evaluation question 4

Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Upload: alexadippold

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation Question 4

Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Page 2: Evaluation Question 4

Amy is an 18 year old student at the York College. As the main LIFE!’s audience she lives in Yorkshire. Like a lot of teenagers she spends her weekends with her friends and goes out in the evening to night clubs and bars. When she goes shopping with her friends they usually take a break in a café and gossip about the latest news in the music world. Not only do they discuss new songs but also the relationship of their favourite artist and their styling. Music is a part of her life as much as sleeping and studying for college. She listens weekly to the UK charts and watches casting shows like the X-Factor or The Voice UK. When she is in the bus or doing sports her earphones are plugged in.

“A life without music? I don’t try to stop breathing so why should I stop listening to music? For me these two activities are on the same level.” Her weekend-job in a supermarket makes it possible for her to go to music festivals and concerts of her favourite artists. At the moment she tries to figure out what to do after college and ensured us that she is sometimes so confused and overwhelmed with information, opinions and advices people throw at her that she likes to escape the whole stress by going to her room and turning up the music as loud as she can. “Just to get my head clean for some moments and relax.”

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