eval task 1p

Evaluation Task 1 By Hugo Field

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Evaluation Task 1By Hugo Field


The genre I have is clearly a thriller, but I believe I have made a crime thriller mixed with an action thriller. I believe this is because the whole film is revolved around a criminal ex mafia group. I am comparing it to firstly 24 the TV series. It is season 2 which was released in October 2002. What I will be comparing is the interrogation scene of Nima Myers,and the fact that he uses aggressive means of negotiation. I am also comparing it to the the James Bond movie Casino Royale 2006. I am using this because of the environment that the interrogation is done in., the dark and bland room. Also the fact that we use one singular wooden chair in a room is very similar to that of the interrogation scene in Casino Royale.The final media product I will be comparing my thriller to in GTA 5. This was released in 2013.This details a torture scene between a character Trevor and someone they are trying togged information out of.


I think that the series 24 is similar is because of the fact that it is almost a constant high intensity environment. Also the interrogator are both aggressive males who are of a similar age. They both lean down and scream in the face of a female of whom is also of a very similar age to each other. This shown in the pictures above. The female in both is holding information that these men want. They both also are or have clearly shown recent over the top methods of abstraction. As well as the fact that in the end the female proves to resistant for the men and they both leave the room.

GTA VAnother similar product is GTA VI. This is expressed in one particular mission that the player must go through to continue the campaign. This missions concludes of you interrogating a someone in order to get the location of something. This is very similar to our thriller because they are both interrogations. Also the interrogators are both trying to find out information such as names and locations. The genre of this game is also fairly similar in the fact that the whole game mainly revolves around crime. Our plot line also revolves around crime, as a large illegal group (mafia), is hunting a couple of people, where as in GTA it’s all about three guys and the crimes they are committing and how tangled top they get in the legal and illegal world. Also Trevor and Adam, are of a similar age. They both appear to be working class, Trevor though looks more scruffy, where as Adam appears to be taking more care in his appearance. This scene mainly is shot through mid shots, this is very similar to ours. Whenever Trevor in GTA picks up a tool to torture, it does a close up of his hand. This is very similar to our scene, because there is a close up where the pliers are passed from Ezra to Adam.

Casino Royale

My last comparison is my thriller to Casino Royale. This is because the layout was almost exactly the same as our layout. One window with light coming through it, a dark concrete, limited lighting, and the one soul interrogator circling the one chair, with one person being interrogated. Also there hand are bound behind their back, as well as there feet are bound to the chair. The rest of the film is also very similar in the fact that a couple as oppose to one man, goes up against a large established mafia. This isn’t to dissimilar except in Casino Royale, but he is going up against a fundraising terrorist group. Also this scene from casino Royale is shot with wide panning shots (shown right), this is similar to one of our shots which also shows the protagonist circling their victim. There is also a similarity between the two characters in this scene. The two torturers are not good people, but they have both been forced into doing this by a higher authority to them.