evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/1139/1/18950720.pdf ·...

L THE INDEPENDENT Vol I oor responded oe We do not hold nurschc responsible for the opinio s of corrfpawlctts iir columns are 0tn t nery thade of opinion ur jiatfy n pri vance Correrpimuence mtt not be bbU lulls vr indecent and mutt be accamiwied by the mime of the writer nl nrccsirlii for pub- lication ¬ but as a guarantee of good faith Ed The Independen- t- Titno says Coining events oaflt thoir shadows boforo And waB tunro not a shadow of truth awhilo ago in the street talk that L A Thurston had expressed himpolf that Kuiulaui would boplaood upon tun throno o Hawaii What odjot had tho Cabinet and ovou S E Bishop to work tooth end nail to pension Katulaul if it wa not for the pur- pose of platting thotnsrilvos on the right Hide of the f uco when the time is ripe for action Gentlemen there is no use in mincing matters and playing the hypocrite any longor We believo tho Miuiator o Finance has only partly rained the curtain and shown the public the financial Btate of this country but what he has shown is bad enough to call a halt and perform the sensible that will satisfy tho peoplo as a whole before wo tumble hindloMg bag and baggage overboard Now then what are you going to do about it when tho domands for heavy damages are made against this government by America and E ig laud for promiscuous imprisonment of their eijizuua which will take place a auro as the sun rises and sots in Africa Something vbiapern to w that when the play begins the la t act will end iu placiug justice whero it rightly bnlongs Patience Annoying iiopotmons Many people have an annojing habit of interlarding i h ir conversa- tion ¬ with some pot expression which at last becomes intensely tiresome to the hearer A foud wife of my aiquaintaace cannot make the sim plext statement without applying to her husband for the corroboration Wo had a splendid time at the sea side didnt wo Harry I never felt so exhi arat d in my life did I Harry The View surpassed any- thing ¬ I ever saw didnt it Harry and so on and on until the listouer finds himself waiting with nervoun impatience for the next stock phraso A young girl who was accustomed to conclude all her stories with the word Wasnt it funuy was HI ing her mother of tho sorrow which had come to a friend Just think she began I akod Annie Piatt this morning if she knew why Maryy wains wore blacH and sue said that Mary was out in n bout with her mother aud two brothers last sum- mer and a squall came up and the boat capsizl and they were a 1 drowned except Mary Wasnt it funny I shouldnticonsider it a subj ct for mirth siid her mother Jrd aud thou the girl who was real I full of sympathy f r her new frieid realized what she had said aud that such unintentional expressions are apt to fit badly into the subject un- der ¬ discus iou Auton Rubinstein the Itusan composer- - iu his autobiography tells of the coufuiou which over came a certain architect of his ac ¬ quaintance who had a habit of re pealing the words You under stand On one occns ou he was explaining ertaiu architectural mat tors to the Emperor aud according to custom made free use of hix fav rite expression Good Hoaveutd exclaimed Em poror Nicholas at lut jrriiabj of course I und rstand My dear fellow how could I help it a Address ad communications to the Et rial D partment of tho Inde- pendent ¬ to Edmund Norrie Biihi Hunts letters hould bo addressed to G 0 Kenyon This is necessary for the present as tho Post Oillco will withhold all mails addressed simply to i he Independent owing to the suit brought ly A V Gear Ladios Sailor Hats at 25k 85 15 50c 75o and 1 at L B Kerr A large ussortment to self ct from Tho very best valuo to bo had COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOIR HONOLULU II I SATURDAY JULY 20 1895 Oceanic Steamship Go Anstralian Mail Service Fur San Fraaciscu Th Now and Finn Al Rtcl Steamship MAlilPOSA Of th Oceanic S eamflilp dompiny will bo duo at Honolulu Jrom Sydney ami Auokla d on or nbjut Jxly SBtli And 1H have for lie obov trt with Mails and on or about that ate For Sydney Auckland Tho Now and Fine At Steel Steamship ALAMEDA Of th Oceanic Stniiihli Company will bo dun at Hunululti from HatiFiauulsoo on or about August 1 St And will Imve in mpulpspilch lth Malls and Pus ong rs for u- - nbuvo porta Tho undersigned are now prepared 10 1S3H0 Tbrnta Tickets to Ail- Points in h Mm Males For fu the- p rtlulirs regarding irtiuht and Pawa e apply to Wm G IRWIN CO Ld N Q nerl Agnta Oceanic Steamship Co TIME TABLE Local Xjine S S AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from b V for B F July 15 July 20 Aug 0 Ana U Sep 2 eoil 7 t ept 30 O i 2 O t 2 0 i 27 Nov 15 Nov 20 through lames From San Francisco From Sydnc for lor Sdnoy San Fratici co Arrive Honolulu Zcotc Honolulu Alameda All 1 Mnvliioa Jul J5 M ri osa Anu 21 j Monnwiii An 22 Motowattoit 20 lamcda Spt 1 Alamo a Oct 24 Ala Ipoa fot 17 OAHU RAILWAU LAND C0i TXL4EJ TABLiB From and Aftr July 5 1895 1 - Z 5 3 w5ese TRAINS KB Og VH- -- bg 23 2S SJ 9 3 5 AM AM TM PM Leavo Honolulu OHO 0H7 145 5H0 Ienvo Pearl City 740 0SS 228 M Leavo Kwa Mill 810 1019 249 614 Arrive Walmntu 10 1I 049 DM I s g T1UINS eg K5 ng g g f5 is 5 m o S ft 1 6 AM AJf rM lM Leavo Wnlunau 011 132 Leavo Kwa Mill 719 010 207 351 Lcnvo learl City 7M 018 233 422 Arrive Honolulu82J 10li0 Sill i 155 On Satunlay and Sunday nights EwaMUl Iaisgnper Trulii will arrlvo in Honolulu at 5155 Instead of 4 5 r h Freight Trains will carry Sueond elass Passen Bcr aecommoUatloii8 P C SMini Ooncrat Passenger iMTlckct Agent G P Penison Superintendent Wm G Irwin Co Limited Wm O Tiwn Iresd t Tallagr Clans Spm kflB VIo -- Prettl out W M Qlirurd Seorotary tfcTreaauror Thco 0 Iortor Auditor Sugar Factors AND Commission Agents A0MT8 ofJjib Oceanic Steamship Compy Of San Franoluco Oal Wifes Steamship Co TABLE 0 V WIGH r Pro S B HOSE Soo Dapt J A KING IOtSupt Stmr KLNAU OLAHICE Commander Will Ipave Honululn at 2 r m touchl r at Lh lna Maal n Hny nnd Makn a the initio nay Mahultonn Knwnlliao nd lau piiho ho- - tlie fodowlug day Hnlviim at nilo tho same oviilng LKAVES II0NOI ULU AHUIVES HONOLULU Tuesday F Idny Friday Tu 8Uay Frl lay Tiusday frday Tiit sday Friday una my Fldv lu sday HVIdv Tuesday Fnilny Tiwuay Friday TIME Julv 10 July 6 IlllVJl Aug 0 Aug An S pt bopt SDt Out IU 27 0 27 8 Ot 8 Oot 2t N v 8 Nbv 10 Nov Dec I Deo 20 Tiio day July 23 Flday July VI Fridav Aug 2 iu sdny A 13 Frlilay Augva uesday Sepi I Frlla Hept S 1 osday 8t p 4 Frl ay Oo 4 Inesday O t 15 Frl av Oct ft Tu Hday Nov 6 Frldiv N v 4ft Tun day Nov 6 Friday Dec 0 Tuesday lieo 17 Fruluy Dec 27 Itournlnc w 11 lov HIo at 1 orlook p m tourhlnu a Lnupiihoolmo Ma u kona and Kuwalhao a me ay Makena Maulaea IN and Lalmi a the full Wliu day HrrlvltigHt Honolulu th afternoons of Tuesday an I Fr daya No Freluht will bo received after 12 noon on day of tailing StmrOLAUDINE CAMERON Commander Wll1 leavo Hnioluln Tufsdny at 5 p m Uchlnn a KhIiuIuI Huna Ham aa d Klpiihulii Maul It turning unlvcB ut Hunuiulu Sunday afternoons Wll o 11 at Nuu Knupo on seoond trip of each n until twf No Frnlcht will bo received after 4 p M on day of sailing This Company will reserves the right to make onaniifs in tho time of dopartuio and arrival of Its HUamera with u notice and t wM not be responsible for any conse- quences arising thrrefiim onslcnros must be t the Landings to receive thelrTreipht ih s Company will not h ld itself respoiisiulo for freight after It nas been landed Llvo Stock ODly at owners risk This Compuny wlllnot bo responsible for Slntiey or Vnlu bles of pasengeis unless placed in the care of Pursers Iassenuers arn Teaiteited to nnr- - ihitHe Tiokois before emharklnc Thode falling to clt so will be subject to an addl tionl chargo of twenty flvp pt t cent T B MURRAY 821 J3 King Btreet Tho I OHiling Carnage and Wagon Manufacturer ALL MArEEIALS ON HAND Will furnsh eviythi g outeldo steam bonis and built rs No Ball Betrlng Axles Around Ibis Sbup TELEPHONE 672 INSURANCE Fire Life and Marine AT BEST UATKS Enquire of T tvr DOW8ETT TO LET Houses Famished art Un- furnished ¬ Land For Sale DAVD DAYTON 42 Merchant Street Golden Rule Bazaar W REYKOLD 5 PnprfoUp KSTADLI8UED ON Absolutely Gash Basis Stationer Newsdealer MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Music by Every Steamer Outdoor Games Toys Notions Etc Etc FANY GOODS Etc Anchor Saloon Cornor King and Nauanu Sts W Cunningham - - Manager Headquarters for cLanlcs and Laborers THE OELEFilUTED- - iPieiirichburg Drant Beer ALWAYS TAr Sole Agents for the Renowned Uorig Liife ANU O P T WHISKIES Oystors for Cocktails Per Every Australia Call and be convinced y F M M ON Criterion Saloon Fort near Hotel Streets O J McUabtuy - - Manager Popular Brandb of Straight Gooik ALWAYS ON HAND Try tho Great Appetiser The Biownie Cookta 1 - A Spooalty with this Hcsott DEPOT OF TUB Famous Wieland Lager Beer Empire Saloon Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Pts O T Day Manager cnnee Wines Llanars Ales POIITEHS Eic ON DHAUGHT Half-ann-Ha- lf on Draught Handmade Sour Mash a HpicciAirr Irclunts- - Excliaiijfi S I SHAW Prqprlotor Corner King and Nnuann Streets Choice Liquors AND- - Fine Beers I W TBLISWIONM 101 No 23- - Dualnoos Cards AirroNia rosav u Attobnev at Law Kaahnmanu Street Honolalu PAUL NEUMANN try CODKSELLOn AND AtTOBNEY-AT-LJl- W - M Merchant Street Hnnolnlu JOHNNOTT J Plumbing Tin Copper and Sheee Iron WOBlf wn King Street Honolulu GONSALVES CO U Il f Wholesale Geooeb3 and Wjne Mebohants 225 Queen Street Honolulu- - E B THOMAS CONTBAOTOn AND BuiLDEB Building MatoInls for sale Eatlmatoa Fumlshod i i H P BBRTiriMANN I i i r CONTBAOTOD AMD BuiLDEB AU kinds of ItepilMng and Goneral Carpen- - try K8timatfs piButldlnga -- - - Furnished i st f ALLEN ROBINSON Dealebs in Luhbeb and Coax and BniLDiNd MArEBiAtdro1 AiJKiXDa Qneon Street Honolulu BEOSB VSWR ailll PACIFIC CSS Engines and Launches THE BEST IN THK MABKET They cannot be surpassed for Motive Powor CSF- - SEND FOll CATALOGUE JOB TI3STKH3K Solo Agent Nnuanu Street 11 TH0S LINDSAY MAKUFACTUBINO Jeweler Watchmaker KUKUI JEWELRY SPECIALTY Particular attention mid to alUknda of Repairs i y Campbell Block Mprohant Street THE ARLINGTON A ITcuraily Hotel T KItOTJSE Prop Ver Day 200 Per Weok i lz00 SPECIAL MONTHLY RATE8 The dost of Attndanco the Boat Situation and the Finest Meala In this I Ity NOTICE A LLVKKSONB ACQUIRING MONEY claims agampt thu Uoue of are requested tu present lis f ir i anio on or boforo noon of THURS ¬ DAY of eaoh wei k Approved claims will no paid on F Mays WAbTER MoBRYDE Chairman Coin rait too of Auoonuts HWlt

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Post on 02-Feb-2019




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oor responded oe

We do not hold nurschc responsible for theopinio s of corrfpawlctts iir columns are0tn t nery thade of opinion ur jiatfy npri vance Correrpimuence mtt not be bbUlulls vr indecent and mutt be accamiwied bythe mime of the writer nl nrccsirlii for pub-lication


but as a guarantee of good faith

Ed The Independen- t-Titno says Coining events oaflt

thoir shadows boforo And waB

tunro not a shadow of truth awhiloago in the street talk that L A

Thurston had expressed himpolf thatKuiulaui would boplaood upon tunthrono o Hawaii What odjot hadtho Cabinet and ovou S E Bishopto work tooth end nail to pensionKatulaul if it wa not for the pur-pose of platting thotnsrilvos on theright Hide of the f uco when thetime is ripe for action Gentlementhere is no use in mincing mattersand playing the hypocrite anylongor We believo tho Miuiator oFinance has only partly rained thecurtain and shown the public thefinancial Btate of this country butwhat he has shown is bad enough tocall a halt and perform the sensiblethat will satisfy tho peoplo as awhole before wo tumble hindloMgbag and baggage overboard Nowthen what are you going to doabout it when tho domands forheavy damages are made against thisgovernment by America and E iglaud for promiscuous imprisonmentof their eijizuua which will takeplace a auro as the sun rises andsots in Africa Something vbiapernto w that when the play beginsthe la t act will end iu placiugjustice whero it rightly bnlongs


Annoying iiopotmons

Many people have an annojinghabit of interlarding i h ir conversa-tion


with some pot expression whichat last becomes intensely tiresometo the hearer A foud wife of myaiquaintaace cannot make the simplext statement without applying toher husband for the corroboration

Wo had a splendid time at the seaside didnt wo Harry I neverfelt so exhi arat d in my life did IHarry The View surpassed any-


I ever saw didnt it Harryand so on and on until the listouerfinds himself waiting with nervounimpatience for the next stockphraso

A young girl who was accustomedto conclude all her stories with theword Wasnt it funuy was HIing her mother of tho sorrow whichhad come to a friend Just thinkshe began I akod Annie Piattthis morning if she knew why Maryywains wore blacH and sue said thatMary was out in n bout with hermother aud two brothers last sum-mer and a squall came up and theboat capsizl and they were a 1

drowned except Mary Wasnt itfunny

I shouldnticonsider it a subj ctfor mirth siid her mother Jrdaud thou the girl who was real I

full of sympathy f r her new frieidrealized what she had said aud thatsuch unintentional expressions areapt to fit badly into the subject un-


discus iouAuton Rubinstein the Itusan

composer- - iu his autobiographytells of the coufuiou which overcame a certain architect of his ac ¬

quaintance who had a habit of repealing the words You understand On one occns ou he wasexplaining ertaiu architectural mattors to the Emperor aud accordingto custom made free use of hixfav rite expression

Good Hoaveutd exclaimed Emporor Nicholas at lut jrriiabj

of course I und rstand My dearfellow how could I help it

aAddress ad communications to the

Et rial D partment of tho Inde-pendent


to Edmund Norrie BiihiHunts letters hould bo addressed toG 0 Kenyon This is necessary forthe present as tho Post Oillco willwithhold all mails addressed simplyto i he Independent owing to the suitbrought ly A V Gear

Ladios Sailor Hats at 25k 8515 50c 75o and 1 at L B KerrA large ussortment to self ct fromTho very best valuo to bo had


Oceanic Steamship Go

Anstralian Mail Service

Fur San FraaciscuTh Now and Finn Al Rtcl Steamship

MAlilPOSAOf th Oceanic S eamflilp dompiny willbo duo at Honolulu Jrom Sydney amiAuokla d on or nbjut

Jxly SBtliAnd 1H have for lie obov trt withMails and on or about thatate

For Sydney AucklandTho Now and Fine At Steel Steamship

ALAMEDAOf th Oceanic Stniiihli Company willbo dun at Hunululti from HatiFiauulsoo onor about

August 1 StAnd will Imve in mpulpspilch lth Mallsand Pus ong rs for u- - nbuvo porta

Tho undersigned are now prepared10 1S3H0

Tbrnta Tickets to Ail- Points in hMm Males

For fu the- p rtlulirs regardingirtiuht and Pawa e apply to


Q nerl Agnta

Oceanic Steamship Co


Local XjineS S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from b V for B FJuly 15 July 20Aug 0 Ana USep 2 eoil 7t ept 30 O i 2O t 2 0 i 27Nov 15 Nov 20

through lamesFrom San Francisco From Sydnc for

lor Sdnoy San Fratici co

Arrive Honolulu Zcotc HonoluluAlameda All 1 Mnvliioa Jul J5M ri osa Anu 21 j Monnwiii An 22Motowattoit 20 lamcda Spt 1Alamo a Oct 24 Ala Ipoa fot 17


From and Aftr July 5 1895

1- Z 5 3w5eseTRAINS KB Og VH- -- bg

23 2SSJ 9 3 5

AM AM TM PMLeavo Honolulu OHO 0H7 145 5H0Ienvo Pearl City 740 0SS 228 MLeavo Kwa Mill 810 1019 249 614Arrive Walmntu 10 1I 049


I s g

T1UINS eg K5 ng gg f5 is 5m oS ft 1 6

AM AJf rM lMLeavo Wnlunau 011 132Leavo Kwa Mill 719 010 207 351Lcnvo learl City 7M 018 233 422Arrive Honolulu82J 10li0 Sill i 155

On Satunlay and Sunday nights EwaMUlIaisgnper Trulii will arrlvo in Honolulu at 5155Instead of 4 5 r h

Freight Trains will carry Sueond elass PassenBcr aecommoUatloii8 P C SMini

Ooncrat Passenger iMTlckct AgentG P Penison Superintendent

Wm G Irwin CoLimited

Wm O Tiwn Iresd t TallagrClans Spm kflB VIo -- Prettl outW M Qlirurd Seorotary tfcTreaaurorThco 0 Iortor Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission AgentsA0MT8 ofJjib

Oceanic Steamship CompyOf San Franoluco Oal

Wifes Steamship Co


0 V WIGH r Pro S B HOSE SooDapt J A KING IOtSupt


Will Ipave Honululn at 2 r m touchl r atLh lna Maal n Hny nnd Makn a theinitio nay Mahultonn Knwnlliao nd laupiiho ho- - tlie fodowlug day Hnlviim atnilo tho same oviilng


TuesdayF IdnyFridayTu 8UayFrl layTiusdayfrdayTiit sdayFriday

una myFldvlu sdayHVIdvTuesdayFnilnyTiwuayFriday


Julv 10July 6IlllVJl

Aug 0AugAnS ptboptSDt





Ot 8Oot 2t

N v 8Nbv 10

NovDec I

Deo 20

Tiio day July 23Flday July VI

Fridav Aug 2iu sdny A 13Frlilay Augva

uesday Sepi I

Frlla Hept S1 osday 8t p 4Frl ay Oo 4Inesday O t 15Frl av Oct ft

Tu Hday Nov 6Frldiv N v 4ftTun day Nov 6Friday Dec 0Tuesday lieo 17Fruluy Dec 27

Itournlnc w 11 lov HIo at 1 orlookp m tourhlnu a Lnupiihoolmo Ma ukona and Kuwalhao a me ay MakenaMaulaea IN and Lalmi a the full Wliuday HrrlvltigHt Honolulu th afternoonsof Tuesday an I Fr daya

No Freluht will bo received after 12noon on day of tailing


Wll1 leavo Hnioluln Tufsdny at 5 p mUchlnn a KhIiuIuI Huna Ham a a d

Klpiihulii Maul It turning unlvcB utHunuiulu Sunday afternoons

Wll o 11 at Nuu Knupo on seoond tripof each n until

twf No Frnlcht will bo received after 4p M on day of sailing

This Company will reserves the right tomake onaniifs in tho time of dopartuio andarrival of Its HUamera with u notice andt wM not be responsible for any conse-

quences arising thrrefiim

onslcnros must be t the Landings toreceive thelrTreipht ih s Company willnot h ld itself respoiisiulo for freight afterIt nas been landed

Llvo Stock ODly at owners riskThis Compuny wlllnot bo responsible for

Slntiey or Vnlu bles of pasengeis unlessplaced in the care of Pursers

Iassenuers arn Teaiteited to nnr- -ihitHe Tiokois before emharklnc Thodefalling to clt so will be subject to an addltionl chargo of twenty flvp pt t cent

T B MURRAY821 J3 King Btreet

Tho I OHiling

Carnage andWagon Manufacturer


Will furnsh eviythi g outeldo steambonis and built rs

No Ball Betrlng Axles Around Ibis Sbup



FireLife andMarine


Enquire of


TO LETHouses Famished art Un-



Land For Sale

DAVD DAYTON42 Merchant Street




W REYKOLD 5 PnprfoUp


AbsolutelyGash Basis


Music by Every Steamer

Outdoor GamesToys Notions Etc Etc


Anchor SaloonCornor King and Nauanu Sts

W Cunningham - - Manager

Headquarters for cLanlcs and Laborers


iPieiirichburg Drant Beer


Sole Agents for the Renowned

Uorig LiifeANU


Oystors for CocktailsPer Every AustraliaCall and be convinced






Criterion SaloonFort near Hotel Streets

O J McUabtuy - - Manager

Popular Brandb of Straight Gooik


Try tho Great Appetiser

The Biownie Cookta 1-

A Spooalty with this Hcsott


Famous Wieland Lager Beer

Empire SaloonCorner Nuuanu and Hotel Pts

O T Day Manager

cnnee Wines Llanars Ales


Half-ann-Ha- lf on Draught

Handmade Sour Masha HpicciAirr

Irclunts- - Excliaiijfi

S I SHAW Prqprlotor

Corner King and Nnuann Streets

Choice LiquorsAND- -

Fine Beers I


No 23- -

Dualnoos Cards

AirroNia rosav u

Attobnev at Law

Kaahnmanu Street Honolalu




Merchant Street Hnnolnlu

JOHNNOTT JPlumbing Tin Copper and Sheee

Iron WOBlf wn

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Geooeb3 and WjneMebohants

225 Queen Street Honolulu- -



Building MatoInls for sale EatlmatoaFumlshod i i

H P BBRTiriMANNI i i r


AU kinds of ItepilMng and Goneral Carpen- -try K8timatfs piButldlnga -- -

- Furnished i st f


Dealebs in Luhbeb and Coax andBniLDiNd MArEBiAtdro1


Qneon Street Honolulu


Engines and Launches


They cannot be surpassed for MotivePowor


JOB TI3STKH3KSolo Agent Nnuanu Street




Jeweler Watchmaker


Particular attention mid to alUknda ofRepairs i y

Campbell Block Mprohant Street



Ver Day 200Per Weok i lz00

SPECIAL MONTHLY RATE8The dost of Attndanco the Boat Situation

and the Finest Meala In this I Ity


A LLVKKSONB ACQUIRING MONEYclaims agampt thu Uoue of

are requested tu present lisf ir i anio on or boforo noon of THURS ¬

DAY of eaoh wei k Approved claims willno paid on F Mays

WAbTER MoBRYDEChairman Coin rait too of Auoonuts



-- sll-lln HlMhrtiUlli -lji3lW- -












At BritO Hall Konia Street

tfF Telephone 841 jpflf

Qaintt the wrong that nrrd rriUtnneeFor the right that need nulttanctFor the future in the dittunee

And the good that we can do

lam in the place whereof J am demnndrdafeontcience to iptak the truth and the truthftpeak impugn it who to Oil


Pr Month anywhero in the Ha¬

waiian Itlands fOPer Year 0 00Far Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


17 8 00

Fayablo Invariably la AdvanesAdTrrtlumtnti nnarcorapanld by spe ¬

cific ImtruotloDS Inserted till onlf rct outAdvfirildeiiionts d seonttn fd beforo ex

plralin of speified porlud will Uo chargea if continued for 1 term

Address all commuloit on to the Ertltorial Department to Edmnnrt NorlBusiness lotters should be addressed toO 0 Kenyan

1EDMOND NOimiE - EditorO O KENYoNJ - Maniigor

Re ldlnf in Hoo nli



There ia something extraordinarilyridiculous in the preaching of new-comers


like tho editor of the Adver-


on tho subject of Americanimmigration to Hawaii and theplayed out umall farmer We offera suggestion to the Advertisersoribblor Let him go outside notalone of his own olDce but outsidof Oahu and let him see for himselfwhat prospects there are ho e fortho small farmers The govern ¬

ment has provided homesteads forthe em ill farmer It has provi-


ample laws to check them andbaulk them It offers them accomodations on private steamer whichare not restricted in regard torates It now even offers thesmall farmors a chance to become

soldiers and to rido in an electricoar after the franchise is grantedto Victoria Castle but let it not bewhispered in Gad it offers no waterwhatever

Hawaii is to day owned by agovernment which abhors anythingstronger than water but which yetfails to provide for that first andmost necessary artiole for the smallfarmor the to be American home ¬

steader water At tho hompsteadin Eula to day the unfortunateservants of the patriots who took uphomesteads are begging buying orstealing tho water in which theirfortunate neighbors who own landand cisterns hve washed their clothsAnd such water is asked for drinkingpurposes

Mr Doles land bill his intentionstowards intending settlers jnay behonest and sincere Mr Dole is nota stranger like the editor of theAdvertiser Mr Dole has seen andvisited every corner of this countrywhich the P C A- - editor has notand for that reason Mr Dole mintknow that it is an outrage a grossshame and a despicable impositionto ask mt n liko American farmorsto oome here and invest theirxnoney in homesteads before thonecessary provisions for water havebeen made

Western Australia to day is tbogreatest gold field in tho worldThe influx of adventurers tothose parts would have been evenstronger than it did to California intho Fbrties Wesiorn Australia hasno water and tho adventurers hesitato before going there Hawaii hasno water no market and no produoefor the adventurer and yet Mr Doloand his clan invite thorn to coma herowith wives and children and settledown on homesteads where thoywill be asked to drink dish water

Would Mr Dole personally bowijlfiig to pitch his touts ou thelflrids devoted for homesteads ouKula Maui or at Puukapu or evenat his pet place enjoy tho beautiesof Puuwaawaaf W doubt it

r 3w - 3T irtlnwiirtK jf i


One remarkable feature which

occurs whenever tho Reform partyis in power it tho fact that thefigures in their printed returnsu ver tally with each other Look

Ht the Auditor Generals roport and

its tax supplement Why is 1 liUt

Is it the printers fault or is it in ¬

capacity on the part of the com

pliers Or peihaps it is wilfullydono to mislead the public

So far as legislation is concernedwo do hot see wherein the praoticosof the so called Republic of Hawaiiare superior to those of the mon-



In fact we aro bound to say

that in the minor matter of intelligence the monarchy can give theRepublic loug odds In making upthe slato for Senators abd Repre-



Mr Dole left out as im-



the men who did theirowu thinking uuder the monarchyand put up for the suffrages of onefifth of the voters of tho Kingdomof Hiwaii mere puppet to rogidortho will of the Preident and his

Cabinet- - A few of the puppetshowever have Bbown a dislike for

the parts they are taking and kick-



is being indulged in to such an

extent that every measure that pro-



the slightest heatindiscussionis pulled down and stowed away for

airiug before the next regular sesxion that may or may not material-

ize Courage has ooz d out of thoExecutive building

What hypocrites our so calledChristian friends are Tbo sins of

the monarchy real and inventedformed the capital of our churchpeople when for two cents bountyon sugar it was thought desirableto overturn the tbrone of Hawaiiand lay hands on the Crown Land4abd everything else of value in

sight Now when in power thopious freebooters ue all the tricksof finance and legislation to fastenleeches on tbe Treasury What with

the Land Aot and the Electric Tram-



Bills we aro led to wbuderwhat will be left for the foolish tax-


Mr W R Castlo says in bis organthat President H smer has been

exonerated Of course bo has as

he would have been if his off use

bad been more rank Let us havethe resolutions that whitewashedhim Wo bear that the vote was atie on tbe Scotch verdict of notproven Had a Hawaiian beentruiliy of tbe coarse conduct thatthe President has to pupils he would

have b en deposed without bemfitof Trustees If President Hosmeris satisfied the rest of us can aff rdto wait

By tho way the Presidents favor-



pupil more sinned against thansinning has decided not to take upa literary course just yet Tboplagiarism of the teaober and pupilwas too quiokly exposed The ao

tion of the Board of Education in

appointing the pupil to an assistantteach- rs position is a singular one

until you aro remiudtd that theBoard is presided over by Mr WR Castle The appointment pres ¬

ents au object loason to the aspiringyouth of Hawaii

Aud now Reprosentative McBrydewants to know who is responsiblefor the niiniaure tower of Babel

going up round the pumping plantHe also waus to know when it will

wfjv Wzrit

make an inquiry like thai Alio he

wants to know who is contractingfor it and when tho tenders were

published for the job What does

MjfJrydo want to do Take theread out of Rowells mouth and

give it to the wickd contractorybo only estimate one ptice and gH

the wurk through on time

It ia oommouly reported that Palmyra I daud will be anmx d in theuear future by Captain King andthoLehua At one time considerable ridicule was cat ou Kalakaua on the Charlie Carteraud Gibson because they wanted torun the Pacific Tho samo horse

of the same color and owned by theRepublic is now lu good ordor Mr

Dole will yet bo crowned Emperorof the Pacific The proposed nbsorplion of Palmyra is claimed to b

justified by Mtuistor Hatch becaustbe owner of tho island Mr FredWundeuberp acknowledged hit

connection with tho late rebellion

and accepted oxile in place of a

long term of imprisouniout What ¬

ever propoity belongiug to him will

now bo coufiated as he has madn

no steps to return to these islands

and the most important section tothe Hawaiian Government uuderthe present circumitauces is PalmyraIsland Tbo govtruniout wants a

place to go to

A visitqf the Minister of the In-



to South K ma causod him t

we tho power cbuferred on him by

law to provide more suitable audcouveuieut roid- - for that districlIf instead of acquiring sand bankand outlying rocks on junketingtrips with Professor Brigham hewould visit the various places need ¬

ing roads in the Honolulu districtand do as well as ho has done in S

Kona the payers would thiukbe was only earning his salarybut descrying of an increase

Representative wants much

punishDoes tho Representative know who

or what he ih When and wherdidbe learn that a Representativedm ies are to anjoue Thatis geuerally left for schoolmasteraid courts of j stice The Repre¬

sentative is ia the House to extendfqual to everyone nhetherhe voted for his return or not Any

other view of the situation would

make him out to be an idiot whose

spite only exceeded his of ac-



with the duties of a


Government And all utter stran ¬

at too


to be Deputy Marshal

aud is to be tboHooray

has all a sudden struckof Education Hawaiian

bred too

be How the roaoou makos that

must receive such high salarios when

so many experienced foreigners for

yoars in the service- rocoivo losand when so many experienced Hawaiians fatuities whoso work lias

dwaya received commendation both

fOin outside and inside of tho Board

o uot got moro thau half as inuoh

Have the members of thesione crazy

It is generally reported thatElectric Jim went to Hilo to find

out how patriot Notloys books

and at tho same time make uphis report



The it gains now

subscribers by publishing the o fli

oial copies of the laws passed by thepresent Legislature That is aboutall either its or new subscriberever look at for There is not h

oho to read in it

Representative McBryde says lie

has discovered t hoCabiuet does

not know everything Ho not thofirt by any has mode

discovery aud ho haveany claim to copyright on the factLet W O Smith the matter aud decide is out to it

Punchbowl residents aro now in-


the government nra m tinformed of any placo to storepowdor At least any would

lie moro convenient for usingtho storehouse Ia other words if

aujb dy ha to be blown up thoeuow residing iu tbo vicinity of thepreout powder m igazne are tbemost desirable objects to be erased

iu tho of our present executive

Funahou Roeoluuons

Rxowd That after can ful con ¬

sideration of the evidence off rtdupou Ihe investigation of 1 1 o

charges preferred by Miss Maoleodagaiust Mr F A Hosmer as Prsi-d-u- t

Othu College and in viewof tho attendant circumstances andof tbe personal knowledge which

Rycroft to the Trustees have of which

B shop Willis Good heaveml surrounds the case the Trustees re






tain their high regard for tho la- -

of Mr Homer and or thesincerity of his efforts for tho adv ncemeut of the institution overwhich be presides

j Rsolved That the des re to record their hiyh regard forthe ladiej aud gonllemen who fill

tbe several positions as teachers atPunahou and at the PreparatorySchool aud to express extreme re ¬

gret circumstances havearUt n which oacasioiid the iuvesigal ion the responsibility formust to a Urge decree be sharedb the Trustees Mr Hosmer audthe tea- h rs

Jl s lvd We earnestly hope thatprobabilities are as things forgetting tbe things which are

tend to show that the Portuguese j behind the Tiut es the President and the teachersmilitary company will diBbaijd recognizing

others woitb aud mindful ofThey don t like the Republic And

I the imperfections of humau naturethey swear by all that is holy j may aKajn juli their uuited effrtsthey will not change their drill j to the upbuilding of our belovt dnight irrespective of tbe urgent school the school which was bleBt

wish of the Colonel U S N or h he Pye of the fathers andwbioh has by labor pationce aud

of tho Executive forbearance overcome so many difli- -

cutties in tho pastWho aro the fly Detectives that jjrf That immediate steps

are to have been engaged by tho be taken by tho Trustees to revise

gers thatCollepe Preparatory

fiitrhuftf liattruaDame Rumor haslt that Deputy oi8noy attnwK

Murahal J3rown Ueputy 18t- - 1995

lorney uoin and that JailorLow is the

that GooieJailor I

It of theB tard that

teachers paid low aajar- -

him What thoy









means who

that cant

look intowho tied





that should






80auuiiuiotiatiuu auu uuvoiuuiuui uithe and Schoolan flint irift ct tfTi

mity bowill bo At--


jPiilt lh NTLCETO T1108K

Holding Inraoct PittsV LL PAllTlE HAVING THEIH

lloiuus cr Furntiru ret HintliUVinx QilHullUtf Slur U nil 11 euiJHHx or

ies Messrs Keliinoi and King two AntXiTcallow unfledged youths are to ivi thu iikie6irv i niii mtiM d

iiit ren j a oilmanget 1000 a year apiece- - What is Bui rotiey UoarU ot Uudorwutoju of Ho

IkiiBhvd simple of to it







noin uJuly W itw 2J iw

- - AU j1irr x


Timely Topics

fcfcWWfc 2Honolulu July 9 1895

Lord Ifosobury is out andLord Salisbury is in Thochunsc s of cur o of thegreatest imputtuve it is

proper to 1oU into tt e cunsiflwi ieh lid o tlv f pttdy down-


of the I ib ral partyIhe majority of the Libi r la

will pay that the rtiieimjnt ofGlad to e from the prem er-rt-- ip

made hi- - patty weakand that Ho ebiiy could nothold ti different faction to ¬

ut th r OthR will claimthat the va il siting foreignpolicy puivuid bv tne libeiitlgovernment made the partyvhich ir represented an f omwhich it gained iiN power un ¬

popular The liliijilihh peo ¬

ple are always pceacliinypeace themselves bot theyto not allow their govern ¬

ment to do it nid they aroje Ions of aiy ival or y

att mpt to infritire oniher dignity a- - a nation byun blest d lurriner Thev x d question of Home Tfcuio

bus a o b en blamed for thedownfall of tlv Li1 end- - andtheie is i o d ubt hat the ailu re to soIvm quc tionha i something o do withKos bery defeat Tr isfinal y said that the ex pre-

mier- inclination for racehoi pes mace him unpopularamong the very Christi mundd e cla ees who considerbet i ing on the trac- - and alltho other pirapherualia of aV iMnn iu i rr- - P IlianMr u i i v n VVM IV i tinSaanic M j-- -ty Ad thatis the ival ml take mde byLord K8ebery If ho ludpossessed sufhViei t wi domi e would have dropped iur oraeiny and hpies and howoi Id Ivive pnrci a ed a Mon¬

arch liieyele ami gone outvheeiinn We a e now exp ciing a fn hh invoice Ittook only one month tosellthe HY t lot imported by usWe haye only two wh- - els l ftami thoy aie b th intend dfor ladi s Tho wheel is bacoming so popular nnd sofashionable iirHonoluu thatvery shoitly evrybody thatknows eno gh to e in thomove wid own a Monaich andspin a ong streets roadsAs loug us you sit ou themyou canr fali off The Mon-arch


i- - as intelligent as ahorseaiidcuir es youperf cly saleand it never shies We suggest to all perso s who now

me oy iaws ana ruies reiaungiome llde Who intend to do to- -- An l








leave th ir orders for a Mon-arch


now Our invoice willbe here in the Au tralinand it may bo too late t Se ¬

cure a wheel after the steamerar ves rai rn urn n w pour¬

ing in Jieiuumhtr th t were the JSule Agent- - of the

Monarch in the HawaiianIsland and that tho wheelcam ot be purchased eluewhere in Honolulu

TiB uVwdjiiiD Haruvwt Co Lrt

307 Four StkketOtpaJto BpreolfelB Jtlook





Cnmnanv AMaluiO I dainl

i now camping at

Mr Eleanor Grahain returned totovn in tho ILill

There ua a danceHall last evening

KKiilar oprvicH willohurchea to morrow

at tbo AriotiimI to bo of so much importance

bo held in all that I to talt

UuktiouB and Stars thisWho are you backing

Tho usual blazing away at targetswill take place to morrow

Percy Lishmau is third basemanfor the Stars thin Afternoon

Rev J M Chase will preach atPearl Citv to morrow afternoon

Tho Australia will tokn away nlarge number of passengers to dny

Tho bai d will play at tho whaifthin afternoon and later on atEmma qure

Elder Andrew Jhushiihere will lecture at theA my hall next Tuesday



a visitorSalvation

Hollitder Co are agenis forHimalya the feat Kola nut compound It cures asthma and kindredUlbOrtbOi

Tho departure of W H Cornwellon tho Australia is not connectedwith the lilibuteriug expedition of0 W Ashford

The army the drum aroundthe Bulletin premi es early thismorning It i about time thatpaper waked up

To morrow is the proper day totake a run to Wnianne Let hekids see the other hide of the islandfor once Riles are cheap

The Advertiser in becoming a militay journal Hall of its columnsare devilled to reports of shootsdrills and pictures of colonels

The wine and spirit firm hereto ¬

fore reprehontid by Geo Lyetirguswill be in futurd conducted by

- Mesfrs G D Fceelh and Jongdou

Those Scotch Ginghams Cham-brit-- s

Ghallies Indian Linen- - andLinen La wim deseive special atten ¬

tion at L B Kerrs Call uud inspect them

An important not ce to users ofgasoline stoves appears elsewhereThe ootifM is indued by Mr 1 A Gilman the S crotary of tho Board ofUnderwriters

S M D unon Joseph EI Fisherand Henry E Waity have formed acopartnership and Iran not banliintbusiness under the name of Bishop

Co iu Honolulunt

Tho Time is out and containmuch interesting reading mttierand several very good cartoonsEditor Stacker is au artistwith pen and pencil

Commander Thorna of I he Bennintfion will leave on the AuMnliatoday Ho transferred his comma d to Commander Figtuan yestorday with the us lal ceremonies

No decision on tho Waduku wntercane has yet been published Decisious of lean importance and of alater date have been published Th- -

C J is certainly not afraid of hiswater deoisiouT

According o the Advertiser MrtV N Armstrong is laboring andmanufacturing iii Yokohama Neetartne No 9J The great commixsioner will return in August andiiud his job gone

A number of people took a tripto Watatiae this afternoon Theat y rates off r d I y t he O R LCo are sutlicieut inducement toanybody who desire a most pleasantouting uuiing the hot weather

L B Kerr has just received a fineassortment of new Suitings Trousoriugf otn Also a foloct utock ofCollars Neckties Sox and StrawHats Thote varied bnes should beseou Get a move On gentlemen

Pastor Schneider will preach hisfarewell sermon to tho Luthorancongregation at tho Y M C Aha 1 to morrow at 11 a m Thereverend gentleman leaves for SanFranoifco next week on tho Albert

Flowers aro in demand to day forthe oUtuoiug Australia Those for-


enough to have loft ordersWith Seaborne Luce received thomiiut liHmitifnl 11 mil IfniiraiiiiiiR

the most txqulsite over seen in tnoislands

O an employee tho OR L Co was injuiMl jesterdayaftonioon while aUending to theblasting on the I uiiiihI in oonsiuction betwien Alitiiiankni and Alianianu near Muautdui Tho manwas badly and is now attli- - Queens Hospial t lattbt re ¬

fui was iut uut of danger

A Fiinahou IlirnbloCrosMiig a bridgo ono day rpcent

lv I oborvHl a looso plunk wblibmailotliM bridge dangerous ro- -

ported iIik matter to the road ptiporvmor who m nt out thr men to insptut t bo bridge Vhf m itter ppnrn- -

hoy were



two exports and to tunho Jananosn navy and duetheir investigation thorough andexhaustive

In duo time they brought backtheir report or rather Ihoir reportfor they had not been able to agreeiu reKard to tho facts One of themfeaid that ho found tho plank rottenand urged the necessity of replacingit with a sound ono A second de¬

clared that there was no troublewhatever wth tho bridge exeptthat tho other planks becoming weth id swelled and by crowding uponthis one had loosened it a littleTho removal of on or two of theunnecessary narrow pltnk and perhaps tho diiv ng of a few uew spikeswould the bridge every waysafe

The third inspector declarod thattho planks woio all rea onablysound but that tho uuder piuuiugwas rotten and ueoded reuowiutExtensive repairs were rt quired tomake the bridge safe

j One of the experts said that hehad examined tho under pinningcarefully mid found iu it only oneiiuBjund timber which had com- -

muuicated its rottenness to theplank so that both ueKleil renewing

Tho expert export admittedt at the bridgo was getting a littleold bu thought it could be madequite safe for some time to come b

a liberal use of good heavy spikesIu view of these coi Aiding re-


and pending action of thelegislature appropriating funds forrepair of tho bridge the road super ¬

visor pusttd a noiico to tho pnblnstating that the loose plank in thebridge bad leen examined by ex ¬

perts and found quite sound aswore all tho other planks and de-

claring that the biido which hadrtood for so many generations could

now be coud inued as rottenPasiiig by this saw the

Ioofo plank spii d fimly iu placewhil the souud ones lay where thejhad b eu thrown br tho side of theroad where was disp ajed the no-iico


no thoroiiKhfar- -

Tho Manuwuloa Concert

Arrangements havo been comnleboth ted for the concert which will be

uivou for the bei ofit of the fami leof the political priiiuers on Juhthe 30 h at Kaumakapili ChurchThe programme u hi h is publishedensures a most pleasant eutertaiumeut Mis Mav Cummins and MissKulamauu Ward who for sometimeshave deprived tbo public of thopleasure of listening to their exquisite voices will hoth bo hard onthis occasion Mr A Marques andotber prominent musicians hean orchestra and th excellent choirof tho Hawaiian Youug Institutewill also assist


1 Orchestra2 Chorus Y H I

i8 Violin Solo A Marques4 Song Mn s May Cuemms5 String

A Maiquns and nthers6 Choru Y HI7 Duet Piano and Urwau

Mr Falcou and Ms Titson8 Song Mis K Ward9 String

A Marqu s anil others10 Sug W S uelho11 Clroiux Y H I

12 Orohestm

Oooko Buldwiu Woddlng

Miss Maud Baldwin daughter ofSenator ti P Bildwin was marriedat Haiku list Thursdvr evening toJoseph Piatt Cooke Rv Beokwitholliuiated at tho ceremony A num ¬

ber of friend were present at thereception which was held at thereiileiice of the fat her the brideThe younj couple nrrVed at Ilonolulu mi the WaialealyHterdH andwillbao for San o in theAultralia to day The brid groomis a sou of tho lato Joe C uke a

Tho gladioli grown by Mr Luce aro brother of our local m

Carlon of








louatre CM Cooke and the brido h thodaughter of Srtiiaio Henry Baldwiu a leadiug poliiiciau iu the Sen-


and a millionaire Tho coparttiers wilt reside iu San FrauoisooWishes of happiness ami joy go withthem both

Big reduction In Kd Gloves Cor ¬

sets Rdiboiis and Uosuuy Ladles1Muslin Underwear at CojLatoaclmOloorauoo Side

XlonoiB Oonforrocl

Bv f he last mail the Japanese I inpcrial Government instructed itnrcprcentativ here to rano H BM Coiicul GeiiHral and C untilKiniier at Honolulu to the thirdclaes of Molji tlocorntion and conferon him thordr of tho decorationof the Sacred Trenourc The reclpieu CommNi ionor Have wanat one tittle the naval inspector of

with them vtho to him is




theelllciout work done bv the navyof the Mikado during the late warAs a rule no English official canaccept utonrattons from foreignpowers without special permissionby Her Majesty the Queon beinggranted I hedecoratson now extended to Captain Hawea is a sign of thohigh esteem iu which ho at all timeswai and is held in Japan and whichreputation ho has so ably sustainedin Hawaii

A Muuonic Dlimwr

The dinner given lat evening atih Arlington Hotel b the oiliceigof Hawaiian L dgo N 21 F and AM to tin vinitiug uieudiers of theCalifornia lodge of Knight Tomplnrs was a grand success H stKrouso has got a special faeuty ofmaking everybody at home andwhen bin i ff ins aro aked for theben fit of Ids Masonic brothers heis t iiuply immense About fortypeople sat dawn and everyone oftho forty praised tho elegant dinnerspread before them Colonel J IISuper was the toni t master on tliHouoaion and filled th otlico in hisusual graceful manner Tho visittug brothers leave on the Australiato div and it is hopwlthat theywill carry with them only pleasantreminiscences of their visit to Ha-waii


I COt MnQtS Scot

The ThUtlf Club rave a mostj able eutertait m ut last eventhe occasion was to say g0d liveto A Garvio an active member ofi ho club who now goes to Kauai andwho iu the future will be knownonly whmi the uever sdeepini Mikaweli Plantation nitons him to take arun to his old stamping irouudsThe club also prei-ent-- ThomasBlack with a very beautiful weddiutrpresent iu the shape of a clock

I hn evenings entertainment vainst successful Archibald Steeleread an essay on Home winch isworthy of preMrvation LilianGarvie Dale McKay and othershelped to make the occasion one ofthe most pronounced sticcoatfes oftho Suuoui h Thh tlf Club

The Amoican Luuguu Diet

The installation of oflicors of theAmerican League was postponed atthe meeting lat evening till nextFriday out of respect to the lateD tuiel Lump au oiHcer of theLeague Appropriate remarks etilouiziug tho deceased were mtde TheLeague has assumed the expensesucurred through the sickness audfuneral of the late member and itwas stated that tho Sharpshooterswill make prnper provisions for theyouug sou of the dec as d I h- - education of youug Daniel Lynns willbe continued at St Louis College

Told by tlz Lbo

Fitzhugh Le doesnt mind tellinga story even if it is on him At thoiiIosh of the war he was at the headof the cavalry and these were mucheuvteil by the infantryman who hadto walk through the mud and dutAfter Ghii Robert E L- - had sur- -

rnudered Gen Fitzhuh Lee rodenway from Appomattox While rid ¬

ing through a lane ho met an oldNrth Carolina soldier

Ho tht rel cried Gen Leewhere are you sniuul

Ive been off on a furlough andam now noing back to join Gen BobLet-- replied the old soldier

You ueedut go back but canthrow your guu away and returnhome for Leo surrendered

i ees surrenderedThats what I said said Gen

LeeIt mtit have been that damned

Ffiz Lee then Bob Lee woulduever surrender aud tho soldirput on a look of contempt and walk-ed


on Covrter Journal

Tho Advertiser las got a wed- -

ding reporter The young manwill be a valuabe additiou to thonewspaper fraternity after he hasbeen out on tho lm aud got ridof the following ftale phrases bril- -

haul nuptial- - highly nccoiupitched avoiably known pro- -

uouilced beaut v high iu the net koouyeulioual tilauk most per

feclly graced a pleasing pictureconveyed in carriages did vou ex ¬

pect them to walk etc Tho reportiug Wilder should not be mixedup with Little Iblloe

TheSous of Si George will holdono of their usual pleasaut socinI attheir ball on F irt Htreeton Mondayevening July 22 Tickets limitediu number to flllj to admit lady audgentleman SI are to bo had at theGoldeu Rule ttazaar f

alearance SaleN

620 Fort Street





Commencing Monday July 1895


On account of Extensive Building Alterations

Tlxe Exxtire StoolsWill be offered at a Great Sacriiies

Big Bargains in Every DepartmentsETr All Gooda marked in Plain Figures and sold for

Cash OnlyRona-il- d- Sale J3fl flQjf Positive BargilnsI

c Manufacturers Shoe Co


Nw Bock





To Waianae

SwJs Co

Saturday and Sunday

July aotvi So a lotw Tralnn will leave tlonolnlu at 015

m and p m

Uetu hIpe wil arrive In Hunolnlu11 1 m 653 r u

Round Trip Tickets1st Class2d Oluto



ufi and


F C SMITHGeneral Passenger and ticket Acnt

and Alfalfa


For SaleBY

HENHY DA VIS CO605 Fort 8t oet

Paiinerbhip Chaoge

pHAN KfK THIS DAY UKTItEJ fn in ha Firm uf Kwan Iono Hinu

it CoMiiNY ilolug a Gfiiorul M rhi l ou nuii at 3 6 Nuiinu sir o ln Ho u- -

lulu U riui I lund a Onlni Hn I VanMini Kali miters tlm sihl Dim In jilniO oftli tetuliiH partner the llrni new on ist--Inc o Chan Yining on U an Mun KaU


Dated Jnno V9 1813 1 l 3w


HA UKMOVBD HISJHSGHNAOK I X L to Kurt HtreetTi vi i ul i u U 1 i u r Oilic t Him ba to ti 30 a m1m u 1 i- - m 4to6i iin lw

If yon d uit fot your papor Hugup 841 iuE Independent




Boots Shoes

516 Fort StreetHonolulu H I

Hollister Drug Co



Benson Sin tli 4 Co




Reoords Colleotor CopyistTIiAN8LAT0R IN

English and HawaiianReal Estato Agent Typewriter Stamp

Dealer F rcbasirig Jon mliaionand Advertising Agent Etc

Offices No R27 King treet Ihformer pi Ithio office of K IJ lnomai

California Fruit Market

Corner King and Alakca Btreets



From San Francisoo with

Fresh Bxuits OystersSalmon Poultry

Etc Kto Eto

Subioribe for the

oente per month



Independent 60

i- -








General Ageut for Hawaiian Islands

Rooms 19 Sprookola Block Honolulu H

ROYAilweniiANOB Company of Liverpool

aluanob assurance company of london

alliance marine and general assurance company opLondon

son insurance company of san francisco

wduuelma1 of magdeburg general insurance company




Sun Life inburance Company of Canada

Liffl Flrernd Marine Bisk Taken at ReawbB Rales



General MerchandiseaVd

Agents for Lloyds

oo 1

vs Anai


Canadian Australian Steamship Line

British Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire aiid LifeuaavCanadian Pacific Railway Co




TrixrnoNE 92Vjh I ItfOr




Pinreer Line of Packet- - fmm Liverpool


-- ZZrX



-- a


tffS-- l JI U rt0

ti in i

to of

o 9


ofi5i S5- -

P O Box 14B

E McINTYRE BROEast Corner Fort kino sts


Gffcefies Provisions arid FeedNow and Fresh Gbodo4rece1vfd by every panket from California Eastern

States and European Markots

Standard Gride of Canned Vegetables Frmts and Fish

Goods delivered any part the Olty

i i i


- 355

The World Moves


And X So It with a Groat DoalMoro Spood

Fnrnltnre aiid Baggage

are dclverod and moved bythe Fastost Expresses hi town

My W ifinns

aroin hand whenever ntonmerarrives nml bngunxo nd to giltrencli thetr destination nearlybcloru being landed

nro Brfclaltv T movo Pianosarcordinu to themot uppmv dnictlicdi Tnev dont von getoat iif tutio If they d nndtlm owner shoulit nealr- - It Iw I II t ino them iny elf and thatwould bo fl u or tbo Piano

ttf Leave orders at my offlco

Corner Kitfand Nuuanu Steor riko ur

TolejDlion 245


F A Mkdeiros S DECKER

Medeiros Go

TAILORSHotol Stroot Arlington Block

Thp cy of Hord T mes h ii reached ukall nl rfallzi c ilmi iuan must bo

clothed we havo decided to

Reduced Urn Pnces fur tUe tier30 Days

AN1 vk offerSuits and Troiibers

At prices hat will be w thin tho reaoh ofev rbody e crry a Beleot Block ofU o is and ranrante a Perieot It aidFirst-cla-- Work Thoio who reall debIO ti be oressod oatly and nattily a dan not airor to spHnd mnch money tn

tliflr clothes will do we 1 In cal Ing at ourbio re btfore goiig ol owlicr

S DECKU3K - Manager

EiHoMlaegerJCoKnc Street opposite UbbUo

Honsehold Sowing Machine


Wines Liquirs BeehOF THE HIOHE8T OBADE


Baby Carriages a Specialtygar Inspoct the B leuted Bioclc ol

En HOFFSOHiABftBR COKInj Srcet oppot nPtle ti poke

Brace WariDg Co

Real Estate Dealers

603 Fort St noar King



fW Parties w nhlnis to dispose of theirIrnpprll m htb invllpd ti nll on in


JOHN PHILLIPHa roraoved bis Plumbing aln ss from

Kluj rimet to tbo prt inises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

IVIro Bailey

TAM - hJ

oosasrioSteamship Co






Saturday July 20th


The andersluiied are now prepared UiBsue Through Tickets from this Olty to allpoints In the United States

CV For further particulars regardlntFreight or Passage apply to

Wu Q IRWIN CO Ld18 Ct General A cuts

Telephone C07 P O Btx 321


Carriage Manuktory128 J80 Fort street

Carriage BuilderAND KEPAIKEK


OrdoVs from the o h r Itlnd In BalldlnpTrimming Painting i tc Ictc

pr nipt y ntte d d to

W W WRIGHT Proprietor8uoe8or to G West

Oabu Cash StoreNO 811 KING STREET

THAT THE ABVE D YNOW Soro in an a- - or d foot unithas botn openod for bnslne s Inc Julla it Ih piepar d to sai fy tho ra t fnstilious taste of ih inbliii Lmll s will fi d

to their advantao to call hep first andsee for theniselve bforo loiog elcereto m ke their purchases Tuny 111 horfin a large ana varied assortnoi t of

Musiuis J awns CalicosPrints B erhod and Unbleached Cottons

Untrinmiwl Hats nose Ha dkrr--chn I Perfnmory Eto EtcNo trouble at nil to fhow G jods

M K MTiVA Afnacnr

SaUDni4 ft Havsllaa PtultAND

PRODUCE COMPANYG Oavanaoii Manager

Opposite O II L Depot on King Street

Groceries and ProvisionIce Houio Goods FIsb VepotHba Frozen

Oysters Etc reccivol by ovorysteamer from bun bran



Metropolitan Weat Co81 KING STREET

G J Waller - Manaoer

Wholesale andRetail


Navy Contractors


Kour Senonr hmd BqIoiI Cans

9 For particulars apply toGON3AIVES CO

4 tf t Qnen Rtrnet

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t Second hand Light FpMng Dra

In Good OondUion

Mft Apply to

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SUIWRIBRR8 AIKMErEGTFULLYall ubHcrlptioiis are pnv

ahlo trimly In aivancob Uio moniliiinarttr or ytar

G 0 KENYON17 t Munagor

A Lenrm d Botn ladySho wna a I3oatou maid at hih do- -

rceWith hjpb thnt ahono liko incaa

loscont liRtitoAnd just Buch pouting lips as Booms

to moTbo kiaa Jnvitoa

I mot her on tho Commons grassypod

Nfar whpro the fountaia plays iasquirt Ivh mood

Sho atond reflutiug while a passivewad

Of gum flio oho wed

It dons ono good to soo this spotsaid I

When woary of tho citys humand bti7z

Sho eonsod her waxio pastimo to roplj

Thats what it does

Tbi ylvan spot thon softly Inverroi

Thw foot of man seems almostto d filH

Her voico camo swoet as notes ofany bird

Well I should smilo

The balmy breezes whisperingovorhfau

With such enchanting softnesskiaa the brow

In tones of languid melody shosaid

Youre Bhoutin now I

And havo you noticed fair onehow taeh bird

Seems hnrn tu ohooso its sweetestvocal grm

dwelt in rupturo on bur ovoryword

Im outo them

And how the lenves liko movingfittHralds seem

When iu rtwpuiisA to tho swoetbreztthev t hnkei

Her voiCrt came soft as eohoes froma dream

Thoy take the coke

Dost wander often toasylvin spotThe dreamy sonse of quietude to

aeeklSoft purl d her answor Well I

take a trotBout once a week

In converse sweet I lingered by herBde

And f lt that thoro forever Ieoti d dwell -

And as I left her after me she criodSo long old fell

was not captured by her voice sorich

Nor by her lovely face so sweetand young

But lv he sweet dexterity withwhich

Her clang h slungFrom thr Drumm rx Yarns

Where Ho Drow Tho Lino

It was on a ferryboat crossing toWind tor the other afternoon Ayoung and good looking chap sathesides a young and good lookingttirl and they loved and lovedWhen tho boat wob in midstreamthe girl was struck with a suddenthought and anxiously queried

George if I should happen tofall overboard what then

Id chuck you a life preserverhe calmly replied as he glanced atthe rows of them overhear

but if I 4idut oatph itThen Id chuck you a chairBut tho chair might not fall

within may reach sho persistedThen Id chuck half a dozen

overGeorge I might bo sinking

drowning going down to my deathin tho coo limpid waters which nrohurrying to the lake If the chairsfailed if the life preservers failedwhat then Would you Georgewould you chuck yourself ovorboardto to

Sho was testing him and hervholo future happiness hung uponhis answer He know it and yet hestretched out a leg to rect his footupon an empty chair and placidlyreplied

No dearest I am no ohuckorfrpm CbuokersvHlo Id buy thoiioat and back her up to youl

And then tho river rolled on andon and tho girl sighed and sighedtud a gulf came between themvhiuh can never never ho bridgednor pontooued F om the DetrM

The Sons of Si George wilf holdono of their uual pleasant social attheir hall on Fort street on Monday-- vening July 22 Tickets limitediu number to fiftj to admit lady andeutlemnn 1 are to be had at tho

lioldou Rule Bazaar

Ring up nil if you hav anythingto say to Tub Independent

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