every word counts - public speaking for christians

DO WORDS REALLY MATTER? Every Word Counts by Laura Sommer Smith Great wisdom to share & remember. October 9, 2012 Matthew 12:37 “ By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.” Just recently I have been annoyed by three words, “ I DON’T CARE These three words combined are a recipe for failure. We need to make every word count. I love the scripture in Ephesians that says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth except those that are helpful for building others up so that it might benefit those that listen.” I am as guilty as anyone for being inconsistent with this scripture. I am so passionate about seeing people do there best that I get frustrated with complacency and the “I don’t care” mentality that I inadvertently blurt out something that seems to the receiver as condemning.

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Laura Sommer Smith sent this letter so I thought I'd share. I'm more of a "spiritual" person, rather than religious, but there's no refuting the excellent advice contained. My friend credits "Mike Murdock" with the 7 tips. For teaching purposes, I imagine the real source of the practical advice actually comes from the wise men who originally penned the Scriptures. Laura goes on to say, "Just recently I have been annoyed by three words, 'I DON’T CARE.' These three words combined are a recipe for failure.We need to make every word count. I love the scripture in Ephesians that says, 'Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth except those that are helpful for building others up so that it might benefit those that listen.'I am as guilty as anyone for being inconsistent with this scripture. I am sopassionate about seeing people do their best that I get frustrated withcomplacency and the 'I don’t care' mentality that I inadvertently blurt outsomething that seems to the receiver as condemning.I am on a journey to use every conversation as a practice time forimproving my speech. Mike Murdock gives 7 facts that we shouldremember in every conversation. These steps will catapult your influenceas a business leader to your team."I (personally) use profanity at times. In moderation and in the privacy of my home, I see nothing wrong with a few colorful adjectives. The difference is knowing when, where, to whom or at what the situation warrants. "Mark Twain sagely observed that under certain trying circumstances swearing provides relief denied even to prayer. Most people, unlike Mark Twain, never acquire proficiency in this field, but remain amateurs all their lives. They seek relief in trying circumstances by uttering a series of flat and commonplace vulgarities that fail to solace themselves or to inspire others. These people--that is to say, most of us--would do better to stick with prayer and leave swearing to the masters." - source: Lyle Larsen; "Mark Twain and the Art of Swearing" We should never use our speech to hurt others. That's just wrong on all counts. Sloppy, inappropriate speech is certainly unwise in a professional situation. However, "Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer" - Mark Twain. I still love that quote!Enjoy. Leave me a comment if you like. No Profanity, please.


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Every Word Counts

by Laura Sommer Smith

Great wisdom to share & remember. October 9, 2012

Matthew 12:37 “ By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.”

Just recently I have been annoyed by three words, “ I DON’T CARE” These three words combined are a recipe for failure. We need to make every word count. I love the scripture in Ephesians that says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth except those that are helpful for building others up so that it might benefit those that listen.” I am as guilty as anyone for being inconsistent with this scripture. I am so passionate about seeing people do there best that I get frustrated with complacency and the “I don’t care” mentality that I inadvertently blurt out something that seems to the receiver as condemning.

I am on a journey to use every conversation as a practice time for improving my speech. Mike Murdock gives 7 facts that we should remember in every conversation. These steps will catapult your influence as a business leader to your team.

1. Avoid Sloppy casual conversation. Notice I did not say avoid casual conversation but sloppy unprofessional conversation. For those of us in the upper levels of leadership in Visalus or any other company for that matter we are held at a higher level of accountability. Our words should be seasoned with salt having a purifying influence on those we come in contact with. We should enunciate every single phrase to the best of our ability.

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Profanity, regardless of the word should never be in our vocabulary especially from the platform. You might think it makes you more accessible or popular but in all reality it diminishes your influence. You not only represent yourself, your company but as Christians, we also are God’s legal representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are His ambassadors before we are ViSalus ambassadors.

2. Never speak when another person is speaking: Let others dominate your turf. This is very difficult for a leader because we think our words are more important. Trust me your time will come and ppl will cling to every word that comes from your mouth as if it were the gospel according to you. You must place a value on others and esteem them before others. Always publicly endorse, promote, and build others up on your team. The hardest thing to do is remain silent. So if someone interrupts you while your speaking on the floor, don’t insist on being heard by speaking louder. One other thing is always make eye contact with the one to whom you are speaking. Be leery of the wondering eye looking for someone more important or influential to rub shoulders with. People are not dumb! They cant tell when you are brown nosing.

3. Qualify others before speaking the secrets of your heart.

All of us feel as if our words are golden and rightfully so because to me experience and knowledge are validate your words but wisdom says keep your opinion until someone who values it shows up!

Proverbs 25:11 “ A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.”

4. When you do speak, do it loud enough for others to hear clearly what you are saying. Don’t mumble. As business leaders you must value every word that comes from your mouth as priceless. If people come to hear you speak, make it worth their while. With the demands that people have on their time, if they feel you have something to say, make sure you do as well. Be confident in your self. If you need to practice in the mirror then do it. The platform is not the place to practice!!

5. Never assume others have understood what you have said just because they nod there head.

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6. Encourage others to speak clearly:

7. Always invest the time in searching for the right word even in the midst of a conversation. Right words are worth the time involved in finding them. Scripture says, “Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks.” Wrong words can be like cancer as it spreads all over the body and “the body”.


1. Words can poison and destroy your new promoter. Never be over bearing and remember to place a value on your words. Your teaching is a fine cuisine not a buffet!

2. Right advice guarantees duplication. Prov. 11:14 “ In the multitude of counselors, there is a safety.”

3. One who controls his mouth protects his life. Prov. 13:3 “ He that keeps his mouth shut keeps his life.” Even though you may feel that you’re the informant or the MLM FBI, your job is to motivate, encourage, strengthen and exhort your team by seasoned speech.

4. Those who talk to much will eventually be destroyed. Prov. 13:13b “ He that opens wide his lips shall have destruction” In Visalus our tools are simple. Do not over-complicate it by talking to much.

5. Right words can turn an angry man into a friend, and wrong words can turn a friend into an enemy. Prov. 15:2 says, “ a soft answer turns away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.” The rule of thumb is that you never put down or bad mouth another team or another company especially someone else’s business if they are not with Visalus. For many people its about timing. If they are not ready for us now, then simply say, “Lets talk again about this in 6 months.”

6. Right words breathe life into everything around you: Prov 15:4 “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.”

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7. The purpose of words is to elevate, enthuse and enlarge those around you. Prov. 15:7 “ the lips of the wise disperse knowledge.”

8. Words determine which dreams live or die. Prov 18:21 “Life and death are in the power of the tongue and they that love it will eat the fruit of it.”

9. The words you allow others to speak into you is deciding the wisdom you contain. Prov 19:20 “Hear council, and receive instruction, that you may be wise in the end.”

10.) Talking to fools is a waste of time. Prov 23:9 “Speak not to the ears of a fool; for he will despise the wisdom of your words.” Never try to win a argument or a verbal battle. Visalus does not need to be defended. You are here to promote what you believe and perceive to be truth. Perception is the prescription for possibility.

11.) Influential people should use their words and influence to help the poor and needy. Prov. 31:9 “Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” www . shakes 4 haiti . com

12.) Right words feed and sustain those around you. Prov 10:21 “ The lips of the righteous feed many but fools die for want of wisdom.”

13.) Right words are as important as silver and gold! Prov 10:20 “ The tongue of the just is a choice silver.”

14.) The wise avoid the presence of those who consistently speak wrong words. Prov 14:7 “ Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you perceive not in him the lips of knowledge”

15.) Only the simple and fools believe everything others say. “The simple believes every word but the prudent man looks well to his going” Pro 14:15

16.) Right words give access to powerful and important people. “ Righteous lips are the delight of kings and they love him that speaks right.” Prov 16:13

17.) Pleasant words are the sweetest sounds on earth. “ Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.Prov 16:24

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18.) Words influence and affect the accumulation of your wealth“ A mans belly will be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall be filled.” Prov 18;20

19.) The wise avoid self praise. “Let another man praise you and not your own mouth, a stranger and not your lips.” Prov 27:2

20.) Strife can always be traced to someones words. “ a perverse man sows strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.” Prv 16:28