evaluation question 2 (blog post)

How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts? Sam Jenkins

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?

Sam Jenkins

Colour I have tried to keep my colour scheme

as green as possible through my photos this ties in well with the nature side of the Indie genre.

I felt that blue text would work well with this colour scheme but I was wrong, all my audience feedback after the first post of the digi pack suggested that I should change the colour to a lighter one, so I chose white. And changed all the text to keep up coherency.

I used a green, yellow and blue colour scheme to represent nature and all its natural beauty, my audience said this worked very well because they could tell this was for an indie genre

Font Type and SizeI used a website known as Dafont .com to source my

fonts, I couldn’t download them properly so instead I print screened them and edited the colour in Photoshop.

I chose a number of different fonts for trials but in the end I settled on this one

The font type I used is called Wizard Magic and is around size 110

I used this font to make my brand coherency, allowing the audience to know that a product is by George Barnett

Fonts continued... I also used a font known as Alice in

wonderland for the numbers of my track list. this was because the text looks very similar and ties in with the Indie, niche theme that would appeal to my target audience. Here is a sample of the two fonts on my track list, Wizards magic for the text and Alice in wonderland for the numbers.

I kept the continuation of coherency by using the same fonts on my magazine advert , and also by using a very green photo to match those in my digi pack.

Visual themesThe visual theme of my products all follow the

same theme that I call “getting back to nature” I achieved this by using different photos of nature with sunlight and a mix of vibrant greens and blues. This signifies the indie fans love of nature.

Posture and proxemicsAs we had only one

actor in our video no proxemics were needed.

However in terms of posture (downward facing head with a neutral facial expression and slumped shoulders)we could tell that he was depressed and looking for something but we don’t know what.

LightingWe didn’t need to use any artificial lighting to

create our video partly because we wanted to follow the theme of “getting back to nature”

In almost all of our shots we’ve used natural light. The audience feedback says that this is effective because it makes the video more naturalistic .

Magazine advertBy creating my magazine advert I was

able to promote the album and my chosen artist. Through using popular music magazines as rolling stone and NME I felt it would give my audience something to expect.

Magazine advert continued...The reason I gave the rating of four stars from

each magazine was because of audience feedback. It was suggested to me that I should add another star to rolling stone’s rating for continuity and also because 3 stars are nothing to boast about.

CostumeFor the costume of our actor we wanted to

match the Indie fashion style, this includes skinny jeans or chinos, woollen tops and unique hats and scarf's

However we did want to keep things simple due to lack of budget. In order to do this our actor was dressed in dark yellow chinos, a white jumper,woolen, multi coloured scarf and a navy blue coat. Here are some examples of Indie fan clothing.

Audience thoughtsOnce I had posted my products onto my face

book group I had a great deal of positive feedback

Most people thought the colours of my pictures went well with the colour and style of text.

Others said that the brightness of the pictures needed adjusting or another image was needed but on the whole my products were very high quality.