evo2 brochure

@TarentaiseMag #lovetarentaise your source of information for the tarentaise 31 You Wanted Adventure? The outdoor activity specialist Get more from your mountain. Join the snowsports revolution Explore More on one of our challenging off-piste tours – descend 2000 metres, return by helicopter! Experience More mountain thrills with our expert adult tuition for all levels – with video analysis and Ice Bar reward! Watch your children’s skiing Evolve More with our fun, friendly tuition. EXPECT MORE adventure - try paragliding, ice diving, speedriding, ice climbing, dog sledding, ice driving, quad riding or a helicopter trip.

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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Here's what's on offer from Evolution 2 in Tignes and Val d'Isere this winter!


Page 1: Evo2 Brochure


#lovetarentaiseyour source of information for the tarentaise 31

You Wanted Adventure?

The outdoor activity specialist

Get more from your mountain. Join the snowsports revolution

Explore More on one of our challenging off-piste tours –

descend 2000 metres, return by helicopter!

Experience More mountain thrills with our expert adult

tuition for all levels – with video analysis and Ice Bar reward!

Watch your children’s skiing Evolve More with our fun, friendly tuition.

EXPECT MORE adventure - try paragliding, ice diving,

speedriding, ice climbing, dog sledding, ice driving, quad

riding or a helicopter trip.

Page 2: Evo2 Brochure





Combine the f renzy of f reer id ing wi th the rush of paragl id ing and you have speedr iding. Use the chute to boost your a i r t ime on jumps, and sk i l ines imposs ible any other way. To accept the speedr iding chal lenge you must be a h igh intermediate to advanced sk ier wi th some of f -p is te exper ience - and a lot of nerve.

from €99 Not suitable for snowboarders Half or full day options available


Fly ing down the mountain on sk is i s one th ing, f l y ing over them in a tandem paragl id ing f l ight i s something e lse complete ly . The adrenal in rush of take-of f , fo l lowed by the t ranqui l i ty of r id ing the thermals 600m down the Sola ise or Tov ière mountains, make th is an act iv i ty l ike no other . And i t ’ s avai lable to anyone f rom beginner level , no prev ious exper ience required.

from €85 Book early in your holiday in case bad weather forces postponement


Exper ience more of the mountains wi th th is unforget table aer ia l adventure. Let Mike, our Br i t i sh pi lot , show you a whole new s ide to the Espace K i l l y/Mont Blanc f rom a unique birds-eye v iewpoint . Spot your favour i te runs, scout new of f -pis te routes and marvel a t the untouched terra in in those places sk is can ’ t go. You’ l l never see the mountains in the same way again.

from €394 flight options lasting 5mins to 35minsDon’t forget your camera!

Adventure Activitiesexpect more...

Wilderness Camp

from €69 individual bookings Wednesdays and Thursdays.

private group bookings taken

Let us t ransport you to a secret spot in the woods of Les Boisses for the ul t imate apres or a spec ia l evening ’s enter ta inment . You’ l l be welcomed round the campf ire at our authent ic hunter ’s yur t v i l lage wi th a bowl of warm soup and a K ir . A t radi t ional Savoyard dinner washed down wi th a warming Genepi fo l lows – in preparat ion for the 4km, 200 metre ver t ica l descent mool i t s ledge r ide. Return t ransport prov ided.










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#lovetarentaiseyour source of information for the tarentaise 33


Winter holidays have evolved. No longer are we satisfied with skiing the same runs until your

legs ache. EXPECT MORE; the mountains have so much more to offer…

These adventures are perfect for a non-skiing day, or if you’re really keen they don’t even

have to eat into your powder time…some are great alternatives for whiteout days or evenings.

*Avai lable act iv i t ies d i f fer a t our T ignes, Val d ’ Isère, La Rosière, S te Foy & Les Arcs bases. Contact us for more deta i ls .

from €85No previous diving experience required

ice diving

quads & buggies

ice climbing

dog sledding

ice driving

summer specials

from €30Take a 10 or 20 minute spin

from €93Must be over 14 years old

from €65 for driversor €90 with passengers

from €60Drivers must be 16+ and able to drive

licence not necessary

Stags and Hens – New for 2015!Let us tailor your perfect getaway.

Enter a breathtak ing underwater wor ld that not many, other than penguins, ever get to see. Witness incredible ice format ions and a ir bubbles suspended in ref lec ted l ight . An act iv i ty you can do in a l l weathers .

Travel in a s ledge powered by up to 7 huskies for an authent ic arc t ic adventure. Take the dr iv ing seat and exper ience being a “musher” or s i t back and let the dogs pul l you round a s tunning a lpine set t ing.

Tear around the snow l ike you’re not a l lowed to do in your local park, in our s ingle-seat quads and two-seater buggies . Ages 10+ can dr ive these fun runners on a dedicated t rack.

Swerve and sk id around an 800 metre ice t rack in the ul t imate dr iv ing chal lenge. Choose a car f rom a Twingo to a Subaru GT, channel your inner Top Gear presenter and rev that engine.

You may have c l imbed Snowdon or even Mont Blanc, but have you ever sca led a f loodl i t natural f rozen water fa l l ? I f you’re new to c l imbing on ice your h igh mountain guide wi l l teach you how to use ice axes and crampons. You just need a bas ic f i tness level to conquer the f rozen wal l .

The Tarenta ise is fas t becoming the most popular dest inat ion for adventure s tag and hen dos wi th an endless var iety of summer act iv i t ies : Raf t ing, Hydrospeeding, Canyoning, VTT downhi l l mountain bik ing, Paintbal l ing, Paragl id ing, V ia ferrata, Rock c l imbing, High ropes adventure course











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YETI academy - Our fun Yeti learning system will enable your child to EVOLVE MORE - into a better, safer, happier skier.

FRIENDLY TUITION : maximum group s i zes of 6-8

FLEXIBILITY : we group chi ldren based on abi l i ty and move them between groups as they progress at d i f ferent rates

FUN : we use games l ike a Yet i Hunt to assess chi ldren, rather than scary tes ts

REWARDS : ch i ldren ‘graduate ’ wi th f ree medals at an end of week ceremony

JUNIOR ACADEMY or COMPETITION 9-14 years with 7+ weeks experience

TEEN EXTREME14-18 years with 9+ weeks experience

I f you’re paral le l ing conf ident ly on any s lope you’re ready to s tar t the f i rs t of our three academy

levels . We’ l l push you to improve your technique on s teep s lopes and moguls ,

develop your f reesty le express ion wi th snowpark and sk icross exper ience,

and open up a whole new world of powder wi th an introduct ion to of f -p is te . Or ser ious racers

wi th a need for speed can work through our three compet i t ion

levels – f rom s la lom to g iant s la lom.

You’re a l ready powering down any s lope, on a l l t ypes of snow and terra in, and a lways the winner in the race to the Fol ie Douce for lunch. So what next? You need our Extreme course to develop of f -p is te technique, mountain safety and awareness. We’ l l show you how to bravely sk i where no-one has sk ied before (s ince the prev ious evening) , enabl ing you to get so much more f rom your mountain.

Children's group Skievolve more...

panda3-4 years

yeti 11 week experience

yeti 33 - 4 weeks experience

yetison4-5 years yeti 2

2-3 weeks experience

super yeti5 - 6 weeks experience

petit yeti5+ years

Complete beginners . Introduct ion to snowplough turns, s topping and how to

use chair and but ton l i f t s .

Able to snowplough on gentle green runs. Develop snowplough turns on green and blue slopes, stem turns on gentle slopes and introduction of poles.

Able to snowplough on blue runs.Progress onto parallel turns on green and blue slopes and develop long radius turns.

Able to parallel ski on blue and easy reds. Refine both short and long parallel turns on blue and red slopes on varied terrain.

Able to comfortably parallel ski on reds.Refine short parallel turns on black and steep slopes, moguls and variable snow conditions.










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#lovetarentaiseyour source of information for the tarentaise 35


Our instructors are always on hand to answer your snow-related questions - and help you EXPERIENCE MORE mountain thrills.

* Send your quest ions into Source v ia Facebook, Twi t ter or emai l and our instructors wi l l answer them in their weekly onl ine Q&A sess ion

Q: “ I ’m a competent sk ier and used to enjoy leading my chi ldren

down most runs, but suddenly the k ids are whizz ing ahead and on

their th i rd Frui t Shoot by the t ime I arr ive down for lunch. What

should I do?” Frustrated, Bognor.

A: “ I t ’ s tempt ing to keep the Frui t Shoots on your person and make

the chi ldren sk i wi th you in order to get one, but a bet ter way to

deal wi th th is problem is to improve your own sk i ing to keep up

wi th your chi ldren. Try one of our Perfect ing Paral le ls courses and

you’ l l soon be up to speed.”

Q: “ I haven’ t managed to get to the mountains for the las t few years

and now I f ind I ’m shat tered by 3pm and heading for an ear ly bath.

Is th is a s ign of age?” Weary, Essex.

A: “Don’ t worry , you probably don’ t need to s tar t us ing your sk i

poles as walk ing s t i cks just yet . T i redness is a s ign your technique

needs work, especia l ly i f you’ve not sk ied for a whi le . You could

benef i t f rom our Check-up Cl in ic to brush up your sk i l l s . ”

Q : “When I d id my season I could g ive Bode Mi l ler a run for h is

money. But several years on I ’d l ike to check I ’ ve s t i l l got i t ra ther

than book s t ra ight onto a tour and r isk br inging up the rear . Can

you help?” Mountain Mogul , Kent .

A: “Even Bode Mi l ler somet imes needs to check his sk i legs ,

especia l ly a f ter a b ig n ight on the pis te . Get yoursel f to our F ine

Sk i l l s C l in ic and we’ l l ref ine your technique.”

Q: I ’ ve never sk ied but my new partner is a pro and wants a

mountain t r ip for h is 50th. I ’d l ike to learn so I could jo in h im on

the odd blue, but I don’ t want to feel s i l l y i f I ’m the oldest and

s lowest in a c lass…” Old Dog, Bournemouth.

A : “So many adul t beginners te l l us they ’ve been put of f booking

lessons for that very reason, which just goes to show how many are

in the same boat ! Our Learn2Turn course s t i cks to smal l group s i zes

and we move people round as some progress fas ter than others . The

emphasis i s on developing technique and, important ly , hav ing fun!”

Adult's Group Ski experience more...

ski courses snowboard courses

course ability level development course ability level development

Learn2Turn Taster

PerfectingParallels Rookie

Fine Skills Clinic Improver

Check-up clinic Switch

Develop snowplough turns, control speed and stop in control on green runs

Master a controlled falling leaf and basic front side and back side turns

Go from smooth parallel turns on green runs to refined turns on red and black slopes and tackling moguls. Groups created based on level.

Master a controlled falling leaf and basic front side and back side turns

Develop skills for off-piste, including carving, bumps and final off-piste day

From smooth linked turns on green slopes to learning how to carve on reds

Develop parallel turns on blue and easy red runs

Develop skills required for off-piste; course includes a final off-piste day

Total beginnerTry before you commit to a lesson plan

Beginner+ to Intermediate+

Total beginner

AdvancedBeginner+ to Intermediate+

Intermediate Advanced

Included: Group maximum of 8 people Video analysis for you to keep End of week trip to our mountain Ice Bar

open to children from 8 years old

"The best ski school I've ever used. Our Italian instructor was perfect, praising everyone's good technique and helping us correct our faults."Andrea from Newcastle

"The instructor was exceptionally good at breaking down complex ideas into simple actions - I did my first ever ski jumps in the snow park. I would never have dared to try them alone!"Fred from London

"My wife had been nervously snowploughing green runs… after two hours with Jeff she was (nearly) making parallel turns, able to gain and control her speed on her first blue run. For the first time she had a smile on her face following a day on the slopes."Angus from Birmingham











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on-piste off-piste

Off-piste tours explore more...

€99 per personfor Skiers and snowboarders

Half day

€99 per personfor Skiers and snowboarders

full day

€150 per personfor Skiers only

full day

from €279 per personfor Skiers only

full day

€1300 for 1 – 4 peoplefor Skiers and snowboarders

full day

Book a pr ivate instructor/guide for anything f rom a couple of hours to a fu l l day.

From €52/hr (depending on group s i ze)

Luncht ime of fer : 12-1.30pm. Take advantage of quiet p is tes , short l i f t queues and no sk i schools around – and get more t ime on the s lope.

Discover the area ’s c lass ic routes or work on of f -p is te technique.

From €180 for hal f a day ( the tota l cost for a group of up to 6 people) . Inc ludes a l l necessary avalanche protect ion gear .

Find us in Val d'Isere, Tignes, La Rosiere, st foy & Les Arcs.See back page for details.

Away from the bustle of the lift queues lie virgin slopes –long uninterrupted descents covered in

untouched snow, waiting for your skis to make their first tracks. And if it requires a helicopter to

get back to resort afterwards, so be it! Join one of our tours to EXPLORE MORE of the mountain and

experience the unrivalled feeling of freedom from going off-piste


• Transceiver

• Avalancherescuepack(usuallyanABS),probeandshovel

• Skiequipmentcheck/adviceonappropriateskisorsnowboard

Tovière to Chevril

Drop in through one of numerous couloirs leading of f La Pointe du Lavachet , across the Tov ière pass and down through the Bois de la Laye to the Lac du Chevr i l . Over 1000m vert ica l descent and hel icopter return to resort .

Espace Killy Tour

Sample some of the c lass ic routes around the resorts of T ignes and Val d ' Isère, wi th the ent i re 25,000 acres of the Espace K i l l y a t your disposal inc luding one of the Freer ide World Tour Qual i f ier routes.

Tarentaise Tour

An epic day of backcountry explor ing through the Vanoise Nat ional Park and the sk i resorts of La P lagne and Les Arcs inc luding a f inal run into V i l laroger . Face the 40°+ north face of the Bel lecôte, and a 2000m vert ica l descent of the A igui l le Rouge.


Tour begins on the P isa i l las g lac ier , takes you over the Col de l ’Oui l le Noire and down into the Maurienne Val ley to the v i l lage of Bonneval sur Arcs . S tunning hel icopter return over the Vanoise Nat ional Park.

Heliski Italy

Ski across the Franco- I ta l ian border f rom La Rosière to the wai t ing hel icopter . Get dropped at the summit of a mountain in I ta ly , where the day is then spent . F inal descent back into France. Minibus to and f rom your resort .


Whether you need help to improve technique, or want a fu l ly qual i f ied guide to show you safe ly round the expanse of the Espace K i l l y , pr ivate sess ions of fer reassurance and peace of mind.

Groups of up to 6 f r iends of s imi lar abi l i ty can share the sess ion - and the cost .

Pr ivate tu i t ion is avai lable for sk i , snowboard, te lemark, cross-country and sk i tour ing.

