events. events single event handlers click event mouse events key board events create and handle...

Events Events

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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•Single Event Handlers

•Click Event

•Mouse Events

•Key Board Events

•Create and handle controls in runtime


Events• An event is something that happens. Your birthday is

an event. • An event in programming terminology is when

something special happens. These events are so special that they are built in to the programming language.

• VB.NET has numerous Events that you can write code for. And we’re going to explore some of them in this course.

• We’ll start with all that mysterious code for the Button’s Click Event.

The Click Event• Buttons have the ability to be clicked on. • When you click a button, the event that is fired is the Click

Event. • If you were to add a new button to a form, and then double

clicked it, you would see the following code stub:

Private Sub btnOutput_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOutput.Click

End Sub

• For example suppose we want the Button btnOutput to respond when clicked by showing a message box with the statement Button was clicked.

Private Sub btnOutput_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOutput.Click

MessageBox.Show(“Button was clicked.")End Sub

• An event is a message sent by an object announcing that something has happened.

• When events occurs, information is passed to Event handlers ( Here it is btnOutput.Click).

The Click Event

• This is a Private Subroutine. • The name of the Sub is btnOutput_Click. • The Event itself is at the end: btnOutput.Click.• The Handles word means that this Subroutine can

Handle the Click Event of btnOutput.• You can have this btnOutput_Click Sub Handle other

things, too. • It can Handle the Click Event of other Buttons, for

example. Handles btnOutput.Click, Button2.Click

The Click Event

Event handlers take two arguments:1. An Object (usually sender) :

Instead of sender being an integer or string variable, the type of variable set up for sender is System.Object. This stores a reference to a control (which button was clicked, for example).

2. An event arguments object (e) : An instance of type EventArgs. Class EventArgs is the base class for objects that contain event information.

Event Handler Arguments

e argument :

Contain information you need to process the event. The information available depends on the type of event that was raised

Event Handler arguments – e argument

Mouse-Event Handling

• This section explains the handling of mouse events, such as clicks, presses and moves, which are generated when the mouse interacts with a control.

• Mouse event information is passed through class MouseEventArgs.

• Each mouse-event-handling method requires an Object (sender) and a MouseEventArgs object (e) as arguments.

• Class MouseEventArgs contains information related to the mouse event, such as the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer, the mouse button pressed Right, Left or Middle), the number of times the mouse was clicked

• Note that the x- and y-coordinates of the MouseEventArgs object are relative to the control that generated the event. Point (0,0) represents the

upper-left corner of the control.• The X property returns how far across, from left to

right, the mouse is; the Y property returns how far down, from top to bottom, the mouse is.

Mouse-Event Handling

Mouse-Event Handling

1 ' Fig. 12.33: Painter.vb2 ' Using the mouse to draw on a form.3 4 Public Class FrmPainter56 7 Dim shouldPaint As Boolean = False8 9 ' Visual Studio .NET IDE generated code10 11 ' draw circle if shouldPaint is True12 Private Sub FrmPainter_MouseMove( _13 ByVal sender As System.Object, _14 ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _15 Handles Me.MouseMove16 17 ' paint circle if mouse pressed18 If shouldPaint Then19 Dim graphic As Graphics = CreateGraphics()20 21 graphic.FillEllipse _22 (New SolidBrush(Color.BlueViolet), e.X, e.Y, 4, 4)23 End If24 25 End Sub ' FrmPainter_MouseMove

We want the program to draw only while the mouse button is pressed (i.e.,held down).

Graphics object offers methods that draw various shapes. For example, method FillEllipse draws a circle at every point over which the mouse cursor moves (while the mouse button is pressed).

The first parameter to method FillEllipse is a SolidBrush object, which specifies the color of the shape drawn. The SolidBrush fills an elliptical region that lies inside a bounding rectangle. The bounding rectangle is specified by the x- and y-coordinates of its upper-left corner, its height and its width. These are the final four arguments to method FillEllipse.

The x- and y-coordinates represent thelocation of the mouse event and can be taken from the mouse-event arguments (e.X ande.Y). To draw a circle, we set the height and width of the bounding rectangle so that theyare equal—in this example, both are 4 pixels.

26 27 ' set shouldPaint to True28 Private Sub FrmPainter_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, _29 ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _30 Handles Me.MouseDown31 32 shouldPaint = True33 End Sub ' FrmPainter_MousDown34 35 ' set shouldPaint to False 36 Private Sub FrmPainter_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, _37 ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _38 Handles Me.MouseUp39 40 shouldPaint = False41 End Sub ' FrmPainter_MouseUp42 43 End Class ' FrmPainter

Event handling for Mouse event MouseUp sets variable

shouldPaint to False

Event handling for Mouse event MouseDown sets variable

shouldPaint to True


Mouse Down Event Example

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown

Label1.Text = "x(" & e.X & "," & e.Y & ")"

' moves the label to the location that the mouse was clicked on

Label1.Location = e.Location End Sub

An example that shows how to use e to get the point that the mouse was clicked on:


An example that shows how to use e to detect which button was pressed:

• The only thing you need is to access a property of the e variable.

• Inside of the Button1_MouseDown Subroutine, type the following code:

If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then MsgBox("Right Button Clicked") End If• As soon as you type the letter “e”, you’ll see this pop up box:

• To detect which button was clicked, you need the first Property on the list: Button.

• Double click this property to add it to your code. • Then after you typed the equals sign, another pop up

list appears. This one:

• When you’re finished writing your code, run your program.

• Click the button with your Left mouse button and nothing will happen.

• Click it with the Right mouse button and you should see the message box display.

• Try it !

Keyboard-Event Handling

• Key Events– Generated when keys are pressed and released,

there are two types:1. KeyPress

• Can return a Char for any ASCII character pressed

2. KeyUp and KeyDown• Test for special modifier keys• Use KeyEventArgs

Keyboard-Event Handling

Keyboard-Event Handling

1 Public Class FrmKeyDemo23 ' event handler for key press4 Private Sub FrmKeyDemo_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, _5 ByVal e As _6 Handles Me.KeyPress7 8 lblCharacter.Text = "Key pressed: " & e.KeyChar9 End Sub10 11 ' display modifier keys, key code, key data and key value12 Private Sub FrmKeyDemo_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, _13 ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) _14 Handles Me.KeyDown15 16 lblInformation.Text = ""17 ' if key is Alt18 If e.Alt Then19 lblInformation.Text &= "Alt: Yes" & vbCrLf20 Else21 lblInformation.Text &= "Alt: No" & vbCrLf22 End If23

KeyDown event handlerdisplays information fromits KeyEventArgs object

KeyPress event handleraccesses the KeyChar property

of the KeyPressEventArgs objectand displays the Key

24 ' if key is Shift25 If e.Shift Then26 lblInformation.Text &= "Shift: Yes" & vbCrLf27 Else28 lblInformation.Text &= "Shift: No" & vbCrLf29 End If30 ' if key is Ctrl31 If e.Control Then32 lblInformation.Text &= "Ctrl: Yes" & vbCrLf & _33 Else34 lblInformation.Text &= "Ctrl: No" & vbCrLf & _35 End If3637 "KeyCode: " & e.KeyCode.ToString & vbCrLf & _38 "KeyData: " & e.KeyData.ToString & vbCrLf & _39 "KeyValue: " & e.KeyValue4041 End Sub ' FrmKeyDemo_KeyDown

The KeyCode property returnsa Keys enumeration, which must be

converted to a String via method ToString

42 ' clear labels when key is released43 Private Sub FrmKeyDemo_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, _44 ByVal e As _45 Handles Me.KeyUp46 47 lblInformation.Text = ""48 lblCharacter.Text = ""49 End Sub ' FrmKeyDemo_KeyUp50 End Class ' FrmKeyDemo

Both labels are clearedwhen a key is released


Example- Show MsgBox if F1 is pressed on TextBox1

• To see what properties the e variable has available to it, add the following to your

TextBox1_KeyDown code:If e.KeyCode = Keys.F1 Then TextBox1.Clear() MsgBox("Help!!!")End If

• As soon as you type the full stop after the letter “e”, you’ll see this pop up box:

•Double click a property to add it to your code. After you type an equals sign, you’ll getanother pop up box:

• Try your program out. • Click inside of the textbox and then press F1.• When the F1 key is pressed, you should see

the message box appear.

Create and handle controls in runtime

• Use the Class Name and Method Name drop-down menus to create and register event handlers.

• The information the programmer needs to register an event is the EventArgs class (to define the event handler) and the EventHandler delegate (to register the event handler).


• Mouse events (such as clicks and presses) use class MouseEventArgs (MouseEventHandler delegate) and EventArgs (EventHandler delegate).

• Class MouseEventArgs contains information about the x- and y-coordinates, the button used and the number of clicks.


• Key events are generated when keyboard’s keys are pressed and released.

• Event KeyPress can return a Char for any ASCII character pressed. One cannot determine from a KeyPress event whether special modifier keys (such as Shift, Alt and Control) were pressed.

• Events KeyUp and KeyDown test for special modifier keys (using KeyEventArgs). The delegates are KeyPressEventHandler (KeyPressEventArgs) and KeyEventHandler (KeyEventArgs).


• Class KeyEventArgs has properties KeyCode, KeyData and KeyValue.

• The KeyCode property returns the key pressed, but does not give any information about modifier keys.

• The KeyData property includes data about modifier keys.

• The KeyValue property returns the key code for the key pressed as an Integer.
