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. t -- sssVY'tk " Mr i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw , -- ""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i- - gr- - A BU15CETIN AD.4IS NOT AN EXPENSE Evening Bulletin NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW- - rtf- - IT IB A PAYINO INVITMENT. iwKf Vol. IX. No. 1721. HONOLULU. TKKUITOKY.OF HAWAII", WKDNKSDAY. 1IK0KM1IKK '2(1 1000 I'iuuh 5 Omens. II Hi NEWS PEOPL I Take Part In a Mer- ry Feast at Waikiki. ; MIIIN6 EARLY HOURS OF CHRISTMAS MRN J Xnd.Indulge in Happy Reprks Per- - )A4 .VVaWJaTOM W"W, TM member M tt 'reportnrlal mans-o- r wo various Kngusn speaiciny papers. ofiths tily -- net jtround the fes- tive board far out' at ynlktkl Injhe Bhadow of' Diamond- - fHead ,jMondy, ' night for (be purpose otweldfnginore closely the bonds of rratemaV.-wetln- tbat on a news paper wan feels for an- other, ThroughHhs great kindness of Commodore Beckley of, the Wilder Steamship Co., LIkellke. his beautiful home by the sea shore, was thrown open for the reception of the young men a'lio give the nws to the people of Honolulu and Mr. Deckley himself was present to see that nothing was left und'ot)e In the matter of making everyone.comfortijble and at home. It after the midnight hour that the forces' of the Advertiser and Re- publican left desks and came down thelrstalrway, ready to resign them selves to the pleasures In store i for the night, r Congratulations were heard' on all sides as the twenty or more young men walked along King street to the corner of Fort' for Christmas'' morn had come. At' this place, two large blisses were awaiting them and It m .not long before the.werry parly waa -- ontho way to Walklkl singing and laughing ana, enjoying tnemseives ru newspaperf men trill when theyfeetj together for a good time and have cast awa from them, all thought of work. The party was met'' at tho Beckley home by Mr. Deckley himself and when hats and oercoats had been deposlteJ. the welcome call of "eat" was hearJ and a file of newspaper men antici- pating all kinds of scoops, was Boon on Its way from the main house to the cocoanut lear lanat where the repast. In charge of Dick Daly, had betn spread on a long table. Certainly, no better place could havo been chosen for the occasion, A cool lanal made In the old native style with a large window looking directly out upon the ocean and the vnes dashing up the beach to within a few feet of tho lannl; Diamond Head looming up high and Imposing; the sounds of must1 floating In on the breeze from many different directions; the rustlo of the cocoanut leaves at they wnved their sleepy well wishes above the heads of nil; the calls of the night birds as the signaled back and forth to each other oi eothlng seemed to Join In the as- surance of harmony and good fellow- ship. There was nothing left to be dune but to make merry and laugh dull care nway. - As the boys took their seats with Commodore Deckley at tho head of the table and members of two of the dal- lies on either side and fell to with n will.' someone. lifted his glass. Every- one knew that a silent toast to the suc- cess of all and the closer friendship of each with the other, was meant and every man drained his glass to the ery dregs. Dick Daly, Chef Lambert and a helper passed back and forth tin plates filled with the good things that "W UE OFFER FOR SALE "thehomeofC.J.Flshel, corner of Lunalllo and Pllkol Streets, 8 room house, elec- tric lighted. 2)6 feet of frontage. Price $7,000. Also the adjoining 6 room house, with lot 41x200, Price $4,000, McClellan, Pond & Co. Tel. Main 69. Judd Building. go lo make up Christmas supper The handiwork of George l.r'curfcus ot the Union drill could be ittn through tli whole thln-- j. All the boys could have wished for, was spread out before them nnri, the newspaper sens-- ? peeping forth unawares,'there was a vast deal of In vestlgatlfif. Turkey was made to pay a big Indemnity and Ham, as ot old, plaed a prominent part. Halads wltn appetizing dressing,, sandwiches wltii rich things stowed away Inside and many other delicious dishes, tempted the palates of tho newspaper men and wines and beer camo Just In the right place, .Above the dinner party was a liU Washington light Installed by Clarence Marfasiane. Although the. lanal was spacious and n great fioodof tight was necessary In order that everyone mlgt be nble tocee well, the rays of this one light penetrated to tho farthest n and lighted up tin (able. In a' most sat- isfactory manner. The order for tho light was iWglven until late and It ,ws very hard work to (111 the order on account of the big demand which Mr. Maetarlane had but. notwithstanding this, he got the, boys, a "fight and sent our t Bo expert; 01 jiirpiace 01 omuneri to watch through the itlght to see tint the light did not even,fllcker. ,. When the appetites of tdo newspaper men hlTcf been somewhat appeased,, the round of speeches began. Mr, O'Brien responded for 'the Advertiser, Mr, '(Continued1 on page 4.) v TWO flrffflff OF THE OCEAN Relatives' .of a Drowned Sailor May Secure Hlsi Clothes. jume'esteeJiaises' naturalization eee Ap$ls .inrMrtUy'CM-ttihi- e4 Habeas Cotpus MatterAnother American Citizen Made To-da- y. David Donaldson, a native ot Ire- land was naturalized fn the United States District Court this morning. Judge Estee made an order that, af- ter January 1, 1901, tho naturalization fee would be $4.00 with 10 cents fur stamp added. Heretofore the Federal court tee has been but $1.60. A private letter from a fellow-cler- k In the States to Mr. Mallng caused n closer looking Into the statutes with the result ot this raise. W. J. Robinson, commissioner, Is taking evidence In the Chinese wo- man's habeas corpus case previously reported as entered In the Federal court Decrees having been filed In the ad- miralty cases of Captain Plltz and James A. Low against the Wlldir Steamship Co , the latter has taken ex- ceptions to the Court of Appeals ot the Ninth U. S. Circuit. W. D. Mallng, clerk of tho U. S. Dis- trict Court, has In his custody the ef- fect ot two Beamen killed at sea lu American vessels. One ot them was Joe Paulino, a native of Honolulu and 24 years of age, who was lost overboard from the bark James Nesmlth at 1:- -J a. m, September 28, 1900, on the voy- age from Newcastle, N. S. W to this port He Is believed to havo relatives hern, who may obtain from Mr. Mallng his effects, viz,: 1 straw hat, 2 bod covers, 1 hat, 1 blue suit of clothes, 1 lalr suspenders, 2 shirts, 2 pairs draw- er a' 1 Jumper, 1 vest, 3 pairs socks, 3 neckties, 1 pair rubber boots. The poor fellow's accounts show he owed the ship (5.17, but bis relatives do not need to pay the money to get the effects. The other case Is that of C. M. Wright, a native ot Wales, who tell from aloft on the American ship Ken nebec and was killed on June 4, while 6 na voyage from San Francisco for Melbourne. He was 21 years of age. A pathetic letter to Captain Lewis from his sister In Plymouth, England, telling of the Inconsolable uibtrcss of his mother, is on file. This unfortunate sailor had 52.60 coming to him, wlilc 1, together with proceedsof the sale of his offects, will reach bis family, W, P, Doyd, U. S. shipping commis- sioner, gives both matters Into the Dis- trict Court. Special attention Is called to tho dis- play of toys and Xmas goods at I.. B Kerr & Co.'s. A full line Is In stock end of the very finest. A dainty pleco of lacqucrwaro or some g Japantso curio would mako an excellent Christmas present For sale by Iwakaml, Hotel street. .. AW BEFORE ME r nlliPPlneS atlCl rOrtO I Rico Furnish 'tne Test. OPENING ARGUMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL GRIGGS Maintains That Constitution Does Not Follow the Flag-Re- view of Stand Taken by Various Presidents. Washington, Dec. 17. In tin United States Supremo 'Court todtfy argument was begun In two cases, thcdeclston of which Is expected to Ax tho statusTof I'ortbilllco and the Phil- ippine Islands andotl)er Insular pos- session's acquired ,ytnrouflhAt he war with Spain, With respect to the United States proper; to say Whether their pepple aro citizens, and to Indicate whether the .constitution follows tho flag. - 1 One of tho enses U that of John it. Qoetze, who In June, 1899, Imported from Porto Hlco a quantity of leaf through thu port of New York and protested against the assessment of duty on tho importation, claiming that the tobacco was not subject to duty because "Porto itlco at tho time of Importation was not a foreign country," nnd because, therefore, tho imposition of duties on goods brought from a Dlace within tho territory i f tho United States Into a port ot thel United States Is not lawful and valid undeF the constitution.' The collector of the port and the board of general appraisers both ruled against him, as did the United States Circuit Court for tho Southern District of New York, when Ooetze took the case before that tribunal , From tho opinion of that court the Importer ap- pealed, to tbo United States Supreme Court.1" ' The other case is known as the four- teen diamond rings case. In that suit the who terved a"'a soldIer of the' United States In Luzon, Philippine Islands.' While there he purchased or acquired tho rings In question and brought them to tho Unite- - States without paying duty on them. In the year 1899, between July 1st and September 26th. The rings wero seized on May 18, 1900, at Chicago, by a United States customs officer, as merchandlso llablo to duty, which should havo been In- voiced, and was fraudulently Import- ed and brought Into tho United 8tates contrary to law. An Information for tho forfeiture of tho rings was filed on behalf of tho government, June 1, 1900. to which the claimant pleaded, setting up that nt the tlrao he acquired the property Luzon was a part of the territory of the United States, and that tho selzuro was contrary to tho claim- ant s rights as n citizen of the United States under the constltutUont nnd particularly under Section 2. Article 4 thereof, and he Insisted that under Article 1, Section 8, Congress Is re- quired to see that4all taxes and du- ties shall be uniform throughout tho United States. To this plen tho Unit- ed States demurred, and upon heating of tho demurrer the district court gavo Judgment of forfeiture to tho govern- ment. This Judgment the claimant removed Into the Supremo court by a writ of error. Attorney General Orlggs arguing against the claim that Congress has not the power to maintain special tariffs In new possessions, said: "If this wero true It would bo a limi- tation upon tho the usual and necea-sar- y powers of a sovereign, Indepen- dent nation of such tremendous Im to Justify ns In '"7--- :'Z,:Z why t was not clearly expressed I f,inrtnmonl lnw liv the men who drnfted our constitution. They wero learned In tho' lav of nations! they know the nature of colonies nnd prov ires and how they wero acquired by treaty nnd conquest and discovery, and how thev wero held nnd governed bv other nations. Thov gavo to tho nation thov founded tho usual powers of making war nnd treaties, tho most frequent methods oy which foreign territory Is acquired v tho nations of tho earth. If they Intended to restrict or limit their In theso respects, would thev not have done so In express terms? They did not do so by any language which can even bv suggested aa capa- ble of such Import, and It la therefore right nay, necessary to conclude that they did not Intend to do so." He declared that It could be posi- tively shown that so. far from their Intending to organize a government which should be Inrnpabln of acquir ing foreign territory except upon making It an nrganla part of the United 8tntes, th earlv statesmen of tho republic were under tho Impres- sion thnt no territory could be an- nexed to nnd become a part of tho United States without amending tho constitution "I shnll show," he said "that the practical construction put upon the constitution bv tho oxecutlvo and con- gressional branches of tho flovcrn-men- t for 100 yenrs has, with ono pnrtlnl exception, been uniform In ro- - gnrdlng acquired territory as neither! bound nor privileged bv thnt Instru-- ) t'nn either bv express rnmpnrt In the treaty, or by act of Congress; and the nets of Cniu'ress do not npnlv to d territory until extended In It bv subsequent legislative enact- ment." continuing ne said it was not con tended that Congress had absolutn power or tho lives nnd property of citizens i "there Is here," he went on, "no proposition to confiscate or de- stroy tbo possible quality of the plaintiff's merchandise. It Is a meru demand of a right to It at the custom house. The rJR.it to test nt our ow ports mvfrhandlsH coming from out i l)lng territory of the United States Is not n strange nor unusual exercise I of power. There Is nothing pssin I tlall)l unjust In such a ptartlce. It may be" made unjust by tbo severity of thv tax and vigor ot tbf prohRT-tlo-n, but so may any other,' kind of custom houso deposition Such a prnctlce has long beeu followed by eery civilized poncr. 'England to- day lnlod duties 'on the merchandise of all her colonies when brought Into tho United States., She djd the same In ante revolutionary days 'and w n 111 not find among tho Complaints ot the American colonists any protest on this score." , Mr.Gilscs contended that tho right or tne unitea mates to acquire! teirl-tor- y has been asserted In the declara- tion of Independence and said th.U such an acquisition tould bo mado either by conquest, by, treaty, by an- nexation orji disco; ery. , He quoted a number of Supreme Court decisions In support of this contention A great deal of attention was given to tho right to governtorrjtory when onco acquired and Innumerable au- - this position, among others ttibVdaf clslon of tho Suprem& Court In the Mormon church case. In ublcb the court said that "it would a absurd to hold that the United States hasT Doner to ncqulre territory nnd no power to govern It when acquired.' In this ease the court said further on that tho United States hnvlojuic-quire- d tho territory of Louisiana-an- d (Continued on page 4.) rr- - itIW 11 OF YOUNG MEN AT Y.N.C.A. PROVES A GREAT SUCCESS Sixty PresentThirteen States Repr- esentedOnly One From Hawaii Nie Toasts and Res- ponses. Thero was a most successful Innova tion at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday atte.- - non In the natouro of a Christmas din ner for young men away from home, and they hailed from thirteen States cf the Union, London, New Brunswick, Canada, Australia, Wales, Japan, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Sweden and Hawaii. Strango to say, onl yone of tho sixty joung men present was from Hawaii. Out of the number from the Mainland, eleven were from California. The hall had been prettily decorated for tho occasion by Miss lielenn Joh.i-so- with the assistance ot a commit- tee of young men from the Y. M. C. A. Miss Johnson also prepared a very much appreciated surprise for the boys In the nature of souvenir card with a spray of holly done In water coloa by Miss Johnson hcself and tho wordo: "Christmas, Y. M. C. A., 1900." Ladles of the Y. W. C. A. prepared the tablo and did tho waiting. Uetween tho courses, each man got up and gave his name, as well as the place of his birth. Hv. Silas P. Perry proposed a toast on the Breaking ot '. home ties, .,, Rev. A. E. Cory proposed another on the "Chrtstmascs that remain," which All who heard the oung evangelist speak say, was one of tba best efforts of the, kind thoV" had eer heard. W. F. III1 Ireclted a poem entitled: "O. Little Town of enthlehem," and then 12. H, Shanks mado a response for the young men away from home. MORB BEET SUGAR LAND. Penngrove, Dec. 16. Manager K. O. Itaaf ot the California and Hawaii in Sugar Refining Company, at Reclama tion In the southern part ot this town- ship, has under way a deal for the pur- chase ot 1200 acres of land on the Sen- ator Jones ranch, In the lower Sonoma valley, Immediately adjacent to th company'a present largo ranch, and should the deal be made the sugar beet acerago in Sonoma county will be ill most doubled. On their Reclamation ranch the company expects to' raise more than 15,000 tons of beets next season, and should the Jones ranch be bought It will yield aa largo a crop. A complete now stock of shoes has ,,, receVcd nt L. II. Kerr & Co's thee store, cornor Fort nnd Hotel I. shaving of profits TIIR WATCHMAN IDI'AL TOUN TAIN PUN. All slies, all ilisppa II P. WICIIMAN. OPEN Iff II K TO i. BISHOP Robert Boyd Takes Insue with the Corr- espondent. SAYS DOLE APPOINTMENT WAS' ELECTION. ISSUE Objects to Use of Name Kamehameha by One Who Villifies the Hawaiian RacePoints to Figures Regard- ing Property Owners. Sir: For shame, that a man of your ago and education should use for non. dc plume the name of ono ho In many wajs was your and my peer. It Is an Insult to tho people whom you traduce, that ou should appropriate the nan.c of one so revered by us under which to hide) our Identity, 1 Writing-a- to jour'pcil clejtlon r, let- ter to tho Washington Star iet ine oik you to p'ut ourself In the place of tha Hawaiian element In this country, knowing what )oti and I know of thu true Inwardness of the annexation movement don't you tnlnk our, re- sentment would 'have taken different shape than a ballot after eight yean, of centjallzcd government? I deny thaf so far. as any meetings, Uat tended thero was any allusion to past conditions not abtolutelyjustlfled by the facts. I deny the Impeachment that the election of R."W .Wilcox stand for anything more than an arraignment of the administra- tion ot 3. I). Dole and of the policy ot apolntlnc him first governor of this Territory after the array of class legis- lation, which was cither fathered by him or received his sanction. Your statement that a majority ot adult Hawaiian' males are but children In thought and volition, "as we who are acquainted with them too well know," la (ruo of them In tho davs when they trusted thoso for whom jot! undoubtedly speak but to day not one In ten but knows more of the Declaration ot Independence and tho Constitution ot the United StatC3 and who haB a better conception of hU rights thereunder than you can teach them. Your gratuitous insult to th-- members of tho Legislature Is the best recommendation they could have at your hands, Inasmuch as It will fall to their lot to undo much of the ells') legislation that haB been created by the vigorous and enterprising civilization which Is In possession of these Islands a debasing, selfish, con dltton that to refer to It, should bring tho blush of shame to one so well read In Christian history, when writing con demnation for thoso whose condemna tion carries with It tho condemnation of your teachings, precept nnd example whtlo among us. You wrlto of "all owners of property hero extremely dread the day when ofllclals chosen by the great rabble of Irresponsible natives shall exercise tho power of lovylng taxes, etc," And who, pray, are tho owners of property In the Ulands. Go to your own 'a reports on Taxation and read: NUMI1ER OF REAL PROPERTY PAYERS. Molo--l leal Maul wall Ku T""" HlWftliAM "TTT? "JS ' ! American & ruropin 114? i 6i t?l toa? PorruruM ?r 4f 8 to6 Corp ration.' a t. .a t.? Dy the above tcBt you see that yorr statements wero of a character to m the readers' of tho Washington Star, and to create wrong ImprcsBlous, a slip of tho pen rather too common when men ot jour stamp aro writing for the press "at a distance." Let mo tell ou as a property owner and "Homo Ruler" that tbo work done by tho coming Legislature gauged by tbo work of men elected under a more re- stricted suffrage will shine out as a glorious vindication of the broader humane proposltlon.that from this time forward equality under tho law, a gov- ernment of tho people for the people and by the people are to bo the watch- word and aim. You say a majority of the members elected to the Legislature appear to be nledeed to a movement to refuse con flrmatlon to the ofllclals appolnted'by Governor Dole, I know of no such pledges but tho votes of the people ns expressed at tho polls. As to Mr Dole's appointees for whom you express so much concern what guardian of equal rights could endorse such a class serving nfr gregntlon as now holds down tho vari- ous departments, Take the present Superintendent of Public Works ns an example Hn reports on tbQ prngresi thnt Is being imida un u ro;id around Diamond Head, while taxpuylng rltl-ren- s nre frowned down upon If they ask tit tii to drive his double tt am on Punchbowl, Hrh'Hil, Ktiaklnl, beyond I', C. Jones' nsliletire, l.llllm lirlmv. School and King strut beyond the brldite, lip advertises a sidewalk law that Is riked up In the public Urn h.U Interest, also a hack driver's law Why not macadamize the roads and then publish tho laws but then joil kno.v oil say (his Is the best government on earth nnd we say nmin with th Interjection "for the Oovcmor" The contradictions to be found In Jiiur litter would be laughable to thoie well Informed, Were It not for their evil lulluence on those who unwitting- ly swallow entire the mlsststi men s tnnde over the appropriated slgiiMture Kiimehnmeha May von live to fcql the smnlliiiss ol our soul In the onUiiipl.itlonof wprk dune by those whom J ou so flippantly vllllfy and traduce, is the sincere hnp of ono of the "piu a Kauiehamehi," It. N IIOYD Honolulu, Dec. 20, 1900. PORTO ii 1 IN THEM WE San Kranclsco, Dec. 17. Fifty-tou- r of tho Porto lUcans who rebelled against going to Hawaii to work ,on plantations aro colonized lu avhotol un Pacific street while several mothers with their ltttlo ones are being lodged nl . .... , ...(. .......... fnni- - , tiiinilli, .. , oi doming nave been cionnucj, ami tno indigent arrivals have taken pH'an air ot variegated prosperity. Soraefsn tin men are sporting two vesta, a nnd f garment to which they were evidently strangers In their Island home. In put ting on a vest the Porto Rtcans go through the overhand motions of a man climbing a ladder. V The offerings of clothing Included seyeral sweaters, and after a venture- some youth had tried tho first one on and found It' cold proof there was a great demand for sweaters, a demand that could not be filled from .the stock on hand. One man who was disap- pointed In the distribution ot sweaters drew a spike tailed coat as his prltc, and at once became the aristocrat of the crowd. There wero hats and caps of all sizes and all styles.-nn- d even the most fas tidious found something tn his llklns. The womed were not overlooked, aa the contributions Included warm clothlns and shoes for all. Straw bonnets with bits of gay ribbon were as welcome as Christmas gifts.' The children were also made happy. One little chap born under tho American flag, was giv- en n campaign cap, and all afternoon his Index linger wns kept busy calling attention to his newly acquired decora- tion. Among the contributions received yesterday were a doll and a pair of lace curtains. Up to a late hour none of the Porto Rtcans had expressed a de- - slro for window decorations. Tho men of tho party are hopeful of obtaining work In n body In California but thus far tbo calls have been tor only one or two men. There are no artisans among the Immigrants, but all express a willingness to work as In borers. San Francisco, Dec. 16. Some of the Porto Ricans who arrived In San Krati Cisco Friday In a destitute condition, after having been prevailed upon to re fuse to go to tho Hawaiian Islands to work on tho'sugar plantations, were taken to the Almshouse yesterday, whero they will recclvo temporal' care. A number of them had been pro- vided with tomporary quarters at a lodging house on Stcuart street, while others had been given beds In th; prison at tho Hall ot Justice. The:' were removed yesterday morning and have become public charges. One of tho women was taken to the Receiving Hospital on her arrival an J was transferred to the Qlty and Coun- ty Hospital yesterday, where she will receive treatment. Her husband wns ot tho Hall of Justice seeking her last pvenlng, and went away satisfied when ho learned of her wfierraboufs. As many ot them are ill and helpless, the. will have to be cared for at public ex pense for some time, Efforts aro being made to And work for those who are able to do it, but there Is a disposition on the part of these new arrivals lo herd together, and It will bo hard to Induro them to separate. A gentle man was at the Hall of Justice last evening looking for a servant, and wanted one ot the Porto Rico women. He will look them over today, nnd I! ono can be Induced to leave her hus band work will bo given her. VERY SAMF TRUE Tho Btartllng report enmo by the Manna I.on thnt Arch C. Steele, malin- ger of tho Hllo Tribune, had died sill-den- It wns only on tho 8th of Oils month that hn married Miss Willis. There remains n hope that the report U a mistake. vine Job Printing at thi Dulletln Officii. Mm lo MM III ; Urn VL He takes Oath of Office In House of Repre- sentatives. WAX TAX REDUCTION IS PROMPTLY-- P BsflhEaV HT W &1ZZ!. Large Sam for Veterans of OitUml. -.- Democrats Reiuse to Vote-ja- jtt' on Express Receipts Knock- ed Out. V Washington, Dec. 15. Robert tho Deli gate from Hawaii, was sworn in after the approval of the Jour- nal lu the House today, Wilcox wt escorted to the bar of the House by Perea. the Delegate front New Mexico. The House today passed tho way, revenue reduction bill. The opposition sought to recommit the bill with In- - , structlons to report back a measure rv'' duclng the revenue at least 170,000,000 and Including u provision for an lncontu tax ro drawn ns to escape an adverxe decision of the Supremo Court. The motion failed 131 to 155. Therenpo-- i the bill was passed without, tho con currence of the minority, who refralneJ from voting. The amendment placed In tho bill yesterday to tax. express re ceipts was defeated on an aye and do vote In tho House 125 to 139. The pen sion appropriation bill carrying $Uj,- - t 145,230 was passed In exactly thirteen minutes. n I MINT MONdED II W. A. Kinney waa arguing for defen- dant in Chrlstley vs. Magoon before the Supreme Court this forenoon. E. D. McCIanahan will follow on the same side. P. M. Hatch will probably have. tho last word for the plaintiff. It 1 expected tho hearing will last through tomorrow. S. Kukuda by his attorney, Lyle .X. Dickey, gives John II. Wilson et nt until January 2D to answer bis com- plaint. W. O. Smith, guardian of Margaret Ti. Hitchcock, n minor, petitions for al- lowance of his accounts and discbarge, also that he may be ordered to deliver the property over to tho guardian ap- pointed in California, where the minor has gone to live. Ills receipts are J HI 8.30 and payments $2842.41, leaving a balance ot fl575.S3. The petitioner was appointed guardian by the will uf Alice F. Hitchcock, adoptive mothir of tho minor, on November 11, 1895, tho total estate ot tho minor at that time being $3000 bequeathed to her Tjy saT3 will. The property now In the guar- dian's hands consists of $1300 In bonds and tho cash balance above stated, making altogether $2876 89. This show- ing, after maintenance nnd schooling ot the wnrd. Is a very good one. James II. Hakunlc, Japanese Inter- preter, and LI Cheung, Chlneso Inter- preter, have gone to Hllo to attend tho Fourth Circuit Court term. Judge Lit- tle presiding. LADIES' SUPPERS! We have Enough Ties In stock to suply all the Ladies ef Henlili. Thee SLIPPERS arelnVlcl KM and Patent Leather, and of the LATEST EASTERN FASH- IONS. Thev are, without the least bit of exageratlon, the most Stylish Line of SLIPPERS ever placed on Sale In Honolulu. They are on exhibition In out ' lart' window. Prices Range From $1.80 to T.er'' mm w o I'M "fj frt 1 .( i -- 1

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--

. t -- sssVY'tk" Mr

i "tn .w

a f3

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H Vw ,

--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--


Evening BulletinNNK.HNNNNNM


f .lW- - rtf-- IT IB A PAYINO INVITMENT. iwKfVol. IX. No. 1721. HONOLULU. TKKUITOKY.OF HAWAII", WKDNKSDAY. 1IK0KM1IKK '2(1 1000 I'iuuh 5 Omens.


Take Part In a Mer-

ry Feast atWaikiki.



JXnd.Indulge in Happy Reprks Per- -


TM member M tt 'reportnrlalmans-o- r wo various Kngusn speaicinypapers. ofiths tily --net jtround the fes-

tive board far out' at ynlktkl InjheBhadow of' Diamond- - fHead ,jMondy,

' night for (be purpose otweldfnginoreclosely the bonds of rratemaV.-wetln-

tbat on a news paper wan feels for an-

other, ThroughHhs great kindness ofCommodore Beckley of, the WilderSteamship Co., LIkellke. his beautifulhome by the sea shore, was thrownopen for the reception of the youngmen a'lio give the nws to the peopleof Honolulu and Mr. Deckley himselfwas present to see that nothing wasleft und'ot)e In the matter of makingeveryone.comfortijble and at home.

It after the midnight hour thatthe forces' of the Advertiser and Re-

publican left desks and came downthelrstalrway, ready to resign themselves to the pleasures In store i for thenight, r Congratulations were heard' onall sides as the twenty or more youngmen walked along King street to thecorner of Fort' for Christmas'' mornhad come. At' this place, two largeblisses were awaiting them and It m.not long before the.werry parly waa

-- ontho way to Walklkl singing andlaughing ana, enjoying tnemseives runewspaperf men trill when theyfeetjtogether for a good time and have castawa from them, all thought of work.

The party was met'' at tho Beckleyhome by Mr. Deckley himself and whenhats and oercoats had been deposlteJ.the welcome call of "eat" was hearJand a file of newspaper men antici-pating all kinds of scoops, was Boon onIts way from the main house to thecocoanut lear lanat where the repast.In charge of Dick Daly, had betnspread on a long table.

Certainly, no better place could havobeen chosen for the occasion, A coollanal made In the old native style witha large window looking directly outupon the ocean and the vnes dashingup the beach to within a few feet of tholannl; Diamond Head looming up highand Imposing; the sounds of must1floating In on the breeze from manydifferent directions; the rustlo of thecocoanut leaves at they wnved theirsleepy well wishes above the heads ofnil; the calls of the night birds as thesignaled back and forth to each otheroi eothlng seemed to Join In the as-

surance of harmony and good fellow-

ship. There was nothing left to bedune but to make merry and laugh dullcare nway. -

As the boys took their seats withCommodore Deckley at tho head of thetable and members of two of the dal-

lies on either side and fell to with nwill.' someone. lifted his glass. Every-one knew that a silent toast to the suc-cess of all and the closer friendship ofeach with the other, was meant andevery man drained his glass to the erydregs. Dick Daly, Chef Lambert anda helper passed back and forth tinplates filled with the good things that


UE OFFER FOR SALE"thehomeofC.J.Flshel,

corner of Lunalllo and PllkolStreets, 8 room house, elec-

tric lighted. 2)6 feet offrontage.

Price $7,000.

Also the adjoining 6 room

house, with lot 41x200,

Price $4,000,

McClellan, Pond & Co.

Tel. Main 69. Judd Building.

go lo make up Christmas supper Thehandiwork of George l.r'curfcus ot theUnion drill could be ittn through tliwhole thln-- j. All the boys could havewished for, was spread out before themnnri, the newspaper sens-- ? peeping forthunawares,'there was a vast deal of Investlgatlfif. Turkey was made to paya big Indemnity and Ham, as ot old,plaed a prominent part. Halads wltnappetizing dressing,, sandwiches wltiirich things stowed away Inside andmany other delicious dishes, temptedthe palates of tho newspaper men andwines and beer camo Just In the rightplace,.Above the dinner party was a liU

Washington light Installed by ClarenceMarfasiane. Although the. lanal wasspacious and n great fioodof tight wasnecessary In order that everyone mlgtbe nble tocee well, the rays of this onelight penetrated to tho farthest n

and lighted up tin (able. In a' most sat-

isfactory manner. The order for tholight was iWglven until late and It,ws very hard work to (111 the order onaccount of the big demand which Mr.Maetarlane had but. notwithstandingthis, he got the, boys, a "fight and sentour tBo expert; 01 jiirpiace 01 omunerito watch through the itlght to see tintthe light did not even,fllcker. ,.

When the appetites of tdo newspapermen hlTcf been somewhat appeased,, theround of speeches began. Mr, O'Brienresponded for 'the Advertiser, Mr,

'(Continued1 on page 4.) v


Relatives' .of a Drowned

Sailor May SecureHlsi Clothes.

jume'esteeJiaises'naturalization eee

Ap$ls .inrMrtUy'CM-ttihi- e4

Habeas Cotpus MatterAnotherAmerican Citizen Made


David Donaldson, a native ot Ire-

land was naturalized fn the UnitedStates District Court this morning.

Judge Estee made an order that, af-

ter January 1, 1901, tho naturalizationfee would be $4.00 with 10 cents furstamp added. Heretofore the Federalcourt tee has been but $1.60. A privateletter from a fellow-cler- k In the Statesto Mr. Mallng caused n closer lookingInto the statutes with the result ot thisraise.

W. J. Robinson, commissioner, Istaking evidence In the Chinese wo-

man's habeas corpus case previouslyreported as entered In the Federalcourt

Decrees having been filed In the ad-

miralty cases of Captain Plltz andJames A. Low against the WlldirSteamship Co , the latter has taken ex-

ceptions to the Court of Appeals ot theNinth U. S. Circuit.

W. D. Mallng, clerk of tho U. S. Dis-

trict Court, has In his custody the ef-

fect ot two Beamen killed at sea luAmerican vessels. One ot them wasJoe Paulino, a native of Honolulu and24 years of age, who was lost overboardfrom the bark James Nesmlth at 1:- -J

a. m, September 28, 1900, on the voy-

age from Newcastle, N. S. W to thisport He Is believed to havo relativeshern, who may obtain from Mr. Mallnghis effects, viz,: 1 straw hat, 2 bodcovers, 1 hat, 1 blue suit of clothes, 1

lalr suspenders, 2 shirts, 2 pairs draw-

er a' 1 Jumper, 1 vest, 3 pairs socks, 3

neckties, 1 pair rubber boots. The poorfellow's accounts show he owed theship (5.17, but bis relatives do not needto pay the money to get the effects.

The other case Is that of C. M.

Wright, a native ot Wales, who tellfrom aloft on the American ship Kennebec and was killed on June 4, while6 na voyage from San Francisco forMelbourne. He was 21 years of age.A pathetic letter to Captain Lewisfrom his sister In Plymouth, England,telling of the Inconsolable uibtrcss ofhis mother, is on file. This unfortunatesailor had 52.60 coming to him, wlilc 1,

together with proceedsof the sale ofhis offects, will reach bis family,

W, P, Doyd, U. S. shipping commis-sioner, gives both matters Into the Dis-

trict Court.

Special attention Is called to tho dis-play of toys and Xmas goods at I.. B

Kerr & Co.'s. A full line Is In stockend of the very finest.

A dainty pleco of lacqucrwaro orsome g Japantso curio wouldmako an excellent Christmas presentFor sale by Iwakaml, Hotel street.

.. AW BEFORE MEr nlliPPlneS atlCl rOrtO


Rico Furnish 'tne




Maintains That Constitution Does Not

Follow the Flag-Re- view of Stand

Taken by Various


Washington, Dec. 17. In tinUnited States Supremo 'Court todtfyargument was begun In two cases,thcdeclston of which Is expected to Axtho statusTof I'ortbilllco and the Phil-ippine Islands andotl)er Insular pos-session's acquired ,ytnrouflhAthe warwith Spain, With respect to the UnitedStates proper; to say Whether theirpepple aro citizens, and to Indicatewhether the .constitution follows thoflag. - 1

One of tho enses U that of John it.Qoetze, who In June, 1899, Importedfrom Porto Hlco a quantity of leaf

through thu port of New Yorkand protested against the assessmentof duty on tho importation, claimingthat the tobacco was not subject toduty because "Porto itlco at tho timeof Importation was not a foreigncountry," nnd because, therefore, thoimposition of duties on goods broughtfrom a Dlace within tho territory i ftho United States Into a port ot thelUnited States Is not lawful and validundeF the constitution.'

The collector of the port and theboard of general appraisers both ruledagainst him, as did the United StatesCircuit Court for tho Southern Districtof New York, when Ooetze took thecase before that tribunal , From thoopinion of that court the Importer ap-

pealed, to tbo United States SupremeCourt.1" '

The other case is known as the four-

teen diamond rings case. In that suitthe whoterved a"'a soldIer of the' UnitedStates In Luzon, Philippine Islands.'While there he purchased or acquiredtho rings In question and broughtthem to tho Unite- - States withoutpaying duty on them. In the year 1899,between July 1st and September 26th.The rings wero seized on May 18,

1900, at Chicago, by a United Statescustoms officer, as merchandlso llabloto duty, which should havo been In-

voiced, and was fraudulently Import-ed and brought Into tho United 8tatescontrary to law. An Information fortho forfeiture of tho rings was filedon behalf of tho government, June 1,

1900. to which the claimant pleaded,setting up that nt the tlrao he acquiredthe property Luzon was a part of theterritory of the United States, and thattho selzuro was contrary to tho claim-

ant s rights as n citizen of the UnitedStates under the constltutUont nndparticularly under Section 2. Article 4

thereof, and he Insisted that underArticle 1, Section 8, Congress Is re-

quired to see that4all taxes and du-

ties shall be uniform throughout thoUnited States. To this plen tho Unit-

ed States demurred, and upon heatingof tho demurrer the district court gavoJudgment of forfeiture to tho govern-ment. This Judgment the claimantremoved Into the Supremo court by awrit of error.

Attorney General Orlggs arguingagainst the claim that Congress has notthe power to maintain special tariffsIn new possessions, said:

"If this wero true It would bo a limi-

tation upon tho the usual and necea-sar- y

powers of a sovereign, Indepen-dent nation of such tremendous Im

to Justify ns In'"7--- :'Z,:Zwhy t was not clearly expressed I

f,inrtnmonl lnw liv the men whodrnfted our constitution. They werolearned In tho' lav of nations! theyknow the nature of colonies nnd provires and how they wero acquired bytreaty nnd conquest and discovery,and how thev wero held nnd governedbv other nations. Thov gavo to thonation thov founded tho usual

powers of making war nndtreaties, tho most frequent methodsoy which foreign territory Is acquired

v tho nations of tho earth. If theyIntended to restrict or limit their

In theso respects, would thevnot have done so In express terms?They did not do so by any languagewhich can even bv suggested aa capa-

ble of such Import, and It la thereforeright nay, necessary to concludethat they did not Intend to do so."

He declared that It could be posi-tively shown that so. far from theirIntending to organize a governmentwhich should be Inrnpabln of acquiring foreign territory except upon

making It an nrganla part ofthe United 8tntes, th earlv statesmenof tho republic were under tho Impres-sion thnt no territory could be an-

nexed to nnd become a part of thoUnited States without amending thoconstitution

"I shnll show," he said "that thepractical construction put upon theconstitution bv tho oxecutlvo and con-gressional branches of tho flovcrn-men- t

for 100 yenrs has, with onopnrtlnl exception, been uniform In ro- -

gnrdlng acquired territory as neither!bound nor privileged bv thnt Instru-- )

t'nn either bv express rnmpnrt In thetreaty, or by act of Congress; and thenets of Cniu'ress do not npnlv to d

territory until extended InIt bv subsequent legislative enact-ment."

continuing ne said it was not contended that Congress had absolutnpower or tho lives nnd property ofcitizens i "there Is here," he went on,"no proposition to confiscate or de-

stroy tbo possible quality of theplaintiff's merchandise. It Is a merudemand of a right to It at the customhouse. The rJR.it to test nt our owports mvfrhandlsH coming from out i

l)lng territory of the United StatesIs not n strange nor unusual exercise I

of power. There Is nothing pssin I

tlall)l unjust In such a ptartlce. Itmay be" made unjust by tbo severityof thv tax and vigor ot tbf prohRT-tlo-n,

but so may any other,' kind ofcustom houso deposition Such aprnctlce has long beeu followed byeery civilized poncr. 'England to-day lnlod duties 'on the merchandiseof all her colonies when brought Intotho United States., She djd the sameIn ante revolutionary days 'and w n 111

not find among tho Complaints ot theAmerican colonists any protest onthis score." ,

Mr.Gilscs contended that tho rightor tne unitea mates to acquire! teirl-tor- y

has been asserted In the declara-tion of Independence and said th.Usuch an acquisition tould bo madoeither by conquest, by, treaty, by an-nexation orji disco; ery. , He quoteda number of Supreme Court decisionsIn support of this contention

A great deal of attention was givento tho right to governtorrjtory whenonco acquired and Innumerable au- -

this position, among others ttibVdafclslon of tho Suprem& Court In theMormon church case. In ublcb thecourt said that "it would a absurd tohold that the United States hasT Donerto ncqulre territory nnd no power togovern It when acquired.'

In this ease the court said furtheron that tho United States hnvlojuic-quire- d

tho territory of Louisiana-an- d

(Continued on page 4.)




Sixty PresentThirteen States Repr-

esentedOnly One From Hawaii

Nie Toasts and Res-


Thero was a most successful Innovation at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday atte.--

non In the natouro of a Christmas dinner for young men away from home,and they hailed from thirteen States cfthe Union, London, New Brunswick,Canada, Australia, Wales, Japan,Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,Sweden and Hawaii. Strango to say,onl yone of tho sixty joung menpresent was from Hawaii. Out of thenumber from the Mainland, elevenwere from California.

The hall had been prettily decoratedfor tho occasion by Miss lielenn Joh.i-so-

with the assistance ot a commit-tee of young men from the Y. M. C. A.

Miss Johnson also prepared a verymuch appreciated surprise for the boysIn the nature of souvenir card with aspray of holly done In water coloa byMiss Johnson hcself and tho wordo:"Christmas, Y. M. C. A., 1900." Ladlesof the Y. W. C. A. prepared the tabloand did tho waiting. Uetween thocourses, each man got up and gave hisname, as well as the place of his birth.

Hv. Silas P. Perry proposed a toaston the Breaking ot'. home ties, .,,Rev. A. E. Cory proposed another onthe "Chrtstmascs that remain," whichAll who heard the oung evangelistspeak say, was one of tba best efforts ofthe, kind thoV" had eer heard. W. F.III1 Ireclted a poem entitled: "O. LittleTown of enthlehem," and then 12. H,Shanks mado a response for the youngmen away from home.


Penngrove, Dec. 16. Manager K. O.

Itaaf ot the California and Hawaii inSugar Refining Company, at Reclamation In the southern part ot this town-

ship, has under way a deal for the pur-

chase ot 1200 acres of land on the Sen-

ator Jones ranch, In the lower Sonomavalley, Immediately adjacent to thcompany'a present largo ranch, andshould the deal be made the sugar beetacerago in Sonoma county will be ill

most doubled. On their Reclamationranch the company expects to' raisemore than 15,000 tons of beets nextseason, and should the Jones ranchbe bought It will yield aa largo a crop.

A complete now stock of shoes has,,, receVcd nt L. II. Kerr & Co'sthee store, cornor Fort nnd Hotel

I.shaving of profits





Robert Boyd Takes

Insue with the Corr-




Objects to Use of Name Kamehameha

by One Who Villifies the Hawaiian

RacePoints to Figures Regard-

ing Property Owners.

Sir: For shame, that a man of yourago and education should use for non.dc plume the name of ono ho In manywajs was your and my peer. It Is anInsult to tho people whom you traduce,that ou should appropriate the nan.cof one so revered by us under which tohide) our Identity,

1 Writing-a- to jour'pcil clejtlonr, let-

ter to tho Washington Star iet ine oikyou to p'ut ourself In the place of thaHawaiian element In this country,knowing what )oti and I know of thutrue Inwardness of the annexationmovement don't you tnlnk our, re-

sentment would 'have taken differentshape than a ballot after eight yean,of centjallzcd government? I deny thafso far. as any meetings, Uat tended therowas any allusion to past conditions notabtolutelyjustlfled by the facts. I denythe Impeachment that the election ofR."W .Wilcox stand for anything morethan an arraignment of the administra-tion ot 3. I). Dole and of the policy otapolntlnc him first governor of thisTerritory after the array of class legis-

lation, which was cither fathered byhim or received his sanction.

Your statement that a majority otadult Hawaiian' males are but childrenIn thought and volition, "as we whoare acquainted with them toowell know," la (ruo of them Intho davs when they trusted thoso forwhom jot! undoubtedly speak but today not one In ten but knows more ofthe Declaration ot Independence andtho Constitution ot the United StatC3and who haB a better conception of hUrights thereunder than you can teachthem. Your gratuitous insult to th--

members of tho Legislature Is the bestrecommendation they could have atyour hands, Inasmuch as It will fallto their lot to undo much of the ells')legislation that haB been created by thevigorous and enterprising civilizationwhich Is In possession of these Islands

a debasing, selfish, condltton that to refer to It, should bringtho blush of shame to one so well readIn Christian history, when writing condemnation for thoso whose condemnation carries with It tho condemnationof your teachings, precept nnd examplewhtlo among us.

You wrlto of "all owners of propertyhero extremely dread the day whenofllclals chosen by the great rabble ofIrresponsible natives shall exercise thopower of lovylng taxes, etc," And who,pray, are tho owners of property In theUlands. Go to your own 'a

reports on Taxation and read:NUMI1ER OF REAL PROPERTY


lealMaul wall Ku T"""

HlWftliAM "TTT? "JS ' !American &ruropin 114? i 6i t?l toa?PorruruM ?r 4f 8 to6Corp ration.' a t. .a t.?

Dy the above tcBt you see that yorrstatements wero of a character to m

the readers' of tho WashingtonStar, and to create wrong ImprcsBlous,a slip of tho pen rather too commonwhen men ot jour stamp aro writingfor the press "at a distance." Let motell ou as a property owner and"Homo Ruler" that tbo work done bytho coming Legislature gauged by tbowork of men elected under a more re-

stricted suffrage will shine out as aglorious vindication of the broaderhumane proposltlon.that from this timeforward equality under tho law, a gov-

ernment of tho people for the peopleand by the people are to bo the watch-

word and aim.You say a majority of the members

elected to the Legislature appear to benledeed to a movement to refuse conflrmatlon to the ofllclals appolnted'byGovernor Dole, I know of no suchpledges but tho votes of the people nsexpressed at tho polls.

As to Mr Dole's appointees for whomyou express so much concern what

guardian of equal rightscould endorse such a class serving nfrgregntlon as now holds down tho vari-

ous departments, Take the presentSuperintendent of Public Works ns anexample Hn reports on tbQ prngresithnt Is being imida un u ro;id aroundDiamond Head, while taxpuylng rltl-ren- s

nre frowned down upon If theyask tit tii to drive his double tt am on

Punchbowl, Hrh'Hil, Ktiaklnl, beyondI', C. Jones' nsliletire, l.llllm lirlmv.School and King strut beyond thebrldite, lip advertises a sidewalk lawthat Is riked up In the public Urn h.U

Interest, also a hack driver's law Whynot macadamize the roads and thenpublish tho laws but then joil kno.v

oil say (his Is the best governmenton earth nnd we say nmin with thInterjection "for the Oovcmor"

The contradictions to be found In

Jiiur litter would be laughable to thoiewell Informed, Were It not for theirevil lulluence on those who unwitting-ly swallow entire the mlsststi men stnnde over the appropriated slgiiMtureKiimehnmeha

May von live to fcql the smnlliiiss olour soul In the onUiiipl.itlonof wprk

dune by those whom J ou so flippantlyvllllfy and traduce, is the sincere hnpof ono of the "piu a Kauiehamehi,"

It. N IIOYDHonolulu, Dec. 20, 1900.


San Kranclsco, Dec. 17. Fifty-tou-r

of tho Porto lUcans who rebelledagainst going to Hawaii to work ,onplantations aro colonized lu avhotol unPacific street while several motherswith their ltttlo ones are being lodgednl. .... , ...(. .......... fnni- -, tiiinilli, .. ,

oi doming nave been cionnucj, ami tnoindigent arrivals have taken pH'an airot variegated prosperity. Soraefsn tinmen are sporting two vesta, a nnd f

garment to which they were evidentlystrangers In their Island home. In putting on a vest the Porto Rtcans gothrough the overhand motions of aman climbing a ladder. V

The offerings of clothing Includedseyeral sweaters, and after a venture-some youth had tried tho first one onand found It' cold proof there was agreat demand for sweaters, a demandthat could not be filled from .the stockon hand. One man who was disap-

pointed In the distribution ot sweatersdrew a spike tailed coat as his prltc,and at once became the aristocrat ofthe crowd.

There wero hats and caps of all sizesand all styles.-nn- d even the most fastidious found something tn his llklns.The womed were not overlooked, aa thecontributions Included warm clothlnsand shoes for all. Straw bonnets withbits of gay ribbon were as welcome asChristmas gifts.' The children werealso made happy. One little chapborn under tho American flag, was giv-

en n campaign cap, and all afternoonhis Index linger wns kept busy callingattention to his newly acquired decora-

tion.Among the contributions received

yesterday were a doll and a pair of lacecurtains. Up to a late hour none ofthe Porto Rtcans had expressed a de- -

slro for window decorations.Tho men of tho party are hopeful of

obtaining work In n body In Californiabut thus far tbo calls have been toronly one or two men. There are noartisans among the Immigrants, but allexpress a willingness to work as In


San Francisco, Dec. 16. Some of thePorto Ricans who arrived In San KratiCisco Friday In a destitute condition,after having been prevailed upon to refuse to go to tho Hawaiian Islands towork on tho'sugar plantations, weretaken to the Almshouse yesterday,whero they will recclvo temporal'care. A number of them had been pro-

vided with tomporary quarters at alodging house on Stcuart street, whileothers had been given beds In th;prison at tho Hall ot Justice. The:'were removed yesterday morning andhave become public charges.

One of tho women was taken to theReceiving Hospital on her arrival an Jwas transferred to the Qlty and Coun-ty Hospital yesterday, where she willreceive treatment. Her husband wnsot tho Hall of Justice seeking her lastpvenlng, and went away satisfied whenho learned of her wfierraboufs. Asmany ot them are ill and helpless, the.will have to be cared for at public expense for some time, Efforts aro beingmade to And work for those who areable to do it, but there Is a dispositionon the part of these new arrivals loherd together, and It will bo hard toInduro them to separate. A gentleman was at the Hall of Justice lastevening looking for a servant, andwanted one ot the Porto Rico women.He will look them over today, nnd I!

ono can be Induced to leave her husband work will bo given her.


Tho Btartllng report enmo by theManna I.on thnt Arch C. Steele, malin-ger of tho Hllo Tribune, had died sill-den-

It wns only on tho 8th of Oilsmonth that hn married Miss Willis.There remains n hope that the report U

a mistake.

vine Job Printing at thi DulletlnOfficii.


lo MM III ;



He takes Oath of Office

In House of Repre-




W &1ZZ!.

Large Sam for Veterans of OitUml.-.-Democrats Reiuse to Vote-ja-


on Express Receipts Knock-

ed Out.

VWashington, Dec. 15. Robert

tho Deli gate from Hawaii, wassworn in after the approval of the Jour-nal lu the House today, Wilcox wtescorted to the bar of the House byPerea. the Delegate front New Mexico.

The House today passed tho way,revenue reduction bill. The oppositionsought to recommit the bill with In- - ,

structlons to report back a measure rv''duclng the revenue at least 170,000,000and Including u provision for an lncontutax ro drawn ns to escape an adverxedecision of the Supremo Court. Themotion failed 131 to 155. Therenpo-- i

the bill was passed without, tho concurrence of the minority, who refralneJfrom voting. The amendment placedIn tho bill yesterday to tax. express receipts was defeated on an aye and dovote In tho House 125 to 139. The pension appropriation bill carrying $Uj,- - t145,230 was passed In exactly thirteenminutes.



W. A. Kinney waa arguing for defen-

dant in Chrlstley vs. Magoon before theSupreme Court this forenoon. E. D.McCIanahan will follow on the sameside. P. M. Hatch will probably have.tho last word for the plaintiff. It 1

expected tho hearing will last throughtomorrow.

S. Kukuda by his attorney, Lyle .X.Dickey, gives John II. Wilson et ntuntil January 2D to answer bis com-

plaint.W. O. Smith, guardian of Margaret Ti.

Hitchcock, n minor, petitions for al-

lowance of his accounts and discbarge,also that he may be ordered to deliverthe property over to tho guardian ap-

pointed in California, where the minorhas gone to live. Ills receipts areJ HI 8.30 and payments $2842.41, leavinga balance ot fl575.S3. The petitionerwas appointed guardian by the will ufAlice F. Hitchcock, adoptive mothirof tho minor, on November 11, 1895, thototal estate ot tho minor at that timebeing $3000 bequeathed to her Tjy saT3

will. The property now In the guar-dian's hands consists of $1300 In bondsand tho cash balance above stated,making altogether $2876 89. This show-

ing, after maintenance nnd schooling otthe wnrd. Is a very good one.

James II. Hakunlc, Japanese Inter-preter, and LI Cheung, Chlneso Inter-preter, have gone to Hllo to attend thoFourth Circuit Court term. Judge Lit-

tle presiding.



We have Enough Ties In stock tosuply all the

Ladies ef Henlili.

Thee SLIPPERS arelnVlclKM and Patent Leather, and ofthe LATEST EASTERN FASH-

IONS. Thev are, without theleast bit of exageratlon, the mostStylish Line of SLIPPERS ever

placed on Sale In Honolulu.

They are on exhibition In out 'lart' window.

Prices Range From$1.80 to T.er''








-- 1

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--




IK-- -




Mmummm r

r fm?LMTaVJ?fp, BLOW

tMotaeewouSeaChristmas Presents !


Olovun, Howlory, UllihotiM, PinoNoclcwunr, Mtlk.tMd Unco PImIuim,Silk WnlwtM, Milk Hhlrtw, Opuw

Clonkn, HiiiiU Pfiliitucl CiimIiIomm,Silver NtckN(iulcMt l(iriiNolM,


Phone 157


SHREVE & CO.,Tn fnrlllfotn trarin vulth hn Uuvnllan Iclanrlc uilll rlotlimn all rrnnAc

"purchased or ordered of them, free ofUamc.Ii In sn a t i rm t n rr Pima in Cifinu.iuiuiu, ui .'selection to tnose Known io ine nrm,references In San Francisco.

Jewelers, Gold and Silverware Manufacturers,Mnrkct Cr Pont

Illustrated CATALOGUE and price,the largest manuiactory or Jtweiry ana silverware west oj New YotKprepired Io turnlsh special design..

fiitero&l Directory.


I. 0. O. FMeets every" Monday evening at 7:30

ta Harmony Hall, Kins Btreet.L. II. DEE. N. O.E. H. HENDRY, Secretary.

All visiting brothers very cordiallyInvited.

MYSTIC LODGE, NO. 2, K. of P.'Meets ev.ry Wednesday evening at

'1:30 o'clock, Castle Hall, fort street.Visiting brothers cordially Invited toattend. S. J. SALTEK, C. C.

A. E. MURPHY. K. R. S.


R. A. M.

Meets every third Thursday eveningIn Masonic Temple. All visiting com- -.

yanions cordially invited.A. r. Q1LFILLAN, H. P.

3. D. TUCKER, Secretary.


Meets In Masonic Temple on the secend Thursday evening of each month.All' visiting Sir Knights courteouslytaTlted.


J. D. TUCKER, Recorder.

OAHU LODOE, NO. 1, It of F.Meets every Friday evening nt their

Castle Hall, 420& Fort street at 7:30.Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2 ,andjrUltlng brothers, cordially Invited.


K. or R. and S.


No. 1, A. & A. S. R.

Meets the first Thursday In eachmonth, at Masonic Temple. Sojourn-ing and visiting brothers cordially in-

vited to attend ,all meetings.W. M., FRANK B. AUERDACH.



HO. 124, A. & A. S. Rite.Stated meetings on the lasf Monday

tf each month, In Its hall, MasonicItaaple.

C. M. WHITE, W. M.

M. B. FRIEL, Secretary.


j F. & A. M.

Stated meetings, first Monday each,month. Special meetings, when called(will be noted in this space.)

Members Lodge Le Progres, PacificLodge, and all sojourning brethren

ordlally invited.J. M. OAT, W. M.

K. R. O. WALLACE, Secretary.

BE COOL"Put in one of our

Electric- -

Fan MotorsA large shipment of Fans direct

current for use on eitherdesk or celling.


Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.

Office: 46 Merchant St.

DistilledWaterIce Delivered Free

To uny part of the city

Oahu Ice andElectric Co.,


iWorks kw.i:.:.,Tel.. lui'HlUe: T.'CVUox Coo,

-- Iff wilt he delivered bv courteousLrt I vers to any part of oreinlses uesireu.


Phone IS7

San Francisco,all charges for transportation to

Unonrtlrn. fArlr. 111 I. ntl amla.H.iouu. uoouo mi, uC wu unor wnowin iiirnisn satisiactory

8tn., S. P.furnished upon receipt of request We have

City, and are

Q. What Is Champagne?

A. It Is

Moet &Chandon



N. B. The accuracy of this answer is endorsed dv connoisseursthe world over.


Sole agents :

For Territory of Hawaii,


Real Estateand InvestmcntH

Merchant Street, Opposite Post Office

For Lease.$150 per yeir: Two acres- - of fine land

In Manoa Valley, suitable for ahouse lot. Lease to run twentyyears

900 VVAIKIKI : Two Rood beach lotson 20 year leases at this very lowrental.

For Sale.

$250 and upwards : Lots In KaplolanlPark, gooj location, easy terms.

$3500 Good house and lot on AnapunlStreet, Maklkl District, at thisremarkably reasonable figure.

$3000 PALAMA: Large lot, location v--


Honolulu T

. SteamBBS Laundry


.FROM THE HAST- -We have largely Increased our plant,

machlnerv. etc . and have brought fromthe East an able corps of experienced laundry workers. OUK METHODS I HbLATEST, OUR WORKS THE BEST.

Washing Flannels Oar Specialty I


SmokersHave Some StyleAbont You

For New YearAnd Don'tForget

Your Smoking Friends

II. J, ISOLTU has on view at theB CAVE It RESTAURANT the

Finest Looking

Meerschaum Pipes,

Cigar Holders, Etc.,you ever saw. Personally selected.All requisites for smokers at prices to

suit everyone.BEST TOUACCO, CIGARS and


fffij BVBNINO itUU.iriitfi


nutvlKT of draft liiltr lin In- -

Oci lx( iiilitmrt on Kp H,

Ofiiil)' Hinnrr tienenil c'atliwirtleft fyr llllii In the Klnnii twlny. V

ianiarn !.., wine ami injunr mrrrhants. Tel, Main HO, Alakcn street

Try 11 Tribune tilricln nml lm convlnecd of their cny rlillnu qaulltles.

Vi:i)l)IN(l BTAT10N15UV, KimrntnlCnl'il", IIiiiImikhIiir.


A small black boric has atrtoed orbeen stolen. Sco Lost column on pane8.

llily n lint (or New Year's nt MImKlltenira. Illegan millinery at lowest


The baiul comcrt on the Capitolgrounds (.'lirlstinns tiny princd a great of


Nicely furnlnlieit rooms at thb Pop-


House, 151 Tort street, from $1.00per week up.

Scaled tenders will lie leeched finthe bullilliiB of n bridge. Sec Ily Au-

thority column.

The Oils and Sycamore have captur- - Ised Honolulu, 1 ho Walker Clclcry .ireaRcuts, KIhr street.

The bark Allien Hesse. laden with,, , rIrirci, from Sinrrnnciscoontheiitiiinst.

Tho newspaper bo) n all had a holidayyestirday. There were no papers In

tho afternoon and none this morning.A New Year's greeting to everybody

with sincere thanks for past patronageappears In V. V. Dlmond & Co.'s spneo


Lowers & Cooke are In good timewith their valuable annual gift to liunymen. Their calendar and memorandumbook for 1901 Is a beauty.

Among the lato arrhals at San Francisco wcro tho bark Martha Davis andtho barkentlnc S. O. Wilder, both from1

Honolulu on the 11th Inst.

The many friends of V. F. Sabln oftho reportorlal staff of tho Advertiserare congratulating him upon the ar-- jrival of it lino daughter In the family.

cigars tunc proed nnIKnmchamcha says David Lawrence.The only tioublo ho has with them Is

that ho can't get them here fast enough.

If thero Is anything wiong with yourKodak or camera, tako It around to therepair shops of the HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. they will make isnew for you.

Now Year's Day will bo tho occasionfor many another good dinner. Youshould bo sure to order your .groceries

and delicacies from Salter & Walt)'.telephono C80.

Tho first session of tho IndependentHome Rule party's charter commlttcoof thirty will bo held In tho Fosterblock this evening. Officers will boelected and appointed.


Among the passengers by the City ofPeking for the Coast )csterday wubMIki? Le Clalro who has, through

singing, given so much pleasure to tho theater going people of thecity.

Thoso wishing reliable horses, experienced drivers, new rigs, fair pricesand courteous treatment should call attho Territory Stables. Their telephononumber Is Main 35. They deliver andcall for rigs free of charge.

Camarlnos receives for his refrigerators all tho California fruitB of the sea-

son by every cold storage steamer. He

always has on hand a stock of freshapples, grapes, oranges, etc. Send yourorders by phone, No. Main 378.

We are tho headquarters for "Wash-burn" mandolins and guitars. Ourprices aro positively the cheapest of-

fered In this city. Also agents for thefamous "Martin" guitars and "Maurer"mandolins. The Bergstrom Music Co.,Ltd.

Alexander Young left for San FranCisco In the City of Peking on mcountof the death of T. W. Percy, the atchltect who was employed by him to drawtho plans tor his big building. Mr.Young will get back to Honolulu asquickly as possible.

Thero wero a large number of people prcsont at Christmas dinner at theHawaiian hotel. The,' Quintet Club ofnative singers was present to furnishmusic. Manager Allen had tho hottlbeautifully decorated for the occasionand good cheer reigned on every side.


Wailuku, Dec. 22. Carl Waldeyer,the mining engineer In chargo of thetunnel being dug In Iao valley for theWailuku Sugar Company, has broughtfrom the Coast six miners, who nnlvedlr Wailuku this week per schoonerMedia Nelson. Tho new arrivals willbo employed by Mr. Waldeyer In dig-

ging a new tunnel for tho HawaiianCommercial and Sugar Company, thestarting line to be from a point maknlof the Wailuku steel bridge and to runparallel to tho Iao valley stream. Thework will bo commenced about thefirst of next, year when Injunctions, cte.,will bo In order from property holdersalongthe proposed route of tho tunnel.


Lieut. CummlngH u VUltor.Wailuku, Dec. 22. Second Lieuten-

ant Geo. II. CiimmlngH of Co. I goes toHonolulu today to put his sister MolHo at tho Kamehameba Girls' school,


CIIA8. D. WALKER,D.il.n.r .at Bulld.r .1 Hlh-(i- l.

Yachts, Boats mid Launches I

Wcrm, tgiKINIST.?, O, 0' in. "tletbowi

lloto.i.lJI.U, II, i W

11;Si ME WE



Drought io Light by One Of Governor

Gage's Inspectors Fourth Case

Flora One Housj in Wash-

ington Street.

Hacratnrntn, Dee 10. The Hep pulellabrs the following today!

The Inspectors nppolnted under the(loumor'a authority to look a'fter cav

suipected tmhonlo plague in Hun

Francisco Chinatown have nt Listsomething to show for the hundreds

dollars nt the rnto of $10 per day.caih that haxe been paid out of theContagious Disease Fund of the StiloHoard of Health.

Dr. D A. llodgliead. appointed In-

spector by Dr. Wlnslow Anderson, wha

Governor OaKe'" uirlleiilar man on

the State Hoard tlealth, has at last


found n caw ( ;e. reporting It tnrrTIWrt

the San Franrls. o muni of Health a'lli III"suspicious and requiring Investiga-

tion." 'Tho enso Is that of Leo How, who

died at 814 Washington street. 3aii

Francisco. December 7th. or Fridaylast, nfter an Illness of six dajs. Dr.W. 11. Kellogg, the bacteriologist of

tho San Francisco Hoard of Health.Baw the case December fith, tho 'M

before death, and the patient then veryfar gone. SpeclmensAvere taken show-

ing large numbers of plague bacilli.

An autopsy was lipid upon the day of

death and confirmed tfio diagnosis ofplague absolutely. This was n bubocase and not of the pneumonia form.

It Is a significant fact In connection

with thli case that it Is the fourth th.ithas been discovered In the same block

All the cases hnvr resulted In deathThe case. It will be noted, was dli- -

covered and reported by tho Inspectorworking for the Hoard of Health, which

Is at present dominated entirely b)

Governor Gage. Governor Gage has allalong Insisted that there was no plaguoIn San Francrco. and has found nn

words too severe for those have2'Insisted that plaguo existed then


New York, Dec. IB. Before nearly20,000 people. Jammed to every available corner of the great Madison SquareGarden, Harry Elkcs.of alens Falls.N. Y and Flojd McFarland of .San.lose, tho American team, won the slx-da- y

International bicycle rave by a

wheel's length from Burns Pierce ofBoston nnd Archlo McEachern of To-

ronto, the Canadian team. Caesar SI- -

mar of Paris and Jean Gougoltz or

Monto Carlo, the Fiencb team, waa

third, a lap away.. The distance cov- -

led by the wlnneis was 2C2S miles and7 laps, this being 101 miles nnd 7 lapu

behind the record made by Waller andMiller last year.

The use of the Singer In millions of

homes shows tho unprecedented suc-

cess of these Ideal Bowing machine.

It Is convincing proof that the SingerexcelB lnNall klnda of family sewing

and art needle work. All our sewing

machines aro of the best construction,beautifully decorated, nnd are mountedon selected woods in finely finishedcabinets of artistic design. B. Ber- -gersen, agent, 164 Bethel str.




your selection?

Look at Our Stock of Suitable

Articles, such as

Toilet Sets,

Leather Goods,

Perfumery, .

, of a great variety and at

reasonable prices.

Kollister Drug Co


MA fn"fofesriAfi btiQBMmirt 18. jfe

The J


For' --

The JLeast


B cent CIGAR.












They are located on high ground at anelevation of from 200 to 500 feet, affordingunsurpassed scenic and marine views.

Electric Railway and Lighting.The Electric Railway makes access most

easy, and power for lights may be had atmost reasonable rates.

BRUCE(JnrgMBs, PHyslclus nd Dentists.


381 Beretnnla Street.

HOURS-ot- oti SUNDAY-otO- fli to i7to 8 Telephone 602

DR. J. T. WAY80N,Has removed to his new office and resi-

dence, Beretanla St., nearly opposite Me-

thodist Church.OFFICE HOURS

161? TEL. Main 146


lurt-eoeredhl- s office at . . .

36 Emma StreetCo-i- t A.M.1

rOURSM 4 P.M. TELEPHONE: 49J17' 8 P.M. J

1R. E. C.Office and Residence: CornerBeretanla and Mll'er streets.

COrnca Houm iioiia.h.1 to 1 p. M.

r to 1 p.m.SUBDAYS 9 to into. M.


Dr. W. J.Office and Residence: Beretanla and

AJakea streets.Office Hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 2 to 4

p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m.TELEPHONE 204.


BEHETANIA STREET (opposite theHawaiian Hotel.)

Telephone 510. P. O. Box, 501.

Office hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3

, m.;7 to 8 p. m.;Sundays, 8 to 11 a. m.

DR. 1. H.

jhool Street, between Emma and Fort.

Hours: t to 10 a. m 2 to 4 p. n

r 7to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m.


Office for the present with Dr. Anderson,Alakea St. near Hotel.

Office Hours 8:o to4

VC WALL, D. D. S.,O. E. WALL, D. D. S,

Love Building, Fort StreetHours: 2 to 4. Telephone 434.



Plantation Work a Spooialty.12.H1



ITip.. CiLb.thtt, Uli. Ntilv. Mill, Hula Skull,Mlh.u Xt.lt, I .nt, Slt.Ul, St.dt, blc . Moin.ra.a,"l. rrniunlly nn h.n4 Auj

Fine Job Printing at the BulletinOfflc.


4 ooooko'jo4

Miss M. E.


Hotel Ht.


Mince Meat, FreshCranberry Sauce.

Plum Pudding,Cream Fruit Pudding,

Nuts, Raisins,Dates, Pop Corn,x

Figs, Apples,



: : and : :

for- General - Electric - Company









TNew Y6ars



Boilermakers Electricians.

Water.Water will be supplied at the rate of

51 5 per year for each lot, from our PacificHeights Water System. This Is lessthan city rates.

Special Inducement to Bnilders.To all who will begin the erection of

houses within do days, we will makespecial In the matter of trans-portation of building material over ourrailway.

6b CO., ProgressI

This isDo youwawQ ri that Is not


p. Boa ets- -


r, a, box


fv !,


DrcKHitiaklnit. h



PohaCream Chocolate,

& Co., Ltd.





Peel,Hams, Bacon,

Turnips,Cracker?, Cakes,

Tamales, Etc.


Low Prices, Good Terms.Prices of lots range from ftoo to 75

each, according to size and location. Onefourth cash only Is asked. Balance InInstallments at terms to suit purchasers.

Healthful and Cool.The air. Is always cool and We

can this property as beingespecially desirable and attractive to per-sons seeking a location for a homeat a moderate Cost.

Block, Fort Street.

a Day of Imitation!know of any Grade Article

counterfeited ? Look forself and observe the many brewers whoimitate the Pabst trade mark, follow the

Pabst style of label, and adopt the Pabstrshe 'of bottle.Every bottle of the genuine PABST MILWAUKEE BEER bears

..the trade mark1, ''PABST MILWAUKEE," in a circle.' Do notaccept any Other.

sole agents W. C. Peacock & Co. Ltd.


Carriage MakerGeneral Repairing.

Painting, Blacksinitliing, Trimming.Phaetons, Baggies and Hacks Manufactured.


Before Insuring Your Life consult the best companyand secure the best and most liberal policy asIssued by ;


BMMETT MAY, Judd Building.- -

- . , Manager for Hawaii.


In all lines commencing. Saturday, September 39, 1QOO

B.rgalns Grass ClothlemorQiaereaj, ncavy rongee sjik rorauiis or sKiris, etc.




COMMISSION lB3K.OIIA.3TTS.Datlirata Fla. Silk ui Gun Llnu. ChluM o4 JtpuiM Goods ol All flail

' NtiUanUttTHL

ContractorsGeneral Business Agency, All Kinds of Laborers Supplies,

Stone constantly on hand, ready to supp.y.

HAYASHI, Manager,,

:E. 880bib




(various colors),


til a,

P. O, Box 808.

and Builders

Street, near Llllha (EwaHonolulu, T. of. H.


lloJLxi. 215T.Upboas BO

asd Diauh in,


S. SHIMAMOTOGeneral Merchandise, Di-- y Goods. Groceries,

Japanese Provisions, etcMAG00N JILOCK,

O-- Bcs










King side)






. -


Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--



Anno. Brokers irt Jtttof


II, P, IIALDWIN gl)jjJ. II. CA8II.I! lit VkfhllWlfJW. M, ALfc.XAM)LR -- Mid VltfPllaiiwij. I'. Cookp ....TrtiwrW. O. SMITH Secretary and Atom



i jr




The SACHS- -




taa feS-:S-S

Have the mostElegant Displayof Holiday Novelties .

Ever Brought toHonolulu and, forthe convenience ofShoppers, their storewill remain openEvery Evening upto ChristmasEve.


W fff

N. Sachs Dry Goods Go.

Jobbers and Retailers.


Capital Stock - - - $100,000.

Capital, paid up,"" - $48,860


W. O. Aehl President 'A ManagerM. K. Nkuln.... PresidentJ. Makalnai .TreasurerEnoch Johnaon...,. SecretaryGeo. L. Deaha - Auditor


Jonah Kumalae,J. Makalnai

J. W. BIplkane.

The bovo Company will bny, lean,or hII lanii In all mrta of the HawaiianIslands; and also hsa houaee In tho Cityor Honolulu ror rent. ib-- t j

W. G. ACHI & CO.

Brokers k Dealers

REALjEsjATEtW We will Bay or ball Baal Estate la

ill parts 0! tha group.or WewtU BallFropartUa

tbleOommlsaloiiaf .

OFFICE. 10 West Kiwq Street


Real Estate Broker.



Property In town and suburbs



Real Estate AgentAbstractor andSearcher ol Title

Loans negotiatedRants collected.

Campbell Building,Merchant street.


Pantheon Shaving Parlor"


Hot and Cold DutliH, SScts.Mrs. D. W. Roach C. A. Rldlngcr

JarnesPlunu Tunar.

40 vears referencesAll kinds of Instruments Tunedand Repaired.


practice, If desired.Musical

Office with the HawaiianIron Fence and Monument C, IWto 180

Tel., 654.KM. uccioentai Hotel.

82.3m Lincoln Block





J. J. WILLIAMS,Photographer.



Visitors are cordially Invited ticall and oar 'gallery of lift'size royal from Kamehamehli to date.

At the Old StandBtreot ::

Just Receiveda New Lot of .

Key WestDomestic .

Cigars !

Beaver Lunch Rooms.H. J. NOLTE.





We MEET tho'Cut andHo It

" "one better, i

X OFFr-rrr- SC '


m :JA OFF'until further notice.


P. O. Boi ?) Iil.nl Cori.tpondmc. Soltch.d.



Have removed from Mrs. Williams'Undertaking Priors to the CORNER

OF CHAPLAIN LANE, opposlje the

Catholic Mission, Fort St., and would

be pleased to meet their old customers.



G. A. fiROTE

Merchant -:- - TailorsCLOTHING

Cleaned and RepairedOUR SPECIALTY.

First cuss work guarantkllUnion St. near Hotel 1500

- ,

$1. Of Iflffl


Severe Fighting That Re

calls Early Days of

the War,



Clements Found Himself in a Tra- p-Pulled Out With 700 Men-S- aved

Guns and


London', Dec. 17. Tho Mngnllcsborg

affair Is thus described In a dispatch totho Standard from Heltfonteln: "Thescono of tho engagement was a

depression. Thooccupied the center. GcM

eral Clements' innip was pltcheil 1000

'yards lower dawn ,at the eastern pointof tho horscskou and Colonel Lcgge'scamp was about 300 j;arJ distant.

"Ocncral Uelarty's 1D05 men, agalnatwhom Oeneral Clements had foughtrepeated actions, wcro suddenly, unknown to General' Clements, reinforcedby 3000 from Warm Haths under Com-

mandant IJoyers. At daybreak ColonelLeggo's pickets descried what scemudto be a fresh force uf British troopsthirty yards distant. Tho strangerswero challenged. They replied with avolley, revealing 400 Uoers In khaki.Tho firing became heavy and the noiwaroused Colonel Legge's troops, who

arrived Just In time to save the out-

posts from capture. A furious engage-

ment ensued. Artillery was broughtup and compelled tho IJoerB to retire.Colonel Legge followed up tho with-

drawal, but was Bhot dead by a bulletthrough tho head.

Qeneral Clements and his staff soon

arrived. The staff Buffered severely,but Ocneral.Clcmenta appeared to havea charmed life. Wlillo mounted menwere driving the enemy back along a

slope covered thfckly with dead Uoerj.

a deafening rifle fire suddenly brokeout on tho plateau above. The sig-

nallers hcllographed that thowcro being attacked. Gen-

eral Clements, convinced that theywould easily bold their own, disposed

the remainder qf his forces on tho

flanks and rear of. his two camps.

"At 4:30 a. m! a heliograph from thowestern peak announced that tho Doersworo nbcufto overwhelm the Fusllecrn.General Clcmcnts'wns unablo to sendadequate help, but dispatched Yeoman-ry to climb the hlllMdo and creato n di-

version. Before tho Yeomanry couldcome Into action tho Boers' had over

lapped the Northumbcrlands and wero

In possession of tho entire horseshn)-- ,

Hying down on the Yeomanry, entangled by the bushed and bowlders.. TheNorthumberlandklnade 'a mngnlflccru

defense as long aa their ammunitionlasted. According to Doer accounts,

many, even when resistance was hope-

less, died fighting.

"General Clements, now left with 700

men, made superhuman efforts againsttho bullets of the Boers pouring overthe peaks nnd managed to Bavo hisguns and camp equipment. He retire!In splendid order and at 4 p. m. starteto march to ifeltfonteln. fighting n

rearguard action all trjo way nnd ar-

riving the next day at 4 a. m."

Lord Mcthucn, 'nccordlng to anotherdispatch from Lord Kitchener, dntedyesterday, attacked nnd captured n

nocr laager near Llchtcnberg. Decem-

ber 14th, securing 'largo supplies of

cattlo and sheep and a considerablequnntlty nt ammunition.

A further dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated rretona, Docc,muer 11.111,

says that Lord Methucn has officially

confirmed the report of the death of

General Lemmcr, tho Boer commander.Lorn Kitchener's message to the War

Office Is as follows:"Pretoria, Dec. 14,' Clements brought

In his force to Command Nek unoppos-

ed. The casualties were, I regret tosay heavy. Killed five officers nn.1

nine of other ranks. Missing 18 off-

icers nnd ff5 of other ranKs,

"These latter wcro four companiesof the Northumberland Fusiliers who

were Btntloned on tho hill. and somo

Yeomanry ,and others details sent up tisupport them. Names nnd nature nf

wounds are being telegraphed fromCape Town." Broadwood's brlgado took no partin the engagement. The Boers auffce--

severely. Knox drovo Do Wet northto the Thabanchu-Ladybran- il lino

which was held by our troops."Do Wet's force, about 3.000 stronp,

mndo several attempts to get througlduring the day assUted by a force nf

Boers operating from tho north, Throw

attacks wero driven back, though some

of the Boerfc from tho Bout! wero nblnto. get through the line,

Wiring later, Dec. 14, Kitchener

reports t lint while pasting tlir In(lie tiFlRliliiirlioixxt lit Thabauchtl l)c

Wet force lost considerably ThoSouth African IIrIiI luirro ntul Tliorn-ryrroft- 's

mounted Infantry captured n

taken nt Dcwrtailiirp. fl

iximpcni nml aetrral waRun with nminnnlUon, 22 prisoners, nml bojip)homes nml mules. A portion of (he

enemy linn not been nble to paisnorth.

The scenes nt the War onieo todayresembled thoio witnessed In the earlystaRca of the war. A constant streamof excited people filled tho Inlihle-i- ,

all seeking details of Hie, reported disaster.



CIIILI)Ili:N'8 worst kok.Cht'dren show symptoms of dlseasn

quicker than grown people, i.'id nroaccordingly easy to treat for nil trou-

bles. The worst foes of children areworms, but their presence can be read-

ily detected nnd speedily removed.When child becomes restless InBleep, picks at Its 11030, grinds Itsteeth, has an Irregular apctlte, Is ner-

vously lirltoble, and has bail breath, ItIs a victim of worms' work. Thcio I

Just one way to treat worms that Isto kill them. Don't wasto tlmo on anyother treatment, and don't wastomoney on any other medicine, forKlcknpoo Indian Worm Killer Is thosafest, surest, promptest and most per-

manent relief from worms, ttobronDrug Co., agents for Klcknpoo IndianRemedies.




Shows Why Treaty

Should be Amended British Are

'Preposterous Monroe


Chicago, Dec. 14. In regard to tabcontroversy over tho meaning and Jus-

tification of the Davis amendment to the treaty II.II. Kohlsaat, editor of the Tlmcs-Hcr-al-

today makes public a private let-

ter ho received from the late SenatorCushman K. Davis. The letter bearsdato "Committee on Foreign Relation!,United States Senate, Washington, D.C, March 12, 1900," and UJn part usfollows:

Tho amendment has this cbpeclal ad-

vantage that It was phrased as nearlyas possible In tho language of tho tentharticle of the' treaty 'of ConstantinopleTherefore this amendment, so adjustedto the treaty of Constantinople putsthe British Government In tho positionwhero It must either accept the prin-

ciple of the treaty of Constantinople,which Great Britain herself proposel,or flatly say that the lines of thattreaty which are of advantago to GreatBritain shall stand in our treaty andthat the lines of that treaty which nroto our advantage and may bo disadvantageous to Oreat Britain shull be

obliterated from our treaty. If tincommittee, had framed their amend

ment on different lines, or In differentterms, Qrent Britain could have saidthat wo nad departed from tho treaty ofConstantinople and Introduced new

principles. Sho would not have bencorrect In saying so, but sho would

havo said It. My own object was to

hold her aB closely as possible to herown precedent."

The letter concludes as follows:"Tho possessions of the United Btntes

as to Texas, aro less distant and, as InCalifornia, not much further distant,from tho ports of access of the Nica-

ragua canal than aro the possessionsof Turkey nt the lower end of the RelSea from the port of egress from theSuez cana). Tho Idea, .that tho two sit-

uations aro not Identical In principle,so far ns the necessity of defense Is

concerned, Is simply preposterous."Article 1G of the treaty of Constan

tinople binds tho parties toask otherStates which haVo not signed It to ac- -

ccilo to It. This tho United Statescould not do, because to do so would

bo a violation of Its policy as to Euro-pean complications, steadily adheredto slnco Washington's farewell nddreu.Article 8 and possibly somo other arti-

cles In the treaty of Constantinople,binds the signatory powers to watchover the execution of tho treaty. To do

this would brine tho United 8tntwithin the concert of Europe as an ac-

tive, participating and possiblypower. Thnt which we cannot

do aB to Europe thotreaty Invites the European powers to

do ns to the western hemisphere, Intro-ducing them as parties in control undorcertain contingencies and nil In viola-

tion of tho Monroe doctrine.


Philadelphia. Dec. Ifi. It Is authori-tatively stated that thn formation Inthis city of n now Independent miKtrrefining company Is contemplated.Among thoso likely to be Interested In

W. W. llnrrlson, said to bo nun nf themost expert sugar-innLe- In tho couu- -

I try.

BbitoLeLAv jusimihimi.


HAWAIIAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd.,Comer .Mtirelnmt unci Nimnmi HIh.(

iiImo ItOTUU ST., onpoMtlu Hutliul.

w; More Suitable 'Xmas Presentthan one of those Handsome "UP TODATE" I'lectrlc I'l.tno or Reading

Lamps. We li.tve si Complete nnd H.tnJ-som- e

Line of

ElcctpntlerH,UrncketH,SlmdcH,GIoIich, Etc,



The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.Office and Salesroom,

Alakea St., Mai of Merchant St.

P. O. BOX 144. "PlIONb" )0O.

Honolulu lobacco Co.,Comer of Fort and Hotel Streets.


Jut Arrived ex. Zeulantlla !






Owl Club Cigars,Celebrated Hotel Brunswick Cigars.

fNew year iuuNew Goods, Latest Designs,


Jewel Cases, Traveling Cases.Tobacco Boxes, Etc. Military Brushes.



. A. H. OTIS. Von Holt Block, King Street. 0. A. Bierback.



Roger & Gallet's, Plnaud's,Atkinson's, Rlcksecker's,

and other makes, at Reduced Prices.

Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd.,' Fort and Hotel 8ts.


3-JCons- WANTS in To-dav- 's BulicunS-f- e

iMIinl" atiliriili

Sugar Factors and

-- CoMMissiM Agifte


Hawaiian Commercial & Sur C$OI.1.1 Sugar Co,Haiku Sugar Co.Pala Plantation Company.rsalilkii bujjat tympany.Kllicl Plantation Co.Hawaiian Stjg.it Co,Kahulul RalltoaJ Company,


The California and Orieatal S. 1 P.

V. G. Irwin & 60.



Western Sugar Hennery Co., of BaalFrancisco.

Baldwin Locomotlvo Worka, atf -

Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Co. (NaUoM

Cane Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical FtrOaV

zers. -

Alex. Cross &Sons, high gTad. JTMtlllzers for Cabo and Coffee. .

need's Steam Pipe Covering.ALSO OFFEil FOB SALE

Paramnc Paint Co.'s P. & 11.

and Papers; Lucol and LIbmOils, raw and boiled.

Indurlne (a cold-wat- paint),white and colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement,and Bricks.


h01yojL.Tjr.iU.Commission Merchant!


Tk. twt Pl.ontKx Co.rti. w.l.la. AnkolSr.l C... L aTh. Kehal. Surii C.n. w.i.b.. sutit inn c.Tk. Kol.a Aitlnlnii it CTk. Fellon lri Wort., St. ImH, aV.Tk. Suat.rd Oil C.Tk. bo. F. BUH S4a Paapa.Wutoa. Catrtfur.l..

Tk. Mr Eoil.nl Uf. tuaraMCt. BmTb. iCtaa Flra I... C .1 HalttMt, ItsTk. AIIImc. Aimhw Q l.a.o,

Win. G. Irwin & Ct,(UMRB).

Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Maaaaa

W. M. Olffard ..Becond Vice PrtalcVaak fH. M. Whitney Jr. .... Troaa. a 9m.Geo. J. Boaa AuUtm

&xuut jFtmoto:

Jommisgion Aeontftvaaaam o n



TboTonHBmm-Toni- e CajLtl

Impoptepts andCommissionMerchants.


Lancashire Insurance Co.The Balolse Insurance Co.Union Gas Engine Co.Domestic Sewing Macb ne, Mta.

BREWER CO., Lfl.,Qawa itw.1. Ho ll N.I

Afgontm torH.w.ii.b Atrlcultur.1 Coaar, Aautiaaa tsaaCoay. Oofcii. Sotu Piut. Co., naisiitaSrCo.. Hoooau Sua u Co., Witlafca Sum C.Smu Co . H.i.aTui. tUKk Co., aMokvlKwiakw.

PlaotM a Lto. S.n iikoPocM kaa. .

ft Co.'a Liu of BoDga PaktaLIST OF OFFICERS

O. M. Cooke, Praaldenti QoraRobertsou, Manager K. F. BUtanTreaaurar and Secretary) Ool. W. iAllen, Audit ir; P. a Jonaa, H. Waaaavliouaa, Geo. R, Carter. Directors.


aaaaaa I rfeSaaaaaV WTF f lM LB H?K

I Wlmk Reaping the grain I 1

lfcliiWYS)rvfa5B from whith ,he world renowned Cyru$ I iWLWlK WfJ iffH Noble whiskey-iidijtilled-. J

P llM mfr)jjm Nolhin but (he fin"f ' COm ' I MImBBBBBBaiViJ rv'' 'I WwuffiM tythwA. H $1

aaaaaaaWWaa'l(l l wWR N XP(nSe IS WtA '" li$ disti,ldlion I. ,

vKmlw Ww frXWk That i$ why il l,as bccn thc ltader a" ovcr I mEww J wwASk e wor'd 'or over Jeven,y y"1-5-,

r-- mmlWM ,'Jmi (( WA I wHlii iaBBBBaaml II S. .iv vmk In wnnrl hefnre bofllinfl. ,H $M

mWEIAW ?yiw' --JiWriM II i ntir and honest. JtiS

WJBL l9 A fireat aid to .digestion. '"'iIIa5l wwi AJ'ltM An idea' aPPeti"r "

. .1

W. E. PEACOCK & CO., LTD ., Sole AeV ;Jlii iiifiilililiiiWil




Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--



FililIsM IHrr 0r nn-l'-t Atihilsr.at tit KlttK Bitrtl, Uiihulilld.

T (it II , lr the


Knitted at the Tout OnU-- at lldliii.lulu a second rims matter

HUiiHCitiiTioN uati:b.fer mnnlli, anywhere In U. 8. ..$ .75

fr year t.00Per year, postpaid, foreign 13 00

Faysblo Invariably In adranct." " ... .

Tslcphono ...;&0Pott OlDcc Dor. 718'' ii

WKi)Ni:ai)AY t)i:ci:.Miii:ii :c. inoo

Congressman llltt ought to mako altIdeal Rccrotar) of State III lung rvtvice nil chntrmnn of the IIohfo Comtnlttee on Foreign llelntlons has p.Uhim In close touch with the detail ofour dealings with foreign powers. Thisservice ousSt also to iirmirn Hint hunilmlnlatratlon of tho .State ilcpartiueniwill bo in line with the prevailing sen-timents of the people.

Having lamleil tho deserting l'orioltlc.in laboren In tlio Sau l'rjnclacopoorhoute whert they are dependentupon cbarlt), the Hxamtner doulitlctjconsiders Itself entitled to another Im'oand an assured seat on the throne.Compare the condition of these home-less nnndcrcrs with that of their fel-

low trailers now comfortably housedIn llanalll and It is not difficult forhonest men to draw posthe conclusionsas to the honesty of purpose withwhich tho "rescuers" are at work.

Under the refining American In-

fluence of the United States Senate, Hi"treaty Is fast begin- -'

nln to take shape worthy of the Am-erican nation This treaty as It camefrom Secretary Hay exemplified thoh)pnotlc Influence that the Hrltlshcourt sometimes exercises over oursecretaries of state, more particularlythose who hae scned a term as Am-

erican Ambassador to England. Mr.liny Is unquestionably one of the ablestdiplomats eer called to a 1'resldentljlcabinet, but when he framed the canaltreaty he showed a woeful dUcrgcnia

, from American traditions as well asfailure to appreciate the temper of pub-- V

He opinion..

mTho open letter of II. N. Iloyd pub-

lished in anothe'r column putR tho sentiment of tho Home Ilulo party In ter?eand exact terms. Mr. Iloyd was and1s one of the prominent leaders in theIndependent moement and thereforeIn a position to know exactl what hoIs talking about when outlining thoprincipal factor that made the canvassof his party a success. Tho constanteffort made by Mr. Dlshop and othersto belittle the effect of the Dole

in the local elections Isreally amusing and whllo a few of thoWashington Star readers may be mlj-le- d

the Senators and Congressmenwhose opinion Is worth anything knewat the (Ime of the appointment that thePresident by this net clinched the de-

feat of his own party In this Territory.


(Continued from page 1.)

the territories wost of tho RockySlountalns, "the United States govern-ment was the only one which couldimpose laws upon them, and Its sover-eignty over them was complete." Inthe course of bis argument In thisconnection Mr, Griggs asserted that"international law declares that thonew sovereign may deal with tho In-

habitants of conquered or ceded terri-tory and ghe them such laws as It

ees fit."Mr. Griggs gao considerable atten-

tion to the views of Thomas Jeffersonon the power of the United States toacqulro territory. An examination ofhis writings and of his whole courseof action with rcierenco to the Lou-isiana purchase, and especially withreference to tho constitutional ques-tion, he said, shows conclusively thatMr. Jefferson's doubt was not with ref-erence to tho power of tho UnitedStates to acquire territory, but rathoras to the right to annex It to nnjjnaioIt a part of tho United States. Liberalextracts wero also made from tho an-

nals of Congress to show that the onlvdoubt In the minds of members of Con-gress In connection with the acqui-sition of Louisiana was the right toattach It and mako It a part of theUnited States. Referring to thodoubts of Jefferson, Madison and vari-ous others of their ttmo as to thepower to bring acquired territory Intothe union, Mr, Griggs said that powerhad now been affirmed by the judici-ary, and he quoted numerous opinionsIn support of tuo statement.

He contended also that "tho conced-- c

power to acquire territory by treatyor by conquest Includes tho rlxht toprescribe what terms the UnitedStates will agree to in fixing the futurestatus of its inhabitants," and In support of this contention said:

"Tho political status of native In-

dian tribes within territory acquiredby the United States by treatv hasbeen uniformly regarded as unnffectedb'y the cession, a long line of specialtreaties with such tribes, and numer-ous acts of legislation by Congress onthe sublect of Indians and Indianrights show that theso people havealwavs been regarded as quasi foreign"

Ho asserted that "tho treatv makingKpower of the governmont lias oxerclseditho rUht to deal with the status of thellnhaldtants of ceded territory In ovorvtreaty of cession from 1903 to 1808."

The status fixed, ho sold, has not!oeen uniform, hut exceedingly

He then proceodrd to nrgun that.his tiraetlce Is enlifnlv At variancelth tho doctrlno that "tho constltu- -



mwm 11 ." gM lhl fthl'tlMlUU tllTllimT ma w He mm

KM the IlllHlill.tiU linfTiKTTAlalt- Urn.

JUS itppTTe ttM M4HCIM ill HidrnilW HIAlMi If thrtl ildrlrlti.- - Wi W MIDI

hnwitfel i m isihU i h( hoit inhnlil1 ,oi. Its UnlniK.1 in ills imperl .

l.fllirtplf nf tin ri.tirtnntl.in It ii.lifid nf mot and IHIlfimtlmi IhmnnnJffWfll, JnWM Mftdlunn Jsin. Minima, Jntse K i'nil I'mnllm I'lneeAHilfMr Jnlilmi.ii Ihr-l- r mlillU'ln niultlw Hwmlf lliai rntlflMl their In itlts.' AtKHlur ihu inrtnt h said.

"If CoiiKriim may itnprlr itediipHm rlAMi'slif FttitKrntit or aboriginalInlintiltMit wlm may le nine rllltrtisnnd itn proper perl! nf probationn nil the terms mid cniidillnns of ndmlsslim, r Is It iinrennonnlile or unjustIn leave their Jiidiiment nnd dlsirelliui'(i tltiie, the terms and rondlltons uponwhich tho Intinlillattls of lately ncquired foreign Islands may he admit-li- d

to the hi inn nigh rlntus?"Arc- the United Mate o bound nml

tied by this constitution of ours thatIt ran never ncqulro nn Island of thesen, n belt nrros tho Isthmus, n sin-Ho-

for n naval base, unless It be ntthe roM of admitting those who ninvhnppen to inhabit the soil nt tho timeol the purrhase to full rights ns rltltons of the union, no matter how

or unfit they may lie, whilethe foreign born Inhabitant or thenliorlKlnnl red ninn must depend uponthe grace of ugress. though hedwelt half k re- - v among its? natcnson nn ' :kpIpi for doming

to thl n.Uti full power nnd ills-- rctlon ns :u .sessed jr other nations In thlsn f Whv'should the'rnmers of the constitution have wish"d to put shsi-kle- s on the n.itlonalHmln or to strip tho tuition of powersnecessary to the preservation of Itsllgnltv nnd tho maintenance of Itsmaterlnl Intel usts on nn equality withthe nations of the earth

"The full exercise of these ordinarynowers lends to the exaltation of thodignity, Inftuomo nnd welfare of thenntlon. These powers are Inconsist-ent with no principle of personal lib-"rt-

Whv setk to needlessly limitnnd restrain the national functions?Whv not rather, with tho same large-ness of view and purpose that charac-terized such statesmen ns Jeffersonnnd Kinrshall, seek bv liberal Interpretation to give iiroad nnd nmple scopeto tho spirit of national developmentlooking forward, ns Marshall expressedt, iu tho ages to come, when newer,

grnnder nnd moie potential opportu-nities for nntlim.il growth nnd Infliionce should have come to us than ourratners over dreamed of? '

Mr Griggs laid it down as n focthat "administratis constructive con-

gressional and Judicial precedent allatllrni that under our revenue laws"very port In n ceded country Is to be'egnrneu ns a rorelgn one until such'nws nre expressly extended by Con-gress to tho new possessions." and ho"avn verv complete citations of proceedings tinner tneso heads In sup-port of his contention.

In this connection ho quoted thoelnuse In the thirteenth amendment.Rnjlng that slavery shall not exist In'ho United States "or any place, sublect to tnclr Jurisdiction," and commentlng upon It, sniu:

-- ..e clear significance of this language is that there may bo territorypertaining to and under tho lurlsillr.lion of tho United States which Is nota part of tho United States, and towhich tho constitution of thp llnltn.iStates does not apply unless It 'bo ex- -

pressij inaua to apply thereto, as Inmo case of slavery.

Mr. Griggs then went nt lenclli Intothe claim that the constitutional Inusowhich provides that "duties. Impostsnnd excises shall bo uniform througn-ou- t

tho United Stntoi." prohibits Im-position of duties in tho cases beforetho court.

"That clause.' ho said, "does not ap-ply to nor govern these enses, be-cause tho term 'United States' ns thereused means only the territory com-prised within the several states of theunion nnd was Intended only for theirbenefit nnd protection and not for thooencflt and protection of outside ter-ritory belonging to tho nation; In thelatter sense duties on Imports fromtheso Islands wero uniform througn- -

out tho United States, becauso theynre uniformly Imposed at every portin mo united States, so that there Isno preference given to tho ports ofono state over those of another, noris tnero nny inequality between theseveral states created."

Tho attorney general argues for asharp delineation between tho rightsof the peoplo nf tho states and thoseof our Immed ito territories, sayingmat an tne n itnorlty or tho UnitedStates Is derlv .1 from the peoplo oltho states and not from those of theterritories; that tho peoplo of tho ter-ritories ianot share or contribute tothat authority, as they are deprived oltho right to elect officials, etc.

Tho purpose of tho constitutionalprovision for bulforralty was that nfinsuring equall) fair treatment to niltho states by CongresB, and It wasknown to bo ono of tho guaranteesheld out to tho states to accept thoconstitution. It was not a personalbut a local guaranty, operating not 'bprlvllego to Individuals but to statesconsidered as organized constituentsof the union. Hence, he arguedrea-son- s

for applying It to territories arowanting . .

"Tho last feature of the argumentwas a contention that the constitutiondoes not extend of Its own force overacquired territory, and In this connection tho attorney general sought torefute the doctrlno as laid down byChief Justice Tatiey In tho Dred Scottcase, that tho United States could notacquire territory for any other pur-pos- o

than to convert it Into states nfthe union, "Tho doctrine of ex pro-prl- o

vlgoro extension of tho constitution wns never heard of," he said,until It was invented and advocated

by Calhoun as a means of fasteningslavery upon California and New Mexico beyond tho power of Congress touisturb or abolish It. It was In confllct with all previous views of statesmen of all parties and opposed to thocompact In tho ordlnanco or 1787, aswell as to tho act of Congress knownas tho Missouri Compromise."

The doctrine announced In the DredScott decision was, said Mr. Griggs,not original with Chief Justice Taney,but was originated by ohn C. Calhounand pronounced by nlm during ho dis-cussion of the Wilmo proviso of 1847.

This doctrine had been tncltly ig-nored and repudiated In later opinionsnnd in congressional nctlon, to saynothing of tlo effect upon It of theresult of tho civil wnr. Indeed, saidtho attorney general, In tho languageof Professor I'omeroy, tho Dred Brottdecision had become a byword and ahissing.

In conclusion, Mr Griggs submittedthat tho Judgments in tho lower courtBIn both cases violate no constitutionalor other right, and therefore shouldbo affirmed

Sntfc-- ' .

Hit! MVI1NIN0 llUl.l.lMINl HONOLULU. H. I.. WllllNHSnAY WSCMMIIUM art cm


UiiKil lie In 11m llMlmn Imlliim imimwim m i.mn.tcr.i m

i...... IirSMMltl Kir III llH III Mill, wr '"ntifllil of tllliraltsr 1h . Vp ' """' Howell fi r tl,lhlllif Itrnnii fiiiimlftPit nl Hie rnlfnlir,;"r,In thr irt nl Malaga whrfe she wiabout in lake ttfuge from Iho lerrlb'estottit prevailing A number f

the cadets ran rrtn frufit l he shunrllntltiK In Hie rigging. The) lireshouting and slgnnllliig for tirlp. Che

Isplnlti and man) nf Iho rndcls haveb.iii drowmd , ,

It Is believed (hat forty who left Inone of the ship's bulls and have no--


been i seen since, are Inst, Ihe totalloss is now- - thought In bo no less th.in100, Some dlspalrhes say HO, l'nrtof those saved nto litdly hurt.

The training ship l..ts been nl MiU-g- n

since November 1st, practicing withguns nf large chIIIht, She had benpreviously at Megador, Mormro, At10 o'clock this morning n review of thrcadets was In order. Tho wind w.uextremely violent nnd Instructionswere given to stoke up ns rnpldl) .i

pusslb'le Hut nlread) mountainouswaves had struck the ship, snnpplrutho anchor chains She wns drivenhelpless toward the port and sank Tbcrew threw themselves Into the sen nu I

clung to the vviecknge, hut the mnjorlwquickly disappeared Captain Krest'i-mnn- n

died at his post.The Malaga lifeboat made three cf

forts and rescued IS, but the weightcapsized the boat and twelve weiedrowned, The other three wero savedby means, of ropes thrown to them,Tho port authorities saved many of thesailors. The survivors have been re-

ceived at tho hospital, Iho Hotel dVllle and private houses. All the (ho-nte-

in Malaga abandoned their per-

formances this evening.

Tho Orpheum.The Christmas keepers turned out in

strong iWcb'iU the Orpheum last nightand seemed Imbibed with tho spirit lit

tho day as well as the performers, A

most enJoablc program wns present".!and heartily appreciated, tho audiencebeing marked by tho presenco of ,v

good many of the four hundred, Thenew attraction, Jeannettc nnd hertrained cockatoos, was a decided novel-ty and tho clever birds and their train-er caught on most decidedly, tho birdsclimbing oreY their clabroatc npparatuswith agility and apparent zest, Th'jwhite plumagc-- J birds with their Billphur crests, tho plated gymnasia withtheir handsome mistress' made a prettypicture. The number should be nn at-

tractive one for the joungsters on Sat-daj- 's

matinee. Miss Raymond andKurkamp had n big reception and werea llttlo concert by themselves, Kur-

kamp sang, plajed a violin solo nnlaccompanied his wife on trombone,piano nnd drums with equal versatilityand skill. Their diial efforts mafic imost favorablo Impression. Adamssang five songs nnd could havesiingslxor seven Ills first number. Tho Dream.Is extremely dramatic and Is artistic nlly and forcibly given. Llttlo ClaireFex Is winning her way deeper Into thehearts of her audiences with every per-formance, not only Is she a versatlKclever, daintily dressed oung nrtlstobut n very pollto and attarartlve younglady off tho stage with girlish wajs andnn utter absence of the affectednesjthat too often spoils young prodigies.Conlon and Rvdor made tho house tolaugn wun nonsense artistically puttogether and delivered.

Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Iloyd have the;sympathy of the community In the lossof Ihclr joung son on Christmas Kvfrom tho effect of an accident, Mr.Iloyd Is engineer of tho pumping plantut Berctanla and Alnpal streets, a.idlives right alongside the works.' Har-old James, his son namedafter him, fell down a flight of Btepsand broke his .spine. Surgical sk'lllcould not savo the child's life, and hedied Monday as nbovo stated.

This Is No Lead Pift Cinch'.

I am not out torob the publicbut simply to earn a living Ina legitimate way. My mottoIs "HONEST WORK AT HON-

EST PRICES." rI Have Moveif

buslnSs"to ForTSt. opposite the Club Stables,Telephone, White 3571, whereI have In ttoik the followinggoods ; n.

BATH TUBS,enameled Iron and steel .clad,with nlckleVated trimmings ,

alu wood, zinc lined.Water Closets, Wash Out,

and Syphon, jet styles. ,.Sinks of Pressed Steel, both

galvanized and enameled.Lavatories, enameled Iron,

and m.rble with nlckle platedttlmmlngs.

Wash Tiays, enameled Ironwith wood cover.

Slop Sinks, enameled Iron.Hot Water Boilers and Stands

Water Pipe, Faucets and Trim-m'ng-

Galvanized Iron, Gut-ters, Cornices, Stone Pipe, TinRoofing, Etc.

Jobbing Promptly attended to.Estimates Furnished.Work and" Matelals Guaran-

teed.Your Trade Is Solicited.

JaS. Nott, Jr., Sanitary Plumber.

w "

(t'lititltiiinl from ng I )

""""'" """""' " '. V.

Kiinc inniiiKii wi.ii ami iiir iirnppniu i

tut ii had HMtncit (o ilia liny remarkof Hie men Just mentioned, (he nth isweto railed In tittn

The hois were happy In the Inct Ih itCotitlnoilnre llitklry wns with tlmmnnd he was iaIIhI upon to favor lli'titwild a few words, lip said In effectHint he fell highly honored In be a

guett of the mwspipcr men. Hefound them to be a crowd nf good

fellows nml had nlns done what litHe he could In his wa to give themwhat news he might happen to haveHe hail never shown any favoritismnnd perhaps this was the reason whytho newspaper men had alwnvs glvmhim the assurance that he wns theirfriend .Mr. Ileckley said he had hetin working man nil his life nnd tillwas undoubtedly tho reason ho hidsuch a strong feeling of fellowship forthe newspaper men,

Prominent among those present wcr"Messrs. Allan Dunn, the artist nnlwflter, and Mr. Adams of the Orpheii ncomp.inv who sings the "Hump" sotuMr. Dunn favored the bojs with n verywitty speech touching on tho peculiarItles of the newspaper man Mr. Adamswas called on twice and each time, It

wns neccssnry for him to rcspoifii tonn encore, bo well rendered were thesongs he chose to give the bojs.

Mr. Walter I'omroj, the veteranforeman of tho Advertiser, a friend utevery newspaper man nnd one who hnewatched the growth of the newspapirbusiness In this town from the very

small bcglnnlngi to Its present splendid pioportlons, told the bojs of thevvav tho papers were edited In the o'dda)S. Several laughable Incidents wereI elated.

Mr. V. V. Thajer who leccntly leftnewspaper work In this city to enterthe practice of law, told the bos of 111

good feeling for them nnd laughinglyrcmnrkc.d his soriow at having desertedfrom their ranks.

A very appropriate poem wis sent Inby Miss Coren, one of tho ladles now- - ot.the Advertiser staff. II. M, A) res, whoIs now In Illlo, sent In his regrets In

tho nature of a poem filled with hits On

the reporters present at the table. Thieditors of the various papers sent Intheir regrets.

After every man had had his say, theparty left the lanal and went Into thohoiiBo Jo enjoy the music of somo Hawaiian singers. Cigars were indul;--

In by some nnd mnny of the nmnlic.went out fqr a dip in the sea. Notlong afterwards', tho busses were calledand the paity returned to town feeling(hat the night had been most profitablyspent. Whereas mnny of the bojs werostrangers when they sat down at thtuble. they were well acquainted witheach other when Ihcy arose and cverj- -0110 expressed the hope that theiawould be such a happy meeting of thefraternity at each succeeding Christ-mas. 1 hoso present nt the feast were:Messrs, O'llrlen, Sahln, Taylor, Yard-le- y

and Hnlthclzer of the Advertiser;Messrs. Dranson. Haj worth, ConMInand Dankey of the Republican; Messrs.Hcnshnll nnd Kldd ot tho Star andMessrs. Howell and Coney of thBulletin, besides Commodore Reckley,Messrs. Allan Dunn, K. D. Adams andW. W. Thayer.

Tho various committees in charge ofthe feast wish to thank all those whoadded to the comfort and pleasure otthe newspaper men at the first of theirannual celebrations.

Better Home for

Sisters of"

Charityv I

Friends ot the Catholic Sisters at theKallhl receiving station are hopingthat the Hoard of Health will soonranko arrangement for the better ac-

commodation of these noble women.Sometime ago the house In which the

Sisters made their home was condemned us unsanitary. Since that time theSisters have been quartered at the nlodetention camp. Each morning theyhave to walk tp and from the receivingstation. ,.

A gentleman who has always takenan Interest In the welfare ot the Sisters re.raar.ked this morning. "It Is aBhame that these women aro not provided with a better home. They n- -

celvp nothing for their work and de-

vote their lives to the comforts of theunfortunate. There are not many otthem and a small comfortable cottagocould bo put up at the receiving stationat a very small expense. This is tholeast the government can do for them.I know the Health Hoard funds irolow, but I don't believe any citizencan be found who would raise any obJectlon to the expenditure ot money forthis worthy object."

The Y. m. C. A. Paper.The Association Review of the V.

M. C. A. for, December la.out. Its tit!')pago has a Christmas song by J, O.Holland. There Is n portrait of nov. A.U, Cory, with nn account of his trip Intho U. 8. transport I.ogan. A cut ofthat ship is also given. Extracts fromthe talk of I), Wlllaid Lvon, nationalsecretary, to somo of tho Honolulunumbers, nre given along with thatgentleman's porjrnlt, Then there Is nvariety of other Association newi.The usual New Year's reception Is

The Evening DulUUo, 71 wnU prnotk.

I"-- 1 DEM I IEClosing Out.

For the HolidaysiBS)(!S.B'!)i

jFRENCH CHINA ,1 cm Rates.

FINE CUT GLASSAt a discount of 25 per cent from marked prices

Just Opened



Bethel Street, Household Department.


Call and see copies of the OLD MASTERS at theFORT ST. ART



A New Lot just received ex. "MAUNA

t ALA," fitted with either

Wood or Wire Wheels,Solid Rubber Tires,

Folding or Canopy Top,

Also a Full Line of

Trimmed in the Latest Styleswith Green, Russet or Drab.

New Surrcy, Phnotons nnd RoadWagons Just received.

G. SCHUMAN,tttutmsa

it it H i it it it it it it it ii it it it It ,

uue to arrive Bx.



'In Great Variety.

BRAC nt a


Merchant Street,Between FortanJ Alakea Streets.

it ii ii ii ii H ii it


Powder Co,, Angle Lamp Co.,

In Door -Arch

100 to BOO Candle Power,

A Safe and Brilliant Method or Lighting

that you can rely on. Suitable forParlors, Halls, Churches or

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C. W.

CO. Manager.



One 0,000,000) Red


AGENTS FOR Sterling Lubricating Oils,Cement, Cement, GiantDicks Balata Beeting, Roche Harbor Lime, New Home, Sewing J

j macnints, anu nana sewing maenmes.

DBALERS IN Agateware, Glassware, Crockery, Harness,Saddles and Leathers, Rugs, Brass Bedsteads, Trunks, Valises,Matting Safes, Linoleum, Rifles and Shot-gun- s, Powder and Caps,General Hardware and Plantation Supplies. "' '

an it a a an a an ..- -








Thousand (10,000) Barrels Roche

Harbor Lime,

Million Brick.



Frozen Eastern OystersIn Half Shell or In Tins.





Ons Mere Case This Morning Sight of

One Eye Completely Destroy-- .

ed The Oilier


CinniilfitiiM rnn lip lu Aril nn nil rMi

tlirre lnt nliont the ilmiKcruii nlr riiiithnt In liocmnliiK, In Hie linnd o( ninTi

Iiojb. n Krcnt murco of ilmmer In peo-

ple on tho trrU. Tliroo gum (hootwith a grcnt deal of force nml, nuonMone lilt nt slinri range Is Halite to re-

sult. Although a ense of denth hits n i'.yet hern reported, from the stories tintconic In, such n thing Is llnMc to happen nt nny time, l)r, Henry W. How-nn- l,

the tllspcnsnry physician, reportsrive, enses of accidents resulting from '

the nlr gun since yesierilay mornliM.They nro given fn detail below.


Yesterday morning, n Chinaman call-c- il

at tho dispensary nnd reported tinta small hoy, unknown to him, had senta bullet from nn nlr gun into his car.Tho leaden pellet wns removed and tl.fcChlnnmnn went tin Ms way rejoicingIn tha fact thnt his hearing had notbeen destrojed

A little later on, n native girl ap-peared at tho dispensary and said hohad been shot In the cheek. Dr. How-

ard found that(Tio bullet had gone Inquite far and on operation was neces-sary.

A case that might have caused deathwas that of a Portuguese boy from theslopes of Punchbowl who, In expo'l-mcntln- g

with the gun that had be"itgiven hlmifor Christmas and perhapsmistaking It for a piece ot candy, stucktho muzzlo In his mouth. Ills slstorwas standing near nnd she, to assist Inthe fun, pulled the trigger. The. re-

sult was that Hhc bullet went on theoutside of tho teeth ot ho boy's upperJaw, ploughed along for a couple ofInches and then dually lodged deep Intho check. To get this bullet out Itwould bo necessary to cut from the out-

side. Howevtr, this has not been foundnecessary. The doctor sajs that, hadtho bullet gone toward the roof of thimouth, death would surely have re-

sulted.Tho last case yesterday was that of

another Portuguese Boy who got aGullet In hie hajid. His brother stoodthree feet away from him and pull'dthe trigger. When the4 little fellow sawthe gun pointed at him. he instinctive-ly threw up his hand, to guard his faroand received tho wound.

The most serious case of all vvusbrought to the'attentl'on of tr. Hovvaid . tthis morning. A 'Portuguese g'lrl was r""shot In the eyo by a boy she ssys bIioknows well. Tho bullet penetrated ttukslobe, completely destro)lng the slgHIt may be necessary to take the eje outof the socket.

Not a Point Made

In Saturday's Game

In th cmlnd of P. J. Church, an au-

thority on football and tho man whowas umptro nt the game between Ui)Punahou Alumni and MalleHllmateams on the campus at Oahu College.yesterday afternoon, the contest vvastho very best that h has ever seen lathe Islands. . ..

Aujlmmense crowd 'turned JuTlo ietho fame.' fJot a single' point wasscored by either team.

The playing was hard and'very fait,but there were no long runs aroundthe end. The'only crisscross ply attempted was'by the Punahous aqd thUfailed. Throughout 'the game th'erowas tho very cleanest of playing, theuraprle being called upon only twice, togive a decision. "Duck" Waterhot'iseof the PunahoUfteam was quite badlyhurt in the beginning of the game andAllan Judd took his place. . h

Wilson. McLean and Johnson did thobest playing for tho MaUe-Illm- a teamand P. B. pamon. John Waterhouse,and "Buck" Waterhouse for the Puna-hous. Several men were laid out butwere not badly hurt.

The Punahous did the.besta work Inthe first half and the Malle4llmas inthe second, this evenly dlvjdlng hon-ors.! At one stage ot tne game McLeanmade a run tor goal and was tackle!by Damon ot the Punahous: The twomen rolled over and over and flRal'vbumped Into the legs of' Deputy Sher-iff Chilllngworth's horse, nearlyithrow-in- g

the animal. No one was hurt. '

ntld 11 (MWashington. Dec. IS. Representa

tive Corliss of Michigan, whose Pa-cific coble bill seems to be favoraiover that passed last session by theSenate, today announced that he ludsecured the signatures ot ISO membersof the House agreeing to ask for' a rulemaking his bill tho special order afterthe holiday recess. The Corliss billprovided for tho laying of the cable bythe War Department and the ownershipand control of the lino by the Govern- -ment Instead of granting a subsidy toa private company as the Senate billcontemplates. The general sentimentof tho House seems to be In favor of theCorliss bill, and w llli such a large pro-portion of members pledged to consldnrit Its chances seem to be good. Itepre-sensiti-

Knhn, who Is devoting mucheffort to securing consideration of thebill, said tonight he believed It wouldbe favored and that the Senate wouldeventually acceptht.




Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--

-- Av- -





:--0 .



Ruin (IntiAenDoor MiitH.


ChnlnBlack nJ galvanised, In any length)V Inch to ", indi thick.

Cane KnlveMDillon's mikta big supply on liind.

DlrUOtl 6llVSPIICHCarirlUgtfHPalnttt nn I OilsRone

Manila anj SI11I from ( Inch to 6Inch thick

PI0W8Hlce Plows anj Breaking Plows.


Fort St., opposite Sprcckcls Hank.

MAIN 199Masonic


HKVH ;.( t is m ftt r. ta & ?.i w

1AjAfL0UsC00LlK6iy "Arabic"v AVi arm. ah n.a,kW


yourThan utcoated roofs

I .thus Jv giving

i y"55mostIt



.a awy;wriwwww!,'(ir,'ci


Edison Phonographs Records


'ypewriterbles and



Bicycle, Carriage,


0OXO0Oe' 1


Christmas Week

The Best Programof the Year.



Lillian JeannetteAND HER


a. biovaudeville bill

telephoneahead for seats. '

PHONE 540.

Prices 25, 80, 70c. 0



Pocket-look- s,

Card Cases, Stationery Sets,

Writing Cases, Fancy Papeteries

(for young and old) Etc., Etc,




There Is In More (or) mi


Delicious Mince, Cream

and flthcr flawed pics

Same as your Mother

used to make.

Deighnils Ijiat are the talk of the

town because everybody wants them.

Chocolate Eclairs

Lady Fingers

, Cream Puffs

And a full line of pastry for the

Holidays made fresh every day.Come and see us at




J. Oswald Lotted,


w.s r at .'. ft mm r,i ta fit ,'.( ;.: ta Rt fit fit fitit

Cooling Compound





I havepalntedsever.il large IronWarehouses here In Honolulu with s

"ARABIC" Roof Cooling Com- - j

pound, and am pleased to sayiit is

the very best of satisfaction. j

preserves the iron from rust, is adurable, anJ keeps it cooler j

15 degrees. I have had 20 aexperience as a .painter, 5 t

here in Honolulu, and I haveto find as good a paint as the K

"ARABIC" for Iron Roofs. jij

Yours very truly, J

W. R. RILEY, awtf'Vf .' ,,'


and !

Chairs.In The Lntoat Designs.

and Hand Lamp.








Chicago, Dec. '16. Illinois Republican leaders assembled in this city inpursuance ot the Senatorial fight werediscussing today a guarded report thattho Administration, by Senator Hanua,the National chairman, had Interferedta effect the withdrawal ofCongresaman It. R. Hltt from the race for theSenate seat now filled by Shelby M.

Cullom. The report had it that Hltt,whose Intimate acquaintance with theforeign relations of the Governmentpeculiarly fits him for the diplomaticservice, Is slated to succeed John Hayas Secretary of State. Hay, It Is ex-

plained, will shortly resign as a re-

sult of the failure ot his canal treatyIn the Senate.

Plausibility was given the story bythe fact that only a little while agoHanna sent a most forceful message tothis city to the ffect that the AdminU-ratio- n

urgently desired the reelectionof Senator Cullom and that he mightbe understood as emphatically denyingthat the Administration had Indorsedeither Cannon or any other man thanthe Senator.

Governor Tancr was asked what heknew of the report connecting HlttWith the office of Secretary of State,"He it eminently fitted for the post ifhe should be called to It," was theGovernor's comment.

A meeting of the oncharter of the Republican committee ofthirty, met in the office of Davis &Gear, attorneys, Monday afternoon.The session was a secret one and bonothing could be learned from themembers of tho committee. However.It was learned that thepresented drafts of charters and

the various points contained it.them. It was finally decided to reportto the general committee on KrMaY




liltctrlc Truh dont In lliuutinJi fil rat..IT CUkfS HU'TUH. S.nl luf"IIUOKILT M) I." AJJrrllrUk-nill- lili.llc Tfu. Co.,

tio M.rktl Sirttt. M I uahciico


Navy wharm No. I nn1 2 lime lienii'ini(fi mill ncilcil by (lie aowtn-Hirii- l

mill were formally IiiiiihI imr t.

last HiitnnlA) 'I he ducks are liHjl.flupon nit perfect In rirty ah,tmuMtsliiK many feature In wharf

seldom. It eter (1111111I else-

where, Ilnrli pile la drluii Intun mil'tlcurnl hole which forma III" bed nt I'.ewntir (runt u( llto city. These holesare mat drilled niul blasted nnd tlniithe plica are drlwii Into tin? Iinli' withthe weight if n 300 pound hammer.,'!.. .- ,- ..It... I. ......... I.AIH .Ikl...... ...... ..IIi m iiiv iiciui'' mi.i-i- mi- - ""Inhnlilm ninni 1 vpunw ninni kiucii rLn '

ilcra them IiiiiitvIoiu to the ratagitof the Inhabitants (it the cn,

TI10 extreme emla of the nhnrx'talime been strengthened with linicipllea plnccil nt nn agle ' l degrevsnnd thoroughly bolted. Nnvy wharfNo. 1 Is 4G0.X&0 nnd Navy wharf No.Z la 400x210 and SO feet wide nt extreme end, The openings between thoKill nrc HO feet In width. At Jnterrnltut flfly feet nlmiR the docka moorlnsUita lmvc been placed, The mrfnee ofthe docka la laid with plnnkln)!,The aurfnre of "tho planking la malewntcr tight by laying tar paper andtreated with liquid asphalt. On tup ofall this la placed three Inches uf bitu-

men which Is rolled nnd mndc perfect-ly smooth with heavy heated rollers.The surface of the docka has b"eii lieencovered with pure white sand, nnd fromthe deck of Incoming steamers pi ev-

ents a splendid appearance bothnnd convenience In docklnp.

Cotton Hros. of San Francisco holdthe contract with the government forthe construction of these docka.


The hearts and stomachs ot the saltors. were greatly cheered laBt night atthe Christmas dinner provided for themby the Seaman's Club' In their quarterson Nuuanu streeti DInner'was provlc'.

ed for over 180 sailors of every nationality and kind, among them beingcrol men from the British man of warIcarus, nnd they nil .went away wellfed and satisfied. Through the untiringefforts of Mrs. V. L. Howard and Mm.A. F. Cooke contributions, of groceries,moats, fruits nnd articles for tho sailors' comfort bags were secured frmiall the lcadlne firms In town, manvalso contributing cash. The comfortbags contained buttons, needles nndthread, soap and towel, pins nnd soforth and surely deserved theirname. They were all made by ladles ofthe town and girls of the KnwalahaoSeminary and there was one for everysailor with a few left over. Some 3fthe sailors made a large canvas bo.ttIn which were placed the bags and nithey ftnlstiert the dinner the men filedup and selected them from the boa',Mr. Cooke stated that Santa Claus h.i?started out with the boat but had bc- -i

lost overboard In the same storm thatstruck the Sierra.

That all the sailors enjoyed It couldnot be doubted by anyone who sa--

them cat. Some Just In yesterday had

not tasted fresh bread In over thrtomonths. They said they enjoyed Ittoo and a vote of thanks was givenwith three hearty cheers by the sail-

ors to Mr, and Mrs. Cookand Mr. hudMrs. Howafff nnd tho others who help-

ed them.A pleasant surprise too had been

prepared for Messrs. Cooke and Howardfor Just at the closo two elcgnn rock-

ing chairs which had been carefullvhidden by canvas were uncovered midpresented to them with a Merry Christ-mas from the Seaman's Club. The din-

ner proved a great success and one mansaid that In twenty-thre- e years' Bailingto all ports In the world he had nevrseen anything provided for tho sailorsto' equal It.


As Wray Taylor, the organist of St.

Andrew's Cathedral, was entering thechurch shortly before the 9:30 o'cloikscvlce on Christmas morning, he was

met by Mrs. Olade and Judge Stanlwwho quietly handed him a package.

Mr. Taylor had no time Just then toopen the package but when the servleowas over and he did, he found tblinote:

"The members of St. Andrew'sCathedral wish Mr. Wray Taylor JMerry Christmas and ask him to accept the accompanying token of appre-

ciation and, good will for tho valuableservices he so willingly renders."

"December 25, 1900."Accompanying this note was a purse

upon which, was tho name of Mr. Tay-

lor, containing ten twenty dollar gold


Marshal Daniel A. Ray has receiveda telegram from Salt Lake, Utahrmafl-e- d

frorn San Francisco, saying: "P. J.Conway alias George Clarkson Is n

fugutlve from Justice from this Statu.

Arrest him. hold, and wire me Immedi-

ately. J. F. Howells, Sheriff;" The man

wanted nnd recognized --fn Honolulusome weeks ago by A. P. Taylor, nn

Advertiser reporter, who knew him In1 Salt Lake City nnd had received paper

telling of heavy stealing dono by thoman there. ,,Tho Marshal's office hadeverything rendy to throw n lariat cf

the law pver Clarkson whenever the

Utah authorities .said tlie word. ID-fo-

tho order came, however, tho man

bad disappeared. It Is said bo left In

the Sierra, nnd If he did he will doubt-

lessly be nabbed In tho Colonies

In n gamo of Association football be-

tween the lenru team anil ScotlandHnturdny afternoon, the Bailors won.tho scorn being ! tn 1. Hngland amiScotland will now combine against thevisitors, the game to be played n)xtSaturday,


rii Hoard uf Health met l Ibis ntlertitKifl.

1.1'ilne I Prrtgrra meet lonla.liWork In the xiximd ilegue

Take n ride on the clet'trlc cars tinI I'aelfle Heights. I'nre 6 rents.

A new brlrk store la for nut onteil atrt-et- . Hre nil In Tn Let column

Mors mi advertises n anle of lioiin.

J hold fuiiiltiire In Ills column tin pngu' Canitta &. Co. cnti now be found 011

Alakea atreet between King nnd Mer--

M.. Nolle served n turkey nnd cran-

berry lunch to the patrons of thtillcner restaurant uu Monday.

I.. Adler. the popular clectrlilnn onthe t'l.unllne, will take unto himselfn wife on Now Yinr's Day. Full particulars will be given later on.

Free Instruction In photography Is

offend by the HONOLULU 1'MOIOHl'PI'MT CO. Think of It Cameras at25 per cent below list with free Instruc-tion ns to their ilse.

There were thirty-tw- o men arrestedfor drunkenness 011 ChrlstmaR day. Intho Police Court this forenoon, nil pa d

their fines, were reprimanded and dis-

charged or forfeited hall.In the Pollco Court this forenoo,)

Quong Fook Pal appeared on thecharge of embezzlement. The prosecu-tion did not care to push the case nndto a nolle prosequi was entered.

W, It. Castle has purchased, throughhis son's real estate agency, the vain-ab-

lorner lot at Bcrctanln and Vic-

toria streets, for many years the homeof V. C. Iloe and family. There anseveral houses on the ground .

Lewis & CO. nrc pnlng especial at-

tention to tho cigar department of theirbusiness nnd conolsseurs should go In

nnd look nt their stock. They nre sol 1

ngents here for the famous Sanchez yHaya and carry many other equally angood. Special rates made to dealers.

The band will give a concert on theCapitol grounds this afternoon and to-

morrow evenTng, the usual Thursday.concert will be given on the groundsof the Hawaiian hotel. Cho band willvery probably give a concert on boardthe Thomas previous to her departuretor Manila.

Tho John S. Kimball ot the new lliuof steamers to ply between Seattle andthe Islands Is expected to arrive herethis weeek. She Is the first steamer ofthe new line to reach this port and hasquite a list of passengers. It Is statedthat aftetr discharging her cargo, shewill proceed to Kahulul and take oilsugar for the Coast.

Daniel Murray appeared In the Police Court this forenoon on the chargeof disturbing religious worship. Thedefendant was reprimanded and dis-

charged. It appears that ho went Intothe hall of the Salvation Army laitnight and tried to raise a rumpus, A

police officer was called and thefellow removed to the oufr

atmosphere nnd then to the pollco sta-

tion. Murray had been cclcbratln.;Christmas.

Harvey Chilton, n boy about four-teen years of age, nnd n son of the Foitstreet barber, appeared in the PoliceCourt this forenoon on tho charge ofJnrccny In tho second dcrgee. Defen-

dant was represented by AttornesStewart and Chllllngworth. A plea otnot guilty was entered. Deputy Sher-iff Chllllngworth conducted tho proas-cutto- n,

Tho trial was a long one astho prosecution had quite a number rtImportant witnesses to put on thoPtand. Judge Wilcox bound over thidefendant to the Circuit Court' term.


London, Dee. 17, S p. m. Tho rt

of another severe battle, resultingIn a nrltlsh victory, Is current hem.According to thestory t he flgntfng began at daybreak today and lasted forseveral hours, Tho Doers, who numbered from 1500 to 2000 men, were sur-rounded nt the Ornngo River and to-

tally defeated with very heavy los3fsIn killed and wounded, A numCer ofBoers, It Is added, were captured.


Your Needs Are Our Study !




39B8We combine all these in

our greatest of all shoes, The "HANAN" make.

Hanan has just sent us his latest, The "EMPEROR"

a Business Shoe, a Dress Shoe, and a Sunday

Shoe Combined.


r5a3333rJ3rJr53r5-53:-J3a- -


8 Whitney& Marsh,

Ladies Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Sterling Silver

Novelties, Silk Waists, Silk Petticoats, Men's

Neckwear, Umbrellas, Fans, Purses, Shop-

ping Bags, Silk Gloves, Kid Gloves,

Combs, Hair Ornaments, Ribbons, Silk

Underwear, Golf Capes, Separate

Skirts, and Thousands of Other

Novelties. Popular Prices.'



A Prosperous New

TRUST uc haveWE

wards the happiness






1Year to 1


of recipients of gifts V






Delicate In Flavor,Convenient In Form.




dows. ricnus.

contributed In no small way to

at our store.

After extrndlng greetings of the festivewe desire to thank our customers and

friends far their patronage during pastyear, anJ hope we are deserving of favorable

consldetatlon In the

W. W. DIMOND CO., Ltd.Importer ol Crockery. and

Furnishing Goods.


PUREBe you get It by buying


uuur, anu!



the pur












11 IR'








Coyne Furniture Co.Fort and Beretania Streets.


Honolulu, December 2G, tooo.

NAML or STOCK Capital'aid tit



C. Br.D.r &CrnySUGAR.

Ew Pianlatlon Co . J.QOO.OOO tSU xIlamn. Pl.nl. linn C IT 5.000HawallanAttlculmr.lCo OOC.OOO

Hawaiian lorn au 1.0. t.J I l.t joHawaiian Migar km ooo.ujoHnnanil Suff.r Co TJO.00C1 ttX

nnnkiaSurar Co one.oooHaiku Sunt Co yo,oooKahuku Plantation Co 500Karoalo Suit Co LU a 11,000Kamalo Sug Co. pi up to.oroKlhtl Plant Co .Ltl.ai IAJ4,OM) i IXKlh.IP.Co.Lti.r4ur l.OO.OTttKlpahulu Sural Co ,., l60,C0Koloa Surar Co J.oorKona Suc.r Co.. a. 500xcMaunaltl Sugar Co.at .,QS,OnoMau-ial- . Su Co pi up 1 00,000McHryJ.SuCc.U.ai i.oir.yo

rJ up f,6 90,000 uSCN.hlkuSut Co.ttJ..

- -- J u. I

uanu sugar 1.0 , faOnoin.a Sugar CoOokala Sugar Plai Co 900.0 'ijUUlaa "u. to . Ill . ail ,ooo 'OtaaSuCa.LK, paupl f,rOO,Orjo !

JI I5Pa.uh.u Su. Plan Co 1Pacific Sugar Mill.... 300 encPala Pl.nutl.a Co ..P,mu. Sugar CoPlaoMf Mill uo t.tj,Walalua Agr Co , a. noliwalanat uomtpaoy .. 9MOOOJWalluku Sugar Co... ?o toeWalaaoalo Sugar Co 3. looWalraaa Mill Co . ... njo 100


Wllin St.aa.Mo Co. 100 ,

lotwltlani St.an N Co $0,000 IOC

Hawaiian tlKtrlc Co.. fo.1 IOCHon. Rapid T. Land Co 130,000: 100 .,,Hoo.St.am Laundry.. .

IS.'Mutual T.l.pbnne Co .MakahaCoftwCo Ld pd 40.O0O1Oahu Uv Ae Land Co.. . t.ooo.oocaP.opla'a 'ct M I g Co tSO.Ono


HatwalUn Gav A ef rtnfHiwillin Gov, 5 ptr ctnf

H1I0R R.Co.6rrccMEw Plant it n 6 rcr ctnitCthuku Plint 6 rr ctniUAhu Kati.injtjo.preubu riiniaiion ope

SALES 139 Ewa. 12850; 1000 O. R.fi L. Co's Bon s, 5101.50; 5 Walaltu,J116.50; 20 Walalua, $116.50; 30 Evta,$28.50; 20 Ewa, f 2S.so.


There were special Christmas ser-

vices at St. Andrew's Cathedral yester-day morning and forenoon. At 6, 7 and8:30 o'clock, communion services wentheld by Bishop Willis, Rev. HamiltonLeo and Rev. V. II. Kitcat and at 9;3ao'clock, the Second Congregation had aspecial service. Tho church waxcrowded. Six members of the AmateurOrchestra assisted the organ in theopening and closing voluntaries. Xspecially good number on the programof music was the Boprann solo ot Mrs.Allan White who sang Oounod's "AveMaria" with organ, violin and planaaccompaniment. Tho Rcr. Hamlltnj

preached the shortest sermon thnthas ever been heard at the Cathedral.It lasted pust a mlnu'to and a half anddwelt upon the blessings the ministerof the Gospel hoped every rucmbcr ofthe congregation had enjoyed. At Ito'clock, there was another special ser-

vice at which IJlshop Willis offlclateo.

etc., in enaiess cnoice


Oooooooooooooo 00000000000000 ooooooooooo 0

I End of the Century Presents0000000000000 00000000000000 000000000000 0


Is showing a larger and more beautiful assortment of Articles for Presents than ever before.Newest Designs in Pillows, Linen Table and Tea Cloths with real lace bordersand centers, Pin Cushions In Great Variety.


nunuHcrtniciH ocuris,HUSBANDS ATTENTION






Ladie' Silks, Silk Crepon and Embroidered Dress Patterns in Exclusive Designs.

RIBBONS SASHES RUGSA Beautiful Line of New Fancies. in Embroidered Silks, Something New. To suit All Purposes.

Our Toy DepartmentIs as well stocked as ever and we would especially mention Lalutte, Pneumatic Bllllurds, Steam ,and

Clock Work Railways, Trollies and Upright Engines, Etc., Etc. ''W










Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--




OAVI8 & GEARMlofi.c end Ccnnlifr at Law

Xmo I Sot. tot. JudJ HuilJinc.v P it anil .Merchant St... Honolulu


tkttornoy at Law andNotary Public.

Keahumanu Btrcet.


A.ttornoy and Counsellor atJjflW.

Oflot: In tho Occidental Hotel.Nnw cc King nail Alakca Btrccta,OsmMv.

W. 0. Athi. Enoch Johnson.

AOHI&.TOHNSON," Attornoys ami Counselors

at Law.

Office No. 10 West King Street.Telephone SSI.

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

V. MASUDA,Portraits

Done in Crayon or Oil......Pictures Framed In any style

Framed Pictures for sale.New Mouldings for Frame have


King and Alapai streets,Near Honolulu Stock Yards.

14C0 IfcLU'HONb 869

O. liuXgSt Ttl. 941


Latest Stjles, - Perfect Fit.

Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing, aSpecially.

Clothes Dyed Fast Black or any colordesired.

05 Hotel St.. Nenr Fort


A. K. OZAWA. Minicil.


Tamper ary OflUe; Root. ? utttilrt Sprecktlt boll J

tot T:, i


Cloltinz Clear..!, Pytl irj' Repaired-S- UITS MaDB TOORDEK--- Fil

cuaranteeJ arLowett I'rUt.

TXILVE "WOfort Stmt, rcJtr Kukul, tnl ti.r Orfhtum Theater.

ffPtkti, Clean' m; cne ult, ft; D) drift suit 1 1.5.t66Vcm


Merchant Tailor,Fihi Assortment op Amiricar, Eholiihaud

Scotch CLoth on HandNo. 119 Nuuiou street. Honolulu, H..I.

Goo-- wurt tt fit ruartoteelCloth Cleaned end ftr-a-f-



BULLETINCan satisfy your wants

If you mention them in Us





Lana).. . Hawaii,

ttc., ttc.

Set of 5 maps, $2.0060 CENTS EACH

On sate at office of . . .

, THE . . ..


DIAMOHDAnd other Rings, Watches, Brace

rs, Pins, and an extensive variety

Manufacturing Jeweller



Honolulu Concrete Company,

Office with H- - F. Bertleman, Contractor,King St. opposite Wall, Nichols 5: Co.

DO ALL kinds of Stone and ConcreteWork at CALIFORNIA PRICES.

WE make a specUltv of constructingCement Side, Walks at very reasonablerates. icfa-a-

BELMORALTouneSt., bet. Alapai & Kaplolanl St.

Newly furnished rojnu with board.Also table boarJ. Telephone wi Blue.

M'lfiip jWWPpPlWlpBpwSpPHp j ff' "iw

1MB KVI'NINO UUM.fiTlNl HONOLULU, li. i., WflDNllSliAY, art, 1900.

BY. AUTHORITYPountl Mtmtcp'w Notice

of UturnygS i 1, l, r)i fl , tn " 111 1' i'

itit ,'fv'lt A Ims hftn mi'.iij-- l II

the" inilirn' PminJ Hi Mmk!, K ni,lh' . f . ' it. . and unlets, the r"unJ ' '

fli.JJam.iKr v sooner MtlfteJ, Wtl1 btwlJ at the date hereunder named, iiu tJ i

Ue. IS, ii)do- -i Sorrel Horse with brandtmdectitthlr, white troke 01

both hind feet hlteAll owners of (lie above Je'crlbed ani-

mals are hereby notlhed that I will elthem at public auction on Saturday. Jan.., toot, at ti m., If not cilleJ fur beforethat date. K. KEKUENE,t;jo )t Pnuidmaslcr.

SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BErecelted at theoffice of the Board of Commlssloners, Central Fire Station, untilJanuaty 15.I1, 1001, for the delivery In

Honolulu within three month afier notifi-

cation of acceptance of tender, forOne first ! Steam Piston Fire Enginecapacity 1,000 to 1,100 cal. per minute.Approximate weight, 8,000 pounJ.Specification must accompany all bid!.

Also forOne two-hors- s Hise Wagon (equippedfor service) to carry l,Joo feet of FireHose.Specific itlon to accompany all bids.The commissioners reserve the right to

reject any or all bl Js.KENNETH R. G. WALLACE,Secretary, Hoard of Commissioners,

1708-t- d Honolulu Fire Dept.


In accordance with Section t, of ChapterXXVI, of the laws of 1886:

All persons holding water privileges orthose paying water rates are herebv notifiedthat the water rat's for the term endingJune jo, tool, w'll be due and payable atthe office of the HONOLULU WATERWORKS on the ist day of Januiry, 1951.

All such rates remaining unpaid for 15

days alter they are due will be subject toan aJdltloiuLten per cent.

All privileges upon which rates remainunpaid February 15, 1931, (jo days afterbecoming dehnq lent), are liable to suspen-

sion without fur her notUe.Rales are payable at th office of the

Water Works In the basement'of Capl'.olbuilding.

ANDREW BROWN.Supt. II .nolulu Waterworks.

Honolulu, Dec. IS, iqoo I7t7-I0- t

Regulations Hording toe Interment ol

the Deidln the District of Honolula.

Whereas, that there having-- been noplace prepared for the burial of the dead asrequired by law at the exp'ratlon of theperiod set, October 1st, tooo, and an extension of time having been granted for suchspecial burial permit until cemeteries asprescribed by law should be available, andnow that such feasible arrangements arean accomplisaed fact, therefore,

Resolvedthat no permit for Intermentsshall be granted within the city limitsexcept to those already possessing burialplots.

This regulation shall go Into effect from2nd after the tst day of January, A. D.,1901.

C. B. WOOD.President Boird of Health.

Honolulu, Nov. 7, 1900. i(JQ2-J-

rchltects, Contractors and Builder?.a


Jobbing ; Promptly : Atteuileil : To.


ontractor and Builder.

Slot, in ODlc. Flnlnt'Pltoi anj Ettlntt.t rcrtiltUl.

1488 Hotel Street, near Barracks

H. L. KERR & CO..

Architects and BuildersRoont it-- it

:- :- PROGRESS BLOCK.r.'.pboB hi.Oio.W. Pit, Til. fMf. W. Dilit.li. P. O. Boi nl


Architects & BuildersOffice: Rooms Arlington Annex,

Honolulu, H. I.Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish-i- t

Short Notice. 1441

3uilding MaterialsOF AtiL KINDS,

oalorB in Lumber and' Goal

ALLEN &R0BINS0N,Quonn Hnnolnln

tl. F. BERTELMAN'SCarpenter Shop

IS RBMOVBD) rwr of old stand. Entranc on King

i'it. O.-'tr-a left at either shop, or offic,

' John Nott'a tsrs, King street, willpromp ttation. Ud'tf

Art Bmbroldery Taught.

Lesaona In AHT KMWtOIDERY willbe gtren by Mra. H. II. Williams at theCity Furniture Store, Fort itreet.First Claaa atamplns don.



The following bicycles are now at thePolice Station and owners can have themby proving property and paying expensesof advertising:

tribune, No, 4759; Columbia, No. 81041Columbia. No, 61 18; Eldredge, No. 24710:Imperlal.'No. MJcA 171O-I- 1

. ,.a.i...M,M..,J. ..ifc ,.,.t. t:


ffiil ill?I

Wo Have no Public Men

of Conspicuous




British Public at Variance With Off-

icials in Foreign Office Lands-down-

Opinion i3 as Yet

Unknown Quantity.

London. Dec. 15. "Tho United Stutinliavo many alilu men but no or.o of!loiiBiilciiDUK merit." This atntcmnitnppenrB In the Dally Mali year bookjust Issued to compete with Whltnkcr'jAlmanac under tho Kcctlon ilctoted toThe World'a Chief Stntcsmen.

While It Is not nn Inspired or n par-

ticularly erudite publication It unfor-

tunately represents tho bulk of pressand public opinion In England. Noth-

ing no well explains tho attitude of theEnglish press toward American actionIn Nicaragua, China and other n,uv-ter- a

of the (Ilobe na their crude revela-

tion of Its .estimate of public men.It Is this underlying, though seldom

expressed belief which permeates tlueditorials now no frenqucntly devoudto the policy of the Washington Gov-

ernment. How utterly this la at vari-

ance with the" opinion of the ForeignOffice and the highest governmentolMclnlK here la apparent from tho f.utthnt In almost every recent case wlmothe English papers hnve attempted toadvise or to forecast the attitude oftheir Government towards propor-

tions suggested by the United Statinthey hnve taken exnetly the oppositeline from the course eventually pursued by Lord Salisbury nnd tho MnrqulBof Ijtnsdowne.

This lack of sympathy between thehdmlnUrntlon papers seems to broadendally. Tlcncc whllo the mass of En-glish comments on the Nicaragua Ca-

nal question undoubtedly representsthe views of n large section of the pub-

lic It must not be considered In nnyway ofllclal or even l.

A special cable dispatch from Wash-

ington complains thnt the London dis-

patches dealing with the Nicaraguacanal do not plvo any Indication of theviews of Lord I.nnsdowne, the Marquisof Salisbury or any nuthorltntlvo per-

son. It may be said that Lord Lnns-dow-

has been given every oppor-

tunity to communicate fils vlewa onthe matter he has definitely refused,remarking that ho did not wish to at-

tempt to Interfere covertly or othev- -wlso In the formation of Americanpublic or legislative opinion, He hasnot even discussed tho canal In his fiequent conferences this week with theUnited States Embassador Joseph II.Choate.

Great Britain's decision douhtlesjwill be arrived at only after a Cabinetconference. What Lord Lansdownowill advise his fellow cabinet membo.sto da depends entirely on the finalshape In which that treaty Is returned.As tho matter stands It would bo equally unsafe to say he will counsel Its rJectlon or acceptance, though if he follows the Ideas which at present prevailamong tbfl (foreign office officials hewill fall back on the Clayton-Dulwe- r

treaty, and reject any modification oftho treaty.

British Will Buy

American Industrials

Now York, Dec. 8. A cablo to thoSun from London says; Certain lenders of England's shipbuilding Indusliynrp con'')ii)luilnB a radical change ofpolicy, which Is of tbe utmost tmpoit- -

apfo to Aracrlcanjntercnts. They rcai- -lzo tho hopelessness of competition r.i

certain lines with America.) ".unnufac- -liners 1 luler the present Industrial con-

dition of this country nnd arc seriously(cnslde'ing tho iroject of buyln; upthe best Araerlwa enterprise andtransferring "tho greater patt of theirbuslneje to tho Amerlcnn faitorlcs thuspurchased.

This policy Involves the confessionthat American competition Is Invlnckble, but It also spells ruin to the In-

dustrial Interests In soveral lines ofUrltlsh trade, Mora than one Ameri-

can concern Just launching out In for-eign trade Is likely Boon to be temptnjby an offer of a fancy prico In Britishgold, which will be accompanied, prob-

ably, by an invitation to the presentmanagement to remain In control. En-

glish Investors havo far too high anopinion of American brains to think otsupplanting them, and, above all, theydo not dream of discarding Americanworkmen. In fact, It is the superiorIntelligence and energy of Americanskilled labor which chiefly Induces En-

glish rnpltnl to consider tho abandon-ment of the home field.

The Immediate question for Am-

ericans s: "Shall English capitala largo share of the vast profits of

Amerlrnn enterprise nnd InhorJ"

Fine Job Printing- - at the BulletinOffice.

flujinft ml

KIPli ulMffl 5

A mid1 a l(

Writ J . I 1 '1 : 11 It '1 1

I , ill huill 1' i lit ua , iioim 11 ili 1

i i. r t iHiiitiii Wrliihg 11 u

i.jfil lii tula ' to far I on!(" III Hnillli Afrlrn It illit Hot hiatt rwho Mill nf uplrlta the man Inncle.llimiiiit tlx'rc nna not Ihq least diiiigt.of 111. gettltiR tnoif than a Rood fo.him. On the other hand, men whocould do without lliinoi, who did nottnucy they needed to Hood their Instdoevery two or three hours, got on betterthan men who, tluough mere, plislelIncontinence nnd carelessness, weroconstantly sucking water bottles. Inthis, as In nil things, the man who Istimperntc In the full acute of the wordsurvives."

Ixird Huberts' testimony to tho valuoof temperance has caused tho founda-tion of tho "Hobs League," n now tem-

perance organization, which Is to hoInaugurated by entertaining "Hobs"on his return at a public hmquct with-

out Intoxicating drink.Kipling and his family sailed todny

for Capo Town. Kipling went undermedical orders. Ills lungs have nevercompletely recovered from the soveieattack In New York. Ho went withthe greatest reluctance, and contem-plates n visit to Australia and NewZealand Inter.


Putnam, Conn., Dec. IB. John Ad-

dison Porter, former private secretaryof President McKlnlcy, died at hisresidence here today He had been 111

for many weeks with n mnllgnant In-

testinal disease. An operation which,was performed nearly two months agoserved to stay tho progress of hismalady, hut could not entirely arrestit. ills condition, however, was suchthnt he was nblo to sit about the hoiuennd on Wednesday last ho went for n

drive. On Thursdny ho began to sinknnd never rallied, being unconsciousmuch of the time until ho died. Short-ly before tho end comq he lecognlielmembers of his family who were at hisbedsldo and bade them farewell.

TO CUHE A COLD IN ONE DAY.Take Laxative Drnmo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund tho money If Itfalls to cure. E. W. Grove's signaturets on each box. SS cents.


SAIIIN In Wnlalua. this Island, Sunday, December 23, 1900, the wlfoof W. F. Sabln, n daughter.

tvJiViVitVtViViVi;r4,T. iH" to carry

SHM0CR2. curo a hoad;7.'.,.".,.,.V.,.,.,.,..V'S. " n "'I ilriiAH.i


or more patterns of Chinaand Japanese Mattings. Justopenei up, and we cordiallyInvite Inspection of our lineof new an beautiful goods.

Dollarssaved are dollars earned, andcomparison of goods andprices will convince you ofthe truth of cur assertionthat we can give you

Finegoods for little money.



Henry Waterhouse

& Co.




n Careful Attention given to


Book-Case- s

and OtQce Furniture

in stock, or ordered from



(ineial Manager oi1

''M Kqu.itf.ble Life Isjumiicj Socii

0 thai United BUtes tor tha Uawilifc.lalanda.

Utfuwi Mahant sti t. Hnr

M. PHILLIPS ft 00Wholesale Importer! and Jobbtti

mopean and American Dry tow.

fo t and QnwnBtrttti,



Oor.Vort and Uneven Btraoti Woooll

.AtJba. ..,.-x-

Kmi Ktttli isd InttitiDM.

Li JFK and FIR 15

illlffi Uirflji.AOENTH FOU




Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


Particular att.mlon tlrt. Is tirciaM .IS lata clHawaiian Surar Sltxk.

Leant Natoilatt4. Eattata ill Partita Stock,toa noun,

40 California St.,Snn PrnncUco, Cal. in?


Stock and Bond BrokerManbat s( Hawaiian Stock (ithanja.

Melnerny Block, Fort Btreet.

A. J. OAMPBRLL,Stock nnd Bond Brokoi

Miabir .1 it. Hoaolala Slock Bickaitt.

OJlce Quoen street, opposite UnionFeed Company.

T.laekAfla ao6 P O. Bot itl

Plumbers, Etc.

PLUMBER.75 and 79 King Stree


:0W Is the time to get leadn tobreakage nan to, and jeer

Roofs Put In OrdeBy competent wcgkaafciy

For the PlumblnfiOn that now house that yon uabont to bnild or tho nlterntioiyon aro intonding to make 01your property. Call and see nBtid get an etimate.

JAS. NOTT, JiPractical Tinsmith and Plumbr

Hliop: Berelanla street, 4 daariot Punchbowl. Phone 844,

Hour,. 7 a. m. to & p. m.Jobbing promptly attended Kw, h. Daith 11, aAara.

HonolnlQ Sbeet Metal Worii

Galvanlztd Iron Skylights and VtatllitaMetal Roofing,

Conductor Pip and Gutter Wot.Klcbatd, Suttt, tat. Qswaa u Marckail. Bmi..

AWJokbtot proaptly .ttM4a. a

Tel. White 41. P. O. Box (i

Notice to Property Owners and Builders

1 wish to notify the Property Ownersand Bull.ers In general, that I am nowopen for business In the Territory StablesBlock, King St.. and am ready to givefigutes on all kinds of plumbing and sewerage work. A complete line always carrled In stock.

C. H. BROWN,Telephone Main 48. Sanltarv Plumber.P.O. Box 811. . 355 King St.

FRED' J. CROSS,Consulting and Superintending,

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Klectro-dbtlraul- lc Power TranamlaalotiKKl'OKTH AND ESTIMATESFURNISHED. . . .

With Catton-Ne- ll Co., Queen street.Offlco nexi to Pru.cffloe. last



Hydraulic .Engineer.1806 Jlldd Illock. Tele. 6SJ.

Honolulu Iron Works OImproved and modern BUOAR HA

CHINERY ot every capacity and description made to order. Boiler workand RIVETBD PIPES (or Irrigationpurposes a specialty. Particular attectlon paid to JOB WORK, and repairexecuted at shortest notice.



Is a pretty. Advertisergood paper for who use Its at$2.50 per an-


umns GET

preforably GOOD

In advance. RESULTS'"

HAWAII SlilMPO SHAThe Pioneer Japanese Printing office,

The Publisher of "HAWAII SHIMPO,"tha uflly 4ally Jaranaaa papar publlahtiIn Ina rmlt'.ry ol Hawaii

Y. SOGA. Editor.C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor

tHr Editorial and Printing Office, nearKing trlJge, King street. P O, Hox 007,

tK.. m. .. ..lttJidmffjgjllJmt

1m in Dm bim,

L0VEJ0YA00.tMrORTRIIS, AMD Wmolbbali

Win ni limr Dtilers.AtNti IM IK fc.tll.4 Rthil.1 BMt .1 l.tttl.

No. If NtJtUHtt HTRKfcTr.MM Bimi, Hoaiiviu, Havana liUSDt.

t, 0, 1m nt. Mit.il TltM M.




aafiQoeen afreet. Honolaln, B.

Tonsolftlated Soda Water Co., LY

Ejplnnndo.!orner Allat A Fed Stt., Heneluli



Pantheon Saloon(Late JIM DODDS.)

Hotel Street, near Fort.

Has just received a large consign-

ment of


in First-clas- s Order.

Hoffman Saloon

No Beer to Burn,But Beer to Beat the Band.

Largb invoice Of



It has'nt come to stay ; it's goingfast, but there's more com-

ing every month.

L. It DEE, Prop.

The Walklkl



Bigs sent to any part of theOity.


Walklkl Road,- - - - Walktk .


UfhenYonWaqHsRING 'UP THE. ...

C - I-- - U - BLivery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :


SUble Phone, 477Hook. Stand 'Phones, 819 and 71a.



f White and Black SandIn Quantities to SuU....



ft? Dump Carts furnished by the dajon Hour's Notice,

H. R HITCHCOCKMerchant St., In M. D. Sfonsarrat's ofnee.

A GOOD THING, ,. 4 u e o

Onto, Algeroba and pint FlreioooOat and Split (teadyfortheBtoTt), .




Lowest Prices, delivered to any partthe City.


HUSTACE CO.,11 Qnra fUteat


Safcn, Pianos,Furniture MOVED

Drays for Freightand Lumber

Our representative meets all Incomingsteamers from the Coast fid we checPbaggage on all outgoing steamers.

Wblla and Blick Sind For Stir

Office with Evening Bulletin. 210 Kingstreet. Tel. 86.


Subscribers to tbe BUL-

LETIN not receiving Uietrfd'pcrs promptly will confer afavor bv notifying tbe 'Busi-ness C'Tice, Telephone 156.


Jiidd llultdlng, Fort street.

Incorporated under the Ui of theTerritory of Hawaii,

Pntil Cnpltnl .. 9600,000Rcntpva ,,, nu,uuuUndivided Profit..,,,. ION.000

0FFICEH8 AND DirtUCTOItB.Charlea M. Cooko PresidentV. (J. Jonea Vlco PresidentC. 11. Cooko CashierF. C. Atherton .... Assistant Cashier

Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W.Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A.

Solicits tha Accounta of Firms, Cor-porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willpromptly and carefully attend to allbusiness connected with banking en-

trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For-eign Exchange, Issue Letters ot Credit.

6AVING8 DEPARTMENT!Ordinary and Term Deposits recelyel

and Interest allowed In accordancewith rules and conditions printed Inpassbooks, copies of which may bo hadon application.

Olacs BmioxBLs. Wa, J. lawm



San Prancltco AgenttTaa NktadaNatiosal Bank or Sax Fkamoisoo,

8aj Fbakoisoo Tbe Nevada NationsBank; of San Francisco.

London The Union Bank of LondonLtd.

New .York American Exohange Natlonal Bank.

Cbioaoo Merchants National Bank.Pahis Credit Lyonnala.Berlin Dreadner Bank.UoNKoica and Yokohama Honkmg .

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Austballa Bankof New Zealand.Victoria and Vanooow Bank o

British North Amerlut.Trimct 1 Btienl Btoiui udEitluieBiaiiiii

Depolatk Keeetved. Loans mad on Ap- -roved Security. Commercial and Traveler!Bredltt Itiatd. Bills of Kzcbaura boogtl

and aold.Comonoiis Poirn.T Aoooinrranj Tm.

EatabUabed 1858


Transact a General Bankii gand Exchange Business.

Commercial and TravelersLetters of Credit issued, avnilable in all the principal citii sof the world.

Interest allowed after July1,1898, on fixed deposits 7day notice 2 per cent., (thisfonn will not bear interestunless it remains undis-turbed for ono month), 3months 3 per cent, 6 months3J per cent, 12 months 1per cent. .

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

ASSETS, DEO. II, 1811, lU.fTmI

Mono loaned pn approved aecurttp,A Savings Bonk (or monthly depodto,Honaea built on tha monthly IsataJt.

men, pu- -. 'TwenUeth Bert . . of .Btock U nam

opened.OFFICERS T. F. Lanilng, Proa.

dent; 8. B. Rose, Vies President; 0. B.Qray, Treasurer; A-- Qeor, Secratarr.

DIRBOTORS T. F. Tnaliiy, g. B,Rom, A. V. 0ar, A. W. Keech, UtauflSmith, 3. L. McLean, J. D. Holt, O. B,Gray, W. L. Howard.

A. V. OKAB.Secratarr,

Chamber of Commerce roosaa.Office Houri: 12:801:80 n. an


SavingsBaniSavings Deposits will U

received and Interest allowed y, thlaBank at four and one-ha- lf per oeni;per annum. b '

Printed copies of the Rule and Reg-

ulations may be obtained on application.OfQoe at bank building on Merchant

street.BISHOP tt CO.


Tb Yokohama Specie Bilk;LlMrasn,

Subacrlb.4 Capital Yan u,ooo,oooPalJ UpCaplul Van il.ooo.oooRctarva.1 Fu.4 Yta 8,1)00.

Head Office, Yokohama.

The Bank buys and receive for col-

lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Droitsand Letter of Credit, and transacta general bonking business.

INTEREST ALLOWEDOa Fliad D.potll for i. aoatki, a aw aeal a. a.Oa FliaS Doalt lor S Boattu, lit "Oa FUaA ttasotlt l.t l .,

Banch ol Hi. Yokohama Sptcl. Ba.k,

fi6f ReDUDllC tMfllm, 111 UU 8L, HOHllll


Subscribers are furnished with fromfive to six llsta.per week, giving an ac-

curate record of deeds, mortgages,leases, releases, powers of attorney,etc., etc., which aro placed on record.


A. V. GBAR,lurM Building, Honolula,

iftin f,uw iktiwmitoHmuM- - - t.,wfc.

1 JV





Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--

fftp ",- - '-- '


TIjR BVI-NIN- HUl.l.tnlNl llUdOljUljUi In WflN.iSIMY, IWGHMHHM ifi, .tooo.

fv. f--











Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLE.itcamcri of thin line will nrrlre And leave thU port hi herunilfi

ritOM flAN ntAKClftCO.ZtftiAnrilft i it t Jnn 2AlAtDfttA ttitttitJQnt 3

ZfAlandU .Ian, 21flonomn (lAn. 29Mnripoja alcb. D

flltrra ....IVb, 19

Zralnndln i.....Mch. 2Vcnturn Mch 12



t 1 1 1 1 1

MMM tttttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttltttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttMtMII) I

In connection with tho B&lltng of the above steamers the agents iro pre-

pared to Issue, to Intending patMT.gers, coupon through tickets by any rail-

road from San Francisco to all points In the United States, ind from NewYork by any steamship line to all European ports.


Wm. 0. Irwin & Co., LimitedGENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. B. CO.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

incidental and (Menial Steamship Co, & Toyo Klsen Kaisba

,. aiuMii l tt. aaora caaaas". "l call at HmoIuIo ! linn till .H M tt atast Ik.......Hi Salt BNllOM. I..,,

For Japan and China:Coptic .. ,t)c.)Aaitrlc. Miru.i Jin. s

Poi ffaaaral lalara.ioa tsiy a

H. Hackfeld &


MTStuBir. of Ika ikon llu, tualac la caoaadioa win It. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO ,mKm Vaocaavir, B. C. aa Sydnir. N. S. W.. aat calllac tt Victoria. B. C, Hoaololo ana Brlibanu DUE AX llmoi.ui.li oa oi om i

tOM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. R. C,Pol Billbina lad Srlnljrl

'arTkroatn llekitt lnool froai Hoaolnla lo Caaala, Uallot Slatoa aa Boioao. Fai Fciljil aoiPala.f a aa. all tnral laforaiatjoa. aaaly la

Thco. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Gcn'l Agents.

American-Hawaiia- n S. S. Co.Direct Service between


8. 6. Hawaiian will be dispatched from New Vork'on or beforeJanuary 15 for Han Francisco, en route to Honolulu.

To be followed by 6. 8. Oregohlan February. March loadingFreight received at company-'- s whrf,-42- d StreetSouth Brooklyn,

at all times. For further particulars apply toC. P. MORSB,

General Freight AKent. H. HACKFELD& CO., LTD.,Agents, Honolulu

fib Steamshio to., Ltd.

6. 8. Klnau.FREEMAN. Matter.

liOLOKAI, MAUI, HAWAII.Will tail from Honolulu on

rneadara at 12 noon, tor l,

Lahalna, Maalaea Dajr, Klhel,tfakena, Kawalbae, Mabukona,

and Hllo.Returnlna; will tall from Hllo on

aTrldajrB at 10 a. m., for abore namedporta, arrlTlng In Honolulu on Satur- -

plnenieri and freiht will be takenKr ktakena, Mabukona, Kawalbae, Hl-1- b,

Hakalau, Honomu, Fapalkou andJlipttkeo.

PaaMnttn and PACKAOKB ONLYMl be taken for Kaunakakal, lAbalna,Ualata Bar. Klhel. and Laupaboehoe.

6. 8a Claudlne.Mcdonald. Maaur.

HAULWill ltave Honolulu eyery Tueaday

at I p. m.. touching at Labalna, Ka-hal-

Nahlku, Hana, Hamoa andMaul. Returning, touchea at

aboTs named porta, arriving In Hono-tal- a

Bunday mornlnga.Will call at Nuu. Kaupo, onct each

8. 6. Lehua.BENNETT. Matter.

.MOLOKAI. MAUI, LANALalia eyery Monday for Kaunakakal,

Xamalo, Maunalel, KaUupipa, Lahal- -

at, Honolua, Olowalu. Returning ar--

ttrea at Honolulu Baturday mornlnga.

Tbla company reeerrea the right totaakt changea In the time of departureaad arrlral of 1U ateamera WITHOUTNOTICE), and it will not be retponalblttor any concequencea arltlng therefrom.

Conalgneee mutt be at the landingfc receive their freight Tbla com-an- y

will not hold Iteelt reaponilbletar freight after It has been landed.

Live atock received only at owner',rut

Tkla company will not be reaponaibletor money or valuablea of paaaengeraaateaa placed in the care ot the pur-ta- r.

Pueengera are requeated to purchaselieketa before embarking. Tboae tail-ing to do so will be aubject to an

charge of twenty-fiv-e per cent.The company will not be liable for

Iota of, nor Injury to, nor delay In de-

livery of baggage or personal effects ofpassengers, or freight of shippers, be-

yond tho amount of 1100. unless thovalue of the eamo be declared when

by the Company, and an extracharge be made tnerelor.

All employes ot the company are forbidden to recelre freight without deMverlng a shipment receipt therefor inUt form prescribed by the Company,and which may be teen bv .hitman

pon application to the pursers of theCompany's steamers.

Bhlppera are notified that If frel.htit shipped without such recepl', it willm soieiy at ma run of tbe shipper.

0. L. WirJHT. President. B. nOBB, Secretary.

OAPT. T. if. OLARKV For, "apt

of Trmi.


MHt RAN PltAKCisrn.ZmUnilla ! tJnn &

MnrlhoM ! iiiMtii Jnn. 7

Stailflni.lA tiitJftn 21Hlcrrn tiiiitititiiJAni 2'J

MnrllHjftn . taa.a.t-YI- . 13

Aiamcda .. ....,,, ..Kelt, isZealand I a Mch. (1

BonuniA . ...Mch. 12

ttttttttttttttt tttttltttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttftttlttttttttttttttt tfttt.!MHIIM ttttttlttttttttttttttt

tit.( !

Far San Francisco:

Guile Jin. iHongkonr Mini, .... ..... Jin. IChlnt ..". I Jin. II

Co , Ltd., Agents.


aaiu miow .una yii I

I FROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANEFoi Vlctoila ao. Vaacoarai (B.C.):

Busiaess Mcm

Cai SaveMany Hours


San Francisco-Portla- nd



Only THREE DAYS to Chicago.Only FOUR DAYS to New York.

'Pullman Palace Sleepers. Buffet, Smok-ing and Library Cars, with 'BarberShop and Pleasant Reading Rooms.

Dtnlng Cars (MealsFree Reclining .Chairs.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers..

J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent,- -

115 Third street, Portland, Oregon'.D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent,No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.E.L.LOMAX.G.P.&T.A.,

47a Omaha, Nebraska.


From and Af er January 1, 1849.THAWS. ,

STATIONS.. Dally - DallOatwiii) ' as. Saa. tll at. Baa. Dally Dalit

,, A.M. AM. AJa. P.M. pjlrHaaalala'..... i.ia .:i usaf mi 1.10?"'cJty.... I.ai .4 1114a ut inawaMlll fcii ia.S lam aiaf inoValaaaa...... lataa .... ana ....'alaisa kiss .... iaSTATIONS. Dailyllawart). as Baa. Dally Dally Dalit

AJ. AJS. .PJR. PJt.CUoka... .... .... fillWaialaa.I maTalaaaa tiia .... mSwa Mill.. sua fill iws litPiail City a:is Bias llta iiuoaoiaia a.M a.i a os

F. C. HMTTH.Oen'l Pmaa. k TloketAgent.

n. P. DaiftanN, ftntwirlntotiitant.

EGRY'S . .

Violin - StudioROOM 4, LOVE BUILDING.

Mrs. ADDis Montague Turner,


Vocal Studio, " Miction "7?o Utrttanl.i atrti Tel. MM. i(w l(

M. K. KAA1,Teacher of ' ' iitar, Mandolin, Zltbt

Ukulele and Taro Pttcb,

Orders to be left cart of Wall, Nlchol-Oo- ;

r V'tatrom Music Oo.'t ll--




Kr?' n It t n ri

MoflfIT ft,,,,,,,, l'l Hi a) a ai u n'n l

riir I,,, tl'llilJ I it ...!WtintiJir ,,,,, '4 t a t 1 I I I - iiraariii. ,, I l'(i ll I M I II


FHiir,,,,, ill M l. 1. 11 I.ll II'.. .J. ' . .liluriir,, .,.,.,,,, ," 17.1 ll l I II I t

Sunity ,,,..,,,, i. m i. .! i II

Mon.iy i. , i l i tju la. I l

Kliwt (Jiiarler of the Moon on ttioMh at 3:lh p. in.,llannllnn Standard Time It lOli, 30m

slotvcr Ihsn Ureenwlch time, being(hat ot the meridian of 1ST 30. Thetime nhlstlt blows at 1:30 p. m., whichIs the same as Greenwich Oh, Om.

The tides at Kahulul and Hllo occurabout an hour earlier than at Honolu-lu

Tides from the United States Coutami (leodctlc Survey Tables.

Muhtcrs nf ensels snlllng from thUport for San Kranclkco will find theren branch of the U. S. HydrogrsphlcOrriin located in the Merchants'

nhere Is malntalntil for tholrKiicllt free of charge, complete soti

of I'liarts and directions of the world.Idlest Information can be obtMned r- -

gjnllng lights, dangers to naIgatloiand all matters of interest to occincommerce.


Steamrs due ami sailing for the remainder of this and the whole of nextmonth arc as follows:

AIIUIVE.Steamers. From. Due.Coptic S. F. Dec. 29

Australia S. F. Dec. 20

DEPART.Steamers. For. Duo.Coptic Yokohama .j Dec. 29

N. B. A United States Army Transport may be expected from San FranCisco on the 9th and 24th of each month,en route to Manila, unless routo Ischanged by tbe War Department.


ARMY AND NAVY.U. S. training ship Adams, Going, rn

cruise.II. M. S. Icarus, Knowllng, from San

Francisco, on cruise.U. S. S. Iroquois, Pond, Midway Island.

MERCHANTMEN.(This list does nbt include coasters.)

nfoauet, Fr. bk Lodonler.S(. Katharine, Am. bk Saunders, S. F.J. C. Olade, Oer. bk Stege, Bremen.Jabez Howes, Am. sp., Clapp; Tacoma.Andrew Welch, Drew, from S. F.W. II. Flint, Johnson, Am. bk., from

S. F.Mauna Ala, Am. bk.. Smith, from S. F.Olympic, Am. bk., Glblis; S. F.Iroquois. Am. sp., Thompson, Seat'.!".Allco Cooke, Am. schr., I'tnballow;

Port Gamble.Standard, Am. sp., Gctchell, from Ta-

coma,Gleaner, Am. bktn., Nehmcdl, from

Newcastle.Mildred, Am, schr., Rose: from SeattleRosamond. Am. schr.. Ward, S. F.; T.

II. Davies & Co., Ltd. '

Archer, Am. bktn., Calhoun, S. F.Okan ogan. Am. schr., Kencb, Poit

Ludlow.Antlope, Br. sh Murray, at Keiiulul.


(This list does not Include coasters.)Roderick Dhu, Am. bk., Johnson, S.

P.. J, r.- - Spreckels & Bros. Co.Kalulanl. Am. bk., Dabel, S. F., II.

Hackfeld & Co., Ltd.It. P. Rlthet, Am. bk., McPball, S. F

Welch & Co.Edward May, Am. bk., Hanten, S. P.,

Alexander & Baldwin.Annie Johnson, Am. bk., Johnson, 3

F.l.urllne, Am. hg., Schaube, S .F.Metha Nelson, Am. schr., Isaacsen, S.


Henry Falling, Am. sp., Mathewr.New Yoik.

Footing Suey, Am. bk., Wlllttt, NewYork; Chas. Brewer & Co.

Nuuanu, Am. bk., Joeselyn, NewYork; Chas. Brewer & Co. (

Marie Hackfeld, Ger. bk., Wubrmann,Bremen.

Paul Isenberg, Ger. bk., Ott, Bremen.Veil us, Ger. bk., Nielsen, Hamburg,

Meyer, Wilson & Co.Wat husett, Am. sp., Lambertb, New-

castle; II. B. Hague.Alta, Chi. bkt Phonagle, Newcas-

tle; J. J, Moore & Co.Ilrniolptii, Am, schr., Olstn, Newcas-

tle; Hind, Rolph & Co.Pilnce Albert, Br. bk Cippclen,

Ncwi'Htitle; Hind, Rolph & Co.Intasl, Am. bk Anderson; Newcas-

tle; J, J, Moore & Co.Alex, McNall, Am, bk., Ekren, Nen-casll- e;

J, J, Moore & Co.Aililerjac, Nor. sp., Johansen, Now-cuttl-

llliul. Itolph & Co.Chelmlls, Am. hkt., Slmonsen, New

castle; It. II. Ilogue.Itblanil, (Icr, ii Mcjtr, Newcastle.Snow . Ilurgess, Am. bk,, Oltsci.;

Nenrastlr; Hind, llolph & Co,I'.ilmyni, Am, bk., Keller; Newcas-

tle; J. J, MoorvA Co.J. L. Hliinforil, Am. bkt Mollestcil,

Newcastle; J. J. Mooro & Co.lleiuiiore. Nor, bk., Johnson; Now- -

CJMlc.Driimmulr, Ilr. tp, AimstrmiK; New-tastl-

DriifiilMirlon, Ilr, bk,, Thomas, New.cattle,

Mury A. Troop, Ilr, bk., Wolly,

KemtnK Am. bk, Tailor, ,etriailie: .1. J. Mime k (.

HnntlilH. Am atlir., HtnhkHn".Niwrditlrl J, J, .Mrnttt Cw.

AiMrt). Am. bkl., I'ftry, ,Sii-Or- ;

II. II. Hondo,I Min, Am. bkl., HellMWn, Ncnnslli .

It II. IIW.Il)0a lirtiwn, Am, tik I'aulten.

.Npwniatli-- ; ll. II DoricKails ot (Inrry, Ilr. ip., ItroaillofH,

Niw n.tle; It. II. IIokuo.Chiirrlilll. Am, arhr., Trcaor, New

cnMIe; It, II, tlogiie,Ihiltle Alilxy, Ilr, bk McOhle, New-i-astl-

J, J, Moore & Co.HoiHima, Am, bk Hlurslainl, New-rattl- e;

J, J, Moore ft Co.Star ot Bengal, Am.bk Itcmlrrton;

Ncwiasllo; J, J, Moore & Co.!!!(, Ilonanta, Am, bk., Bergman,

Newcastle; J, J, Mcxirc & Co.Omegn, Am, bkt., Mackle, Newcastle;

It, II. Ilogtic.M. P. Grace, Am. sp., Grant, New-

castle, ll, II. Ilogue.I.iiiaii I). Fiuler, Am. schr., Klllman

NiAousttc; It, 11. Ilugiic.Eucore, Am. bkt., Plmgren, Newc.i.t-He- ;

K. II. Hogue.Muriel, Am. mlir., Cnrlncn, Newcas-

tle: J. J. Moore & Co.t'lty of Adelaide, Ilr. bk.. Greenwood

Newcastle; J. J. Moore & Co.

llttper, Am. bk., Sodergren, Newcas-tle, .1. J. Mooro & Co.

Highlands, Ilr. bk Smith, Newcas-

tle, Illml, llolph k Co.illmal.ia, Am. b., Williams, Ncwcas'

tie, J, J. Mooro & Co.

.Its. Drummond, Am. sp., Skew--,Nenrastle; Hind, llolph & Co.

J. II. Bruce, Am. schr., I'etemon:Newcastle;' Hind, llolph & Co.

Win, H. Smith, Am. Bp., Colly, Newcjt'.le; J. J. Moore & Co.

Louisiana, Am. sp., Halcrow, New(.asilc; J. J. Mooro & Co.

Chas. T. Crocker, Am. hkt., Dewur,Ntwcastlc; J. J. Moore & Co.

Transit, Am. schr., Jorgcnsen, Now-nstl- c:

Balfour, Guthrie & Co.Elwcll, Am. sp, Ellis, Newcastle;

J, J. Moore & Co.Emily Reed, Am. sp., Baker, Newcas-

tle; J. J. Moore & Co.Inrn, Am. schr., Il.ismusscn, Newcas-

tle; J J. Moore & Co.Manila, Am. schr., Knudson, New-

castle; J. J. Moore & Co.Newsboy, Am. bkt., Chlpperflcld,

Newcastle; J. J. Moore & Co.J. I). Tallant, Am, schr., Horfland,

Nltiate Ports; W. 11. Grace & Co.Novelty, Am. schr., Iloscndul, Nitrate

Ports.Jas, Rolph, Am. schr., Dedrlck,

Ports; W. It. Oraco & Co.Ilrnry Vlllard, Am. sp., Quick, Sa-

vannah; W. R. Oraco & Co.Passepartout, Nor. sp., Nellsen, Sid-

ney: Henry Lund & Co.S. I). Carlcton, Am, sp Armstrong,

Tntoma.M. Wikclman, Am. bkt., Rcnncche.

Huoma.A. J. Fuller,. Am. sp., Nichols; Taco-

ma. "Metha Nelson, Am. schr., Rice, Ta-in-

for Hllo.B. P. Cheney, Am. bk,, Johnson,

Florence, Am. sp., Ryder; Tacoma.Two Brothers, Am. sp. Wilson; T4- -

coma.Charmer, Am. sp Davis; Tacoma.Highland Light, Am. bk., Mediae;

Tin tuna.Chiillenger, Am, sp., Ooulil, Tacoma.Gerard C. Toby. Am.'bk., Gove; Ta

coma.(Juetn, Am. schr., Fredrlckson, Port

Gamble.(julckstep, Am, bkt, Hansen, Port Gam-

bit.Kllkltat, Am. bkt., Robinson, Putt

Gamble.Vfga, Am. schr.. Cook, Port Ulako-ley- ..

Ecicna Thayer, Am. schr., McVlcar;Eureka.

W. F. Wltzemann, Am. schr., Butei- -

ho?; Gray's Harbor.Philippine, Am. schr., Laraen;

Gray's Harbor.Reporter, Am. schr., Dahloff; Gray'a

Harbor.Ijittlo Bennett, Am, schr., Rasmus- -

sen; Hakodate.John S. Kimball, Am, schr., Thwlng;

Seattle.Chas. Nelson, Am. schr., Anderson,

St utile.Santa Ana, Am. schr.., Strand; .Se

attle.Courtney Ford'Am. brig, Murcblson,

KUIlssnoo.Mary Dodge, Am. schr., Olscn, What



Boston, Dec. 15. There Is more orless speculation among loca yachl'i-me- n

on tho probable speed of tbe bigjnclit that Crownlnshlcld wilt designfor a cup defender based on a state-ment credited to him that he wouldexpect her to he live minutes fasterthan tho Columbia over tho course In

an average breeze.It Is understood the designer has h.til

a full Hct of the working plans of thoColumbia for a long time and Is theru-foi- o

qualified to niaku 11 predictionMr. Crnwnliiuhlelil Is making the

plans nt his own residence amiwill 1I1 liver tho frame plant to MrLnwley. possibly next Monday,.

Tho bed keel, however, is expectedto bo In Bhapt by .Innuiry.

In la) lug down the yacht the mouldloft at I.nle' will be used and fromtliero the woik tan bo changed cllhei 10

tho hoatshed or If It should happen lothe Atlantic Woiks anls 111 1,'aM lliw--,

ton, although this latlei loursn may bo

us an expediencyIt Is iiilln definitely learred that

Watson has nothing lo lilml-- r his

atit plum t of an offer to sail t l.o boat.

Flnt Job Printing at tbt DullttlnDOce,



Unipcttlion of Uritisli Steamers Id the

EuaiuMs Boats Now ou Way

to Coast to Go Into New


At last tho Panama Ilallroad Com-pa-

and the Pacftlc Mall SteamshipCompany will erase to do bunltiiss toKther unless nriatigeiniiils are madeIn the near futuiv for the renewal itthe IVclllc Mall lease of tho PanamaCaiml Co. 's Isthmian road. For )carsthe Pacific Mall Steamship Co. linepra'ctlcally held absolute contiol ot thismail, but now there Is 011 n kctti. nrtlvt competition In through fielghl andpassenger business that has he'llthreatened for some time

Tho Pacific .Mall Steamship Co. Isnot carrying nn) more through freightand the Panama Ilallroad Co. has char-tered steamers from the Alaska Com-mercial Co. to run In connection withtheir railroad system. This has rnusi.lthe Pacific .Mall to lay tip four of theirboats already with the prospect thatmoro will shortly follow. The City ofPara which Is one of the Pacific Mallboats was to have left San Francis oon the ISth Inst, took no throughfreight nt all for the Panama Coast andevidently did not expect to bring muchfreight up as she was going out In bal-

last. From the present aspect of af-

fairs It would certainly seem that theicIs going to be nn entire collapse andfinal wlndup of business nrrangemetitsbetween the two companies directlyconcerned which has been In exlsteneafor years.

The Pacific Steam Navigation Co.. nnImportant English company Is to en-

ter tho freight carrying business andwill make a very strong competitor forthrough freight. On the Mth Inst, thesteamer St, Paul began to tnko onfreight for New York under charterto the Panama Railroad nnd SteamshipCo. nnd has by this time cleared fromSan Francisco going direct to Panama.The steamer Iloanoko now on Hie nor-thern roast will probably bo tho netvessel to take a cargo from San Fran-cisco for tho Panama Company. Nego-

tiations are said to be pending for acharter of tho steamer Chas. D. Lanenow en route from Puget sound forEcuador with rallronrf 'material and llis likely that the Lane will rail at Pa-nama on her return and take on a car-go of New York freight for San Fran-rlsc- o.

Two moro steamers are aboutto be chartered by tho Panama Co.


Seattle, Wash.. Dec. 13. A projectthat has been talked of by shippingmen of Puget sound for the past tenyears now seems certain of fulfillmentunder u section nf the river and harborappropriation bill In Congress whichcarries an approplatlon for tho pellinl- -

naiy Vork on a system of hrcnkwateito convert Noah Bay Into n harbor ofrefngo. It Is estimated that the breakwaters will cost about $2,000,000. Theproject will be of Immense vnluo totho shipping of the Sound on nccount otthe dangers to navigation In the vicinity of Capo Flattery nnd It has beenfavorably reported upon by GeneralWilson, chief of engineers, and CapttlnIlnrry.Taylor, until recently in chargeof tho river, and harbor fortificationwork on the Sound.


Rockport, Ind., Dec. 1C Two negroes, Jim Henderson and Bud Rowlands, who wajlnld, murdered and rob-

bed Hollle Simons, a white barber,early this morning, were lynched to-

night In tho Jail yard by n mob ot 1500.

Tho negroes wero nrrested soon afterthe murder and although Rowlands'clothing had blood stains on It theyclaimed they wero Innocent.

Mew Bnrkcntlnc Lahalna,A four-mast- barkentlno to be nam-

ed the Lahalna, la under constructionat W, A. Boole & Son's new shipyardacross tho bay from San Francisco.Tho new vessel will bo operated byHind, Rolph & Co., of San Francisconnd Honolulu In the laland trade.Dredging Is In progress nt the shipyardpreliminary to the construction ot jmarine railway.

"inn Job Printing at tbe bulletinOflce.

J..rMi(HMO- -1 f

J L00--

i4 "to- - Vas-

e- L10--,, 3 "


to-- i10--

I )- -


ll-- Xo Cure

At all drugtitMs.Pn: IIX and 25as inanv as Hie ws.

Legal Notices.

Notice to Creditor!.tk imaVt l liiiry ! 4lt mf!l.1 lf I Ml'. II AMi I IKlt IKA

iHH H natats UHM .1 thn Jk.IwI ISWIUKh,tK ti, t " ll rwi, si.tnf .l.irrt..Mltli4tftl.il lhl .ic.tli t trM!ffir. rflI..1 It'll. f fwri lo fnr 1h Mm. l'h tiff If

tnit If Iht III, .at aviHint it.1 Inh'fnllkit iifm nn At ittiiM '.! II ti'ialv iiMitltmM Ifnffl in. ot iwt till I. foftvtt tmlUittJ, IVilmNI lllh, !

IMWBV APMIIAUtAlrssltllllilellNa till-- . ,! I lisk Ivrisiivi

C.itai it



rmsKiouis . mamia ciohia costinaTn WttuMK of Ilia hi To If. Minhil ol is.lli.iliin ituni, it Ut iMtuiy, Or. ii.i,Ynuit.iMrminJ.JM (UTmon MAMIA GtOMlA

COSTINl.J.l.aJanl Incit. tfw thill Mt .,lll,BASMWlHUIIHINTHENtY DAYS ilwr i.ivlobrriol, lo - inl irr.1' Nlcn lha iili e.lrca'1Court ll tfi Stil.flirr T.rm lhr.of, lo t. holit n llLlha.. Iilini Kinil, on WLINF0AY, III. )lhJit of Sr'.mh.r rttt, iiioo'cIchI' i m loihowciu a aSy lh clllm ol f rink Loult. iilnllff, ihouliroblwirJ.J Mhlai ruriuinl Jon trnor of Miinr.i.J llbl for Dvrc AnJ hiva vMitn.nirtrHi W rlt i'h I j'I i.iurnol)ourrro.fjiniiri.roa.

VVltn.iillt .J IlirJt.JaJr. tllri. Circuit CourtM Hit I ilii Circuit, at tihut, Kiuil, Uili itui itr olMiy, a o.

tMctiil) IIAKHY D WISHARD.. ultra.I htttiy lh lor.snlnj to t i tru. in j .itct

corvttira .rlsirii tummont in ti 4 ciutiinitni'tili tourl ord.r.4 rubMcitliin ot th. tim. ml.contlnuirct nf iilJ ciu untl thi next Mirch, taai,Wtm fit thlt Court .

Iia'.4 Linu. Kiuil, .tl.mr.r arth, ono aHAVKY D WISIIAHt).

t64,m Cl.ra I



tfl AhltU'Jat b ,! c I tursLititru cTh Tftninr v el I u wile TothHifrh SlitrlffftlthtTtrrlto r l Hjj I, or hi Ofuty. tat MwMIt nl thii,aii4uins.ii,viiiis ivrjruiy, or inv v&Ollsirit 11tn Tctrllor) nf HawiII

au ait cotnrrtnj! lo lummon E, LINDEMANSdeirnJint, In h h fit written ANSWERWITHIN TWENTY DAYS ilir mvlct ts:o1 to NjnJ rr'' Nlore iht l.lj Circuit Court at tht Srptfntf r Ttm tfitror, to h hoi J en at Llhu. IilanJ otvauii.on yclc3imi me jmaay ctAttcrnretrtxt. at w n'cltKk a. m., to rauia tvhytrMclaim ot Kapual k, plalrtirf. huld not be awarjeitohim rufimnt to the tencr of hit annexeJ Pttltlon.Anl have you ihtn itwrtthli Writ with full return otyow pttX'eJlnjrt thereon

Wltnea Hon. Jacob Hariv. Juirt of thiClrciCc.no. trie fifth Circuit, atLlhue, this 9th JayoAu&ust, 1iK

(blcnel) HARRY D. WISHARD.Clerk.

I tier t by cett ly the lorerolrtf t t a u ard etacCory of the oriefnal kummona iti tali taut anit hittali Court orjerel publication of the name and acontlriu.'cerif tali caata unttl the neat March, 1901termor tMi Cotrt.

Dated Llhue, bertember erth, txMARRY D. WISHARD.

161. mi ritrk.

Business Notices.

Large Airy Mosquito


The New Era !

The New Two-stor- y Lodging Hcuse onFort St. tetween Vineyard and School.Only five minutes walk ti the OrpheumCafe, and fifteen minutes walk to the

LARGfc LANAIS AND VERANDAH.EVLRYTHING OP THE UEbT. For termsapply on premises from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.

novimoFop Sale.

Large tract of land situated In NuuanuValley, Honolulu, containing so acres,more or less, and krown as the NuuanuPall Saloon premises, with buildings andolher Improvements.

Grounds cultivated u Ith fruit tlees, etcA bargain,

Apply to A. G. CORRFA,1702-t- f 1; Kaahumanu St.




SERVANTS EXCHANGE,Houses, Rooms, Offices,


Foom ii, Magoon Bid.,Merchant Street



P'ilrlTING 1 Pniwred to fill or.I0DUCED J den until 4 p. mavariLl satiiruays. . , .


COMPANY, Limited.

Queen Street.Carner ol Fort Street

SEATTLE BEER.The erer popular Rainier beer It be-

coming a household word and "willyou have a glass ot Seattle," Is morsoften heard than anything else. TheCriterion Saloon hat tbe beer on Up crIn bollta



M Pll f.rfi'lWJlf!iiBB

The 2ft sic liolds four limes I

a lrcauaiiic;from any cuuse)

in 20 minutestake


I will Hive $100 REWARD X&XiZ!2:tiftVMXl&

Corporation Notlctt


Notice litifffbyt tn (hit 1HE BK-- 1

MtPMblJ MILL CO., I1U, of Homrlulu, li mfJllefi.el' the MaHull Jinit, room ll. All ffoi. owidr

lo Ml J company will klnJIysetlltthe Mmt promptly. 'lilli?


THE PACIFIC MAIL COMP'ANTlia aucieeJeJ to the Hanlng mill bulnettof the tlnttrprlte Mill Co., I.U., Atakttnnj nicharJs MrreK, and letprctfullv toHcits the patrcnsKe of all former cmtomeraof the latter mill company.


lyi6lf VV.H.O. ARNEMANN.


Stockholders are hereby notified that thtFoufth Assessment of per cent or two and

f dollars per share on the CjpltslStock of THE INTER ISLAND TELE-GRAPH CO., LTD., Is due andpayabUJuly 1st, at the office of the underslzntd.in Fort street. J. H. FISHER.

ctK. Treas. Inter Island Telegraph ConLimited.

Hnrlnlil. Inn- - I. inoo ny--


tiir Stnrkltnttlpra nf th Pnnl.1. I x D

frlKeratlnc Co., Ltd., at the office of theHawaiian Trust and Investment Co,, at lUCUKK p. m.,uecemoer2Qiii, 1900. tor tnerutpose of conslderlnir. a proposition of adissolution of the corporation.

WM. O. ATWATER. ,"Secretary People's Ice '

I7iq-4- t Refrigerating Co., Ltd.

DMdend Notice.A dlvlJenJ Is due and payable to tht

stockholders of the INTER-ISLAN-

STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., attheir office, Ouecn street, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, Decemb-- r 17th, 1900.

The Stock LeJgtr of the Company willbe closeJ to transfers froai WednesdayDecember lOth, to Friday the 28th, Indus-- V.

Ive.C. H. CLAPP,

Secretary.Honolulu. Dec. 33, 1001. 17IQ-'- J

NOTICE.t" -- a....,.

AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OFthe Union Feed Co., Ltd., held the 19thday of December, 1900, the following per-sons were elected as efce-- s of the company to serve for the ensuing ear, vli:

President Mr. W.F.AllenMr. E. D. Tenner

Manager and TreasurerMr. F. W. Macfarlane

Secretary Mr. Southard HoffmanAuJItor Mr. F. KlanpDirectors-- Mr. W. F. Allen, Mr E. D.

Tenney, Mr. F. W. Macfarlane, Mr. Geo.H. Robertson, Mr. H. A. Isenberg, Mr. P.R. VlJa.

F. R. VIDA.I7i8-4- t Secretary Union Feed Co.. Ltd.

Klhel Assessment Notice.

Th Kth Acm.l fit c.S ashare, became due on the 1st of August,iyoo, penany Deanng irom septemoer 1st,IQOO. and uel.nauent nn the 10th nf ivtemher, tgoo. Delinquents are now pub-lished and will be (old at auction on tba20th ot November. 1900.

The oth Assessment of I'.i. nr tt.ta rwshare, became due on tile lit of September,1900, penalty Deanng irom August in,loco, and dellnauent on the nsrof Or-f-ober, 1900

The 10th Assessment of 5f. orfisope.share, became due on the 1st of October1900, bears penalty Irom November ;st1000, and will be delinquent on Novemberjoth, 1900.

Thp lllh Almnf nf fl' .pi, .

share, has been levied to become due andpayable on the 15th of November.1900, will bear penalty from December15th, 1000, becoming delinquent on tht3tll ui .uuiuary, luoi. e

J. P. COOKE,Tni.ttirir. tt!lht PlntattAn fn I A

Honolulu, Nuvcmbtr io(h. iqoo. ifSaj--

The Hawaiian

Labor Bureau.Will engage laborer's In

the Hawaiian Islands and will furn-ish them to plantations, individuals,firms, or corporations ; will under-

take contract work and furnish ex-

perienced and reliable contractors.Telephone, :jo Main,P.O. Box, 877.Temporary Office :

Magoon Banding,ROOM 15. Merchant street, Honotalc



Call and see us before buying


Hawaiian Iron Fence and Mont- i-'

mental Co., Ltd

Til. 287 .MAIN. 176 KINO ST.

Fine and


a&'- - 4--l







V ' 7K



HART & CO., '; !



Chocolates Confections.


LfeViSairWi 'MkfJtmMLd'iiM

Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · . t" --MrsssVY'tk i "tn .w a f 3 k ?n. H Vw ,--""Hi" a .WiCffr iplO -i-- gr--EveningA BU15CETIN AD.4ISBulletinNOT AN EXPENSE NNK.HNNNNNM f f f .lW--



iff 'TV .



1 F


fc&eart&tf-ttf-fcftftfttftfetf- t ISx


VBi 3lw jt k 1

Chocolate Bon-Bo- ns

" Name on Every Piece."FOR SALB BY

Le,is & CO.we- - Are soleHavana Afrlcana




Cigars. LaIr.tlmldaJ

EspanolaG rciaVilla Villa

Ato a so





SEATTLE RAINIER BEERFor Sale by Everybody !


Holidays, an Elegant Assortment of BON

BONS, finest Imported to these Islands. See

display in windows. prices.


Chocolate CandiesPiece.

Factory, a Choice Lowney's

Chocolate Candies. one's


Sanchez Y. Haya,



beCommercialCapltanaHartagasCaslmlro Alvarez

Murias llumboldtsChoke Sek-Ltio- n suitable for the Holiday

Trade. Treat best fellow nicehe can smoke and think kindly of fair giver.


Nutne on

Fresh from of

Just for best girl

thev are

ClayFlor Cuba


& LosJams and Also


Box 407.

theever the



the Lot




!A few of are still on sale. f


1 i I






M 1 1 1 1 1 l t 'I 1 I IH--







IsMakes of a



ETC. : : : :


! : : me a : : :



Key West Clear Havana Cigars. 'A new brand



BISHOP CO'S,Spiced Spiced Pears, Spiced Jellies. Buffet


LEWISEmbroidery f

Fancy Workthese Beautiful Goods

AK drl.l



OF KINDS,Wash Silks, Silk Cord, Pillow Covers,

Table Cloths, Etc.



Sofa Pillows, Fine Embroidered BabyPillows, Toilet Sets, and many other

Dainty Articles.

Mrs. H. H.




Williams,St., above Hotel.

City Furniture Store.

Art Embroidery Taught. Stamping Done.


Do; you Want Suit-

able Christmas PresentAcceptable and Pretty

and the Best Kind

&l run run wto to to

to to toto to to



Please Favor with Call.


HkitosIM SlMiiMtiEMJrCJWSBAY, JJ5. Ttt, A




tlnv(inu Glirtir4


especially imported for our trade.




Glace Fruits, Smyrna Figs, Raisins,Nuts, Mince Aicat, Cranberries,Pudding, Citron, and Orange

Dates, Ahrron Glace and Crystaliz-e- dApricots, Stuffed Prunes.

Celebrated Angeles. California,Peaches, Quinces, Preserves,

Preserves, Crystallized





Jewelry AlwaysPresent.


LUCAS, jeweler,Mtruut.



CO.,Three Telephones, 240, 240, 240


-- 05 Queen Street

Auction Sale.OF



At my salesroomi 65 QUEEN ST., I willsell at Public Auction the following

partially described list of house-

hold furn'ture and supplies :

Oak bedroom Sets, CentreTables, Oak and Cane Chairs,Upholstered Chairs andStttees,Black Walnut Office DeslCIceBox, Hanging Lamps, Etc., Etc.

Jas. F. Morgan,Auctioneer.


A Fine

Kimball Piano

$mFor Sale !

A New Instrument and in goodOrder.

Can be seen at my salesroom.J J QUEEN St.

Jas. F. Morgan,

WANTS,VJK t ru t tut m iifftfi 11 tttt fHwtliMl,' ! ttnit tn fl, rfi fcfrli,mi to ifi tm ttntt. Iht ti Ih ha slut-ftif- r

tut fgttti tt fttfilt H !! ,

MMin NOTitr.o.

UtLL IV toyihM-- tbt fiftet from e'trff nMotfl ni PunhN)l ttrctli thlt morn In !

turn in No i llVtlfctSl lWHN OTICE All ton olnf m rt rtquMttJ to

ray In (till or In rrt.ittriw PH. NOnilTTI KEtPAPICOIn ol Ivcr7 rvrlfltt njltl1 urr'y ttHl, Help enty. Rf(tltf mftniSlj ifiP, W, AtMntun, Uoom ti Mifoon L'uUJinf, AUrehinlStifti jBArM JAINS IN JtVLmY-- ru (in rM itim at

LI CAS, m) llotrl Si. I nt LntfvlnRanj fnarrtllng intt ifiN OTICE TO ()UILt)ERS-- Th Union Ear Co

nil nniir tii'ii iwb "ni r mui


YOl)N(l MAN, ttrnotritihtr n t.rtll,f, lAdJrfii"A N" BullttlnOfficf

WIIITE HELP. Atklmon, Vicoon DurJIrf.

ALWAYS VACANT Setllcilliiso

XANTEI)-Slnm- tn Ork. Clth'm, tit. milt" till Mirt K. W. Aiklnscn, Mikmh UiilUing, RiKtm 11. MffchAnl Si

WA Drtvert. Lurui. Crrfntcr,( H.nJyMm Alklnton. Macoon HullJInf. .M.tthi.i

'trtt .

UANTf lo 77rfr b7 oTji' ytira MrriK Jon ik,IvJ . f,n I n tlnovtltiti. O t)IET2, .i, Nuutnu SI, iwl--

WA A young mjn lthextrrlnc 'n rtullBfOCfFV busing 1 to wnfk lor tare firm with

gooj r'0rfctt nf Aivapccm.nl. Mus b wrll rcommtnJ.J AJJim A, B . at thlt ofBcg. tni-t- l

w AND ENA.MEtINOm r. LUUMi to noi.i m. ,fi

OLD PAPl'RS TO EXCHANGE lor claan Cot.AcrrlyalDullrtln Odica. isa-i- l

THE OWL LUNCH AND OYSTEH ROOM --Ovitcrt tcrvti n tha th.ll rnlv T,v hi.

Iimou, Ham and tgg SnJlchr anl ColTta CorNuuinu and H te" ttitit, W.M.LUCAS, Pror.ktor


rOR tKNT An tlaganl larg brick tloit, tito. on noiri 31. n.w Lngianj uakery ,TltllrO LET A lurnlt!J rfom at fo Darctinla next

to DR ,,i. w.

TO LTT Acottagtn Kulollane ani a co'Hraon n.rttarla St , now Mitlilng. For tarmt artly

to KAPIOLAM FSTATF LTD. nilTO Lr.T- -t rurnlihrj Collar., lor light hiutt

1 k.rrlng, anj t.vtral lurnlih1 rocmtttUtRealonabUrat.t. 6.9 Hotel St. hit jt

FS NENT-Prh- aH lirnMirl Rooma Mil. S.A.8, Fort tlra.t t.io-i-

FOR HNT 1 motoilt) roomt, ptlvalew,ln or vlthout boar J, 4,6 Punchhoal St.


TWO laigt room,, all convinlenct, hot anj coldbaiti Arrly to Mrl. E. Ta) lor. )tl ow hou

Klnau St .near Alayal. itis-i-

NEWLY fumlth'J room, tingle or fn tulle, lorgooJ location, ) Klnau Slrl, tupol

1TI)"TO LET S.ltcn Houte. tii lurnlthej roomt lih

1 boarj Young St , near Pllkol. rtio'im

TO RENT Furntthel room, Carien Lane. EnquireMm. McConnel, oil Union ttrtet, No. 0 Garden

Lane. ifcoj.tl


FOR SALE Chicken. Tamalet made Ireih eteryorder through telephone No. 7 1.

FOR SALE A TolJIng lie! lih mirror, malreuMankett at good at new, cheap. Call nl

193 Herctaola St , near lumping Htall.tn. u,wSALE-F- our lott, Horron it , Kapahulu, Wal

klkl. fjooeach. JeBl Barber. 4 1 King SI.COR SALE- -A large down town Wa.ehoua. A

centrally located Lodging Houte and centre,nutlnett Property In heart of eltv re.tienre .mmti.HENRY WATEWHOUSE It CO. i6q, tl

SALE OR RENT-- A ) acre Lot In NuuanuVallev.wllh Large Houte and Several Cotlaget.

HENRY WATERHOUSE & CO. i6a).lTHE bett 1 cent cigar In ion It the "COLONEL"

be had at the Myrtle Cigar Store net! loOr-rhu-

All klndt ol Manila clgarl a tpeclally.


Pumping Station. t6 t(

"OR SAJ.E foo. Futnlturaof jroomej cottagintar iowq, wun privnrce 01 rrniinu coillfft.

WILLIAM SAVIDGL ft. CO..k6 Mtrchanl Si.

FOW SALE-LO- TS In Patama mar town. All aliesrrlcts. Apply to


SALE $4000. Ltawhold on Quttn itretnear Honolulu Iron Works, u cars to run,

SplrnJId Warehouia Location.Apply to WILLIAM SAVIDGE. & CO..

to6 Merchant atrtct

FOR SALE A pair ol tlactt coach horsai formerlyproptrtyof Wm. G Irwin, Esq. Apply to

Jamct Cany, Amirlcin Stables. Merchant ani Richl6l-t- f


LOST A small wiaath pin tl leaves ani pearls,town Llbiril rtward If returnei to H.

Dlnkbge. Cunom House noiwI OST-- A MeJIcIre Had'Case. DR. NODLlfT,- Lincoln. Ulrxk. Klnf St itit-i- w

1 OST While Fox Terrier Ultch. dark brown (actl lth Hatk spni near tall SuluMe rewarj willba paid (or Its return L. W. MERRILL. Emma St.


I OST a cold erumeUd pin; monogram U.S.. 96- in crlnnon ani potd, Finder please return toti iimn inj receive rtwif, ir.


HOUND A Tribune Rlctcla on Bai.ntreet. No1 ),,.)?, chain broken 0n.r canlmtfht lameby applying at lotanl College and paying lor thltadvertltemcnt. lfl8iwFOUND A new ttore on Hotel St , nppotlie the, Ice Cream Pailort. GbO. HAM NEK,Mtnulacturlng Jeweled " ,?a3-i-

FUND At corner ol King tlrcet and Walklklan 18 K gold wedding ring Finder can

have tame by calling al thlt ofnee and paying cmol advertltlng. ,68,-t- f

BY AUTHORITY.Sealed Tenders.

Will be rectlved at the office of theSupt. Public Works, 'till 12 o'clock noonof WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2nd, loot,for the Construction of a bridge over theSouth branch of the Kaukonahua Stream.

Plans and Specifications at the office ofthe Asst. Supt. Public Works.

The Supt. Public Works, does not bindhimself to accept the lowest at any bid.

J. A. MCCANDLESS,Supt. Public Works.

December 29, 1900. 1721--

ARE YOU DEAF??Keerr kind nf Wafna and dlftlrult hear

Inr run lit rurnl fyour new toTentlonr. onlrDi'M nuring wen Dorti flf ai iru incurable. noie11 HiisfHrrviunt inirr. ftond n '.tit ultra tuiut

rutir ca. Omauiuiloii and ad t Ice trrr. KTerrone can euro biuiteM at hl own honit ml ter?iiuiucsLtenif.



Wwilher HiltPAit, I'tinlrmil. tfrrmlrfJo 1 1 inrtitiitr Morning iiiltilmnm,in mmlmum, 7J,

HarnmMef At 0 II. ,tn, 30.0. BtrmljrKmnfiill o.oo. ,

Dew 1'filnt Ml,I Humidity Ht a. til. 70 per rent.

Diamond tlrml Hlptnsl Rtatlnn, I)

rmlir ID. Weather cImM wind lUlitN

Aititivr.0.Tiitd.iv, t)cccml'r t.Ship Jo nCurrlr iRdiytfromSeitllei

lime, liav, ttc.Theo. li. I'.ivls.VCo., lu,

Vfdned,iv, Ofcember iKSlmr Cittnarthrii'lilre, HlnJlo, from

I'ort Towniid to Australia) 1 w.000 feetlumber, will take on coal.

Ilk Kalulanl, from bin Francisco withgeneral caritrt.

U S A T Thomas, Buford, fiom San

DEPAHTUI1K3.Monday, De.embtr 14.

II S T Loean. Sllnson. for Manila.CASS Warrlmoo, Hay, for the

Co lonles.Stmr Walaleale, Green, for Kauai with

laborers lor Llhue plantation.Gia jchr Malolo, Nelson, for Kallh wal


Gas chr Surprise, Nystrom, for Eleele,K"loa. N. wlllv. III. Walmea. Hananece

i an 1 Kek,aha at 5 p in. ,' trrlr Kinau, Parker; for Hllo and way

port, at 12 m.Stmr ClauJIr.e, Lane, for Kahulul and

wav ports at 5 p mStmr W G llall, Thompson, for Nawl

llwlll and other Kauai polls at 5 p m.Stmr Mikahala, Pederson, 'or Kauai

ports at 5 p m.Stmr Upolu. Dalton, for Kona port at

8 a 111.

Stmr Lehua, Bennttt, for Molokal andLanal pn:ts, touching at tahalna and Olo-wal- u

at 5 P m.Stmr Iwalanl, Gregory, for Anahola

at 5 p inI'ASSENOEna AimiVED.

From San Francisco, per P M S S Cityof Peking, Dec 24 -- G E Betts, Or A

Trvan, A F Chamot and Valet. Mis A FChamot, Hcnard Fallon, S O Frlede, JGoodnow, Mrs J Goodnow, E llartmann,Miss M Henshall. Geo I.vndi. A Mallhot.Mr Smith. H Cromces, J A Strcnguest.m tl Auwrtny, tugene .Mcuartny, Ji

H Morrell, Lt Col L M O Buten. US A;Miss li Hldley, Lt Chas Koaler, Mrs Chas' odler, J ll Kosenthal, Master PierreSmith. C Y Spenrlng, Fred Wright, MrsFred Wright. S Hlram'to, Lee Wee.

PASSENGERS DEPAIITED.For Maul ports, per stmr Claudlne, Dec

26-- Dr R McKlbbln, CBCottell, wifeand bey, Miss M Bailey, A S Hartwell,W O Smith, F M Hatch, Alex Robertson,Mrs W F Mnssman, Mrs Robt Sleth, MrBall and wife, C Achong. W Searby,Master H Castle, Jas T Taylor, W JForbes. ,W R Castle, J B Ca tie, MissKate Mnsiman, Miss Y Mnssman,Daniel Naauao, W H Beers, W W duff.N C Murdock. Miss van Mrs E CBond, Rev S P Perry, Rev J P Erdman,A Bltterldge. W A Rowell, K Brown, A LCastle, Miss J L Larson, Miss Krueger,C Kinney. G W Paty, B H Zabbon,David Louis Kalant, Master E Cannon,Geo I. Cannon and wife, S E Wooley,Wm Wllllanson. DAE Blake, D A Irwin,s Pelser, J W Keystone, Jr, J E Miller. FCany and wife, N Zablan, Rev J B

Rev S Yamada, W R Kamanas,Mrs Keohokalole, Mrs A L' ons, Miss MChamberlain, Miss L Vestal, Miss BHorner. Miss H Kekuewa, Mrs JHDcfrees, C H Fairer and wife, J G Sirras,Slrra, Miss M G Campion, Mrs Mervy,H R Hltchco k. J Wl'co k, W E Skinner,CC Bitting, RW Carter. D P Thorn-,o- n.

P Peck, Geo C Rowell, J WC A oyle, Rev J 1 mura, Rev L

Seramoto, Mr Llchung, A Dorago, J PPurdy, Rev M Tanaka, L C Howland.

For Molokal and Lanal port, per stmiLehua, Dec25--Dr W J Galbralth. WmGalbralth, C B Howlaud. R W Shingle.

Captain F. W. Dickens recently Incommand of the United States battll-vhl- p

Indiana arrived at Honolulu onthe Rio de Janeiro and departed Inthe same vessel Monday (orShanghai to assume command of thebattleship Oregon. The Oregon lies atWoosung the port of Shanghai. Cap-

tain' Dickens Is 'quoted as saying that"the Indiana formerly commanded byhim wns put out ot commission be-

cause tho Navy had not enough men toofficer and man her. Our Navy, so farna ships, ordnance and men go Is ad-

mirable. But there Is dearth of menand officers even now. We cannot, asIt Is keep all our ships at sea what willbo the discrepancy when the new shlpinow being built or soon to be built, be-

gin to require men and officers alongwith these ships we now have. Thecrying need of the Navy Is for moremen nnd officers, very many morj."It will be remembered that CaptainDickens spent the summer ot 1893 InChicago where he was In attendanceupon the Duke ot Veragua and thoPrincess Eulalle.


Notice ot Lost Drafts.DRAFTS No. 1234, for )i.6o. In favor

nf Mok Sin. and No. 1277, for Infavor of J, A. Affonsa, drawn by the KonaSugar Co., have teen lost and paymentstopped

M. W. McCHESNEY Si SONS.Honolulu. Dec. 24, 1900. ifizi-i-


Brick and Stone WorkManufacturers of Doors, Sashes and

Frames, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, andAll Kinds of Wood Work, Finish TurningEtc, Etc.

KAWAIAHAO ST., KEWALO,Tel. White 1221. " P. O. Box 552,

Lodge Le Progres Del' OceanicA. & A. S. RITE.

THERE WILL BE A SPECIALmeetlnc of the above lodge at two o'e lockTHIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at Itshall, Masonic Temple.WORK IN THE SECOND DEGREE.

Members of Hawaiian Lodce No. 21 andPacific Lodge N'i 822 and all sojourningbrethren are cordially Invited to be present.

By order of the W.M.E. B. FRIEL,

I72iit Secretary,



Cheaper to Move than Pay RentIs the y ln, tml w t don't Mm II. Wt have move J l l

within it year, we hi J In In order t. Vd ut hew building. Wthave now mofd from tbe slsrt nMt t JOHN NOTTS Isnew building on Hit Carnip nf I'nrt find MlnajBifai,

At present wi are occupying the upper floor and basement, atIht ctrpenttrt ate not through work n the main floor, Wt kour frltndt to ot ctlook the Inctnvenlenct and (tnfuston that willexist a few weeks ) et, When once w e are settled w e will beable to take care of you anj attend lo your wants In first classshape.

Our Itlcycle Shop It n) a running In the new store, andwe have a Tine line of wheels, COLUMIIIAS, tMMIILI.US andCM Vl.l.ANDS, ami a lot of gooJ wheels suitable for the littlefolks forCIIHISTMAS at prices that will suit everyone,

Gilt at the corner of Pott and King Streets, King side,UI'STAlKS, and see the results of a Kansat Cyclone,

E. O. HALL & SON, Ltd.,Hall Building, Corner Fort and King Streets.

t'M'M-i--M- '

At the l.A-


Great Clearance SaleNEW FURNITURE

Ice Boxes, Refrigerators, Rugs, Meat Safes, Bed-

room Sets, Bed Lounges, Baby Carriages, Chairs,

Rockers, Tables, Pictures, Flags, Chiffoniers, Side-

boards, Bureaus, Macneal & Urban Safes, Etc., at

San Francisco Prices.ttnnrmmrnmmtmnmtmtmmrmm

THE I. L.,S. W. LBDERBR, Proprietor

Constantly on Hand.




Metropolitan Moat Co


Navy Contractors





cooflitatlal tortt.

Office 4 Block

Tho will bo Inthe Ladles' Parlor Thursday ovenlng at7:30 to meet any who desire to connectthemselves with the church cither byletter or on confession of faith.pastor will ho In the Ladles' at7, to meet desire to 'see him

about uniting with tho

Tho business of thechurch will be held at the of theprayer meeting this evening, for thepurpose ot electing successor to thelate Deacon A. also thefollowing officers whose terms expirewith the year: Deacons Wm. D. Alex-

ander and HenryMrs. T..H. and Mrs. T. Q.

Thrum; standingArthur n. Wood and E. Bishop;clerk. Wm, W. Hall, andWm. O. Atwater.

following the niettlnsof tho church tills evening, will bemeeting of the church end congrega

for election ot trustees to succeedW. F. J. O. Carter and R. M.

Damon, whoso terms expire, ulsocommittee to J. P.

Cooke, F. J. I.owrey and H. C.

Know how sublime thing toride Tribune am be famous forsound

furnished rooms at tbe Popular House, 154 Fort from 11.00per up.











a I



L. BeretaniaSt.




and Collectors - -Comer King and Bethel streets.

PROPERTY FOR SALBIn All Pari of the City

House and Lot, centrally located, newlioue, lot 41x200, only f 1,800.

Beautiful Home, Kin St., newyear lease on land, very

House and Lot, Wilcox tract, Klne St.,only I5,ooo, a bargain.

Lot 80x80, Palama, on King St., cheap.20 year lease to BusinessHouse and Lot, Ave ,onlv $3000Beach Property, on 40 years lease, cheap

TBL. 708.P. O. BOX 3S4.


Tho U. S. A, T. 'Thomas arrived Inport this morning having left --.SinFrancisco on the 17th Inst. She has no

casuals or recruits on board but tar-

ries S000 tons ot commissary suppliesfor She antrip with the exception ofthe same storm reported by numeroussteamers that have hero .duringthe past few days. She will take 'on theusual amount of coal and will leave for

direct on the afternoon of the28th.

W. M. Is the captain andA. Q. M. TJ. S. V. commanding. The

arotbe saloon passengers: Col,K. A. Oarllngton, Inspector Oeneral;den. I. S. Catlln, Mrs. I. S. Catlln, I.t.Co. Thos. It. Hamcr, 37th Infantry, U.S. V Dr. Jas. F. Presnell, A. A. S., U.

S. A., Mrs. J. F. Presnell, child andnurse, Mrs E. C. Berry, Mrs. J. .1,

O'Connell and child, Theodore Hasel-de- n,

Mrs. Sinclair, W. O. B. Erdman,Mrs. W. H. Arthur, Mrs. Tremalne anddaughter, Miss Edith Bash, Mrs. A. C.

airsrd, W. A. Reed, Mrs. H. Hartungand child, Mrs, Chas. Graves, Mrs. S. C

Samuels and child, Mrs. V, M. Croftua --

and child, Lieut. J. Y. M. fid

Cavalry, Mrs. II, L. Draper and .son,Mrs. It. Stogsdall child, and nurse, Mm.Rodney

The Otis and Sycamore have u,

Tho Walker Cyclcry aroagents, King street,

A Fresh Supply of Beet.

Arrived per Bktne. 'PLANTER" and" Schr. "ALOHA'grades, brewed by the famous '"

AnheuserBusch' Brewing Ass'n., St. Louis,In Cases Barrels, Qu rts and Pints,1 to suit all



H. HACKFELD CO., Ltd.Pole Agents lor the Hawaiian Island.

s ssjaessvesssssr B-- T!S"w raaaBBaT "VsTsitclx "W"la.il TTo-u- . Sleep


Rallabla Wilchntii futnlthtd loriloraiand proptrty. Bait City raltrtsctt tsnlab4. Dtttctrnd work ol all ;i

Roem, Model


Standing Commlteo


any-wli- o


annual meetingclose

Francis Judd,

Waterhouse, Deacon-

esses Hobroncommittee members,




finance BucceedAustla




house,20 cheap.

good Property.Wilder

Manila. reports uneventfulencountering












( i