evaluation task 7

Evaluation Task 7

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Post on 28-May-2015




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Task 7

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Can design 1

My first can has quite an animated cartoon look that just happened because of the text and lightening bolts the colours are also quite bright which makes it also relate to a cartoon look. They also stand out and make the text very readable, the first bit of text they would notice is the ‘32’ as it is orange against a blue background then they will realise it is an ‘Irn-Bru’ product as it has the blue text which has the metal boarder around but still separates itself from the blue background. The lightening bolts go with the energy drink theme as lightening is energy and electricity and it implies that it gives you a boost.

I first thought it would be better to have a silver background but it didn’t look as good, it thought it looked quite dull so I coloured the whole can in blue to go with the ‘Irn-Bru’ colour scheme. The final can looks better as it is quite plain but effective and gets peoples attention. Also with the lightening bolts it makes it more recognisable as an energy drink. The first font I tried was too bold and formal whereas the one I have no is a lot more laid back and makes the can design have that cartoon effect. The back of the can is like every other can design I have as I wanted to keep a house style with it.

This can relates a lot more to my first ideas that I had for my actual packaging as it bright and colourful and looks like quite an inviting product. Comparing this to a Monster energy drink can or a Relentless energy drink can it doesn’t look as mean or dark. The fonts on those can look quite sharp and aggressive but my can looks soft and friendly.

I changed the colour of the background to black to make the text stand out more and also just to see what it looks like. The lightening stands out more which shows off the fact that it is an energy drink even more. You can see the glow from the lightening more as well which gives off the effect of the drink being energising. Another one of my cans has a black background so I could make it a set colour throughout the Irn Bru 32 campaign.

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Can design 2

This can is quite different to my first one as it doesn’t look like it is from a cartoon. The text is very different as it is similar to what you find on a Monster or Relentless energy drink can as it is quite rough looking and also looks a bit medieval which will relate to my poster design. I coloured half the can blue and the other half orange and had the opposite text against the background. The black border helps each bit of text stand out against the background.

I started with just having the Irn-Bru text and the 32 but I thought it needed a bit more detail on the can so I added the ‘Energy Drink’ banner around the top of the can to fill up the empty space. The middle of the can doesn’t have a lot of free space which makes it a bit untidy so next time I should try to fit all the things on I want but have it more organised.

The back of the can is like every other can design I have as I wanted to keep a house style with it. I got all the ingredients off the Irn Bru website so they all the correct ingredients. I also included an original Irn Bru logo on the back to sort of verify the can.

The 32 does not really stand out in this can design so next time I would try to make it stand out more by maybe making the text smaller and making the number 32 bigger and maybe have it in a different colour to help it stand out more.

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Can design 3

My third can is quite plain but has a small pattern on it with the four triangles. The text is very bold and stands out against the blue and black background. I made the 32 stand out more with an inner and outer glow so people know it is Irn-Bru 32. I made the 32 blue so it stands out against everything else so it is recognisable as a new product which is an energy drink. I differed the colour scheme by adding black, this is because it is different compared to the normal cans which is blue orange and silver. I thought the colour should change as it is not a regular Irn-Bru drink so it shouldn’t be a regular Irn-Bru packaging.

I tried to make everything on the can bold and appealing to the eye an I think a have achieved this. The ‘32’ on the black background stands out more as there is a bigger contrast between the two colours. I think the ‘32’ stands out more on the black can which is better because it makes the type of drink more obvious to the viewers.

This can design relates to my first draft ideas as I used bold writing which stands out. Although I stuck to the normal Irn-Bru colour scheme but I think the black can looks better than the blue can. The back of the can is like every other can design I have as I wanted to keep a house style with it. I started with adding the triangle shapes to maybe start with a pattern but then I added the text and I thought it would look good just like that. The triangle then ended up being something to fill the background space instead of just having the ‘Irn Bru 32’ text.

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Can design Experiments I made some changes to my final designs to see what they look like and this is the outcome. For the top two I followed the black background as it is a new type of drink so I could of set a specific colour scheme for my Irn Bru 32 can designs. I also stuck with the lightning bolt for the top two cans as it relates to it being an energy for example it is a bolt of energy, a lot of other energy drink cans have lightning bolts on.

On the bottom can I tweaked it by moving the text around and making the number 32 bigger to make the type of drink more recognisable. I made the stroke on the text the same colour as the can. Also moving the text made the orange or blue text go on an orange or blue background so I had to change it to make sure the blue text had an orange background and the orange text had a blue background.

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Magazine advert 1

I started with an idea of using old famous photographs with my product included in it somewhere and I thought this picture of Muhammad Ali was a good idea as his arm is in a good position to hold a can. Having a larger image of the can in the corner shows the can off more and makes it more visible for the viewer.

I thought using old pictures it would make people stop and look and recognise the picture then notice it has a little twist to it which makes it quite funny which is what the Irn-Bru advertising campaigns are like. I added the coloured header and footer to make the poster more recognisable as it is the brands colours.

I improved it by adding the Barr logo and moving the can around so it fills the full A4 space. I added the text off the can on the top of the poster which stands out against the dark grey background. I included the Barr logo as it isn't very visible on the can because I made it quite small. I thought the can was in the way of the image so I moved it to make it blend in with the whole theme of the poster but it is still noticeable.

This might make the drink more popular as it shows a very famous sports icon holding an Irn-Bru can and even though it is fake it might make people want to go and buy one just because it says ‘it would have been Muhammed Ali’s Favourite Drink’.

On my finished poster I added a blue header and footer to match the colour of the can and change the opacity of the blue box with the orange border.

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Magazine advert 2

I followed the same theme of using old pictures that are famous or well known. I used this one as the person in the picture is standing in the right way which makes it look like they are holding something. I tried using the black can instead of using the blue can for this advert to see which one looks better. I used the same layout as the previous advert as I want to keep a house style throughout this advertising campaign.

The text at the top of the poster stands out against the dark grey background and I made the ‘32’ bigger so people know what is being advertised although I think it could be bigger and be made to stand out a bit more.

I'm using old famous images because it makes them more recognisable and people will stop and wonder why they are in a magazine and then realise it is for Irn-Bru. I think it is a good way of advertising because some people already know what the photograph is so they recognise it then notice it has a slight twist so it gets their attention then they read more into the advert.

The slogan ‘Lets all just have a Bru’ relates to the humorous side of Irn-Bru’s advertising as it is a very serious photograph but using that slogan it makes it quite funny.

On my finished poster I change the opacity of the blue box with the orange border and moved the position of the can so it looks like she is actually holding it.

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Magazine advert 3

This is my third magazine advert with another old famous photo which is on of the more recognisable photographs. I think this image fits the product being advertised the most as it is showing lots of working men that need energy to work so they are drinking Irn-Bru 32 which will energise them. It represents the fact that the product is an energy drink more. I used the black header and footer to match the colour of the can which is useful because it makes the ‘Irn Bru 32’ text stand out. I used the blue box with and orange border to match the colour scheme of Irn Bru so the audience know it is an Irn Bru advert even though the can design in the advert is different so people will still recognise that it is Irn Bru being advertised.

I rearranged the text and added an outer glow to ‘32’ to make it stand out more. I also added a grey background to match the main colour of my can design.

I made the ‘32’ stand out more by adding an outer glow which brightens it and makes it stand out a lot more. My slogan refers to the product being an energy drink by saying ‘boost’.

If I were to change anything I think I would try to make the can more visible because they it is hard to see the people holding them. I would of liked to make the can black and white but it would have to be quite big to stand out in the black and white photograph. I think this would have been a good idea because then the can would blend in.

On my finished product I change the opacity of the blue box with the orange border.

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My unfinished magazines are all quit similar as in production I knew what I was doing because they were all set out the same, it had a house style. Once I figured out my layout for the first advert it would imply for the rest of my adverts so the production stages will be very similar on each advert. So there wont be a lot of different stages of production on my second or third magazine advert. The layout on each advert is the same as you can see, the only things that are different is the slogan, the image and the background colour on the bottom advert. I only changed the colour of it to match the colour of the can.

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Web Banner

My web banner is quite different to my posters as I used all the other Irn Bru packaging to compare to my own packaging design. I put my product in the middle of the page to stand out the most and added an outer glow so it is shown as the most important thing in the image, another way I have done that is making the can bigger than every other product on there. I added all the other products to sort of welcome my product to the family of Irn Bru, it is like a new member of Irn Bru. I used a blue header and an orange footer to relate to the Irn Bru colour scheme because my can design is mainly black so I though I should include more colours. The text also stands out more against the blue background. I included all types of the drink which is regular, diet and my design which is an energy drink. My can is also at the front of the line of products that implies it is the most important product on the banner.

My second web banner relates to my poster designs with the old famous photographs. I made a tile pattern of all the photographs I saved and put them together then copied the photographs so they create a tile pattern effect. I added an orange tint so it makes it similar to one of Irn Bru’s main colour. I made the can as big as I could so it stood out more than anything else. Once it grabs peoples attention they will look closer and notice the background pattern and how it relates to the magazine adverts. I chose a blue font because it stands out the most in front of the black and white photograph pattern and the orange tint.

My third banner is quite simple so that is why I animated it so the text at the top appears first, then the can moves about then the bottom text appears then at the end it zooms in on the can. I used the gradient tool to make half the banner orange and half blue to match the Irn Bru colour scheme. I used an outer glow on the can to make it stand out more but it still stands out more as it is a black can against a colourful background. It is simple but it gets the message across about the new product.

On each of my banners I made some words rhyme so it makes the slogan quite catchy, for example “New”, “Bru” and “You”. All the rhyming words make the slogans a lot more memorable and they have a nice flow to them. I think most of my banners would stand out on a webpage as my can designs are quite striking anyway but the detail behind the cans would also catch peoples eyes.