evaluation 3

Question 3

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Question 3

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A survey done by the NME magazine found that the target audience for Indie Rock music/readers of their magazine had the average age of 24 , 63% male. WE took this into account when doing our surveys, to ensure we asked the correct people for our target audience. We also found that 29% of readers were full time students, 52% were in full time work and 7% had part time work, this may suggest that readers of this indie rock music magazine are well educated and by the 71% who say it is worth paying more money for good quality clothing, it may suggest they have good jobs and make good money. However in comparison to perhaps classical music it maybe more listened to by a lower class.

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Importance of Feedback

In the professional music industry research is done on the target audience so that products are appropriate and are attractive to the target audience. Many companies do this using the internet to send out surveys, polls, questionnaires. They can find the target audience through sites such as facebook and youtube by linking to the interests of the account holder. Its can also be done through feedback/comments left by the audience on social media.

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Feedback and Improvements For Our Products

At each point in the development in our products we collected some form of data on the reactions from our target audience. We used many different ways to do this, such as;

First Pitch, we simply resented our work and ideas to the class, who then asked questions and wrote feedback then gave back to us.

- Work on digipak

For the first draft of our video we tweeted to a professional music video editer to ask for feedback.

- More shots of performance with varied angles and location.

- Tighter editing

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Feedback We Gathered and What We LearntWhen we had a draft of all three products we sent out a questionnaire via google: Video

- Shorted shots

- More locations

- show more of the other members during the gig

- Improve syncing


- Keep colours/filter throughout

- More individual images

- Three different images on the top panel


- Some pages need adjustment to fit the genre

We showed our website to two people (male and female) and voice recorded their feedback which we then presented as a video with clips of each page of the website.

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Final Feedback

Digipak- We could have designed a separate design for the disk. Three different images across the inside panels would have been better than one.

Video- More performance shots and varied angles. Good varied locations and good outdoor, ‘tour’ footage.

Website- More merchandise and music mp3’s. Social media could be on the homepage.