evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7679/1/1896082201.pdf ·...

j ,i f ft 4 T fc VPti- - r " "W vhTSIHP f ;JL y r $M . - ,r k j -j i ,' .'" 44WiMS-JM- I Best (Advertising Medium. PHTN 77i fit' rc ivui icli ?,Vrf r3,TrW i s' i If you Don't Head the JJullct, e-VGNI- N BULLC N Evening Paper Published you Don' I Get ALL the News, on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches. ALL theTeople. Subscription 75c. a month. .& $ JMCwM- - vQaMtt&MitQQGWie Vol. II. No. 388. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 189G Piuoe 5 Cents. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every tiny except Sunday at 009 King Street, Honolulu, It. I. SUIISCRIPTIOX 11ATKH. I Per Month, anywhere In thf Ha- waiian Islands f Per Year J " Per Year, postpaid to Amurtcu, Canndn, or Mexico 10 m Per Year, postpaid, ulhcr Foreign Countries 13 00 I'nynlilv Invariably lu Ailvmiuu. Tolophono 250. P. O. Box 8'J. Q. L FINNEY, Manager. j. I. wfiikKhuUd Honolulu ihas not passed 'through such a -- siego of hot weather in wears ns wo hnd a week Hgo; the present relief may bo only 'temporary and the hot spell may return at .ny time. During warm weather soino .panplo's idens go to cold drink?, others to ice cream. To buy it imans money, to make it mmns economy, freezers vary a3 everything else the Gem .ntul the ' White Mountain I .are so much alike you cannot tell the difference except in the ' price if you buy in other shops. With us the White Mountain, which has the longest pedigree, lis the cheapest; it's 'the way wo buy. Other stores charge more for it than we doibecauso they don't buy right. We sell them varying in size from ono to six. quarts. Garden Hose is as plentiful with us as the stars in the heavens and wo have it in pure rubber and cotton. It's garden firing weather. Yard brooms are needed and we have them. TTTl . IT. . 1" --.1.1 1 "I. TV 1ULO IDIOU. J. urblUUU VU- - meat don't belong in the garden except fur, walks. But we have .a stock for sale. J. T. WATERHOU! Queen tStroot. J.W.midions Retail Their . . . . . Large Stock OF DRY GOODS! At Wholesale Prices! Specialties THIS WEEK SHIRTING una SHEETING QUILTS and TABLE COVERS, SERGES and LAWNS, SILK RIBBONS, Em 307-G- &Wi P3 fc& i I M ks ' . wmj p. i'-t- i 1, '. s vi- "- . a. - -v : -- .,- - AS'V ".'t' '".:- - V w3 7 JriLfiAl ,n Cure DYSPEPSIA, Cure BILIOUSNESS, i Cure CONSTIPATION, I Cure SICK HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. j Good for the Stomach, Good for the Liver, Good for the Bowels. THERE AKE NO OTHER PILLS SO GOOD AS AVER'S PILLS. Highest Awarcio at tho World's Croat Expositions. Iollister Drug Co., Ltd. dolo Agents for the Honublio of Hawaii. LEWFJS & COOKE A GREATJNVENTION The Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Jloveu itself about yourLnwn. Travels in a straight lino or a circle Btops nutoiu nticnlly. fcjot for any length of hose. W No such Sprinkler hns over be:u placed on tUo market before. Come and See it! LEWERS & COOKE, Fort Street, .... Telepliono CO. My Special Reduction Sale is Over! Hut f nm Rclllmr nil of my Block of cooes erv clictp. My tspeclaltles for tliU w cck arc .... Silk Crepes -- - Curtains ..NI -- - STRAW HATS! XWA.KA.MX Koliinsoii lilnck Hotel fitrcut. For Sale or Lease HoTise and X-io- t! On tlie foruer of VIctoila and fircon streets. C3T Apply to 33'J-t- f AltTHUlt HAMUSON. N. FERNANDEZ. NOTARY PUBLIC and TYPEWRITER Officu: -- 03 Jleichnnt itlruet, Cuuipboll Dlook rear of J. O. Cartor'n office, I'. O. llox XiO. For Rent. ALMA COTTAGE AND TIIE LAKGE Beach Lot trarrotuuling for rent on reason-nbl- o terniH. This in a bargain; Apply to .".07-l- FHANIC HUSTACK. TREATMENT FOR CANCER von i:h riio.ii ukmjiany ami is TltlKII IN A tl.MIHAI.IA. Iti'xiilln urn I'rmiiloliis 'lll !JIoo' KtllPiI mid Drlirii I'l'iiui (be My tiMii .Vi-tli- i Iriio tllui'. Tlid AuHtuiiifiu mail brings tho following itnportnnt tnntlor in tho Btilliirnt Courier: On of tho roprnnclios nfniii.tt tho medical profeafiuii thnuh-ou- t tho world is their inability lo Ami eomo euro for thnt dreadful coranlfiiut cancer. It seems al- - most ns if, at last, their close rc- - feofircb.es aro to bo crowned with Success, and relief, if not cure, afforded to thousand of sufferers. Tho now trnntnient is a Gorman ono, and was introduced to tho colony about four weeks ago by Dr. Treinearno, of Creswick. Tho trentment -- which is known as tho methylene blue cnino to Dr. Tremeiirne's knowledge through his receiving a supply of tho powder from one of tho bovor-a- l European correspondents with whom he is constantly in com- munication on tho latest medical researches. Tho doctor does not claim to be tho inventor of tho treatment in nny sense. Ho lost no timo in U3ing tho powders after ho had received them. Dr. Tremearno has only been experi- menting for four weeks, during which timo ho lias had six cancer patients in his private hospital, and ono thing that has struck him forcibly so far in tho wonderful rapidity with which tho pain ceases in all caseB. Tho doctor's first pationt was an old man, tho right side of whose cheek was in a terrible state. For four days tho doctor injected tho methylene blue, when tho appear-auc- of tho man's cheek showed a romarkabl improvement. The cancerous growth was reduced in size and showed a decided shrink-ago- , whilo tho patient Buttered no pain wlmtevor. Tho sufl'eror re- turned to his homo about a foit-nig- ht ago. Kj has continued to uso tho prescription, and ho has written to the doctor informing him that ho is getting along "splendidly." Another pationt, a lady, took to her bed at tho hos- pital, and it was novor thought that sho would loavo it alive, iter cancor was an intornal one, and sho was suffering excruciating pain. After three days' treatment sho was able to loavo hor bed, and hor condition has greatly im- proved. Tho other patients aro sultoring from cancor in tho face and cancor iu tho tongue, and each hus bouolited considerably, although it is too early at this stngo to say to what extent thoy have really improved. A young resident of tho liallarat dis- trict is under treatment for what iu known as tho "keloid tumor" a hugo growth on tho back of tho neck. Ho has experienced great relief through tho injections, and the tumor is greatly reduced iu size. Tho patients have not beon under Dr. Tromearno's caro sufli-ciontl- y long enough for him to arrive at n decision as to tho oili-cn- of the treatment, but ho is highly gratified with tho progress so far made by thorn. In mauy European citios mothylouo blue has been used with splondid Muthylcno blue is but, according to tho doctor's investigations, it BeoniB to caubo great irritation to tho pa-tiou- t. Tho aotiou of tho stuff up ou tho syatomBocms to kill all tho parasites, which come away tho disoaso appears to porcolato from tho system throughttho kidneys. Methylene blue, according to tho latest medical roports, is a coloring inattor of tho diphenyla-min- o seiies with tho systematic name of totramothylthioniue chlo- ride, Biilphur also entering into its compdsition. Tho dye occurs in deep indigo-colort- d scaly crys- tals, with a brouzd lustre and dark-gree- n fracture. It is solublo it water to tho extent of about 3 Ijpv cent., tho solubility being in- - by tho addition of alcohol. 'I hf color of its solution is deep blue. .Mothylouo bluo is admin-i'.tu.'- .l eitln-- r RuWulnncnusly in ilinia of on tl'hii to on giaiu in eonceutu&U'd nipu'ntts solution, or internally in gelatiuo capsules in doci"- - rf 2h to 8 grains. As an miad) ut lllfttln l"ti blue has bpoti , m .fntp' i",ii'li)c(l in ulcml '2o cnxcx of ufiimluii' and ili.umutio afiWtioijr. y Cbiiivh. and ulsojiy C'Uinbi'iunlKiiiitl by FrancoiH with great bonolit in simple neuralgia and acuto rheumatism. Tho ano- dyne action showed itself, without iv.nr.fini n fttr Itrmru fiTfr nil. ministration, and progressed to a America, and in part to tho west-parti- al or complete lemicsion of ' ,ern extremities of Europe and paiu. iho system does not ap- pear to nccitr.tom itself to the use of tho remedy and thus render it ineffective, whilst no injurious oitoct is experienced on tho pulse, appetite, and digcotion. In cancel on, affectious mothy- louo blue has been used with ad- vantage by mm if Continental authors. itudit.li i nd Eidhorn found the auasnioa tit'd pains disappear iu carcinoma uteri, and tho tumor decreasi in size under administration of three grains of methyleuo blue in capsules daily for three week". Amhrosio found tho locality of the cancerous sub- stance leduccd and defined iu carcinoma mammae by injection? of a O.o per cent, solution, ho that tho tumors either eniiiely disap- peared or could be extirpated; the hemorrhage and pieicmg pains also disappeared. Durrior em ployed a 10 per cent, methylene blue solution iu alcoholic gly- cerine in live cases of epithelioma with great success.. Tho cance- rous tissues wero first slightly cauterised with 0.2 por cent, chro- mic noid solution, and then paint- ed daily with the methylono bluo solution. Tho euro was complete and rapid, leaving only a slight scar. Dr. Lindner removed a malign tutnor on tho left cheek by moans of subcutaneous in- jections of methylene blue. I'lilUc Curt Xolt-H- . Ah Kii was fined .50 by Judgo do la Yergno this morning on a plea of guilty of having opium in possession. Thecaso of John Brown,charged with assault with intent to rob a Chinaman, was set for tho 27th, as was that of William AVaddell, assault anil unttery on a native. Ah rJgeo pleaded guilty of having opium in possession and sentence was suspended to givo him a chance to leavo the country. Keoni ami Knlialo Kaweli w, pleaded guilty of selling that vile compound known as swipes. Sen- tence susponded. MiiBnlci and Masumato, charged with an affray, woro permitted to plead guilty of being drunk, and given the usual fine. m IIoiihc XiihiImtIii. Tho work of correctly number- ing the streets of tho city has progressed rapidly dnriug tho past week All of tho business portion of town has boon measur- ed up, according to the Chicago and Philadelphia systems, and numbers assigned. Tho residence part of town has been gono over for preliminary work only, but will bo canvassed and measured during tho coining week. Tho gontlomon who" havo tho affair in charge guarantoo to assign cor- rect numbers to ovory houso, store and vacant lot in Honolulu, including Kalihi, Makiki and "Wnikiki, so that no matter how much the population increases tho numbers now assigned will always bo tho proper ones. There sooniB to bo somo blight affecting tho bloom of tho beauti- ful Puuciaua Ilcgia this season, for of all the trees iu tho city but fow havo blossoms enough to nt-tra- ct attention. Tho ono on Hotel street rn-x- t tu the Aihuglou is a notablo oxcoption, and in is a source of wonder and dolight to visitors who havo novor beforo seen this troo iu bloom. King Bros, havo mndo soverul excellent sketches in oil and water colors of ' this subject, which aro mooting with r. ady aalo. AN ECLIPSE Of THE NiOQN HIT, TON Kill I HIT ttTil.Y IMIt. I1.I,I.V VISIIII.i: III! (If). II Will hi Nci'il In l( ditlivty All ovef J. orlti ii ml Noulli AniiTim rime mill llm iillon. A partial oolipso of tho moon is duo tonight, commencing about 8 o'clock. It will bo visible entiro lo the wholn of North anil South Africa, to Eastern Australia ami the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Tho timo of its occurrence as figured out for San Francisco, tho nearest point to the Hawaiian Islands whero it will bo fully visi- ble, is given below: D H M Moon enters ponunibra. 22 7 5SA Moon enters shadow. . .22 I) 1(!A Middlo of eclipse 22 10 49 A Moon leaves h1iiii1ov...23 0 21M Moou leaves penumbra.2'.l 1 MM The first contact of shadow will bo 79 degrees from tho south point of tho moon's limb toward the east. Tho magnitude of the eclipbo will bo equal to 0.7!)5 of the moon's diametor or vory nearly three-fourth- s. "With tho abovo data at baud local astronomers will havo no difficulty in following tho va- rious phases of tho eclipse from its commencement. No observation will bo taken by tho Government Survey office, as Curtis, J. LyoiiB, tho only govern- ment official who takes an interest in such matters, is confined to his bed by illnesB. so .hi: oxci:nr pitotntAiti. At .TIiilCfM Ixliinil Tuiiiorron mill I'm-m- il Sfjunru IIiIn .Iflrruooii. Tho morning paper got tho pro- grams for tho band concerts at Makeo Island tomorrow and Em- ma squaro this aftornoon decided- ly mixed, They aro given cor- rectly below. Por Emms square at 4:30 today tho following music will bo rou' (iore(i: Mnrcli Klnir Collun Soiua 0 cTline Stimuli Weber l.'m atlnn Crow u DUinoiuU A iitn-- i KantiiBla Tliu I.llipntlaus . .. Kotaun Selection Awakening ol the Men ... KontM Kuutasl.i liuld beetles' Soiree Klin;; llaHull l'ouul, Por tho Makeo Island concort at 3 p. in. tomorrow Professor IJergor has arranged tho program givon below: l'AUT I. Old Hundredth. Ovei t lire I plilcnla Olnck Finale William Tell ltosslut Clioru.i l'niinli.iiiicr Warner Belli1! ion 11 niitana Wallace TAUT II. Gloria Twelfth Mans (new) Moral t Fantasia The Alplnlioru (new).... iVi luttiid Gaiolte Old Tapestry (new) Ilocttl Overture -- MurmuiliiK FonH (new).... lloiilllon Hawaii Vonol. IIKALlM ItAXCi: DcIlvliUtil Uivnt KuJi)d ly u I.urnr Til ro hi;. There was a regular crush of tho youth and beauty, mingled with some of tho maturity, of Ho- nolulu at tho danco of memboi'3 and friends of tho Iloalani Yacht and Boat Club, at its olegaut houso in tho harbor outranco, last night. Among the guosta woro Misa Elsio Adair, Miss Jnrdyno, Messrs. Yaudorlip, Emmott and Arnold of tho Elsio Ad iir comedy compu ny, who seemed to enjoy intensely both the scone and the Bocioty. Mr. T. P. Lansing, pro-Bido- nt of tho club, ami an olHciout committoo aided by lady friends mndo things vory pleasant for all present. Light refreshments woro served in tho boat room downstairs at elovon o'clock. Tho ladies pro- - vided an inoxhaustiblo quantity of delicious liomorn',e "iVa fn tho refection. 'to music ty a native orchestra tho iloor throbbed to tho beat of gaily Hy- ing feet until shortly after the witching hour of midnight. Owing to occasional drizzles and a constantly threatening sky, the pleasure boats of the club, at tho disposal of all for moonlight row- ing, were tint so fully utilized a8 would havn bron tho caso other- wise Noholv expects anything but ii goo'l t !.. wIkmi the Ilcala- - uis uuteitui.i, and certainly on lliis occasion tho event disappoint- ed no expectation. lroprroiM Colony. Queensland had n surplus ol S3GO,000 Inst year, which was ap- plied to reduction of iho debt. Nearly two and a half million acres of land wero taken up for settlement iu Queensland lost yearj exceeding the record of nny previous year. The Queensland Treasurer estimates for tho present year a Blight iucrciiBc in both roveuue ami oxpeudituro. IIo regards the industrial and financial situation of his colony ob most satisfactory, and states that this year tho ex- port of sugar will be tho largest on record. IMiCriHH Occupation. Two aorouants havo beon killocl at Paris through a storm occurring whilst thoy were making an ascent. A girl, nged 14. fell into tho sea lately, iu making hor first para- chute descent, at Newport in "Wales. Ctikr Dl.Tcr. Tho London Times pointed out that Mr. Rhodes' position difforoil from that of Dr. Jameson, as bo committed no overt act, although ho was privy to tho acts of others. Pother Conrnrdy, formerly of tho Molokai leper settlement, is a through passenger on tho llio. In the ' By Authority " column will bo found extracts of tho law bearing on reports of births, deaths ami marriages, and tho penalties for non compliance therewith, published under tho direction of tho Board of Health. How to I'rejinro riittutl 1'rcntl. Tnko a loaf cf freshly bakwl bread, wliilo it is Mill warm and ratl'rr under- done, und pull tho iiihido out if it in irregular Fliapcd pieces ubont thosizo of an egg. Put theso in u gecd oveu and bako a delicate brown. They aro crisp aud full of flavor and make a delight- ful combination with chec-- v f.'.vl tender stalks of celery, or tho white inner leaves of lettuce, iu which eeno tho bread may bo served with tho salad. Tho Darner Glorlllet). Tho darner is ono of many prosaic ar- ticles which havo beconio luxurious at tho silversmith's hands. The up to dato darner consists of a flao china egg with, a long silver handle Fashion Cadi and Fancies. Several colors iu ono costumo appear to bo tho rule. Well drrossed women aro wearing moro jowolry than they havo in many years. A epeoial featuro of tho Bummer fab- rics is tho transparent effect. Tho belt buckles and cjasjis enameled in dull reds, blues and greens defy . Leather bolts are embroidered with gold and silver beads, and wliito kid bolti, sot with bluo euauicl traced with gold, r.vo tho latest fancy. Tullo and chiffon, with n satin edge, aro rold by tho hundred yards for neck ruches and frilling3 ou capen, fi.inuols and gowns. Itococo enameled hairpins, t with jewels, assist iu modem hairdrawing. Vandyke collars of ecrn and whito batisto, trimmed with laco and inser- tion, aro uiudo to wear over thin sum- mer gowns. Bolt buckles and cuff buttons, for shirt waists, simuluto iu their enamel decorations tho coats of arms or Hugs of tho different nations or tho insignia of tho army or navy. Chatelaino bags of monkey skin.witli roso gilding clasp, havo umueroua ' j -- VI i ..... ....L... .f II... . ,t iiiW i UU1''WIM ,i&mm '' ijAj wM 1 f 1

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j ,i f ft 4 T fc VPti- -r " "W vhTSIHP f



r $M. - ,r k j-j i ,' .'"

44WiMS-JM-I Best (Advertising Medium. PHTN 77ifit' rcivui icli?,Vrf r3,TrW

i s' i

Ifyou Don't Head the JJullct, e-VGNI-N BULLC N Evening Paper Published

you Don' I Get ALL the News, on the Hawaiian Islands.

It Reaches. ALL theTeople. Subscription 75c. a month.

.& $ JMCwM- - vQaMtt&MitQQGWie

Vol. II. No. 388. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 189G Piuoe 5 Cents.


Published every tiny except Sunday at009 King Street, Honolulu, It. I.


Per Month, anywhere In thf Ha-

waiian Islands f

Per Year J "Per Year, postpaid to Amurtcu,

Canndn, or Mexico 10 m

Per Year, postpaid, ulhcr ForeignCountries 13 00

I'nynlilv Invariably lu Ailvmiuu.Tolophono 250. P. O. Box 8'J.

Q. L FINNEY, Manager.

j. I. wfiikKhuUd

Honolulu ihas not passed

'through such a -- siego of hotweather in wears ns wo hnd aweek Hgo; the present reliefmay bo only 'temporary and

the hot spell may return at.ny time.

During warm weather soino.panplo's idens go to cold drink?,

others to ice cream. To buy itimans money, to make itmmns economy, freezers varya3 everything else the Gem.ntul the

' White Mountain I

.are so much alike you cannottell the difference except in the '

price if you buy in other shops.With us the White Mountain,which has the longest pedigree,lis the cheapest; it's 'the waywo buy. Other stores chargemore for it than we doibecausothey don't buy right. We sell

them varying in size from ono

to six. quarts.Garden Hose is as plentiful

with us as the stars in theheavens and wo have it in purerubber and cotton. It's gardenfiring weather. Yard broomsare needed and we have them.

TTTl . IT. . 1" --.1.1 1 "I.TV 1ULO IDIOU. J. urblUUU VU- -

meat don't belong in the gardenexcept fur, walks. But wehave .a stock for sale.


Queen tStroot.

J.W.midionsRetail Their . . .

. . Large Stock


DRY GOODS!At Wholesale Prices!

Specialties THIS WEEK





&Wi P3fc&


I Mks ' . wmjp. i'-t- i 1,'. s vi- "-

. a.- -v: -- .,- -AS'V ".'t' '".:- -

V w37

JriLfiAl,n Cure DYSPEPSIA,



Are Purely Vegetable,Are Sugar Coated,Are Mild but Effective.


Good for the Stomach,

Good for the Liver,

Good for the Bowels.



AVER'S PILLS.Highest Awarcio at tho World's

Croat Expositions.

Iollister Drug Co., Ltd.dolo Agents for the Honublio of Hawaii.



The TravelingLawn Sprinkler

Jloveu itself about yourLnwn. Travelsin a straight lino or a circle Btops nutoiunticnlly. fcjot for any length of hose.

W No such Sprinkler hns over be:uplaced on tUo market before.

Come and See it!

LEWERS & COOKE,Fort Street, .... Telepliono CO.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

Hut f nm Rclllmr nil of myBlock of cooes erv clictp.My tspeclaltles for tliUw cck arc ....

Silk Crepes --

- Curtains..NI -- -


XWA.KA.MXKoliinsoii lilnck Hotel fitrcut.

For Sale or Lease

HoTise and X-io-t!

On tlie foruer of VIctoila and firconstreets.

C3T Apply to33'J-t- f AltTHUlt HAMUSON.



Officu: --03 Jleichnnt itlruet, CuuipbollDlook rear of J. O. Cartor'n office, I'. O.llox XiO.

For Rent.

ALMA COTTAGE AND TIIE LAKGEBeach Lot trarrotuuling for rent on reason-nbl- o

terniH. This in a bargain; Apply to.".07-l- FHANIC HUSTACK.


von i:h riio.ii ukmjiany ami isTltlKII IN A tl.MIHAI.IA.

Iti'xiilln urn I'rmiiloliis 'lll !JIoo'KtllPiI mid Drlirii I'l'iiui (be My

tiMii .Vi-tli- i Iriio tllui'.

Tlid AuHtuiiifiu mail brings thofollowing itnportnnt tnntlor in thoBtilliirnt Courier:

On of tho roprnnclios nfniii.tttho medical profeafiuii thnuh-ou- t

tho world is their inability loAmi eomo euro for thnt dreadfulcoranlfiiut cancer. It seems al- -

most ns if, at last, their close rc- -

feofircb.es aro to bo crowned withSuccess, and relief, if not cure,

afforded to thousand of sufferers.Tho now trnntnient is a Gormanono, and was introduced to thocolony about four weeks ago byDr. Treinearno, of Creswick.Tho trentment -- which is knownas tho methylene blue cnino toDr. Tremeiirne's knowledgethrough his receiving a supply oftho powder from one of tho bovor-a- l

European correspondents withwhom he is constantly in com-munication on tho latest medicalresearches. Tho doctor does notclaim to be tho inventor of thotreatment in nny sense. Ho lostno timo in U3ing tho powdersafter ho had received them. Dr.Tremearno has only been experi-menting for four weeks, duringwhich timo ho lias had six cancerpatients in his private hospital,and ono thing that has struck himforcibly so far in tho wonderfulrapidity with which tho painceases in all caseB.

Tho doctor's first pationt was anold man, tho right side of whosecheek was in a terrible state. Forfour days tho doctor injected thomethylene blue, when tho appear-auc-

of tho man's cheek showed aromarkabl improvement. Thecancerous growth was reduced insize and showed a decided shrink-ago- ,

whilo tho patient Buttered nopain wlmtevor. Tho sufl'eror re-

turned to his homo about a foit-nig- ht

ago. Kj has continued touso tho prescription, and ho haswritten to the doctor informinghim that ho is getting along"splendidly." Another pationt, alady, took to her bed at tho hos-pital, and it was novor thoughtthat sho would loavo it alive, itercancor was an intornal one, andsho was suffering excruciatingpain. After three days' treatmentsho was able to loavo hor bed, andhor condition has greatly im-

proved. Tho other patients arosultoring from cancor in tho faceand cancor iu tho tongue, andeach hus bouolited considerably,although it is too early at thisstngo to say to what extent thoyhave really improved. A youngresident of tho liallarat dis-trict is under treatment for whatiu known as tho "keloid tumor"a hugo growth on tho back of thoneck. Ho has experienced greatrelief through tho injections, andthe tumor is greatly reduced iusize. Tho patients have not beonunder Dr. Tromearno's caro sufli-ciontl- y

long enough for him toarrive at n decision as to tho oili-cn-

of the treatment, but ho ishighly gratified with tho progressso far made by thorn. In mauyEuropean citios mothylouo bluehas been used with splondid

Muthylcno blue isbut, according to tho

doctor's investigations, it BeoniB tocaubo great irritation to tho pa-tiou- t.

Tho aotiou of tho stuff upou tho syatomBocms to kill all thoparasites, which come away

tho disoaso appearsto porcolato from tho systemthroughttho kidneys.

Methylene blue, according totho latest medical roports, is acoloring inattor of tho diphenyla-min- o

seiies with tho systematicname of totramothylthioniue chlo-ride, Biilphur also entering intoits compdsition. Tho dye occursin deep indigo-colort- d scaly crys-tals, with a brouzd lustre anddark-gree- n fracture. It is solublo

it water to tho extent of about 3Ijpv cent., tho solubility being in- -

by tho addition of alcohol.'I hf color of its solution is deepblue. .Mothylouo bluo is admin-i'.tu.'- .l

eitln-- r RuWulnncnusly inilinia of on tl'hii to on giaiu ineonceutu&U'd nipu'ntts solution, orinternally in gelatiuo capsules indoci"- - rf 2h to 8 grains. As anmiad) ut lllfttln l"ti blue has bpoti


m .fntp' i",ii'li)c(l in ulcml '2o

cnxcx of ufiimluii' and ili.umutioafiWtioijr. y Cbiiivh. and ulsojiyC'Uinbi'iunlKiiiitl by FrancoiH withgreat bonolit in simple neuralgiaand acuto rheumatism. Tho ano-dyne action showed itself, withoutiv.nr.fini n fttr Itrmru fiTfr nil.ministration, and progressed to a America, and in part to tho west-parti- al

or complete lemicsion of',ern extremities of Europe and

paiu. iho system does not ap-

pear to nccitr.tom itself to the useof tho remedy and thus render itineffective, whilst no injuriousoitoct is experienced on tho pulse,appetite, and digcotion.

In cancel on, affectious mothy-louo blue has been used with ad-

vantage by mm if Continentalauthors. itudit.li i nd Eidhornfound the auasnioa tit'd painsdisappear iu carcinoma uteri, andtho tumor decreasi in size underadministration of three grains ofmethyleuo blue in capsules dailyfor three week". Amhrosio foundtho locality of the cancerous sub-stance leduccd and defined iucarcinoma mammae by injection?of a O.o per cent, solution, ho thattho tumors either eniiiely disap-peared or could be extirpated; thehemorrhage and pieicmg painsalso disappeared. Durrior employed a 10 per cent, methyleneblue solution iu alcoholic gly-cerine in live cases of epitheliomawith great success.. Tho cance-rous tissues wero first slightlycauterised with 0.2 por cent, chro-mic noid solution, and then paint-ed daily with the methylono bluosolution. Tho euro was completeand rapid, leaving only a slightscar. Dr. Lindner removed amalign tutnor on tho left cheekby moans of subcutaneous in-

jections of methylene blue.

I'lilUc Curt Xolt-H- .

Ah Kii was fined .50 by Judgodo la Yergno this morning on aplea of guilty of having opium inpossession.

Thecaso of John Brown,chargedwith assault with intent to rob aChinaman, was set for tho 27th,as was that of William AVaddell,assault anil unttery on a native.

Ah rJgeo pleaded guilty ofhaving opium in possession andsentence was suspended to givohim a chance to leavo the country.

Keoni ami Knlialo Kaweli w,pleaded guilty of selling that vilecompound known as swipes. Sen-tence susponded.

MiiBnlci and Masumato, chargedwith an affray, woro permitted toplead guilty of being drunk, andgiven the usual fine.


IIoiihc XiihiImtIii.Tho work of correctly number-

ing the streets of tho city hasprogressed rapidly dnriug thopast week All of tho businessportion of town has boon measur-ed up, according to the Chicagoand Philadelphia systems, andnumbers assigned. Tho residencepart of town has been gono overfor preliminary work only, butwill bo canvassed and measuredduring tho coining week. Thogontlomon who" havo tho affair incharge guarantoo to assign cor-rect numbers to ovory houso,store and vacant lot in Honolulu,including Kalihi, Makiki and"Wnikiki, so that no matter howmuch the population increasestho numbers now assigned willalways bo tho proper ones.

There sooniB to bo somo blightaffecting tho bloom of tho beauti-ful Puuciaua Ilcgia this season,for of all the trees iu tho city butfow havo blossoms enough to nt-tra- ct

attention. Tho ono on Hotelstreet rn-x- t tu the Aihuglou is anotablo oxcoption, and in

is a source of wonderand dolight to visitors who havonovor beforo seen this troo iubloom. King Bros, havo mndosoverul excellent sketches in oiland water colors of ' this subject,which aro mooting with r. adyaalo.


HIT, TON Kill I HIT ttTil.Y IMIt.I1.I,I.V VISIIII.i: III! (If).

II Will hi Nci'il In l( ditlivty Allovef J. orlti ii ml Noulli AniiTim

rime mill llm iillon.

A partial oolipso of tho moon isduo tonight, commencing about 8o'clock. It will bo visible entirolo the wholn of North anil South

Africa, to Eastern Australia amithe Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.Tho timo of its occurrence asfigured out for San Francisco, thonearest point to the HawaiianIslands whero it will bo fully visi-

ble, is given below:D H M

Moon enters ponunibra. 22 7 5SAMoon enters shadow. . .22 I) 1(!AMiddlo of eclipse 22 10 49 AMoon leaves h1iiii1ov...23 0 21MMoou leaves penumbra.2'.l 1 MM

The first contact of shadow willbo 79 degrees from tho southpoint of tho moon's limb towardthe east. Tho magnitude of theeclipbo will bo equal to 0.7!)5 of themoon's diametor or vory nearlythree-fourth- s. "With tho abovo dataat baud local astronomers will havono difficulty in following tho va-

rious phases of tho eclipse fromits commencement.

No observation will bo taken bytho Government Survey office, asCurtis, J. LyoiiB, tho only govern-ment official who takes an interestin such matters, is confined to hisbed by illnesB.

so .hi: oxci:nr pitotntAiti.

At .TIiilCfM Ixliinil Tuiiiorron mill I'm-m- il

Sfjunru IIiIn .Iflrruooii.Tho morning paper got tho pro-

grams for tho band concerts atMakeo Island tomorrow and Em-

ma squaro this aftornoon decided-

ly mixed, They aro given cor-

rectly below.Por Emms square at 4:30 today

tho following music will bo rou'(iore(i:

Mnrcli Klnir Collun Soiua0 cTline Stimuli Weberl.'m atlnn Crow u DUinoiuU A iitn-- iKantiiBla Tliu I.llipntlaus . .. KotaunSelection Awakening ol the Men ...

KontMKuutasl.i liuld beetles' Soiree Klin;;

llaHull l'ouul,

Por tho Makeo Island concortat 3 p. in. tomorrow ProfessorIJergor has arranged tho programgivon below:

l'AUT I.Old Hundredth.

Ovei t lire I plilcnla OlnckFinale William Tell ltosslutClioru.i l'niinli.iiiicr WarnerBelli1! ion 11 niitana Wallace

TAUT II.Gloria Twelfth Mans (new) Moral tFantasia The Alplnlioru (new)....

iVi luttiidGaiolte Old Tapestry (new) IlocttlOverture -- MurmuiliiK FonH (new)....

lloiilllonHawaii Vonol.


DcIlvliUtil Uivnt KuJi)d ly u I.urnrTil ro hi;.

There was a regular crush oftho youth and beauty, mingledwith some of tho maturity, of Ho-

nolulu at tho danco of memboi'3and friends of tho Iloalani Yachtand Boat Club, at its olegauthouso in tho harbor outranco,last night. Among the guostaworo Misa Elsio Adair, MissJnrdyno, Messrs. Yaudorlip,Emmott and Arnold of thoElsio Ad iir comedy compuny, who seemed to enjoyintensely both the scone and theBocioty. Mr. T. P. Lansing, pro-Bido- nt

of tho club, ami an olHcioutcommittoo aided by lady friendsmndo things vory pleasant for allpresent. Light refreshments woroserved in tho boat room downstairsat elovon o'clock. Tho ladies pro- -

vided an inoxhaustiblo quantity ofdelicious liomorn',e "iVa fn thorefection. 'to music ty anative orchestra tho iloorthrobbed to tho beat of gaily Hy-

ing feet until shortly after thewitching hour of midnight.Owing to occasional drizzles anda constantly threatening sky, thepleasure boats of the club, at thodisposal of all for moonlight row-ing, were tint so fully utilized a8would havn bron tho caso other-wise Noholv expects anythingbut ii goo'l t !.. wIkmi the Ilcala- -

uis uuteitui.i, and certainly onlliis occasion tho event disappoint-ed no expectation.

lroprroiM Colony.

Queensland had n surplus olS3GO,000 Inst year, which was ap-

plied to reduction of iho debt.Nearly two and a half million

acres of land wero taken up forsettlement iu Queensland lostyearj exceeding the record of nnyprevious year.

The Queensland Treasurerestimates for tho present year aBlight iucrciiBc in both roveuueami oxpeudituro. IIo regards theindustrial and financial situationof his colony ob most satisfactory,and states that this year tho ex-

port of sugar will be tho largeston record.

IMiCriHH Occupation.

Two aorouants havo beon killoclat Paris through a storm occurringwhilst thoy were making anascent.

A girl, nged 14. fell into tho sealately, iu making hor first para-chute descent, at Newport in"Wales.

Ctikr Dl.Tcr.

Tho London Times pointed outthat Mr. Rhodes' position difforoilfrom that of Dr. Jameson, as bocommitted no overt act, althoughho was privy to tho acts of others.

Pother Conrnrdy, formerly oftho Molokai leper settlement, is athrough passenger on tho llio.

In the ' By Authority " columnwill bo found extracts of tho lawbearing on reports of births,deaths ami marriages, and thopenalties for non compliancetherewith, published under thodirection of tho Board of Health.

How to I'rejinro riittutl 1'rcntl.Tnko a loaf cf freshly bakwl bread,

wliilo it is Mill warm and ratl'rr under-done, und pull tho iiihido out if it inirregular Fliapcd pieces ubont thosizoof an egg. Put theso in u gecd oveu andbako a delicate brown. They aro crispaud full of flavor and make a delight-ful combination with chec-- v f.'.vl tenderstalks of celery, or tho white innerleaves of lettuce, iu which eeno thobread may bo served with tho salad.

Tho Darner Glorlllet).Tho darner is ono of many prosaic ar-

ticles which havo beconio luxurious attho silversmith's hands. The up to datodarner consists of a flao china egg with,a long silver handle

Fashion Cadi and Fancies.Several colors iu ono costumo appear

to bo tho rule.Well drrossed women aro wearing

moro jowolry than they havo in manyyears.

A epeoial featuro of tho Bummer fab-rics is tho transparent effect.

Tho belt buckles and cjasjis enameledin dull reds, blues and greens defy


Leather bolts are embroidered withgold and silver beads, and wliito kidbolti, sot with bluo euauicl traced withgold, r.vo tho latest fancy.

Tullo and chiffon, with n satin edge,aro rold by tho hundred yards for neckruches and frilling3 ou capen, fi.inuolsand gowns.

Itococo enameled hairpins, t withjewels, assist iu modem hairdrawing.

Vandyke collars of ecrn and whitobatisto, trimmed with laco and inser-tion, aro uiudo to wear over thin sum-mer gowns.

Bolt buckles and cuff buttons, forshirt waists, simuluto iu their enameldecorations tho coats of arms or Hugs oftho different nations or tho insignia oftho army or navy.

Chatelaino bags of monkey skin.witliroso gilding clasp, havo umueroua

'j-- VI


..... ....L... .f II... .,t iiiW i UU1''WIM ,i&mm '' ijAj wM




B 2'

K" qi)i:HY.

i v



i fa

Alxmt tlio AKcrrNNlon of Chlnoio InHonolulu.

Jb tlio enterprise of Honoluluconcentrated condensed con-contor-

avo might Btiy, in tlioOliinoso? Why is not an effortmndo to push thorn buck nnd

'down, mvny from KnumnknpiliChinch mid tlio corners of is mi-

nim street. There could, oven, bon pretty little park there, with afountain, doves, nnd bit of sta-tuary. Why not ? Dnltimoro nndAVnshingtou ro filled with lovelyparks from end to end. It seemsa shnme, thoso wretched, unsight-ly corners. Yon udoru the corn-ers of u drawing room, iiiukopictures of them, n lovelyhint of perspective. DrawpiuturcB in your city, on the fncoof it. Idealize it, from the pnlito Wnikiki; make a study of it asto ((Toots, coloring, toue and therest. Put in your singing-birds- ,

feed them, and then make a lawto preserve them. It is a pity, ablot on your city, the too eagerenterprise of Mongolians.

If Kukui street could ba cutclean through from Emma streetto the sea, what a lovoly avenuemight bo there, and how conveni-ent. But, alas! I "gesse" thesethings will ho never "in my time."lour city comors your corners!"Who has tho eyes for "the trueand the beautiful," in tho littletown of Honolulu? Beautify,beautify. Go ahead! Corners!

Tine' it is, "and pity 'tis 'tistrue," that Chinatown is in SailFrancisco as big as an elephant.But, that city is no hamlet youmust benr in miud,and tho touristor tho resident must seek outChinatown. It is not on Market,Kearney or Montgomery stieet,for instance; nor, can it step afot faithcr east, west or south.It has its prison boundaries, andits walls nro the iron wills of in-

telligent men. Yea, wheie, incarikr tiintsn solitary celestialhud planted Ins little garden-plo- t

of opium and soiled linon, hois being bought out and oft", andhi- - irt - i t'gh to sc that homust ,lgo;" and he,, quietly nndgently, backs. A. M. P.

I'll bit In lis oillo.

Climato of every variety exertsa different inlluonce on tho do-Bir-

of mankind for a stimulant.Iu colder zones beverages of groatalcoholic strength are used to avery much larger degree than inthe tropics. licer is best suitedto our climato and none found inthe market is hotter than thatbearing the brnnd of "Pabst,Milwaukee." It is brewed fromtho best of malt and hops and isn great thirst quonchor and iuvi-gorat-

and stimulates he nervesand imMoleB. At tho Royal, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay bo found, cold and pure. In-terchangeable checks aro issuedwhich may bo used at any of thothroo resorts.

A. J. Dorby, D.D.S., Dontnloffice CottHgo No. 100, AIukoastreet, telephone o. 61 f Oflicehours 1) A w. to 4 v si.

Iving Bros, latest conbigumentof picture frames has takon tliotown b' fitorm. The designs aroelegant, up todato and of thohandsomest.

M. A.. IVixoto, proprietor of thoUnion bnrber fihop, next to theAit Gallery, guarantees to givo ashavo tlmt will mako your haircurl with joy.

J. "V. Borgstrom is agent forthe celebrated Kroegor piauos, ofNew York. Ho builds organs.Secondhand pianos taken as partpayment. Pianos sold on inatal-nu'iit- x.

Tuning and repairing.P.O.Uox.)S7. Telo.84.7.

The Uriteriou Saloou is apleasant plnco to go to and itsgroaVft nttriK-Ho- tho pure,cold SohUIi4 beir on draughtthere. It makes ouo'b mustache,oui ly and puts now life into thofailing consumptive.

Singors lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est auanU at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollenco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motiou, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convomonco of ar-rangement. B. Borgorsen, agent,King and Bethel streets.

. -

ToalUmrtTlni with Throat I.nnir or M "Unit MscooftoumcuUuUrrti.ScrofuU, AUhnia. or Nirvons JMIl.IT. etc., will Im cUcn u wmiilt IxillU i.f Hit. (11(.1IV8 bllOOOLATK EMI'IJililN .fr trial Call atKurtui iiollikti it urug i fi .nonoiuiu, u. i. -- iiuCWutot J M I'aJatalla u illli ur Uoucy.


Law Books.

Do Ym Read Them ?

Do You Want One ?

We Wave theLatest Catalogues

of THE

Publications ofpALLIGHAN & Co.,

Little, BrowN fr Co.,

Lawyers CooperativePublishing Co.

Wo lnnkc a specialty oftheso publications.anclshnllbe pi en sod to linve thoLegal Fraternity of thoIslands call on us whenwanting ft Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. Wo aro also


Law Office Supflies :

Document Files. LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-pers Ribbons for aij,makes of Machines.

In fact, wo can show you thogreatest variety of Labor sav-

ing devices of an)' Hnuso inTown. If you want to savemoney, come our way, wo arothe Money Savers for you.

Wall, Nichols Go,


Why Pay $110

For a Bicyclelint K'lln in tlio Const foi i?7."i,

wheu you cau buy mi honestUiuyclo nt an Louest price ut

The '.' Cleveland v Agency

JSrJI' Mmlrl $100.1S0G Model 7.7.

1SU5 Model, bidiea 70.

H. E. WALKER,Mnuonlo TomplB.

Valuable '.' HomesteadFOK SAJLJi.

Tho x)rn"'Bos at prosont occu-pied by E. Kopko, Esq., situateat tho corner of Green and Victo-ria streotn on tlio slopo of Punch"bowl, tu ' !Y r I twr . li'. !.-- 'dwelling l.ouso andaro well arranged and commodi-ous and tho grounds aro largoand well laid out. Excollont viewof Diamond Head and the ocean.Will bo sold very reasonably andpart of the purchaso monoy mayremain on tho property securedby mortgage.

For further particulars applyto J. V. HAOKFELD,Attornoy-iu- - faot of A. Ehlors, Esq.

3(56 lm

Mercantile AgencyG09 King htieet.

Difficult Collections a Specialty.!



m3X IClaa.or Street.

O. .T. Wali Mt - - - MNAnrn



Haw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry



Metapolitan BJeafi Go.

Telephone 45.

Central MarketNuuanu Street.

Tho "Very Finestor

ityMgitfateil .-

-. MU

Sweet andWholesome.

Conio and Fee our


Wesfbrook & Gares,Proprietors.

- - - - 104- -Telephone

City MarketEstablished 18S3.

Joseph Tinker, - - Prop,

Beef. ,csb mutton,Sr2say

Pork. SAw- M- veai,Of tho Fluost Vuriotios.

Makers or tho Cck'hrutcil Pork Sausage.

Nuuatm street, opp. Chaplain lauo.

T'elonlione 289.

City Feed Store,Old Armory, Boretnula Sts.

L. H. Dee & Co.

liny. Groin nnd Feod received ex Asloun,

Miowern nnd Alolm. Expected ly s Si

Mt Lebanon lut of Al

always fresb from JInui.


For tho Equine Table in thoway of all kinds b irst Ulass


Are on sale by tho


51 Fort St Tel. 422.

STANDARD LINESof Groceries aro more palatnbluaa wellas healthier than the other kind.

VOELLER & CO.(Waring Block, Uerctania Street).

Hondlo nothlne but the best. Llbby AMiNill' C at ii. el Mill. Khi--Mi-

lulilu Irults, (Ihlriirdelll's Choiolate',Milkmaid llraud Milk, Paragon 1'ure Larduml




Cask -:- - Grocers


Fort StrBEt Sc Chaplain Lane.

Li US. V P. (TlfX

Wholesale and Retail Groceries,

98 Fort Strt'ot, Honolulu

Telephoner 2U T.O. Box 470

Henry Gehring.V Company,


lvrr;&-- tX.VLAhtataH w.

HSn?"- - , , ' v ' tjZ , til


lltimbinp: and Gas-fittinj- jj

Sanitary 'vV'ork a Specialty

EJ& Jobbing promptly nttondod to.Tolophoue Via. 285-t- f

Importrrs nnd Dealers In

Steel and Iron Ranges,


139-t- f King Street.


WHAT?My SI 0.00 Hath Tubs, linod with boot

quality, No. IU zinc, 0 in. 1'ipo, Cham andl'lufj, with wood riin all complete Othoidealers nio dumfonnded, nnd resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excusoh.

13o not deceived, tbeso Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I roduced tho price.

I am prepared to do all work in my linennd guarantee satisfaction: Estimates fur-nished.

If you wnnt n good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am yourmam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith A Plumber

yUnGa..aawagafflOT-irar- ,

For Family Use!

JuHt Received, ox "C. 0. Funk," n cargo of


Which Is offered In quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.




Also White and Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Telphone No. 414.

Hawaiian Fertilizing1

COMPANYIs prepared to furnlih

i ir,nrvTnncrnlvtili7PVAWdwuu Ul"ufcwllfwI To order for 1890.

In Quantities to Suit.gjtf Orders solicited for a !uture de-

livers.A. F. COOICE, Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on enr lino ami on A

KOAD near FortiluingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap aad Soldon Easy Terms.

DoBiraWo Aero TrnctH nenc tho city nndother Properties for boJo.

UKUCI2, WAKINO & CO.,Doalora iu LotB nnd Lauds,

Port Btreot, uear King.Telepboni: 607. P. O. Box 321.



Curry Powder ns tnade by us is prepared after tho OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.


Bicycles to BurnCome and havo

. rmvm l mix- )T,? tl

Barnes WhiteflyerThe lending wheel of tho world. I am agont for the-abov-

bicycle and also for tlio

UiiO... . , .

A. .Perfect "Wheel. My Prices Suit thoTimes and I am Selling

So as to fit your pocket book.

N)lu Agent.

euXwIlliams(Successor to C. B. Williams, H. 11. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 185D

Piimos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Eent

a look nt tho

and l)6alors in


'tho Arlington.)

Undertaker and Emklmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

Ho8ideneonndNiKbtTel.8ir,. 611 KING STREET, Tel. 179.

H. HACKFELD & CO.-- Importers


Plantation Supplies.


Just Received and For SaleAt the New Stand, King Street,


Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gato Flour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, otc, etc.

Ghas. Hustace,Kna Stbkct,- -





niwitoii m:kvici.s.

" Allicro Honolulu l'roplc HIo) Wor- -

nlill 'tomorrow.

OnNTnAii Union Church. Rov.S. S. Pulmnr, pii-to-

r, mibatitutitigRev.D. P. 3irmo. Morning topic:"Hodvon." Evening: "Agnosti-cism and rolig'on."

Tho sorvicps of tho Socontl Con-gregation of St. Andiow'a Giitlio-dr- al

tomorrow (Sunday will bons follows: At 9:15 a. ui., mor-ning pmyor, with sonnon;(i:I10 p. m., (ivonsnng with ScTmun.Rov. G. 1 Sylton of St.will tnko clmrgo of the porvicos.

Christian Church On Aln-kon,u-

King street, T KT mn.put tor. Sunday sul, ,.'.)' ,

m., Discourse at 11 n. m., ulj 1 1

"Tho sure j'itli to euccuns"Mission school en Smith htnt 'i p. m. Young Poo1o'hmeeting nt (5:HQp. in., Soimon nt7:30 p m., subject, " Uomission ofsins bofoio nnJ uflur tlio oiosh."

Fihrt MinnoiiisT Epihcopat.Cliuncu. UoiLor of 1'orolauui nndMiller EtroolP. Rev. H. W Peck,pastor. Sunday, Aug. Utfrtl. 10 n.

ft in., Sundiiy bdiool and pastor'sBiblw cbiHs; 11 a. m, "TheClime I) and AmiiM'tin nts;" G:,'50 i.m, Young 'topic's S icioty of Ep-woit- h

LoiiKiie; 7:C0, p iu , "ThGieatost Tuaulii-r,'- ' a a rmon tothe toucher of tho KumniurSchool; Wednesday, 7:30 p in.prayor service. All o a

cordial welc imo in all.ItOJIVN CATHOLIC CathediiaIi

Services will bo us follows: 0 and7 a in, Low Mnss with !Ily Com-munio-

9a in, M.iss with Englishinstruction ; 10:30 n m, High Muhbwith nativo sermon; 2 p in, Bo'nryand nativo instruction; 4:fl0 i ra,nativo instruction and Benedic-tion: Weokdiiys, Liu Miss at (J

and 7 n m.Lattp.r Day Saints Reorga-

nized Church (if Ji'Mis Christ ofLnttor-Dft- y Saints; Mililnni Hall,roar of Open Ilonso. fcjei viceswill he held on Sunday ur follows;10 a. in., HilVo el.ss; 11:15 .i. in.and 6:JJ0 p. in., preaching.

Salvation Army. Hotel strootAdj. and Mis Siinonson will

lo.ul tho meetings nt tho SalvationArmy Hall on Satuiday, Sunday,

, Monday, Tuesday and Wodnondnyevening, li'veiybody invited.

Kawaiahao Il.'v. U. II. P.ir-k- ei,

pnbtor Sin day schorl at 10n. ui.. monnngtopic. ' Character;"evening topic, "Tho Mistake ofJudas." All in Haw.uian.

Y. M. C. A. Sunday, 11 a. in ,

sorvici-n- t Onliu juiljJJ p. in., boys'meeting in Association Hall;jir.iifco hoivico in Y M. C. A.Hall nt p. m


Ito Sure lou Arc Itl-l- il

And tlieiiKo rll't nliL-n- If our blond Islniiuru, jorir iippctltc Inlllni;, onr nervusuink. yon mny bu rtiiro Unit Hood's MirKnjiar-lll- u

n what jou in id Then InKu no milntl-tnt- c.

limlft iiinn HikkI'h and only Ilood'a.lliN U tlni invdlciiiu uhkli 1i:m lliu lnri;i-i- t

salt's In tliu world. Ilood'n tenrsaparlllu Utliu One Truu lllood l'nrllU-r- .

Iloon's 1'ai.sme prompt, uillulcnt, nlunysreliable, eiuy to lukv, cany lo oiiiirute.

Meohanios' lioiun, corner Hoteland Nun.inii st'-eet- lodging bydav, wook or month. Terms: 25and CO conts per night $1, and$1 25 nor week.

Sterling, tho painter, is pre-pared to quoto prices on roofpainting. Ho uses a composition ofcoal tar and comont. Cheapestand best root preparation in Honolulu.

Thoio is a handsomo pieco ofproperty, 70x100 feet, on tho cor-ner Prospect and Haukfold streets.It is all fenced ready for buildingand water pipos aro laid on. En-quire of H. M. Dow.

Oil Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. It you want n

hack with good Imrso and onro-f- ul

drivei r ng up iV lot'h ini HI),corner of Foit and MerchantutroptH Hack at ill hours.

If you want to frame anythingin tho very best manuor; if youwant your framo to harraonizowith your picture; if you want thobest and most tnstoful frame intho markot, go to King Bros.

When you aro down on yourluck and feel as if tho world wascold, hard and dreary, just stopinto the Criterion saloon nnd put aroso-coloro- d tint on everything byimbibing a glass of Seattloboor.

FREETo alUulTcrlnir with Throat. Lung or V ustlnir HIoauiMoiuach Catarrh. Scrofula, Astlnin. or liermi lct,IUlly, rtc ulll li iiIvpii a aample bottla ot lilt. OOll.MNIJ rilOCOliATi: KMI'I.SION fi.r IrlaL Call atore of Hoi.liktkk Drug '", Honolulu, 11. I. "11 U

guarantee! at 1'alatalle aa llllk or llouej.

CBgCTJit'wwiseaiajuai;Muau'Og fmSfflAts .

ST. hV I W inrl P R

'.hout any pre t t in-- H

iconic - I)". iit'i ,j to E

Keep it bofle of II'Ai'jKiU.p.abyyuu. I

It relieves nto-.icc- . 1n sura euro for Cram in. Colla niul U

H ami nil Internal inln.

.o levy u jar .s or it vrmMnAJ ''$micht fail where one dose of PainKiller would succeed. If you hacn couh or cold or uny oilier wintercomplaint, try l'aia Killer nt once.It nccr fails to ivc instant relief.

uavis s SON, rrovidencc. R. I.

elLLEffWill cure a cold before it settlesor nftcr it settles. The rightuuie to tnko it is wiien you

lcci uic com coming on.Prepared only If

Perry Davis & Son,,Z U V iUCUbGt It. A

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

1.16-t- f Agents or tbo Hawaiian Wands.

To Citizensof HawaiUaaaffi-i- s

I take pleasuro in announc-ing to you thnt I have remov-ed to my new quarters nt NO.513 FORT STltEET and amprepared to executo all orderspertiiining to my business.Jewelry Hoptiiring, AVntchllopairing, Eino Engraving,otc, etc. I have n handsomestock of Watches and Jowol-r- y

to show you including alargo varioty of valuablo Isl-and Curios. Your patronageis respectfully solicited.

Gr..IGt-t- f

Tq My Patrons;

It gives mo much pleasuroto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of tho mostHKilled watchmakers over inthose islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmcohirnism but wo can givo por-fe- ot

satisfaction in correctingtho ovils to which watches arohoir. Watches aio delicatothing to handle. Wo guaranteothat they will recoivo no injuryat our "hands nnd will leaveour store in porfoct repair.




OF JEWELRY;is n lino nrt. Cotdly jowelry whoniliuunyml needn careful nttontlou,

nnd caro. To get this, hundyour work to

A. H. R. Yieira,AT IIltOH'N V Kirill'.Y'.S.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.TKLKruoXK 705. 31-t- f

H- - Q. JBIA.KT.Ma Kaaa Watt

O na Puna MakanaEft Hiwahiwa oi loa aku oka Nani Mnkamao.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu ia na Watt poiuo a mo kahaki o ko A-- u.

Alanni Papu, kokoke nlanui Moi.

The Evening llulletin, 75 centsper month.

" "&$rm m Mmm

EVENING BULLETIN, AUGUST 22, 18.iw wil'iiw"WWW'NniimniiiiMiiMiiiiwnwwniiinimW(tin


(Ntiunim Street, nenr Hoti 1)

. . STRAW HATS . .

I Have HUNDREDS of DOZENS whichl am Selling


157" Inter-Islan- d order in quantity filled ot n ligurt Impotslblo to meet.EVEI.Y VAHIKrY OF HA1 oV LATEST STYLE AND PATTERN.

61 P'JJSgM" L HiimiiiiJiMMUiJiiJiiiB aBR Ha Ka

MXJKA.TV & CO., - WrrM.Aro nbont to lective n Mb stocl. of . . .


. . . . Tlio very llnrst of lino linos.ff.unh Ou For Z'ti. ttm O'rcsviit MJot'h 11'JU Riv Hold

Belo"W Cost 2To tnaXio room. Come in nnd investigate IT Wll.h l'Al 1L'.



MURA.TA & CO., Hotel mid Xunniiu Rt,iv,t:.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-ing nud Eloctrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- rt Managor.

A.KTISTICCottage Architecture.Complete Plans and Specifications and Foil

Working Drawings.

Designs of Now Model nnd ArtistioDwellings. From a SC00 Artistio Cottagoto n S2.",000 Dwelling, nt Bovonty-li- liorcent leas than tireeoiU iirice charged in Ho-

nolulu,Tlio owncm niul conlraotors will incur

no oxtrix expeiibo on nccnunt of faultyHpccifications or not furuUhiuf; compleioworking drawings to tho cuutructor for hisestimntcH.

A V. OKAH,SHt.tf TOO King Strcot.


next to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Bltiuksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrsys, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with all tho ModernApplinnces for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horco Shooing.


XeleplxorLe 572HONOLULU

Carriage Manufactoryliia & 130 FORT STltEET.

Carriage BuilderAND rtBPAHtUR.

Blacksmiibing in All Us Branches.

W. W. WltlUlFF, l'roiirietor.(Successor to G. West)

Henry Davis,320 Fort stroot, noar Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,Commission Aoknt,

Custom House Brier aud Slatistician


General Business Agent.

iVS ,?ty f''A. 7,TJ "?rvWi

SIIUh,l.i4 ijuer Nvira,moppet ,

Tjje Yokohama Specie Bank;LIMlTtl).

Snuscnlail Cupimt Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 4,f.(IO,000ltcbcno l'niid (...Yen 4,1:10,000


DRAXCIIKS AND AGENCIES.Kobe, Lonilnn, Lyonn, Kow York,

San , Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Transacts a General Hanking nnd Ex- -chungeBusiueHs.

Ageucj Yokohama Spatio Dank

New Rcpnbllc Balldlng. HoigIdId, 11. 1.

S. KIMTJRA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Lnjuors and Irolsion, Sul.l a fi)celalty,

Allen Stheut. Tklei'hone 703.

Arrived per S. S. "Australia."



American Goods,

English Goods,

German Goods,

Chinese Goods,

Japanese Goods.

fatf Qoods ! izvl Qoods !

J57" Come varlj and st jour iholce.

KWONG "STHG LOY,407-- 0 Kin;; St., near Cnntle t Cooke.


L. AIILO,No. AGS, Nunnmt Rtreet

ling just rectiveil a new lino ofDltY GOODS, LADIES AND OENTS


Agent (or tbo following rice plantntionsiWaipio, Wniiiwii, Wminnln, WiiinluivKuiaohonnil Kitpnlaum.

KST" My riee from Kuneohe is markedI. A and iti gtiumntced Al.P. O. Box 114 ... .' TeleDbono 1DB.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Buy Homo Snloon

Comer Ilothel niul Hotel Sheets, Honolulu.

SPECIAL EATINa nousE:1'rivnto Rooms for Ladles nnd Gentlemen,

Upon f roni 5 n, m. to 1 in morning.Mce of Tickets, $4.50. Slnglo Meal, 25o.

JSTow Hestaurant,Bethel street above Post Ofllco.


Chicken on Tuenflnysu Thursdays andBaturdnys. Ice Cream on Bandays. FinoSalads with dinner ouch day.

Meals, 25c, 22 Tickets, St. 50.


Meals 25 Cents. gJNtN.D. .

Private Itoom for Ladies.


TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... Nuunuu street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towtar well. 143- -

FOOK ON & CO.,Nmmmi Street.

JiibI opened now supply of First-clas- s Shoesjust received.

Ladies' & Goats Shoos Mado to Order

Trom American nnd French Leathers.

r s ae w410 Hotel slreot, near Nminnu.

ImportersOf AH Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andG-inge- r,

GROCERIES, -.'- - RICE,All kinds of Canned Fruit, Cigars,nnd n largo assortment of goods loonumerous to mention nt tho very


KAM TAl'Sllotol Htrcot,j)ppn. I'uiitliiiin.


1 mest iu the city.


BLIG I--I LIFii: 1

.... Allnt ....KAM TAI S.


Sam Wo ChanNumnu street, near Kiikui

IS'O'W' OIKIV !Daniitms nnd V. getalnes nlwnys on hand.

Chickens and Ducks n iH'or iIiuhscd, 1'iebh Lgga delnoied ,

to nil pints of tho city.

ISLAND FRUIT 0? ALL KINDS.We prow our own bananasand egettbles


21 1 Nuunuu Htreet.Importers and Dealers lu

Central -:- - Bvrchaiitli.sv.Fine .Manila Cigirs, Chinese nnd Jiipn-ne- o

Crockerywnre, Muttiugs, Vases of nilkiiuK Oauiphonvood Trunks, llattauthairs. A lino .SMirtincut of Drcs Silks.Choicest lirands of Chincso and JnpaucsoTeas of latost importation.

I&JGF" New Goods by eory steamer.Mutunl Ttl. 2G0 1. O. Box IPS

SlrLg Lee Co.,602 KING STREET,

FRESH :- -: FRUITSBy every California steamer.

Importers ol nil kinds of OrocLrles, Fruits,Canned Goods, Cigar nnd Tobacco,

at Louist Trices.Frosh Vcgctiililcn ihuiys on llniid.

AH PING,Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigars,

Pcauut Oil, Sngsr, Soap,Caudles, etc., at lowestmarkot prieu. . s . .

Corner Nuunuu aud streets. M3- -

HOP HING & COMPANY,' Wbolesalo Dealers In

Chimae Silk, Tea, and Matting,Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.40. Hotel Matt. - - Telephone 147.

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dialers In

General Merchandise,145'tf Corner King and Mnnuakea Sta.


Tins mi tli,Dealers In Tinware, etc., l'lplng Laid

and repaired.

lf" Orders solicited; tharges cry mo-derate.

o,:i0!) 'lllinil!l St., 4 doors abo voicing St.373-l-

FOR . . .Best Imported Chincso Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Fine Chinese Teas freshly imported. Very

low prices. Go toWING TAI LUNG

14- 1- 831 Nuunuu street


Plumbersand dealers In

CROCKEHY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETO.Water l'lpcs, laid and repaired,and plumblug neatly executed.

14- 3- No 41, Nuuanu street


IPlumber & TinsmithDoOcr In Tin and Agate Ware.

All kinds of Plumbing done In a SatisfactoryManner at Lou est Kates.

P. O. Box 274, 212 4C3 Hotel Bt.


:E:iL"cr:M::B:E3:Ee .

All klndH of tinware, crockery,ito, at lowost prices

141 Nnnanu and notel streets

W. W. Ab.anaMakes Clothing to UltDL'll of thovery best materials nnd iu tho verylatest stylo, ....

A PevioctFitGuaranteed



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


To Whom St

ivlay Concern.

This is to cortify tlint C. Akimfllms mndo several suits o clothrafor mo nnd tlio wnrhmntiRliin linnboon of the best. I tnko pleasureiu recotninontling him and hiework.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Pit GuarutitntMl. 1 inn TtnoVSuit, $.ri np; Pino Tweed rants, 4.60 apiFino Suit, $18 up. Clothes rlr nned nnd w.paired. 200 KING STItEET.

I'. O. Box 144

a:,zzoesChock Chee & Co., Merchant Tallon,

Clothes Cleaned nnd Ilcpaiied.No. 322 Nuunnn Street.

21fi-l- y 1. O. Box 233.

DYEING!If you want yonr Clothos Dyed nnd made

to look now, call around at

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailor.

43 Niiuann strict, P O Iiox I5H.

C T, AKANA.No. 321, Nuunuu street.

v MERCHANT TAILOR, VFine Snltlnus mndo to order at lowist prices,145 Clothes uleauul and repaired.

"W. A.hiu & Co.,320 Nuunuu Street.

MERCHANTFine Suitings from Best American and

English Cloth.

Clothes Cienncd nnd Repaired.


Fashionable Dress Maker.


DrCSSOj mndo Id nnlor. K.iurlnn m.n.ranU-ed- . If the stitchos break I wllfre.pair without eitnt charge 3072m



Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor and Builder.

No. 80, Nuunuu Htreet.Has on hnnd CoffliiH, Camphor Trunks,

Matting, Wardrobes, Dtska, MiitrcjseH.oto,jUSf Call iu nnd inspect goods.


Contractors BnildersiFnrnituro Dealers and Painters.


Fort Street, opposite Club Stables.

Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,


Furniture of all kinds made and repairedDullUlnir houses and niakhu: rice mlllnaepe.clalty. P. O. Iiox IDS, coruer Kim: aud iiethelstreets. IIS

SubRoribo for tho Evknino Bnii-i,eti- n,

75 cents per month.










Oilleo of tbo Board of Health,Honolulu, August 21, 1890.

that bad,

l'uiiHc attention ia called to the following ns thoy developed in tho courts.Hcotloiisot pu Act entitled "Au Act to An iutentiou to rebuko COlltem- -Provide for llecords of Births,

for prejudging the casoMarriages," llanosDe.tl..ud approved June 3,j303. was only doforred m being carried

' ' ont ,lflor c"ri)U9u.nt"KEPOltTS TO HEGISTKAB OFltmTHS .proceedings should have beou

'. ' detormined. Tho discontinuanceSicliou 12. It Hindi bo tho duty of the o tuo30 procee(liUR8 on tho face

falliorofmcb nnd child bom thoevery indicated that tho Chinese girlsItermblic of Hawaii, or if the father i..i ffriit from tho country at tho timo of the attorneys had boconio convincedWith; or not living; or if the child bo ille- - that she hnd bot bo surrenderedultimate, then it shall bo the duty of tho to tho authorities. This was amnth-- r of such child, uithin thirty d,y iforouco it appears whichafter the birth of such child to notify the' too hastily found aHIItegwlrar of Birth, Deaths and Muring expressionof the District iu which snch birth takes hendlino. Tho idea was not, how-plui- o,

of tho date of With, sex and nnnio of over, that of her attorneys' " 1)1160

mieh oliild, if named; the name of the pn- -

letits of Biieh child, whether it is 1. gilimato

or illegitimate, tnd the locality of tho birth.

It nhall bUo be the duty of evo y physi-o-

who shall attend, or bo called upon in

connection vitb tbo birth of any chi'd iutha Uepnblic of Hawaii, within thirty daysnfter Mich birth, to report Buch birth nnd . iUg circumstances, nud only thoth other ta-t- H relating to such child In this .provjmi(J (1 U)0 ftttorll0y for t10Seotion above set forth. plaintiff in a civil caso, at juryREPORTS TO REGISTRAR toriI1 move(l for n diBC0Iltiuu

01 DEAlHb. ncQ iu tho ini1(jt of a heftrSection 13. It shall bo the duty of every jg "Wlll'lo ft is true that iufer-OTne- rof

any building or premises in orQQcos onoralIy unBafo tho

iiiou which the doath of any person nhall . '.tale place in tho It. pnblccf. Hawaii, to ..aggrieved nttorneys in thisreport said doi.th to the Registrar ' stauce, when thoy infer

of the Distriu in which it took place, iv- - for a rare sort of inadvertence ining ho far as he is ab o to do so the name, tlli8 )apor mnj0 nn inforonco that

cnusj of death, nationality,sox. aire, " JUSt o the accused reporter,lost place of .esidenco of tho deceased and ,

tho locality in which the doath took place; , who simply failed to lunko inves-o- r

if tlm buiHuiR or prcaiUes in or upon' tigations behind tho record for

which nai'i deith tak.-- s place is iei,ed or Wnnt of time, the discontinuanceoccupied by son.o ono other than the owner j bei jn the nRluro q ft rftheieof, then it sha'l be tho duty of theIikmji or ucui.nvr otmil building or promisci lo immediitely report to tho llegisrrar all of the facts iu this section herciube


foio net forth.

Section 14. It bnll be the duty of everyMini tei ol It i.lnn who hIiii i..M late atany burial ol any deceased pcison; and utevery undertaker or other person s

to the hill lal of any deceased person; nnd of

eviry hcitpltal olllcer, liealtli airenl; and ofevery ielatlc of uny deceased person, to giveto tho Ilixistrar of the Dlstilct In wldch suchdeath Ins taken place, nil the Informationwithin their knowledgu concerning anydeceased person, If and whenever said Regis-

trar shall icqucst the same.


Peclion 15. It shall be the duty of everyjKlrxon legally authorized to perform the

ringe ceremony, who shall at any timepel form the marriage ceremony, to immedi-ately report each marrhnc to tho Registrar ofthe District in which such marriage takesplnco and etnte to dim the full name;, the ago,tho icitidi nee, lliii nationality, and the fullnames of each of tho areiits of each of theparties to sueli marriage.

PENALTIES.Section SO. Anj person w ho shall lilate

or ho shall fall to observe or perform anyof the requirements of this Act, or any re-

quirement ol any ml or regulation madeand published by the Hoard under or byvirtue of this Act, tdiall upon conviction orsueli Wolatlou or failure before any DistrictCourt, bo lined for such xlolntlon or nil lire asum not to exceed Fifty Dollars.

Ily order of tho Hoard of Health:

0. II. HEYNOLDP,3SS-3- Kxeeuthe Olllcer.

$!?? Euepir Bulletin


SATURDAY, AUG. 22, 189(5.


Mossrs. Magoon EdingB write,with reference to tin- - heading,"Left by Her Lawyers," in yes-

terday's papor:Tho facts aro briefly as follows:

Reing assured that Lucy would bornlnnu,.,! frm.i ,.itn,lv in ,...Rn II..

-- . . .linlinnn nnviMln .onrl . v o nl.r.lrl Ijilii'ucio i;uiiua jjiuuccuiuo ouuuiube witlidrnwn. we thought thattho hfst method of accomplishingour purpose, nnd consequentlyasked the Court for leave to dis- -

continuo further proceedings,wliicli wns granted. Lucy wasimmediately rolensed from custody '

it ? i e :i i i i

and nas since oeeii iiiiuihjiuii uyUb with a safe place to reside.

The foregoing is prefaced byrather heated language, in whichmolice is chnrged ngninst thoBulletin. There iB no groundivliatovor for such an accusation."Lucy" wa denounced, dny innnd dny out, by all tho other I


papers ns everything waB





and it was published Unit, theOhinoso consul nud Union hnddecide! to allow her to !' di'poitod. This papor indulged in nopartisanship with regard to thocaso, but Bitnply published facts

ly deserting her cause," as theyassume, but that having done allthey could for her thoy throw upthe caso ns n hopoless oue. It isa common occurrence for lawyersto abandon CI1B5S Under compoll- -

r .-

iuiss rroscott s ideas about townimprovement aio mainly good.They nro in lino with what thoBulletin has nlways ndvoented.but ilii-i- i iiultiiiir in effect nuibtnecessarily be a gradual process.As to squeezing Chineso out ofprominent comers nnd lines, thatis simply an impracticable propo-sition. Many of tho Chinesostores aro quito respectable in

and, in tho case of tholoss presentable ones, so long nslandlords have no domain! forstructures that would commandhigher rontnls, tho Ohinoso huck-sters must Btay. Tho coat mustbo cut according to tho cloth, butthere is no reason why a beginningin park extension, with kindredimprovements, should bo delayed.

Discoveries in tho healing arthavo fairly well kept stop with thogeneral advance of science inmodern times. If it prove truethat a remedy for cancer hns boondiscovored, no mucli grenter boonto Buffering humnnity will markthe close of this century.

Tlie Trniiittaya Cine.

There aro no new developmentsin tho robbiry of tho tramwaysoffice. Tho clues worked on bythe officers yostorday did not panout as well as oxpocted. Thopolice aro firmly of the opinionthat tho work was done by some-one familiar with tho place, thomodo of procedure of turning inthe money by tho driver and thetime when any largo sum woujdlikely bo on hand.

Sonttlo is fnst becoming a groatoity. Ono thing which makes itfamous is Seattle beer, which youfind at tho Critoriou. A goodl"lB. '"ways mutes us mnrK.llllS 1S "0 of the beBt tilings OUanrfli 1."

Singors lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards nt tho World's Colum- -binn Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regulnrity of motion,ease or motion, groat speed, adlustnbihty, durability, ease ofIenrning and convenience of nr- -rnngoraent. u. Uergorseu, agont,King nnd Bethel streets.


OHKQUi: NO. 1ST FOlt 8211.01 DItAWNuy on Kim on Clans Spioclcols .V Co. inlnn. nt All,,., ( 1 l.,l ,f. ..,., 1)....

'Mopped. ass-l- t



jimeiyopse$ON -


IA short time ago we intro-

duced the De Laval CreamSeparators to the notice of the

'public through this columnbut we were compelled tochange our advertisement in a

j few days as the demand created'by it soon exhausted the sup-

ply of Separators we had onj hand.

We have just received a'fresh supply and again call

attention to their merits.Have you one or more cows?

If so, what is your purpose inkeeping them? Is it your objectto get the most money fromthem, with at same time some

' comfort and satisfaction? Areyou doing it?

Have you kept pace withthe improvements in dairy ap- -i

paratus? Have you ever stop--ped to consider the benefits ofthe Cream Separator, not to

j the world, not to your neigh- -l

bor, but to you personally andindividually?

If not, you cannot do any-

thing better, and the sooner'the better. Everybody nowunderstands the principle of

, centrifugal creaming. Gravitycauses the cream to rise in theold way. The separator sini- -!

ply adds centrifugal force togravity. It merely uses two

(natural forces instead of oneonly. It effects the completeseparation of cream from milk,which is not possible in anvother way, and in the most allaround practical manner.

The De Laval Cream Separ-ators are in almost universaluse the world over. They haverevolutionized dairying me-

thods. The State Collegesand Experiment Stations alluse and advocate them. Morethan 8S.000 have been sold.All practical creameries havelong used them. Progressivedairy farmers do so in all sec-

tions. There must be manyusers around you. No user ola De Laval machine ever didotherwise than endorse it.

The De Laval "Baby" orDairy Cream Separators arenow made in six differentstyles and sizes. They rangein capacity from 1 !0 lbs. perhour to 700 lbs. per hour.Capacity means separatingcapacity per hour. They aremade for all requirements fromthe household buying its milk,to the dairy of from one cowto one hundred.

The De Laval machines areHand machines. They are de-

signed and constructed forhand use. Women and chil-dren run them. They are usedalmost wholly in such way.Still they may be attached toany sort of light power, fromdog tread 'to engine.

We have also a smaller typeof the same machine, which isdesignated as the "HummingBird," especially intended forhousehold use. It is verysmall, very compact, extremelysimple, easily understood andcared for, safe and durable. Itpossesses every advantage tobe found in any of the larger"Alpha" machines.

Samples and prices of thesemachines at

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Sprockola' Bank,





to your typo printed visitingcard, whon it is so eiwy logot the correct thing right athomo.

No card but an engravedone is acceptable; others aroconsidered shoddy aud shouldnot bo used.

AVo know tho correct thing,nnd nny work turned out byus, will plnco you riglit inthe swim.

Every effort is being mndoby us to keep tins worJc athomo, and if a Btrict ndlior-ouc- o

to Sau Ernncieco prices,combined with good clennwork is any inducement toplnco orders hero, wo will gotnil your work from now on.

JJoitr in mmd tlmt wo nre j

not trying to meet tho cutrntes of Eastern Departmentstores- - for inferior work; butnro doing good work, usingtho very best of material, andndhoring closely to rulingrates in Han Francisco.

Nor is tho work confinedto Cards nlonc, but Weddingnnd Society Stationery, Busi-ness Cards, Announcements,Bill HeadB for Professionalmen, Embossing, nnd thegi'nernl run of work comingunder that head, havo thosame careful attention.

You may not need any-thing now, but it is well tobear in mmd when tho timocomes, nnd savo tho expenseof sending nwny for it.

I H. P.Wickman




25 and 50

Feet Lengths

Just Received ex

"Archer." . .

Every piece of our

4 Ply Hose


Also, a supply of

3 Ply.

Castle & Cooke



Everything !

Hope You

Are Well Fixed.

JS""Wo rofor of courso to Toohvenr, particularly all ihs now shades .

in colors for Ladies and Gentlemen.

If You Need Fixing-asBSE- sa

Corno in and See XT.


The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

Biff Shoe Store.


itf W1B 7S.OO

If you aro thinking of gotting nBicycle, now is tho timo to getone whilo they Inst. This oiler ofIIajibleiis nt $75.00 is not a cut inprico, bo don't wnit expecting to8co tho prico come nny lower. Yoare offering 1895 wheels at thisprico nnd there aro but a few loft..Chis wheel is fitted with tho

Great Gr. & .T. Tirewhich hns proven bo sntisfnetoryin this land of tho

Iiia-vv- e 'ffhornWo also havo a stock of tho!89G

wheels both ladies and gents whichwo aro olforiug at n low figure nudon ensy terniB. Como in and havoa look at our wheels and Batisfyyourself that we aro in tho BicycleBusiness.

An InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- B

nnd Dimes you might savohad you n wheel. A rido lo Wai-kik- i

is not only n pleasuro but asuro saving of health and strength.You will find new vigor by tho useof muscles novor before broughtinto ubo.



E. 0. HaEi & Son

ii(8t fosuedfrom the Press:

'How to Live on tlie

Hawaiian Islands.'

A Summitry of Individualllygioue by

N. RUSSEL, M. DContknts: Introductory; Hawailnn Cl-

imate Soil ami wuter; Tbo inllueuco ofground poisons upon the Ryu torn; goleotinnof place for residence; Building of h houso;Food; Uutuhiu; Eic-rcine-; Concluding re.marks; Hawaiian Climuto for invalids.

Prioe 50 Cents."OUR HEALTH POLICY.''By tlio Banio author; l'rice 10 cents. Tor

sale nt all bookstore.374 17t

IH ffiffit ty

& 1 C5 Fort Street.


Do you romember when yountc whito baifc in Now York

what slices of brownbread cut very thin were serv-ed with the fish? It was but-tered too. When you wereeating the delicious bit youwondered how tho chef manag-ed to cut the bread so thinwithout going through to theother sde. It was a secretthen; not now. He used, a"Christy," an improvement ontho "Cliiusb" bread kml'o inmany ways. Finely finishedwooden handle, snw edge askeen as a razor and a goodthing all 'round. Wo soilthem for a half.

Prido of tho Kitchen is just-ly named, because tho cookwho takes pride in keeping hiskitchen clean uses it. Betterthan Sapolio, because it willnot scratch it cleans withoutdef cing.

Escolloped ojstcrs or fishis as dainty a dish as a kingwould euro to sit down to, ifproperly prepared and served.The correct way to put eitherfish or oysters, cooked in thiswiiy, is in shells. Wo havothe geiiuii o article grown ex-

pressly and which we sell at adollar a dozen.

Walker's self pulling corksenw, draws tho cork and cutsthe wire nt tho same timowithout an effort. Wo getrid of thm at 35 cents each.Thut's tbo way wo get rid ofthe best lawn mower on thoislands sell thorn at $7.50.

Vun Holt Building.

Edw. Ingham,

Artistic Painter,Brass Signs and

Gilding on Glass Specialties

BJ3T All kinds of Contraots forFainting tuken.

Union Street, noxt to Sterling,tho painter's.

881 tf


?!...'kM,mk.i 'itAMj&fe&.

'. $ (ksfci .&. '&' 1k

w al?.J' . IF

"V- -



' Slurs vs. HouoluluB tit 3:30p. m.

"Under Two Flags" on Tuesdaynight at 8.

Tho baud plays at Emma squnrothis afternoon at 4:30.

Tho oxaminatfons for schoolteachers commenco on Tuesday.

President Dolo is expectedhomo on tho Chtudino tomorrow.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 151 Fort street,from 1.00 per week up.

Tho membors of the Elsie Adaircompany woro ontortained on tho"U. S. S. Adams last evening.

Sugar cano in Austialin has"suffered heavily from float. Insome cases it realized only 20c aton.

"Wall, Nichols Co. havo some-thing of special interest to law-

yers in thoir apace in tho Bulle-tin.

Superintendent 0. L. Wight oftho Wilder Steamship Companyreturned fiom Maui on tho W. G.Hall yesterday.

The Hawaiian Mission Child-ren's Society will moot at tho homoof C. II. Kluegol, Punahou, at7:30o'clock this evening.

Tho usual concert will bo givenat Makoo Island tomorrow after-noon, commoncing at 3 o'clock.Program in another column.

In thoir English tour up toJuly 31 tho Australians played 23matches, winning 11 and losingthroe, whilst six woro drawn.

AVray Taylor announces anorgan recital at Kaumakapilichurch on Monday evening as ncompliment to visiting teachers.

W. W. Dimond calls attentionChristy bread knives, Prido of

io Kitchon, oyster shells andolf pulling coikscrewa in this

issue.At tho ovoninc services at tho

Methodist church tomorrow Rev.Mr. Pock will preach a sermon toteacWis of l!i iimnii r hc)um1,entitled "Tho Greatest Teacher."

Rev. G. P. Sylton of St. Louiswill officiato nt both Borvicos oftho Second Congregation of St.Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow, intho absence of Rov. Alox. Mack-intosh.

On tho 19th wit., at Hangchow,n female pirato suffored capitalpunishment for various acts ofpiracy committed between Tsiug-tan- g

and the Taiohow IslandB towhich she belongs.

Mr. ITarry "Wirth, tho proprie-tor of "Wirth's Circus, died fromtho result of sun-strok- e, on boardtho stoamor Kwangloo on Sunday,10th wit., on tho way down fromShanghai to Hongkong.

"W. S. Luce will sell at auctionon Monday at 10 o'olock at thoresidence next to tho Opera House,the entiro furnituro and house-hold effects of Dr. McLennan, in-

cluding piauo and span of horses.A number of musicians and

singers of tho Young HawaiiansInstitute left on tho afternoontraiu today on thoir way to Wai-ulu- a,

whoro thoy will assist in aconcort in aid of tho church atthat place.

Eov. T, D. Garvin has chosenfor his subject at UioOhristinnchurch tomorrow morning, "ThoSure Path to Success." In thoevening ho will leoturo on "Re-mission of Sin Before and Afterthe Cross."

Rev. S. S. Palmar, who is off-iciating at Contral Union churchduring tho regular pastor's vaca-

tion, will preach at both servicestomorrow. Morning subject:

Hoavon." Evening: "Agnos-ticism and Religion."TUero was an old maid ns slel; as elck could

beDoctor eald the trouble was drlnUlnj; com-

mon Tea.KccomiuLuded "Su.vvrios Amir Hkvnd,"

When, Ou. what Joy to tell,It quickly railed ter from licr bed,

Doth atrouu aud sound and well.

Harry Cannon, Palama Grocory,is appointed Solo Agent in thoHawaiian Islands for this justlyPopwlar Brand of Tea. Sold in30 cent lb. packages. His Me-

morial mixture, Young Hysonand Japan, 25 contB, wunvalod forcheapness and excellence ofquality.


Males Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Aih Your Grocer For It.

UiVIQN FEED CO., Solo Agents.



A cheque is advaitised lot andpayment stopped.

Thoro will bo an eclipse of thomoon tonight, pirtially visiblehero.

Thoro havo been no arrests to-

day wp to tho hour of going topross.

Thoro will bo a bicycle run upManoa valloy tomorrow morning.Tho boys will leave Kiug's cycloryat 9 o'clock.

Tho report that a well-know- n

character about town had beenarrested in connection with thotramways robbery unfortunatelyprovo to be incorrect.

Tho petition for a liquor licensefor tho proposed Waikiki hotol isbeing vory nltmerously signed.In fact nearly ovorybody seems infavor of tho proposition.

Tho concort nt tho Kamoiliilichurch under the auspices of thoKamohamoha Glee Club comes offthis evening. Purchasers of tickolswill got free tram faro both ways.

Lumber was boing taken intotho now store room of B. F.Elders it Co., in tho Waverloyblock today, preparatory to com-mencing tho fitting up on Mon-day.

AVillio Lucas will pitch for thoHonolulus at tho ball game thisaftoruoou and Clarke will playBocond base. The Star boys saythoy wont do a thing to "Williowhen thoy got him in tho box.

Captain Harry Evans has cap-tured tho deBorting sailor who gotaway from tho Iolani just beforehIio loftfor Now York and ship-po- d

him on tho Robort Sudden.Thoro are no deserters at largonow.

Tho following centipede yarn isfrom n Japanoso paper: A centi-pede 2 feet 8 inches long is saidto havo been recently captured inGifu Prefecture. Tho monstrousFpeeimon has been preserved inalcohol for scientific purposes.

During tho heavy rainstorm, inwhich tho lightning split seven-teen tolophone poles in tho Kaudihtrict, four liorues on tho Kapn-pal- a

ranch v,oro killed by thoelectric fluid. Tho storm,' whichdid much damage, occurred onSunday morning.

Somebody has invented a flycatcher for tho relief of cattle.Tho animal is driven through itand at a certain point a sot ofbrushes drives tho flies, whichriso into a dome, whoro they arekilled. The machino is sot in thopasture and tho cattle Boon learnits use.

A San Francisco paper statesthat Dr. Winslow Anderson hasreturned from his suramor vaca-tion to the Hawaiian islands. Horeports n largo sugar crop thisyear and a prosperous conditionof affairs gonerally. The govern-ment is rapidly exterminatingleprosy, ho says, by scientifictreatment and rigid isolation.

Leo Kok, an opium dealor whosesontonoo was suspended on July22d on condition that ho wouldleave tho couutry, was arrestedagain this morning. Four steamershave left for China in the mean-time but Leo Kok has made nomove to go himself. Tho policeBay ho is making too much moneyout of tho opium den horunB.

IIbh nl'ct Shark.Perhaps tho oddost pot a man

ever had is a Bhark, seven feetlong and weighing probably 250pounds, which is owtiod, in asense, by G. AV. Fife of Tacoma,Wash. The shark was harpoonedin tho bay off Tacoma by Mr. Fifeand towed to his boathouso. It wasnot badly injured, so Mr. Fifopassed n chain cablo around itstail and tied it up to the pior. Itwas still tied at last accounts, wabfeeding hoartily and was appar-ently becoming accustomed, if notreconciled, to captivity.

m .The Louvre.

Harry Klemmo has recentlybeen renovating nnd decoratingtho Louvre saloon so that it isnow ono of tho prettiest littlebijou resorts in tho city. Hand-some linoleum has boon laid ontho iloorB, tho walls hung with afino quality and neat patternedpaper, and tho bar trimmed inwhite and gold. Mr. Klemmoproposes to expend a Btill furtherBum in beautifying tho promises.Tho Lnuvro is now a strictly firstclass saloon, quiet and orderly,nono but tho host brauds ofliquors and winos nro Bold thereand tho boor is of tho celobiatedSeattlo brand aud always fieah.


Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Roport.

Hi wi F Jp Utr 4 vti7

iCOfSB s- -



Kamoiliili Church!Saturday, Aug. 22d

AT 7:30 P. M.,

Under the auspices of tho

Wanek Giro OliiM

& '1 iolcols ou halo in the Tramcarsnnd at tho Cliutcli.

Free Tram Rido for tho Round Trip

Good Music!Fine Singing !

ALEX. NICHOLAS,:i37-2- t Treasurer.


AT Tin:


Elsie Adair CompiiDj,

un.i. eiiLsLNT

rarue, oumuuy unu vauutvwe i


Prices: $1, 75c. and 50c.

jBSrSeaU nt Wall. Nichols Co. 3S7 2t

Under Two Haas

Another Performance !

The Romantic Drama- - Military -

Will bo given under the auspices of

Company B., IT. G. H.,

Tuesday, Aug. 25th,


New Music!New Scenery!

3" Oast: Selected from thoBest Local Amateur Talent, thowholo to bo under tho personaldirection of Bon Scott.

JCW Seats on snlo nt E. A. Jacobsen'sJewelry Storo, Tort gtrcot. 337-t- d

Auction Sales by W. S. Luce.

jiousefyoldpurnitoeAT HUCTIDN,

On MONDAY, Aug. 24th.

On account of tliu Intended departure ofDR. .McI.r.XNA.V, I shall Bell at Ills

stixet, mljolnliijj the Opera House,

On MONDAY, Aug. 24th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M

Tho Entire Household Furniture, consist-In- ;In part us follows:

B Piano, Music Stand, -- a1). W. Uook Cae and Dtbk. combined; CaneSofas, Itockcrs and Chairs, Upholstered Par-lor Furniture, Japanese Tallies, Carpets,Itlltf.,

Oak Extension (Dining Table,Oak Chairs, Koa Hreakfast Table, former)the property of tho lute Qikui Kmma;o.ye "jrAitr.utD" suhokovs aunt

WITH OCULIST ATTACHMKXTS.1 Oak Air tight Iiistrumcut Cupboard, Re-volving Sliehei and lleveled French PlateMirror Front, Olllce Desks, Cupboard,Lounges, etc., Ivoa, Oak and Iron bedsteads,lied Lliieu, Oil btovo, Glassware, Crockery,etc., and Immediately after

3 Fine Bred Imported Marcs,broken to both Slnglo and Double Harness,

1 Four Months Old "Creole" Colt,a Carriages, Toln and Shafts, Poultry. (Jur-de- n

Tools, etc., clc.

AV. S. LUCE,337-i.- t Auctioneer.

AUGUST 22, 189G.


Malt Extractwill brace, build and giveyou vim and bounce. Getit and thus take your ownadvice.

jt ot fc

Lafayette, Indiana,August 22, 1895.

Pit. IIui'i: says:

Ever sinco your excellent"Best" Tonic has boon placed upontho market, my family has boon abig consumer of this preparation,and I havo found it a gratefulstimulant, nppotizer, tissue buildernnd tonic. J consider it one of thevery few pioparations that reallydo all that is claimed for it, and un-

hesitatingly recommond it to mypatients. DR. CHAS. IIUPE.

J tfi fcj O

Pafest "Best" Tonic for sale by

Kobron Drug Co.

Going Aroundtub TURN ho lost a boot) battered bUkneo; swollen and lame next mornlntr.

AROPRIfMpw111 ko ot tho

absorb the bunch; ready for next race.Should liavouwl Itaoonastlone; wouldhave prevented bunch and soreness.

(2 00 a bottle. Of regular dealers, orW. V. YOUNG. i- - n. v..

Kp.31 JlmhenrtSt., Springfield, Man,

Hobron Drug Co.SOLE AGENTS.


Baseball Season

Starsvs- -


Saturday, Aug. 22, 1896Game Called at 3:30 p. si.

.Admission, 25c- -386-3- t

To Lek--

A HOUSE OF EIGHT (8) KOOSIS,next to tho Wliito House, Nuuauu stroot.S25 per month. The Furnltnro in thohouao is for Halo. Apply to

3C8-t- f A. V. GEAK.

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

FVamed Completewrra

Ons Dozen Rktos of tho Sitter

Only lo.OOEF"Ib tho LATEST OFFEIl we hnya

to make.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeEotographor.

PORT STREET.J araes L. Holt,

General Business Aoent, Ac-


OrvicKi No. 11 Kaahumaun Btreet. Tolo-phon- o

So. O.'ll). I'rouipt attentionguaranteed. 217 tf

Miwi..1ifii.ipiii .. - - ' -n..ri. 'i Tn nnnji.m,

N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street.

Lace Striped Dress MullsIn dolicato Bhndes, silk lustro, just tho thing for ovoningdresses, only 20 cents n yard

Pin Dotted Swiss MuslinsIn solid colors, sulphur, pink, black and yellow.

Pure Linen Lawn for $2.50n pioco, containing 1G yards and gunrnntcod to bo purolinon

Our White Goods Departmentis most complete, Victoria aud Persian luwn, dimitiosin stripes and plaids, nansookn, mulls, swiss muslins,fancy plaid and strippd white goods

At Rock Bottom Prices!jrr


Fino Whito MiihIIu In open work, liomtiful P.ittoras,A great stock of ......

. Valenciennes Laces .


BS3"" "Wo expect withiu ton days a groat aud now stock of

Ordered Specialy by Us !

This is known to bo thofinest Corset mado. . .

We Are Nowmm

Selling a Special

CANE KNIFEMado to Eomedy tho Dofects

Ex "Australia," an invoice of the Favorite

Bevere : Garden : ,Hose,Scissors, Shears, Hair Clippers,

Packing of All Kinds, Featho Dusters,Brushes in Grat Variety, Shelf Hardware

and Another


A new importation of . . , .


.... AT . .




S? nevene wiEf Rubber pjfi?a Co. Jz?JY?k

!mwmmof Thoso Formorly Used Here.

Consignment of

Take an Outing--rTrrrjv?a3-- 'sre f ?W i 1 JW


. . . . SUNDAYS

Trains will leave at 9:15 a. h.and 1:45 p. M., arriving in Hono-lulu nt 3:11 and 5:55 P. U.


Pearl City $ 75 $ 50Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Waianao 1 50 1 25



Proparo Teachers for tho NortExamination. '

X3T Apply nt ljiglo lloubo. 353-l- m


Just Received

Fine Woolens





i. M t il its-- ., jk c " Wl km M tUt MUlbJtb&uljitutoh'k

























Ono day ti boy camo running to liis fa-

ther with a book "What docs this wordmean?" ho naked, for ho tailored thathis father know all tho world nud mostof tho things beyond. Tho parent tailored that, too, and that is how thochild had como to inibibo tho idea. Thoman looked and saw tho word "lore." i

"Do you know what that word means,papa?" asked tho bey.

"Oh, yes," said tho father. And hobegan thinking. Ho thought for a longtimo, for thero wcro bo many thingsloro is thnt ho hardly knew whero to be-

gin defining And tho longer ho remain-ed silent tho harder it seemed to find nbeginning "It is dlflioult to answer,"ho observed, and tho boy interruptedhim.

"When wo find a difficult problem ntschool," ho mid, "wo go to tho rule.What is tho rnlo about lovo?"

The father looked at him, but did notanswer lie thought. Then he gazedanxiously about, mid out through thowindow ho haw a man passing.

"Ah," ho mid. "thero is Mr. Drown,and 1 want to sco him. "

And ho hurried out to speak to theJiian, and tho boy never hoard what lovoIs or what is its rule.

Ford, being qnito satisfied that thostory was n ho from tho beginning nndthat his search for tho wonderful lostdesert tribo would result in no benefit totho Smitliboniau institution, stoppid torest in tho of tho water wagon,tho wheels of which wcio sunk 18 inch-es into tho roasting sand.

"Look out, " ho yelled to ono of thodrivers, "or this Nevada ran will getaction on you and you will pop likocornl Lord, isn't it hotl" And ho lookedabout nt the blistering whito and bluoand cudgeled out of his memory certainversesAnd when Rrlm spirits como to tlint cursM

. Ianl, '

To bo w huro wnnilvrcn fell,They look In terror at tho burning sand

Ami lmrry back to hell"And that's desert Nevada, nnd whero

wo nro driving nnd swearing nnd sweat-ing through it to find tho desert tribes-man, who is n lie,"

"Uy tho powers, it isn't nlio!" yelledCraves, his "Look!"

"A Clnncho boy!" roared Ford. "And,yo gods, n redheaded Chineso boy, nndon a camel, and in Nevada!"

Hong Foy was n dismal failure.told him so d.nly lie could imt

tamp Soutlitrn Pacific ties half as wellas YoIIeavo, or whatever tho pockmark-ed Chinaman's namo was nnd Fon Keocould almott carry a "(SO pound to thoyard" rail liy hini'-olf- , whilo Hong Foy,being young and pale and calm, founditdilllcult to lug even tho spikomnul ortho pinch bar. Whcrcforo tho invest-ment of tho Southern Pacific Railroadcompany in Hong Foy was denominatedby Miko McCiuggin, tho section foro-ma-

as n woird and wonderful failnroonly McGoggin used words of tho

samo import, but of different pronuncia-tion. Hong Tor, however, could cook,and ho .howed Slaggio .McGogpin howto muko a soup out of potato sproutswhich McGoggin declared to bo tho tri-umphant work of tho dcviL Soup, bythe way, is a thing not to bo experi-mented on when tho section boa id in:;bonso is at a place in Nad.i whero thowater is lire ught 111 u tank fiom a sta-tion bO or 1U0 miles away MeUoggmappreciated tho snip, ami because of itrefrained for two weeks from discharg-ing Hong Foy But on a batuiday nightot tho mouth of June, in tho year 1881,lie threw a bolt at Hong Foy, hit himwith crooked spiko and nniilo a ruu totho toolhoupo to get a wieneli to killhim with. Ho had seen Mitggio whenshe kissed tho young Chinaman in thokitchen

In tho hIiiuIo of tho toolhouse, afterMcGoggin hud retired, Hong Foy creptliko a (log which had been whipped outof its keimol but knowH not whero togaHo knew two lines of steel over whichChinamen Inbored, whilo a redheadedwhito man sworo volubly ut them. Hoknew a blno horizon, and tlicso thingswere nil ho knew in that land except-ing tho sun Whero could ho go? As holeaned dejectedly against tho toolhousoand thought of his lovo making, howept, and weeping, Maggio found him.Hong Foy had not dreamed of tho fu-

ture, and had not expected tho coming oftho girL Ho had expected to sloop intho toolhouso that night nud bo beatenagain in tho morning. But Maggio hadplanned. Tho best part of hor plan wasthat sho had brought a hugo bottle, andit had water in it. "Wo will go thatwny, " sho said, pointing out into thodeert.

it is not so bad to walk all nightthrough tho dchcrt if you uio suro younro going to havo shado in which torest iho nt t day But tho next daycame, nnd tw Maggio and Hong Foylooked about them all they saw waswhat a eouplti of nnts in a plusteier'sbox ot limo hi a Far. far, far nwny,round about and uear it was whitiAnd it was o flat that they hociurd tolook up out of a liusin to u brim whichwas whito and blue, and tho ulkah andtho sky nestled socloso to each other imdthe sky an lied over us though It weretho roof of tho plain in Mich wise thatMaggio thought they might as wellhave lieeu imprisoned in the shell of amonster egg milv it would havo to be

FREEroolUiilTiTlni! with Throat, Lung or Valine IiaMkHoiuaili Ctrrh, Scrofula, AHIiino, or Mmnia lunl-If- .

(., will I pi n a wimple In 111" of Ml. I "I!I'l . --. I'll .' I.ATI- IWIMM'N ( r trial ( ' ulHnle itt II hi in I r.r(x I i.JIowiIii , jl, I, ti I

KUi"itcil in 1'iOatabW at I'AX ut lionet.

Made and Merit Maintains the confldencoof tho peoplo in Hood's Snrsnparllln. If n

medicine cures you when you ore slckj ifit cures your neighbors nnd your friendswhen they nro ailing j if it makes wonder-

ful cures of many diseases everywhere,then beyond any question that mcdlclnopossesses merit. That is just tho truthabout Hood's Snrsoparllln. Prepared byncomblnntion, proportion nnd processun-know- n

to other medicines, it has curatlvopowers peculiar to itself. Wo know itpossesses great merit because it has

Cures, not onco or twlco or n hundredtimes, but in thouennds and thousandsot cases. Wo know it cures, absolutely,permanently cures, when all others fail todo any good whatever.

Hood's Sarsaparllln is known to possessmerit or tho power to euro disease; it isknown to be the best bulldlng-u- p mcdlclnoon earth ; it Is known to bo honestly adver-

tised, nnd for these reasons tbo peoplobuy and tako Hood's Sarsaparllln almostto the exclusion of other preparations.In fact, Merit Mado nnd Merit Maintainstho confidence of tho peoplo in


The Ono Truo lllooil Vurlflcr. All druggists. $1.

cllr0 1,cr "ls cas' t0u inOOCl S FlIlS take.easj to operate. 25.

Hobron Drug Co., Agents.

CENTRALKona Sanatorium,Sitnnted on n Beautiful Hillside Overlook-

ing tho Ocenu, nnd l.TOO feetnbooSoa I.cel.

Only 21 honrV sail from Honolulu.CliiiiMo mild, c'e.ir dry nttnospbere, frcofaun fogs nnd mnlniin, especial provisionfor quiet nud rust ns well ns for minute-iiie- nt

and outdoor life.Mf" l"lref.s

Dlt. II. A. LINDLEY, Prop.,325 tf Kona, Hawaii.

Seaside EesortWright's" Villa,A Short Uistan from tbo Undue.


Tourists and otbei-- will find it to theirndvnutnuo to visit tbo nlxno resort, nsthe) will meetvith ociy nccouiiiiudntionthat comfort reciuirtH

illtS. THOS. WllIOHT,.12.'i tf Proprietrehs.

G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner,

Can Furnish fha BestFactory Rafaranca.

Office, Foil street, opposite Catholic School.Telephone 2:14, 412 nud J 00.

B53" Orders promptly nttoudod to.


i.Street, opposite llncUfcld's.

IF I i i

I inHI iri jt





Make You



A Now Lot of Xico Goods JustEocoivecl. Cleaning and g.

215-t- f

' - ir Jt .u i fW 1nn ' I

--ITTrT JrS;r 41111


IZT My Hnek does not tip in this man- -

nor, no matter how weighty the loud.



Stnmdi Cnthol nud K.ng strcots.

J. J. SlTIXlVAN,President,

jVrA.tf- -

J. flUCKUEY,Eco'v.

FasliioiS!uisCo.,LiHonolulu, II. I.

SuM.mu & Bncnr,r.Y, Mnn'g'ru

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESin tho City, with Competent nnd Care-

ful Drhors.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

Toliu'uone:Hnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stables, 8--

Fnshion Stables. 148.

BAGGAGE delivered nnd chock-ed to nny Stenmor. Furniture)and Pianos carefully moved atPionsonnblc Rates.

Satisfactitm Guar ant aad.Fort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel. 912, Residence Tel. (543.

AMliKICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Men limit nud lEIclmnla Sts.

LIVERY AMD BOmKDING STABLES.p7 Cnrrlntes, Surre mitl llncks at all

Louis. TlM.l'.PHONK 40(1.


Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.Assets, $0,220,213.09. liuomo, $7,0G0,1G3 03.

London 6-- Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (U. S.'Branch), Liverpool, England. i

Assets, 2,700,670. Income, ?1,850,000.

Talatine Insurance Company, (U. S. ISranch), Manches-ter, England.

AhectH, SS.S.IO.GSO.cai lucerne, S:j,WMiM.00.

SF" IuMites I'nht-tlns- s Mcicnntiln nnd Mnmifnetiuii i Vlsks nud Uwtllinc Propetty in the nlop will known Ci uipunics on the most fiuoii.l. t

J". 1L. ZDoTTsTGett.

CLUE STA.13Ij!cS5Fort Street, - - - - Tel. --077

BOARDING, -:- - SAXE -:- - -:- - LIVERY.BI2aEJ-.K:i3iTC3- -

HARNESS -- --AJSTDA specialty.






JIh.uiiant Stiiki.t.


ntnaWValiCs3CJ S3



Tho btst of nttodtlen iiivcn tn nnltnnls lift with ns. Cnrcfnl drhcrs, rcspectfn.iittendnuts, proinjitness. Ili.cl.s, Snrries, Ilinkcs, Uugeies.Phiictoiin, Wnpontttes.


bankers.HONOLULU II.San Francheo Agents Tnr. NnVAnA IlANKor

San FitAici8co.

nnAW nxciiANOK onSan yiiANCisco Tho Nevmln Hnnk of Sun

Frnnclfco.I.ONnos Tlio Union Ilnnk of London, Ltd,Nuw Yoiik Aiuurlcan UxclintiKO fntIonnl

Dank.CltlcAno Mcrclinntf Xntlonnl llnnk.1'aiiis Comptolr Nntlotml il'Kscompt de

l'nrls.llEHLiN Drceclncr Hnnk.Honokono AM) Yokohama Hongkong &.

8lmnulinl liniil.lm: Corporation.Nr.w Zi:ai,am)AM)Austiiai,ia llnnkof New

Zcnlnml,Victohia and Vancouveii Hank of Mont--

rinl.Transact a General Banilng and Eichaiige Bnslness

Term nnd Orilh.nrj I)epolts liecclved.Lnnns inndu on Apprmed bccuiftj. Corn-tnorcl-

nnd Tinxckr Cicdlt iHsticd. billsif Kxclmnpo bought nud fold.


1'. a. JONI.H. Jo.vra

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.11AVE roil SALE

A Few Shnrcs of

Pain Siitfnr Stock,Ilnwiiiiaii Sugar Co. Stock.'


flaxvailau Qovcriiiucnt and 1stlHortgaKu Sugar Planta-

tion IJonds.

t" For pnrtioulnra apply to

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

408 Fort Street Ilonoluln

nktablishcd 1858


Transact a General Bankinj.nnd Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'Letters of Credit issued, aval'able in all tho principal citieof tho world.





e. a.



Tup.-- Ir. DVies QtfXjIDEiaTEJID.


Commission Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardware axd






"Ono the diviiicst bemfitF h'ns ever como to thehuman race." Tliomas Carlylc.

W1 a

jomnr Fort nnd Morclmnt Sts.


stw,- - W'.


of thnt


Every Month with

That Her.

Thousands o women are toduy blessingPaine' s Ccleiy Compound for the gteat good ithas done tlicin, and hcoich have written letterssimilar to that of Mrs. L. A. Brentner.

San Jacinto, Cal.Dear Sirs: I have suffered severely with

nervous sick headaches, with which I wastroubled every month. The pain was so severethat it prostrated me and itseemed to me that I should go crazy. I hadtried all kinds of remedies without obtaining



Wo import fiom the Princi-

pal Factories of the World.

jjj Fine Cigars Specialty

HOLLISTER & CO.,"Wholusiilo nud Retail.

Bulletin, 75c. Per Month

w& mm

Crazed witla Paim.

Brentner Completely Prostrated



Heart-fel- t Praise forthe Htedicine



Pipes,Cigars andSmokers' Articles.

nny permanent relief until I ued Paine' s CeleryCompound which complete))' Clll'Cd lllC.

Si ill


The Micine That

lakes People fell!Why Miffrr longer with liver and stomach

tionlilei1 1 iu'1'' Lclwjy Con.po'und will makeyou well. Read how it cured Mr. J. M.Buchncr.

Krtti.k Falls, Wash., Dec. g, 1S94.Gentlemen : I have taken only two bottles

of Paine's Celery Compound for rheumatism,and liver and stomach tinuhles, and will befrank in saying that I am well pleated with theresults. I used one bottle and was so muchbetter that I abandoned its use for atime, but my old stomach trouble made its ap-

pearance again. I procured another bottle inSeptember and after using that I felt well.


"Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

iM : , iwmJUf 4k)rt MliO ' k" 1 rk At iff Mi 4 .. ,s .




-- .i




riltwywwiw'iwwwiM)iWMMiiMwwwiptji.w - . - ' fllB,j&,Jrrg. f.TJi:rt Itro.t M ,MJ fM ,,,,4tmwrmv mm

tho'biRBOSt crk and blKKrst Rliell evertreated, nnd thero would bo room for

only ouo of such Hko in tlio world. Tho

rntn was beautiful in tho early morning,nnd thoro wore roses in tho desert eastjust us thoro nro m s In tho oust of theorchard land. Tho son looked on themwith n friendly rotundity for an hour,nnd then ho frowned, nnd tho frownwas of whlto heat And sleepily theyplodded ou, searching for n brush bigcnoui;h to cast two squaro feet of flhado.

Tiny had no means of telling tlmoother than by tho sun, but tho girl knowtho secrets of tho suu and know it was10 o'clock when tho pale, calm faco ofIlong Toy looked into hers with n dumbpitcousness, and ho sank in n swoon.Hurriedly tho girl uncovered his headnnd saw for tho first timo tho great,jagged, rngged holo mado by that bentepiko thrown by her father. Tho ironhad dug deep, but tho Chinaman hadplastered tho wound with tho cleanwasto taken from tho toolhouso and hadwrapped his cuo around it. Maggio re-

garded tho hurt with a littlo bit of wo-

manly horror, and then sho thought ofhow her lover had walked all that nightthrough tho sands with his head wreck-ed by her father's effort and had not in-

timated that ho was injured at nlL"Ho is worth it," said Maggie. And

tenderly she dressed tho wound, wash-ing it with tho precious water Hong Foyhad carried in tho great bottle. "Ho is

Aorth it. "If you would havo to guess at tho

smallest part of that awful journey goout on tho Southern Pacific to tho placowhero tho tcnipcraturo is normally at140 in Juno at 1 1 o'clock iti tho day-time, whero tho air is so hot that itcm-I-s itself up, whero tho alkali is bakedinto powder liner than tho finest powderknown to medicine, and without thoslightest breath of air to agitato it siftsand scatters about over tho faco of thoearth, being drawn up by tho sun justas you havo hoard of water being drawnup. It will bo nu unpleasant rido toyou, for you will leavo your coat atOgden and your rniment along tho rightof way with great persistence, until intho middlo of tho desert you will bo adicgrnco and will belong in tho samoepoch as Adam and Eve, but you willnot think of Adam and Eve, for theylived whero water was and grass andtrees and blossoms, and it would innkoyou in san o to think of those ns yon look-ed out on tho writhing bluo lines ofinonntnins millions of miles nwayMountains which you seo hero this mo-ment nnd which nro gouo when you lookagain. And beatiug, boating, beatingwith a might that make. your headthump 13 tho great world consumingmm.

Yen, if you would like to guess aboutMaggio and Hong Foy tho crippledHong Foy and their 12 days' parching,

"'famishing, agonizing journey until theywalked out of death and into a greenlino of paradiso which ran along a clearrivpr, you must go thero and do it foryourself. And at tho end of tho jour-ney, if you ovcr get to tho end of it,perhaps you will fall fainting anddcathliko at tho margin of tho streamas Hong Foy did, or perhaps you willdrop ou your knees and pray as didMaggie

"Tho only thing in tho cabin," saidGraves, "which plainly was not madoout of tho things hereabout is a greatbottlo, which is apparently for wntor. Iwonder whero it camo from?"

"I don't," said tho driver of thowater wagon. "Whntlwaut to knowis about that thoro humpy lookin caniolbeast that tho boy mot us on. Toll mowhero that thing cu.uo from and I'll gohomo satisfied."

"They don't know themselves" saidFord. ' 'Thoy only know ho camo inhero ono day, and tho woman says howas sont by God to help tho Chiueohaul wood in whiter time, but tho Chi-naman insists that ho was created outof tho alkali or something, from what Igather in talking to him, ns a specialgift of his joss. Tho boy says nothing.I consider that beast tho greatest objectlwrson in tho conciliation of religiousdisputes that I ovor struck, for whiloholding theso different viows they don'tquarrel about him. Tho real explana-tion is probably that ho is tho offspringof somo of thoso cninols tho UnitedStates government bought over fromAfrica soveral years ago for uso in thoArizona army posts, but which turnedout a failnro and wcro let looso to roamwhrro thoy would. "

"I supposo," said Graves, "that youwill say in your report that tho red-headed, half Chinese kind is tho naturalchild of tho desert?"

' 'Yes. If this land of heat nnd hard-ship is over to bo peopled, I think thatwill bo tho breed for it!"

"Did it ovcr strike you, " said Gravesto Ford, after thoy had got back to civ-ilization, "how that Chineso friend ofyoi'is ami h s un .mil ih.Ul out. t'i iiin that desert aro so fond of ono anoth-er?"

"Graves," said Ford, "tho word'lovo' always seemed to mo to bo a sortof a sickly ono for n grown man to usoin talking to another, but do you knowthat is what I would call that casor Idon't think I'd say fond."

"I don't understand it nt all, " Gravesobsorvod.

"Well, you know thero's no rulo forthat kiud of (lung, o'd juu'i. Lovo Issomething you can't cipher out likoyour latitudo and your longitude "Chicago Record.

T ulUuflYrtnii with Tliroat I "iu- or W atl'iin IIwomiBtiiiuaihUiiarrli.Scrufuk, Amiinia, or bcrvons Jiebll.K ('!., will la cl en u fnni,l, luitlln (it lilt, til

K riluroLVn. I Ml iN tor trial. Cullruof llnn.ixTin liriiu I ... Honolulu, 11. 1, "It 11

lutriuttua u I'uUtablu us ill II; or lluioj .

CORSETS! astle,i Oooke A puripine .. IorpoRTR, fteK " 'Wilfolv Is tho disinfectant that tho world ,i 'Hiff.T-&rl- M Is tnlklne about. In tin, TTr.lt.wl .X 5?aeM3 S. TM

P. D. Corsets

In "White,Pink,

Cream,and G-ra- y .



R $ lJor?e

AT- -

s,, 10 STORE.

Dr. W. L. Moore


Hllo, Hawaii.

Special attention givea to diseases of theeye and ear.

Office hours ( 9 to 12 am.13 to 4 pm.

Waionuenuo Avo. near Court Houne. xG3-t- f

Dr. Sloggett(Physician :-- and -:-- Surgeon

ltosldonco next to II. V. Schmidt,Esq., lierctauin, street

Specialty: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Tliroat3713ra

:-- Dr. Russel, -- :

Oflico, Masonic Building.Hours: -- : 0--11 am, 3--5 pm. -- : Telephone 484

Residence, Telepliono 070,103-l-



Emma Street, near Beretania.EF" Hours: 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 v. m.


TELEPHONE 023.Oflico: Corner of Fort and Berotauia


Oflico Ilours: Otoll a. in., 1 to 4 p. in,SuudnyH, 0 to 10 a. in.

I. MORI, M. D.,Oflico : Corner Fort nnd Kulcui sts.

Eesidonco, Arlington Hotel.nours: 7 to 8:30 um; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-urday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. 630.

Dr. C. B. High,DENTIST.

Graduato Philadelphia Dental Collcgo,1802.

jVCasonio Temple.A. O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DKTsTTIST.Hotel Street, Arlington Cottage.



Honolulu, II. I.

3T Oflico : 114 Merchant street.





.MISS m. I 1,1:1)1:111:11..

Office: lJruco Witting & Co., FoitHtrcot.

Hardware TiPfw'4 llil statca ,ts mcr,t3 are becoming 3 jp'tl$ w ffland SSri Si


1 I kn6wn Th0 peopI nro UB,nB ,u feB! ? jHCommission IH JCSlSnliill Purlflno possesses many points In H p?r '0C"Vfi p. '9Merchants, J3!?5J5JI I i ,ta favor ovcr other ProiwratonB- - S ouJS C7 "Sal

2S5f:63jj) ll ,8 odorless, and In employing It O ffl "0 Mil Ij ';CBO I EfPfffiFBllf M 11 ns a disinfecting agent, (loos npt ? '',',' wS "iBiIffiDlrflJ JKSItbi '00 1 1 III' crento another odor as offensive-n- s p US -- i"- TO

r-- 4-

.'sM"""""I JJ&?fJSfflill thi" which It subdues. Non- - A P ...,: "!Marr.honrlJr.n mP&MffiSffia ! ?M- -

W-- r' W My,,i; JSlJ.jGs!iiij ib- - vijiiuiuii win uicuuip; ser- - , zz? mlWI illlnllllE ill


fm. G. Irwin & Co.(mmited).

Wm, G. Irwin, - President and MnnnKcrGlaus Spreckols, ... Vico-Prcsidc-

W. M. GifTard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sug;a2? FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OP TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian AKrlcultnr.il Company, Onomca SujrarCompany, Honomu huar Company, WallukubURar Company , Walhve EiiRar Comiuny, MakeeSuear Company, Italenkata Ranch Company,

Ranch. - Planters' Line Sin Kranclscorackets, Ch.11. Ilrcwcr Jt Co.' Line of liostonPackit3.--A);c- llosum Hoard of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Hoard of Underwriters.


P 0 Jones, President; Oeorgo II ltobortson,Slaunger; V. V llishop, Treasurer and Sec-retary j Ool. W PAIlon, Auditor; CM Cooke,II WoterhuuBo, A XV Cortor, Directorn.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pantheon Stnblco.

I'aciieco 4t FEnsAN'ncz" - - raops.

A Dolicato Touch !

Kuoii Snzors !

Artistic Hrtir Cutting !

Comfortriblo Olinirs !

DV Wo oniplov nono hut the most ex- -crienced TouMorlal Artists. Tho mostluxuriously appointed Shop in tho Isl- -

Beaver Saloon,n. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Tow.n

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

Eagle -:-- HouseNuiiiuiii Ax'iiuo.

C.H.RL KLEMME, Proprlatar,

Now management. Commodious rooms.Table Board tho finest, including manyPalutablo German Dishes.

Board and Room, per week $6.50 lo $7.50

TaWe Board, per week $5.00


T. XCro-viso- . Prop.Per Day g 2.00Per Week 12.00

Qpaclal aMtcntliljr Katoo I

Tho Best of Attendance, tho Best Situa-tion nnd tho Finest Monla in this City

J5 ISr

3E3 hC2u jKZ jcj ZEB iu IHotel btrcet, near Fort.

BREAD, PfES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fX? The Finest Imported and Ilomcmado Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

I 210 Headquarters for Island Curloa.


lnoonTEns andLIquor Merchants.No. C, Drumm Street, - San Francisco.

FOIt SALE IN HULK.AsiEnicAx IIounnoN Whiskies in i?ond ixibarrel contniulug about 40 gallons each

at various prices according to ago andqual.ty.

Oalifounm a rape UnAN-n- v in llond poibarrel of about 40 to GO gnllons.

CASE noons.Alto the celebrated Cate Wtliei:"Extra Pony" Itanrlion Wiilsky, 12 bottlosi3 gallons per case.

"BearBrBs" Ilottrlwu Whisky, 12 bottles, 2

"Old rionccr"liourbon' Whisky, 12 bottles.

"TenneHseo Whlto Ityo" Whisky, 12 bottlos'2 2-- gnllons per enso.

oalikohnia tout wines, snEimiEs,anqelioa,

Sond orders by mail. Satisfaction

Bratmschweiger & Co.,MMm No. R, Dntmm street.

Empire SaloonA gonoral stock of Liquors, Alos and




Aro of tho finest nud come to Uhdirect fmm Europe. . . . .

OUR MCBRAYER whiskeyImported straight from Louis-vilf-



COMMERCIAL SALOONCor. Miuiiiiii una ItcroKinii Ma.

T. Ki:Vi:N, Itlannspr.

COOL FRESH BEER!On Druuuht and the Standard Brands ot

Mottle Uccr.


taiim: ci,Aitirr a hi'koiajltv.


Tho celebrated EnteupkiseBeeh oa Draught and inBottles. .

David Dayton,2 Morchnnt Streot.

Lands For Sale situatedat ICaneohe, Oaha.

Lot near Lunalilo Home.Lots at Pearl City.Furnished Booms To Let.

David Dayton.42 rforchnntstreot.


Custom Hou.38 Broker,

Notary -- :- JPublic,General Business Agent.

Collections carefnlly attended to.

CcTOmco with II. E. Walker, Cum-mins lllock, Jlcrclmnt streot. 2:i8-t- f

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttoml to Conveyancing in

nil itb JiiunuhoH, Collectingand all Business Matters

o trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttoution. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakaa, Hawaii.

A rTe-- Abstract Office.

As n result of 15 year's oxpori-onc- o

in tho Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle iu a most thorough, nccuratoand complete manner, and onshort notico.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 318

Fort Street. 215-t- f

rums uiiauiKiurauimi; men liiero a I "m ltrouble Somo ouo Is poisoned. " 3 ,'

Thoso who uso It speak Its praiseIn convincing InnBiingo. llcro'B onefrom tho nepnrtmont of McdlcinoIn the University of Michigan.

"We uso Purlflne nnd tlnd It verygood for deodorizing fIhUh andboxcs,ctc.,nnd for wnshlng epongesused nbout subjects for dissec-tion. W. A. CAMI'UULL,

Demonstrntor of Anatomy."


upon you and explain the merits of "Purifine" and the "Au-

tomatic Distributors."

H0LLISTER DRUG CO.,523 Fort Street. Exclusive Agents for Islands.


High Grade


Telephone 240. Ill Fort


Klnmer of

Just Ex. Bk. Albort an


is for by


tho HohMSTEH ' DllUG Co. in

25c, 50c, 75c. nnd $1.50 bot-


Our Agents will call

$' CO.'S

CocoasStreet. P. O. Box 147.

9Beretania et recta. 1

nBsortment of J



CW'MT&jrfST-- tATTIIE:-,

Gitv Furniture StoreFort and

rocoivedDRI2EI FCJK-NITtlJbtE- .




jjriH.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)

Undortnkor and Embalmer

-- r.o. 1IOX i


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Itccoived by Every Pocket from tlio Enatera States and Europo

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMERAll Ordors (aitliltjlly nttondod to nnd Goods Delivered to any

Part ot the City FREE,Island OnDDta Bolioitw), Satisfaction GnAiuNTnai


Telephone 53. 0S " P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,Ktng Stroct, iieur Onltu Itullwuy & Land Co.'s Depot.

Lumber KerchaRts, Contractors and Builders.IJirORTKltS AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc.







-- sr)

t, '








citv or hid m: jameiko ah- -


Delayed by Typltoonn-T- he Aloha nullHnrkfcltl Outwnrit-Oth- or

Murine Zintex.

Tho Klo galls at 2:30 thin nftcmoon.Tlic ltolicrt Sudden took in (tunc liallns

today.The Allen (It'tic received an Instalment of

eugar from tliu llnll today.The (learner Mlkuliali will he put Into

sen lee ntfuln on Tuesd.iy.The srhotmcr Ka Mol brought n loud of

circle 1) sugar for the Andrew Welch lsntnUtht.

The fltcamer Wnlalenlo returned from l.njhnlim this tiioridni; vvitli a carpi nt suj;iir forthe schooner Aloha.

Tomorrow, high tide largo 3.R3 p in; hightide small 3:2nn in; low tide large S.lu a in;low tide small 10:15 p m.

The steamer llnunll went on the MarineHallway yesterday after the tiarkcntlneltohcrtauddeu nan launched.

A deserter from the Hawaiian bark Inlnul,which sailed on Ihursda), was Hlilppcdaboard too barkentinv Hobcrt siuciden to-

day.The Illo brought 4'i Chinese and 14 Japn.

ncso imspngvi and .'r.'il tons of generalfreight for Honolulu. The freight was fumi-gated In Hongkong.

The schooner Aloha sails for San Kranclscnthis afternoon with a cargo of Miirar. '1 liebark II llnckfeld goes to La) tan Island lora load of guano.

The Inter Wand teamcr V (1 Hall arrivedlate jiwttrday afternoon from pints on Ha-

waii and Muni. On the up trip, she nicotin-ic red stormy wtather with heay rain. Asthe Hall steamed along the coast, the re-

flection of the lite in MoUuuweovvco craterwas teeu troni her deck.


Iho rollowlug memorandum of the vojnijof the stenmir that arrived last night Isfurnished by Purser O Iv. Krciuan. The I'M 8 8 City of lllo de Janeiro, Capt WmWard, from Hongkong Aug 'J and YokohumaAug 11 at lJ.u'i p in, arrived at HonoluluAtig 21 at In. ill p m. Had fine weatherthroughout the vovmre. Time of passage:11 days, 0 hours and 15 minutes.

On the tilp over to the Orient, the steam-ship encountered n tvphoon which made herInto In uniting at ilnuu'koug The lilo'sbottom being in u foul condition ami herproptller ntedlug attention, she went In thedry dmk at Hongkong. While in the drydock, a severe t.vphoon dehieil operatlot sfor two day,conavipiuully she was tour djj slate la having Yokoiiama.


Fiiidvv, Aug ?1.Schr Kn .Mol, from Hawaii.S S Itlo do .1 jnt.ro Ca.)t Wm Ward,

li oiu China and Japan.Satuhday. Aug 23.

S,mr K'alalealc, l'eterson, from Lahaitm.


Sati'kdvv. Aug 22.

Schr .Mol Wahlnc, for I'a.iullo.Am schr Aloha, Dabel, for San Francisco.S S Itlo de Janeiro, Wm Ward, for San

Francisco.fler bark '1 Ilaekfchl, Darker, for Laysan

Island.Stmr Lehua, Nye, for Honohina, Hono-- n

in, Hakalau, l'oliukumiinu. .Mahukonaand I.aupahoeUoo.


From Hawaii ami Maul ports, per stmr W(i Hall. Aug 1. Wight. Antone es,

T Mubiu-u.- i, Mrs I) (t.llry. MissInnlaul Jae'.'er, Mnter It MeWaync, MissAlice F Ileaicl. Mrs T K H Amain, Mrs I.eo.Mackhum, Mli Dickey I.rho, Miss Lunl,Master Mall rd Hmiij, Mary Ukuuka, CAp.inu and 4T on deck.

From China and .Japan, per City of l(!o JeJam Iro. Aul' -'-

!-( ol WltkoHhl:y. Ml.Mrs A liuiirlioiilll For San Fran-

cisco. ! D WIo. Miss II I.ewl, Mrs Illn-tel-

and 2 ehitdri'ii. Jos (i Ilnrwoid, CaptLindestroen, A Kgli, II 0 Itaynor, MissNyriili and 'i ehlldren. MrWUl.aferru. Sl'llar.word.llev I. I. Coururdy and I'd Abrez.

CAnaors Fitojr island touts.F.x sch Ka Mol 3(Wt bags sugar.Ex stmr Walaleale 2000 bags sugar.Ex stmr W (! Hall-0- 000 bags sugar, 04

hags coll'ee, 25 head cattle, 1 hull.


Vessels Where troin Duo

Am bk Albert 8 T DueAinhkSU Allen SF HueAm bk IMvvaid May,... New Yiirk..Ar;r Si.

m bk Suinlnole Nuvvenstlu DuoatrshpElwcll Newcastle.... DuoCer bk Aptcn Drcinen Augiollrlt bk l.adas Liverpool Aug So


U S SAilnnt. WntK'ii, San rraueheo.MEW UANTVL'.N.

(Coaterj not Inelinlcfl In thl list.)Jap S S Mllko Mart:. Young. Yokuliama.Haw lik Andrew ten. Diew, s '

Am bli Aid' n HeHse. fuller. Mm rranelsco.Am bklultobeit DMdtUn. Ilirl.huliu.NeweastloAm hi; Harvester. Mivli, Niiwitistlu.Hktn Irmir.ird, SehriiM, FHUh W (I ll'iii'-ii'l- , Nll-o- S V

ficlirl! W IVsioir, Fiibcrg, l'ortTowiifcml

iSenulifnlt artistic, nccurntc,cliarining island viows nt Kiny3roH. Every prominent point on

tliu iuliiialb if. photographed by usnl puiiiteil by tho bfst of ourartists.

Whon you tiro, .'own on yourlnck mid tool us if t)io world uuscold, hard and dreary, just Ptopinto the Criterion saloon and putnrose-colore- d tint on everything byimbibing a ylaas of SohIUp



i 16 to 1 Shot !

Old Prices Busted I

New Ones Prevail

Boy's All-wo- o!

School Suits!AM. SIZES,

,50, S3.00,S3.50, $4.00.


"The Kash,"I. LEVINGSTON, - Manager,

Waverley Block, Hotel Street.

23 Shirts Made to Order.

AppearancesMore often than not deter-mine a man's standing. Ifyou will come to us for yourclothes wo will see to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

Mecloiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

Wnverley Block, - Honolulu.



Thero are 0 Lots at Waiki-ki- ,lying on the "Waikiki side

of Kalia Bond for sale, about110 feet makai of WaikikiBoad.

Those lots will be sold forcash or on installment plan.

&2F For furthor particularsapply to

WILLIA.MC. ACUI,lieal Estate Broker, Bethel

St., near King.Aug. 18, 189G. 38'1-l- m

Commissioner of Deeds--rou THE- -

State Of California,Having been appointed and commissioned

a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To take nnd certify depositions and affida-

vits.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

proof of powers of uttomey, mortgages,transfers, grauts, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAB,Telephone 2.'A 600 King Street.


During my nlisonro from the HawaiianIbIbiuIh, my brother, If. Fernandez, willact for mo umler I'ower of Attorney.

AHinil M FKIKANDEZ.Honolulu, Angnit 15, 181)0. .IS.I-lv- v

Notice.During Mr. Uonrilmim's itbbenee, Mr,

E'vina will liavu charge of my books nudnttctui to Ml eollpc'l' un. Mo can bo foundchin rut Mr. Jloiivlnimt's otlico ut Ugnn .';Co.'n or at my olUce.


I Notice.

The xto.imor Kinnu will leave Hilo, y,

Aug. :2th, nt 8 o'clock p, in ; arriv-ing nt Honolulu Monday morning, Aug.2tth, instead of the regular advertisedtime,

WILDE1W8.B. CO., LTD.Honolnln, Aug. U, 1800. 381-- 0t

To Let,

A HOUSE OP EIOHT (8) ROOMS.next to the White House, Nmiuiw ntitet.S'.'fl jer month. Apply to

334 tf A. V. GEAR.


EVENING BULLETIN,iiwii wurffinrmi nmnriii

Real EstateB'or Sale.

I Sold.a sold.a Two Stores on Nuuanu street.4 Four Lots on Mngar.lno Hill, 75x120.

From f 0 to 1500 each.S Lot on Hitckfetd street, 80x100.0 A Choice liesldeneu on Lunalllo street,

having all muiltru Improvements.7 A Desirable Itesldence at Maklkl.

Grounds well laid out. Easy terms.8 Four llousts and Lots on Punchbowl

street, all rented ut a monthly rental of 9105.This property Is alnfeet on l'nnthhovvl strce,with a depth of '.'-

-J feel running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a troutago on samelor 4 or ! more cottages. The central loca-tion of the property makes It most available.

0 House and Lot on Kinnu street. Lot"Oxlll" it. This property vv 111 be sold at costand Is an excellent bargain for a home seeker,'Hie houoe Is elegantly finished and of thebest workmanship and materials. There Is ncarriage house and barn on the premises andthe jardls well laid out with fruit and orna-mental trees.

10 A Fine ltesldenee centrally located,eoutalulm; i5 rooms. Lot laix-ll- u It. Tviosmall cottages on the lot bringing In goodrental.

11 ;i! Acres ofLand In Kallhl valley, (Wai-kiki side). A stream of water Hows alongthis land. A bargain

-' Til) Acres of llest Collce Land In Puna.Hawaii, seven miles Irom Itcp. Ityemlt'i.Large Coll'ee Plantation. The above hindIs held In fee simple. Also, !(U years lease oni.'iU acres adjoining above with a prlvllegi olIn j i an. mure. Price S'J.UOO.

lit Sold.14 A Coictuodlous Itesldence on llasslngcr

street, lilted with all modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suhurbaii proper! v.


HI House and Lot on llerctanla street.House contains II rooms, and all modern con-veniences. Lot WixU5.

17. Fine Itesldence on llerctanla street.For further particulars Inquire at my office,

IS. A House ami Lot on Young street.IUIIiium! and Lot corner Victoria and

llerctanla streets, oppolte Thomas .(iure.house contains 0 rooms, blzeuflot loux'00.

2o Sold.-'-1 House nnd Lot on Young street near

the residence ol the llev. Mr. Ilvde. Lot110x140. House contains eight' rooms.

2J Small House and Lot on Kcaumokustreet. Lot fiOxllKI.

83 I'cnrl City Property.34 Desirable Tract of "Colfee Land on Ha

waii.2i Two Stores on Nuuanu st.onnoslto Ku- -

kill lane, al.--o three lodglug houcs In therear of said stores contatnlni: L'ii rooms In alt.The nbove pays 10 per cent, and Is leased toresponsible parties lor a terms of yearB.

'M A most ueitirvtuie noma on umnuounvenuo. Large grounds nnd beautiful llow-e- r

garden; hotiso furuUheil throughout inhnrd wood with nil latest improvement1!.Excellent view of the city find occau, nndone which cannot bo cut off,

27 Largo Lot nud Commodious Dwol- -line on (heen Stunt, coiiininnillui' an unobstructed view of tho city and harbor. Nochoicer residonco is to bo had iu tho cityoven by tho most fastidious.

.' A rvew House ol seven rooms wlluelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants' quarters and stables. One blockfrom car line nt Puuahou.

20-- Only ten of those Lots left nearKamehamulia school, fiom$25o toJOoo each.

SO two Houses and Lots on Llllha street.Ill An IS Aero Tract of Land at Kallhl

suitable for dividing up Into building lots.ii- - A House aim l.oi on Alaiiea street,3tf A lleautlful Building Lot at Kallhl,

lVilx'JOO, cleared, lenced and water laid on.Ut A Gently Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 2t(lxl25, having a frontage on Greenstreet of 105 feet, and commanding a bird's- -

eye view of the city and harbor.85 A Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

residence of Claus Spreckels.u Kicgatu iicacu i'ropcrty at waiKihi.

37-S- old.

KS-- The only CHOICE LOT left nt Maklkl.It ndjrlns tliu residence of J A Oilman andthe residence sltei of W L Homier, 11 Luvvs,nnd Dr Wood.

yy Sold.41 A Lift'o of a Hotel centrally located

and completely furnished. A good payingInvestment

41 Sold.i'i Lot 75x15.) New house of 8 rooms,

elegant y finished; servants quarters, carriagehui:v, nt ables, e'e, at the corner of Alapaland (Jimiry tcctii. Hood view of tho oreun.

4 1 liree hous. ol (i i oonis each, all rent-ed to gonil tenants. Lot 1' (I feet oil llerc-tanla Micet tiy a depth ol'3'J.i Let through toKluau stieet, and a fioutagu on the latterstreet o' too feet. Good opnli.nlty forlu-vesttnt-

44 Lot on Maklkl street, 7'xllo Cheap.45 Hoiiviaud lot on Peteison Lane,

IIihiic contuhio li lemn-- . Lot 75x110.40 Dwelling House of U rooms, tilted with

all modern conveniences. Lot lUSxllO,SItuattd at Palumj.

47 Vacant Lot on WnlUM Itoad, 100x110.48 House and Lot on Nuuanu street.

House contains cluht furiiUhcd roums.Very eouveuleiitly lueated near the buslucbcenter of the city.

Notick: I can Negotlute Loans on any ofthe above property for purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of the value.

For Rent.I Rented.2 Itemed.y Itented.4 Store on King street near Fort street.5 Olllco Hooiu on King street near Fort

street.(I Warehouse on Esplanade.7 Itenled.8 Itemed.

Rented.10 A Storu on Pint street next to Club

Stables.11 Rented.12 A Modern .; on Thurston aven-

ue, commanding an a.. ,itloual view ol theharbor.

lit A Five Koom Cottage on llerctanlastreet In u dcsimLIo loei.tl.in, or will lease toa good tenant

11 A Fin nbhed Cottage Inn good locationfor two or thiee mouths.


10 Housj nud Lot, lOOs'J.TO. on Luna offSo (il htie.it, ndjoining Knuliiwehi belioolhoiiM', Parlor, 3 hedt'iuuis, diiiiug-iooin- ,

kitchen, pantry, bathhouse, envriapo house,stabio and outbuilding. Jtout $'M normonth.

17- - A lleantlful Summer Itesldence nt thePeninsula, Pe.irl City, completely furnished:five rooms and sen ant's quirlers. Will rentcheap lo a desirable tenant Tho lot is overan acio In size and well laid out, and com-mands a beautiful view of the harbor,

is Stun 1. 1... ni, 0 l 4.- -1 pel iriuitli,driveway into it. Ueretunla street, rear ofCity Feed Store.

I'J Piece ground 30 feet front, on Beretn-n- U

street, next to City Feed Store Willerect good store 011 ground and lease 5 yearsat ?'i() per month,

20 A Neat Cottage on Nuuunu Avenue,containing 0 rooms and bath.

21 A Furnished Itesldence on King streetIn a desirable luealil).

A. V. GEARU74-- tf IW'J Klug street.

nilAUGUST 22, 189G.

mmArr tin'iilviim&Tnmilmji u 'Hftmwwiimjiii

Canadian-Australia- n

"""smSSSStoamors ot tho nbovo Lino running in connection with tliu

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, 11. O., nnil Sydney, N. S. W nnil cnlling nt Victorin, B. O.

Uouolulu nud Suva (Fiji),

.A-IEe-E ZDXJTE3 J&.1?

On or nbout tho dntes below etntod, viz.:

I'rmn Sydney and ,Huvn, (or Victoria nnilVnncotivor, II. C.t

Stmr "MIOWERA" A(;ust 21

Stmr "WAHRIMOO" Sonfetiiber 21Stmr "MIOWERA" Oclobor 21Stmr "WARRIMOO" November 24

Through TleRets Issued from Honolulu to Canada,United States and Jurope.


1). HoNicoiiL, Moutrcnl, Gnnntlu.IloiiKKT Kkiiii, WiuuipcKi Cniiudn.

Al. 7u. Stehn, Sun Frnucisco, Cnl.Q. StoL. Biiown, VnncouviT, B. O.

Oceaiiic Steamsbip kAnsttaliaii Mail Service.

For San Francisco:The Now nud Fino Al Steel Steamship

" "MariposaOf tho Occunio Stenraship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Syduoy nndAucklnnd on or nliont

Sept. 17, 1806.And will lenvo for tho nbovo port withAInil8 and PnsBengers on or nbout thntdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:Tho New nnd Fino Al Stee Steamship

" Monowai "Of tho Oocnuio Stcnmsliip Company willbe due nt Iloifolultt from San Franciscoon or nbout

A.ug. 27, 180G.And will liavo prompt despatch withMails nnd Paosongers for tho nbovo ports.

Tho undersigned nro now preparedto 1S3UO

'J'liroiiKh Tickets to All Pointsin tho I'lilted Stutcs.

JFor furthor partieulnrs regnrdiusFroight or Pnssugo apply to

WM. G. IHWIN &C0M L'd,Qenernl Agents.

mm mm Co.i


Arrive Honolulu Leavo Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

Sopt.4, 18S0 Bopt. 'J, 18!)0

Sept. 2S, 1800 Oct. I), 1800


From San Frnucisoo From Syduoy forfor Sydney. San Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.Monownl, Aug27,'00 I Mnrlpo8n,Septl7,00Ahtineda. Sept 2100 Jlouowni.Oct 15'08


next to Litems' Mill

Ships' BSacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with nil tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

31acksinithfc2 and Horso Shcoing.


GCelepla-oasL- e 572A. V. GEAR.

:&Tota,X37- - FiruTolicTelephone 210, : : : : No. OO'J, Klu St.

-- J-

Steamship Line

I'rom Vlrtnrla aut Vnnrnutcr, II. 0., toSum nnil Hiiliif'v t

Stmr "MIOWEUA" SeptcmherlGStmr "WAHRIMOO" .October 10Stmr "MIOWERA" NovcinKr 10Stmr "WARRIMOO" Ikcunbor 10

CSC" For Freight nnd Piissiige nud allQenernl Infornuition, npply lo

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for IhoHnvvitLnnTpbiuiK

Is li itesif Ct1,


QccirlBntal StOrientai Steamsliip Co

For YOKOHAMA and H0K0K02JO'Stoamors of tho nbovo Companies will

Call nt ITminliiln fit, tlmii ,.,. i it..--

nbovo ports on or about tho followingdates:

Stmr (Vpiio Sept. 2, lHOflStmr Rio cle .Umbo Hept. 10, 1S10Stmr City of Pekiugf. . . .Sept. 2S, 1S!7

For SAN FRAHC1SC0:Steamers of tho abovo Companies will

call at Honolulu oh their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to tho aboveport on or nlwut the following dates:

Htmr Onelio ng, 2S, I8fl0Stmr Doric Sept. lfi, 1800Stmr Chiuu 2,', 18U0

!;i?.tes of PassagR uro as follows:to toko- - to noxo- -

HAMA. KOMI.Cabin 8150.00 8175.00Cubin, round trip, 4.

mouths 225.00 2C2.50''.i;n, round trip, 12lcontliB 202.50 010.25

'.iropenn Steerage. . . . 85.00 100.00IS1 PasRengem pnymg full fnre will be

allowed 10 percent oil' return faro ifwithin twelve montlia.

tSyFor Freight atid Pnwngo apply tu

H. HACKFELD k 10.,Agents.

lllei's taliip Cox


dipt. J. A. KINO, PortSupt.

Stmr, KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will lc.ivo nouoluln at 10 a. m., touehiug ntLuham.t, il.i.uae.i Ray nud M .Kenii thoBiiuie (b v; itiihukonii. Kitn'iiihno mill Lira.piihoelioo tho following day, arriving atHilo the same evening.


"Friilny Au 28 , Momluy,. Anc. 21luesuny, ,, . .tso, l. e Sunt. 4Friilny Sent. 18 Tuesiluy . . .Hept. 15"TuoHiluy, ..Sept 20 l'riihiy bopt. 25

Returning, will o Hilo nt 1 o'clockP. M., touching at Lnupahoohoo, Mnliu-kon- a

nml Kawuihno utin.o iluyj Jlakenn,Maalriea Uny and Lnhninn tho followingflay; arriving nt Honolulu the afternoonsof 'luoHtlay nnd FriilnvH,

Will o.ih nt 1'ohoiki, Punn.PNo Freight will he received nttoi

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday nt 5 p.m.,touching nt Kuhuhii, Ilnint, Hnwo.i andKipnhuln, JIaui. iieturuiug arrivea atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nun, Knupo, ou second tripof each month.

fctVNo Froight wllllw i eceived niterp. M. on day of Kuinng.

This Company will reserves tho right loinnko oliuugoi in tho tiino of dep.trtuio andarrival of its btcnuiors withont notico nndit will not ho respousihlo for any conscquenees arising tlierefrom.

Consignees must ho at tho l.audiugrt toreceive their Friight; this Company willnot hold itself respousihlo for freight afterit has hoen luudod.

Live Stock only at ovuev's risk.This Compnuy will not bo icaponwhlo

for Money or Valuables of passougersunions placed in tho enre of Pursers.

Fashoiigers aio reipjeBtod to purchafcOtickets before embarking. Thoso failing todo bo will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.


one mile from postofllco. Largo houso withfnrnlturo. Four bed rooms, parlor, largedining room, pnntry, kitchen, bath rooms,hot nud cold water, with patent closets,servant houses, stables, liorbo paddock,garden and trees, A charming location.

Apply to .1 ALFRED MAGOON.tf Merchant st next lostoillcoi

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1896, $106,55.15

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Havings Rank for Monthly Deposits,nouses Built on tho Monthly Installment

rinn.Thirteenth Scries of Stock now opon.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Sccrotury.Chamber of Commerce Rooms.Olllco hours, 12:30 1:30 1M. 373-t- f

BRUCE CARTWKIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOf tho United Stale folho Hawaiian

Islands,OfK-f- n: Mcrchnnt stieot. Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.H. W. 8CHM1DT & 80NS,

Agents for the Hawaiian Minds.

J0H T. LiifJO,Instrument' -:- - Maker,

Rieyclo icpniring and nicVel platiuo aspecialty, also

Bow, Silycr ana Bronze Electroplating.130 KURT ST. : . , TI.L. 007.


C B. WIGHT. !fMnlroctoforiill kinds of STOXEORK, iiionuiueiit work, cunent andstone hiilowalks nnd cnihii.g. I h.ive onhand the hest Hawaiian sione, diinchograiito oto. liiiostono for monumental

i!ffi!SJ5S. nu" low"'t I,ricctt

ConsoMatel Soda Tftler Co., LIEsplanade,

Corner Allen &Fort Sis., Honolulu.



Kutiiiim Valley, ulxivo'tlie Mmiholcnm.

All orders given prompt nud faithful nUtention. No extra clnirgo lor dohverinnllowers to any part of tho oily. Let"Mountain Greens and Carnations a spo-cInl- 'y

205-t- i


TTacidermistIliivv Milan anil Fi.ri'ln Jlli.U ami .nlinnlsmounted In the heat rn.,nrer. UfliiL-- tliu latestmethods only, llolel Si near I)r MiGrcvt.



Hotfl Pt. ri,ir Fort. Tol. 802.


No. 45 Queen Htreet.

Eijiert Aiiriiitttinoiit of Ron!Estnto nnd Einuitnn-- .



'225 Quoen Btroot, llonululu, II. I.


Qiiceu street, Honolnln, and 215 Frontstltot, Sau I'r.u.ciscu, Cnl.


General Merchandise and . .

. . Commit sion Merchants.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Wholi-Mil- Impoiteiu mid Jobhcrb of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fott and Queen Sheets.


DeitloiB in Luiubor and ConIund Uuildiug MnloiiiilH of ukinds.

Quoon Ktreot. Bonolnlu,

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Streot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nowh Cowijiany'abook otoro. rav 13.


Qenehal Commission Agents.

Cor. Tort nnd Quc-c-n btrecto, Ilonoluiu.

