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 VIDYA VIKAS COLLEGE OF ARTS,  SCIENCE, COMMERCE, BMM & BMS FYBMM Project Submitted By Akash Priyan 20 Rahul Haridas 26 Guided By: - Prof Shabana Khan

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A cknowledgement 

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. D.N. MISHRA, principal of 

Vidya Vikas College for providing me an opportunity to do my project

work on ³Evolution of Communication´ .This project bears on imprint

of many peoples. I sincerely thank to my project guide Smt Shabana

Khan, Professor of Effective Communication, Vidya Vikas College,

Mumbai for guidance and encouragement in carrying out this project

work. Last but not least I wish to avail myself of this opportunity,

express a sense of gratitude and love to my friends, my beloved parents

Prof (Dr.) K N Rai & Smt Pratima Kumari & my sister Urmika Rai for 

their manual support, strength and help and for everything.

Akash Priyan 

Roll no. 20 



C ommunication 1

History 3Speech 4

C ave Painting 5 

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Petroglyphs 6 

Pictogram 7 

Ideogram 8 

Writing 9

A lphabets 12

Telecommunication 14

Timeline of telecommunication 15 Radio 17 

Television 18 

Internet 19

Satellite communication 21

C onclusion 22


The definition of communication is shared in the Webster's

Dictionary as "sending, giving, or exchanging information and

ideas," which is often expressed nonverbally and verbally.

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Non-verbal communication is the act of saying what's on your

mind without speaking words. Examples of this include  facial

gestures (smiling, frowning), body language  (arms crossed,giving someone the "finger", legs shaking resembling

nervousness, sitting upright giving someone their full attention),

and the impression you give to others with your appearance 

(dress, body image, body odor). 

Also, the tone of your voice can be expressed non-verbally. For

instance, if you are saying one thing, but your tone of voice is

saying another, then that reflects how you are truly f eelingwithout speaking a word about it (yelling and crying while 

saying your okay).


Verbal communication is the act of saying what's on your mind

with words. This form of communication is often tak en for

granted. Such as saying regretful things and opening your

mouth before thinking about what you are saying.

Words can hurt or they can heal. So, it's very important to

become aware of what words you choose to use when

communicating to others as well as to yourself.

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HISTORYThe history of communication dates back to the earliest signs

of lif e. Communication can range from very subtle processes of 

exchange, to full conversations and mass

communication. Human communication was revolutionized

with speech perhaps 200,000 years ago. Symbols were developed

about 30,000 years ago and writing about 7,000. On a much 

shorter scale, there have been major developments in the fieldof telecommunication in the past f ew centuries.

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Speech greatly facilitated the transmission

of information and knowledge to further generations.

Experiences passed on through speech became increasingly rich,and allowed humans to adapt themselves to new environments -

or adapt the environments to themselves - much more quickly

than was possible  before; in eff ect, biological human

evolution was overtak en by technological progress and

sociocultural evolution. Speech meant easier coordination and

cooperation, technological progress and development of 

complex, abstract concepts such as religion or science. Speech 

placed humans at the top of the food chain, and facilitatedhuman colonization of the entire planet.

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CAVE PAINTINGThe oldest known symbols created with the  purpose of 

communication through time are the cave  paintings, a form

of rock art, dating to the Upper Paleolithic. Just as the small

child first learns to draw before it masters more complex forms

of communication, so Homo sapiens' first attempts at passing

information through time took the form of paintings. The oldestknown cave  painting is that of the Chauvet Cave, dating to

around 30,000 BC. Though not well standardized, those 

paintings contained increasing amounts of information: Cro-

Magnon people may have created the first calendar as far back 

as 15,000 years ago. The connection between drawing and

writing is further shown by linguistics: in the Ancient

Egypt and Ancient Greece the concepts and words of drawing

and writing were one and the same (Egyptian:¶s-sh', Greek:


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PETROGLYPHSPetroglyphs from Häljesta, Sweden. Nordic Bronze Age.

The next step in the history of communications is Petroglyphs,

carvings into a rock surface. It took about 20,000 years for

Homo sapiens to move from the first cave paintings to the first

Petroglyphs, which are dated to around 10,000 BC. It is possible 

that the  humans of that time used some other forms of 

communication, often for mnemonic purposes - specially

arranged stones, symbols carved in wood or earth, quipu-lik e 

ropes, tattoos, but little other than the most durable carved

stones has survived to modern times and we can only speculate 

about their existence based on our observation of still existing

'hunter-gatherer' cultures such as those of Africa or Oceania.

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PICTOGRAMSPictograph from 1510 telling a story of coming of missionaries to Hispaniola.

A pictogram (pictograph) is a symbol representing

a concept, ob ject, activity, place or event by illustration.

Pictography is a form of proto-writing where  by ideas are 

transmitted through drawing. Pictographs were the next step in

the evolution of communication: the most important diff erence 

between Petroglyphs and pictograms is that Petroglyphs are 

simply showing an event, but pictograms are telling a story

about the  event, thus they can for example  be ordered

in chronological order.

Pictograms were used by various ancient cultures all over the 

world since around 9000 BC, when tok ens mark ed with simple 

pictures began to be used to label basic farm produce, and

become increasingly popular around 6000-5000 BC.

They were the basis of cuneiform and hieroglyphs, and began todevelop into logographic writing systems around 5000 BC.

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IDEOGRAMSThe beginning of the Lord's Prayer inMí kmaq hieroglyphic

writing. The text reads Nujjinen wá só  q ± "Our father / in


Pictograms, in turn, evolved into ideograms, graphical symbols

that represent an idea. Their ancestors, the  pictograms, could

represent only something resembling their form: therefore a

pictogram of a circle could represent a sun, but not concepts lik e 

'heat', 'light', 'day' or 'Great God of the Sun'. Ideograms, on the 

other hand, could convey more abstract concepts, so that for

example an ideogram of two sticks can mean not only 'legs' but

also a verb 'to walk'.

Because some ideas are universal, many diff erent cultures

developed similar ideograms. For example an eye with a tear

means 'sadness' in Native American ideograms in California, as

it does for the Aztecs, the early Chinese and the Egyptians.

Ideograms were precursors of logographic writing systems such 

as Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese characters.

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WRITING26th century BC Sumerian cuneiform script inSumerian

language, listing gifts to the  high  priestess of Adab on the 

occasion of  her election. One of the  earliest examples of human writing.

The oldest-known forms of writing were 

primarily logographic in nature, based

on pictographic and ideographic elements. Most writing systems

can be  broadly divided into three 

categories: logographic, syllabic and alphabetic (or se gment al ); 

however, all three may be found in any given writing system in

varying proportions, often making it difficult to categorize a

system uniquely.

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The invention of the first writing systems is roughly

contemporary with the  beginning of the Bronze Age in the 

late Neolithic of the late  4th millennium BC. The first writing

system is generally believed to have  been invented in pre-

historic Sumer and developed by the late 3rd

millennium into cuneiform. Egyptian hieroglyphs, and the 

undeciphered Proto-Elamite writing system and Indus Valley

script also date to this era, though a f ew scholars have 

questioned the Indus Valley script's status as a writing system.

The original Sumerian writing system was derived from a

system of clay tok ens used to represent commodities. By the end

of the  4th millennium BC, this had evolved into a method of 

k eeping accounts, using a round-shaped stylus impressed into

soft clay at diff erent angles for recording numbers. This was

gradually augmented with  pictographic writing using a sharp 

stylus to indicate what was being counted. Round-stylus andsharp-stylus writing was gradually replaced about 2700-2000 

BC by writing using a wedge-shaped stylus (hence the 

term cuneiform), at first only for logograms, but developed to

include phonetic elements by the  2800 BC. About 2600 BC

cuneiform began to represent syllables of spok en Sumerian

language. Finally, cuneiform writing became a general purpose 

writing system for logograms, syllables, and numbers. By the 

26th century BC, this script had been adapted


to another Mesopotamian language, Akkadian, and from there 

to others such as Hurrian, and Hittite. Scripts similar in

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appearance to this writing system include those 

forUgaritic and Old Persian.

The Chinese script may have originated independently of the 

Middle Eastern scripts, around the 16th century BC(early Shang Dynasty), out of a late Neolithic Chinese system of 

proto-writing dating back to c. 6000 BC. The  pre-Columbian

writing systems of the Americas(including among

others Olmec and Mayan) are also generally believed to have 

had independent origins, although some  experts have noticed

similarities between Olmec writing and Shang writing that seem

to suggest that Mesoamerican writing was imported from





The first pure alphabets (properly, "ab jads", mapping single 

symbols to single phonemes, but not necessarily each phoneme 

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to a symbol) emerged around 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, but by

then alphabetic principles had already been incorporated

into Egyptian hieroglyphs for a millennium (see Middle Bronze 

Age alphabets).

By 2700 BC Egyptian writing had a set of some 22 

hieroglyphs to represent syllables that begin with a

single consonant of their language, plus a vowel (or no

vowel) to be supplied by the native speak er. These glyphs

were used as pronunciation guides for logograms, to write 

grammatical inflections, and, later, to transcribe loan words

and foreign names.12 

However, although seemingly alphabetic in nature, the original

Egyptian uniliteral were not a system and were never used by

themselves to encode Egyptian speech. In the Middle Bronze Age an apparently "alphabetic" system is thought by some to

have  been developed in central Egypt around 1700 BC for or

by Semitic work ers, but we cannot read these early writings and

their exact nature remain open to interpretation. 

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Over the next five centuries this Semitic "alphabet" (really

a syllabary lik e Phoenician writing) seems to have spread north.

All subsequent alphabets around the world with the sole 

exception of Korean Hangul have  either descended from it, or

been inspired by one of its descendants.13


The history of telecommunication ± 

the transmission of signals over a distance for the  purpose 

of communication - began thousands of years ago with the use 

of smok e signals and drums in Africa, America and partsof Asia. In the 1790s the first fixed semaphore systems emerged

in Europe however it was not until the 1830s

that electrical telecommunication systems started to appear.

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Distance telecommunications Visual signals (non-electronic):

  Prehistoric: Fires, Beacons, Smok e signals 

  6th century BC: Mail 

  5th century BC: Pigeon post 

  4th century BC: Hydraulic semaphores 

  490 BC: Heliographs 

  15th century AD: Maritime flags 

  1790 AD: Semaphore lines 

  19th century AD: Signal lamps 

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Audio signals

  Prehistoric: Communication drums, Horns 

  1838 AD: Electrical telegraph.

  1876: Telephone.

  1880: Photophone 

  1896: Radio.


  Advanced electrical/electronic signals:

  1927: Television.

  1930: Videophone 

  1964: Fiber optical telecommunications 

  1969: Computer networking 

  1981: Analog cellular mobile phones 

  1982: SMTP email 

  1983: Internet.

  1998: Satellite phones 

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RADIORadio owes its development to two other inventions,

the telegraph and the telephone, all three technologies

are closely related. Radio technology began as "wirelesstelegraphy".

Radio can refer to either the electronic appliance that

we listen with or the content listened to. However, it

all started with the discovery of "radio waves" -

electromagnetic waves that have the capacity to

transmit music, speech, pictures and other data

invisibly through the air. Many devices work by using

electromagnetic waves including: radio, microwaves,

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were being explored. All modern television systems rely

on the latter, although the knowledge gained from the

work on electromechanical systems was crucial in the

development of fully electronic television.


American family watching TV, 1958

The first images transmitted electrically were sent by

early mechanical fax machines, including the pan

telegraph, developed in the late nineteenth century.

The concept of electrically powered transmission of

television images in motion was first sketched in 1878

as the telephonoscope, shortly after the invention of

the telephone. At the time, it was imagined by early

science fiction authors, that someday that light could

be transmitted over wires, as sounds were.


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In the 1950s and early 1960s, before the widespread

inter-networking that led to the Internet, most

communication networks were limited in that they only

allowed communications between the stations on the

network. Some networks

had gateways or bridges between them, but these

bridges were often limited or built specifically for a

single use. One prevalent computer networking method

was based on the central mainframe method, simply

allowing its terminals to be connected via long leasedlines. This method was used in the 1950s by 19 

Project RAND to support researchers such as Herbert

Simon, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania, when collaborating across the continent

with researchers in Sullivan, Illinois, on automated

theorem proving and artificial intelligence.

The vast, global internet of today had rather humble

origins when it initiated. In 1969, the Department of

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

developed an experimental network called Arpanet to

link together four supercomputing centers for militaryresearch. This network had the many and difficult

design requirements that it had to be fast, reliable,

and capable of withstanding a nuclear bomb destroying

any one computer center on the network. From those

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original four computers, this network evolved into the

sprawling network of millions of computers we know

today as the internet.

There are some social networking sites these days that

are used for communication anywhere across the globe.

e.g Facebook, Orkut, twitter etc


Satellite Phone  A satellite  telephone, satellite  phone, or satphone is atype of mobile phone that connects toorbiting satellites instead of terrestrial cell sites. Depending

on the architecture of a particular system, coverage mayinclude the entire Earth, or only specific regions.

The mobile equipment, also known as a terminal, varieswidely. Early satellite phone handsets had a size and weightcomparable to that of alate-1980s or early-1990s mobilephone, but usually with a large retractable antenna. Morerecent satellite phones are similar in size to a regular mobilephone while some prototype satellite phones have nodistinguishable difference from an ordinary Smartphone. 

Satphone are popular on expeditions into remote areaswhere terrestrial cellular service is unavailable.

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We barely have time to pause and reflect these days onhow far communications technology has progressed.Without even taking a deep breath, we've transitioned from telephone to mobile to email to chat to blogs to social networks and more recently to Twitter.

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