
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of contracting this product?

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of contracting this



The equipment we used use help to help produce our piece, was simple but efficient. We used a Nikon DSLR for our main task, as we learnt from the Prelim that the Handycam wasn’t sufficient enough for the high quality images that we needed, especially for effective shots such as the close up of eyes. We also used a tripod with the Handycam, however for the final piece we didn’t use it.

Handy cam


The lenses has a cover here, in order to protect it when out and about.

Tripod; We decided for the Prelim to use the tripod alongside the Handycam, as we needed still precise shots. It was useful when panning around the areas, and worked really well with the Handycam. Whereas in our final piece we didn’t use a tripod, as it would have been quite difficult placing it in the woods, especially with high shots – there were lots of branches in the way.

This helps with pan shots smoothly.

Handy Cam; we used this is in the Prelim as it was an efficient size and was exactly what we needed. However, the sound quality was high enough, therefore we decided not to include sound rather a sound track.

These adjustable feet, help you get difficult angles and heights.

This is button is to zoom in and out of the shot, smoothly. This allows you to take photos even though its primarily a video recorder.

This flip out screen, allows you to view the shot from any angle.

Nikon DSLR

Nikon DSLR; This camera fulfilled our needs for our final piece, it provided high quality images for the piece. We learnt how to manipulate the natural lighting for our own shots, and then we decided to edit and manipulate it further on Final Cut Pro. When all the film was on a SD card, we then transferred it on to the Mac – using the port. Everything works together efficiently, and we really enjoyed editing the pieces.

This is the button that allows you to take photos, however we didn’t use this tool as for photos we primarily we used an IPhone for behind the scene shots.

The dial allows you to change between different modes of the camera, from portrait mode for photography, to then of course our main mode – filming.

This button allows you to use automatic and manual focus, in our piece we used manual focus as we use focus a lot throughout our piece, therefore being in control of it was useful.

On the lenses, this allows you to zoom in and out of the shot easily.

We used a standard lenses, as it helped us achieve the different number of shots we needed.


Within Blogger we learnt how to upload all our content in a sequence order.

Within Blogger you can also customize your layout, in order for it to fit to your needs.

We have also learnt how to embed content from Scribd and Youtube, using the HTML page, and copying in the embedding code.

You can also keep posts as drafts , to upload when you want.

Down the side bar, it also shows you who has +1 your post on Google+, it also shows your statistics – showing you current page views.

Blogger was a really useful tool to display our work, it uploaded in a sequence order – with the ability of to have draft uploads too. One of the main reasons I chose Blogger was because it’s linked with Google, therefore when linking it with Youtube, a fellow Google account it was easy. The main thing I learnt was how to embed content into Blogger, a really useful tool rather than linking many documents here and there.



iMovie; we used iMovie to create our bloopers video’s, and audience research videos too. It’s was a quick and easy efficient way of producing the videos. I learnt how to piece together simple bits of videos and photos, easily. iMovie works together with Youtube – and you can upload simply.

Here shows the video clips, which means you can choose the clips you would like to include.

The video clips shown are more of a selection.

Here gives you the option to choose non copyrighted music, or music from your own itunes account.

You can choose the titles to input credits into the video.

Your videos upload in chronological order.

Youtube; I have used Youtube to upload all my content including my Prelim, and different evaluation questions. It has been an efficient way of uploading content, which is an easy link to Google’s Blogger. I have learnt how to upload content easily, even through iMovie or Final Cut Pro.

Here you can upload the videos easily, by either dragging it, or uploading it through the file.

Here you can change who sees the video, either Public, Private or unlisted.

On Youtube you can create playlists, which means you can group your videos together.

Here shows all the views that your video has got, which helps show you its popularity.

Here is the document in Scribd, allowing you to embed it into Blogger.

Scribd; This was a useful tool when embedding content into Blogger. This was an easy way of putting documents and presentations into Blogger, without having to put links in. It worked easily with Blogger, and there is even a button to embed content straight from Scribd.

This shows the number of views your document has got.

Here is the account, that links all your document together.

Here is the tool giving you the option to embed the document into Blogger.

This is a copy of the document in Blogger.

Here is a clip of the title sequence, which is handy when they are all in one place.

Art Of the Title; This was useful in the post production of the process, e.g. when putting together our own title sequence and deciding which titles to put in. It was useful having a site that put all title sequences on one website.

You can search for any title sequences that they may have on the site.

The comparable profile is what Pearl and Dean is most useful for. It shows us the most popular age of viewer, gender and class.

Pearl & Dean; Again, another post production research tool. It was useful to back up our own research, supporting our thoughts such as the majority of the audience being female. I learnt how to use the website efficiently, and to my advantage. It’s a good example of secondary research.

Pearl & Dean presents the information about the film nicely -so that you can compare information.

We gave the audience a choice of answers for some of the questions, and then we also used empty text boxes along with drop down lists.

SurveyMonkey; This was a useful tool for us when creating surveys to put out to our audience. It was easy to share to a number of people, either sending the link through emails or sharing through social media. I learnt to keep surveys easy to complete and short, therefore they are more appealing for people to complete. It was useful when creating our own primary research, however asking people in person was more efficient.

Here are the questions we asked our audience, in order to help our final piece.

Our introduction to the audience research helps explain what the survey was about.

Final Cut Pro

Here shows the layering of clips, meaning you can overlap them, along with the sound.

Final Cut Pro; This was own main tool when creating our final piece. It helped use piece together all our clips, creating a major transformation from original long clips to short, effective pieces. We also manipulated the video clips, using a variety of filters – which really helped emphasize our time eras. I learnt a lot from using this application, most importantly was changing the coloration within the piece.

Here is the sound overlapping with the video, you can insert music, voice clips or sounds.

This option lets you enhance the videos, being able to change the contrasts and other filters.

You can choose to insert music from itunes, or from non-copyrighted music from Final Cut Pro.

Here you can position transitions within the piece, such as fade in or out.

This helps the user change the timing of clip, either speed it up or slow it down.