evening star c local news. - chronicling...

EVENING STAR KOIDAY. W, 1*71. LOCAL NEWS. B ILTIB6RE HP r*T»lif BAILtOift. R»pM PWfW «f th« T*« fmtvmmt mm4 Emsitrm Itrmmeh TuHmel.U.hrr HVri i.« ««4 ««/.<*« f*> tt.mtrict. Tin' Fatt.more and Potomac Railroad Is mak- in* iapid |>ro^rei» t -wards completion, and we may expert t > hear the whistling of their loco- mouvts in a eemparatively short time. Thia road, besbles itf impertoat connection* north and south, a ill bring tis into close communion with a productive poiuon of Maryland beretnrore ?iHaptl*°)aWdl,0,a by country THE "RIM.* OTE* THE EASTIR5 l^ASf H, mow building, cxuMM that stream diagonally < on netting with the went bank at a point near geTenimcut magazine. The piles for that I«art of the structure through deep water are near y all driven, and the Vary timb^ "ringers are being put in place. On each tide «»t the thamu'l, at tar a* the Mats extend an earth embankment has been filled in to deep »n'! where till* embankment atnp* on em h siek abntmentx are ty huilt and a.lraw i>lac« d lor the sce-ommodation of boats. This bridge w:ll be finished so that lacomotives can tfa on it by Oc»of>er. iHL K »AD Tina makes a enrv e along the fit ore. and pa<*e« saath .»i the Congressional Cemetery to a point be¬ tween the ivy Vard bridge and the old bri<lge eastol it.when; it enters Virginia avenue through a tle-ep cut in the bank, wuieh extend* to th« ramie somewhere near 14th street southeast. I his fat a long and deep ent through roan*- era vel ami ocearional layers of red and brown dav *«uie ot this clay, when drv, h very hard, and I>resenf-< the appearance of red chalk Through . his .»*ep cut, extending from the ravine i**»r Uie bridge, a woolen track has besen laid tor h..r«e cars » hick aru kept busy early and late-carry ing this gravel to the river filing, ex tender the roa.1 in wi.lth aud h-ngth. B v mean* oi this temporary railway, one norse can draw ¦"J*1' e.ght with the ordinary horse carU. Thin excavation will mxmi be completed l"ar l^th street cast, where the mm commences, ot the es«t side of the street. The entire length ot this tunnel is through a vast gravel bank, and great precautious arc neces¬ sary to prevent the hank* from tailing to. The work here » necessarily slow , as the dirt has to be carted a long way to be dmnped. other diffl- culties are encountered: the water and gas pipes wkichw.ni.ply the navy yard ran gown e.arrison Kre. t. and have to be kept In place bv shoring up. or-tii means can be taken to sink them under the bottom or the tunnel; the water, too, which »"t ot this gravel, accumulates, aud haa ta be -Icatoed off. The excavation for the tunnel however, is nearly complete. only one souare ^myktojth.i Virginia avenuf-,) re^2a^J uiiton. ned. The tunnel proper extends fhm the ea%t sjdeot 12th to the west aide of 7tli str vts east. and the remaining distance, to the market bouse, where thj road comes out to the level of the street, is hamlsomely wailed op on each side with rabble work, ttuished with a foping of itemed Seneca stone, along which is to be pat substanv.al iron fence*. Toi ihrectios or thi eoad is changed at Harrison street off from Virginia avenue to K street southeast, over which street it uf sW®.of ^ canal, southwest trom the I5.ag.lcr residence, ami toi lows up the canal to > Irglnla avenue; little or no grading ben.g necessary after it leaves the cunnel until ®verM,he Ij°ng BridP int® Virginia, with the exception of a lew feet which has to be taken ofl on Maryland avenue from 11th to 13th Mree ts. southwest, ami filled in near the Bonir Brnlge. to meet the elevated grade there. .4XD C,*T Or TJIB Tf*5IL work. The work commenced on the tunnel the 5th . day «f duly, ls70, and will, In all probability, re¬ quire another year to complete It. The esti¬ mated cost is not much less than one and a half millions ot dollars, from the west entrance of the tnnnel to the Kastern Branch. Most of the stone m*el for arching, and aide walla, is brought from the Potomac blue stone .luarriea, above George- i1'vM irounu ou scovt to the navy yard bridge, from which point It is hauled to the tunnel. I our heavy derricks are used for lower- ingthe stone to the places In the tunnel, and a pe rfect net-work of gny-ropes obatract the wav to the vicinity of Garrison street and Virginia avenue, giving a busy appearance to this part of the rlty. \ A large number of railroad ties are in readi¬ ness, piled up on the banks of the Eastern Branch, aud the steel raila will soon be cumint in tor this section of the road. Some of them are already on the ground, and will be laid tJ»i» season. Operations at THE Lose BRtDCC are also progressing as rapidly as possible, con- sieie ring the <i:t»iciilti«-s the company have to eortend with and the extent of the work to be accemp .die.L The causeway from the Virginia »he>re to the abuu.i, i,r i completed, save where an aiertiire has been left open for the plauk. way to the water, on the ui»per siele, and on «l.ich tlie heavy stones are itnloa<ied from the! toa?- and rolled to the top ot the causeway where they are cnt an.l fitted for their places'! Th:s abutment wall of blue stone, laid in b><Irauhc cciucnt, with the cop'ng of light -and- ste ne, presents a very subatanUal appeaiance. and is pronounced a ^o. 1 job by good judge*. Between this abutment and the cnannel the re are tour stone piers-, almost completed, and be¬ tween the channel and the abutment on the se^uth end ot the center causeway there are eight piers now being consir ucted. making twtlwe alto- getker, besides the draw piers at the channel. I I'tse piers are all built ui<vn a foundation of C«lesot«llowpine. tipped with an iron jwint. k'lorn .**mg drive'n. to i«enotTatc tar below the beo of the ruer, into a hard gravel bottom. These logs are brought from Aceotink creek and fiimiahed by Captain Troth. The piers are p.aced as tar as practicable on the jutes of the olel ones, as the foundations there are thought to be more secure. The work of building one of the^e pie rs is verj slow ami teelious ; five rows ot piles have to be driven close together, the wi.tib o# the bndge *dtk a two toot space be¬ tween each row. SAWtltO %he rtLita. The* piles are then sawed ott wiuarelv umler *ater, at a depth of al«out six feet below low water mark. This is done by means of an in- grmoMs machine contrived by tJhier Ehgioeer Partridge, and consists or a circular saw at¬ tached to an upright iron shaft, kept In position by a heavy ami well braced framework and .Inven by a six-horse engine, the whole con¬ structed on a flat boat and movable abont. where ."ver wanted. This iron shaft can be lowered or raised to any eieaireel point, and a belt which l>af«es around the small drum through which runs the shaft, and around a larger one near the engine at the rear of the boat, drives this saw W . V*1®* M above water, and cuts off the piles with great ease, making a level surface to receive the timbers. Tho piles are then secured in place by 14-inch square oak timbers, which ye placed along on the rows of piles and ! secured by a k»ng heavy holt of iron driven ttirough and .leepinto each pile. Across these are then laid a close flooring of Li-inch s<iuare «ak timber, bolted down in the same manner to the bottom timbers. A frame work of the same size timbe r is then placed around the border of thi« floor and bolted down, forming a kiu.i of square solid oak bo* on the top and 12 inches deep. Tbia Is nearlv filled with a concrete made ot cement and rubble stone, and soon becomes rn.hardasagrm.ite le«lge. The stoiw fouu.la- 114,11; '* bmlt upon this, and the pier is earned up to ten feet above high water mark to tkLriver*6*1 °f ^ higLOTtknown _v WOKIIJC r^TDEE WATER. "hen there is we>rk to be done uneler water a eiiver with a .hving-bell auda complete paraphe'r- nalia lor bnadiing pwpMea, goe^ .Wn and we>rks away for hours at a time. This man has been brought here from Annapolis, and with a boy attendant, does all the amphUn-ut work trioTJ? "* thC ccn,Panir 9301"* *»> for his ser- . _ the riEr.a * ' of C,at stnne, brought from Atnia i.ret-k anel Prre Mtone Point, and are quarried ai.«l sent here by contract. Tne .Hatance be- 133 fe,:t' "ley will be pi 'rut*. October it t.duaud weather Tim Iron materials consisting or rods, anele- .!*£' bt,lt,,' noto» braces, *er?w- a"*1 »1*". «e ou the ground r L/ J"; T1"' heavy stringers and timber work for the bndgea are being framt-.] on the gr.Mimls Wyon.l tLj old tavernfin the Virginia snle ot the river. Thi* timber is or the be-* «iual*y of oak. ami will b«dr«d Pointed wltk oil and lead. 1 *** Nothing further needs to be .lone with _ . t»i cacsawar for the present; it to baUt op nearly to the es¬ tablished grade, ami the coping toto be added »to>. airootwaik ou the north aide, which n to be eonstrveted by caet-iron brackets projoeting over the wall, which are arc tired to the *toue \m iTOt »U1 >e outside* of all. The woik on the dotto end -of this bridge will commeneod, and the piers th.< \mUre lei-gtk be above water before cold weather s*cs to. The estimated com. of this portion of the company > work is not much less than that or the tunnel. The contractors.Messrs. Campbell A Km..for cutting and grading the rami to Al- rxan.tria have pat on a force of laborers and teams at the t ooi-mile rau grading. Mr. Part- r»lre is chief engineer. Mr. «. W. Horner mtf- dri.t engineer. Mew. Kowler ft Tarwood are tl». c ntrm u** for quarrying the blue and sand- st >ne ior the briilge. octside of the OISTB1CT the work is progressing finely. Tke track has V. n laid south of the Annapolis and Elkrnlge B » iroad as faraathe I.itUe Patuxent. ami north .h that road about three mile*. The bridge acn>-- Hcgne Harbor, a saaall -trenm running into the Patuxent, has been completed, and the . ars have paused over. It consists of one soaa ur v-five fret In length. The bridge over the IJtv Pataxent.oiiespao 1*) fret in length-lin j?>t d^b I "i"hf'!, %n«I the track Imping 14 1 u*h# J fe rward with the utmost dispatch to th" Big Pifnxent.two mile* distant.»tiw abridge In two »]>an« each Ifin tret in length will be cum- pleted in fifteen <lav8. From the junction, a short distance from the Big Patuxent, the work »ill be rapidly pushed south, both toward* Marlboro', on the main stem, and Washington, on the Washington branch. In the meantime parties of workmen are Ityinn the track north towards Baltimore. Six mile* of the track are already laid. and the prospect is more than fair thai train- will be run ningtd Marlboro bv October and on the Wellington Rrauch before ChriatinAa. Tho work on the Baltimore tunnel Is progrew- ing rapidlv. Layers of rock have been encount¬ ered Id one or two place* along the route, bat have been easily disposed of. The mil thus far worked consists mainly of sand and grarel. Save on the Eastern Snore of Maryland, per¬ haps no countiy presents fewer obstacles to the coDstraction of a railroad than that marked out as the route of the Baltimore and Potomac. Through the larger portion of Anne Arnndel. Prince George's and Charles the country is level and almost destitute of stone or rock .'and the streams with rare exceptions are Insignificant in their character. . at Iajaartisa Bill. No Injunction bill has yet been filed by the persons who proposed to take legal proceedings a ith a riew to impede the improvement of the District, bnt Mr. W. 8. Cox ha* prepared a bill which it is said will be filed this afternoon or to-morrow. It is drawn , in the name of .eventcen person*. (and lo! A. Grant's name leads all the rent) against H. D. Cooke and the members of trie Board of Public Works, the Secretary, Comptroller and Treasurer of the District. A. Grant & Co. com¬ plain in the bill that the Governor is about to issue bonds under a pretended act of the lx-(fi¬ lature. designated permanent Improvem-nt bonds; that said Secretary is about to counter¬ sign them, and that the proceeds of the sale ot' tLtm it is proi«nsed to be disbursed on warrants at the judgment and discretion of said Board, and the sal.l acts will be highly injurious to them. They further state that they believe the aggregate debt of the District already amount* to fi3.34!M24 : tliat the fc.=esptfd value of the property of the Di-trict is as follows: Washing ton, *tU,f>13,378; Georgetown, #*>.213.4«7; countv, *l,96B,WfSS: making a total of #n,t»1.MlXI. Thev state that by law the aggregate debt can¬ not be increased beyond five per centum of the assessed value of the property unless authority be given by a majority of the voters at a regular election; that the whole amount of debt the I*eg-* islatnre may contract without submitting the oncstkm to the people is 473.70. for that amount added to tho existing indebtedness would amount to #3,839.-TW-TO, wMtn latter sum is 6 per centum of -the aggregate of the last as¬ sessment. They further charge that tho said bill has not been officially published, that it is null and void, and contrary to the organic act. They therefore ask relief by writ of injunction, &c. Arwaal ExplMloa and FJre. EXTEXT OT TUX DAMASK. Gen. Callander, commandant of the Wash¬ ington Arsenal, who was absent at Portress Monroe at the time of the explosion, arrived here yesterday, having been apprised of the disaster !>y tele rajife. lie, with the other officers of the Mrt.otlj'r o«<ers of the I"' ' rL J**- ***.». the store fce*7 , oavnjg issued the necessary order* *. "f^tdouL mVw?!!'1 ^r«'8 overhauled iil^i.^!t 'vP ? v h °*the blanketing is nn- Vo7i«l0rt ° the rtores 1,1 thtJ er part of >©. 2 storehouse were saved than was existed Z P^ktU cUTel>- Workmen are t^ nay pulling down such of the walls as were dangerous, and it is not unlikely that the hniht- vif *ili rebuilt shortly. The cost of br ilding -'house originally was «16^M, the .nh cort ot the BmAnni about the same, and No. J storehouse and shed cost about $10,000 an J it is now est.mated that the loss of military n. the explosion and fire will not be over^Jo noo ^ * tot*1 lo* about #62.000. . ' It is due to the police force to state that they *rT on the ground immediately after the it"- ploMon, and that 14 of Lieutenant Gesafurd's men remained there all night iTwinTui i move and save goods from the lire Oflb-nra nte*^ddth^£^T Tverc tLe ,ir8t to ei,t<?r the £*~» through the exertions of this force were saved.v ln the Photographic rooms Tm Iwnovexexta Loax.Cm/mm* n/f*, Intentf u is i J"1, an<' others who Ijh!' ' '*...». ,to »PPly for an injunction to 5^ i. e ^le or 01 bonds under the act recently passed by the Legislative Ts^bft! MeLnl w A Too?1"1! V°°ke *,ui Kill^Vr. '«« i' 2Z? ' J* ^ M»Km<ler, Hal let iviibourn, uml other member* ot* the District government and friends of the im frov'men measure on Saturday last. - lGo.Y.erri®F c°oke stated that he had negotiated dol^r "SIS* . *.*¦*¦.** cents on the Itollar, and made arrangements for a mil¬ lion more during the present year at the Kune rate, as contemplated by laV/and that amount only. He sai.i absi tl.at he had mtie arrangements to place in the market the entire r only as it is provided by laV toT ' aii that he should not issue an amount of uloi h »i?1 -v w'thin the narrowest hint which the opi>onents of the measure have s«*t i.»r lawful increase of the debt. The amount of the Li?!' T ^hfoithis limit he had alreadv negotiated . The opponents of the loan expressed their «nr- pnsethai tlie Governor had rac^'^ding'tt^ ^ Vut, »tated that nothiw whaUv'rJ and t? bnt a n>po'11 of th»i loan billl and the enactment ot a new one. *MTiaa or the objector* to-day. U wa^ ? consultation this laorning ol ten or a dozen of the anti-improvement men . but, as porters were not admitted, nothing is knmvn jKjsit.vcly as to their acUon. It wL^WtTd outside, however, that they agreed to eeaJ tlwir opj^sttion and take no l iirthe-r proceed ) ret^aled "anll^.^KM? if ,LC W.^.OOO bill "is a 1V*i (iu'i u t i * . l««ed appropriating fli . , ,. L- also *t«ted that several of th<«J. p escut decidcd not to further oppose the loan In I {l ,^d out th« w»y of the car of pro"rex.s 'mprovements go on. Amoag Those present at this meeting were Messra. William H C sgett, George W. Ri^gs, Hcnrv S iZ Walter 8. Cox, and George"H. PUn?. WAflHnroTojr District aitd Seveev nm. MKErixd. About seventy tents re,wtod Th^.n*' 'ii'gto" for th:s camp to this time ,1 ** xeTf .*>"?« encampment, as Bu- densburg PleusaMj Orove, Ijwirol. Sandv nJ?Ving*' Rockville, and ^loutgoiu- rv Dr McCauley s distfict^^e to lie Hu.ak' Jv5UuWC have the companies from An- nat^tei, the Severn, South River, West River ^T?l t " Mary 's ami Charles counties. A new and beautit uf feature of this camp is that Christian people, without denominational nref erew-es, are invited to unite in this " £eat Pea't that^the"^^« -Another great acquisition is or Washti, J . 8 Christian Association" or Washington will have a large tent on the camp ground, in which religious exercises will tar ml; for regular |iost otllce «ecitml The1^. «® .n,;4Un^nt have been .. , ^"E ^^ebal of Rev. Anthony Bowen took Place yesterday from St. PauI!B Chai«d on . t'.D a^d K streets southeast, ai.d a as attended by a large concourse of col- arcd pcoyle^aml many white people, friends of fiTTu « ^ funeral sermon was preached bv &2lU' M* i>iUrt,,r ot tho cliapel. Aiu »ng those present were Messrs. John F. Cook .la* A. M.Urin.P^V tarson, S McFwlan. Chas. Peters, Win. Sy- phax. and Wm. Smith. There were "5" car- " ,ln» *hich followed the remains to Cemetery. Mr. Bowen was sick but a a rJ^r " 'he day before his death sent f.»i a tew of his {MTsonal friends among the colored js ople, and calmly told them that he was about to die.and requested that no displays of music thTShSSLS?*1 be,m**5 at hta funeral bit ^at it should be condneted in a qniet manner gave directions to Perry Carain. a memLr chuirh. what to do for the snccexi of St Pali 1 ^Society, arul mt<le a dUpoaition of proj>erty and elfrctsln a business-like manner. A* "AT.LBRED" MaciJIE . Writ of Hibrzt f2T'»TZ*£ at noon M*J®r Havcock and Lieut. Uurisnw, of -the Marine Corps, pro- before Judge Humphreys on a writ oi' habeas corpus, llennr C. Fernaid, who »eeks his held for duty in the^lari.ie Corps. Major Haycock ami Ueut. Harrington represented the government and submitted a re- tun, to the writ that tho prisoner enlUted In the corpson the 31st of October KM; deserted at juiT^hbut.Td iSic^. S ffKfS£2 ing was post^trtHl It is understood th^t Si claims that he never enlisted in the Marine thorps, and that the case is one of mistaken iden- BrspAT Doj» FIOMTI.O.The police would do well to vartt the river front from tb^ i.on* Bridge to the mouth of the canal. Yesterday a crowd ot young men and bovs amused them- selves duringthe morning by dog fighting at the C?D?Lr®" 7**° hull-terrier* were tearing at b£i? °ih" ^ f^°ut *" hour, and the yelpli^ of htlf ?Sile Wfcl^'d^Ld^ncUy heard fur ;£t ir.'S: rssftjaa."- ,"oo,l °* "j reiiv° KSS^taMM«?" s,r~B »i°f?1«»'.">?fttt f I.o«3; also, lot 21, square 3K, improve<l bv two r?.r ^ * . I^ent, at ^ 10a,*, of the above mentioned property is situated on F street couth, between 9th and 10th west. Fro* Mr. J. C. Parker and Mcwtrs. Philp A I < Sokmocj we have llc.ptr't Bator tor Aug. 5th. 1 < TV new market-house is going np rapidly- The Corceran louaves w about to receive their trm The King rf the Camdbal Islanda la to be snsug otir royai *isitora this The Swiss Benevolent Association had a plcamnt reunion a few evenings since. The annual meeting of the Grand Encamp¬ ment, I. O. O. F., will he held thto evening. A large number of people visited the scene of the arsenal explosion yesterday. Capitol Hill to rejoiced at the prospect of a new water-main. .fn«t now the hopper grasses are piping their Mttle lay, and the politicians tre laying their little pipes. . The German* of this city are about to form an organ! ration looking to the better unity of their conntrymen In Washington. Mr. A. K. Evans to seriously ill. we regret to Jearn. having been striken with paralysis yes¬ terday morning. Msrv had a little lamb. And It went straying ronnd, Till Wheelock's fellows gobbled it, Ana put it in the pound. The colored watchman who sits In an arm chair all day on top of the Treasury bulldin* to said to look about-well. A desirable new pressed brick front residence for i>ale in a good neighborhood, on reasonable term*. See Mr. R. Crult's advertisement. The Tennessee Press Association, embracing sNait vcuty-five or a hundred of the news- I>n|irr inen of that State, will visit Washlngtor next month, arriving on the evening of the 14th. Cars will be running on the Columbia Street Kallwiv in a few davs. The track to already Is id. and the stables'are now being completed on l.r»tb street east, near H. Yesterday morning, about 10 o'clock, a fire was discovered in one of the Lrick bouses in Daridlngton ltow, Capitol Hill. The tire de¬ partment was on hand, but its services were not required, l.oas about #100. The auditing commiarion recently appointed by Governor Cooke are perfecting a set of rules siwi rt gnlationsfor the government of claimant*. The c< mmisaion are also charged with thn duty i.f sting a plan lor the payment of the old irtit ttU ilncstt. 1 he 7th street railway below Maryland avenne in a bad condition. The street to being graded, sn<t one of the tracks is left about eight inches hif hei *han the roadway. Should a loaded car get ©tt the track there it must inevitably be upset. £om" tender-hearted person finds fault with POundmaster Wheelock's method of cobbling dogs. We don't tliink it oc-rttr« to Mr. Wheelock that bis plan to a cruel one. His trap-on to ad¬ mirably adapted to the purp-oev for which It is d. Who would go for the breezes of old ocean, stand tip-toe on the mistv mountain top. or drink giiii-washingH at the springs, all lor 94 per day and extra*. when he can stay at heme and enjoy these delightful days and nights.April, June and September rolled into one. Major McXabb to organizing the second com¬ pany (II) Washington Light Infantry with a fair prospect that it will be & successful of company A. The ranks of this new company are nearly lull, and considerable enthusiasm to manifested l>y the numbers to excel in drill. Mr. W. H. Chase, Superintendent of the Bu¬ rr* u of Sewers and Drains, under the Board of Public Works, is receiving proposals from con¬ tractors for the extension id' tlie four-foot sewer on 3d street northwest from E to I street. This work will be pushed on to completion as rapidly as jowible. .Yesterday rooming a bov named Edward Nel- M>n was walking under the shed of Chambers' ma< bine shop, corner of 5th and H streets, when sn iron girder fell on hto foot, crushing it very severely, and On trying to extricate his foot he broke one ot his fingers He w as taken to Sulli¬ van's drug store, where his wounds were dressed. A tcmpefaaet meeting was held last night at the Church of fhe Immaculate Conception, under the auspices of the Central Catholic Tem- perante Union, which was largely atten<Ie<l. Addrefsra were made by Rev. Fatner McCarthy, and Messrs. I). P. Hoi low sy, F. McXerhany, and others, and a number of" persons took the j "ledge. After services in the 19tli-street Baptist church yesterday, a committee representing Gethaemane Cammandery, Knights Templar, waited upon tlie members and handed over *371, the net pro¬ ceeds ot an excursion to Glymont given by the Commanderv. Kir Knight William Talliafero made an address, which was appropriately re- siiondcd to by Rev. D. W. Anderson, pastor of tlu; church. Matrimonial Squabbles Enimno in Di¬ vorce.In the Equity <x»urt, on Saturday, Justice Wylie granted a divorce a vinculo matri¬ monii in the case of Mary Reynolds vs. Patrick Re> Holds. Her j>etition states that she was mar¬ ried to the defendant on the 3d day of Decctn- l>er. 1065, st St. Matthew's Church, by Rev. Charles I. White, D. I>.; and she charges that the defendant has been intemperate; has cruelly assaulted her at various times, endangering her life; and has not contributed sufficiently for her support, and finally deserted her. The defend¬ ant, in his answer, <k»es not deny intemperance, but emphatically denies cruel treatment, and makes a counter charge that she abused him, and on one occasion " put a head on him" with a tour pound wt ight. Chris. C. Cailan for plain¬ tiff ami L. G. HIno for defendant. The te*timo- uy m MK taken before L. S. Commissioner James O. Clephane. # The Seventh Street Improvement* Mr. Albert Gleason. contractor for the Seventh stri ct sewer and paving, wilt commence to lav the wooden blocks next week at the ferry wharf. He ha" also the contract for taking up and re- 'aying the street railroad track, to conform to he estaolished grade, which work he U pushing orw aid vigorously. THE (OFKTN. POLICE COURT, To-I>at. <7r«y..Betsey Tiflor.elMi'frd with nsing profane language: fined *5, < r workhouse 'JOdays. Martha Brown, enticing I ro*ti»u»i«'n; tiuM §10. Johu Junes, profanity; fined #S. William Soui«rville. drunk and disor¬ derly; fined £$. Daniel Shcehau, cliargoj with biri!c a Slthjr hoc-sty on hU premises; fined $5. Mrr»on Lewi* and Charles Brown. disorderly con| cbict: fined ?5 ea< h. Henry Warren, profanity; fteed Walker Brown, throwing i-tones in the -»re.-i. fined ts-i. Hannah f itzsinunou*. using pro- fatic »ini in»ulfing language ii: Georgetown, fined ¦?:>. Kit-hard Smith, thargtd with committing an a-»*ult uii Richard Scott; case suspended until to¬ morrow. RAtTlOX AX ALLEGE! BAWJJY HOtSE. <»n Hatturday night, ahont one o'clock, Offlrers Murphy and Fit/pati ick made a raid on au alleged l.,.w-r. house iu Laws' Bottom, kept by a colored w. SixII iinmed Elizxlx'th Jones, and arre»t<-d the k< 'i^r and Mary ('nnplfll, Annie Gant. Nourse Willisrr John JoSM,and r-i* more. Th»- prisoners wert- sll brought into Court thi* morniua, wlien the 9>i>Ti Jones was fined §30, or ft) <tava in jail; the remainder of the psrty were dismissed. GEORGETOWN. The Grain Trade Two thousand five hun¬ dred bushels of fair red wheat sold on Saturday ut tn.m 91.40 to rrl.41 j, and *1.51 to (1*06 for prime to choice. Seven hundred bushels of yellow corn sold at 75 cents. The canal boat Seneca has arrived with Hour and feed for Wm. II. Dougal and 1,000 bushels of corn for B. Tal- iK'tt. 'lhe whoouersMargaret EUaand William Henry arrived this morning, from Alexandria, with 2,000 bushel* of ml wheat for Hartley & Bro.; sold at S1.40W to tor fair to prime. The canal boat William II. Biiliuyer, from Shep- heribtown, Va., arrived thi- morning with 3,tfTo l»u>hels of new red wheat, 750 bushels of white corn ami 28 barrels of flour, all consigned to lleorge Waters. Anothek Break in theCanal.A telefn^m dated Sandy Hook. Md., this morning, received nt Collector's office, states that another break ha* occurred In the canal on Five Mile Level, aiw>nt four miles below the late break :it Aior- o rsvilte. The cause of the la-d break was tlie giving away of« stone wall. The division super¬ intendent says the break is a bad oue, and as there are no materials at baud and it is dltHcuii; to get at it, he thinks it will be some time, a week at't:i?t, before it can be repaired sufficiently for boats to pass. These breaks seriously interrupt the business of our coal and grain iiierchauts. lint eight loaded boats arrived at the Collector's ofliee this forenoon. The Ayredcct BaiooK.On examination it is found that more extensive repairs are necessary than Were originally contemplated. It is not piotable that the cars will be able to cross the bridge before the tth or 10th of August. Tiie r< hooxkr John Farnum is loading at J. ti. Waters' wharl 25,4*00 feet of hickory lumber for Boston. The oEncERS of Companies A, E and F of the ilrst regiment National Guard* held a meet¬ ing ra Saturday eveniug and perfected arrauge- meats for a grand plc-nlc shortly. ALEXANDRIA. The Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Com- pan\ have applied for an injunction to restrain the t).. A. Jt M. R- R. and the Western Union legraph Company Trom removing their poles along the line ot the O., A. i ll.R. R. TBI noise of the explosion at the Arsenal, in Washington, thto morning, was so great as to krouse from their slumbers, moat of our cltiaens, and the houses were jarred couslderably. Tbe match game of base ball between the I i mpendent club of thto plaee awd tha Star of Wnshington, was won by the latter.Oatette, Sittir'Ury riming. l^Mr. Octave Pavy to on hto way to 8au Francisco, where he to to make final prepara¬ tions for an attempt to reach the North Pole l>v the wav of Japan and Siberia. He contends that this is the only practicable route. K7-The sun shining through a slightly convex pane of elam set the Interior of a house on tire at ['anandikigua, X. Y., lately. The owner was unfoundedly vexed at the convexity, when he aad to pay afioo for repair*. j KTTennyaon aavm that la Ming a ronng man's fancy lightly turns to "Bionghts of love, prhlch may he all very true; but the Provldenoe Hrrilit says that in midsummer the Methodist's Vnev turns to camp meetings, au<] not lightly, ithcr. CITr ITEMSt . ^ . Fiwe French out. Tortoise Shell, Oroi.fr and Jewelrj receivfd at 1'riggs, uu tiui 16th a street*. Hint Re- Avinue, to-day, between 4)j and Hall'* Vegetable Sionuii --. r »> kkweb the hair from turning mr, and restores hair to Its natural color. White, ChiropoduT, extracts Com*, S5 °lrw BuBtoms, Bad Nails, Ac., witboot pain. Booms Ne. 335 M«h street, oppo- .»" >.»«* CtOTHIIfO. . u*Ti*$ tte Prevailing TTird Timet it becomes every one to economise in their ex¬ penditures. In the article of clothing alone, a sufficient saving can be effected to mitigate in a ". i'reTailing scarcity of money, at P. Wallace's, comer 4k rt. and Pa. are. He offers this oj portunity to the public by seDing the best articles of clothing that can be obtained, atfrom 10 to 30 per cent, cheaper »**»" "WW it to fit* me « uUf. mm, t> Wa"ACH, 631 Penn. avenue, corner 4^ st. mJS -T<>7 & Holden, comer nth **?, Pennsylvania avenue, deliver the ?f Ice Cream to all parts of the city, in quantities to suit the purchaser. tf ¦ew.,,,K was invented many attempts have been made to construct a first-elass machine that could be sold at area jonable price. To the Mi Levi & Hooper and to M*chlne compauies belong* the credit of having succeeded in attaining this i *2" The McLean Hooper-Company ha» pro¬ duced a machine which sews direetly'from tw o terms the ela.nfc lock-Atch. hnd runs lighter than any other machine using two threads. The Wilson Shuttle Machine bears the palm of excellence as a first-class tailoring ma¬ chine, being more durable in construction anu better in the arrangement of its working part*, thereby producing a lighter running and more easily managed shuttle machine than anvot its competitors. Price list:.McLean A Hooper .**» **" *ni1 W®. Wilson's. *40, fhfi *nd fl2i A- «» *. Ko^n- thal, No. ,th street, are the agents, and sell tnese machines on very accommodating terms. *HOW case* tor sale at Prince's Bazar. 1006 Pennsylvania avenne. Hoop Skibts of the best material, made to 0r, rr'ian alwaY* * (t°°d assortment on hand; reason aWe prices, at C. Baux's Haop Skirt Factory, Tthstreet, Intelligencer Building. LAnrEgwlll please cntl and see our improved styles of Corsets, all made of the best materials, and every pair warranted to fit. C. Baum, Cor¬ set Manufacturer, 7th at, Intelligencer Build- lng. Ladies' r wDKROABw kktb of all descriptions, cm hand and made to order, at very reasonable price*, at C. Bath's Undergarment Faitorr 7th street, intelligencer Building. Onm Dollar Kid Gloves are the best Im¬ parted, and always the largest assortment of ?lJLe!^nd c?lor». at c Bach's Kid Glove Depot, ith street, Intelligencer Building. Cabtioit.Beware of /mpottort'..As aome un¬ scrupulous parties are in the habit of stating Ji? c£itir of business are branch stores of the Original Frtnc, I hereby notify the public that I have nob ranch stores, and that I have no connection with any similar institution In this i T?1® Original Franc, dealer In Gent's Furnishing Goods, 431 7th St., between D and £. Gowlixg's Patejtted Nicitu FASTina tor sale wholesale and retail, at the Ori«ta3 Franc's, 4317th street, between D and *. ]f« bjanch stores. Gbiat Vabiett nr White Simm-one, two or three pleate.eyelets, buttons or studs. °Pf®in front or in back.all sixee.at the Origi¬ nal Franc's Gent's Furnishing Store, 431 7th street, at Popular Prioes. No branch stores. But The Celsbbatbd " Fbako" Gollabs, the best Paper Collar in the market, for ¦»'» only at the Original Franc's, 4317th street. Look tor i the name. No branch stores. 4,4 Hempleb has all kinds thermometers and oarometers. I * JTST rK«'«1VED ANOTHER SUPPLY A of those Hugaroured Canvassed HAMS, at, tvI .", Ef-Ib. A,"?i m2Ee of .,h»t JAPAN TEA. at 78 cents per lb. Those that have been waiting can now price of Welch* sack, end all other grades in proportion , . ,, . _ H. KGAW, J5 B St Corner 7th and L streets (9 *°PPl».'L ' hs" rednc^i "ne best FAMILY FLOUR to fa.ao per HITS DUCK AND LIN** SUITS' FOB BOYS. GOOD AND CHEAP. HABLK BROTHERS, * Corner 7 th and D streets. H O I T I H CI T O !! TBE FINEST BUILDING LOTS MARKET! 1* THE « '2 3 EACH MAY BE PAID FOR AT SI A MONTH! ONLY TWENTY MINUTES FROM TH* CITY. And the Junction of tho New BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD Takes place at Huntington. Car Fare but 11 Cents Per Day I Taxes All Paid to Iqelude 1873. Two Large Public Parks in Centre I BRICK HOUSES Of Four, 8lx and Eight Rooms, built to order on accommodating ter i^"Title Perfectly Clear and Unencumbered. . .^'Certificate of Title under Seal of Court to every lot may be seen at the Office. KTCALLAT TH* OFFICJ! AND G*T PAMPH¬ LETS AND FULL INFORMATION. jySP tr No. #17 SEVENTH STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICB. BEN. M. PLTNB, Proprietor. rpn E CELEBRATED ¦TRKAY * LAN MAN'S FLORIDA WATER. TBI MOST LASTING, AGRIEABLX ami RE¬ FRESHING OF ALL PERFUMES, for MS on the Handkerchief, at the Toilet, and la the Bath, gor le all Drnccists and Parfnsasin. soem.w.r.ly REPAIRING PIANOS, 01. Muiical Instruments a 1 ^ nth... ___ and K street. Inve wonderful Musical Dancing Toy toctarj-rs of Musical Instruments and dealers tnlM- e, Musical InstrumenU, and MosicaJ kiwraUyS ||0, TORTBE #0t»Ta OF JULY' I r( gPECjAL NOTIC f. LKRCH. av. and Tl« Tthstrast. gwjr «. ««o, ^ £*3 ?sja/siaaffivji?" p"~< '"r i". #li w . . POE A SELIGSON, ell w,s,tf Georgetown, D. 0. Georgetown Advertisements. 1 fr^*oTICl.-AUpw»««koW»M tb* Luf Excelsior Boainla «»r their >«. *,r I requeued to make rrmrns immediately. By order of tkr PMMi'tt. It F. M. ST.lSTON Tr<»*«r*f. |JY THOMAS IKIWL1KC, **..; Georgetown? FIMB THREK STORY~BRH K DWELLING, OH A LONG CRID IT. AT AUCTION I will ix-n. at taction, oa * KDHUDAT . Hp> JoIt the ltth ln«t., at o o'clock r. m , on the ^".prrmiM*. that fine new three-atari Brick Pwel- 11ns and bark building on the eul side of Market Hrr«t, next math of tbe roroer of M atr-et. The building* contain nine room* and Urv cellar. Ga« throughout the hone*; water in tike kitrh'ii. Lit 15 fe*« front by 100 feet deep, rut Bins back to a 13 foot Tnw: One fourth caah, remainder In 1,1 and 3 year*, with Interest at 7 per cent., payable quarterly, secured by a de»-d of tru>t Stani[> and coaveyauciug at coat of purchaser. ffiO down at sale. jyll-d [Kep.JtConr.] THOB DOWLING, Awl. ¦CTTHE ABOVE PALE IS POSTPONED. ON account of the rain, until MOHPAT. Jul) 94tk, at 6 o clock, immediately after tbe aale of the Bohrer preaertv. jyg-tt . THOMAS DOWLING, A wet. |JY THOMAS DOWLING, Aacfr; Georgetown. EXEOUTOB-B BALK ~~OF VALUABLE IM PROVED PROPERTY IM GEORGETOWN, I> C.. AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY. Jnly 11th, at » o'clock), m., ¦33 l a ill cell, en the premises. part of L"t No. 31, nting 60 foet on the m»rth side of Gav «tr»et. between Congress and High streets, by a depth of 130 feat. The improt UDenU ontiM of a large and aub- ¦tantial three-stcry Dwelling House, the former rea- idanc*' of the late Dr. B. S. Bohrer. Ti rm«: One third cash: balance in (and 13 narmthe, with Interest, for which purchaaer au< aire hia notes. aecured i>¥ dM of troat. or to have the option of paying all cash. f 200 will ba required o* the aale a* aoon aa the property u atrnck wn. Conveyanc¬ ing alid stamp* at the cuat af the purchaaer. If the term* of the aale are not Complied with in lire day*, the Executor reaervea the right to ruwll at the rl«k and cost of defaulting pnr< h»»er, in one week . notice It. some newspaper published in the District of Colam- THE PURCHASER OF THE ABOVE niece of property. having failed to comply with the term* above imn< d. at a former aale on the Sith day of Muy, UTl. the before mentioned described real estate a ill be «o!d *t hia risk and coat, aa defaulting purchaaer of the- mie. GfcoRGE A. BOHRER, Executor. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ABOVE, . I Will aell part of Lota, Xos. 30,21 aud 32, on tbe north nide of the Canal. *i»t of Congreaa street. running to Sr»t alley, fronting 113 feet on the Canal.by 13iS feat on the south aide of f rat alley, improved by a .mail Brick ll. u-e. T<rms aaaboye GEORGE A. BOIIKEK. Executor, je 28 THOMAS DOWLING, Auct. .5TTHE ABOVE SALES ARE POSTPONED OX account of the rain until H EDNSSDAY, July 19tb, aame hour aud aJac". _ , GEORGE A. BOHRER, Executor, jj T3 THOMAS DOWLRiG, Auct. ¦*-THE ABOVE SALE IB BTILL FURTHER pvntroni'd, ou account of the rain, until MONDAY, July 34 th, aame h«»nr and place. GEORGE A BOHRER Execut r. jy30 THOMAS POWLINQ. Auct. J^Y THOMAS DOWLING, Auct r; Georgetown. TI RSTEE8 SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY IN GEORGETOWN. D.C. MBy virtue of a deed of truat, dated Auguat .tlat. A. P. 1866, and dnly recorded ia Libar B. M. H..No. 1». folio"SOti^ono of tbe land rec orda of Waaliington county, Diatrict of Colombia, and at the re«iueat of the Treasurer of tbe Central Building Aaaociation of Georgetown, Diatrict of Co¬ lumbia,we will aell at public auction,on TUESDAY, the lat day of Auguat, A. D ItCl, in front of the premiaea.at the hour of A o'clock p. m .' all that part of Lot No. 16, in old Georgetown, Diatrict of Columbia: Beginning for the aame on the north aide of Bridge atreet, at tLe point where the weat bomd ary lit* it Mid Lot No. 16 interaect* Mkid atreet. and running thence taat with the liue of Bridge atreet 30 TeM, Wore or leaa, to the 13- foot alley laid out north and aouth through aaid lot 16; thence north by and with raid alley 130 feet, more or leaa,to a line equally diatant in a atraight line from Bridge atreet and Proepoct atreet; tnence weat with aaid line and par¬ allel to Bridge atreet 30 feet, more or leaa. to the weat boundary line of aaid lot 16, thence with aaid weat boundary line to the beginning, aulyect to the right of way over tbe aaid 13 foot alley, improved with a two-atory Briek Dwelling. Terrna of aale: One-third oaah: balance hi two equal payment* at 6 and 13 moatha, with interest from tlie day of aale, aeeured by daed of troat on premiaea aola. Htamn and conveyancing at tbe ooat iff the purchaaer. If term* of aale are not complied with in flvedaya from day of aale, the Truateea re- aerve the right to reeell the nremiae* at the ririt and curt of tbe defaulting purcnaaar. npon five daya' public notice. A depoait of RUI0 will be required at lima of ml*. WM. D.CAKSIN, FRED. W. JONES. \ je30-law3w*dta THOS. DOWLINO, Anct'r. ASH PAID FOB LADIES'. GENT'S AND ^ CHILDREN'S CAST OFF CLOTHING. OOTS. SHOES,etc.,at L. GRADWOUL'S. 1733a ridge atreet, Georgetown. Note by mail from Georgetown or Waahington attended to. oc36-ly c REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Ca HAYEHIEI 4k CO., KfcAL ESTATE AXD NOTE BROKERS ASD AUCTIONEERS, 643 LOUISIANA AVENUE, THIRD DOOR EAST OF SEVENTH STREET $365,000 to lend on Real Eatate in tbe District of Columbia. 927,000 for Bufcineaa Notea and Temporary Loan*. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE PENDING NEGO T1ATIONS. Prompt p*moral attention given to al! matter* is- ti uated to our care. jyl3 C. W. HAVXNNER A CO. ^HARRINGTON BACHE A CO., t'REEDMEX' S REAL ESTATE AO ENTS AND BROKERS, Plant's Building, corner l&th atreet and New York avenue. We would inform the public that we have opened an agency In thia city for the purchaee, aale and rent of property, aud tbe collection of rent*. Freedmen having bouaea and lota for aale or rant, or those wishing to rent or purchaae houses and lota, will find It to tbelr interest to call on ua. We have Houaes and Lots for sale on Capitol Hill, and in northwestern part of the city. Money to loan on real aetata also. jy3 lm* j^jcMEMSEY A CO., (Socthxakt Cob. 7th in E Btxexts n. W.,) STOCK, BOND, AND NOTE BROKERS LOANS NEGOTIATED. INVESTMENTS MADB. DEFERRED PURCHASE NOTES WANTED. jeg-lm* H. HOLDEN. GEO. W. CLARE. C. H. HOLDEM At CX>., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 633 L0UI8IANA AVENUE, jelS-ly WASHINGTON, DO. Ca Ta M. MrROBERTS, ANDREW B. COYLE Atlurntv ai Law. HcROBERTR At CO., REAL ESTATB AND INSUBANCE OFFICE. Corner 10th and G streets, opp. D. 8. Treasury, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Serial attention pmi4 la oil bnsinus btfmt tk» M»- rat Dtpnrtmtnl* tjtfu Goremmrnt. aplS JUSTIN P. BROWN, CONTRACTOR AND REAL ESTATB AGENT Comer of New York avenue mod 1Mb atreet. credit. ^Souaea erSSi for «Ue on i and long time not^uk-'",1. owning .aper bought and eold **>®ant. Sanl Jclt^e fsp-tf^ 0OL11BU HOSPITAL Comer of Pmmyirania avenue This Hospital Is attuatod In one of tbo most heal¬ thy portions of tbe District, surrounded by Its own grounds; tbe rooaaa ara large and alrv and supplied with tbe comforts of home. Ladiea living at a dis¬ tance whe may ba iastraoa of availing tbamaelTss of tbe benefit of treatment in thia IaatftaUoa ean se¬ cure private rooma by applying to tbe Surgeon in chief >r tbe Matron. Tbe arioe of these rooms van Nnrsin*? MedSml Vedf: United States Army and Navy, or fcaalos who may ^ -1 of the 1 nnraiag. Cards at . of the Surgeon G.aral, 0 . S. Ar corner of PeMaylvaaia aren of the Burgeon in cbiaf at to tbase jMgt be obtained of *%^aiting Syt^TUESDAYB and FBIDAYS, tnm 10 to 3. MEDICAL STAFF: " "SKJSSA&iKia'JtrS.. CONSULTING BO ABD:, iuwOtd:; ,3.fc. a.E3USstt: i*JJr J^INEN DUC* SUITS 1 LINEN DUCK BUTTS!! GOOD AND CHEAP- H ABLE BBOTHEBS, je Btr Corner Tth and D streeU, FAMILY SUPPLIER tc. c t S. O'UK * NI, FIX* cnocess, 1913 Tth Strut S. W., mvin II aid I. are selling WELCH* BE«T F \MILY TLOri at f*A« FAMILY FLOUB at FLoiBali gradeeecdallptieee. . 8TBICTLT CHOICE BUTTEBI BEA CTIFl'L YELLOW GOSHEN Bl'TTEBi _ ooffebs; coffees - fr^h «*. «rv <1sy in a html F<>*r»*r-whwh titn all !tw nut urn I vn* ,4 thr Coffee. hir Bio» p*r *«!; baytM y oar Coflhee utM.M*' ¦» ¦« water in rooting tb«B. NEW TEAS! NEW TEAS) Our stuck of Y«m inHud-e s,-me of Li Tni Imperial T«e fr.se 45 ceate Kr p<>u*d end nrvtnl- B^atiful Imperial, Gaap.»w* r. T>«ui« Hy»!e7 Japan. Outing and lii»>fa«t Teas at *1 per »tu.' Very l»* T «< be l»c mm «1 per p.uiMi ALE and POBTEB. Tl cts y<er dot J pounds SOFT SHELL ALMONDS for 91 FANCY CAKES la Variety. C. B. OH ABE * BOH, . fl (>»» 7th street N. W. bet Xn41 pMl B BOWS! *Wll KMIWX n - FLOI R BOWSn: DO NOT BE DECEIVED. FLPUB HAS DECLINED, AND THOSE WHO PATBONI7E 18 WTLL KKCK1VE TUB BENEFIT OF TUB DECLINE. PBICE REDUCED FROM AOc. TO ?! PER BBL according TO BRAND. HAMS AND BACOX. .Jd «eote .'"* rw,Tfd *veral t try h-avy iami rtl, SHOULDER* - SIDES .**>* iSfi&jtsSIFEr- rlt 11AII8 » « » DAM8-litri Sugar i'urtd..1 11c SUGARS. (Beet New York Brands ) po^Dijm?:. }$!* GRANULATED _Z 14X ''a-coffii jcunM. k ~::zz.S S £ Kg&HS&r'* Lt*ht . . Kicd.. TEAS. imperial s»r ««- . zzzzz: TV JAPAN, Bill* ~"*T Jc Choto. .It ooLOBoIG^ria*^".!:.!rf-.:-:,ss = §Sg===EEEEM ekglis gunpowdeb. U* rine i|fi - Mf*c=E=E:}i As will be M«a by the abo-ve list oar stock oota prleea aixteen different Tarletiee, of which we hate a large supply now on hand, and are constantly re¬ ceiving frcoh invoices, and oar facilities for obtaia- ing and receiving the Mle are each a* that we have no hesitancy in aaaerting that we are able to '."inpttt fally with any house thia aide of Hew York. COFFEE. JAVA.!. r" thU I*1*0 *"1* Md Complete. JAVA^ «.»*¦¦¦¦« Jf- Java rhi'wTMt 01a B*- MABACAbI»^£li2S,r'n,m#Bt ^ '2 RK t.B<it Uroen 1 ^a' BIO.Good Green.... »#c In ahort, we mak' a specialty of the FAMILY TRADE, and make ft our etndy to furnish the rrry btu of ererything In the way or family anppli«a generally. Onr facilitiea for baying and freighting are unanr- pae»e<I, and we guarantee u> aell ai low aa aty ot her house in the city, aa also to give the article.and *«*«. ttty.aa represented, or aoxxY turvsDtv. XXPHOMZO YOOGS dfc co^ GROOER8, MASONIC TEMPLE, BINTH STREET, OPPOSITE PATEXT OFFICS. ELPHOHJEO YOUNGS. J y»» BBAM. j jyU-tf 1IBBWVIXQ * BIDBLETOX onl f.vn would resi^cUaily aak a trial o their fine OOLONG tea, at B1 per pound, as it has. been prunouaoad by coaaotsaaara the toast la I the market. 1 TEAS 1 FINEST GUNPOWDER. F1BBST IMPERIAL, FINEST Yoi'fco HYSON, FINE8T JAPAN. rreMTIKOLIBH 814 Pennsylvania aveaus. MOCHA, 0LDCGUYKRNMENT java, '*TLtJ^oi.5.ocayka- maracaibo. RIO, ROASTED COFFEE ALL GRADES For aale low, by BROWNING t MIDDLETON, *1* Pennsylvania avenaa. FISH. No. 1 MESS MACBEREL. No. I GEORGE 8 BANE MACBEBEL. No. > fat MACKE!;FL, ' Mo. 1 ECONOMY 8HAD, BT. JOHN A LEW TVE8. PORTSMOUTH SPLIT HERRING, pickled 8AT1MON. CODFISH and scaled HERBINO. For aale tow, by ' BROWNING k beating. Penasylvaaia aveaue. ASTRAI, OIL. Dnetfm Pratt r Mon Erplourt JrtrmHOil. Jnrt received. liWUnllons Pratt s ASTRAL oil, £mrtar!*' .*»!«».. Trade supplied at New York prices, by BROWNING A MIDDLETOB, 814 Penaaylvaala aveaue. _ _ WINES, Be. Onr ttock of WINEb and LIQUORS taveryrnm (Sr pagrie among wUirh can be fownd. L. lUwderer's "Carta F" Vre. CUcaaot M ett k Oiabdwr,(Gi«Mi8eal,) do'. Pilrau6" l*~"" t . _ Aim, ac#<£3TdSSfc.. California Braady, ' Tla^al, r,kwe*. For Mia low, by BllOWNING B M Pwt, i,""V!?AaB2t^SS _ . SHERRY WIBB IB BOND. ..Ti^Vu; KtC jtfsus ass* D..^> which we wlllaaU at a eery Mall Ywis Ofcdli, m4 hfti bwB pro- WM. TBBBBY . BEST FAMILY FLOUB, Madaby W. H. Tenaey A Soaa, Georgetoa., D.O., warranted fully equal to aay Family Flow .old ia the District. Persons wanting Floor uniform and of the boat quality are reqaeeted to give iLm uial. Beery barrel axtd sack gaaiaateed. For sale by BALL A HUM*. No. 9o7 Market Snace . POOLE A HUME. Jts-la Be. 4#4 Peas, are.,near 1* st. FAMILY SUPPLIES, Etc. 0 I T I lost- loiti 1 MOHT or. Ttot imtiTBU thowM trying to ocmpeta wit* I « MO. r. 'or in the «»iM. 11* J**"1* ., .. * ter fo 1. Port Paw<ly FV^ar in tbe aartort. #? * r»m Vblfur f I Jl aa mcuW|<4 lu* |SJ0«< by 0 Pin. ApH* n*m». P. C . only Ur lb. hnirur < nred Has*. Vr Ik. Bafnr mrwl Bacon. ItHc. A. award* M. 'mM'x Kuom.tr lb. a*»anl» Leaf lb. Uwt BaU«-« ..»! > »> It. SBgP B Suifar. «yOt». coffees and tea* tsas k si ewkv B-t B!«rb T. .*V »b. J a pen Ten only I* lb. - ( b.., -* Imperial uil J . Jum recJvw. Kaim-n mo«. ftndftftbotca kit o( Driad U\ PENNSYLVANIA AVINrB. jyl *1 an«i «*» . north F' AT SMALL PROFITS. \fr reepectfully cftll the attention of pure ovratockof LI3 FIXE TEAS, COFFEES, Jtc , which we ut selling at ft r*ry .aUftdTftne*. ALSO. TO OUR CHOICE BRANDS OF WISES, LEAS DIES, AXD WHISKIES, AT VEBT LOW riUl KBS. 1EIUE1 * BVIXX 411 SEVENTH STBBE1, Br.h* tr Nftt to Odd F*Uo»«^i ft* J 18 TB B CB I T I D . PURE WHISKIES.-KUIar, Baker. ©rey, Gnlf, aad Ho >reV BR ANDY.-Vintage of 19«. CIS. SHERRY VIM, Ac-Be«t brand*. Hiffial attention paid %o WUm aud Lienor* for Hedicual and Tamil? u-<-. Aln». A Oeneral A.»ort»*tit .i PINB OBorBBIK*. RAMSiUBACON, BCTTEBlHBEsB.CANNhO GOODS, Ac. . o . V.HA.S A. APPEL, _ joja ly ronw lttl and f j^LOlB, MEAL. HILL FEED, AT VKBT LOW BATES. ELEGANT OATS. .oane of lb* Hw»f »rn bronirht to thhi market, AT VEBY LOW BATB8 WH. H. GALT A CO . Indiana arenne and let ni*W, jrl Near Baito and Ohio Raiki.<a-i Depot. R. ¦ LADY BEL1CI' CUBES THE WUEIT PAINS . ft IN FROM OXE TO TWENTY MINl'TE* HOT OXE HOrB after reading this advertisement nted any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. MAD WAYS READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVER Y FAIN. It wm ibe firrt, aad ia THE ONLT TAIN BEMEL'Y that inatantly «top« the m.*t cxcrnciatinc ram*, al¬ lay* lbflammatinaa. and care* < on*eatione. wh ili r of the Liuifi. tuiiocb. livitcUi ut uUwr (UiiUt gr Lirgaii*. by <ne application. IN FKOM ONE TO TWENTY HINLTB!?. rtn matter how violent or excruciating the pain the BflEl HATtC. *e.< cue. Neuralgic,or prcalralod auiidinaw inay »ui) r, BADBAYt) BKADY BEULF WILL AFFwBO INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF TQE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TUB BL.VM KB. INFLAMMATION OF TUB BOWELS. CONGESTION OF TIIE Ll'NOS. tM)BE Til BOAT, DIFFDXLT BEEATIIING. PALPITATION OF TUE HEABT. IIYcTEKl'.'S, CBOl'P, DIPTUEB1A. CATABBU.INFLUENZA. llEADACOE. TOOTHACHE. NEIBALGIA. BHEl MATI?M. COLD CHILLS. AOL B CHILLS. The appliration of the BEADY RELIEF to th<i part or part* where tbi- pauioi difficult) ciltu w.U afl. rd cav and mailurt Twenty dr<ip» in half a tntnMor of water will in a few ainiatra care VRAM PS. SPASMS, SOI H STOMACH. HEARTBURN. SKK Hk.AU- ACHE. DJARRH(EA. DYSENTERY. iVjI.H', WIND IN THE BOWELS and aU INTERS A L FAINS. TraTeler* PhonM alwar* earrr a bottle of R \ r»- WAY SBA ADY RELIEF wiUi then A ie« ,|r ,p* in water will preheat Mclutem or paiu* fr<«irltaUK* of water. It u tetter than Frvucli braud> or bitlrn aa a »tia.ul«ut. FEVER AND AO UK. FEVEB AND AGUEcnrwd for MIt cnb. Tbera not a rtwtrdial «*'-ut in thia world tliat w (II nira Peveraud A<rue, a»nl ail other Halanou*. Bilon«. Scarlet. Tj l J«oidi . ell.^r, and oiher P>-\-r- ai.i I bv BADWAl * PILLS) ao «uick aa BADWAY S RKALY RELIEF. Fifty cwttp>rkuUk. MrMpaHII THE GBEAT BLOOD PUBIFIEB. E'frylri^ of the SARSAPABILLIAN RESOL¬ VENT MMMkalN till .ach the BI<H>d. Sweat, Urine.and other fluid* and jnicaaof the »t. tu/U ntor of it/«. fur It repnir* the waate* of the I, ?!, with new ai d i-.nnd antariai. Srrtfmim, Svw.I, (iinKflKM, ttlandmlmr Ulrrn «« tkr Throat, Muvtk. Tumors. A<W«> m tkr (itam-i . +m l ohur rmrt* nf lit niMtm, Sor, KftM Hfumorom* ^I»tolll/'>W 'n Mars. mn1 (w troril ffr,n» at/ rimaw w ^-... - ¦ .. .* . r»w ^tyi mm trill prort to (a> peitmm miM U for titker at tk*M form* 9/4umm U* pm>*i potetr to tmrt tktw.m If the patient, daily beooniji* radaced by tho ttftn and Afwepoiatian that b ooatinaahy arv> crtweinc, anci-ee4e in artwMin* theae waMct. andre- a- aA.^ aw ¦ t n..tr niftfi rtu 1 mai4* f \ . . Ki l veifht increaainc. No* mtydoeftthafanaaPamnxiAa Ro^i vttt ex eel all known remedial a«e«u in the rwr* ot .'br»wi»e I Scrofulona, C -nrtitational aad Skin rtiamaai. bnt it h the only po«ttiv« care for KIDNEY AND BLADDBB COMPLAINTS. Urinary and Womb dWeftaea, Orarel, fej/Cf1* Dtoeaae.A^winaiinTaSi iaalfnay wb»i a there are brick-d«Rd«WHHa. or the water thick, Sasa-x ae^sr jtxz aaalnc water, and pnin la the maill of perfectly taaoleaa. ( «rae, recnlate, pnrify, cl Pilla. tor the rmrt of i Uv(t,Bo««b jjimWAi. Ooa D) »)>epaia. B ^ Coaatipntlfta.Coatiraaeaa. lndi- feation. Dy»i«epaia. Bilionaw. Bilioua Peeer, !i fl.nunation oTUw Bwweta, Pilea and all Darmacc- mente of tlie Internal Ylacara. Warrant^,! i ft noatttw car*. Parftli V- setabW coaimuiV a* aiiiiil lalin uTi nr iV lrlnTiin ill hi A few Aoaaa of BADW ATI PILLS will fry tha ayctem frotr »Li tti- alv.\r itamtid di»onler». Trim, i centa par Bo*. SOLD BY DBUGGIST# READ " FALKK AND T*riC ' **& JJJf .tamp to HA^WAY A CO . No #7 Haiftea L»-e. N'-w York. Information worth thpewnd* .cut yon. jlipm.wJ.aw jj

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R»pM PWfW «f th«

T*« fmtvmmt mm4 Emsitrm ItrmmehTuHmel.U.hrr HVri

i.« ««4 ««/.<*« f*> tt.mtrict.

Tin' Fatt.more and Potomac Railroad Is mak-in* iapid |>ro^rei» t -wards completion, and wemay expert t > hear the whistling of their loco-mouvts in a eemparatively short time. Thiaroad, besbles itf impertoat connection* north andsouth, a ill bring tis into close communion witha productive poiuon of Maryland beretnrore?iHaptl*°)aWdl,0,a by countryTHE "RIM.* OTE* THE EASTIR5 l^ASf H,

mow building, cxuMM that stream diagonally< onnetting with the went bank at a point near

geTenimcut magazine. The piles for thatI«art of the structure through deep water arenear y all driven, and the Vary timb^ f£"ringers are being put in place. On each tide«»t the thamu'l, at tar a* the Mats extend anearth embankment has been filled in to deep

»n'! where till* embankment atnp* onem h siek abntmentx are ty l« huilt and a.lrawi>lac« d lor the sce-ommodation of boats. Thisbridge w:ll be finished so that lacomotives cantfa on it by Oc»of>er.

iHL K »AD Tinamakes a enrv e along the fitore. and pa<*e« saath.»i the Congressional Cemetery to a point be¬tween the }» ivy Vard bridge and the old bri<lgeeastol it.when; it enters Virginia avenue througha tle-ep cut in the bank, wuieh extend* to th«ramie somewhere near 14th street southeast.I his fat a long and deep ent through roan*- era velami ocearional layers of red and brown dav*«uie ot this clay, when drv, h very hard, andI>resenf-< the appearance of red chalk Through. his .»*ep cut, extending from the ravine

i**»r Uie bridge, a woolen track has besenlaid tor h..r«e cars » hick aru kept busy early andlate-carry ing this gravel to the river filing, extender the roa.1 in wi.lth aud h-ngth. Bv mean*oi this temporary railway, one norse can draw¦"J*1' e.ght with the ordinary horse carU.Thin excavation will mxmi be completed a» l"ar

a« l^th street cast, wherethemm

commences, ot the es«t side of the street. Theentire length ot this tunnel is through a vastgravel bank, and great precautious arc neces¬sary to prevent the hank* from tailing to. Thework here » necessarily slow , as the dirt has tobe carted a long way to be dmnped. other diffl-culties are encountered: the water and gas pipeswkichw.ni.ply the navy yard ran gown e.arrisonKre. t. and have to be kept In place bv shoringup. or-tii means can be taken to sink them underthe bottom or the tunnel; the water, too, which

»"t ot this gravel, accumulates, aud haa tabe -Icatoed off. The excavation for the tunnelhowever, is nearly complete. only one souare^myktojth.i Virginia avenuf-,) re^2a^Juiiton. ned. The tunnel proper extends fhm theea%t sjdeot 12th to the west aide of 7tli str vtseast. and the remaining distance, to the marketbouse, where thj road comes out to the level ofthe street, is hamlsomely wailed op on each sidewith rabble work, ttuished with a foping ofitemed Seneca stone, along which is to be patsubstanv.al iron fence*.

Toi ihrectios or thi eoadis changed at Harrison street off from Virginiaavenue to K street southeast, over which street it

uf sW®.of ^ canal, southwesttrom the I5.ag.lcr residence, ami toi lows up thecanal to > Irglnla avenue; little or no gradingben.g necessary after it leaves the cunnel until

®verM,he Ij°ng BridP int® Virginia,with the exception of a lew feet which has to betaken ofl on Maryland avenue from 11th to 13thMree ts. southwest, ami filled in near the BonirBrnlge. to meet the elevated grade there.

.4XD C,*T Or TJIB Tf*5IL work.The work commenced on the tunnel the 5th

. day «f duly, ls70, and will, In all probability, re¬quire another year to complete It. The esti¬mated cost is not much less than one and a halfmillions ot dollars, from the west entrance of thetnnnel to the Kastern Branch. Most of the stonem*el for arching, and aide walla, is brought fromthe Potomac blue stone .luarriea, above George-

i1'vM irounu ou scovt to the navyyard bridge, from which point It is hauled to thetunnel. I our heavy derricks are used for lower-ingthe stone to the places In the tunnel, and ape rfect net-work of gny-ropes obatract the wavto the vicinity of Garrison street and Virginiaavenue, giving a busy appearance to this part ofthe rlty. \A large number of railroad ties are in readi¬

ness, piled up on the banks of the EasternBranch, aud the steel raila will soon be cumintin tor this section of the road. Some of themare already on the ground, and will be laid tJ»i»season.Operations at

THE Lose BRtDCCare also progressing as rapidly as possible, con-sieie ring the <i:t»iciilti«-s the company have toeortend with and the extent of the work to beaccemp .die.L The causeway from the Virginia»he>re to the abuu.i, i,r i completed, save wherean aiertiire has been left open for the plauk.way to the water, on the ui»per siele, and on«l.ich tlie heavy stones are itnloa<ied from the!toa?- and rolled to the top ot the causewaywhere they are cnt an.l fitted for their places'!Th:s abutment wall of blue stone, laid inb><Irauhc cciucnt, with the cop'ng of light -and-ste ne, presents a very subatanUal appeaiance.and is pronounced a ^o. 1 job by good judge*.Between this abutment and the cnannel the reare tour stone piers-, almost completed, and be¬tween the channel and the abutment on these^uth end ot the center causeway there are eightpiers now being consiructed. making twtlwe alto-getker, besides the draw piers at the channel.I I'tse piers are all built ui<vn a foundation of

C«lesot«llowpine. tipped with an iron jwint.k'lorn .**mg drive'n. to i«enotTatc tar below the

beo of the ruer, into a hard gravel bottom.These logs are brought from Aceotink creek

and fiimiahed by Captain Troth. The piers arep.aced as tar as practicable on the jutes of theolel ones, as the foundations there are thought tobe more secure. The work of building one ofthe^e pie rs is verj slow ami teelious ; five rowsot piles have to be driven close together, thewi.tib o# the bndge *dtk a two toot space be¬tween each row.

SAWtltO %he rtLita.The* piles are then sawed ott wiuarelv umler

*ater, at a depth of al«out six feet below lowwater mark. This is done by means of an in-grmoMs machine contrived by tJhier EhgioeerPartridge, and consists or a circular saw at¬tached to an upright iron shaft, kept In positionby a heavy ami well braced framework and.Inven by a six-horse engine, the whole con¬structed on a flat boat and movable abont. where."ver wanted. This iron shaft can be lowered orraised to any eieaireel point, and a belt whichl>af«es around the small drum through whichruns the shaft, and around a larger one near theengine at the rear of the boat, drives this saw

W. V*1®* M above water, and cuts off

the piles with great ease, making a level surfaceto receive the timbers. Tho piles are thensecured in place by 14-inch square oak timbers,which ye placed along on the rows of piles and !secured by a k»ng heavy holt of iron driventtirough and .leepinto each pile. Across theseare then laid a close flooring of Li-inch s<iuare«ak timber, bolted down in the same manner tothe bottom timbers. A frame work of the samesize timbe r is then placed around the border ofthi« floor and bolted down, forming a kiu.i ofsquare solid oak bo* on the top and 12 inchesdeep. Tbia Is nearlv filled with a concrete madeot cement and rubble stone, and soon becomesrn.hardasagrm.ite le«lge. The stoiw fouu.la-114,11; '* bmlt upon this, and the pier isearned up to ten feet above high water mark

to tkLriver*6*1 °f^ higLOTtknown_v

WOKIIJC r^TDEE WATER."hen there is we>rk to be done uneler water a

eiiver with a .hving-bell auda complete paraphe'r-nalia lor bnadiing pwpMea, goe^ .Wn andwe>rks away for hours at a time. This man hasbeen brought here from Annapolis, and with aboy attendant, does all the amphUn-ut work

trioTJ? "* thC ccn,Panir 9301"* *»> for his ser-

. _the riEr.a

* ' of C,at stnne, brought from Atniai.ret-k anel Prre Mtone Point, and are quarriedai.«l sent here by contract. Tne .Hatance be-133 fe,:t' "ley will be

pi 'rut*.October it t.duaud weather

Tim Iron materials consisting or rods, anele-.!*£' bt,lt,,' noto» braces, *er?w-

a"*1 »1*". «e ou the groundr L/ J"; T1"' heavy stringers and timberwork for the bndgea are being framt-.] on thegr.Mimls Wyon.l tLj old tavernfin the Virginiasnle ot the river. Thi* timber is or the be-*«iual*y of oak. ami will b«dr«dPointed wltk oil and lead. 1 ***

Nothing further needs to be .lone with_ .

t»i cacsawarfor the present; it to baUt op nearly to the es¬tablished grade, ami the coping toto be added»to>. airootwaik ou the north aide, which n to beeonstrveted by caet-iron brackets projoetingover the wall, which are arc tired to the *toue

\m iTOt »U1 >e outside* of all.The woik on the dotto end -of this bridge willcommeneod, and the piers th.< \mUre

lei-gtk be above water before cold weather s*csto. The estimated com. of this portion of thecompany > work is not much less than that orthe tunnel. The contractors.Messrs. CampbellA Km..for cutting and grading the rami to Al-rxan.tria have pat on a force of laborers andteams at the t ooi-mile rau grading. Mr. Part-r»lre is chief engineer. Mr. «. W. Horner mtf-dri.t engineer. Mew. Kowler ft Tarwood aretl». c ntrm u** for quarrying the blue and sand-st >ne ior the briilge.

octside of the OISTB1CTthe work is progressing finely. Tke track hasV. n laid south of the Annapolis and ElkrnlgeB » iroad as faraathe I.itUe Patuxent. ami north.h that road about three mile*. The bridgeacn>-- Hcgne Harbor, a saaall -trenm runninginto the Patuxent, has been completed, and the. ars have paused over. It consists of one soaaur v-five fret In length. The bridge over theIJtv Pataxent.oiiespao 1*) fret in length-linj?>t d^b I "i"hf'!, %n«I the track Imping 141 u*h# J fe rward with the utmost dispatch to th"

Big Pifnxent.two mile* distant.»tiw abridgeIn two »]>an« each Ifin tret in length will be cum-pleted in fifteen <lav8. From the junction, a shortdistance from the Big Patuxent, the work »ill berapidly pushed south, both toward* Marlboro',on the main stem, and Washington, on theWashington branch. In the meantime partiesofworkmen are Ityinn the track north towardsBaltimore. Six mile* of the track are alreadylaid. and the prospect is more than fair thaitrain- will be runningtd Marlboro bv Octoberandon the Wellington Rrauch before ChriatinAa.Tho work on the Baltimore tunnel Is progrew-ing rapidlv. Layers of rock have been encount¬ered Id one or two place* along the route, bathave been easily disposed of. The mil thus farworked consists mainly of sand and grarel.Save on the Eastern Snore of Maryland, per¬haps no countiy presents fewer obstacles to thecoDstraction of a railroad than that marked outas the route of the Baltimore and Potomac.Through the larger portion of Anne Arnndel.Prince George's and Charles the country is leveland almost destitute of stone or rock .'and thestreams with rare exceptions are Insignificant intheir character.

.at Iajaartisa Bill.

No Injunction bill has yet been filed by thepersons who proposed to take legal proceedingsa ith a riew to impede the improvement of theDistrict, bnt Mr. W. 8. Cox ha* prepared a billwhich it is said will be filed this afternoon orto-morrow. It is drawn , in the name of.eventcen person*. (and lo! A. Grant'sname leads all the rent) against H. D.Cooke and the members of trie Board ofPublic Works, the Secretary, Comptroller andTreasurer of the District. A. Grant & Co. com¬plain in the bill that the Governor is about toissue bonds under a pretended act of the lx-(fi¬lature. designated permanent Improvem-ntbonds; that said Secretary is about to counter¬sign them, and that the proceeds of the saleot' tLtm it is proi«nsed to be disbursedon warrants at the judgment and discretionof said Board, and the sal.l acts will behighly injurious to them. They further statethat they believe the aggregate debt of theDistrict already amount* to fi3.34!M24 :tliat the fc.=esptfd value of the property ofthe Di-trict is as follows: Washington,*tU,f>13,378; Georgetown, #*>.213.4«7; countv,*l,96B,WfSS: making a total of #n,t»1.MlXI.Thev state that by law the aggregate debt can¬not be increased beyond five per centum of theassessed value of the property unless authoritybe given by a majority of the voters at a regularelection; that the whole amount of debt the I*eg-*islatnre may contract without submitting theoncstkm to the people is 473.70. for thatamount added to tho existing indebtednesswould amount to #3,839.-TW-TO, wMtn latter sumis 6 per centum of -the aggregate of the last as¬sessment. They further charge that tho saidbill has not been officially published, that it isnull and void, and contrary to the organic act.They therefore ask relief by writ of injunction,&c.

Arwaal ExplMloa and FJre.EXTEXT OT TUX DAMASK.

Gen. Callander, commandant of the Wash¬ington Arsenal, who was absent at PortressMonroe at the time of the explosion, arrived hereyesterday, having been apprised of the disaster!>y tele rajife. lie, with the other officers of theMrt.otlj'r o«<ers of theI"' ' rL J**- ***.». the storefce*7 , oavnjg issued the necessary order* *."f^tdouL mVw?!!'1 ^r«'8 overhaulediil^i.^!t 'vP ? v

h °*the blanketing is nn-

Vo7i«l0rt ° the rtores 1,1 thtJ er part of>©. 2 storehouse were saved than was existedZ P^ktU cUTel>- Workmen are t^

nay pulling down such of the walls as weredangerous, and it is not unlikely that the hniht-vif *ili rebuilt shortly. The cost of br ilding-'house originally was «16^M, the .nhcort ot the BmAnni about the same, and No. Jstorehouse and shed cost about $10,000 anJ it isnow est.mated that the loss of military n.the explosion and fire will not be over^Jo noo

^ * tot*1 lo* about #62.000. .


It is due to the police force to state that they*rT on the ground immediately after the it"-

ploMon, and that 14 of Lieutenant Gesafurd'smen remained there all night iTwinTui imove and save goods from the lire Oflb-nra

nte*^ddth^£^T Tverc tLe ,ir8t to ei,t<?r the£*~» through the exertions of this forcewere saved.v ln the Photographic rooms

Tm Iwnovexexta Loax.Cm/mm* n/f*,

Intentf u is i J"1, an<' others whoIjh!' ' '*...». ,to »PPly for an injunction to5^ i. e ^le or 01 bonds under the actrecently passed by the LegislativeTs^bft!MeLnl w A Too?1"1! V°°ke *,uiKill^Vr. '«« i' 2Z? ' J* ^ M»Km<ler, Hal letiviibourn, uml other member* ot* the Districtgovernment and friends of the im frov'menmeasure on Saturday last.- lGo.Y.erri®F c°oke stated that he had negotiateddol^r "SIS* . *.*¦*¦.** cents on theItollar, and made arrangements for a mil¬lion more during the present year at theKune rate, as contemplated by laV/and thatamount only. He sai.i absi tl.at he had mtiearrangements to place in the market the entire

r only as it is provided by laV toT' aii that he should not issue an amountof

uloi h »i?1 -v w'thin the narrowest hintwhich the opi>onents of the measure have s«*t i.»rlawful increase of the debt. Theamount of theLi?!' T ^hfoithis limit he had alreadv negotiated

.The opponents of the loan expressed their «nr-pnsethai tlie Governorhadrac^'^ding'tt^^ Vut, »tated that nothiw whaUv'rJ

and t? bnt a n>po'11 of th»i loan billland the enactment ot a new one.

*MTiaa or the objector* to-day.U wa^ ? consultation this laorning ol tenor a dozen of the anti-improvement men . but, as

r« porters were not admitted, nothing is knmvnjKjsit.vcly as to their acUon. It wL^WtTdoutside, however, that they agreed to eeaJtlwir opj^sttion and take no l iirthe-r proceed )

ret^aled "anll^.^KM? if ,LC W.^.OOO bill "isa 1V*i (iu'i u t i * .

l««ed appropriatingfli . , ,.L- also *t«ted that several of th<«J.

p escut decidcd not to further oppose the loanIn I {l ,^d out th« w»y of the car of pro"rex.s'mprovements go on. Amoag Thosepresent at this meeting were Messra. William HC sgett, George W. Ri^gs, Hcnrv S iZWalter 8. Cox, and George"H. PUn?.WAflHnroTojr District aitd Seveev nm.MKErixd. About seventy tents re,wtod

Th^.n*' 'ii'gto" for th:s camp to this time,1 ** xeTf .*>"?« encampment, as Bu-densburg PleusaMj Orove, Ijwirol. SandvnJ?Ving*' Rockville, and ^loutgoiu- rv

Dr McCauley s distfict^^e to lieHu.ak' Jv5UuWC have the companies from An-nat^tei, the Severn, South River, West River^T?l t

" Mary 's ami Charles counties. Anew and beautit uf feature of this camp is thatChristian people, without denominational nreferew-es, are invited to unite in this " £eat Pea'tthat^the"^^« -Another great acquisition isor Washti,J .

8 Christian Association"or Washington will have a large tent on thecamp ground, in which religious exercises will

tar ml; for regular |iost otllce«ecitml The1^. «® .n,;4Un^nt have been


,^"E ^^ebal of Rev. Anthony Bowen tookPlace yesterday from St. PauI!B Chai«d on

.t'.D a^d K streets southeast,ai.d a as attended by a large concourse of col-arcd pcoyle^aml many white people, friends offiTTu « ^ funeral sermon was preached bv&2lU' M* i>iUrt,,r ot tho cliapel. Aiu »ngthose present were Messrs. John F. Cook .la*

A. M.Urin.P^Vtarson, S McFwlan. Chas. Peters, Win. Sy-phax. and Wm. Smith. There were "5" car-" ,ln» *hich followed the remains to

Cemetery. Mr. Bowen was sick but aa rJ^r " 'he day before his death sent f.»ia tew of his {MTsonal friends among the coloredjs ople, and calmly told them that he was aboutto die.and requested that no displays of musicthTShSSLS?*1 be,m**5 at hta funeral bit^at it should be condneted in a qniet mannerH® gave directions to Perry Carain. a memLrchuirh. what to do for the snccexi of StPali 1 ^Society, arul mt<le a dUpoaition ofproj>erty and elfrctsln a business-like manner.A* "AT.LBRED" MaciJIE . Writ of Hibrzt

f2T'»TZ*£ at noon M*J®r Havcock andLieut. Uurisnw, of -the Marine Corps, pro-before Judge Humphreys on a writ oi'habeas corpus, llennr C. Fernaid, who »eeks his

held for duty in the^lari.ieCorps. Major Haycock ami Ueut. Harringtonrepresented the government and submitted a re-tun, to the writ that tho prisoner enlUted In thecorpson the 31st of October KM; deserted at

juiT^hbut.TdiSic^.S ffKfS£2

ing was post^trtHl It is understood th^tSiclaims that he never enlisted in the Marinethorps, and that the case is one of mistaken iden-

BrspAT Doj» FIOMTI.O.The police woulddo well to vartt the river front from tb^ i.on*Bridge to the mouth of the canal. Yesterday acrowd ot young men and bovs amused them-selves duringthe morning by dog fighting at the

C?D?Lr®" 7**° hull-terrier* were tearing atb£i? °ih" ^ f^°ut *" hour, and the yelpli^ ofhtlf ?Sile Wfcl^'d^Ld^ncUy heard fur

;£tir.'S:rssftjaa."- ,"oo,l °* "j reiiv°

KSS^taMM«?" s,r~B

»i°f?1«»'.">?ftttf I.o«3; also, lot 21, square 3K, improve<l bv two

r?.r ^ *.I^ent, at ^10a,*,

of the above mentioned property is situatedon Fstreet couth, between 9th and 10th west.

Fro* Mr. J. C. Parker and Mcwtrs. Philp A I <Sokmocj we have llc.ptr't Bator tor Aug. 5th. 1 <

TV new market-house is going np rapidly-The Corceran louaves w about to receive

their trmThe King rf the Camdbal Islanda la to be

snsug otir royai *isitora thisThe Swiss Benevolent Association had a

plcamnt reunion a few evenings since.The annual meeting of the Grand Encamp¬

ment, I. O. O. F., will he held thto evening.A large number of people visited the scene of

the arsenal explosion yesterday.Capitol Hill to rejoiced at the prospect of a

new water-main..fn«t now the hopper grasses are piping their

Mttle lay, and the politicians tre laying theirlittle pipes. .

The German* of this city are about to form anorgan! ration looking to the better unity of theirconntrymen In Washington.Mr. A. K. Evans to seriously ill. we regret to

Jearn. having been striken with paralysis yes¬terday morning.Msrv had a little lamb. And It went strayingronnd, Till Wheelock's fellows gobbled it, Anaput it in the pound.The colored watchman who sits In an arm

chair all day on top of the Treasury bulldin* tosaid to look about-well.A desirable new pressed brick front residence

for i>ale in a good neighborhood, on reasonableterm*. See Mr. R. Crult's advertisement.The Tennessee Press Association, embracingsNait x« vcuty-five or a hundred of the news-

I>n|irr inen of that State, will visit Washlngtornext month, arriving on the evening of the 14th.Cars will be running on the Columbia Street

Kallwiv in a few davs. The track to alreadyIs id. and the stables'are now being completedon l.r»tb street east, near H.Yesterday morning, about 10 o'clock, a fire

was discovered in one of the Lrick bouses inDaridlngton ltow, Capitol Hill. The tire de¬partment was on hand, but its services were notrequired, l.oas about #100.The auditing commiarion recently appointedby Governor Cooke are perfecting a set of rulessiwi rt gnlationsfor the government of claimant*.

The c< mmisaion are also charged with thn dutyi.f sting a plan lor the payment of the oldirtit ttU ilncstt.1 he 7th street railway below Maryland avennein a bad condition. The street to being graded,sn<t one of the tracks is left about eight inches

hif hei *han the roadway. Should a loaded carget ©tt the track there it must inevitably beupset.£om" tender-hearted person finds fault withPOundmaster Wheelock's method of cobblingdogs. We don't tliink it oc-rttr« to Mr. Wheelockthat bis plan to a cruel one. His trap-on to ad¬mirably adapted to the purp-oev for which It is

u« d.Who would go for the breezes of old ocean,stand tip-toe on the mistv mountain top. or drinkgiiii-washingH at the springs, all lor 94 per dayand extra*. when he can stay at heme and enjoythese delightful days and nights.April, Juneand September rolled into one.Major McXabb to organizing the second com¬

pany (II) Washington Light Infantry with a fairprospect that it will be & successful of companyA. The ranks of this new company are nearlylull, and considerable enthusiasm to manifestedl>y the numbers to excel in drill.Mr. W. H. Chase, Superintendent of the Bu¬

rr* u of Sewers and Drains, under the Board ofPublic Works, is receiving proposals from con¬tractors for the extension id' tlie four-foot seweron 3d street northwest from E to I street. Thiswork will be pushed on to completion as rapidlyas jowible..Yesterday rooming a bov named Edward Nel-

M>n was walking under the shed of Chambers'ma< bine shop, corner of 5th and H streets, whensn iron girder fell on hto foot, crushing it veryseverely, and On trying to extricate his foot hebroke one ot his fingers He w as taken to Sulli¬van's drug store, where his wounds were dressed.A tcmpefaaet meeting was held last night atthe Church of fhe Immaculate Conception,under the auspices of the Central Catholic Tem-

perante Union, which was largely atten<Ie<l.Addrefsra were made by Rev. Fatner McCarthy,and Messrs. I). P. Hoilowsy, F. McXerhany,and others, and a number of" persons took thej"ledge.

After services in the 19tli-street Baptist churchyesterday, a committee representing GethaemaneCammandery, Knights Templar, waited upontlie members and handed over *371, the net pro¬ceeds ot an excursion to Glymont given by theCommanderv. Kir Knight William Talliaferomade an address, which was appropriately re-siiondcd to by Rev. D. W. Anderson, pastor oftlu; church.

Matrimonial Squabbles Enimno in Di¬vorce.In the Equity <x»urt, on Saturday,Justice Wylie granted a divorce a vinculo matri¬monii in the case of Mary Reynolds vs. PatrickRe> Holds. Her j>etition states that she was mar¬ried to the defendant on the 3d day of Decctn-l>er. 1065, st St. Matthew's Church, by Rev.Charles I. White, D. I>.; and she charges thatthe defendant has been intemperate; has cruellyassaulted her at various times, endangering herlife; and has not contributed sufficiently for hersupport, and finally deserted her. The defend¬ant, in his answer, <k»es not deny intemperance,but emphatically denies cruel treatment, andmakes a counter charge that she abused him,and on one occasion " put a head on him" witha tour pound wt ight. Chris. C. Cailan for plain¬tiff ami L. G. HIno for defendant. The te*timo-uy m MK taken before L. S. Commissioner JamesO. Clephane.

#The Seventh Street Improvement* Mr.Albert Gleason. contractor for the Seventh

stri ct sewer and paving, wilt commence to lavthe wooden blocks next week at the ferry wharf.He ha" also the contract for taking up and re-'aying the street railroad track, to conform tohe estaolished grade, which work he U pushingorw aid vigorously.THE (OFKTN.

POLICE COURT, To-I>at. <7r«y..BetseyTiflor.elMi'frd with nsing profane language: fined*5, < r workhouse 'JOdays. Martha Brown, enticingI ro*ti»u»i«'n; tiuM §10. Johu Junes, profanity;fined #S. William Soui«rville. drunk and disor¬derly; fined £$. Daniel Shcehau, cliargoj withbiri!c a Slthjr hoc-sty on hU premises; fined $5.Mrr»on Lewi* and Charles Brown. disorderly con|cbict: fined ?5 ea< h. Henry Warren, profanity;fteed Walker Brown, throwing i-tones in the-»re.-i. fined ts-i. Hannah f itzsinunou*. using pro-fatic »ini in»ulfing language ii: Georgetown, fined¦?:>. Kit-hard Smith, thargtd with committing ana-»*ult uii Richard Scott; case suspended until to¬morrow.

RAtTlOX AX ALLEGE! BAWJJY HOtSE.<»n Hatturday night, ahont one o'clock, OfflrersMurphy and Fit/pati ick made a raid on au allegedl.,.w-r. house iu Laws' Bottom, kept by a coloredw. SixII iinmed Elizxlx'th Jones, and arre»t<-d thek< 'i^r and Mary ('nnplfll, Annie Gant. NourseWillisrr John JoSM,and r-i* more. Th»- prisonerswert- sll brought into Court thi* morniua, wlien the

9>i>Ti Jones was fined §30, or ft) <tava in jail; theremainder of the psrty were dismissed.

GEORGETOWN.The Grain Trade Two thousand five hun¬dred bushels of fair red wheat sold on Saturdayut tn.m 91.40 to rrl.41 j, and *1.51 to (1*06 for

prime to choice. Seven hundred bushels ofyellow corn sold at 75 cents. The canal boatSeneca has arrived with Hour and feed for Wm.II. Dougal and 1,000 bushels of corn for B. Tal-iK'tt. 'lhe whoouersMargaret EUaand WilliamHenry arrived this morning, from Alexandria,with 2,000 bushel* of ml wheat for Hartley &Bro.; sold at S1.40W to tor fair to prime.The canal boat William II. Biiliuyer, from Shep-heribtown, Va., arrived thi- morning with 3,tfTol»u>hels of new red wheat, 750 bushels of whitecorn ami 28 barrels of flour, all consigned tolleorge Waters.Anothek Break in theCanal.A telefn^mdated Sandy Hook. Md., this morning, received

nt Collector's office, states that another breakha* occurred In the canal on Five Mile Level,aiw>nt four miles below the late break :it Aior-o rsvilte. The cause of the la-d break was tliegiving away of« stone wall. The division super¬intendent says the break is a bad oue, and asthere are no materials at baud and it is dltHcuii;to get at it, he thinks it will be some time, a weekat't:i?t, before it can be repaired sufficiently forboats to pass. These breaks seriously interruptthe business of our coal and grain iiierchauts.lint eight loaded boats arrived at the Collector'sofliee this forenoon.The Ayredcct BaiooK.On examination itis found that more extensive repairs are necessarythan Were originally contemplated. It is notpiotable that the cars will be able to cross thebridge before the tth or 10th of August.Tiie r< hooxkr John Farnum is loading at J.ti. Waters' wharl 25,4*00 feet of hickory lumberfor Boston.The oEncERS of Companies A, E and F ofthe ilrst regiment National Guard* held a meet¬

ing ra Saturday eveniug and perfected arrauge-meats for a grand plc-nlc shortly.

ALEXANDRIA.The Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Com-

pan\ have applied for an injunction to restrainthe t).. A. Jt M. R- R. and the Western UnionT« legraph Company Trom removing their polesalong the line ot the O., A. i ll.R. R.TBI noise of the explosion at the Arsenal, in

Washington, thto morning, was so great as tokrouse from their slumbers, moat ofour cltiaens,and the houses were jarred couslderably.Tbe match game of base ball between theI i mpendent club of thto plaee awd tha Star ofWnshington, was won by the latter.Oatette,Sittir'Ury riming.l^Mr. Octave Pavy to on hto way to 8au

Francisco, where he to to make final prepara¬tions for an attempt to reach the North Polel>v the wav of Japan and Siberia. He contendsthat this is the only practicable route.K7-The sun shining through a slightly convex

pane of elam set the Interior of a house on tire at['anandikigua, X. Y., lately. The owner wasunfoundedly vexed at the convexity, when heaad to pay afioo for repair*. jKTTennyaon aavm that la Ming a ronngman's fancy lightly turns to "Bionghts of love,prhlch may he all very true; but the Provldenoe

Hrrilit says that in midsummer the Methodist'sVnev turns to camp meetings, au<] not lightly,ithcr.


.Fiwe French out. Tortoise Shell, Oroi.fr and

Jewelrj receivfd at 1'riggs, uu tiui16th astreet*.

Hint Re-Avinue, to-day, between 4)j andHall'* Vegetable Sionuii --. r »>

kkweb the hair from turning mr,and restores hair to Its natural color.White, ChiropoduT, extracts Com*,S5 °lrw BuBtoms, Bad Nails, Ac.,

witboot pain. Booms Ne. 335 M«h street, oppo-.»" >.»«*

CtOTHIIfO.. u*Ti*$ tte Prevailing TTird Timetit becomes every one to economise in their ex¬penditures. In the article of clothing alone, asufficient saving can be effected to mitigate in a

". i'reTailing scarcity of money, atP. Wallace's, comer 4k rt. and Pa. are.He offers this oj portunity to the public byseDing the best articles of clothing that can be

obtained, atfrom 10 to 30 per cent, cheaper »**»"

"WWit to fit* me « uUf.mm, t> Wa"ACH,631 Penn. avenue, corner 4^ st.

mJS-T<>7 & Holden, comer nth**?, Pennsylvania avenue, deliver the

?f Ice Cream to all parts of thecity, in quantities to suit the purchaser. tf

¦ew.,,,K was inventedmany attempts have been made to construct afirst-elass machine that could be sold at areajonable price. To the MiLevi & Hooper and to

M*chlne compauies belong*the credit of having succeeded in attaining thisi *2" The McLean Hooper-Company ha» pro¬duced a machine which sews direetly'from tw o

terms the ela.nfc lock-Atch. hnd runslighter than any other machine using twothreads. The Wilson Shuttle Machine bears thepalm of excellence as a first-class tailoring ma¬chine, being more durable in construction anubetter in the arrangement of its working part*,thereby producing a lighter running and moreeasily managed shuttle machine than anvot itscompetitors. Price list:.McLean A Hooper

.**» **" *ni1 W®. Wilson's. *40,fhfi *nd fl2i A- «» *. Ko^n-thal, No. ,th street, are the agents, and selltnese machines on very accommodating terms.

*HOW case* tor sale at Prince's Bazar.1006 Pennsylvania avenne.

Hoop Skibts of the best material, made to0r, rr'ian alwaY* * (t°°d assortment on hand;

reasonaWe prices, at C. Baux's HaopSkirt Factory, Tthstreet, Intelligencer Building.LAnrEgwlll please cntl and see our improved

styles of Corsets, all made of the best materials,and every pair warranted to fit. C. Baum, Cor¬set Manufacturer, 7th at, Intelligencer Build-lng.Ladies' rwDKROABw kktb of all descriptions,

cm hand and made to order, at very reasonableprice*, at C. Bath's Undergarment Faitorr7th street, intelligencer Building.Onm Dollar Kid Gloves are the best Im¬

parted, and always the largest assortment of?lJLe!^nd c?lor». at c Bach's Kid Glove Depot,ith street, Intelligencer Building.Cabtioit.Beware of /mpottort'..As aome un¬

scrupulous parties are in the habit of statingJi? c£itir of business are branch stores ofthe Original Frtnc, I hereby notify the publicthat I have nob ranch stores, and that I have noconnection with any similar institution In this

i T?1® Original Franc, dealer In Gent'sFurnishing Goods, 431 7th St., between D and £.Gowlixg's Patejtted Nicitu FASTina

tor sale wholesale and retail, at the Ori«ta3Franc's, 4317th street, between D and *. ]f«bjanch stores.Gbiat Vabiett nr White Simm-one,two or three pleate.eyelets, buttons or studs.

°Pf®in front or in back.all sixee.at the Origi¬nal Franc's Gent's Furnishing Store, 431 7thstreet, at Popular Prioes. No branch stores.But The Celsbbatbd " Fbako" Gollabs,

the best Paper Collar in the market, for ¦»'»only at the Original Franc's, 4317th street. Looktor i the name. No branch stores. 4,4Hempleb has all kinds thermometers and


I * JTST rK«'«1VED ANOTHER SUPPLYA of those Hugaroured Canvassed HAMS, at,tvI .", Ef-Ib. A,"?i m2Ee of .,h»t JAPANTEA. at 78 cents per lb. Those that have beenwaiting can nowprice of Welch*sack, end all other grades in proportion

, . ,, . _H. KGAW,

J5 B St Corner 7th and L streets

(9*°PPl».'L ' hs" rednc^i "nebest FAMILY FLOUR to fa.ao per



* Corner 7 th and D streets.

H O I T I H CI T O !!


1* THE

« '2 3 EACH


ONLY TWENTY MINUTES FROM TH* CITY.And the Junction of tho New


Car Fare but 11 Cents Per Day ITaxes All Paid to Iqelude 1873.Two Large Public Parks in Centre I

BRICK HOUSESOf Four, 8lx and Eight Rooms, built to order on

accommodating ter

i^"Title Perfectly Clear and Unencumbered...^'Certificate of Title under Seal ofCourt to everylot may be seen at the Office.


jySP tr


BEN. M. PLTNB, Proprietor.






Handkerchief, at the Toilet, and la the Bath, gorle all Drnccists and Parfnsasin. soem.w.r.ly

REPAIRING PIANOS, 01.Muiical Instruments a 1 ^

nth... ___and K street. Invewonderful Musical Dancing Toytoctarj-rs of Musical Instruments and dealers tnlM-

e, Musical InstrumenU, and MosicaJkiwraUyS

||0, TORTBE #0t»Ta OF JULY' Ir(


f. LKRCH.av. and Tl« Tthstrast.

gwjr«.««o, ^ £*3

?sja/siaaffivji?" p"~< '"r i".

#li w . .POE A SELIGSON,ell w,s,tf Georgetown, D. 0.

Georgetown Advertisements.1 fr^*oTICl.-AUpw»««koW»M tb*Luf Excelsior Boainla «»r their >«. *,rI requeued to make rrmrns immediately. By orderof tkr PMMi'tt.

It F. M. ST.lSTON Tr<»*«r*f.


A LONG CRID IT. AT AUCTIONI will ix-n. at taction, oa * KDHUDAT .Hp> JoIt the ltth ln«t., at o o'clock r. m , on the^".prrmiM*. that fine new three-atari Brick Pwel-

11ns and bark building on the eul side of MarketHrr«t, next math of tbe roroer of M atr-et. Thebuilding* contain nine room* and Urv cellar. Ga«throughout the hone*; water in tike kitrh'ii. Lit 15fe*« front by 100 feet deep, rutBins back to a 13 footTnw: One fourth caah, remainder In 1,1 and 3

year*, with Interest at 7 per cent., payable quarterly,secured by a de»-d of tru>t Stani[> and coaveyauciugat coat of purchaser. ffiO down at sale.jyll-d [Kep.JtConr.] THOB DOWLING, Awl.¦CTTHE ABOVE PALE IS POSTPONED. ON

account of the rain, until MOHPAT. Jul) 94tk,at 6 o clock, immediately after tbe aale of the Bohrerpreaertv.jyg-tt . THOMAS DOWLING, Awet.


On TUESDAY. Jnly 11th, at » o'clock), m.,¦33 l a ill cell, en the premises. part of L"t No. 31,nting 60 foet on the m»rth side of Gav «tr»et.between Congress and High streets, by a depth of 130feat. The improt UDenU ontiM of a large and aub-¦tantial three-stcry Dwelling House, the former rea-idanc*' of the late Dr. B. S. Bohrer.

Ti rm«: One third cash: balance in (and 13 narmthe,with Interest, for which purchaaer au< aire hianotes. aecured i>¥dM of troat. or to have the optionof paying all cash. f200 will ba required o* the aalea* aoon aa the property u atrnck d» wn. Conveyanc¬ing alid stamp* at the cuat af the purchaaer. If theterm* of the aale are not Complied with in lire day*,the Executor reaervea the right to ruwll at the rl«kand cost of defaulting pnr< h»»er, in one week . noticeIt. some newspaper published in the District ofColam-

THE PURCHASER OF THE ABOVEniece of property. having failed to comply with theterm* s» above imn< d. at a former aale on the Sithday of Muy, UTl. the before mentioned described realestate a ill be «o!d *t hia risk and coat, aa defaultingpurchaaer of the- mie.GfcoRGE A. BOHRER, Executor.

IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ABOVE,.I Will aell part of Lota, Xos. 30,21 aud 32, on tbe north

nide of the Canal. *i»t of Congreaa street. running toSr»t alley, fronting 113 feet on the Canal.by 13iSfeat on the south aide of frat alley, improved by a.mail Brick ll. u-e. T<rms aaaboyeGEORGE A. BOIIKEK. Executor,


.5TTHE ABOVE SALES ARE POSTPONED OXaccount of the rain until H EDNSSDAY, July 19tb,aame hour aud aJac".


pvntroni'd, ou account of the rain, until MONDAY,July 34 th, aame h«»nr and place.GEORGE A BOHRER Execut r.


J^Y THOMAS DOWLING, Auct r; Georgetown.TI RSTEE8 SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVEDPROPERTY IN GEORGETOWN. D.C.MBy virtue of a deed of truat, dated Auguat

.tlat. A. P. 1866, and dnly recorded ia Libar B.M. H..No. 1». folio"SOti^ono of tbe land rec

orda of Waaliington county, Diatrict of Colombia,and at the re«iueat of the Treasurer of tbe CentralBuilding Aaaociation of Georgetown, Diatrict of Co¬lumbia,we will aell at public auction,on TUESDAY,the lat day of Auguat, A. D ItCl, in front of thepremiaea.at the hour of A o'clock p. m .' all thatpart of Lot No. 16, in old Georgetown, Diatrict ofColumbia: Beginning for the aame on the north aideof Bridge atreet, at tLe point where the weat bomdary lit* it Mid Lot No. 16 interaect* Mkid atreet. andrunning thence taat with the liue of Bridge atreet 30TeM, Wore or leaa, to the 13- foot alley laid out northand aouth through aaid lot 16; thence north by andwith raid alley 130 feet, more or leaa,to a line equallydiatant in a atraight line from Bridge atreet andProepoct atreet; tnence weat with aaid line and par¬allel to Bridge atreet 30 feet, more or leaa. to the weatboundary line of aaid lot 16, thence with aaid weatboundary line to the beginning, aulyect to the rightof way over tbe aaid 13 foot alley, improved with atwo-atory Briek Dwelling.Terrna of aale: One-third oaah: balance hi twoequal payment* at 6 and 13 moatha, with interest

from tlie day of aale, aeeured by daed of troat onpremiaea aola. Htamn and conveyancing at tbe ooatiff the purchaaer. If term* of aale are not compliedwith in flvedaya from day of aale, the Truateea re-aerve the right to reeell the nremiae* at the ririt andcurt of tbe defaulting purcnaaar. npon five daya'public notice. A depoait of RUI0 will be required atlima of ml*. WM. D.CAKSIN,


^ CHILDREN'S CAST OFF CLOTHING.OOTS. SHOES,etc.,at L. GRADWOUL'S. 1733aridge atreet, Georgetown. Note by mail fromGeorgetown or Waahington attended to. oc36-ly






$365,000 to lend on Real Eatate in tbe Districtof Columbia.927,000 for Bufcineaa Notea and TemporaryLoan*.

LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE PENDING NEGOT1ATIONS.Prompt p*moral attention given to al! matter* is-ti uated to our care.



BROKERS,Plant's Building, corner l&th atreet and New Yorkavenue.

We would inform the public that we have openedan agency In thia city for the purchaee, aale andrent of property, aud tbe collection of rent*.Freedmen having bouaea and lota for aale or rant,or those wishing to rent or purchaae houses and lota,will find It to tbelr interest to call on ua.We have Houaes and Lots for sale on Capitol Hill,and in northwestern part of the city.Money to loan on real aetata also. jy3 lm*

j^jcMEMSEY A CO.,(Socthxakt Cob. 7th in E Btxexts n. W.,)









REAL ESTATB AND INSUBANCE OFFICE.Corner 10th and G streets, opp. D. 8. Treasury,


Serial attention pmi4 la oil bnsinus btfmt tk» M»-rat Dtpnrtmtnl* tjtfu Goremmrnt. aplS


Comer of New York avenue mod 1Mb atreet.

credit. ^Souaea erSSi for «Ue on i

and long time not^uk-'",1. owning.aper bought and eold **>®ant. Sanl Jclt^e


0OL11BU HOSPITALComer of Pmmyirania avenue

This Hospital Is attuatod In one of tbo most heal¬thy portions of tbe District, surrounded by Its owngrounds; tbe rooaaa ara large and alrv and suppliedwith tbe comforts of home. Ladiea living at a dis¬tance whe may ba iastraoa of availing tbamaelTss oftbe benefit of treatment in thia IaatftaUoa ean se¬cure private rooma by applying to tbe Surgeon inchief >r tbe Matron. Tbe arioe of these rooms vanNnrsin*? MedSml Vedf:United States Army and Navy, or fcaalos who may^ -1

of the 1nnraiag.Cards at

.of the Surgeon G.aral, 0 . S. Arcorner of PeMaylvaaia arenof the Burgeon in cbiaf at

to tbasejMgt be obtained of*%^aiting Syt^TUESDAYB and FBIDAYS, tnm10 to 3.


CONSULTING BOABD:,iuwOtd:;,3.fc. a.E3USstt:i*JJr



je Btr Corner Tth and D streeU,


FIX* cnocess,1913 Tth Strut S. W.,mvin II aid I.

are sellingWELCH* BE«T F \MILY TLOri at f*A«


FLoiBali gradeeecdallptieee. .


_ooffebs; coffees -

fr^h «*. «rv <1sy in a htmlF<>*r»*r-whwh titn all !tw nuturn I vn* ,4 thrCoffee. hir Bio» p*r*«!; baytM yoar CoflheeutM.M*' ¦» ¦« water in rooting tb«B.

NEW TEAS! NEW TEAS)Our stuck of Y«m inHud-e s,-me of U» Li Tni

Imperial T«e fr.se 45 ceate Kr p<>u*d end nrvtnl-B^atiful Imperial, Gaap.»w* r. T>«ui« Hy»!e7Japan. Outing and lii»>fa«t Teas

at *1 per »tu.' Very l»* T «< bel»c mm «1 per p.uiMi

ALE and POBTEB. Tl cts y<er dotJ pounds SOFT SHELL ALMONDS for 91

FANCY CAKES la Variety.

C. B. O H ABE * BOH,. fl (>»» 7th street N. W. bet Xn41


*Wll KMIWX n






.Jd «eote .'"* rw,Tfd *veral t try h-avy iami rtl,SHOULDER* -

SIDES .**>*

iSfi&jtsSIFEr- rlt11AII8 » «» .«

DAM8-litri Sugar i'urtd..1 11c

SUGARS.(Beet New York Brands )

po^Dijm?:. }$!*GRANULATED _Z 14X''a-coffiijcunM. k ~::zz.S S£Kg&HS&r'* Lt*ht . . t£Kicd..

TEAS.imperial s»r

««- . zzzzz: TV

JAPAN,Bill* ~"*TJcChoto. .ItooLOBoIG^ria*^".!:.!rf-.:-:,ss

= §Sg===EEEEMekglisgunpowdeb. U* rine i|fi

- Mf*c=E=E:}iAs will be M«a by the abo-ve list oar stock oota

prleea aixteen different Tarletiee, of which we hatea large supply now on hand, and are constantly re¬ceiving frcoh invoices, and oar facilities for obtaia-ing and receiving the Mle are each a* that we haveno hesitancy in aaaerting that we are able to '."inptttfally with any house thia aide of Hew York.


JAVA.!. r" thU I*1*0 *"1* Md Complete.JAVA^ «.»*¦¦¦¦« Jf-Java rhi'wTMt 01a B*-MABACAbI»^£li2S,r'n,m#Bt^ '2RK t.B<it Uroen 1^a'BIO.Good Green.... »#c

In ahort, we mak' a specialty of the

FAMILY TRADE,and make ft our etndy to furnish the rrry btu of

ererything In the way or familyanppli«a generally.

Onr facilitiea for baying and freighting are unanr-pae»e<I, and we guarantee u> aell ai low aa aty

ot her house in the city, aa also to givethe article.and *«*«.

ttty.aa represented, oraoxxY turvsDtv.






onl f.vnwould resi^cUaily aak a trial o their

fine OOLONG tea, at B1 per pound, as it has.been prunouaoad by coaaotsaaara the toast la Ithe market. 1





814 Pennsylvania aveaus.

MOCHA, 0LDCGUYKRNMENT java,'*TLtJ^oi.5.ocayka- maracaibo. RIO,ROASTED COFFEE ALL GRADESFor aale low, by

BROWNING t MIDDLETON,*1* Pennsylvania avenaa.FISH.



BROWNING k beating.Penasylvaaia aveaue.

ASTRAI, OIL.Dnetfm Pratt r Mon Erplourt JrtrmHOil.

Jnrt received. liWUnllons Pratt s ASTRAL oil,£mrtar!*' .*»!«».. Trade supplied at NewYork prices, by

BROWNING A MIDDLETOB,814 Penaaylvaala aveaue.

_ _WINES, Be.

Onr ttock of WINEb and LIQUORS taveryrnm(Srpagrie among wUirh can be fownd.L. lUwderer's "Carta F"Vre. CUcaaotM ett k Oiabdwr,(Gi«Mi8eal,) do'.Pilrau6" l*~"" t

. _ Aim,ac#<£3TdSSfc..California Braady,

' Tla^al,r,kwe*.

For Mia low, byBllOWNING B M


i,""V!?AaB2t^SS_ .

SHERRY WIBB IB BOND...Ti^Vu;KtC jtfsus ass*D..^> which we wlllaaU at a eery Mall

Ywis Ofcdli, m4 hfti bwB pro-

WM. TBBBBY. BEST FAMILY FLOUB,Madaby W. H. Tenaey A Soaa, Georgetoa.,

D.O., warranted fully equal to aay Family Flow.old ia the District.Persons wanting Floor uniform and of the boat

quality are reqaeeted to give iLm uial.Beery barrel axtd sack gaaiaateed.For sale by

BALL A HUM*.No. 9o7 Market Snace


Jts-la Be. 4#4 Peas, are.,near 1* st.

FAMILY SUPPLIES, Etc.0 I T I lost- loiti

1MOHT or.

Ttot imtiTBU thowM trying to ocmpeta wit*I « MO.

r. 'or in the «»iM. 11* J**"1*.,

.. *ter fo 1.Port Paw<ly FV^ar in tbe aartort. #? * r»m

Vblfur f IJl aa mcuW|<4 lu* |SJ0«<by 0Pin. ApH* n*m». P. C . only Ur lb.hnirur < nred Has*. Vr Ik.Bafnr mrwl Bacon. ItHc. A.award* M. 'mM'x Kuom.tr lb.a*»anl» Leaf lb.Uwt BaU«-« ..»! > »> It.SBgP B Suifar. «yOt».

coffees and tea*

tsask si ewkvB-t B!«rb T. .*V »b.J apen Ten only I* lb.

-( b.., -* Imperial uil J .Jum recJvw. Kaim-n mo«. ftndftftbotca kit o(Driad

U\ PENNSYLVANIA AVINrB.jyl *1 an«i «*» . north


\fr reepectfully cftll the attention of pureovratockof


which we ut selling at ft r*ry .aUftdTftne*.ALSO.





Br.h* tr Nftt to Odd F*Uo»«^i ft*

J 18 T B B C B I T I D .

PURE WHISKIES.-KUIar, Baker. ©rey, Gnlf,aad Ho >reVBR ANDY.-Vintage of 19«.CIS. SHERRY VIM, Ac-Be«t brand*.Hiffial attention paid %o WUm aud Lienor* forHedicual and Tamil? u-<-.


. o .V.HA.S A. APPEL,_joja ly ronw lttl and f


ELEGANT OATS..oane of lb* Hw»f »rn bronirht to thhi market,

AT VEBY LOW BATB8WH. H. GALT A CO .Indiana arenne and let ni*W,jrl Near Baito and Ohio Raiki.<a-i Depot.






after reading this advertisement nted any one



It wm ibe firrt, aad ia


that inatantly «top« the m.*t cxcrnciatinc ram*, al¬lay* lbflammatinaa. and care* < on*eatione. wh ili rof the Liuifi. tuiiocb. livitcUi ut uUwr (UiiUt grLirgaii*. by <ne application.

IN FKOM ONE TO TWENTY HINLTB!?.rtn matter how violent or excruciating the pain theBflEl HATtC. *e.<cue. Neuralgic,or prcalralod auiidinaw inay »ui) r,








The appliration of the BEADY RELIEF to th<ipart or part* where tbi- pauioi difficult) ciltu w.Uafl. rd cav and mailurt

Twenty dr<ip» in half a tntnMor of water will in afew ainiatra care VRAM PS. SPASMS, SOI HSTOMACH. HEARTBURN. SKK Hk.AU-ACHE. DJARRH(EA. DYSENTERY. iVjI.H',WIND IN THE BOWELS and aU INTERSALFAINS.TraTeler* PhonM alwar* earrr a bottle of R \ r»-WAY SBA ADY RELIEF wiUi then A ie« ,|r ,p*in water will preheat Mclutem or paiu* fr<«irltaUK*of water. It u tetter than Frvucli braud> or bitlrn

aa a »tia.ul«ut.

FEVER AND AOUK.FEVEB AND AGUEcnrwd for MIt cnb. Tberai« not a rtwtrdial «*'-ut in thia world tliat w (II niraPeveraud A<rue, a»nl ail other Halanou*. Bilon«.Scarlet. Tj l J«oidi . ell.^r, and oiher P>-\-r- ai.i Ibv BADWAl * PILLS) ao «uick aa BADWAY SRKALY RELIEF. Fifty cwttp>rkuUk.


E'frylri^ of the SARSAPABILLIAN RESOL¬VENT MMMkalN till .ach the BI<H>d. Sweat,Urine.and other fluid* and jnicaaof the »t. tu/Untor of it/«. fur It repnir* the waate* of the I, ?!,with new ai d i-.nnd antariai. Srrtfmim, Svw.I,(iinKflKM, ttlandmlmr Ulrrn «« tkrThroat, Muvtk. Tumors. A<W«> m tkr (itam-i . +m lohur rmrt* nf lit niMtm, Sor, KftM Hfumorom*^I»tolll/'>W 'n Mars. mn1 (w troril ffr,n» at/

rimaw w ^-... - ¦ .. .* . r»w ^tyi mmtrill prort to (a> peitmm miM U for titker at tk*Mform* 9/4umm U* pm>*i potetr to tmrt tktw.mIf the patient, daily beooniji* radaced by tho

ttftn and Afwepoiatian that b ooatinaahy arv>crtweinc, anci-ee4e in artwMin* theae waMct. andre-a- aA.^ aw ¦ t )¦ n..tr niftfi rtu 1 mai4* f \ . . Ki l

veifht increaainc.No* mtydoeftthafanaaPamnxiAa Ro^i vttt exeel all known remedial a«e«u in the rwr* ot .'br»wi»e I

Scrofulona, C -nrtitational aad Skin rtiamaai. bnt ith the only po«ttiv« care for

KIDNEY AND BLADDBB COMPLAINTS.Urinary and Womb dWeftaea, Orarel,fej/Cf1* Dtoeaae.A^winaiinTaSi iaalfnay wb»i athere are brick-d«Rd«WHHa. or the water l« thick,Sasa-xae^srjtxz

aaalnc water, and pnin la the maill of

perfectly taaoleaa. («rae, recnlate, pnrify, cl

'¦ Pilla. tor the rmrt of iUv(t,Bo««bjjimWAi. OoaD) »)>epaia. B^ Coaatipntlfta.Coatiraaeaa. lndi-feation. Dy»i«epaia. Bilionaw. Bilioua Peeer,!i fl.nunation oTUw Bwweta, Pilea and all Darmacc-

mente of tlie Internal Ylacara. Warrant^,! ift noatttw car*. Parftli V- setabW coaimuiV a*aiiiiil lalin uTi nr iV lrlnTiin ill hiA few Aoaaa of BADWATI PILLS will fry tha

ayctem frotr »Li tti- alv.\r itamtid di»onler». Trim,i centa par Bo*. SOLD BY DBUGGIST#READ " FALKK AND T*riC ' **& JJJf.tamp to HA^WAY A CO . No #7 Haiftea L»-e.

N'-w York. Information worth thpewnd* .«.cutyon. jlipm.wJ.aw jj