ewu garden site plan

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  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden SitePlan

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Site Plan

    The purpose of this powerpoint is to assist

    in identification and development of critical

    design issues, contexts, and alternativedesigns for the site.

    Please review and comment on all stages

    of design. The working group (Monday

    mornings) will develop more detailed plans

    and designs, along with Lauri, Robin and

    Dick as support.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Site Inspection

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Park Site from SE

    Corner looking


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Dr. Morley does

    first siteimprovement:

    Picking up beer


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Sitefrom upper slope

    area facing west.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    East side of site has sloped

    area and flat lower portion of

    the garden site. Rock or

    passive garden on slope or

    amphitheater possible.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Central Upper Area

    ideal for planting

    beds. Note yard in



  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Site west side looking at Washington

    Court. Area for entry and possible native

    plants garden area, informational signs,

    permaculture design sites. Also area forpossible truck access into bed areas.

    Paths could use pebbles or permeable


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    SW corner has highvisibility. Current plants

    are in poor condition and

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Upper area

    relatively flat withadequate slope for

    runoff and

    potential to capturerainwater using

    natural slope.Good slope for

    locating beds.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    All gardeners should walk

    the site and experience the

    land and features of this

    space. Then come up with

    your site assessment and

    design alternatives.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Sustainable Garden Design

    and Operation Permaculture is an approach to designinghuman settlements and agriculturalsystems that are modeled on therelationships found in natural ecologies.

    Permaculture is sustainable land usedesign. This is based on ecological andbiological principles, often using patternsthat occur in nature to maximise effect and

    minimise work. Permaculture aims to create stable,

    productive systems that provide for humanneeds, harmoniously integrating the land

    with its inhabitants. The ecological

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Permaculture as a context for

    Sustainable Garden Design and

    Operation (Continued) Elements in a system are viewed inrelationship to other elements, where theoutputs of one element become the inputs

    of another. Within a Permaculture system,work is minimised, "wastes" becomeresources, productivity and yieldsincrease, and environments are restored.

    Permaculture principles can be applied toany environment, at any scale from denseurban settlements to individual homes,

    from farms to entire regions.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Process for

    Permaculture Design Modern permaculture is a system design tool.It is a way of:

    looking at a whole system or problem;

    observing how the parts relate; planning to mend sick systems by applying

    ideas learned from long-term sustainableworking systems;

    seeing connections between key parts.(This Garden Design will follow these 4


    In permaculture, practitioners learn from the

    working systems of nature to plan to fix thedama ed landsca es of human a ricultural

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Permaculture Core Values Permaculture is a broad-based and holistic approach that has

    many applications to all aspects of life. At the heart ofpermaculture design and practice is a fundamental set of corevalues orethics which remain constant whatever a person'ssituation, whether they are creating systems for town planningor trade; whether the land they care for is only a windowbox oran entire forest. These 'ethics' are often summarized as;

    Earthcare recognising that Earth is the source of all life(and is possibly itself a living entity see Gaia theory), thatEarth is our valuable home, and that we are a part of Earth,not apart from it. Agriculturalists traditionally exploit soil,plants and animals so intensely that serious internal (e.g.diseases, soil erosion, decrease of production through theyears) as well as external problems (e.g. pollution fromfertilizers, human diseases originating from farm factories)occur. Permaculturalists have introduced new ways ofpracticing agriculture, based on moderate yet problem-freerates of production. These ways are fundamental in restoring

    a mutually beneficial (and healthy) relationship betweenpeople and the environmental factors indispensable to their

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Design: Basic Process

    Following planning and landscape designprocesses, the purpose of initial design is toexplore the site, identify issues or designconcerns, and develop alternatives (Phase I).This should include basic desires for facilities,activities, structures, etc. on the site, andidentification of all uses. It should also includea rough materials list and cost estimate.

    Phase II is more detailed design includingspecific location of elements, plants lists,watering, composting, and all other activities.It includes final selection of materials,supplies, and equipment, along with specificdesign and location of facilities.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Permaculture Design Issues:

    Looking at the Whole Process. Sustainable Design

    Incorporate native plants into gardens

    Minimize water useage Drip irrigation for beds, other site elements

    where possible

    Collect and reuse rainwater

    Composting linked to EWU student and

    campus water materials

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Permaculture Design Issues:

    Observing How the Parts Relate

    Buffer from community housing to the

    immediate north and west of the site

    Appropriate fencings Create and maintain attractive site

    Invite participation by neighbors

    Minimize or use no parking (access site by

    foot from other campus facilities)

    Take advantage of south facing slope and


    Take advantage of adjoining EWU building

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Permaculture Design Issues:

    planning to mend sick systems by

    applying ideas learned from long-term sustainable working systems

    Add points

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    ermacu ture es gn ssues:

    seeing connections between

    key parts. Add points

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    ar en te

    Design:Programming: Step

    1. Programming is the identification ofactivities, elements, spaces, structures,

    facilities needed for the garden design. Itis often a list of activities or wish list of

    things in the garden.

    The next section is a starting point for this

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Elements, Activities and

    Features of the Garden

    The following is a list of short and long-term activities, facilities, structures andconsiderations for the design.

    Raised beds for vegetable and related studentgarden plots (20-30 beds, wood framed 8 by4, 12 inch rectangular boards).

    A fence (woodennot chain link) to protect

    beds from grazing animals. A system of drip irrigation to serve each bed.

    Initially this can be linked by hose. Long-termdesign for water access and use with timers

    to be designed.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Elements, Activities andFeatures of the Garden

    Access to the site (upper site) from

    Washington Court and from Lower (SE

    corner) area off Elm Street.

    Pebble or appropriate walkways

    associated with natural access.

    Access from Washington Court side to

    include pebble or appropriate auto access

    to beds/fenced area.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Elements, Activities andFeatures of the Garden

    Entry from Washington Court into the

    Native Plants garden (major focus on SW

    corner of site in native plantings (tentative


    Native Plants incorporated into all site

    design for low water use and

    maintenance, and educationalopportunities about native vegetation.

    Native Plants as decorative and garden

    elements of the site.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Educational Components

    Park Identity



    Name and Information

    Class sitting area

    Benches or natural amphitheater

    Lecture speaker area/small stage Sink, work table

    Cooking area/grill

    Picnic seating

    Educational Signage

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Elements, Activities andFeatures of the Garden

    Permaculture Site Planning and Design


    Native Plants Garden and Site Design.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Elements, Activities andFeatures of the Garden

    Basic garden facilities.

    Equipment and storage shed for

    shovels, rakes, hoes, all equipment,materials storage, hoses, wheel

    barrows, pots and planting materials,


    Sink and clean-up area. One near or in

    the bedding fence, and one in the lower


    Work bench and tables for garden

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Other space needs, uses.

    List here.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Site Plan: Site

    Design (Step 2)

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Site Plan

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Site Plan: Stahl

    House SiteThe original site for the EWU Garden is former

    residential lot at the north edge of campus. The

    original home did not have a full basement, and

    once the foundation was removed, dirt on the site

    was used to fill in the daylight basement. A Soils

    Test is needed for the site.

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Site Plan


    The Project Manager on the Stahl House demolition

    provided this information on the site

    1. Since the basement was only a daylight there wasenough soil on site to grade the site as it is. No soil was

    imported to the site. That being said we did not do any

    soil analysis of the existing site.

    2. The sanitary sewer is still located into the middle

    of the site. It is deep and probably will not interfere withyour plans. It is capped underground. When a one-call

    locate is done at the beginning of your project that line

    will be marked.

    3. Currently the on-site water is not connected to the

    city water main. We decided to leave this work until this

    Existing Site Conditions

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Complete soils testing for site.

    Identify water and sewer connections.

    Develop short-term designs for wateraccess from current taps (upper and lower

    areas) to serve beds and gardens.

    Design water (drip irrigation) and/or hosespigots to beds.

    Design beds and materials, including soils.

    EWU Garden Site Plan

    (Immediate Actions)

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Basic Design Issues/Site Assessment

    Wood Fence on North border to separate from

    neighbors and to serve as the north fence for

    the beds.

    Address slopeseparate lower slope area

    adjoining EWU building

    Separate most active uses with active

    classroom uses in lower (east site) areas

    Create area for native plants and garden

  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    EWU Garden Site Plan

    Raised Beds8x 4 x12(20-30 beds in

    fenced area).

    Entrance and





    er and


    area withHillside



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  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


  • 8/7/2019 EWU Garden Site Plan


    Garden Design Alternatives

    Please develop more detailed designs. Wewill eventually get large size maps for moredetailed site analysis and planning.

    Print copies of these maps and develop yourown site analysis features and alternativedesigns for the garden.

    Working Group this week can fill in the ppt

    blanks and develop more detail. Those who have not walked the site should

    go out with the map and make notes on theirmap.

    Ex and the list of activities in the arden