evangelism explosion. i.the modes of evangelism a. mass evangelism 1. sharing christ with the...

Evangelism Explosion Evangelism Explosion

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Evangelism ExplosionEvangelism Explosion

Evangelism Explosion

I. The modes of evangelism

A. Mass evangelism

1. Sharing Christ with the multitudes

2. Examples

a. John the Baptist

b. Evangelist

c. Pastor

Evangelism Explosion

I. The modes of evangelism

A. Mass evangelism

B. Personal evangelism

1. Sharing Christ one on one

2. Examples

a. Jesus

b. Andrew

c. Philip

d. Edward Kimball

Edward Kimball

(1) D. L. Moody

(2) F. B. Meyer

(3) J. Wilbur Chapman

(4) Billy Sunday

(5) Mordecai Hamm

Evangelism Explosion

Evangelism Explosion

(6) Billy Graham

Evangelism Explosion

I. The modes of evangelism

II. The methods of evangelism

A. Pre evangelism

1. Giving a gospel tract

2. Inviting to church

Evangelism Explosion

I. The modes of evangelism

II. The methods of evangelism

A. Pre evangelism

B. Direct evangelism

1. Romans Road

2. FAITH Program

3. The Way of the Master

Evangelism Explosion

I. The modes of evangelism

II. The methods of evangelism

III. The mandate of evangelism

A. Not because we feel sorry

B. But because we love Jesus

1 – 2

2 – 4

3 – 8

4 – 16

5 – 32

6 – 64

7 – 128

8 – 256

9 – 512

10 – 1,024

11 – 2,048

12 – 4,096

13 – 8,192

14 – 16,384

15 – 32,768

16 – 65,536

17 – 131,072

18 – 262,144 *

19 – 524,288 *

20 – 1,048,576

21 – 2,097,152

25 – 33,554,432

30 – 1,073,741,824

33 – 8,589,934,592*

Evangelism Explosion