evaluation sheets

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Page 2: Evaluation sheets

70 Years of European History (1945-2015) Make our future by learning about the past!

Page 3: Evaluation sheets

16 various personalities all over the Europe who became important for the development of European history is introduced in the video. To deepen students’ knowledge we prepare evaluation sheets and puzzles which can be completed by students.

Both, the video and the evaluation sheets were prepared by students from Czech Republic participated in the Erasmus+ project “70 years of European history (1945-2015)”.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the

information contained therein

Page 4: Evaluation sheets

Part 1: Worksheets Worksheet 1 ....................................................................................................... 6

Worksheet 2 ....................................................................................................... 8

Worksheet 3 ..................................................................................................... 11

Worksheet 4 ..................................................................................................... 13

Worksheet 5 ..................................................................................................... 15

Worksheet 6 ..................................................................................................... 18

Worksheet 7 ..................................................................................................... 19

Worksheet 8 ..................................................................................................... 20

Worksheet 9 ..................................................................................................... 23

Worksheet 10 ................................................................................................... 31

Worksheet 11 ................................................................................................... 35

Worksheet 12 ................................................................................................... 37

Part 2: PuzzlesCrosswords ............................................................................................................................................ 40

Word search .......................................................................................................................................... 44

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Worksheet 1 1) Choose the correct answer:

1. Where was Winston Churchill born?

a) In France b) In England c) In the USA

2. Who was Vaclav Havel? a) The first president of Czech Republic. b) The third president of Czech Republic. c) The fifth president of Czech Republic.

3. How was Margaret Thatcher called? a) Golden Lady b) Bronze Lady c) Iron Lady

4. Who decoded Enigma? a) Konrad Adenauer b) Alan Turing c) Winston Churchill

5. Who was born in Malaga? a) Salvador Dali b) Konrad Adenauer c) Pablo Picasso

6. Which nationality was Jean Monnet? a) French b) Belgium c) Luxemburg

2) Fill in word, number or name:

1. Olaf Palme was a prime minister of _________. 2. The first chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany was ____________. 3. _________ was the prime minister in the UK during the 2. World war. 4. _________ was the president of Poland. 5. Charles de Gaulle was a French _________. 6. Guernica was painted by __________.

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3) Match the name with these thinks:

1. Alan Turing a) Novelist, philosopher 2. Vaclav Havel b) Political and economic adviser 3. Jean Monnet c) Born in 1890 4. Charles de Gaulle d) Painter 5. Salvador Dali e) Enigma 6. Jean Paul Satre f) Prague

4) Write names to these pictures:

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

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Worksheet 2 1) Place every personality to the country they came from:

Alan Turing, Charles de Gaulles, Lech Walesa, Salvador Dali, Jean Paul Sartre, Michail Gorbacev, Winston Churchill, Pablo Picasso, Bertrand Russel, Olof Palme, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer, Jean Monnet, Albert Einstein, Iosif Visarionovich Stalin, Margaret Thatcher, Václav Havel

2) Match every personality with the right description.

1. Alan Turing a) conservative politician, statesman, prime minister during the WWII

2. Charles de Gaulles b) writer, philosopher, dissident and eventually a president

3. Lech Walesa c) founding father of the European Union

4. Salvador Dali d) chancellor, he helped his country to recover in the post-war times

5. Jean Paul Sartre e) general, resistant, writer, leader of his country during WWII

6. Michail Gorbacev f) surrealist painter

7. Winston Churchill g) post-revolutional president

8. Pablo Picasso h) philosopher, logician, essayist, social critic

9. Bertrand Russel i) General Secretary of the Communist Party 1985-1991

10. Olof Palme j) mathematician, father of theoretical computer science

11. Robert Schuman k) prime minister 1979-1990, the only woman on this post till 2016

12. Konrad Adenauer l) economic adviser, dedicated his work to the European integration

13. Jean Monnet m) leader of a huge country, well-known for his cult of personality

14. Iosif Visarionovich Stalin n) prime minister of nothern European country

15. Margaret Thatcher o) philosopher (existentialism), novelist, politician

16. Václav Havel p) Cubist painter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Great Britain France Germany Spain Russia

(USSR) Poland Czech Republic Sweden

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3) Which statement is not true?

1. Winston Churchill

a) delivered the famous Iron Curtain speech in 1946.

b) smoked only Cuban cigars.

c) was a member of the Labour Party.

2. Václav Havel

a) was never imprisoned.

b) spent his free time by writing plays.

c) was a president of Czechoslovakia and Chezch Republic.

3. Iosif Visarionovich Stalin

a) supported a strong cult of personality.

b) was responsible for a huge genocide.

c) deeply cared for his citizens.

4. Pablo Picasso

a) went through several periods such as the Blue period ort he Rose period.

b) never met Salvador Dalí.

c) painted the famous Guernica.

5. Margaret Thatcher

a) was called the Iron Lady.

b) was originally a research chemist.

c) got the title „duchess.“

6. Charles de Gaulles

a) was the president of the fifth French republic.

b) was a member of the Big Three.

c) has an airport in Paris named after him.

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4) Who/what is on the pictures?

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Worksheet 3 1) Choose the correct answer:

1) Winston Churchill became a Prime Minister for the first time in: a) 1938 b) 1945 c) 1940 d) 1939

2) Which of these paintings made by Pabo Picasso express his disaccord with the war: a) The young ladies of Avignon b) Guernica c) My pretty girl d) Boy leading a horse

3) How old was Salvador Dalí when he first started taking art class: a) 10 years old b) 24 years old c) 15 years old d) 30 years old

4) Because of what was Alan Turing prosecuted in 1952: a) murder b) being homosexual c) theft d) drunkenness

5) Who is known as the father of Europe: a) Robert Schumman b) Charles de Gaulle c) Václav Havel d) Josif V. Stalin

6) For how long was Margaret Thatcher the Prime Minister: a) 5 years b) 1 year c) 11 years d) 7 years

2) Match persons with their mother countries:

1) Pablo Picasso A) France 2) Václav Havel B) Spain 3) Robert Schumman C) Poland 4) Lech Valesa D) Great Britain 5) Olof Palme E) Czech Republic 6) Bertrand Russel F) Sweden

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3) Correct all incorrect statements:

a) Charles de Gaulle was taken as a prisoner in the second world war. b) Margaret Thatcher was called the steel lady. c) Josif Stalin built a lot of churches during his life. d) Churchill became a Lord of Admiralty in 1910. e) Charles de Gaulle was a member of the Big three. f) Alan Turing was a famous chemist.

4) Put persons into the right bracket:

Salvador Dalí, Alan Turing, J. Paul Sartre, Olof Palme, Michail Gorbačev, Lech Valesa, Pablo Picasso, Bertrand Russel

Science Art Literature Politics

5) Assign an information to the right picture:

a) Alan Turing b) Winston Churchill c) Pablo Picasso – Guernica d) Cult of personality – Stalin e) Lech Valesa f) Salvador Dalí

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Worksheet 4 1) Fill in correct word:

a) Václav Havel was born in ________________ in Prague. b) Václav Havel was the last __________ of Czechoslovakia. c) There is an _______named after Václav Havel. d) Bertrand Russell was a ________. e) Pablo Picasso was influenced by his _______. f) Pablo Picasso was a co-founder of ______.

2) Choose the correct answer:

1. Pablo Picasso created cubism with Georges Braque in a) Spain b) Italy c) France

2. Pablo Picasso is originály a) Spanish b) Italian c) French

3. Václav Havel became a popular non communistic person during a) Prague Winter b) Prague Spring c) Prague Summer

4. Robert Schuman’s sculpture is in a) Bucarest, Romania b) Budapest, Hungary c) Sofia, Bulgaria

5. Salvador Dali was mainly focussed on a) reality b) dreams c) none of the above

6. Salvador Dali is very well known with his typical attribute which is a) short fat legs b) long thin legs c) none of the above

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3) Answer these questions:

a) Who was Margaret Thatcher? b) What do we consider Robert Schuman as? c) Who was the main inspiration behind the Schuman’s declaration? d) Who was Charles de Gaulle? e) What kind of artist was Salvador Dali? f) Is it true that Václav Havel was imprisoned during his life?

4) Match these together:

Margaret Thatcher Chancellor

Václav Havel Artist

Konrad Adenaur President

Pablo Picasso Prime minister

Bertrand Russell Political activist

Robert Schuman Philosopher

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Worksheet 5 1) Write the names of these famous people:

a) b) c) d) e) f)

a) ……………………………………………………………………………….

b) ……………………………………………………………………………….

c) ……………………………………………………………………………….

d) ……………………………………………………………………………….

e) ……………………………………………………………………………….

f) ……………………………………………………………………………….

2) Link what belongs together:

a) Father of Europe ALAN TURING

b) helped the creation of the Europe Community of the Coal and Steel CHARLES DE GAULE

c) leader of the Free French during WWII JEAN MONET

d) creator of magazine Modern Times, director of newspapers Revolution and Liberation, refused Nobel Prize for literature ROBERT SCHUMMAN

e) father of theoretical computer science JEAN-PAUL SARTRE

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3) Who said this?

I. Yes, it is Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, it is Europe, it is the whole of Europe, that will decide the fate of the world. __________________________________________

II. Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. __________________________________________

III. The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic. __________________________________________

IV. Beeing powerful is like beeing a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t. __________________________________________

V. Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life __________________________________________

4) Write the names of the paintings and the names of the authors.



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Worksheet 6 1) Whose names hide in the anagrams? (only the surname)

a) alaswe b) avebocgr c) lirlcuhch d) elpam e) dauenrea f) hartecht

2) Choose the correct answer:

1. With keys in 1989 jingled ……. a) Lech Walesa b) Konrad Adenauer c) Vaclav Havel

2. An important character behind the “Schuman Declaration” was …… a) Margaret Thatcher b) Jean Monnet c) Iosif Visarionovich Stalin

3. The research chemist was ……. a) Salvador Dali b) Michail Gorbacev c) Margaret Thatcher

4. The author of Defense of logicism is ……. a) Albert Einstein b) Bertrand Russel c) Charles de Gaulle

5. Who lived in the tower? a) Picasso b) Winston Churchill c) Salvador Dali

6. The genius who had been deeply criticized was …… a) Jean Paul Sartre b) Albert Einstein c) Bertrand Russell

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Worksheet 7 1) Match the names with their specific roles or acts in their lives:

Surrealist Mikhail Gorbacev First woman Prime Minister Alan Turing Machine for cracking coded messages Winston Churchill Swedish Social demokrat Lech Walesa Sovietic Union president Salvador Dali President of Poland Olof Palme Received Nobel Prize for literature Margaret Thatcher

2) Unscrumble the words connected somehow to the basic information about

famous European personalities:

SIXOSINAMCLNEEIT ___________________________

SRIMARSULE ___________________________

BLOEN PEIRZ ___________________________

PEIMR INMETSIR ___________________________

IRNO LAYD ___________________________

LOPSPIHHO ___________________________

AASOSNSSTINIA ___________________________

PAETINR ___________________________

HTE NMOTEN LAPN ___________________________

3) Complete the sentences, change the word given into the form which would fit in the best:

Salvador Dali’s paintings were significant for it’s _____________ effect. (REAL)

Václav Havel was imprisoned many times for _____________ reasons. (POLITICS)

Winston Churchill was a memeber of _____________ party (CONSERVE)

Bertrand Russel is a founder of _____________ philosophy. (ANALYSE)

Charles de Gaulle, because of his personality, was the one to get on well very _____________ with. (EASY)

Olaf Palme was _____________ while still being in his office. (ASSASSINATE)

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Worksheet 8

1) Choose the correct answer:

1. Winston Churchill was member of which political party? a) Republican b) Liberal c) Conservative d) Democratic

2. During First World War Winston Churchil was

a) Prime Minister b) First Lord of the Admiralty c) President d) Member of the Parliament

3. Which Nobel Prize did Winston Churchil received?

a) Literature Prize b) Peace Prize c) Chemistry Prize d) Physics Prize

4. What was Václav Havel?

a) Chemist b) Writer c) Bussinessman d) Doctor

5. What was Charter 77?

a) Declaration of support to the communist regime b) Václav Havel´s novel c) Declaration of humans rights and freedom d) Václav Havel´s school

6. How many times was Václav Havel elected president?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

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7. Charles de Gaulle was president of a) the Czech Republic b) the Fourth French Republic c) the Fifth French Republic d) Canada

8. Alan Turing developed a machine that was able to

a) navigate rockets. b) break Enigma. c) disable radio signal. d) cut wood.

9. Michal Gorbačov was born into a

a) rich family. b) middle class family. c) peasant family. d) He was an orphan.

2) Match these terms together:

Bertrand Russell Founders of analytic philosophy

Bertrand Russell and G.E. Moore The view that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic

Defense of logicism The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

Konrad Adenauer British philosopher

Adenauer´s foreign policy Reconciliation with France

3) Enter the missing words:

Stalin´s quote:

„The death of a man is a (1)_________, the death of millions are just (2)_________.“

In 1895, Picasso and his (3)__________ moved to (4)__________.

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4) Which of these paintings were painted by Picasso?

a) b) c)

5) Match these life events of Robert Schuman in chronological order:

1. Birth in Clausen

2. Minister of Finance

3. Minister of Justice

4. House arrest in Neudstadt

5. MP for the Moselle Department

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Worksheet 9 Choose the correct answer (sometimes are more answers possible)

1. What did Winston Churchill do for living before becoming a politician? a) He was rich, he didn't have to do anything. b) He was journalist and a writer. c) He has joined the army. e) He took care of his parent’s manor.

2. What was Winston Churchill’s position during the World War I? a) War minister b) Finance minister c) Prime minister d) The First Lord of the Admiralty

3. Churchill has been elected two times to the position of Britain’s Prime minister, in which years?

a) 1940-1945, 1951-1955 b) 1914-1918, 1940-1945 c) 1930-1934, 1950-1954 d) 1935-1949, 1949-1953

4. How did Churchill see the relationships between the East and the West in the era of cold war? a) He liked the idea of divided Europe. b) It was him, who first use the term of Iron Curtain, so quite negatively. c) He left politics before and he didn't really seem to care. d) He condemned the policies of the Soviet Union and he warned about Soviet planes

for expansion.

5. When did Churchill die? a) 1940's b) 1950's c) 1960's d) I have no idea...

6. What did Vaclav Havel do in his early years? a) He started to write to several magazines. b) He has finished his chemistry studies. c) He has started working in a theatre. d) He joined the communistic party.

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7. What were his activities before the Velvet Revolution? a) None, he was imprisoned. b) He wrote many ant communistic plays and books which were later forbidden. c) He helped to build the socialism in Czechoslovakia. d) He signed himself under many anti-communist statements, petitions and documents

which made him punished and imprisoned several times.

8. What happened after the velvet revolution? a) He decided to leave politics. b) He has returned to the theatre. c) He wanted to became president but he wasn't elected. d) He became president in 1989 and stayed in the position till 2003.

9. What did Vaclav Havel do besides politics? a) He was a successful actor. b) He was a writer and a poet. c) He liked rock music a lot and he had friends between musicians. d) He was a producer.

10. Who was Bertrand Russel? a) He was a mathematician and physician. b) He was a writer. c) He was a political theoretic, social critic and historian. d) He was a philosopher and an essayist.

11. Russel is known as the founder of: a) Loads of mathematical theories b) Logic c) Dreams interpretation d) Analytic philosophy

12. What is logicism? a) Philosophical movement. b) Something connected to mathematics. c) Something Bertrand Russel has made up? d) I have no idea.

13. Russel has involved in some conflicts, he was an activist, choose the projects he has participated at:

a) He has supported all the involvements of the West in all the wars. b) He has decided to open an experimental school. c) He wasn't an activist... d) Vietnam war - he was against the western involvement. e) He stood against nuclear weapons too.

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14. How did Russel's point of view affected his life? a) It didn't affect it in any way. b) He was imprisoned. c) His wife left him because of his ideology. d) He lost his job and had troubles finding a new one.

15. Who was Conrad Adenauer? a) The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. b) A Nazi politician. c) A philosopher. d) I have no idea.

16. How did Adenauer affect the way of German involvement in European policy? a) He didn't. b) He was quite important person in Germany's foreign politics... He has even signed

friendship with the President of France. c) He helped German to such organizations such as the Council of Europe to the NATO. d) He tried to build a new Reich.

17. Which of these states weren't Soviet Satellite states? a) Czechoslovak Republic b) East Germany c) Ukraine d) Poland

18. Which city of the East Europe has been called Orasul Stalin [Stalin City] a) Brasov b) Krakow c) Prague d) Weimar

19. How did Stalin affect the life in East Europe? a) He has improved the life standards. b) He has started a Cult of his personality. c) He lead the East Europe to democracy. d) He took a part on a massive genocide.

20. Where is Pablo Picasso from? a) Italy b) Portugal c) Spain d) France

21. When did Picasso start working? a) When he was 9 b) When he was 12 c) When he was 10 d) When he was 7

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22. How did the studies of Picasso look? a) He has studied in Barcelona and Madrid. b) He didn't study, because he was too good for the schools. c) He has been fired because he didn't study. d) He skipped classes.

23. Where did he live most of his artificial career? a) Rome b) Paris c) Madrid d) Berlin

24. What is Guernica? a) A Picasso's painting. b) A type of exotic fruit. c) A town in Spain. e) A Spanish swear word.

25. What did Margaret Thatcher for living before stepping to politics? a) She was an economist. b) She was a teacher. c) She was a house wife. d) She was a research chemist.

26. What did she do as a prime minister? a) She has deregulated financial service and supported investments as well as the

unitary European market. b) She has split the country up by classes. c) She didn't do anything important. e) She has changed the health care system.

27. Which of these positions Thatcher never had? a) Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Science b) Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment c) Secretary of State for economics d) Prime minister of the UK

28. What did Robert Schuman study? a) Economics b) Law c) Political sciences e) Philosophy

29. Which position did he hold? a) Secretary of State b) Interior minister c) Minister of Finances d) Minister of the European movement

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30. Why is Robert Schuman called the Father of Europe? a) He was the first president of the European Parliament. b) He has travelled a lot. c) It was because of his Personality cult. e) He has participated in the negotiations after the World War II.

31. What is the Schuman Declaration? a) Declaration of pace. b) The declaration that has confirmed the European Union. c) A pact that speaks about absolute control over steel and coal production. d) It's a declaration of human rights.

32. Who did Jean Monet know well? a) Stalin b) Schuman c) Picasso e) Adenauer

33. What did Monet do before joining the politics? a) He was a teacher. b) He was in the army. c) He was a banker and a distributor of cognac. d) He was unemployment.

34. What did Monet do during the World War II? a) He didn't do anything special. b) He has tried to form a political union between Britain and France to fight Nazism. c) He was imprisoned. e) He tried to negotiate with the Nazis.

35. When did Monet end his studies? a) At the age of 24 b) At the age of 20 c) At the age of 18 d) At the age of 16

36. To which US president did Monet serve? a) Bush Senior b) Roosevelt c) Nixon e) Eisenhower

37. What did Charles de Gaulle do before becoming president? a) He lead the Free France during the World War II b) He was a writer c) He was a solider d) He didn't do anything special

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38. How did de Gaulle's position look compared to people such as Churchill, Stalin or Roswellt?

a) They helped each other. b) They were friends. c) He has never been even invited to the same meetings as The big three. e) They cooperated...

39. How did de Gaulle see the united Europe? a) He was against it. b) He liked the idea of united Europe, but he was against superpowers. c) He only supported the idea of superpowers, not the united Europe. d) He wanted the United Europe at any cost.

40. How many times did de Gaulle resigned his presidency? a) He didn't b) Once c) Two times e) Three times

41. Where did Salvador Dali come from? a) Italy b) France c) Spain d) Portugal

42. Who did Dali meet in Paris. a) Joan Miro b) Pablo Picasso c) Henri Rousseau e) Nobody important

43. For which style is Dali most known? a) Impressionism b) Expressionism c) Symbolism d) Surrealism

44. Why did Dali retire? a) He found painting no more interesting. b) He became sick with a motor disorder. c) He didn't retire. e) He believed that he has finished his work.

45. Who Was Jean Paul Satre? a) A misunderstood genius, novelist and a philosopher b) An economist c) An artist d) A politician

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46. What does existentialism mean? a) It's something similar to socialism. b) It's a movement that supports individuality and freedom of choice. c) It's a philosophy with strong connection to nationalism. e) It's a nonsense.

47. Who was Alan Turing? a) A physician b) A mathematician c) An artist d) A politician

48. What was Allan Turing's biggest achievement? a) He did nothing important. b) He has made up the famous Theory of Games. c) The invention of the Turing machine, the predecessor of today’s computers. e) He broke Nazi codes and made the well-known Enigma machine.

49. What did he do in March 1946? a) He worked on code breaking. b) He didn't do anything important at the time. c) He has built the Enigma machine. d) He has designed the so called Automatic Computing Engine, a digital computer in the

modern sense.

50. Who was Olaf Palme? a) He was a Sweden's prime minister. b) He was a Norway's prime minister. c) He was a philosopher. e) He was a writer.

51. How did Palme's political view look? a) He has supported the idea of superpowers in Europe. b) He has supported the Third World liberation. c) He has supported the authoritative governments. d) He has made some important social reforms in Sweden.

52. What did Palme do for living before joining politics? a) He was a banker b) He was an economist c) He was an artist e) He was a solider

53. Which degrees did Palme hold? a) Arts degree b) Economical degree c) Law degree d) Philosophical degree

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54. In which party was Palme? a) Liberal party b) Conservative party c) Social democratic party e) Communist party

55. Which degree does Gorbacev hold? a) Philosophy degree b) Russian degree c) Economics degree d) Law degree

56. Gorbacev was elected General Secretary of the Soviet Union, what was his politics? a) He follow the path of Marxism and Leninism. b) He just tried to keep the socialism as it was before. c) He didn't really have any new politics. d) He brought to live so called perestrojka, the politics of Soviet Union's reorganisation.

57. Who is Lech Walesa? a) He is a former president of Poland. b) He is an economic minister of Poland. c) He is a Nobel Price holder. e) He is a former soviet politician.

58. What did Walesa originally do for living? a) He was a labourer b) He was a teacher c) He was an electrician d) He was a banker

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Worksheet 10 1) Fill in information from the video:

Winston Churchill

He was born on November the 30th 1874 in (1) ___________. He was a (2) ___________ politician and statesman as well as (3) ___________ and (4) ___________. He is famous due to his service as a British prime minister during the (5) ___________.

Václav Havel

He was born in (6) ___________, Czechoslovakia to a business and intellectual family. He was a Czech (7) ___________, (8) ___________, (9) ___________ and (10) ___________, he played an important role in the Velvet Revolution. After the Revolution, he became the (11) ___________.

Betrand Russel

He was a (12) ___________ philosopher, essayist and historian who also did quite important work in education. He is also known as the founder of (13) ___________ and (14) ___________.

Konrad Adenauer

He is mostly known as the first Chancellor of the (15) ___________ after the World War II. He has participated a lot in the idea of united Europe and due to his credits became Germany the part of such organizations as the (16) ___________ or (17) ___________.

Josif Stalin

He was a dictator who led the Soviet Union in the name of force and dictate. He also let the Romanian city of (18) ___________ name after himself - Orsul Stalin (Stalin city). In his time (19) ___________ million people died in gulags.

Pablo Picasso

He was born on the 25th of October 1891 in Málaga, Andalusia, (20) ___________. He was influenced by his (21) ___________ to draw. He has studied in (22) ___________ and (23) ___________. In 1900 moved Picasso to (24) ___________, the European capital of arts, where he worked for the most of his life and created his style – (25) ___________.

Margaret Thatcher, the (26) ___________

Originally she was a (27) ___________. While in office she was seen very positively by

some (for (28) ___________, (29) ___________, (30) ___________etc.) and very

negatively by others (for splitting the country to (31) ___________ and oil industry).

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(32) ___________, the Father of Europe

He has studied Law, in his life he became the Minister of (33) ___________, (34) ___________ and the very first President of the (35) ___________. He also was one of the key negotiators by the led f the World War II and, with help of his friend (36) ___________, he stood behind the so called (37) ___________.

Jean Monet

He was a (38) ___________ politician and (39) ___________, he played for the unifying force in Europe after the World War II. and he one of the main characters behind the European Community of Coal and Steel. He even caused such an impression on the US president (40) ___________ that he was named his advisor.

Charles de Gaulle

He was a French (41) ___________, resistance member, writer and a (42) ___________. Although he was an important character of the war and post-war Europe, he was not popular between the so called "Big three" - Stalin, Churchill and (43) ___________.

Salvador Dali

He was a (44) ___________ artist known especially for his (45) ___________ works. In 1929 moved Dali to Paris, France, where he met the painters (46) ___________ and Joan Miro. He is the only painter who has (47) ___________ Museums dedicated exclusively to him.

Jean Paul Stare

He was a novelist, politician and especially (48) ___________. Nowadays he is considered a misunderstood genius who has propagated the (49) ___________ a philosophical movement that celebrates (50) ___________ and individuality.

Alan Turing

He is well known as a father of (51) ___________ and artificial intelligence. During the World War II worked Turing for his government as a (52) ___________. At that time, he developed so called (53) ___________, a codebreaking machine, and a few years later he developed an Automatic Computing Engine; the first (54) ___________ in the modern sense.

Olaf Palme

He was a prime minister of (55) ___________. He is known for non-alignment policy towards (56) ___________, support of the Third World liberation and vocal opposition to (57) ___________.

Mikhail Garbage

He was the last leader of Soviet Union. He is well known because of his attempt to reorganize the Soviet Union with his policy called (58) ___________ and his contribution to the end of the Cold War. He also when the (59) ___________ for pace in 1990.

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Lech Walesa

He is a Nobel Price holder and a former president of (60) ___________. Before 1989 he was persecuted by the (61) ___________ and was arrested several times... Although he is president no more, his international fame remains and he continues to speak about politics.

2) Name the people on the following pictures:

a) b) c) d)

e) f) g)

h) i) j) k)

l) m) n) o) p)

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3) Connect following phrases with certain people/definitions:

Picasso Stalin

Soviet Satellites Churchill

Russel Picasso and Dali

Velvet Revolution Havel

Adenauer Guernica

Who met in Paris? Logicism

Iron Curtain He was quite important person in Germany's foreign politics... He has even signed friendship with the President of France.

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Worksheet 11 1) Match the items on the left to the item on the right

Winston Churchill The last leader of the Soviet Union Charles de Gaulle The first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Jean Monnet Prime minister 1979-1990 (GB) Olof Joachim Palme Two-term Prime minister of Sweden Konrad Adenauer Prime minister during the second WW (GB) Robert Shuman The first president of the Czech Republic Václav Havel French leader of the free France during the second WW Margaret Thatcher Polish politician; co-founder of „solidarity“ Mikhail S. Gorbachev President of the founding fathers of the EU Lech Walesa Twice Prime minister of France, one of the fathers of EU

2) Fill in the gaps the correct words:

a) Winston Chiruchill

Winston Churchill was born on November the 30th of (1) ___________ in Woodstock. He was a (2) ___________ politician, famous mainly for his permormance as UK (3) ___________ during WW2. In 1905 he became Minister of (4) ___________. After WW1 where he served the front at France he continued as a member of the Cabinet, this time as a leader of the (5) ___________ resort. In 1910 he baceme Home secretary, position which he held for 35 years. Finally in Mayv (6) ___________ he was electer Prime Minister. 5 years later he was replaced by (7) ___________ from the Labour party.

b) Gorbachev´s end

In (1) ___________ some independentist movements broke out in (2) ___________, (3) ___________ and Lithuania. For this reason Gorbachev intervened with strong repressions and as a reaction he was imprisoned and his government was subject to a (4) ___________. Gorbachev decided to dismiss from his position in (5) ___________. With his dismissions there was the discussion of the (6) ___________.

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3) Choose the correct answer:

1. Who was the first Czech president? a) Gustav Husák b) Václav Havel c) Josif Stalin d) Michail Gorbachev

2. Where was Pablo Picasso born? a) France b) Italy c) Spain d) Portugal

3. Who was French general, writer and statesman? a) Charles de Gaulle b) Niclas Sarkozy c) Lous de Funés d) Jean Paul Sartre

4. What philosophical movement Jean Paul Sartre founded? a) Existencialism b) Nihilism c) Realism

5. Who won the Nobel Peace Price in 1983? a) Ronald Regan b) Lech Walesa c) Bogdan Borusewicz d) Jaroslav Seifert

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Worksheet 12 1) Choose the correct answer:

Václav Havel´s life

1. What did Václav Havel originally study? a) Art b) Chemistry c) Antropology d) Political science

2. Havel debuted as a writer in magezine „Květen“ translated into: a) Flower b) Poem c) Love d) May

3. He wrote his first play in 1959. How was it called? a) Family evening b) Garden celebration c) Absurd drama d) Leaving

4. In 1977 Havel indicated a petition criticising the régime and promoting human right and freedom. We know i tunder the name of:

a) Charta VH b) Charta 77 c) AntiRegime 77 d) Václav Havel for President

5. After the Velvet revolution in 1989 Havel was elected for president. How many years in total did he spend as a leader of Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic?

a) 9 b) 12 c) 14 d) 16

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2) Connect name to state of origin:

Lech Walesa United Kingdom

Václav Havel Spain

Margaret Thatcher Poland

Salvator Dali United Kingdom

Josif Vissarionovič Stalin Czech Republic

Winston Churchill Imperial Russia

3) Match the item on the right to the item on the left:

„Iron Curtain“ Konrad Adenauer

Charta 77 Robert Schuman

Treaty of friendshiop between Germany and France Václav Havel

Falklands war Margaret Thatcher

Created cubism Winston Churchill

1st president of European Parliament Pablo Picasso

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1: One of the founding fathers of EU

2: Perestroika

3: Middle name Vissarionovič

4: Non-alignment policy towards world´s superpowers

5: Member of a group of „Surrealist“

6: Broke Enigma Code

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Across 1. Bertrand Russell was…? (nationality) 4. What was the name of the first president of the Czech Republic? 5. Adenauer was the __________ of the Feredal republic of Germany. 6. The art movement of Pablo Picasso. Down 2. The cultural movement of Salvator Dali. 3. Margaret Thatcher was the first __________ as a British prime minister.

1. Revolution which was Havel connected with. 2. Picasso was a famous _______. 3. Russian politician 4. President according who is called the airport in Prague. 5. Alan Turing was a ________. 6. Bertrand Russell was British _________.

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