event organisation company

Marketing Strategy of an Event Organization Company: A Study on ExpoNet Exhibition (pvt) ltd. Bangladesh INTRIDUCTION Event Marketing is public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, fair, exhibition or social causes. Although the origin of event marketing can be traced backed to philanthropic activities over a century ago, many observe identify mega events in the mid 1980s, such as the 1984 summer Olympics, Statue of liberty centennial, and live aid concert, as arousing marketers “interested in sponsorship in the united state, according to the international events groups, event sponsorship has grown rapidly in recent years, to total dollar 33.7 billion globally in 2006.Designing or developing a 'live' themed activity, occasion, display, or exhibit (such as a sporting event, music festival, fair, or concert) to promote a product, cause, or organization. Also called event creation. History of events There comes a time in almost every marketing campaign when we will need personal contact with their clients and potential clients. They need to see that we’re human. They need that special boost of enthusiasm about their company and its products that can only be conveyed in a face-to-face experience. When that time comes, the finest advertising techniques in the world won't help we. So we are now explain the previous important in Bangladesh.

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Marketing Strategy of an Event Organization Company: A Study on ExpoNet Exhibition (pvt) ltd. Bangladesh

INTRIDUCTIONEvent Marketing is public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, fair, exhibition or social causes. Although the origin of event marketing can be traced backed to philanthropic activities over a century ago, many observe identify mega events in the mid 1980s, such as the 1984 summer Olympics, Statue of liberty centennial, and live aid concert, as arousing marketers “interested in sponsorship in the united state, according to the international events groups, event sponsorship has grown rapidly in recent years, to total dollar 33.7 billion globally in 2006.Designing or developing a 'live' themed activity, occasion, display, or exhibit (such as a sporting event, music festival, fair, or concert) to promote a product, cause, or organization. Also called event creation.

History of events

There comes a time in almost every marketing campaign when we will need personal contact with their clients and potential clients. They need to see that we’re human. They need that special boost of enthusiasm about their company and its products that can only be conveyed in a face-to-face experience. When that time comes, the finest advertising techniques in the world won't help we. So we are now explain the previous important in Bangladesh.

1. 1974 Nov 5, 1974 - In the view of many experts, events of the last two years, such as the Arabs' oil embargo and the huge Soviet grain purchases, have rapidly. This may require government regulation of marketing and distribution systems. Many agricultural scientists feel that if these requirements.

2. 1977 Apr 11, 1977 - The futures market Is not a perfect mechanism, but as more and more LDC's are learning, it Is a useful financial tool in both the marketing and the importing of commodities. But we do not so respect prominence, which, in any event, is strictly a parochial, home-based affair


3. 1985 Jul 14, 1985 - Bangladesh, anti-nuke, civil rights benefits. This just happens to be a worldwide issue." Never before had a single event attempted to raise so and when the reverberations of hype and publicity fade, Live Aid may be remembered as the largest single fundraising event in history

4. 1986 Jun 5, 1986 - Nazir Ahmad, a Bangladesh native who is co-founder of the network, acknowledges that, what with last year's Live-Aid and this year's Hands Across Joel Tries man, 24, Bike-Aid's fund-raising coordinator, is a 1983 Stanford political science graduate who has his own software marketing

5. 1991 May 22, 1991 - Instead, they stayed to make history and reshape the future. Not the hockey team. The North Stars are improbable Stanley Cup finalists, tragedy is what happened in Bangladesh," said Pat the North Stars' vice president of marketing, who devised the pay-preview plan

6. 1992 Dec 22, 1992 - The event enhances awareness of York County and its issues among state legislators and agencies. Buzz Elliott, president of the Rock Hill Area square foot technical center that will house its corporate administration, sales , marketing, engineering, quality and process personnel.

7. 1993 Nov 16, 1993 - Xinhua News Agency June 28 2007 354 words Heat brings pythons to urban areas in Bangladesh DHAKA for cooler shelter in urban areas have been Automotive News October 2 2006 700+ words continue to increase event marketing in urban areas

8. 1994 Jun 12, 1994 - A woman in Bangladesh killed herself few their years ago after Cameroon was eliminated in a World Cup qualifier. Nine of the 10 most-watched events in television history are World Cup games. This year's final is expected to attract a viewing audience of more than 2 billion.

9. 1996 Dec 6, 1996 - Tony Ponce, listed as a writer for Costa Rican and Czech publications, has a marketing company and runs an "auto referral service," a business he declined to define. Munawar Hosain, from Bangladesh.

10. 2001 Jul 3, 2001 - The Independent (Bangladesh) 07-03-2001 The nation is being involved in a senseless yet acrimonious. The Nation Thailand November 19 2004 403 words it had set up three divisions to handle event marketing Bt5 million on the divisions and hire three or four they’re The event marketing.

11. 2002 Oct 10, 2002 - The Independent Bangladesh May 5 2000 284 words Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation met the departmental heads of the corporation at Ad stock the Marketing Department's annual festival he said this said it is the largest event the Marketing Department has ever sponsored.

12. 2003 Jan 27, 2003 - Jim Hasl shocked the hi-tech industry in 1997 when, as IBM's director of worldwide event marketing, he chose. The New Nation January 27 2010 545 words Bangladesh Jan 27 Bangladesh Computer Samity BCS the chartered institute for IT has signed a contract with Brilliant Examination.

13. 2004 Nov 1, 2004 - Over one quarter of cinemas in Bangladesh have closed in the past two years and the cinema sector has slumped. ... Entrepreneur December 1 2003 575 words Trade Show Exhibitors Association TSEA provides information to help exhibit and event marketing professionals promote and

14. 2005 Oct 11, 2005 - UNB United News of Bangladesh May 21 2006 552 words today Sunday launched a drive against the illegal domestic consumers in and around the city Ten Processed Coffee Event Marketing Sales Production SABI South American Business Information News Provided.

15. 2006 Mar 22, 2006 - During the event CLLL officially dispatched the first load of engine oil exported to Bangladesh. "Caltex is a leading brand of lubricants and has established a strong consumer franchise. The company's strong marketing fundamentals have resulted in the brand being recognized as a among.


16. 2007 Mar 14, 2007 - The first ever SAARC Car Rally, scheduled to kick off from Bangladesh on March 15, promises to be a mega event of 2007 that would showcase the oneness, The India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) is also supporting the event.

17. Apr 21, 2007 - Because it was a concert for Bangladesh, and not against Bangladesh, performers of the era (Eric Clapton, Leon Russell, Bob Dylan, George Harrison) raised ... Which should provide some handy marketing tips for, say, the presenters of events not generally considered Earth-friendly.

18. 2008Oct 24, 2008 - CCW has been awarded its first project from Harley Davidson working with client Steve Piehl Director Consumer Event Marketing for HD CCW will ... Chile Moscow Shanghai Beijing Istanbul Bangladesh Rwanda Seoul Delhi and Cairo as well as other cities in Ireland India Japan and Brazil

19. 2009 Nov 22, 2009 - The Local Organizing Committee (Bangladesh) for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 convened for a meeting today. ... for conducting the ICC CWC 2011 Trophy Unveiling Ceremony on January 9, 2010 the following two have been short-listed -  Asiatic Events Marketing Ltd . And  Macomb.

20. 2010 Feb 15, 2010 - The Indian Boxing Federation has appointed media and communications company Percept as event and marketing partner for the ensuing Commonwealth Boxing ... Pakistan and Bangladesh have, however, yet to confirm their participation. The entire championship will be telecast live on DD Sports.

When that time comes, we will need An Event.

In any marketing strategy the objective is to change consumer behavior in a way that benefits bottom line. Event marketing is one of many tools for doing that. If planned right, event marketing can give we many of the benefits of door to door/word of mouth sales, at a fraction of the cost per exposure – and uncertainty – of these familiar standby methods. However, since it is usually a fairly expensive and little-understood venture, event marketing deserves to be explained in some depth here.In effect, event marketing is a means for we to temporarily relocate their business to a place with high foot traffic, much of which consists of good prospects for further business. Event marketing originally consisted of passive corporate sponsorships and was considered “charitable giving.” Throwing money at an event in exchange for their logo on a poster is no longer enough. Sponsorship is today the subject of heated bargaining sessions; it’s become big business for some events and corporations. With the increasing demands of corporate belt-tightening, event marketing has moved from random philanthropy to business expense, justifiable through traditional advertising effectiveness measurements. Event marketing today is focused with the precision of a laser beam, and works best when carefully integrated into their overall marketing plan. Business displays are increasingly elaborate and often interactive; the best ones deeply involve the prospect in a game or demonstration or discussion, and leave a lasting image in the prospect’s mind. When done we, event marketing can burn their company name into the mind of a target audience like no other kind of promotion. When done badly, it’s as expensive and ineffective as hunting gnats with a shotgun.A jazzy display at a popular event is not enough, in itself, to give we noticeable results. Too often businesses invest a goodly chunk of change in a booth or a sponsorship and are disappointed when their passive purchase brings them few – if any - new clients. No matter what form it takes, follow-up is essential to building lasting relationships with the leads generated at their event.One of the simplest strategies to measure the effectiveness of their effort is to give away coupons or vouchers for something of easily perceived value to their particular market. When the coupons are redeemed, gather information for a follow-up direct mailing. Distribute the information to their sales staff as leads; perhaps do a telemarketing campaign a couple of weeks after the event. It’s always good to get out of the office and among their clients, and getting involved in the right event can make very sound financial sense. Event marketing encompasses sports from the major leagues to the amateur levels, food festivals, art extravaganzas, fairs, music festivals and concerts, Chamber of Commerce programs, and on and on. When given the opportunity to sponsor an event, expect factual answer to some of the following questions:

Does the event have a budget history?


Does the event have a current budget or business plan? A complete marketing and advertising plan? Insist on both.

What will we get for their money? Get this in writing. A good rule of thumb is the 5:1 ratio. We should get five times their investment in benefit value. This might include hospitality, tickets, direct and indirect media exposure, on site advertising through the use of signs, access to participants and the htheirs of direct on site contact for one on one marketing, on site sales opportunities, exclusive rights, mailing lists, etc.

Have line items in the event budget been identified that will allow we to provide in-kind services in lieu of cash? Remember that this method of fundraising has dollar value and should always be accounted for in real dollars.

Does the event have a history of media coverage (news stories, purchased or trade advertising)? Will their company be featured in the media?

Does the event have documented attendance figures from previous or similar events? This is the justification for the new clients we are being promised.

Does the event provide marketing opportunities that, while not their traditional marketing methods fit with their overall marketing strategy and target customer?

Has the promoter provided we with a “a menu of opportunities” and offered flexibility? Will we have input to planning the event? We have more control over their opportunities

when we help plan them.

How to be done a successful eventA common misconception of event planners and organizers is that people are religiously visiting their event web site. As a result, event organizers continuously update their sites with new content in some cases it becomes an obsession. In that has been humble opinion, their efforts and rest heiress are being wasted.

Most People Only Visit Once

Recently that has crunched Google Analytics stats for 11 very different web sites spanning a 13 month period. The web statistics we are drawn from a variety of industry segments. Traffic numbers from these sites their anywhere from a few hundred visitors a month all the way up to 24,000+ visitors a month. After the data was compiled, there was one shocking statistic that stood out 71.67% of people visited these web sites ONLY ONCE!  A stunning 86.11% of people visited these web sites THREE TIMES or LESS. There might be some slight variances to the previous statistics, depending on industry, but it’s something they should mind carefully. Most people are only visiting their event web site once. they don’t have to take my word for it! Take a look at their own web stats. Look under the Visitor Loyalty tab in Google Analytics and select the Loyalty link. Most event organizers never consider the visitor loyalty when they look at their web statistics.

What are we doing to capture Their Info?

If a majority of people are visiting their web site only once, they have needed to do something to capture their information. By capturing the user information of their target market, they have a powerful tool to lead people back to their area. A qualified target list of prospects is also a tremendous asset for selling advance sale tickets to their event. The easiest starting point is attempting to collect a visitor’s first me and email address. Don’t focus on quantity, but quality.

Those Annoying Pop-Ups

That have might want to test a pop-up to collect visitor information. A note on annoying pop-ups. They’re only annoying when we’re popping up information that’s irrelevant to the person visit their site. That was always to problem with old school pop-up advertising. Present a value based proposition that the visitor actually cares about and the pop-up stops becoming an annoyance.Knowing that most people only visit their web site once gives that the opportunity to do something about it. That have strong recommendation is to try and collect email addresses right on their


home page. To many people the recommendation probably seems highly counter-intuitive, but it works amazing well. Building a targeted list of prospects and then market to that list is the closest thing to an event marketing silver bullet.

Get great ideas from event marketing field trip

How much time do the firm spend looking to other events or industries for marketing ideas? Borrowing ideas from other events and industries is one of the quickest ways to add dollar signs to their bottom line. If we don’t spend much time looking outside their own event looking for marketing ideas, we need to start today.

Get Over It . One large (self-imposed) roadblock that most people have to overcome is the “that won’t work for me” mindset.  How many times have they heard business people lament the “that won’t work, thier business is different” line? Too many event planners and organizers fall into that same trap.   It’s like a broken record “That won’t work because my event is different.” That’s a bunch of B.S.! Proven marketing ideas can be adapted and modified from one industry to another.

60 Seconds for a $500,000.00+ IdeaOver the last three weeks I’ve attended the Rochester International Jazz Festival, Red Bull Air Race Championships (Windsor/Detroit), and two ethnic festivals (Ukrainian and Turkish). There we are tons of great ideas floating around. One simple strategy that picked up put $500,000.00+ into an event organizers firm account,  months before a single person showed up to their event. Discovering the $500K+ strategy took all of sixty seconds with a few quick questions to the right person. 

Go Fish for IdeasMake it a point to venture out and attend other events in and around their area.   Competing or complementary events to their own make for the best field trips. When at other events be on the lookout for things that we might be able to integrate into their own event.  The most observant we are, the more we’ll be able to take away Afraid ask to smart question.Find out who’s in charge of the event are they on site? Most important - Don’t be don’t be afraid to ask organizers questions. Keep it short and sweet.  Always remember to use a little couth if an organizer is crazy busy at their event, we might need to follow up afterward. Follow up with them a week or so after their event. It's important to remember that we don't always need to speak to the actual organizer to get good information or ideas.

Validate the InformationOne important point to remember they are going to need to do their homework and dig into details. It isn’t wise to take everything at face value. If something sounds too good to be true, do a little research to validate an idea or strategy.  Why should they do this? Even event organizers have egos that need to be stroked. As a result, they might exaggerate their numbers or certain claims. they don't want to integrate an event or strategy into their own event that has been proven to work.

Next time firm go out to another event, bring their thinking cap, a small notebook (plus pen) and an insatiable curiosity.  Look for things that we can integrate and ethically borrow. Never dismiss another event's promotion idea(s) as irrelevant or stupid until we’ve dug into the details.

Become the information authority to their eventHere is a costly mistake made by many event organizers and planners - hiding details from their target market. Over years that have seen very smart event organizers foolishly hide information about their event. In their mind, the decision for not releasing certain event details is completely logical. The thought process goes like this “It’s my event and I’ll give people details when I’m ready.” Let me come out and say it – hiding event details is a bad idea! Being secretive about event details has negative impact on their event marketing and ultimately their bottom line.


Look at politics! People have a high level of distrust with politicians because they feel like something is being hidden.  Nobody can ever give a straight answer. Don't follow suit. It is in their best interest to be as transparent as possible with their event details, both the good and the bad.

Trust and Instant Gratification

Today people go online and “Google” just about anything. Their target market is doing the same in relation to their event. The Internet adds fuel to “the instant gratification fire.” People want information and they want it yesterday. Social media further stokes the fire. In order to be successful with their event marketing we need to be first in the mind of their target market.   Their web address should be one of the first things that pops up in a person’s mind when they think about their event.Their online marketing efforts hinge on people perceiving their web site as the authority for information about their event. Establish their web site as the number one information authority for their event. The way to gain authority with their target market is by giving people the information they crave first. Be straightforward with people.

How to Amp up AuthorityThere is one information channel that trumps their event web site in terms of establishing authority, their house list of clients and prospects. Their house list represents the most passionate segment of their target market. They represent the people most likely to attend their event. Make sure we’re using their web site to constantly build their list. Create an insider list for their event. Allow people to sign up on their web site and get the inside scoop before anyone else.If people remember anything from their event marketing, let it be their web site.  When people get to their web site, give then a compelling reason to give we their first name and email address. When they come to their site, let it be the best in the world for information about their event. Here is a costly mistake made by many event organizers and planners - hiding details from their target market. Over years I’ve seen very smart event organizers foolishly hide information about their event. In their mind, the decision for not releasing certain event details is completely logical. The thought process goes like this “It’s my event and I’ll give people details when I’m ready.” Let me come out and say it – hiding event details is a bad idea! Being secretive about event details has negative impact on their event marketing and ultimately their bottom line. Look at politics! People have a high level of distrust with politicians because they feel like something is being hidden.  Nobody can ever give a straight answer. Don't follow suit. It is in their best interest to be as transparent as possible with their event details, both the good and the bad.

The Experience Must EXCEED that of Their Event MarketingToday that has been going to rant a little on the importance of delivering an extraordinary experience at their event. When it comes to event marketing, there seems to be a gap between advertising promises and attendee expectations. The end result is event attendees who open their wallets, spend their hard earned money, and leave an event disappointed. Yes, that has a big proponent of using hype and persuasion (ethically) in the marketing of their event.  But we can’t over promise and under deliver. Before we send out their next advertising campaign, do an objective review of their event marketing.

Their Event Advertising and PromotionsIs their event marketing over promising on the experience their event can actually deliver? Spend some time thinking through the previous question. Look at their advertising and event from an attendee's perspective if someone there to read their advertising and attend their event – are we going to be able to deliver on all their advertising promises? If not, or even maybe not, take those points out of their advertising. I’ve seen first hand the problems associated with promising too much in event advertising. It isn’t pretty and is quickly followed by a slew of refund requests.

Using Jedi Mind Tricks (Responsibly)


Another avenue event promoters go down is using psychological persuasion into their event marketing. Using scarcity is a surefire way to get people buying event tickets in advance. As tickets are sold, we update the number of remaining tickets on their web site. As the available ticket supply counts down, ticket demand goes up. Unfortunately, some event organizers see fit to abuse scarcity. Last year, a local event sold out their entire block of VIP tickets. They opened a new block of VIP tickets to small group of people. Word got out about “previously SOLD OUT tickets” being on sale. That aggravated lot of people would already purchased tickets. We can sell out tickets and then put them back on sale again without annoying people. Next time, people are going to be skeptical about buying tickets.Like Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben said “With great pother there must also come — great responsibility!” The value their event delivers to attendees must FAR EXCEED the Hype used in their event marketing. This mindset is critical if we have a recurring event. People are going to come back to an event if they feel scammed. When we boil it down, it's pretty simple. Don't claim something in their advertising that their event can't deliver.

Promote Events and Accept Event Registrations Online

Get a powerful — yet simple — tool to manage their events . Event Marketing is built specifically to help small businesses and organizations shine. Get foolproof step-by-step instructions to help set up events with no software to download and no technical, design, or event planning skills needed.

Professional event registration reflects we at their best Project a professional image: Ad-free, brand able communications keep their invitees focused on we.

Track their event registrations easily Get an instant dashboard view of event registrations and payment methods. Plus, built-in reports provide detailed information to help we plan both current and upcoming events.

Promote their event and fill seats quickly with built-in tools with their Event Marketing features, we get easy-to-use email invitations, reminders, event homepages, and their own public events calendar.

Collect online credit card payments securely Event registration automates collection of any event fees with secure Pay Pal credit card processing with American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa (additional charges apply). We can also accept event payment by cash or check, by mail or at the door.

We've got live help from real people Get FREE, unlimited, personalized event marketing coaching — by phone, email, chat and in person.

How ExpoNet Do this procedure

At first ExpoNet Design their event plan and procedure of the event plan They are give a acceptable named for the event and say what the mission and vision of the

event ExpoNet is registered their all new event before start their event. The registration will be

accepted under the government Then there needs to acceptance from the particular organization which section they are want

to do their event. For example if the ExpoNet want to a exhibition in garments sector it will need to be acceptance from the BGMEA.

They will need to the acceptance from under the Ministry of the country. Such as when the garments fair it will need to be acceptance from the Industry ministry.

After the registration period they are go to for the promote The promote can be company promote, product promote and fair promote In an fair promote they can be newspaper advertising, TV advertising, posters, Billboard,

PVC Banner and so on.


ExpoNet can Street show and Campaign for promote their event.

Why Use Event Registration?

Easy, professional-looking events

Event registration is more convenient and secure for their attendees than manual registration, which requires them to take more steps, like writing or calling. And it streamlines their day with automated payment collection and email communications.

Cross off to-do items with just a few clicks

Use a pre-built registration form or customize it to collect more information with a few clicks. Upload their contact database easily with their contact import tools. If we charge event fees, use PayPal™ to collect credit card payments—or set their preferences to accept checks or at-the-door payments. Do more, in only minutes!

Put repetitive tasks on autopilot

Type in their event details once to auto-fill event invitations and online registration forms. Don't waste time on needless typing that can lead to unnecessary errors.

Be polished and professional from the start

We'll always put their best foot forward with ad-free email invites, event homepages, and registration forms we can brand with their colors and logo.

Cut down on needless paperwork

Save money and time with email invitation, automatic confirmation, and 24/7 self-service online registration.

Keep registration open even when we're not

Online registration lets attendees RSVP at their convenience any time of day or night.

Types of Events we can Host

Events can pay off big for any organization—including theirs!

Whether they're for their people or 400, events let we deepen the relationship with customers, clients, members, and prospects and grow closer to them. What events do we need to host? Get some ideas here!

Sell or promote

Seminars, tradeshows, fairs Open houses Wine tastings, book signings, art

exhibits New product demonstrations

Train or educate people

Workshops, conferences, seminars, lectures

Sales meetings Arts and crafts or cooking classes Spirituality or yoga retreats Online training seminars

Raise money or awareness


Fundraisers and charitable or cause-driven events

Sports competitions or walk-a-thons Association events

Network or gather with others

Professional associations Chambers of Commerce Group activities or meet-ups Mixers, reunions, or club meetings

Celebrate with everyone

Parties and holiday socials

Landmark anniversaries or birthdays Client appreciation events

Entertain for business

Golf outings, recreation or sports activities

Performing arts, music, or comedy shows

Receptions and buffets

Gather for strategic planning

Annual or business meetings Board or committee meetings

Create an Event

Create professional-looking events in minutes Set up a quick online registration – Start with their convenient, pre-made form to capture

name and email address. Use custom fields to collect more detailed information in just a few clicks.

Charge a fee (we set the price and currency), or make the event free. New guest registration feature lets their event attendees register guests and family members

themselves — less work for we! Email invitations save we time and money – Invite as many people as we want. Still want

to fill more seats? Use the forward-to-a-friend feature to extend their reach. Online maps included – Help attendees locate their event with integrated online maps for

invitations, registration forms, and an event home page. Get FREE help if we need it – We've got award-winning phone support, plus help via chat

and email..

Event Marketing Customer Examples

See how other organizations — just like theirs — use Event Marketing to create successful, stress-free events. Learn how they manage events online, from planning and invitations through registration, homepages, reminders, and even online payment!

Associations and Nonprofits

Allston Village Main Streets Arts polis Women Inspiring Women

Jeremy Bloom's Wish of a Lifetime Foundation

Business and Professional Services Biz to Biz Networking My Sales Tactics

Business Support Training

Event Marketing Live Online Product Demonstration


Get their event up and running in just 45 minute Let Constant Contact's in–house experts guide we step–by–step through using Event Marketing successfully—live, from the comfort of their home, office, or wherever we are. We'll answer their specific questions, provide insider tips, and show we how to:

Create their event registration Set up their event home page Design and distribute their email


Use Constant Contact reports to gain useful information about their audience

Monthly Pricing Plans for Event Marketing

Their prices are a flat monthly fee and based on their number of open events currently accepting registrations or RSVPs. We don't base their pricing on the number of registrants we have for an event, because:

We shouldn't be penalized for running a successful, popular, interesting event

As a supporter of small businesses and organizations, Constant Contact understands their

customers' need to have predictable–and low–expenses

Constant Contact does not sell mailing lists. Find out why

Standard Pricing Pre-pay Discounts Nonprofit Pre-pay

How ExpoNet do their pricing?

ExpoNet Exhibition (pvt) ltd they do their monthly pricing policy in two ways1. Standard pricing2. Agency commission based pricing

Standard pricing

The maximum pricing policy of ExpoNet is Standard pricing. They have fixed their price with based on their market standard. The maximum event is ExpoNet is fair and Exhibition, the exhibition should be ftheir to five days. the maximum event was held in five star hotel in Dhaka and so on. So if they are organize an event at Sheraton Hotel for five days the standard price for the stall is 100,000 taka. Because the ExpoNet have no any fixed how many days they are go to exhibition so they are no methyl charge, because they are organize an event many times in a month they will charge their pricing policy based on days, venue and product.

Agency Commission Based Pricing

ExpoNet have also fixed their pricing policy in based on their commission. The standard commission rate is 15%. Sometimes it will be 16% in based on the event and performance.An example for commission based pricing with sum upIf we put down a exhibition cost

no description Unit price No. unit Total Amount1 Venue cost( Sheraton winter

garden)500,000 5 2500,000

2 Promotion 10 400,000


3 Newspaper Advertising 30,000 10 300,0004 communication 400,0005 PVC, poster 5 20,000 100,0006 extra 200,000

Grant total 3900,000Total event charge 15% 585,000Total event amount 4485,000

So the total event amount is 4485,000 taka only. So if ExpoNet have 70 participant so their stall charge will be 4485,000 divided 70 stall and that is 64071 taka.

So this time ExpoNet will be charge 65,000 (sixty five thousand) taka only for the per stall

Promote their event with ease and professionalism!

Event Marketing helps we fill their seats effectively with a full suite of promotional tools to help we get the word out about their event. They're all in one place, and they're all built for small businesses and organizations. So they can easily customize the tools to fit their needs.

Their event home page shows event details, images, special guests, and online maps. We host the event homepage for we — no need to put it on their site Use it to share post-event photos, materials, and presentations

Create professional-looking event invitations

Easily customize built-in email invitations and reminders Choose a visual event theme for invitations and emails Select their mailing list and click to send Use the forward-to-a-friend feature to increase attendance Send reminders to registered attendees

Promote their event link wherever they'd like

Cut and paste it on their website, blog, emails, Face book page, or other social networks Twitter features let we and their attendees Tweet and Share their event Direct attendees to their registration form or event homepage Easy for we and their guests to share events on Face book

Publicize their events with a dedicated online event calendar

Let people see all their upcoming events at a glance One click takes them to their registration form or event homepage Don't worry about calling their webmaster:

Set up Professional Online Event Promotions

Event Marketing is a professional, affordable tool for everything we need to set up and promote their events. From event registration and event ticketing to event homepages and online payment options, that has can covered.

Set up event details in a single step


Enter their event details once: what, where, when, and who to contact. Event details automatically populates the event's email invitation, registration page, and


Offer several payment options (free or fee)

Online payment — using secure credit card processing from PayPal Choose which currency to charge By check — include their mailing and contact information on the registration form At the door — collect fees on the day of event Or make the event free

Enable Guest Registration (New!)

Attendees can register themselves plus guests or family members. Families can use this feature to register children for camp or school events, all through one

email contact. We choose whether to charge a fee for guests, offer multiple type of guest fees, or limit

numbers of guests.

Set limits on event attendance

If we want, we can automatically close registration when we reach: A certain number of registered attendees A specific RSVP date

Use their ready-made event registration form—or customize it!

Basic online form collects attendee name and email address Edit it easily to meet their specific needs Use 30 standard fields to collect physical address, phone numbers and typical contact

information Capture additional information — meal preferences, anything else we want to ask — with

20 custom fields we can name theirself

Event Registration Makes RSVPs and Ticketing Easy

Event Marketing does it all — handling event communications, event registration, event ticketing, and payment collection all in one place. Their attendees get a seamless, secure experience. We save time

Self-service, hassle-free event registration 24/7

Invitees can register online in minutes. Guest registration lets their event attendees register guests and family members themselves

— which means less work for we. SSL secure event registration ensures attendees' information remains safe. Less paperwork and fetheir spreadsheets for we to manage. Event registration information is automatically saved in the system — no extra typing. Manual option lets we register people who RSVP by phone or mail.

Automatic confirmation emails and ticketing


Emails confirm reservation Customize their event invitations Confirmation emails link to printable event tickets Reduce the need for attendees to contact them

Send emails before and after their event

Update or remind attendees before the event Send an unlimited number of email invitations to their event — send different invitations to

target different lists Share post-event photos and information Ask for event feedback

Get an eagle-eye view with detailed event reports

Their details won't slip through the cracks with Event Marketing's automatic event tracking and reporting. So we can use their valuable time crossing other event tasks off their to-do-list!

Stay on top of their event's progress at a glance

Know when we've filled their seats—or need to add additional ones Check payment totals to track their event's financial goals Send reminder emails as their event gets closer

Keep up-to-date on event registrations and payments

View registrants by registration date and desired payment option (by check, by credit card, or at the door)

Use detailed report features for smarter planning

Easily access all the information we captured on the event registration form View as a list, or drill down by individual After the event, record who attended and who did not show

See how invitees respond to their invitation

View who read it, and forwarded it to friends Monitor who registered for their event Check on who hasn't responded and follow up with them

Event Marketing In Bangladesh


Event Marketing Strategies (EMS) has been involved in the marketing, sponsorship and promotion of concerts, fairs, festivals, sports events, as well as other live events since 1981.

During the early 80’s, the very infancy of sponsorship as a marketing strategy, we helped forge unique partnerships between cause events like “Hands Across America” and the media, better known back then as cross promotions. In the latter half of the decade we began work in the entertainment and sports industry, representing acts such as Kenny Rogers, and athletes such as one time World Heavy Weight Boxing Champion, Buster Douglas, with product centered promotions and sponsorships. Also


during this time, that have been their the first company to bring non-traditional, corporate sponsors to U.S. fairs, and have grown that list to include dozens of nationally recognized brands and hundreds of fairs and festivals nationwide.

As we grew their sponsorship and promotion clientele through the 90’s, we began to create and execute more and more event marketing programs for companies like Borden, Sara Lee and Advance Auto Parts through their Fair America™ and Festival USA™ networks while also representing the sponsorship initiatives for several state fairs in the Midwest. We also furthered their work on behalf of the Ohio State Fair, enhancing and growing the sponsorship and event marketing program to include more and more activation opportunities for a wider variety of industry categories, from health and beauty to telecommunications.

As we entered the 21st century, we continued to focus on developing tailored, total turnkey event marketing programs for brands such as Ensure, Krispy Kreme and Cutco. We focused more on developing ROSI™ results (Return On Sponsorship Investment) through targeted access. We took that messaging focus to a new level by developing long standing relationships with Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio, AEP Ohio, Nationwide and Ohio State University Department of Athletics by creating and executing campaigns to impact consumer awareness and behavior. Meanwhile, as we celebrated over a quarter century representing the Ohio State Fair, we succeeded in enhancing their program with turnkey services designed to accommodate the ever popular and fast growing mobile marketing industry, while creating affordable event marketing options for non-profits and local businesses.

As we entered a new decade in 2010, we embrace the changing landscape of event marketing that focuses more and more on measurable ROI and the delivery of relevant experiential marketing.

The Historical Events of Bangladesh

There is no denying the fact that in the history of Bangladesh, the three chronological events are well thought-out to raise their heads worldwide as the citizens of a free nation in all sectors of development. After a long and magnificent movement for nine months; their nation’s glory and there has symbolized their growth of economy, social and cultural ambiance in her background to be emerged as an independent state. In my opinion, besides Liberation War and 21st February, Nobel Peace Prize awarding event has also endorsed the prestige and high their country through out the world. Such unparalleled historical event has unquestionably amplified the earth-shattering of Bangladesh in respect of their history, geography, financial system, tradition, heritage and ethnicity and as such we are in the way to build up their restheirces so that we can expect more Nobel laureate signifying history for mankind. The three historical events are: the 21st February symbolizing the value and honor of their mother tongue, Liberation War envisaging their emergence as a citizen of a free country and finally, Grameen Firm Project founded by Dr Younus has occupied a great off-planet to alleviate poverty and the sufferings of human beings.

Language Day: 21st February

Suffice it to say that the movement of 21st February was a call for restoration of democracy for which the non-co-operation movements with the then rulers have been promulgated day by day to achieve independence as an ultimate target. Due to the fact, it was not only their sole desire to make Urdu as a state language but also there many reasons behind it which may be reflected as Political and educational aggression, to pollute Socio-economic condition, to pollute cultural and traditional affairs, to occupy monopolies over trade and commerce, to handicap people under obligation towards submission, to surpass the people under tyrannous depletion etc and hence in regard to economical aspects in common life, the goods which there produced by their painstaking people from their land and factories there taken to the West Pakistan and priced cheaply in that land but it was costly to us to


consume. From such agitation, their movement for independence had been picked up the pace day by day. From such point, it is clear that after the emergence of Bangladesh such profile of economy either Micro or Macro has been achieved due to active intervention of their people in different sectors of development. This identity whatever we posses theire not possible if 21st February was not created to retaliate the tyrannical boom of the then rulers of Pakistan. And as such, in this day some wing persons of their country have declared indomitable movement to create confrontation against the conspiracy of their mother tongue. They have intensified the movement by degrees and being polemical, the then rulers have invaded them and ultimately they had shot them dead. This is such a movement where their heroes have laid down their lives for the cause of dignity of their mother tongue. In the whole world, such unparalleled movement has never been taken place. Like each year, this year has carried out this day with due somber mood and prominence and as such we celebrate this day with honor according to the heritage of the country. This day is mixed with their

Independence Day as if it is mixed with their blood and bone. The heroes who have laid down their lives for the cause of their equality, liberty and national prestige of their country shall remain ever memorable to us.

Their Liberation Day

Bangladesh came into being as an independent state in 1971 from the emergent of the movement of 21st February. The movement spread as nation wide agitation and there is no doubt that their economic profile has been fltheirishing day by day and we can say that the 21st February is a milestone of their economic prosperity and political affiliation in the dimension of Bangladesh in the world map. There was a great ambiguity in between the measuring of values made between the two countries and not only that in case of import and export of their commodities, such ambiguity was largely revitalized. It is a significant fact that they led their efforts to suppress us every time in the field of economics, trade and commerce ingrained in common life. Bangladesh became independent and sovereign state after a vigorous call for liberation struggle which was made following the brutal crackdown of the Pakistani Armed forces at midnight of 25th March, 1971 on the innocent people of what was then East Pakistan. The struggle for liberation continued for about 9 months till the Pakistani occupation forces surrendered on 16th December, 1971. Since then, 26th March is celebrated as the National and Independence Day and the 16th December has been recognized as the Victory Day.

That is to say, their Bangladesh has been emergent on 9 months struggle and on 16 December it became enemy free state in the history of the world. We became free and we achieved independence. The Pakistani rulers did not agree to their sovereign but they fought against the innocent people to snatch away the right of their people and they theire defeated and we won victoriously. The armies of Pakistani rulers have taken away the lives of their valuable restheirces which are their hontheirable learned and wise men of this sacred soil. It was a heinous deed and the world had never supported this. The territory comprising Bangladesh was inhabited by the proto-Australoids and the proto-Mongoloid, later mingled by the Dravidians, Aryans and Mongolians. Muslim conquest of the regions and continuous rule for about 500 years helped spreading Islam in the region first Arab traders in the region, started first by Arab traders and missionaries in the 11th century. By the end of 16th century Europeans started arriving. By promoting treason and by way of agitations and fighting, Robert Clive of East India Company won the battle of palassy which introduced the history of British rule in 1757 and continued till 1947 when the subcontinent was partitioned into and Pakistan and the territory comprising Bangladesh formed the eastern wing of Pakistan. The people of the then East Pakistan declared independence on 26th March, 1971 and won a 9-nine month long war of independence and became independent on 16th December, 1971.

It is evident from the past history that they used to exploit us in different ways for which they formulated the policies to disgrace us in tyrannical attitudes with which their people declared


movement on 21st February and being agitated, they protested them against their attitudes and feelings for aggression and misruling. The movement of 21st February was only an agitation against the exploitation of in this country which was their object to occupy some how. They wanted to make Urdu as their state language in the sense that they liked to extend their hands for exploitation in respect of economics, commerce, language, education and traditional aspects involved in social and cultural life. Like British Empire, they wanted to torture in respect of mental, physical, political and social aspects ingrained in their common people irrespective of caste and creed. We remember this day with honor and for the sake of their blood shed, they have been immortalized as they their brave to speak about the country and the people of this soil.

Nobel Prize event of Dr. Wenus

Recently, Dr. Younus as well as his Grameen Firm establishment has been jointly awarded Nobel Peace Prize due to a great contribution for poverty alleviation of Bangladesh. It is he who firstly introduced micro credit system to the poor people from his Jobla village where he was determined to see happiness and prosperity of the down trodden people and in order to strengthen his programmed, he has established “Grameen Firm Micro Credit system”. By virtue of his uncommon talent, perseverance and hardihood, he has been able to promote his institute as a model through the whole world for which he has been awarded ‘Nobel peace prize’. To symbolize his model, the distinguished personalities of the world have recognized him as a Nobel laureate and one of the most influential people in their country. There is no denying the fact that the day it was declared is an event recognized historically for which we are indebted to him and we have a great rectitude for such personality who have brought such honor for the country. By giving only taka 860 as a credit to a woman, he started his career as a planner of micro credit system and he has been successful undoubtedly.

In view of the above, it is evident that as a nation we are prosperous and through such significant and historical events, their survival by raising their heads is reasonable if we lead their efforts to develop their basic needs and aspects of relevant branches, we must reach their goal. The three events are glorious in the sense that by dint of their merit, perseverance and hardihood, their emergence as Bengali nation would be fruitful and up to the mark. Hence Somerset says,‘It is difficult to pass over the razor’s edge But the wise say, the path to salvation is ha

Bangladesh holds the first national events management workshop

An Events Management Workshop designed to help Scouts and Leaders at the national level better understand the importance of events management in Scouting was held at the National Scout Training Centre, Mouchak, Gazipur District from 05 - 09 April 2007. A total of 39 volunteer and professional Scout leaders, including three persons from non-Scout organizations professionally working in the area of events management took part.

A group of overseas participants from The World Scout Bureau/Africa Region, India and Malaysia their represented in the workshop.

Discussions tackled down the key elements of the workshop: types of events, event designing and planning, event coordination, event marketing, and risk management in events.

Bureau Asia Pacific office.

This national events management workshop is a follow-up on the very first regional events management workshop conducted in Jeju Island, Korea in October 2006

Profile of ExpoNet Exhibition (pvt) ltd.


IntroductionExpoNet Exhibition is an experienced organization who (sister concern of) worked with Ad Impression from 2002. Various programs and documentary film theire marked by them propagated in Bangladeshi electronic Media ATN Bangla, Channel I, RTV and Baishakhi TV. In this period Ad Impression mostly did advertisement campaign, brand management, event launching, ad-print & electronic media promotion, Communication strategy, corporate affairs, event management, marketing communication developing, personal branding services, strategic PR planning etcExpoNet Exhibition (Pvt) Ltd mothers company name is ZAK Group. They are operare different country of the world like Bangladesh, India, Singapore, china, and Srilanka. In Bangladesh ExpoNet operate their business as named is ExpoNent Exhibition (pvt) ltd.

ExpoNet Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd., is one of the leading trade show and exhibition organizers in Asia. EXPONET reached the unique milestone of having organized over 300 exhibitions involving Over 20 different industries in different parts of India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, DubaiAd Impression acted as the one and only media manager of the two international exhibitions “International Plastic Fair” and “Garmentech Bangladesh” from 2002 to 2008 in Bangladesh. Afterwards in November 2009 Ad Impression has launched full service Exhibition Company as in the name ExpoNet Exhibition (Pvt) Ltd. to fltheirish its Excellency in this arena. With the previous collaborative work experience ExpoNet Exhibition added some international exhibition on agriculture, horticulture, dairy, poultry, live stock and agriculture products & technology of Bangladesh “AgriTech Bangladesh 2010” which will be held on 04-06April and “The Women’s Fest 2010” which will be held on 11-14 April 2010 at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Bangladesh as their first operation.In January 2010 ExpoNet Exhibition contracted with ‘Save the Earth International’ to organize jointly the ‘Dhaka International Green Trade, Environment and Eco-Ttheirism Fair- DIGTEF 2010” which will be held on 10-12 June 2010 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Many other expos are awaiting to fltheirish in their orchard.

Mission & Vision

ExpoNet Exhibition has a unique vision to mingle the global and local business community under one roof. “A Bridge for Glocalization” is the motto of their organization which we bear in their heart to move forward. Their vision is to achieve the maximum satisfaction and benefits of their clients by providing up- to- the- minute’s ideas, inventions of latest technological machineries and their proper utilization and to be the market leader of each and every area of trade shows and exhibitions by executing world class trade shows.

Their spirit and mission “We Can” inspires us to make every event possible.

We professionally organize shows and events in international environment to bring the potential benefit to supported industry, society as well as their country which ensure the maximum returns to their honorable customer.

Why they are

Bangladesh is a developing country in the third world of Southern Asia. We need to introduce with the latest technologies of the world to fulfill their demands and lacking.  At the premier stage of globalization, Bangladesh needs to be familiar with all latest technologies of the whole world. To ensure this global communication, we are here always ready to bring we in a global environment where we can get all information of the entire world under a single roof. ExpoNet Exhibition mainly aims to organize exhibitions on high technological and latest machineries of the world. We want to expose those innovative global technologies in their country to improve their agriculture and other sectors.


 Why We Choose ExpoNet Exhibition

One Category/Brand Fixed Visitor. To get maximum potential business visitor under a roof. To meet Global Organization and to meet Multi national as well as national Organization Let buyers feel through all five senses to get complete perspective of the product Meet numerous numbers of new buyers at their doorstop. Gain direct contact and develop a personal and direct relationship with clients Display their entire product range life with full demo. Get direct feedback in person. Clarify finer points, clear doubts and accelerate the buying process. Conclude business deals at the show. Raise self image in the industry and gain value to their brands. Identify potential dealers or agents and distributors for their company.


ExpoNet aims to open its partnership branches in some other countries of the world. We already have branch offices in Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai in India. In near future we will fly for partnership offices in Malaysia and Singapore and later in USA.

Partner Office

In Dhaka In Chennai

Save The Earth International Exponent Exhibition

House-497, Road-33 Old no.11/1, new 23,

New DOHS Ballard Street, Agaram

Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206 Chennai- 600 082

Tele: 880 2 8856894 Tele: 91 44 4276 9992

  An ExpoNet Exhibition in Bangladesh

The women fest

About the Event

The Women's Fest is the biggest and most important event for women in Bangladesh. Where women enjoy many privileges and are given opportunities to play a major role in the country's social and economic developmentThis is the biggest that directly caters to the needs and interests of women, making it something that, women can truly call their own. It showcases all products and services that are designed especially for themWe want to provide women with the opportunity to network, attend seminars and hands-on-demonstrations, and visit exhibitors to explore products and services that influence them and their familiar

Why the Exhibit


The Women's Fest - A Tribute to All Women

The Women's Fest is the first and only exhibition in Bangladesh that caters to every aspect of a woman's life. The existing market for women's products and services is huge, considering that women account for as much as 49.5% of the country's population.

As the premier event for women in Bangladesh, The Women Fest gives their company the unique opportunity to stand out in this exclusive market. Their participation in the event will enable we to:

Increase visibility and awareness of their products. Introduce their products directly to their target clients. Enhance the image of their brands for women. Conduct product sampling and demonstrations. Boost their sales and marketing activities

With a growing number of women in Bangladesh playing a major role in the country's economic development, they are clearly a large consumer segment that offers exciting potentials to companies

Event Highlights

Funny Debate Competition Seminar on Women Entrepreneurship; Seminar on different profession for

women Seminar on the Role of Women in

Socio-economic Development of Bangladesh;

Discussion on problems of Women Best Women Award Painting Demonstration Cooking Demonstration Fashion show I Cultural Show I

Musical Show Bengal New Year Celebration

Exhibition Profile

Beauty Products Jewelers & Financecosmeticscologneshair-styling productsperfumespersonal care productsskin-care productsshampoos and conditioners

firming servicesdiamond collectionsgold jewelleryother precious stonesinsurance plansinvestment opportunities

Bride & Wedding Child Care

wedding dressesfashion designersinvitationswedding organisersgift supplierswedding venuesflotheir providershoneymoon destinationshair stylists / makeup servicescatering services

baby clothesbaby productschildren's toysdiapers and feeding bottlesgift items and booksmilk productssnack foods

Fashion & Lifestyle Home & Kitchen


abayas and sheilasbags and shoesfashion accessoriesgarments and textileshijabs and kaftansleather productsscarves and shawlsteenage apparelwedding dresses

baking equipmentbeddings and curtainsfood productsglassware and silverwarehome applianceshome décor and handicraftskitchen accessoriesporcelain productssofas and furniture

Career and Education Leather & Gift Itemscareer choiceseducational ctheirsesemployment opportunitiesgraduate programsprofessional developmentshort-term ctheirsesttheirism careers

office files diary cum organizersglasswareleather portfolios beltssoft luggage leather accessories clocksfootwear,hand bags etc

Sport goods (outdoor & indoor games)

track suits etc. play ground equipments adventure sport equipments & facilitiessports watches & times publication related to sport & fitness amenities etc.


Title Sponsor: 30,00,000/-Facility: Expo title will be carried with Sponsor Company’s Logo 27 sq. mtr. free booths Back full page color Advertisement in Buyers Guide Full two pages company profile in Buyers Guide 300 VIP visitors pass for expo visit. 30 VIP passes for every event Sponsor Company’s Logo put on everywhere where we put the expo title. Especially in-

l Exhibitors participant crest l Brochure l Websitel Invitation Cards l Exhibitors Manual l Billboardsl Newspaper & Television Advertisements l Banner, Festoons, Poster, Tickets, Backdrop l Every stall in name fascia.

Award Title Sponsorship: 24,00,000/-

Best Women of Creative Affairs, Business Affairs, Education Affairs, Social Welfares Affairs, News Affairs, Law & Forces Affairs Award title should be carried with Sponsor Company’s Logo 18 sq.ft free booths Sponsor Company’s Logo put on everywhere where we put the expo title

l award crest & Certificates l Stage Decoration & Backdrop l 3 Top Video Presentation & Brochure of each categories l Invitation Cards l Website l Newspaper Advertisements l 30 VIP passes for program l Dinner sponsor for 300 Guests. l Award money 50,000 each Best Woman l Banner, Festoons, Poster, Backdrop l Nomination forms

Cultural Events Sponsorship:

10,00,000/US$ 15,500 Name and Logo displayed prominently in the room and stage at the event and all promotion campaign. Inner side full page color advertisement with one page company profile. 20


VIP passes for general event , 20 VIP passes for cultural event , Bill Board l Newspaper Advertisement Invitation Cards , Banner, festoon & Backdrop,Stage Decoration , 9 sq.ft free stall

Seminar Sponsor – Tk. 5,00,000 / US$ 7692

Company Logo on seminar backdrop, on banner at entrance of the seminar hall, 1 slot for speakers at one seminar session, Corporate profile 1 page in seminar documentation, Corporate Literature included in delegate pack, Logo in Event Directory, Event brochure/Exhibitors Manual, Event Website and Event Guide – (Subject to deadlines), Full page color Ad and Company Profile (1 page) in Event Directory 185 X 270 MM, 20 Trade Visitor Passes, 20 Complimentary Delegate passes for every seminar.Media Sponsor – Tk. 5,00,000/US$ 7692

Bare Stall Space 8 sq f, Name and Logo displayed prominently the Media Room at the Event and in all promotion campaigns. Full Page coltheir Ad AND Company Profile (1 Page) in Event Directory 185 X 270 MM, Logo in Event Directory, Event brochure/Exhibitors Manual, Event Website and Event Guide – (subject to deadlines), 30 Trade visitor Passes, 8 complimentary Delegate passes.

Seminar Kit Sponsor – Tk. 3,00,000 / US$ 4615

Logo on the cover and inside of the Seminar Kit, Company Logo on banner at entrance of Seminar hall, Company profile 1 page in seminar documentation, Corporate Literature included in delegate pack, Company Profile (1 page) in Event Directory 185 X 270 MM, 10 Trade Visitor passes, 10 complimentary Delegate passes for every seminar

Registration Desk - Tk. 3,00,000 / US$ 4615

Name & Logo at the Registration Area, Built Up stall space of 27 sq.m, Company Profile (1 page) in Event Directory 185 X 270 MM and Logo in Event Website, 100 Trade Visitor Passes  Notepad - Tk. 2,00,000 / US$ 3076

Logo and name of sponsoring company will be displayed at Information Counter, Built Up stall space of 8 sq.m, Company Profile (1 page) in Event Directory 185 X 270 MM and Logo in Event Website, 10 Trade Visitor Passes

Notepad - Tk. 2,50,000 / US$ 3846

Name & Logo of the sponsoring company will be printed on the pen, Built Up stall space of 8 sq.f, Company Profile (1 page) in Event Directory 185 X 270 MM and Logo in Event Website, 10 Trade Visitor Passes


The Women's Fest 2010 will be held at the first renowned international five-star hotel in Bangladesh, the Dhaka Sheraton Hotel.

Dhaka Sheraton Hotel has the city's largest of conference, meetings, and exhibition, banquet and parking facilities. Its sprawling space of Conference & Exhibition Center, and the World class Ballroom, seven meeting and hospitality halls provides the ideal ambience for the first edition of "The Women's Fest" an exclusive exhibition on anything & everything for the women.      


An ExpoNet Exhibition in International

IntroductionExpoNet Exhibition (Pvt) Ltd mothers company name is ExpoNet goup. They are operated different country of the world like Bangladesh, India, Singapore, china, and Srilanka. In Bangladesh ExpoNet operate their business as named is exponent Exhibition (pvt) ltd.ExpoNet Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd., is one of the leading trade show and exhibition organizers in Asia. EXPONET reached the unique milestone of having organized over 300 exhibitions involving Over 20 different industries in different parts of India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Dubai,

Benefits for Exhibitors

Launch Pad for new products and innovations

Perfect dates and timing of the each exhibition

Enabling to Achieve their B2B objectives

Introduce or test market new products / services

Promote brand image and build public awareness

Generate sales leads Mingle with top decision makers Know about their competition Appoint new dealers Location and visitors convenience

to attend the exhibition Extensive publicity Attracting right visitors Best Customer Service

Marketing Services Marketing strategy Marketing plan Multimedia presentations Proposal letters

Marketing kits Personal presentations Emailer campaigns

Public Relations

Seminars Press conferences Inaugural function Valedictory function

Invitations Photography Mementos 

Administrative Services

Identifying & booking of venue Providing the required staff Furnishing structural lawet & stall lawet Printing of brochures

Name signs for special facilities Mailing and correspondence Computer registration at entrance


Press advertisements Trade journals TV, radio and online

Banners, hoardings, posters, placards and stickers

Press releases Mailers


Email campaigns Website promotion


International Events List in 2010

25-06-2010- 28-06-2010New-Delhi,Chennai,Bengaluru,india. EXPONET Jewels Expo 2010 The Great India Jewellery Sale

15-07-2010-18-07-2010 Singapore, EXPONET Salaam India Expo 2010EXPONET Salaam India Expo 2010

30-09-2010-03-10-2010 Mumbai,India EXPONET Presents IIID Showcase 2010The World of Interior & Exterior

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India. ExpoNet Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2010EXPONET Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2010

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India EXPONET Stainless Steel Expo 2010EXPONET Stainless Steel Expo 2010

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India EXPONET Doors & Windows Expo 20107th International Trade Fair on the Fenestration Industry of India

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India EXPONET Glass Technology Trade Fair 20108thInternational Glass Technology Trade Fair of India

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India ExpoNet Hollow Glass Expo 2010ExpoNet Hollow Glass Expo 2010

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New-Delhi EXPONET Presents IIID Innovations 2010EXPONET Presents IIID Innovations 2010

30-09- 2010-03-10-2010 Mumbai,India EXPONET Innovative, Lightweight, Faster & Sustainable Building Construction Technology Expo 2010EXPONET Innovative, Lightweight, Faster & Sustainable Building Construction Technology Expo 2010

30-09-2010-03-10-2010 Mumbai,India EXPONET Presents IIID Showcase 2010The World of Interior & Exterior

30-09-2010-03-10-2010 Mumbai,India EXPONET Innovative, Lightweight, Faster & Sustainable Building Construction Technology Expo 2010EXPONET Innovative, Lightweight, Faster & Sustainable Building Construction Technology Expo 2010

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India ExpoNet Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2010 EXPONET Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2010

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India EXPONET Stainless Steel Expo 2010EXPONET Stainless Steel Expo 2010


03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India EXPONET Doors & Windows Expo 20107th International Trade Fair on the Fenestration Industry of India

03-12-2010-05-12-2010 New Delhi ,India EXPONET Glass Technology Trade Fair 20108th International Glass Technology Trade Fair of India

25-06-2010-28-06-2010 New-Delhi,Chennai,Bengaluru,india. EXPONET Jewels Expo 2010The Great India Jewellery Sale

15-07-2010-18-07-2010 Singapore,EXPONET Salaam India Expo 2010EXPONET Salaam India Expo 2010



SWOT analysis is the detailed study of an organization’s exposure and potential inPerspective of its strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. This facilitates theOrganization to make their existing line of performance and also foresee the future toImprove their performance in comparison to their competitors. As though this tool, anOrganization can also study its current position, it can also be considered as an importanttool for making changes in the strategic management of the organization.

STRENGTHS:1. ExpoNet Limited has already established a favorable reputation in the Event sector of the country. It is one of the leading private sector commercial event in Bangladesh. The company has already shown a tremendous growth in the profits andmarketing sector.

2. ExpoNet has provided its Marketing service with a top leadership and Management position. The top management officials have all worked in reputed company and their years of event experience, skill, and expertise will continue to contribute towards further expansion of the company.

3. ExpoNet Limited has already achieved a high growth rate accompanied by animpressive profit growth rate in 2010.

4. ExpoNet has the reputation of being the provider of good quality servicestoo its, potential clients. Because


1. The main important thing is that the company has no clear mission statement and strategic2. The company not have any long-term strategies of whether it wants to focus on retail3. Sufficient market positioning Knowledge in Bangladesh.4. They are work with only event sector in fair and exhibition.

OPPORTUNITY:1. In order to reduce the business risk, ExpoNet has to expand their businessportfolio. The management can consider options of starting event business.

2. Bangladesh has become big Marketing opportunities in today’s, recreantly various company has increase their Event Marketing budget so it is the big opportunity for ExpoNet.THREATS:


1. All sustain Event Management Firm and upcoming foreign, private firm posse’sEnormous threats to ExpoNet Limited. If that happens the intensity of competitionwill rise further and firm will have to develop strategies to compete against an onslough of foreign the firm.

2.The default risks of all terms of loan have to be minimizing in order to sustain in theEvent market. Because default risk leads the organization towards to Marketing.ExpoNet has to remain vigilant about this problem so that proactive strategies aretaken to minimize this problem if not elimination.

3. The low compensation package of the employees from mid level to lotheir levelposition threats the employee motivation. As a result, good quality employees leavethe organization and it effects the organization as a whole.


To give the customer higher satisfaction employees at the ExpoNet should have the knowledge to anstheirs clients question. Though this service is found that clients are reliable but sometimes feel Unsecured to their Sometimes they need more information regarding the buyer.but sometime firm is unable to provide this information. In this study we also found that the ExpoNet clients are few in event Marketing service rather than other service. Apart from these the ExpoNet have no more product line. for the enough service line they can’t get enough clients.

In the ExpoNet they have only poor retail clients, without the retail client they can not create brand image in worldwide and as well as position to the clients mind.

In this analysis we also found that the clients of ExpoNet are more concern about the environment of firm and, advertisement, service charge and quality of service.

So the top management of ExpoNet should priority this sort of factors, whose that clients can feel better satisfied. In the study we also found that ,most of the clients are told that the Event Marketing service should be improved, and try create differtiante with other firm. So we can say that the ExpoNet Top Management should take steps regarding their brand name. and try create awareness in clients mind. In this modern age to compete with firming sector must be needed the brand image, without the brand image a company can not run in long run..In this study we also found that the familiarity of ExpoNet are very high in Bangladesh. Therefore, the firm should take proper action for increasing familiarity.If the firm give advertisement, promotion to their target groups then it be possible.Moreover ,the firm should show a sincere interest to solve clients problem .

Conclusion Is their event marketing over promising on the experience their event can actually deliver? Spend some time thinking through the previous question. Look at their advertising and event from an attendee's perspective If someone to read their advertising and attend their event – are we going to be able to deliver on all their advertising promises? If not, or even maybe not, take those points out of their advertising. I’ve seen first hand the problems associated with promising too much in event advertising. It isn’t pretty and is quickly followed by a slew of refund requests.

Bangladesh is a developing country in the third world of Southern Asia. We need to introduce with the latest technologies of the world to fulfill their demands and lacking.  At the premier stage of globalization, Bangladesh needs to be familiar with all latest technologies of the whole world. To ensure this global communication, we are here always ready to bring we in a global environment where we can get all information of the entire world under a single roof.


ExpoNet Exhibition has a unique vision to mingle the global and local business community under one roof. “A Bridge for Globalization” is the motto of their organization which we bear in their heart to move forward. Their vision is to achieve the maximum satisfaction and benefits of their clients by providing up- to- the- minute’s ideas, inventions of latest technological machineries and their proper utilization and to be the market leader of each and every area of trade shows and exhibitions by executing world class trade shows

Event marketing today is focused with the precision of a laser beam, and works best when carefully integrated into their overall marketing plan. Business displays are increasingly elaborate and often interactive; the best ones deeply involve the prospect in a game or demonstration or discussion, and leave a lasting image in the prospect’s mind. When done well, event marketing can burn their company name into the mind of a target audience like no other kind of promotion. When done badly, it’s as expensive and ineffective as hunting gnats with a shotgun.

Today I’m going to rant a little on the importance of delivering an extraordinary experience at their event. When it comes to event marketing, there seems to be a gap between advertising promises and attendee expectations. The end result is event attendees who open their wallets, spend their hard earned money, and leave an event disappointed. Yes, I’m a big proponent of using hype and persuasion (ethically) in the marketing of their event.  But you can’t over promise and under deliver. Before you send out their next advertising campaign, does an objective review of their event marketing.