evaluation question one

EVALUATION QUESTION ONE In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Page 1: Evaluation Question One


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

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In the research and planning stage of my product, I analysed a number of existing media products to gain an understanding of their forms and conventions to ensure my own product was as

realistic and professional as possible.

I found this stage extremely helpful and will now refer to it as I analyse the use of music magazine forms and conventions on my

own product.

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THE IMAGE: Here I have followed conventions. The cover image is of a star, the feature star in the magazine. The image presented to the audience is positive, allowing them to aspire to look/be like the star. I used Adobe Photoshop to make

my model seem perfect. Models in both magazines are both smiling. However, I challenged conventions because the model is not using the direct mode of address. I also developed the conventions by using props, not seen in many other

pop magazines, to reinforce the fact that it is a music magazine. The model’s costume also develops conventions. The star in the existing product is in a glamorous dress, my star however is in comfy casual wear, allowing the teenage

audience to relate more.

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THE LAYOUT: Here I have followed many conventions such as: placing the image in the centre; the cover stories around the image; the masthead at the top; and barcode at the bottom. I have challenged conventions by placing the masthead over the image. I have done this because it looks more aesthetically pleasing this way and works better with the image. I

have added in a skyline, a common feature of most magazines but not featured on Top of the Pops.

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THE DESIGN: I have used my house colours of yellow and blue which follows the convention, just like Top of the Pops uses pink and purple. I also followed typical conventions by using a variety of fonts and sizes. The masthead is the largest

text on the page, with the main cover line following close behind. This story is about the model/star and relates to the interview inside. I have used a pull quote as mine which is a convention of magazines but not featured in the Top of the

Pops issue above. I placed some of the text in filled boxes so that it stands out against the image. The background is plain and one colour. I have challenged conventions by only using one image on my font cover however, I think this makes it

easier and clearer to understand and makes the magazine seem more sophisticated.

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I think I have followed all of the main conventions of contents pages: the masthead is placed at the top of the page and in the largest font; articles are grouped together under subheadings [Who’s in Spotlight/Spotlight Features] to make navigation of the page easier for the audience; images of stars are used to attract the audience and break up large blocks of text;

house styles [e.g. cover lines] and colours [yellow/blue] are used to the front cover and the rest of the magazine for continuity; short, snappy text is used to explain what is on each page. I have also included an editors’ message which is not present

in every magazine but would be a convention, plus social media links which relate to the audience demographic.

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I have followed the main conventions for a double page spread article. The text is written in columns in a small font. It is written in a question/answer interview style, with the questions in a different colour and bold. I have used a drop cap at the start of the article. The image is the main focus of the pages, the text moulds around it. The model is using the direct

mode of address to engage the audience, she is smiling and her clothing is not too revealing, which is appropriate for genre and audience demographic. The title is either a play on words or a pull quote, I have used a pull quote and it is the largest text on the page. I used a steadfast, to briefly introduce the article, placed under the title. The main colours are

still the house colours [blue/yellow] and the purple is used to compliment the model’s costume, again a convention. Magazine interviews are often used by stars to promote their products, here my star is promoting her new album which I have created and placed in the corner. The interview itself is written in an informal, chatty style so that the audience feel

relaxed and can relate, this is typical of a magazine.