evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and ... · tial pattern of precipitation with...

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3223–3231, 2009 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/ © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation Q.-L. Min 1 , R. Li 1 , B. Lin 2 , E. Joseph 3 , S. Wang 1 , Y. Hu 2 , V. Morris 3 , and F. Chang 2 1 Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, USA 2 Science Directorate, NASA Langley Research Center, USA 3 NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Howard University, USA Received: 2 June 2008 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 3 November 2008 Revised: 5 May 2009 – Accepted: 11 May 2009 – Published: 18 May 2009 Abstract. Multi-platform and multi-sensor observations are employed to investigate the impact of mineral dust on cloud microphysical and precipitation processes in mesoscale con- vective systems. For a given convective strength, small hy- drometeors were more prevalent in the stratiform rain regions with dust than in those regions that were dust free. Evidence of abundant cloud ice particles in the dust sector, particu- larly at altitudes where heterogeneous nucleation of mineral dust prevails, further supports the observed changes of pre- cipitation. The consequences of the microphysical effects of the dust aerosols were to shift the precipitation size spectrum from heavy precipitation to light precipitation and ultimately suppressing precipitation. 1 Introduction Among all recognized climate forcing mechanisms, aerosol indirect effects are currently the greatest source of uncer- tainty in model forecasts of climate change. In recent years vigorous research has ensued focusing on key unanswered questions that persist due to limited laboratory and field ob- servations of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. As one of the four major terrestrial sources of atmospheric aerosols (desert dust, biomass burning, biogenic and anthro- pogenic air pollution), mineral dust is responsible for signif- icant climate forcing through direct effect on solar and ther- mal radiation as well as indirect effect on clouds and pre- cipitation processes. Measurements from CRYSTAL-FACE (The Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers – Florida Area Cirrus Experiment) for example pro- vided clues to the presence of extremely high numbers of het- Correspondence to: Q.-L. Min ([email protected]) erogeneous ice nuclei within clouds that formed in residual air masses from the Saharan air layer (DeMott et al., 2003; Sassen et al., 2003). Some observations suggest that mineral dusts and air pollution may suppress surface precipitation in warm and topographic rains due to changes in cloud con- densation nuclei (CCN) concentration (Andreae et al., 2004; Rosenfeld et al., 2001). And modeling studies predict that dusts as giant CCN may enhance collision and coalescence during droplet growth and therefore increase warm precipita- tion and decrease cloud albedo (Teller and Levin, 2006; van den Heever et al., 2006). However, aerosol indirect effects on deep convection cloud system are poorly understood. To better discern the effects of dust on cloud microphysical pro- cesses more assessment is needed of cases where the effects of thermodynamics and dynamics are carefully considered. Microphysical processes associated with dust-cloud in- teraction also affect cloud hydrometeor profiles and phase changes, which in turn alter the cloud dynamics and ther- modynamics through latent heat release. The vertical pre- cipitation profiles reflect the combined effects of dynamic, thermodynamic, and microphysical processes in cloud sys- tems. Few, if any, studies have reported observed evidence of the impacts of mineral dust on rainfall internal structures, particularly in deep convective rains. In this paper, we utilize multiple sensors on multiple observing platforms to investi- gate the mineral dust impact on cloud and precipitation over the Atlantic Ocean. 2 Data analysis A trans-Atlantic dust outbreak of Saharan origin occurring 1–7 March 2004 (Morris et al., 2006) was considered in this study. Mineral dust associated with this outbreak inter- acted with cloud systems as the dust layer traveled across the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. A comprehensive set of Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Page 1: Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and ... · tial pattern of precipitation with several strong convection cores and their associated wider spread stratiform clouds,

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3223–3231, 2009www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/© Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


and Physics

Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics andprecipitation

Q.-L. Min 1, R. Li1, B. Lin2, E. Joseph3, S. Wang1, Y. Hu2, V. Morris 3, and F. Chang2

1Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, USA2Science Directorate, NASA Langley Research Center, USA3NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Howard University, USA

Received: 2 June 2008 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 3 November 2008Revised: 5 May 2009 – Accepted: 11 May 2009 – Published: 18 May 2009

Abstract. Multi-platform and multi-sensor observations areemployed to investigate the impact of mineral dust on cloudmicrophysical and precipitation processes in mesoscale con-vective systems. For a given convective strength, small hy-drometeors were more prevalent in the stratiform rain regionswith dust than in those regions that were dust free. Evidenceof abundant cloud ice particles in the dust sector, particu-larly at altitudes where heterogeneous nucleation of mineraldust prevails, further supports the observed changes of pre-cipitation. The consequences of the microphysical effects ofthe dust aerosols were to shift the precipitation size spectrumfrom heavy precipitation to light precipitation and ultimatelysuppressing precipitation.

1 Introduction

Among all recognized climate forcing mechanisms, aerosolindirect effects are currently the greatest source of uncer-tainty in model forecasts of climate change. In recent yearsvigorous research has ensued focusing on key unansweredquestions that persist due to limited laboratory and field ob-servations of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. Asone of the four major terrestrial sources of atmosphericaerosols (desert dust, biomass burning, biogenic and anthro-pogenic air pollution), mineral dust is responsible for signif-icant climate forcing through direct effect on solar and ther-mal radiation as well as indirect effect on clouds and pre-cipitation processes. Measurements from CRYSTAL-FACE(The Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and CirrusLayers – Florida Area Cirrus Experiment) for example pro-vided clues to the presence of extremely high numbers of het-

Correspondence to:Q.-L. Min([email protected])

erogeneous ice nuclei within clouds that formed in residualair masses from the Saharan air layer (DeMott et al., 2003;Sassen et al., 2003). Some observations suggest that mineraldusts and air pollution may suppress surface precipitation inwarm and topographic rains due to changes in cloud con-densation nuclei (CCN) concentration (Andreae et al., 2004;Rosenfeld et al., 2001). And modeling studies predict thatdusts as giant CCN may enhance collision and coalescenceduring droplet growth and therefore increase warm precipita-tion and decrease cloud albedo (Teller and Levin, 2006; vanden Heever et al., 2006). However, aerosol indirect effectson deep convection cloud system are poorly understood. Tobetter discern the effects of dust on cloud microphysical pro-cesses more assessment is needed of cases where the effectsof thermodynamics and dynamics are carefully considered.

Microphysical processes associated with dust-cloud in-teraction also affect cloud hydrometeor profiles and phasechanges, which in turn alter the cloud dynamics and ther-modynamics through latent heat release. The vertical pre-cipitation profiles reflect the combined effects of dynamic,thermodynamic, and microphysical processes in cloud sys-tems. Few, if any, studies have reported observed evidenceof the impacts of mineral dust on rainfall internal structures,particularly in deep convective rains. In this paper, we utilizemultiple sensors on multiple observing platforms to investi-gate the mineral dust impact on cloud and precipitation overthe Atlantic Ocean.

2 Data analysis

A trans-Atlantic dust outbreak of Saharan origin occurring1–7 March 2004 (Morris et al., 2006) was considered inthis study. Mineral dust associated with this outbreak inter-acted with cloud systems as the dust layer traveled acrossthe tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. A comprehensive set of

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

Page 2: Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and ... · tial pattern of precipitation with several strong convection cores and their associated wider spread stratiform clouds,

3224 Q.-L. Min et al.: Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation

15 km

10 km

5 km


(a) (b)

(c ) (d) (e) (f)

Figure 1

Aerosol Optical Depth0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0








Date ( March 2004 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10













0~4oN (N=7149)4oS~0 (N=9384)

Fig. 1. (a)Meteosat-8 RGB composite visible image at 09:12 UTC on 8 March, 2004 (The above information has been supplied by EUMET-SAT 2007);(b) TMI precipitation image on orbital 35 979 at 09:11 UTC and the vertical cross section (along the red line) derived from PRdata (swath indicated by the two gray lines);(c) column aerosol optical depth (AOD) in coarse mode retrieved from MODIS at 09:55 UTC(d) same as (c), but in fine mode(e) Zonal averaged column aerosol optical depth retrieved from MODIS at 09:55 UTC in the study domain(magenta box); (d) Time series of area mean aerosol optical depth retrieved from MODIS in the south and north sectors during 1 to 10 March2004.

thermodynamic, dynamic, and cloud microphysical observa-tions of the dust layer and precipitation systems it encoun-tered was gathered by several satellites, including TRMM,Terra and Aqua, and Meteosat-8, and by surface-based mea-surements. We selected a special case on 8 March 2004,as illustrated by the Meteosat-8 RGB composite image at09:12 UTC (Fig. 1a). The image reveals a well developedmesoscale convective system (MCS, shown in blue and whitecolors) that is partially within the dust layer on the north-ern boundary and more pristine marine air on its southernsector. As indicated by the series of Meteosat-8 compos-ite images (http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/acp-9-3223-2009-supplement.zip), this dust plume origi-nated from the Sahara Desert and transported into the At-

lantic Ocean. The MCS intersected the dust storm as theMCS moved north-west and the dust storm spread south-ward towards the equator. This MCS was in its mature stageand it lasted for a long time. Figure 1b shows the spa-tial pattern of precipitation with several strong convectioncores and their associated wider spread stratiform clouds, de-rived from the measurement of the TRMM Microwave Im-ager (TMI) at 09:11 UTC. The two parallel lines indicate theswath of the TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR). The verticalcross section of PR reflectivity along the red line (Fig. 1b)indicates that the rain top of this deep convective rainfallreached altitudes of about 14 km. At 09:55 UTC, sensorson Terra also detected the interaction of this dust layer withthe clouds. In the vicinity of the cloud system, MODIS

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3223–3231, 2009 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/

Page 3: Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and ... · tial pattern of precipitation with several strong convection cores and their associated wider spread stratiform clouds,

Q.-L. Min et al.: Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation 3225

retrieved aerosol optical depths (AOD) at 550 nm were muchgreater in the coarse mode (Fig. 1c) than in the fine mode(Fig. 1d), and changes in the fine mode from 2◦ N to 4◦ S,where the MCS was located, were very small. MODIS ob-servation on 9 March, 2004 with more retrievals of AOD atthe MCS location also provided a consistent assessment (notshown here). This indicates that although there were somehot spots along the dust storm track, aerosols were domi-nant with mineral dust. Additionally, this event was inden-tified as a typical “dust” event by the NASA MODIS RapidResponse Project1, the NOAA Operational Significant EventImagery team (OSEI)2,3, and Nalli et al. (2005) and Morriset al. (2006) based on observations from the trans-AtlanticAerosol and Ocean Science Expeditions (AEROSE) exper-iment. Both NASA MODIS Rapid Response and NOAAOSEI teams did not announce significant fires at that timein the region.

The zonal averaged AOD clearly decreased from 4◦ N to1◦ S and remained almost constant in the area further south(Fig. 1e). We mainly focused on the region from 4◦ S to 4◦ N,and 10◦ W to 5◦ E (magenta box, Fig. 1), and segregated datafrom 4◦ N to 0.5◦ S as the dust sector and from 1◦ S and 4◦ Sas the dust-free sector. Time series of area mean AOD in thedust and dust-free sectors shown in Fig. 1 illustrate that thegradient of dust loading had persisted for a few days.

Investigating the vertical structure of precipitation is cru-cial for understanding dynamic and microphysical processesin cloud systems. The PR provides profile measurementsof precipitation-sized hydrometeors at 4.3 km horizontaland 250 m vertical resolutions at nadir. We used the PRattenuation-corrected reflectivity (product 2A25, Iguchi etal., 2000) to investigate the evolution of precipitation-sizedhydrometeors under both dust and dust-free conditions. Thisreflectivity represents the combined effect of hydrometeor ef-fective size and total amount.

To minimize the impacts of cloud evolution stages, wepicked this unique case of a mature MCS, in which a por-tion of the MCS was under the influence of mineral dust. Al-though there were some internal variations, this case is betterconstrained than separated MCSs in different time and loca-tion. Each convection cell in MCSs also goes through a lifecycle, including a formative stage, intensifying stage, maturestage and decaying stage. In the TRMM PR 2A25 product,young, active and violent convection-related rains are identi-fied as convective rains based on its very strong radar reflec-tivity, which is related to more and/or large particles requir-ing strong updraft velocity to lift them (Steiner et al., 1995;Awaka et al., 1997; Houze, 1997). While older, inactive

1http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/?2004068-0308/Dust.A2004068.1430.8km.jpg; MODIS observation

2http://www.osei.noaa.gov/Events/Dust/AfricaW/2004/DSTafr067G12.jpg; GOSE observation

3http://www.osei.noaa.gov/Events/Dust/AfricaW/2004/DSTafr068N7.jpg; NOAA 17 observation

and weak convection-related rains are identified as stratiformrains based on their weak radar reflectivity and the feature ofradar bright band, which indicate weak updraft velocity andvertical mixing. The separation of stratiform and convectiverains itself constrains the variations due to different evolu-tion. Also, the stratiform rain rate is largely determined bythe updraft intensity of its related convection core (Gamacheand Houze, 1983). The relative intensity of stratiform rainto convective rain is less dependent on the updraft intensityand evolution stage. In this study, therefore, we separated PRmeasurements of the observed cloud system into convectiveand stratiform rain regions, and study the microphysical anddynamic differences and the relationship between these tworain regimes under the influence of mineral dust.

Figure 2 shows Contoured Frequency by Altitude Dia-grams (CFADs, Yuter and Houze, 1995) of PR reflectivityfor both convective and stratiform precipitation regions inthe dust and dust-free sectors. The attributes of the reflectiv-ity distribution in the convective region (broadly distributedwith higher values at all altitudes) suggest the presence ofrelatively large and/or more ice particles that have grown andaggregated in strong convection. In contrast, the reflectivityof the stratiform clouds in both the dust and dust-free sectorsis more narrowly distributed particularly above the freezinglevel; the mode of the reflectivity frequency occurs at a muchlower value, consistent with the dominance of vapor deposi-tion as the primary means of particle growth (Houze, 1997).

Microphysical processes are directly impacted by convec-tion strength as strong convection lifts large hydrometeorsthrough the freezing level and supports large graupel abovethat level. Following other researchers (Zipser and Lutz,1994) we used the vertical slope of the maximum reflectiv-ity (VSMR) to evaluate convective updrafts and assess thestrength of convection between the dust and dust-free sec-tors of the convective region. The VSMR in the middleand upper troposphere were 4.14±0.16 (dBZ/km) in the dustsector and 3.74±0.15 (dBZ/km) in the dust-free sector, re-spectively, indicating slightly stronger convection in the lat-ter sector. Above 8 km the PR detected higher reflectivityin the dust-free sector of the convective region than in thedust sector. In contrast, over the stratiform regions, muchmore and/or large precipitating hydrometeors were found inthe dust sector than in the dust-free sector (more discussionlater), as illustrated by PR reflectivity in Fig. 2. This analysisreveals a substantial difference of hydrometeors in the con-vective and stratiform regions and the contrast between dustyand dust-free clouds.

Since dynamics are the leading factor in determining thedevelopment of mesoscale convective systems, differencesin cloud dynamics rather than mineral dust could be thedominant cause of the contrasting microphysics describedabove for both the stratiform and convective regions. Inorder to differentiate the impact of dynamics on hydrome-teor growth and precipitation, we conducted two sensitivityexperiments on the dynamics: one at the mesoscale and

www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3223–3231, 2009

Page 4: Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and ... · tial pattern of precipitation with several strong convection cores and their associated wider spread stratiform clouds,

3226 Q.-L. Min et al.: Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation

Reflectivity (dBZ)

10 20 30 40 50

10 20 30 40 50



DS sector DF1 sector DF2 sector

Reflectivity (dBZ)

10 20 30 40 50

2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Reflectivity (dBZ)

10 20 30 40 50


ght (









Reflectivity (dBZ)

10 20 30 40 50

10 20 30 40 50


ght (









10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

Convective ConvectiveConvective

Stratiform StratiformStratiform

DF sector




Figure 2

Fig. 2. Contoured frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) of PR attenuation corrected reflectivity for both convective and stratiformprecipitation regions for both dusty (DS) and dust-free sectors and for divided sub-sectors (DF1 and DF2) in dust-free sector.

the other at the convective scale. First, we further di-vided the dust-free region into two sub-sectors along 1.5◦ S:one near the rain band center with relatively strong updraft(DF1, VSMR=3.72±0.14 (dBZ/km)) and the other at thetrailing edge with weak updraft (DF2, VSMR=5.03±0.17(dBZ/km)). As aerosol loading observed by MODIS isgenerally uniform in the dust-free sector, observed differ-ences are isolated to variations in convective strengths. It isclear that stronger convection is also associated with higherreflective startiform rain tops when the DF1 sub-sector iscompared with the DF2 sub-sector because stronger con-vection can lift and support larger hydrometeors at higheraltitudes and provide stronger outflows for anvil develop-ment. Without dust as an additional source of ice nuclei,this convection-stratiform consistency is commonly found inconvective cloud systems (Houze, 1997). Because the con-vection observed in the dust sector is slightly weaker thanthat in the dust-free sector while their associated stratiformrain above 8 km are stronger, this analysis suggests that con-vection strength may not be the dominant cause of the hy-drometeor differences observed between dust and dust-freesectors. The dry environment that is characteristic of SAL(Sahara Air Layer) is another possible cause of the hydrom-eteor difference. Dry air, however, should reduce the watervapor supply to the system and suppress convection, result-ing in limited growth of precipitating hydrometeors in bothconvective and stratiform regions. Therefore, alteration ofthe cloud microphysics by mineral dust could be a plausibleexplanation for the observed increase in hydrometeors overdusty stratiform regions.

Second, we segregated each convective cell and studiedthe relationship of stratiform rain with its associated convec-tive rain in the convective core in both dust and dust-freesectors (Fig. 3a). Classification of each convective cell as a

dust cell or a dust-free cell depends on its geolocation withrespect to the dust loading. Due to a limited cell number inthis MCS, we included four more cells that were partiallywithin the buffer zone into our analysis. Since a substantialportion of convective rain pixels of DF1 was inside the dust-free sector, we classified it as a dust-free cell. If we removeDF1 from our statistics, the relationship between stratiformand convective rains in the dust-free sector will not change.Due to limited pixels in each convective core, the standardVSMR approach for convection strength is not applicable.We used the maximum reflectivity, mean reflectivity, andmean rain rate at 8 km in the convective core as indicatorsfor the strength of convective updrafts. These indicators aresimilar to those used by Nesbitt et al. (2000) and Zipser etal. (2006): the maximum radar reflectivity at 6 km and themaximum height of radar echo (30 or 40 dBz).

As shown in Fig. 3b–d, the mean reflectivity and mean rainrate in the corresponding stratiform rain exhibit distinct be-havior between the dust and dust-free sectors as a function ofconvection strength. Based on Gamache and Houze (1983),the stratiform rain rate is largely determined by the updraftintensity of its related convective core. Relatively strongerstratiform rain should be associated with relatively strongerconvective rain. The relative intensity of stratiform rain toconvective rain is weakly dependent on the updraft inten-sity and evolution stage. In the dust-free sector where theaerosol loading was relatively uniform, a tighter relation-ship between the mean reflectivity (and rain rate) of strat-iform vs. convective rains is clearly evident. Indeed therewere still some differences of evolution stage among thoseindividual cells in this MCS. Some cells can be relativelyyounger/older than others. Variation of evolution stage ofconvective cells may result in some variations in Fig. 3b–d under both dust and dust-free conditions. However, the

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3223–3231, 2009 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/

Page 5: Evidence of mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and ... · tial pattern of precipitation with several strong convection cores and their associated wider spread stratiform clouds,

Q.-L. Min et al.: Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation 3227


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3



























Red : Convective rainsBlue : Stratiform rains





(b) (c) (d)

Figure 3

R_Convective (mm/h) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5











Dust area

Dust free area

Zmean_Convective (dBZ)0 5 10 15 20 25





rm (












Dust area

Dust free area

Zmax_Convective (dBZ)15 20 25 30 35





rm (











16Dust area

Dust free area

Fig. 3. TRMM PR observed(a) Distribution of selected stratiform rains and their associated convection cells in dust (DS1 to DS9) and dustfree condition (DF1 to DF5). The relationship between the stratiform rain against the convective rains at 8 km altitude are indicated by(b)mean reflectivity vs mean reflectivity,(c) mean reflectivity vs. maximum reflectivity, and(d) mean rain rate vs mean rain rate (Red for dust,blue for dust-free).

variation of the relative intensity of stratiform rain to convec-tive rain in the dust sector is smaller than the difference of therelative intensity between the dust and dust-free sectors. Itsuggests that the variation associated with possible differentevolution stages is smaller than the difference between thedust and dust-free conditions. Therefore, qualitatively, wecould speculate that for a given convection strength, therewas relatively stronger rain at altitudes above 8 km in thestratiform rain region of dust-polluted areas than those in itsdust-free counterpart. Hence, observed enhancement of pre-cipitation in the upper stratiform region in the dust sectormay be mainly due to the microphysical effects of the min-eral dust-cloud-precipitation interaction and to a lesser extentdue to dynamic and thermodynamic effects.

Further understanding the microphysical effects of min-eral dust on precipitation requires information of hydrome-teor size distribution. However, the single wavelength radarsystem of the PR limits its capability to distinguish the sizesof precipitating particles. As the scattering of upwellingmicrowave radiation is primarily due to precipitation-sizedice hydrometeors present above the emitting rain layer andstrongly depends on hydrometeor sizes (Lin and Rossow,1997; Vivekanandan et al., 1990; Wilheit et al., 1982),it is possible to infer hydrometeor size information frompassive microwave remote sensing sensors such as TMI.While 37 GHz ice scattering is attributed to the presence oflarger (millimeter) graupel or frozen raindrops in the con-vective core, ice scattering at 85 GHz is also sensitive to rel-atively small precipitation-sized ice (few hundred microns)(Lin and Rossow, 1997; Toracinta et al., 2002). Again,instead of comparing absolute intensity, we focused more

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3228 Q.-L. Min et al.: Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation


PCT85 (k) / Convective

180 200 220 240 260 280 300




/ S













Tb19V (k) / Convective

230 240 250 260 270




/ S












Tb19V (k) / Convective

230 240 250 260 270




/ S














PCT85 (k) / Convective

180 200 220 240 260 280 300P


37 (

k) S













Dust Area

Dust Free Area

Dust Area

Dust Free Area

Dust Area

Dust Free Area

Dust Area

Dust Free Area

Figure 4

Fig. 4. TRMM TMI observed microwave scattering sig-nals (PCT85=1.82 Tb85 V–0.82 Tb85 H; PCT37=2.18 Tb37 V–1.18 Tb37 H) in the stratiform rains under dust and dust-freeconditions for given PCT85(a, b) and Tb19 (c, d) in theirassociated convective cells.

on the relationship of ice scattering signals between strati-form rains and convective rains. As shown in Fig. 4, themean polarization-corrected temperatures (PCTs) at 85 GHz(PCT85) (Spencer et al., 1989) in the stratiform rain regionabove segregated convection cells are reduced more severelyin the dust sector than in the dust-free sector for a givenPCT85 in the convective region. The PCT85 in convectiverains is a good indicator of updraft intensity as discussedby Zipser et al. (2006). This suggests that more small iceparticles presented in the dust sector for a given convectionstrength. In the meantime, the PCTs at 37 GHz (PCT37)(Toracinta et al., 2002) in the dust sector are warmer than inthe dust-free sector, indicating fewer large precipitating iceparticles due to the present of mineral dust. Furthermore, ifwe used the brightness temperature at 19 GHz (TB19), whichis related to cloud column integrated liquid water, in the con-vective cores as another indicator of the dynamic and ther-modynamic conditions of the convection, under dusty con-ditions the PCT85 and PCT37 are also colder and warmerthan under dust-free conditions for a given TB19, respec-tively. Passive microwave measurements further corroboratethe possibility that mineral dusts interact with clouds micro-physically and result in more small sized but less large sizedhydrometeors in the stratiform rain region than its pristinecounterpart.

Furthermore, a closer look at the impact of mineral duston the growth of precipitating ice particles below the raintop reveals even more distinct behavior in the convective and

IWP (kg/m2)

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8




(o C











2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (%)

IWP (kg/m2)

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8










(a) DS IWP (b) DF IWP

(c) DS Re (d) DF Re

Figure 5

Re (micron)

10 20 30 40 50 60




e (o











2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (%)

Re (micron)

10 20 30 40 50 60










Fig. 5. TRMM VIRS retrieved contoured occur frequency (%) bycloud top temperature diagrams of ice water path (IWP, g/m2) andice particle effective ice radius (Re,µm) in non-raining clouds underdust and dust-free conditions.

stratiform regions. In the convective region ice particles inthe dust-free sector were larger than those in the dust sectoralthough there was an abundant supply of precipitable waterfor hydrometeor growth in both sectors. This interpretationfollows from the similarity of the slopes of the vertical profileof the maximum occurrence reflectivity of the CFAD above5 km (Fig. 2), and the larger median reflectivities in the dust-free sector as compared to the dust sector. In the stratiformprecipitation region, an abundance of small ice particles inthe dust sector competed for available water vapor throughvapor deposition growth, and thus limiting their growth rate.Thus, the slope of vertical profile of median reflectivity be-tween 5 and 7 km was 2.37±0.39 (dBZ/km) in the dustystratiform sector, and smaller than 4.32±0.51 (dBZ/km) inthe dust-free sector. Below the freezing level, the maximumoccurrence of the reflectivity tended to decrease toward thesurface, due to evaporation of precipitation hydrometeors,collapse of large precipitation particles, and reduction of fallspeed. Overall, mineral dust appears to suppress heavy pre-cipitation and enhance light surface precipitation in both con-vective and stratiform regions near the surface.

Observed changes in precipitation as consequences ofmineral dust indirect effect should also have its signaturesin associated non-rain clouds. We retrieved cloud ice wa-ter path (IWP) and cloud effective radius from the TRMMVIRS (Visible and Infrared Scanner) observations. The con-toured occurrance frequency by cloud top temperature dia-grams of IWP (Fig. 5) show there are much more cloud ice

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3223–3231, 2009 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3223/2009/

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(much smaller ice particles than precipitating ice) present inthe dust sector than in the dust-free sector for cloud top tem-peratures above−40◦C. There is another peak in the dust-free sector at cloud top temperatures around−45◦C. Thecontoured frequency by cloud top temperature diagrams ofice particle effective radius, on the other hand, illustrates thata strong temperature dependence of ice particle size in thedust-free sector in contrast to a near constant ice particle sizeabove−40◦C and a big change in ice particle size below−40◦C. Combining ice cloud IWP and effective radius in-formation, it is plausible that more ice nuclei (IN) introducedby large concentrations of mineral dusts produce more iceparticles at warmer temperatures. Additionally, water vapordepletion as a consequence of mineral dust heterogeneousnucleation may reduce the peak supersaturation at higher alti-tudes, which limits the onset of the homogeneous nucleationprocess. Evidence of abundant cloud ice particles in the dustsector, particularly at attitudes where heterogeneous nucle-ation process of mineral dust prevails, further supports ourobserved changes of precipitation and provides a completeand consistent picture of mineral dust-cloud-precipitation in-teraction.

From the above analyses, it is reasonable to hypothesizethat observed evidences, at least in this case, are the conse-quence of mineral dust indirect impact on precipitation inter-nal structures. Mineral dust as effective ice nuclei increasesthe overall concentration of ice hydrometeors through hetero-geneous nucleation (DeMott et al., 2003; Sassen et al., 2003).Nucleated particles that are lofted to higher levels of thecloud through convective updrafts experience slow growththrough vapor deposition in the dusty environment due tocompetition among the dust-enhanced nuclei concentration.Note that their presence, confirmed by passive microwaveand visible/infrared sensors, cannot be detected by the PR inthe convective rains because their reflectivity is below the PRsize detection threshold (about 17 dBz). When advected intoin the stratiform region with the convective outflows, suffi-cient time has elapsed to allow the growth of ice crystals tosizes detectable by the PR as evident by the high reflectiv-ity observed in the stratiform dust region. Conversely, in thedust-free sector nuclei concentration is lower and the growthto PR detectable sizes is more rapid in the convective region,resulting in observable higher PR reflectivity. The contrastfeatures of stratiform/convective rain intensity between thedust and dust-free sectors may also suggest that all convec-tive cells in the dust sector are transformed to stratiform rainsrelatively earlier than their counterparts in the dust-free sec-tor. It implies that mineral dust has a significant impact onthe cloud evolution. We believe that both pathways, micro-physical and storm evolution, are plausible explanations, andpossibly our observed features can be better explained by thecombined effect of both pathways. The combined effect isconsistent with a conceptual model proposed by Rosenfeldet al. (2008). Of course, the observation here only shows asupporting evidence and cannot provide a conclusive judg-

(a) Dust-free Convective Rain Mar 01 ~ 05

10 20 30 40 50


ght (









162 46 8 10 1214

(b) Dusty Convective Rain Mar 06 ~ 10

10 20 30 40 50








162 4 6 8 10 12 14

(c) Dust-free Stratiform Rain Mar 01 ~ 05

Radar Reflectivity Factor (dBZ)

10 20 30 40 50


ght (









162 4 6 8 10 12 14

(d) Dusty Stratiform Rain Mar 06 ~ 10

Radar Reflectivity Factor (dBZ)

10 20 30 40 50








16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Total N = 1016 Total N = 523

Total N = 2852 Total N = 1339




Figure 6

Fig. 6. Contoured frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) of PRattenuation corrected reflectivity for both convective and stratiformprecipitation regions for dusty period (6–10 March 2004) and dust-free period (1–5 March 2004).

ment owing to the lack of continuous observations.While a case study shines light on detailed physical pro-

cesses, a statistical investigation will provide a more solid un-derstanding and confirmation. We conducted a very limitedten-day (1–10 March) statistical study during this dust stormevent. We selected a fixed area of 0◦ to 4◦ N and 10◦ W to5◦ E. Based on time series of MODIS retrieved aerosol op-tical depth (Fig. 1f), the period of 1–5 March is defined asthe dust-free period, while the period of 6–10 March as thedust-laden period. The CFADs of PR reflectivity during bothperiods are shown in Fig. 6. Although the dust samples dur-ing the dust period only increase∼50% from the case study,all dust-free samples in the dust-free period are different fromthose samples in the case study. Nonetheless, the mean in-tensity of convective rains in the dust-laden period is weakerthan that in the dust-fee period, while the mean intensity ofstratiform rains above 7 km is relatively stronger in the dust-laden period. These results are consistent with the case study.

3 Conclusions

Cloud systems are primarily controlled by large-scale dy-namics and thermodynamics and modulated by microphys-ical processes. The impact of the latter process is extremelyuncertain but can be quite profound. In this study we usedmulti-platform and multi-sensor observations to investigate

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3230 Q.-L. Min et al.: Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation

the impact of mineral dust on precipitation internal struc-tures and microphysical interaction of mineral dust-cloud-precipitation. Specifically, we focused on precipitation ina deep convection cloud system over the eastern AtlanticOcean that was partly influenced by a dust layer. Observedreflectivities from the PR in the stratiform rain region of thedust sector, with slightly weaker convection as compared tothe dust-free sector, were higher than in the dust-free sectorat altitudes above 8 km. In contrast, the convective region ofthe dust sector has less frequent occurrence of high reflectiv-ity than in the dust-free sector. Combining with the hydrom-eteor size information inferred from microwave brightnesstemperatures of the TMI, it suggests that there were moresmall sized hydrometeors but less large sized hydrometeorsin the stratiform rain region due to the influence of mineraldust than its pristine counterpart. Evidence of abundant cloudice particles in the dust sector from the VIRS, particularly ataltitudes where the heterogeneous nucleation process of min-eral dust prevails, further corroborates observed changes ofprecipitation. All evidences from the combined passive mi-crowave, visible and infrared measurements with active PRmeasurements and from different entities of the MCS sys-tem provide a complete and consistent picture of the mineraldust-cloud-precipitation interaction. This is indicative of en-hanced cloud condensation and ice nuclei production fromdust aerosol transported by strong convective updraft. Someice particles grown under the dust conditions are carried tothe upper levels of the cloud by the strong convective updraftand contribute to convective precipitation. Other ice nucleiflowed into the neighboring stratiform region and slowly set-tled downward in the upper layer of the cloud system untilreaching the melting level. There were more ice particles inthe dust sector. These particles competed for available mois-ture, limiting their growth. More importantly, two sensitiv-ity analyses further ruled out dynamics as the cause of theobserved precipitation difference between the dust and dust-free sectors. The consequences of microphysical effects ofthe dust aerosols were to shift the precipitation size spectrumfrom heavy precipitation to light precipitation.

Since our study is based on one dust event and only uti-lized satellite remote sensing datasets, more robustly statisti-cal study and detailed cloud model simulation are warrantedto further understand the microphysical effects of the dustaerosols on clouds and precipitation as well as cloud dy-namic impacts on the microphysical processes. Furthermore,the microphysical processes of dust-cloud interaction impactcloud vertical structures and water phase changes, which willalter the vertical gradient of heating profiles in both convec-tive and stratiform regions. Potential vorticity in the trop-ics is directly proportional to the local vertical gradient inthe heating profile (Haynes and McIntyre, 1987; Mapes andHouze, 1995). Such vorticity will further influence the large-scale dynamics (Wu and Sarachik, 2000). The actual dy-namic feedback to the observed mineral dust indirect effectsremains to be evaluated.

Acknowledgements.We thanks for EUMETSAT to provideMeteosat-8 data and associated image processing tools, andfor NASA to provide TRMM Orbit Viewer. This research wassupported by the Office of Science (BER), US Department ofEnergy, Grant DE-FG02-03ER63531, by the NOAA EducationalPartnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions (EPP/MSI)under cooperative agreements NA17AE1625 and NA17AE1623,and by NASA Grant NNL06AA00G.

Edited by: U. Lohmann


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