)n to %ersonal %re&erence.

    T'en click ok t'en &inis'. T'e out%ut s'ould look like t'is

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate



    ou can dra 'eadins t'at (ou did not oriinall( include in t'e initial setu% o& t'e %ivottable*

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    3 ………. !an"s

    Ranks* as t'e name suests* is a tool )'ic' allo)s us to rank t'e data &rom eit'er

    ascendin or descendin scores.


    In #$cel* t'e eneral &ormat is

    =rank( number  , ref  , order  )


    T'e s%eci&ic number )e )ould like to kno) t'e rank o& 


    T'e list o& all numbers )e )ant to rank t'e s%eci&ic number aainst


    T'is is askin )'et'er t'e 'i'est score ets ranked number 1 or t'e lo)est sore. For

    e$am%le t'e 'i'est e$am score )ould et ranked 1* or in anot'er case t'e lo)est number

    o& errors in a drivin test )ould et ranked 1. In #$cel t'is is done b( usin 89: or 81: in

    t'e Re& %lace.

    89: ranks t'e 'i'est score 1 and 81: ranks t'e lo)est score 1.

    ………. I& Statements

    IF statements in t'eir basic &orm can be used as a ver( ood indicator iven a condition.

    For e$am%le i& a student s'ould %ass or &ail. T'e &ollo)in is a list o& averae marks ineac' sub;ect at a secondar( sc'ool.

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    /n IF statement comes in t'e &orm

    =if( some condition , result if condition is true , result if condition is false )

    It is use&ul to identi&( )'at )e are tr(in to test* and )rite it out in )ords* T# %ut it

    into t'e IF statement.

    T'e outcome )e )ould like to arrive at is' if a student (ets less t)an *+' t)en t)e,fail' if t)e, (et *+ or )i()er t)e, pass. T'e )a( (ou )rite t'is %rett( muc' %uts it int'e correct &orm. So i& )e %ut t'is in t'e i& statement &orm )e et6

    =if(  D4

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    Sa( )e )ant t'e cell to o reen i& someone %asses and red )'en t'e( &ail* 'i'li't t'e

    entire &ield (ou )ould like to a%%l( t'e conditionin to

    >o to6

    Format Conditional Formattin

    T'e &ollo)in dialoue bo$ )ill a%%ear 

    ou can a%%l( more t'an one condition to a &ield* so a %ass could be reen and a &ailcould be red. T'e conditions can be set u% like t'is6

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    T'en t'e outcome looks like t'is

    ata &ilters

    "ata &ilters are one o& t'e =uickest and best )a(s o& =uickl( sortin and arranin data.Sa( )e 'ave a lare amount o& data like t'is6

    /s (ou can see t'ere is a lot o& data and in no %articular order* but a data &ilter can make

    it a lot more manaeable.

    Step 1

    Click on t'e ro) number )'ic' all o& t'e 'eadins are on.

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    /s (ou can see t'e )'ole ro) )ill become 'i'li'ted.

    Step 2

    Click on

    8"ata Filter /uto&ilter:

    ou )ill et t'e &ollo)in result.

     otice all o& t'e little dro% do)n bo$es.

    Step 3

    I& I )ant to s'o) onl( t'ose students )'o did mat's* I click on t'e 8Course: dro% do)n

    and select mat's.

    T'en as (ou can see* it s'o)s onl( t'e mat's students.

  • 8/9/2019 Excel Education - Intermediate


    /nd (ou can sort more t'an one section at a time.

    For e$am%le I )ant to see all o& t'e (ear 2* 'istor( students )'o %assed. I sort 8ear: on

    2* 8Course: on istor( and 8Pass