evaluation of cirrus cloud properties derived from modis ...2005).pdf · evaluation of cirrus cloud...

Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Properties Derived from MODIS Data Using Cloud Properties Derived from Ground-Based Observations Collected at the ARM SGP Site GERALD G. MACE AND YUYING ZHANG University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah STEVEN PLATNICK AND MICHAEL D. KING NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland PATRICK MINNIS NASA Langley Research Center, Langley, Virginia PING YANG Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (Manuscript received 25 November 2003, in final form 22 July 2004) ABSTRACT The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the NASA Terra satellite has been collecting global data since March 2000 and the one on the Aqua satellite since June 2002. In this paper, cirrus cloud properties derived from ground-based remote sensing data are compared with similar cloud properties derived from MODIS data on Terra. To improve the space–time correlation between the satellite and ground-based observations, data from a wind profiler are used to define the cloud advective streamline along which the comparisons are made. In this paper, approximately two dozen cases of cirrus are examined and a statistical approach to the comparison that relaxes the requirement that clouds occur over the ground-based instruments during the overpass instant is explored. The statistical comparison includes 168 cloudy MODIS overpasses of the Southern Great Plains (SGP) region and approximately 300 h of ground-based cirrus observations. The physical and radiative properties of cloud layers are derived from MODIS data separately by the MODIS Atmospheres Team and the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Science Team using multiwavelength reflected solar and emitted thermal radia- tion measurements. Using two ground-based cloud property retrieval algorithms and the two MODIS algorithms, a positive correlation in the effective particle size, the optical thickness, the ice water path, and the cloud-top pressure between the various methods is shown, although sometimes there are significant biases. Classifying the clouds by optical thickness, it is demonstrated that the regionally averaged cloud properties derived from MODIS are similar to those diagnosed from the ground. Because of a conservative approach toward identifying thin cirrus pixels over this region, the area-averaged cloud properties derived from the MODIS Atmospheres MOD06 product tend to be biased slightly toward the optically thicker pixels. This bias tendency has implications for model validation and parameterization development applied to thin cirrus retrieved over SGP-like land surfaces. A persistent bias is also found in the derived cloud tops of thin cirrus with both satellite algorithms reporting cloud top several hundred meters less than that reported by the cloud radar. Overall, however, it is concluded that the MODIS retrieval algorithms char- acterize with reasonable accuracy the properties of thin cirrus over this region. 1. Introduction Cirrus clouds are globally distributed and are com- posed almost exclusively of nonspherical ice crystals with an annual global and local frequency of occurrence of about 30% (i.e., Wylie and Menzel 1989; Wylie et al. 1994; Rossow and Schiffer 1999). Satellite imagery shows that large cirrus systems modify the planetary radiation budget by increasing albedo and reducing in- frared emission (Liou 1986). Cirrus clouds not only play a significant role in the energy budget of the earth– atmosphere system by means of their effects on the transfer of radiant energy through the atmosphere, but are also important as a vital link in the hydrological cycle (Stephens et al. 1990; Webster 1994). Given their Corresponding author address: Gerald Mace, Dept. of Meteo- rology, Rm. 819 (819 WBB), University of Utah, 135S 1460E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0110. E-mail: [email protected] FEBRUARY 2005 MACE ET AL. 221 © 2005 American Meteorological Society JAM2193

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Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Properties Derived from MODIS Data Using CloudProperties Derived from Ground-Based Observations Collected at the ARM SGP Site


University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland


NASA Langley Research Center, Langley, Virginia


Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

(Manuscript received 25 November 2003, in final form 22 July 2004)


The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the NASA Terra satellite hasbeen collecting global data since March 2000 and the one on the Aqua satellite since June 2002. In thispaper, cirrus cloud properties derived from ground-based remote sensing data are compared with similarcloud properties derived from MODIS data on Terra. To improve the space–time correlation between thesatellite and ground-based observations, data from a wind profiler are used to define the cloud advectivestreamline along which the comparisons are made. In this paper, approximately two dozen cases of cirrusare examined and a statistical approach to the comparison that relaxes the requirement that clouds occurover the ground-based instruments during the overpass instant is explored. The statistical comparisonincludes 168 cloudy MODIS overpasses of the Southern Great Plains (SGP) region and approximately300 h of ground-based cirrus observations. The physical and radiative properties of cloud layers are derivedfrom MODIS data separately by the MODIS Atmospheres Team and the Clouds and the Earth’s RadiantEnergy System (CERES) Science Team using multiwavelength reflected solar and emitted thermal radia-tion measurements. Using two ground-based cloud property retrieval algorithms and the two MODISalgorithms, a positive correlation in the effective particle size, the optical thickness, the ice water path, andthe cloud-top pressure between the various methods is shown, although sometimes there are significantbiases. Classifying the clouds by optical thickness, it is demonstrated that the regionally averaged cloudproperties derived from MODIS are similar to those diagnosed from the ground. Because of a conservativeapproach toward identifying thin cirrus pixels over this region, the area-averaged cloud properties derivedfrom the MODIS Atmospheres MOD06 product tend to be biased slightly toward the optically thickerpixels. This bias tendency has implications for model validation and parameterization development appliedto thin cirrus retrieved over SGP-like land surfaces. A persistent bias is also found in the derived cloud topsof thin cirrus with both satellite algorithms reporting cloud top several hundred meters less than thatreported by the cloud radar. Overall, however, it is concluded that the MODIS retrieval algorithms char-acterize with reasonable accuracy the properties of thin cirrus over this region.

1. Introduction

Cirrus clouds are globally distributed and are com-posed almost exclusively of nonspherical ice crystalswith an annual global and local frequency of occurrence

of about 30% (i.e., Wylie and Menzel 1989; Wylie et al.1994; Rossow and Schiffer 1999). Satellite imageryshows that large cirrus systems modify the planetaryradiation budget by increasing albedo and reducing in-frared emission (Liou 1986). Cirrus clouds not only playa significant role in the energy budget of the earth–atmosphere system by means of their effects on thetransfer of radiant energy through the atmosphere, butare also important as a vital link in the hydrologicalcycle (Stephens et al. 1990; Webster 1994). Given their

Corresponding author address: Gerald Mace, Dept. of Meteo-rology, Rm. 819 (819 WBB), University of Utah, 135S 1460E, SaltLake City, UT 84112-0110.E-mail: [email protected]

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© 2005 American Meteorological Society


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importance (Lynch et al. 2002), it is necessary to accu-rately characterize cirrus clouds in models of the globalclimate (GCMs). However, given the extreme variabil-ity of cirrus microphysical properties and the interac-tion between solar radiation and the nonspherical par-ticles composing cirrus clouds, their role in the climatesystem is not yet fully understood nor accurately char-acterized in models.

High-level cirrus tend to have low concentrations oflarge particles relative to most clouds and are, there-fore, typically optically thin and gray in the thermal IRspectrum (Ackerman et al. 1988). It has been recog-nized observationally and through numerical simula-tion that the influence of optically thin cirrus (definedas layers with infrared emittance less than 1) on theradiation field of the earth–atmosphere system, andhence on weather and climate components of the gen-eral circulation, depends on both the solar and thermalIR radiative properties. The radiative properties, inturn, are modulated by the physical composition of thecloud (ice water content, particle size, particle shape,and particle concentration) and the physical location ofthe layer in the atmosphere. In order to place the rel-evance and importance of cirrus composition, structure,and radiative properties into a global perspective andthereby improve the parameterization of cirrus cloudsin GCMs, collections of analysis products including sta-tistical distributions of fundamental cirrus cloud prop-erties are required. Compiling these fundamental datawill facilitate investigation of the influence of cirrusclouds on the thermodynamics and dynamics of the at-mosphere, and ultimately lead to improved representa-tion of clouds in climate models. Of particular impor-tance in this respect is the need to characterize simul-taneously the relationship between the dynamicsresolved by a large-scale model, the subgrid-scale tur-bulence that ultimately maintains cloud elements, andthe ice mass and particle sizes that evolve within theseenvironments (Mace et al. 2001).

Present uncertainties in cloud parameterizations canbe directly linked to the current scarcity of quantitativecloud property observations. In order to build a long-term global dataset, the National Aeronautics andSpace Administration’s (NASA) Earth Observing Sys-tem (EOS) project launched its first spacecraft (Terra)on 18 December 1999 (King and Herring 2000). TheModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS; Platnick et al. 2003; King et al. 2003, 2004; seealso information online at http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov) isuniquely designed with wide spectral range, high spatialand spectral resolution, and near-daily global coverage.Upwelling radiation in several narrow spectral channelsat a resolution of 1 km in a 2300-km swath under thesatellite track is measured by MODIS and convertedinto cloud properties using various algorithms (King etal. 1992, 1997, 2004; Platnick et al. 2003; Minnis et al.1995, 1998, 2002). Because of the complex physical pro-cesses that relate the retrieved parameters to the up-

welling radiances, the error characteristics of the re-trievals need to be thoroughly understood before theretrieval results can be used quantitatively to improveour understanding of the role of cirrus in the climatesystem or to use this knowledge to develop cloud pa-rameterizations for models. The two types of validationapproaches expressed in the EOS Algorithm Theoret-ical Basis Document (ATBD) are the use of in situaircraft in short-term intensive operational periods(IOPs) and the use of permanent observational facili-ties to perform validation over a long time period. Inthis paper we directly use the latter technique while theformer is addressed in an indirect sense by first estab-lishing the credibility of the ground-based measure-ments with in situ aircraft data (appendix A).

Given the finescale variability of most cloud systems(including cirrus), there is typically an extreme mis-match between the scales represented by in situ cloudobservations collected from aircraft platforms andscales associated with spatially averaged satellite obser-vations. This disparity applies not only to the horizontaldimensions but also to the vertical dimension since theinformation from solar-reflected radiances composes anonlinear weighting of the cloud properties of indi-vidual layers. Since it would take significant time toobservationally characterize the volume over which asatellite pixel is relevant, evolution of the cloud systemwill generally result in temporal changes that exacer-bate the disparity. However, regardless of the problemsthat are inherent to the use of aircraft data in satellitecloud property validation, data collected in situ remaina valuable source of collaborative measurements, andsatellite-derived cloud properties should, ultimately, betraceable back to this sort of ground truth. In order toeffectively make this quantitative connection betweenin situ data and pixel-scale retrieved quantities, we usea bootstrapping method where the aircraft data are firstcompared to the results of cloud property retrieval al-gorithms applied to ground-based measurements(Mace et al. 2002; Dong and Mace 2003) and theground-based results are then compared to those de-rived from satellites (Zhang 2002). The ground-basedremote sensing measurements serve as an intermediateobservational scale between the satellite pixel and thein situ observations. Since ground-based retrievals canbe more easily validated against aircraft data, our goalis to essentially link satellite retrievals to the in situmeasurements in this way. This approach has additionalbenefits. For instance, since ground-based instrumentscan be operated more routinely than can aircraft, weare able to create a statistically significant comparisondataset in a shorter period of time and at less cost.

A proper validation of remotely sensed cloud prop-erties would require enough cloud events to statisticallycharacterize the bias and root-mean-square (rms) dif-ference between the aircraft data and the ground-baseddata and between the ground-based data and the satel-

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lite. This has not yet been accomplished, however. Thenecessary aircraft data collected in coincidence withground-based remote sensors simply do not exist, al-though we use much of what is available, as shown inappendix A. Compiling the necessary number of MO-DIS coincidences with the ground-based remote sen-sors simply requires time, and the number of events isgrowing. In this paper, our goal is to illustrate our meth-odological approach for building a reasonable space–time-correlated comparison between the ground-basedresults and cloud properties derived from MODIS data,as well as to present a comparison of a number of thincirrus events. We also demonstrate a statistical ap-proach to validation that measures whether relation-ships between certain cloud properties are similar be-tween the ground-based and space-based retrievals. Inany comparison of cirrus cloud particle sizes, a carefulaccounting must be made of the differences in the defi-nitions of particle size. Appendix B explores this issuefor the algorithms used here.

2. Comparison technique

We use two ground-based retrieval algorithms tocompare with satellite-derived cirrus cloud properties.In this section we illustrate the use of an algorithm thatrelies on radar reflectivity and Doppler velocity [here-inafter referred to as the Z-velocity algorithm; Mace etal. (2002)]. The technique is applied to the ground-based data collected by the Millimeter Cloud Radar(MMCR; Moran et al. 1998) at the Atmospheric Ra-diation Measurement (ARM) sites. Concentrating onthe capacity of the moments of the Doppler spectrumto provide information suitable for retrieving the mi-crophysical properties of cirrus clouds, this algorithmuses the zeroth and first moments of the Doppler spec-trum (radar reflectivity and mean Doppler velocity) toretrieve the cloud particle size distribution. This tech-nique uses only measurements from the MMCR to re-trieve the cloud properties, so it provides certain prac-tical advantages compared to those requiring multipleinstruments. An advantage of this technique over theZ-radiance approach described in appendix A and usedin the next section is that the Z-velocity algorithm hasmuch higher (36 s) temporal resolution and providesvertically resolved cloud properties. It can also be ap-plied without requiring the layer to be optically thinand observable without the presence of lower-levelclouds. However, the approach has significant limita-tions since in only a relatively small number of situa-tions can the vertical air motion be reliably separatedfrom the particle motions using a statistical technique(Mace et al. 2002).

Since the satellite observations represent a single mo-ment in time over an area and the ARM data provide atime series from a single location, we improve thespace–time correlation between the observations by us-

ing data from the Lamont, Oklahoma, National Oce-anic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 404-MHz wind profiler [36.6°N, 97.5°W; 11 km from theARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site]. Using datafrom the Lamont profiler averaged over the depth ofthe cloud layer as observed by the MMCR, we define astreamline along which the observed cloud has passedin the 60-min period centered on the satellite overpass(30 min before and 30 min after the overpass). Data areextracted from the MODIS-derived cloud products oneither side of a 30-km-wide streamline to create statis-tics of the cloud properties that would pass near theSGP site. While the approach has obvious advantages,an assumption of stationarity in the cloud field proper-ties during the 30-min advection period from the SGPsite does not always hold and individual features thatexist within the cloud field do not always pass over thecloud radar. However, this approach does lead to morerobust comparisons in many cases since it allows forcomparison of meaningful cloud field statistics that re-spond more to the slowly varying large-scale dynamicsrather than the more rapidly varying updrafts anddowndrafts that maintain individual cloud elements.

As an example, Terra passed over the ARM SGP siteat 1735:57 UTC with a view zenith angle of 1.3° on 6March 2001 (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows the wind profileat Lamont on 6 March 2001. After tracking approxi-mately 45 km upstream and downstream of the ARMsite to represent approximately 1 h of ground data cen-tered on the overpass, there are 7062 MODIS pixels tocompare with the ground-based observations.

The operational pixel-level MODIS cloud product isarchived under the file designation MOD06 (Platnick etal. 2003; King et al. 2004), and will be referred to assuch throughout this paper. This product chooses thedefault cloud particle effective radius to be the oneretrieved using the 2.1-�m MODIS band (though in-formation for separate retrievals using the 1.6- and 3.7-�m bands are also available in the archived files). TheMOD06 data used in the comparisons are collection 4;a designation that refers to the heritage of the algo-rithms used in the data processing of the MODIS radi-ances. The frequency distributions of selected cloudproperties from MOD06 and those from the corre-sponding MMCR retrieval are displayed in Fig. 3.

The cloud particle size compared here and in theremainder of the paper is the effective radius as definedby the MOD06 retrieval algorithm to be proportionalto the ratio of the volume of ice to the projected area(specifically re � 3/4 � V/A) of the particle size spec-trum where the geometric quantities are derived from acombination of various particle habits that depend onthe effective radius (Platnick et al. 2003). The forwardradiative transfer computation used in the MOD06 re-trieval algorithm assumes plates, hollow columns, bulletrosettes, and aggregates with habit percentages derivedfrom the statistics of a number of field campaigns. Thedetailed information regarding the information on par-

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ticle habits and size distributions used in MOD06 canbe found in King et al. (2004). The relationships be-tween the particle size definitions used in this paper arediscussed in appendix B. We find in this case that theeffective sizes agree well between the MOD06 and theZ-velocity algorithms with the mean values near 30 and28 �m, respectively. The standard deviation of theMOD06 sizes is larger than derived from the groundalthough this is expected given the wider geographicaldomain evaluated compared to the effective domainexamined by the ground-based data. The MOD06 icewater path (IWP) also has a wider spectrum ranging

from 5 to 120 g m�2 and a lower modal IWP of about 53g m�2, while the ground-based retrieval has a narrowerspectrum ranging from 30 to 90 g m�2 and a bimodalfrequency distribution with one mode similar to theMOD06 result and the other somewhat higher at about62 g m�2. Both satellite- and surface-retrieved opticalthickness vary from 1 to about 5, while the mode valuefrom MOD06 is 2.5 and that from surface measurementis around 3.4. However, the mean optical thickness forboth methods is similar at around 2.4, with a standarddeviation of 0.34 and 0.68 for the ground-based andMOD06 results, respectively.

FIG. 1. (a) Height–time cross section of radar reflectivity observed by the MMCR at the ARM SGP site on 6 Mar2001. Time is shown in UTC hours. (b) Visible image of cirrus observed by MODIS at 1735 UTC in the vicinityof the ARM SGP on 6 Mar 2001. The SGP central facility is shown with the white letters. The dotted lines showlatitude and longitude.

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Figure 3 also shows a comparison of cloud opticalproperties retrieved using MODIS data by the CERESScience Team (Minnis et al. 1995, 1998, 2002). Thesepixel-level retrievals are used internally by the CERESteam, though statistics averaged over the CERES sen-sor footprints are archived along with other CERESdata. The default cloud particle effective radius is de-rived from the 3.7-�m MODIS band (as opposed todefault use of the 2.1-�m band by MOD06). TheMODIS-CERES particle size tends be larger on aver-age (�32 �m) and spread over a wider range comparedto the ground-based retrievals. The comparisons forthis case are summarized in Table 1.

Since certain assumptions have been made in the for-mulation of the ground-based retrieval algorithm, thereis some inherent error in the statistics derived from theretrieval results. Using a realistic comparison to aircraftin situ data, the algorithm uncertainty is found to be onthe order of 60% in ice water content (IWC) and 40%in mean particle size (Mace et al. 2002). However, theprecision of the results seems to vary substantially fromcase to case due primarily to the ability of the process-ing methodology to accurately separate air motionsfrom the particle motions in the Doppler velocity. Thiserror introduces a difficulty in quantifying case-dependent bias in the results. Other algorithm assump-tions also contribute to the error. For instance, we as-sume that the cirrus particle size spectrum can be ap-

proximated by a simple unimodal exponential function.While bimodal size distributions are a frequent occur-rence at warmer than average cirrus temperatures andat larger than average radar reflectivities for cirrus,Mace et al. (2002) found using aircraft data that signifi-cant error is first encountered at radar reflectivites ofgreater than about �5 dBZe. Radar reflectivities of thismagnitude and greater are found in the middle of thecirrus layer beginning at 1715:00 UTC (Fig. 3a) andcontribute to the IWP mode found near 60 gm�2. How-ever, the comparisons suggest that the three retrievalalgorithms interpreted the cloud field on this day in areasonably similar manner. Curiously, however, we dofind substantial biases between the MOD06 retrievalsof cloud-top pressure and temperature compared to theground-based observations (Fig. 4). This cloud-top biasis discussed further in the following section.

3. Comparison of thin cirrus

While the Z-velocity algorithm shows considerablepromise as a tool for cloud property validation, thisalgorithm is still undergoing development and testingand has not yet been extensively applied to the ARMdata. Therefore, for a more general comparison of re-trieved cirrus properties we use the Z-radiance algo-rithm (Mace et al. 1998). A description of the updated

FIG. 2. Wind profiler data observed by the NOAA 404-MHz wind profiler near Lamont, OK, on 6 Mar 2001.Observations at different times are shown by the symbols.

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algorithm, a sensitivity analysis, and in situ validationare given in appendix A. Identifying cirrus based on atemperature- and radar reflectivity–based definitiondescribed in Mace et al. (2001), we show that the IWPand the layer-mean effective radius can be derived towithin 20% of in situ data.

Traditionally, the approach to validation is to gatherevents that lend themselves to comparison of one resultagainst another. When enough events have been com-piled to form a statistically significant set of compari-sons, some estimate of the goodness or lack thereof canbe ascertained. While this approach is reasonable, it cantake considerable time to gather a set of narrowly de-fined cloud events that occured when all the necessary

TABLE 1. Summary of the properties retrieved from data col-lected on 6 Mar 2001. Shown are the mean and std dev of theproperties observed in the rectangular region depicted in Fig. 1for the MOD06 and MODIS-CERES retrievals and in the timeseries of properties from the ground-based Z-velocity algorithmshown in Fig. 4.

Property Z velocity MOD06MODIS-CERES

re (�m) 30.3/1.7 29.9/2.2 31.2/3.1IWP (g m�2) 54.0/12.7 61.8/16.2 59.1/18.0Optical depth 2.02/0.34 2.78/0.68 3.08/0.83Cloud-top temperature (K) 216.2/2.2 237.6/3.6Cloud-top pressure (hPa) 236.7/8.8 359.3/28.2 307.7/24.5

FIG. 3. Comparison of cloud properties retrieved by the Z-velocity algorithm applied to MMCR data collectedat the SGP site and the MOD06 cloud properties retrieved using data collected on 6 Mar 2001 from within therectangular region shown in Fig. 1: (a) the effective particle radius, (b) the ice water path, and (c) the opticalthickness.

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ground-based instruments were operating and the sat-ellite passed overhead and successfully observed thecloud field. We have found many circumstances wherethe MOD06 algorithm does not attempt retrievals insituations that appear obviously cloudy from theground-based perspective. Consider the data collectedon 22 March 2001. Figure 5 shows the MMCR datacollected during the overpass period while the cloudproperties retrieved from the Z-radiance algorithm areshown in Fig. 6. Figure 7 shows the 1.38-�m channelMODIS imagery and the associated MOD06 retrievedoptical thickness. In this case, the viewing zenith angleis 2.5°. The thin cirrus is overcast during the 3 h around

the overpass time according to the MMCR; however, itthins considerably in the time series during the periodafter the overpass. When we track along the wind di-rection (285°) with a speed of 30 m s�1, there are only801 points from the 2770 MODIS pixels that have iden-tified cirrus occurrence. The time series of ground-based retrievals suggests that the cirrus becomes quitethin with an optical thickness of less than 0.5 during theperiod after the overpass. From the frequency distribu-tion of the MOD06 optical thickness displayed in Fig. 8,the modal optical thickness is around 1 while few, ifany, MOD06 retrievals of optical thickness are found tobe less than 0.5. The derived cloud-top pressure (Fig. 9)is also much higher for this event than the radar-observed cloud-top pressure.

a. Comparison of individual cases

Table 2 lists 15 Terra overpasses of the SouthernGreat Plains (SGP) ARM site from 2000 and 2001 thathave cirrus of the proper type (optically thin and singlelayer) existing concurrently with all necessary ground-based data. Our criteria for choosing cases also re-quired that middle-level and lower clouds not bepresent within the alongstream rectangle diagnosedfrom the wind profiler observations. Thus, after ap-plying all these requirements only 15 candidate caseswere available for comparison. No other screening cri-teria were imposed. Generally, at least several hundredMODIS pixels were available within the rectangularregion. Figure 10 shows the comparison of the Z-radi-ance and MOD06 cirrus properties. In these compari-sons, the satellite-derived mean and standard deviationare compiled using the technique outlined in the previ-ous section while 1 h of Z-radiance data are used toform the mean value shown in the plot. The error barsattributed to the ground-based results are the fractionaluncertainties that we derived from the aircraft datacomparison shown in appendix A. There are 9 cases ofthe 15 for which the pixel-level MODIS-CERES re-

FIG. 4. Comparison between (a) cloud-top temperature and (b)pressure measured by the MMCR and local radiosonde data andthat reported in the MOD06 product.

FIG. 5. MMCR height–time cross section of radar reflectivity factor observed on 22 Mar 2001 at the ARM SGPsite.

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trieval results are available (Fig. 11). A summary of thecomparison is in Table 3 where we show the linearcorrelation coefficient, the slope of a best-fit linear re-gression, the bias, and the bias standard deviation.

Clearly, we have an insufficient number of events toform a statistically meaningful comparison, althoughuseful information—if not generalities—can be inferredfrom them. One must, therefore, take care in interpret-ing the statistics in Table 3. We do find some degree oflinear correspondence in all of the comparisons. Thebias in the MOD06-derived IWP, re, and optical thick-ness are slightly positive. The comparison between theground-based results and the MODIS-CERES retriev-als does not show an obvious bias at small opticaldepths. This leads to an overall better statistical com-parison with the caveat that fewer cases were availablefrom MODIS-CERES.

The disagreement between the satellite and ground-based cloud properties may arise from several sourcesof uncertainty associated with the satellite and ground-based retrieval algorithms. As an example, horizontaland vertical inhomogeneities certainly contribute to thedifferences in the results. For midlatitude cirrus clouds,it has been observed that ice crystals in the top layersare normally small pristine particles with well-definedhexagonal structures, whereas ice crystals near cloudbase tend to be larger irregular particles (Heymsfield etal. 2002). The effect of this inhomogeneity is small forvisible channels, but it can be quite significant for short-wave infrared and infrared channels for which ice isstrongly absorptive. Another source of error arisesfrom the complexities of the angular scattering of short-wave radiation in cirrus. In order to compile the 15cases included here, we used view zenith angles thatrange from very small to very large and covered a range

of solar zenith angles. Ideally, we would like to charac-terize the errors as a function of relative zenith, but thiswill require additional time to build up the case studydataset. Also, since we are concerned primarily withoptically thin clouds, any error in the assumed surfacealbedo will increase error in the satellite-derived re-sults. For example, a cirrus cloud with an optical thick-ness of 0.5 over a black surface might be expected tohave a bidirectional reflectance in the range 3%–4%for a visible band and typical solar–viewing geometries.Spectral surface albedo maps used by MOD06 (Plat-nick et al. 2003) for the MODIS 0.65-�m band varyfrom about 8% to 13% for the crop mosaic and grass-

FIG. 6. Layer-averaged cloud properties retrieved by theZ-radiance algorithm using data collected on 22 Mar 2001.

FIG. 7. (a) MODIS 1.38-�m imagery collected at 1735 UTC 22Mar 2001 over the ARM SGP site and (b) MOD06 optical thick-ness coincident with the field observed in (a).

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land ecosystems of the SGP region, a range as large asthe cirrus reflectance itself.

However, even though the number of cases is small,making the comparison preliminary, intriguing aspectscan still be deciphered from them. For instance, it ap-pears that there is a tendency for the bias error in thespatially averaged MOD06 results to increase for in-creasingly thin cirrus fields, while this tendency is notseen in the MODIS-CERES results. This behavior maybe due to the fact that the cloud identification schemein the MOD06 product is being applied conservativelyover this ecosystem because of the impact of the afore-mentioned surface albedo uncertainty on both cloudmasking and the retrievals, and so some cloudy pixelsare not being processed. This would tend to cause thearea-averaged cloud properties to be biased high andwould tend to cause the bias to increase as the cloudfields in question become more optically thin on aver-age. However, it should be noted that processing thesethinner cirrus scenes would have necessarily added sig-

nificant retrieval uncertainty, as well as a bias if thesurface spectral albedos were not specified to an accu-racy much greater than the cirrus cloud reflectance.

In order to examine the validity of the cloud-top re-trievals, the cloud-top heights are compared betweenthe surface data and the satellite data. We convert thecloud-top pressure and temperature found in theMOD06 files to cloud-top height using thermodynamic

FIG. 9. Comparison of cloud-top temperature and pressurereported in the MOD06 product with observations.

FIG. 10. Comparison of cirrus properties from the Z-radiancealgorithm and coincident cloud properties reported in theMOD06 product.

FIG. 8. Frequency distribution of optical depth from theMOD06 data in the vicinity of the ARM site on 22 Mar 2001.

TABLE 2. Dates and times of the MODIS data used in the thincirrus intercomparison. Asterisks denote Terra cases for whichMODIS-CERES cloud analysis has also been performed.

Date Overpass time (UTC) Viewing angle (°)

27 Nov 2000* 1707:14 47.828 Nov 2000* 1749:55 24.130 Nov 2000* 1737:39 1.020 Dec 2000* 1713:04 40.522 Mar 2001 1735:28 2.130 Mar 2001* 1646:25 62.930 Mar 2001 1824:04 62.927 May 2001* 1722:05 21.4

6 Jun 2001* 1758:23 42.23 Sep 2001* 1750:03 34.44 Sep 2001 1654:58 53.3

25 Nov 2001 1640:07 62.725 Nov 2001 1817:45 63.121 Dec 2001* 1715:43 22.128 Dec 2001 1721:45 10.6

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profiles collected at the ARM site. Based on the com-parisons in Fig. 12 and Table 3, we find that the satel-lite-derived cloud-top heights are generally lower thanthose detected by the ground-based cloud radar. Thisbias appears to be more pronounced in the MODIS-CERES retrievals than in the MOD06 results. TheMOD06 cloud-top product for high clouds is based onthe CO2 slicing algorithm. The fundamental retrievedquantity is cloud-top pressure with the correspondingtemperature being determined from model analysis(Platnick et al. 2003). The algorithm assumes the at-tenuation of upwelling radiation in the MODIS CO2

bands by a cloud occurs at a single level in the atmo-

sphere (Wylie and Menzel 1999). Therefore, in tenuouscloud layers, or multiple cloud layers, it is the heightcorresponding to a radiatively equivalent infinitesi-mally thin cloud that is estimated. While the CO2 bandsare known to be more sensitive than infrared windowtechniques (e.g., Jin et al. 1996), the retrieved pressuresare likely to be lower in the atmosphere than moresensitive active retrievals.

b. Statistical comparison

It is a challenge to acquire a statistically significantset of events when cirrus, satellite, and ground-basedinstrumentation all exist at a particular location simul-taneously. Because of this, we would like to explore anapproach that allows us to examine the similarity ofcertain relationships within the ground-based and sat-ellite-derived descriptions of cirrus. We assume that inthe region surrounding the ARM site the properties ofa given class of cirrus are similar to the same class ofcirrus observed at the ground site. In essence, this as-sumption allows us to compile statistical distributions ofsome quantity from clouds observed at the ground siteduring periods when clouds are present but MODIS isnot and compare these distributions to similar distribu-tions compiled from MODIS retrievals of cirrus that donot necessarily occur at the ground site but within theregion surrounding it. Of the 648 daytime overpassesnear the SGP site that we examined between March2000 and July 2001, 168 of them indicated the presenceof cirrus within a 100 km � 100 km area centered on theSGP central facility. The cirrus reflectance and thecloud-top pressure in the MOD06 file are used to iden-tify the occurrence of cirrus. When the cirrus reflec-tance indicates the presence of cloud, the cloud-toppressure of a pixel is less than 500 hPa, and the opticalthickness is less than 5, this pixel is counted in the sta-tistics as cirrus. We consider 895 243 MOD06 highcloud retrievals in the 100 km � 100 km region duringthe study period.

We compare the composite properties of MOD06cirrus observed in the SGP region with similar proper-ties derived from the Z-radiance algorithm for thesame time period in terms of years and months as theMODIS data, amounting to a total of 5772 three-min-

TABLE 3. Statistics of the comparison of thin cirrus properties shown in Figs. 10 and 11: the linear correlation coefficient, the slopeof a best-fit linear regression line, the mean bias, and the std dev of the mean bias compared with the Z-radiance ground-based re-trievals.

Algorithm Property Linear correlation coef Slope Mean bias Bias std dev

MOD06 re (�m) 0.424 0.406 1.45 8.16IWP (g m�2) 0.694 1.344 13.13 39.01Optical depth 0.658 1.31 0.67 1.59Cloud-top height (km) 0.809 0.854 �0.586 1.29

MODIS-CERES re (�m) 0.678 0.548 �2.925 6.45IWP (g m�2) 0.763 0.946 �3.345 16.19Optical depth 0.838 1.164 0.210 0.83Cloud-top height (km) 0.592 0.348 �2.482 1.15

FIG. 11. As in FIG. 10 except the MODIS-CERES data arecompared with the Z-radiance results.

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ute averages or approximately 300 h of cirrus. The oc-currence distribution of the MODIS pixels and the SGPpoints categorized by optical thickness are depicted inTable 4. Clearly, the MODIS and ground-based distri-

butions are weighted much differently with respect tooptical thickness. For the ground-based data, the thin-nest optical thickness bin contains greater than a factorof 3 more events than does the 0.5–1 optical thicknessbin with the number of occurrences decreasing expo-nentially toward higher optical thickness. Similar distri-butions of cirrus optical thickness have been reportedin other ground-based datasets (Mace et al. 2001; Sas-sen and Comstock 2001; Comstock et al. 2002). TheMOD06 frequency, on the other hand, peaks in the1.0–1.5 optical thickness bin with more than an order ofmagnitude fewer pixels in the 0–0.5 optical thicknessclass. This behavior lends some credence to the ideathat the bias identified in Fig. 10 arises from theMOD06 algorithm not processing thin cirrus pixels overthis region.

The frequency distributions of MOD06 and Z-radiance re and IWP within several visible optical thick-ness ranges are shown and compared in Figs. 13–16. Itis interesting to note that the effective radius distribu-tions for the various optical thickness ranges do notchange a great deal from the thinnest to thickest opticalthicknesses considered here. There is a tendency for themean and mode particle size to increase from the thin-nest to thickest optical thickness classes, but the distri-butions tend to remain broad. The IWP does shift no-ticeably from a narrow nearly Poissonian distributionshape to a somewhat skewed Gaussian distribution forthe higher optical thickness classes. Note the skewnesschanges from the smaller to larger values of IWP as weshift from the 1–3 to the 3–5 optical depth classes.While there are differences in the details, the MOD06and the Z-radiance statistics show rather remarkableagreement. The shapes of the distributions and theirtrends are nearly identical. This agreement suggeststhat when cirrus are identified in this region, theMOD06 algorithm describes their properties as a func-tion of optical depth in a manner similar to the aircraft-validated Z-radiance algorithm results. We do note,however, that this statistical comparison only accountsfor the properties of cirrus when retrieved by theMOD06 algorithm. The thin cirrus detection bias (ex-plained in section 1a) accounts for the difference in thedistribution shapes in the smallest optical depth class.Note that the Z-radiance results suggest a Poissoniandistribution shape of IWP while the MOD06 IWP modeis shifted slightly to the next highest IWP bin. Thesmaller particle sizes in this class found by the Z-radiance algorithm likely arise from the detection bias.Aside from this, however, the overall agreement sug-gests that when the cirrus are identified and the re-

FIG. 12. Comparison of cloud-top heights reported by (a) theMOD06 product and (b) the MODIS-CERES products with ob-servations at the ARM SGP site.

TABLE 4. The number of observations as a function of visible optical depth used in the statistical comparisons shown in Figs. 13–16.The percentages shown in parentheses give the frequency of the total number of observations for MOD06 and the ground-based data.

�0.5 0.5–1.0 1.0–1.5 1.5–2.0 2.0–3.0 3.0–4.0 4.0–5.0

MOD06 pixels (%) 29 259 (7) 58 150 (14) 61 976 (15) 53 145 (13) 85 774 (20) 75 785 (18) 60 348 (14)ARM SGP points (%) 3131 (56) 1003 (18) 522 (9) 287 (5) 331 (6) 205 (4) 123 (2)

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trieval algorithm is applied, the results are in generalagreement with the Z-radiance results that are re-trieved with the ground-based data.

4. Summary

In order to improve our understanding of the roleclouds play in the climate system, global cloud propertyretrievals are being derived using the datasets beingcreated by MODIS on the Terra and Aqua satellites.The retrieval algorithms that are implemented by theMODIS Atmospheres Team (MOD06; Platnick et al.2003) and by the CERES Science Team (MODIS-CERES; Minnis et al. 1995) use visible and shortwave-and/or midwave-infrared reflectances to infer the opti-cal thickness and effective particle size of underlyingclouds. While several recent studies have examined thevalidity of water cloud properties derived from theMODIS sensor (Dong et al. 2004, manuscript submittedto J. Atmos. Sci.), the error characteristics of thesedatasets for other cloud types including cirrus arelargely unknown. In order for these global cloud prod-ucts to be utilized for their intended purposes, valida-tion continues to be necessary. Using data collected atthe ARM SGP site, we have made a first attempt atusing ground-based data to systematically validate cir-

rus cloud property retrievals from the MODIS algo-rithms.

The approach we have taken links the ground truthsupplied by in situ aircraft data to results obtained byalgorithms applied to satellite data as the satellitespassed over the ARM site where algorithms applied toground-based data serve as an intermediate step. This

FIG. 15. As in Fig. 13 but for optical depths between 1.0 and 3.0.

FIG. 13. Comparison of the frequency distributions of (a) effec-tive radius and (b) ice water path for cirrus with optical depths lessthan 0.5. The MOD06 properties are derived from a 100 km � 100km region centered on the ARM site for the period beginning inMar 2000 and extending to Jul 2001. The Z-radiance statistics arederived from cirrus clouds observed during this time period.

Fig. 14. As in Fig. 13 but for optical depths between 0.5 and 1.0.

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approach requires a thorough validation of the ground-based algorithms with aircraft data and development ofan extensive set of satellite–ground-based events.While neither of these requirements has been satisfiedto a level where statistical significance can be unam-biguously established, we decided to present the datahere in a preliminary form to illustrate the general ap-proach and to consider some early generalizations ofour findings so that improvements can be pursued whilethe datasets continue to grow.

Several items were addressed that make comparisonof passive satellite imager retrieval results with ground-based data a challenging exercise. These range fromissues associated with establishing the validity of theground-based retrievals (appendix A) to accounting fordifferences in the definitions of effective particle sizebetween the various algorithms (appendix B). Also,since clouds pass over the narrow field of view andvertically pointing ground-based instruments as theyare advected along the wind, some technique beyondsimple spatial averaging of a heterogeneous cloud fieldmust be considered in order to conduct reasonablecomparisons. This preliminary step in the comparisonprocess is especially important in cirrus clouds sincecirrus tend to exist in fast-moving airstreams and havesignificant heterogeneity across the flow. Using windprofiler–observed horizontal wind direction and speedand knowledge of the cloud location in the vertical col-umn, we were able to construct a rectangular box withinthe imagery whose long axis was oriented along thewind direction with a length proportional to 1 h of ad-vection time (30 min upstream and 30 min downstream

of the ground site). This rectangular region was cen-tered on the ground site and had a cross-stream lengthof 30 km. We found that comparisons of the MODISretrievals averaged over a region defined in this way to1 h of ground-based data centered on the overpass timeprovided superior results compared to simple regionalaverages that did not consider the advective streamline.

A set of 15 individual events was compiled fromTerra MODIS overpasses of the ARM SGP site during1999 and 2000 when single-layer optically thin cirruswere observed by the MMCR. The Z-radiance algo-rithm (appendix A) was applied to these data and thecomparisons are presented in Figs. 10 and 11. We foundthat a degree of linear correlation exists in the compari-sons considered here. Overall, the optical depth showsthe best comparison with the ground-based resultswhile the effective radius has more spread in the com-parison. The source of disparity in the spatially aver-aged MOD06 results occurred preferentially when theoptical thickness of the cirrus retrieved from the radardata was less than about 0.5. As discussed, MOD06takes a more conservative approach to the detection ofthin cirrus before a retrieval is attempted. In severalcases, the optical thicknesses derived from the ground-based data decrease to values approaching 0.5, whilethe area-averaged MOD06 optical thicknesses remainlarger. In layers that were more optically thick, bothsatellite and ground-based algorithms agreed reason-ably well. These findings have clear implications for thespatially averaged level-3 products being created withMOD06 retrievals (MOD08_D3) and suggest that cir-rus cloud properties over continents may be biased to-ward the less frequent optically thicker cirrus clouds.Though there is an apparent MOD06 bias in the thincirrus comparisons, what has not been studied is theoccurrence of false positives in these satellite algo-rithms, that is, cases where retrievals are attempted butcirrus is not detected from the ground or not thickenough to allow for reliable retrievals from solar meth-ods. Overall, satellite biases relative to the ground-based retrievals derived in the present study are incom-plete until such false positive statistics are known.

Reasoning that the properties of clouds observed in aregion surrounding the ARM site by MODIS should besimilar to the properties of the clouds observed at theARM site by the ground-based instruments, we relaxedthe requirement that the clouds be observed simulta-neously by both instruments and examined the fre-quency distributions of IWP and re for different opticalthickness classes. Comparing MODIS-derived highcloud properties in a 104 km2 region centered on theSGP site from 168 cloudy overpasses with cirrus prop-erties derived from ground-based data collected duringthe same period of time (March 2000–July 2001), wefound that the frequency distribution of optical thick-nesses for high clouds in the MOD06 revealed the thincirrus detection bias (Table 4) with relatively few oc-

FIG. 16. As in Fig. 13 but for optical depths between 3.0 and 5.0.

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currences of cirrus with optical thicknesses of less than0.5 as compared to the ground-based data where theoptically thinnest clouds were the most frequently ob-served. Comparing the derived microphysical proper-ties in various optical thickness classes, we found thatthe frequency distributions of IWP and the effectiveradius agree well. While the details of the comparisonsare not in exact agreement and the MOD06 detectionbias skews the result to larger IWP and particle sizes inthe �0.5 optical thickness class (Fig. 13), both algo-rithms show a similar trend in IWP and particle size forchanging optical depth. As the optical depth increases,the modes of the broadly distributed particle size his-tograms shift toward larger values while the IWP dis-tributions evolve from a Poissonian shape in the lowoptical depth classes to skewed Gaussian distributionsat the higher optical depth range.

This work is preliminary in the sense that many morecases are needed to establish a reasonable degree ofstatistical significance so that numerical values can beapplied to the uncertainties in the retrieved cloud prop-erties. So long as the ground-based instruments oper-ated by the ARM Program continue to function, onlytime is needed to generate additional coincident cases.Our eventual goal is to investigate the error character-istics in the MODIS-derived cloud properties as a func-tion of the viewing geometry of the instrument and as afunction of ecosystem. For instance, do we find similarthin cirrus biases over the tropical oceans or over thepolar regions? Since we have only examined cases ob-served by MODIS on the Terra satellite, do we findsimilar issues with the MODIS instrument on Aqua?Also, since the MODIS cloud mask algorithm varieswith ecosystem type as does the MOD06 assignment ofspectral surface albedos, each ecosystem should be con-sidered separately. We expect to find significant sensi-tivity to errors in the assigned spectral surface albedo,especially for thin cirrus retrievals.

In terms of improving our confidence in the ground-based retrievals, additional aircraft data are clearlyneeded to establish more rigorous uncertainties in theground-based algorithm results. Since statistical signifi-cance in validation will not be accomplished without anincrease in the number of direct aircraft–ground sitecomparisons, it seems clear that if the atmospheric re-search community places value on rigorously character-izing the uncertainties in global cloud property retriev-als, then an investment in the quantity of aircraft–ground site comparisons should be a high priority.

Acknowledgments. This research would not havebeen possible without substantial assistance from sev-eral individuals on the MODIS Atmospheres andCERES Science Teams, including Dr. William Ridgwaywho provided access to MODIS data and products.Mister Michael Poellot and the University of North Da-kota Citation team worked hard during several fieldcampaigns at the ARM SGP site. Sally Benson was

instrumental in developing visualization tools for theMODIS data. Data were obtained from the Atmo-spheric Radiation Measurement Program sponsored bythe U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Of-fice of Biological and Environmental Research, Envi-ronmental Science Division. Specifically, we thank Mr.Jim Teske and the staff at the SGP site for keeping theinstruments functioning and the data flowing in a some-times challenging environment. Primary funding forthis work was provided by a NASA EOS ValidationProgram grant (NAG56458) and by the EnvironmentalScience Division of the U.S. Department of Energy(Grant DE-FG0398ER62571). The sixth author wassupported in this work by an NSF grant (ATM-0239605) and a NASA grant (NAG-1-02002). TheCERES MODIS retrieval results were provided bySunny Sun-Mack and developed with support by theNASA Earth System Enterprise through the CERESproject. Additional support was provided by the U.S.Department of Energy via Interagency Agreement DE-AI02-97ER62341.


The Z-Radiance Algorithm

The Z-radiance algorithm (Mace et al. 1998; Zhang2002) retrieves the layer-mean properties of opticallythin cirrus by combining radar reflectivity observationsfrom the MMCR and radiances measured by the At-mospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI)at the ARM sites. We assume that the layer-mean par-ticle size distribution (PSD) can be approximated by amodified gamma function that can be written

N�D� � Nx exp���� D



Dx� �A1�

(Mace et al. 1998), where Dx is the modal diameter andNx is the number of particles per unit volume per unitlength at the functional maximum.

Assuming that the particles are small compared tothe wavelength, we can use the Rayleigh scatteringapproximation and express the forward model equa-tions as

Z � Nxe�Dx7 �6 ��!

�7�and �A2�

� � 1 � exp��1 � �0���h�. �A3�

In Eq. (A2), Z is the radar reflectivity factor. In Eq.(A3), � is the beam emittance at some wavelength, 0 isthe single-scatter albedo, and � is the extinction coef-ficient. The extinction coefficient and single-scatteringalbedo are related to the PSD parameters (Dx and Nx)by using the radiative parameterization described by Fuet al. (1998) and the definition of the effective radiusand IWC.

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Through an iterative scheme, a cloud-layer-meanPSD is found that simultaneously expresses the ob-served radar reflectivity and the downwelling radi-ance as observed by the AERI when the radiative prop-erties of the particle distribution are inserted into theMODTRAN3 radiance algorithm (Berk et al. 1989).

To estimate the sensitivity of the Z-radiance algo-rithm to uncertainties in the input data, we use a frac-tional deviation that is defined as

� IWC,re2� �

Csta � Cdev

Csta, �A4�

where Csta is the IWC or re value calculated using anunperturbed radar reflectivity factor and an unper-turbed layer emittance and Cdev is the IWC or re valuecalculated using a perturbed radar reflectivity or a per-turbed layer emittance.

In the sensitivity analysis of the Z-radiance algo-rithm, a representative range in radar reflectivity from�6 to �40 dBZe is used and the cirrus emittance isvaried from 0.1 to 0.9. The layer thickness is set to 1 km.Because the calibration error for the MMCR is about 1dBZ, the deviation from the representative values isassumed to be multiples of 1 dBZ. Because the AERIradiance error is relatively small, we use multiples of0.01 (less than about 10% of representative values forcirrus emittance) as the deviation. Shown in Figs. A1and A2, we find that calibration errors up to 5 dBZ inthe radar lead to errors as large as 50% in the IWC and22% in the effective radius with an inversely propor-tional relationship between the calibration errors andthe retrieved values. Errors in the AERI radiance up to5% result in IWC errors of 13% and errors in the ef-fective radius of just �4%.

Since in situ measurements can provide reliable in-formation about actual cloud properties, microphysicaldata collected in cirrus clouds by aircraft are also usedto establish the validity of the Z-radiance algorithm.The University of North Dakota (UND) Cessna Cita-tion II aircraft has been used in research projects forthe ARM program during intensive observing periods(IOPs) between 1997 and 2000 (Poellot et al. 1999) withParticle Measuring Systems, Inc., (PMS) probes (Knol-lenberg 1970).

The basic measurement consists of the maximum di-mension of ice particles observed over a 5-s period. Theobservations are then reduced into a distribution of thenumber of particles observed within certain size ranges.From this we calculate the ice water content and effec-tive radius. It has been shown that the bulk density ofcirrus particles decreases with an increase of their di-mension D (Brown and Francis 1995). This character-istic of cirrus results in substantial difficulty when at-tempting to derive water content from measured par-ticle spectra. There have been many schemes forparameterizing the masses (M) of ice particles to de-termine the ice water content. In this study, the M–Dpower laws proposed by Mitchell (1996) are used:

M � �D�. �A5�

The coefficients are listed in Table A1. These particlehabits correspond to the typical range of particle habitsobserved in midlatitude cirrus clouds. The masses of icecrystals vary substantially when calculated with differ-ent coefficients. Therefore, for every size distribution,we calculate the ice crystal mass for every kind of crys-tal shape listed in Table A1 and then consider the meanand standard deviation of the various habits to allow fora reasonably estimated range of uncertainty of the IWCsampled by the aircraft.

The clouds were sampled by the UND Citation witha flight strategy that was designed to generate an unbi-ased statistical sample of the cirrus-layer properties asthey advected over the ground-based instrument suite.The aircraft started either near cloud base or top and

FIG. A1. Sensitivity of the IWC retrieved by the Z-radiancealgorithm due to error in the input data.

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stepped up or down at approximately 300-m incrementsafter performing a level leg of approximately 20 kmcentered on the SGP ground site. The cloud layer wasprofiled in this way and then a spiral of approximately5-km radius was conducted centered on the SGP sitethrough the layer. This pattern was repeated as long asthe cloud and aircraft fuel permitted.

Depending on the flight profile (level legs or spiral)we use two approaches to calculate the ice water pathfrom in situ measurements: first, for a series of steppedlevel legs that profile the cloud layer, the leg-averagedvalues of IWC are considered valid over a verticaldepth that is taken to equal the aircraft altitude changebetween legs. The vertical integral is approximated asthe sum of these legs. For the spiral profile, a morerobust integral is approximated by summing the IWCover the vertical depth applicable to each 5-s interval.

A comparison of 13 individual cases between thelayer-mean retrieved cloud properties and similar prop-erties derived from aircraft profiles of cirrus using datacollected during cloud IOPs at the SGP site is shown inFig. A3. Because the 2DC is most reliable in the par-ticle range between approximately 100 and 700 �m, wecompare the IWC and effective radius only in that sizerange; the observed and retrieved size distributions areintegrated from 100 to 700 �m. As can be seen in Fig.A3, we find a high degree of linear correspondencebetween the observations and the retrievals. The linearcorrelation coefficient is 0.92 for the IWP comparisonand 0.91 for the re comparison with an rms for both re

and IWP of between 20% and 25% of the mean values.To build further confidence in the retrieval results,

the solar radiative effects derived from layer-averagedcirrus properties are also examined. Since the cirrus-layer properties derived from the retrieval algorithmwill produce the correct downwelling radiation in theinfrared portion of the spectrum, we compare, whenpossible, the downwelling solar flux observed at thesurface with calculations of the solar flux that use thederived microphysical properties.

The observed fluxes are expressed in terms of thefraction of the clear-sky flux at the surface removed by

TABLE A1. Coefficients and exponents to mass-dimensional power laws for various ice crystal types. Random orientation isassumed for D � 100 �m; horizontal orientation otherwise [adapted from Mitchell (1996)].

Particle type � � References

Hexagonal plates: 100–3000 �m 0.007 39 2.45 Mitchell and Arnott (1994), Mitchell et al. (1996),Auer and Veal (1970)

Hexagonal columns: 100–300 �mand 300 �m and up

0.001 66 1.91 Mitchell and Arnott (1994), Mitchell et al. (1996),Auer and Veal (1970), Heymsfield (1972)0.000 907 1.74

Crystal with sectorlike branches:4–2000 �m

0.001 42 2.02 Mitchell and Arnott (1994), Mitchell et al. (1996),Auer and Veal (1970), Pruppacher and Klett (1978)

Broad-branched crystal: 100–1000 �m 0.000 516 1.8 Pruppacher and Klett (1978), Mitchell et al. (1996)Side plates: 300–2500 �m 0.004 19 2.3 Mitchell et al. (1990), Mitchell et al. (1996)Bullet rosettes, five branches at 231 K:

200–1000 �m0.003 08 2.26 Mitchell (1994), Mitchell et al. (1996)

Aggregates of side planes, columns,and bullets: 800–4500 �m

0.0028 2.1 Mitchell et al. (1990), Mitchell et al. (1996)

FIG. A2. Sensitivity of the effective radius retrieved by theZ-radiance algorithm due to error in the input data.

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the cloud layer, that is, the solar forcing that is em-ployed in many radiative field studies (Shi 1994; Maceet al. 1998; Mace et al. 2001). The observed clear-skyfluxes are determined following Long (1996).

The normalized cloud forcing (Cf) is defined as

Cf � �Fclear � Fcloud��Fclear, �A6�

where Fcloud is the observed downward surface short-wave flux in the presence of clouds and Fclear is theclear-sky value calculated from the radiative param-eterization.

The solar forcing calculated from the retrieved cloudproperties from July 2000 to July 2001 at the ARM SGPsite is used here. The mean of the calculated forcingvalues is binned in 0.015 forcing increments, and thestandard deviation is calculated. The comparison isshown in Fig. A4, which shows the results from a pre-vious version of the algorithm and the present imple-mentation, which uses the Fu et al. (1998) radiativeparameterization. The correlation coefficient improvesslightly from 0.834 to 0.886. The improvement in the

updated results can be seen most directly in the 0.15–0.35 values of cloud forcing where the linear relation isstronger for the updated algorithm. For small values ofcloud forcing (�0.12), the bias is likely caused by limi-tations of the radar measurements. When cirrus cloudsare thin, the radar cannot detect the full depth of thecloud layer, so the layer-mean Ze is likely biased highand the resultant calculated forcing values are biasedhigh also as in Fig. A4 for Cf smaller than 0.1. TheZ-radiance algorithm is not applicable to thick cirrus(� 0.9), so the cloud forcing comparison is limited tovalues smaller than 0.4. This equates to visible opticalthicknesses of around 4.

FIG. A4. Comparison between calculated and observed down-welling solar fluxes at the surface expressed in terms of the frac-tion of the downwelling solar flux removed by cloud: (a) solarforcing calculated from the Mace98 algorithm and (b) solar forc-ing calculated from the improved reflectivity-radiance algorithm.

FIG. A3. Comparison of aircraft-observed IWP and effectiveradius with retrieved values from the surface instruments. Be-cause of limitations in the 2DC instrument, the observed andretrieved size distributions are integrated only over the 100–700-�m particle size range.

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Cirrus Cloud Particle Size Comparison

There have been several studies that have attemptedto make sense of the myriad definitions of cirrus cloudparticle size (e.g., Mitchell 2002; McFarquhar andHeymsfield 1998). It is important to understand thedifference between the definitions of particle size thatare used in this paper. Since the electromagnetic fre-quencies used to probe cirrus range from visible light tomicrowaves, the observations themselves are naturallyweighted to different moments of the particle size spec-trum. The retrieval algorithms, evaluated in this paper,are essentially designed to convert from the momentsof the distribution measured by the instruments toother moments of interest. Our goal with this paper isto evaluate the relative success of these conversionsthrough comparison. However, we must first under-stand the definitions of the different particle size de-scriptions used in the algorithms and the relationshipsbetween them.

Since aircraft make the most direct measure of theparticle size distribution, the maximum dimension orsome variant of it (Brown and Francis 1995) is typicallyused to describe the sizes of the particles. Use of themaximum dimension as the characteristic ice particledimension has resulted in a number of authors attempt-ing to quantify the amount of condensed water andprojected ice surface area within the volume of a sphereor circle circumscribed around the maximum dimension(e.g., Heymsfield and Platt 1984; Mitchell 1996; Heyms-field et al. 2002). Such papers often discuss an effectiveice crystal density (�eff) that decreases from that of solidice for small spheroidal particles to values that are quitelow (�0.1 g cm�3) for millimeter size ice particles(Brown and Francis 1995). These relationships tend tobe strongly habit dependent as shown by Heymsfield etal. (2002) and others. In order to facilitate comparisonbetween aircraft data and cloud properties retrievedfrom ground-based radar data, we have derived theground-based retrieval algorithms in terms of particlessizes related directly to the maximum dimension. Thisdecision has necessitated that we specify some relation-ship between the size and effective density where weuse the definition reported by Brown and Francis(1995) in the Z-radiance algorithm and by Mitchell(1996) in the Z-velocity algorithm.

Retrieval algorithms that use optical measurementstypically retrieve the effective radius (re), which is de-fined by Hansen and Travis (1974) for spherical par-ticles as the ratio of the third moment of the size dis-tribution to the second moment of the size distribution or

re �

�a3n�a� da

�a2n�a� da


�a2�, �B1�

where a is particle radius and the angle brackets denotean integration over the size spectrum to derive a mo-ment. It can be shown easily that in the case of particlesthat are large with respect to the wavelength of light(i.e., the case when extinction efficiency is approxi-mately 2), the effective radius is related in a simplemanner to the optical thickness and the ice water path,re � (3w)/(2��), where w is the ice water path, � is theoptical thickness, and � is the density of water. In thecase of spherical particles, the effective radius that iscalculated with this relationship has a direct physicalconnection to the size distribution. In the case of non-spherical particles, the interpretation is more compli-cated. For the satellite algorithms, the retrieved effec-tive radius can be expressed as re � (3/4)V/Apro andinterpreted as the ratio of the volume of ice V (or byway of the solid ice density to the condensed mass) tothe cross-sectional area (Apro). This cross-sectional areais a habit-dependent parameter that complicates theinterpretation of the effective radius as a simple ratio ofdistribution moments. For MOD06, we assume a mix-ture of habits whose fractional abundances depend onparticle size (King et al. 2004). For a particular habit,Apro is given by the empirical dimensional power lawsreported in Mitchell (1996); that is, Apro � aADbA whereD is the maximum dimension. The MODIS-CERESparticle sizes are based entirely on varying distributionsof solid hexagonal ice columns of varying lengths (L)and widths (D). The effective radius reported here isthe effective diameter De (Minnis et al. 1998) dividedby 2. The value of De is the same as that defined by Ouet al. (1995): De � �D2Ln(L) dL/�DLn(L) dL. A con-stant density of 0.9 g cm�3 is used for all crystals in boththe MOD06 and the MODIS-CERES algorithms.

The complicating factors in comparing the particlesizes arise from the effective density relationship usedin the Z-radiance algorithm and the projected area re-lationships used in the MOD06 retrieval. If we assumethat the water paths retrieved by the two algorithms areequal, it is easy to show that

re,MODIS � �as


Apro, �B2�

where �a2s� represents the second moment of the solid-

equivalent modified gamma size distribution (denotedby the subscript s):

N�Ds� � Nx exp��s�� Ds



Dx,s�. �B3�

It is our goal here to derive an expression for �a2s� so

that a conversion factor between the sizes can be ex-pressed.

With the Brown and Francis approximation of bulkdensity and an assumption that the order of the re-trieved modified gamma size distribution (�—note thelack of subscript s) is unity, the Z-radiance algorithmestimates Nx and Dx from the radar reflectivity and

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downwelling thermal infrared radiance (see appendixA). To convert to a solid-equivalent size distribution,we assume that the total number of particles, NT, andthe ice water content IWC are the same between thesolid equivalent and retrieved size distributions. We as-sume that Nx is the same also, requiring us to calculate�s and Dx,s to express our size conversion factor. With�eff � a�Db�, we can integrate the solid and retrievedsize distributions to derive the IWC and equate the tworesulting expressions to arrive at


��4 �s�


� e1a�CDx4b���5 b��. �B4�

In Eq. (B4), the left-hand side of the equation resultsfrom an assumption of solid particles with �ice � 0.92 gcm�3 while the right-hand side assumes an effectivedensity relationship adapted from Fig. 3 of Brown andFrancis (1995), where a� � 121.6 and b� � �1.08 (cgsunits). The effective density power law relationship isstrictly applicable only for particles with a maximumdimension larger than 100 �m although Eq. (B4) isderived by integrating over all sizes. A size-dependentcorrection factor (C) is derived to account for this. InEq. (B4), a common factor, Nx�/6, has been canceledfrom the right and left sides. Using similar assumptions,we can equate the total particle concentration of thesolid equivalent and retrieved distributions:

Dx,se�s���s 1�

�s�s1 � Dxe1, �B5�

where a common factor Nx has been canceled fromboth sides. Solving Eq. (B5) for Dx,s and substitutinginto Eq. (B4), �s is derived using a straightforwardminimization technique, and Dx,s is then easily deter-mined.

With an approximate description of the solid-equivalent size spectrum, we are in a position to calcu-late

�as2� �


8Dx, s�D2�s exp��D�s

Dx, s� dD, �B6�

where 2a � D is used to convert variables in the inte-gration. Last, Apro is calculated with the fractionalabundances of the various habits as follows:

Apro �Nxe1

Dx� �



aA,i fi �DbA,i1 exp��D

Dx� dD .


In Eq. (B7), the integration is conducted using the re-trieved size spectrum (i.e., Nx, Dx,, � � 1) because theMitchell (1996) area-dimensional relations are definedin terms of the particle maximum dimension. FollowingKing et al. (2004), aA,i, bA,i, and fi correspond to thevarious habits. For particles less than 70 �m, fi has val-ues of 0.5 for bullet rosettes, 0.25 for hexagonal col-

umns, and 0.25 for plates. When D � 70 �m, fi is 0.3 foraggregates, 0.3 for bullet rosettes, 0.2 for columns, and0.2 for plates.

Using the conversion factor ��a2s�/Apro, Fig. B1 shows

the ratio of re,MOD06 to re,gnd plotted as a function ofre,gnd. We find, as expected, that re,MOD06 is alwayssmaller than re retrieved using the Z-radiance algorithmassuming an ice effective density lower than solid iceand that the effect is largest at the smallest particlesizes. Given that the effective density is smallest at thelargest particle sizes, one might expect that the dispar-ity between the MOD06 definition of effective radiusand the ground-based retrieval would be largest at thelargest sizes. However, the cross-sectional area as-sumed by MOD06 increases less rapidly when com-pared with a spherical particle and there is a trade-offbetween the slower increases of the cross-sectional areato the more rapid increase of �a2

s� for a given size. Whilethe conversion function is monotonic, its rate of changevaries with size in the 30–50-�m range because of thedifferent particle habit weighting of the MOD06 Apro.


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